It Doesn't Matter

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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There is no need to be lonely, when there's wine, song, and an eager cat in your inn room...


Crazy Gruffy here speaking, this is something that came to my mind after I had posted my latest story, and I thought, what the heck, can there never be too many Gruffy stories up at the same time, and I decided, why to sit down on it when it can be out there in the big world and serve to amuse all my friendly readers? Hopefully you'll enjoy this little piece, and even courteously leave a comment or two, if you so please. *chuckle*

Also remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!

Have a fun read y'all!


The lion smelled of old books but tasted of wine, and Axel could not really find anything to complain about that, as he pinned the purring cat against the wall, and devoured his maw. The lion he had met at the nearby tavern was taller than the slim cheetah, and while his body type was not the one that usually got the cheetah's knees weak, that being big, big, and big, the lion was still offering a clear measure of amusement for the cheetah. The colour of the lion's jacket, which he still wore, though Axel had plans about that, was a deep purple, and told him that the bigger cat was a student of ideas from the city's university, that had the quaint and useful way of identified its students by their compulsory dress. Apparently it made easier to single them out from the police prison every morning, when the director of the student dorms went on his route to find wayward students, but that was some hearsay Axel had come to hear earlier, and he hadn't had the chance to ask the lion whether this was true.

It really wasn't a time for questions anyway, Axel had his tongue buried in the lion's sweet-tasting muzzle, and his nimble paws held onto the young male's collars, keeping his head tilted to a comfortable kissing posture, considering the cheetah's height. The lion was purring, deeply, and his tail kept flapping against Axel's ankles, a clear sign of his eagerness for this.

Axel explored the lion's maw with his tongue, tasting more of the wine, and a hint of the big cat's dinner, too, he was sure, but it was not a displeasing addition to the flavour over his tongue. The kiss was easily led by him, even if he was smaller in physical size, he was older, and the lion had not sought a more active role, so that was now for Axel to fulfil. He didn't mind either way, and now he was finding this very arousing, to be in control, and the pressure of his hard length against the lion's thigh was more than evident by now. He could feel the lion, too, thick and firm over his own belly, and that knowledge added timbre to Axel's own purr, while his paws explored the lion's stylish mane. It wasn't quite up to full length yet, telling Axel that the lion was yet a boy in many ways, but that was true when it came to his scent too. Musky, but not as deep and head-swimming as it could be, should he be older.

Nothing wrong in that either.

Axel only got approving purrs when he unbuttoned the lion's prized uniform jacket, revealing a flat, though nice-smelling chest, which he nuzzled eagerly, and kissed, slowly. The lion's paws rested over his back and his hip, touching and gripping him, while the lion purred, and his tail tried to coil itself around Axel's legs, holding him close.

"Ahhh...that feels so good..." the lion crooned, almost to himself, it seemed, and when Axel gave a quick peek at his face, he saw that the lion had his eyes closed.

"It's meant to be," Axel smirked before he continued lavishing the exposed chest with his kisses, not forgetting the little nubs of the dark nipples he could just about see amidst the thick furs.

"Ahh...yes..."...the lion growled, deeply, when Axel took one of the bare spots between his teeth and tugged on it, gently, and left it smarting a little, but in a good way.

Axel purred privately and stroked his paws along the lion's sides, and then cupped each half of his backside into them, pulling their bodies together, while he stepped closer, making sure that they were in as much contact as possible. Their lips lingered close, and Axel smiled, seeking the lion's eyes, while he smiled still, and made sure that he was pressing down on the lion's belly in that very good way that kept a nice tension over his own loins.

"You are very...eager, aren't you?" Axel teased, licking the lion's lips and making him moan.

"You are very...beautiful," the lion's wine-touched eyes looked down to him, full of desire for the foreign cat, who held him under his spell now. "You feel wonderful.."

Axel kept his smile as he was complimented, and returned the favour by squeezing down on the lion's butt, feeling the muscles and thick fur under his palms. The lion rumbled.

"You are quite attractive yourself...Bastian..." Axel purred the lion's name with a leisurely twang to it.

"You're still better," the lion's maw fell open and his ears flicked as he tried to remember the cheetah's name, and his brow knit when he failed to do so, and he looked down at the cat holding him, questioningly.

"It doesn't matter," Axel smiled, capturing the lion's attention with a kiss, and made it matter, with his tongue, slipping to the purring, slick, inviting, warm maw and brushing any questions aside.

The lion's paws held more firmly to him now, stroking up and down his back, and over the protrusion of his tailbase, and then up again, taking in the feel of the cheetah's slim back, encountering only firm muscle wherever he touched. It seemed to be a great turn-on for the lion, because soon he was purring even louder, and trying to rock his hips to Axel's, in a rhythm of his own making. Axel smirked, his lips still pressed over the lion's, while the kiss continued for another moment, before he parted it with a little nip.

"Let us get comfortable now, Bastian," Axel purred.

It was easy to lead the lion over to the modest bed of the inn room, and then straddle the newly prone cat, lying down comfortably on top of his broader chest. Axel purred and kissed his partner for the eve with eagerness matched by the lion, whose paws caressed over his back and rear, too, seemingly wanting to feel all of him, and all over him. Axel cupped the lion's cheeks with his paws and held onto him while he kissed him, soundly, and made slippery sounds with their tongues colliding within his maw. His own shaft ached, trapped between their bodies and layers of garments, now longing more heat, from the lion, preferably. He was proving to be quite the find, Axel decided as he bore through the lion's lips with his tongue and pressed his hips firmly to the bigger male's own. They breathed hotly, rumbled and made rough sounds, the lion's louder and deeper than Axel's, who mostly kept purring.

The lion did not complain when Axel slipped his paws under his waistband and released his pants and pulled them clean off him, revealing a thick, curved member, pulsing against his belly, slightly purple in tint and covered in a sheen of salty liquid. Axel's smile became broader when he caught the base of that long shaft between his fingertips and angled the thick feline member so that he could easily push his maw over it and taste the lion.

"Ohhh...ahhh....ohhh yes..."

The lion's mutterings faded to the background when Axel simply concentrated on the flavour and the musk filling his noise, as he took the firm shaft into his muzzle and pressed his nose to the strands of fur on the very lowermost part of the lion's belly. The muskiness was a lovely addition to the complement of sensual pleasures, and it made Axel purr, even around the length of barbed flesh filling out his muzzle. It tickled the back of his throat, but Axel was no stranger to this, and he took it well, and remembered to stroke his lips firmly over the slick length he caressed his with tongue.


The lion's paws cupped the back of his neck, not really trying to hold him down, but rather, following along the up and down motion of Axel's muzzle upon his straining erection. The cheetah savoured the flesh in his maw and made sure to lap up every drop of sweet fluid that kept leaking out of the lion, and the delicious taste added to his pleasure, gained from the erotic pleasure of servicing this larger male, while keeping control to himself.

The young male's eagerness was his undoing as well, because after only a few moments of this act, Axel felt the long flesh twitch against his tongue, and the lion began to rumble, deeply. His tail batted all over the bed, and even smacked Axel's side as well, and it was not a surprise to him when the lion groaned and gripped more tightly onto Axel's head furs, when his flesh throbbed and suddenly released a splash of hot seed inside the cheetah's maw. Axel gripped onto the base of the lion's flesh and kept his tongue placed so that all of the sweet, tangy fluid washed over it, to maximize the enjoyable taste. He purred around the oversensitive tip, making the lion groan, deeply, by the time he let it slip off between his lips and then slap against his belly, spent, for now.

Axel smirked and moved over the heavily breathing lion again, and licked his messy lips, briefly, before he pressed then to the lion's and pushed his tongue, numb from the odd effect of the seed inside his maw and the constant stroke of barbs over it, and then allowed the lion to taste himself upon the cheetah, a surprise that was met with a loud rumble. Axel pushed his tongue deeply into the lion's maw and was soon received with eager lapping over it, and soon he could not help but moan, when the lion got the idea and simply suckled on the slick tongue inside his maw, to get all the taste the cheetah provided. Axel was pleased to note that even though he had just spilled his seed, that had done nothing to the lion's eagerness to continue their activities. His own flesh dug against the lion's belly, practically, and he knew that he needed to release it soon, or he might mess himself, which was not something he wanted to happen, when he had such an attractive partner partaking in pleasures with him.

Axel allowed the musky kiss part with a smile from him, and then leaned back on the bed, only for long enough for him to rid himself of his garments, so that the lion could now admire him fully, his toned body, and his pointy-tipped, prominent erection, now on clear display. The cheetah purred as he moved forward and planted himself between the lion's spread legs, and then caressed his thighs, making the lion purr as well. His length throbbed and leaked, as he admired the lion's body, finding it very attractive, contributing his deepening need to have him.

"Do you enjoy being taken, young friend?" Axel rumbled, tilting his head a little as he smiled, and kept on rubbing the lion's legs, digging into the full furs there.

The lion's ears flicked, as he gave an almost bashful look for his lover.

"I...haven't done it often..."

Axel smiled more broadly now, as he let his fingers tail over the lion's thigh, and then slip off to the side, to rub over the smooth, silky sac between the lion's legs, heavy and full with the orbs within.

"I can make it very pleasurable if you want me to..." Axel murmured, keeping his fingers in a slow motion, drawing the pliable skin taunt and making the lion moan.

The lion gasped, and then nodded, briefly.

"Will you be careful?"

Axel licked his lips.

"Of course I will, sweet Bastian," the cheetah rumbled, tugging on the firm sac on his palm. "It's meant to be the best feeling imaginable..."

The lion's tail flicked from side to side as he drew a nervous breath, and then nodded again. Axel drew his fingers along the curve of the lion's sac and then dipped below, to stroke over the hidden bud of skin at the very base of the prone lion's tail, bringing a soft sigh from him ,and a smile from the cheetah who now touched him at his most private place, and was bringing exactly what he was promising...pleasure, and nothing more.

"Do you already feel it?" Axel husked, his own arousal growing by the moment as he manipulated his fingertips over the lion's tailhole, touching him softly for now and making his sensitive flesh quiver.

The lion threw his head back and rumbled, deeply, and Axel saw that he had his paws by his sides, clenched into fists, as he got used to the novel sensation of being touched in such a manner. Axel too that as a firm affirmative, and continued his stroking, aided by a slick serving of spit over his fingertips, making it easier for him to glide his fingers smoothly around the lion's little opening, covering it with saliva. Axel's own length throbbed and strained, giving out a scent that mixed with the lingering musk in the inn room's air, making it heavy. The lion smelled eager, and just a little nervous as well, a combination Axel enjoyed, naturally, like any male would, if of the mind.

Axel didn't waste much time in preparing the lion; he might have said that he was not very experienced, but Axel knew that he was very slick and not of gigantic proportions, which should make it easy enough to dwell into the warm depths of the lion lying down in front of him. With a little rumble of his own, he shuffled closer and pushed the lion's legs up, before he let them fall over his own hips, and encouraged the lion to fit them as comfortably as he could, around Axel's body, as he closed in.

"Are you ready now, Bastian?" Axel purred, smiling eagerly.

"Yes, ...yes please," the lion almost pouted, and Axel could not help but find that very much adorable, in its own way.

"Good," Axel grinned.

The cheetah hissed as he pushed his hips forward and nudged himself against the muscled spot he had covered in his spit, to tease it into receiving him as easily as possible. Both of them tensed and groaned, however, upon that initial contact, and the lion, even more so, when Axel pushed his hips forth and entered the male below him. There was some snarling, and the heat grew almost unbearable at the very moment Axel pierced through the thickly muscled opening and then into the warm, gripping depths of the lion's inexperienced backside. It felt good, much better than any experience Axel had had recently, and he savoured every moment, even if it made him growl and bite down on his teeth, when the lion's body pulsed and bore down upon him, squeezing him from all sides.

Axel leaned over the lion, gloriously propped up on top of him, gazing down to him, with their hips pressed flush together, he was all the way in, and now looking at the lion's eyes, seeing lust there, and pleasure, and he smiled at the discovery, and grinned, eagerly, and let his tail flick against the lion's thighs, now resting over Axel's hips.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Axel hissed once he trusted his voice again.

"Y...yes..." the lion groaned.

Axel began to rock his hips back and forth, a subtle motion that was translated into a great deal of sensation, while his barbed length sawed itself within the lion's tight rump. The grip of his ring-shaped muscles was almost tight enough to serve the whole purpose of pleasuring the cheetah now inside the lion, but the whole way, in and out of his body, was exquisite, almost a form of torture for the slim cat now driving himself slowly into the lion. It could hardly be called pounding, the movement was more of an easy slipping of his length in and out of the lion's backside, drawing pleasure for both of them from the slick friction provided by the joining of their bodies. Axel kept looking at the lion's half-closed eyes, seeing how they rolled as the waves of sensation coursed through the lion being taken, and he, too, had to keep himself in check and not to waste himself too soon...even if the temptation was great.

The lion was finding a great deal of enjoyment as well, Axel soon found out , as he glimpsed the growing firmness of his erection, renewed now over his belly, and pulsing there, lonely, along to the rhythm of the lion's racing heart. Axel smiled and adjusted his angle a little, so that his hips rocked more firmly, and that he knew that he was touching that special pleasure spot, deep within the lion, bringing forth extra groans on each pass he did over the little nub hidden inside the lion. The grunts and the added spillage of sweet fluid over the lion's messy belly added to Axel's own pleasures, as much as the firm, rhythmic grip of the lion's insides around his own member, spurning him on to drive himself more firmly and deeper into the lion's body, and spend himself there. That was exactly what he intended to do, and as he carried on, his body flexing firmly with every thrust he made, Axel knew that he would soon be ready to just that.

"Yes...yes, Bastian...yes indeed..." Axel murmured, not really coherent at the time anymore, when the pleasure grew within him, and he drove himself into the lion with might.

Their vocalizations grew into low moans and grunts, and the heat that flowed between them intensified, enough that it felt almost scorching over Axel's skin, both the bare, moving within the lion, to the skins covered with fur and now ablaze with sensation. He felt a sudden wave of breathlessness, followed by a sharp twitch of his flesh inside the lion, and then it was upon him, the burn and the flash, and his teeth clenched together, before he buried his maw against the lion's shoulder, nipping with a mating bite and holding the larger male close to him, while his body tensed, trembled and then spent itself into the tight, warm heat of the lion's rump, now filled with his seed as it flowed from him to the fellow male, taken for their mutual enjoyment. The rush of heat, joined with the final, bucking thrusts that cemented their coupling and were directed at the pleasure nub within the lion were more than enough to bring Bastian the lion over the edge as well, to soil their bellies with his own considerable offering, none the less smaller despite the fact that he had spent himself only minutes before. The sweet burn was intense, and made him groan, the mating bite smarted a little yet, but added to the complete domination of senses the cheetah provided.

The afterglow was sweet, and enjoyed easily, with Axel holding the lion close to himself once they had become untangled and simply rested, though still quite musky and not planning to clean up yet. The cheetah lay his head over the lion's slowly rising chest and enjoyed listening to his heartbeat and the rumble of his breathing, while they continued to relax. The lion played idly with his ears, something Axel quite liked, he had to admit.

"Do you often debauch innocent university students, stranger?" the lion murmured.

Axel chuckled to himself, and gave the lion's side a little swat with his paw, for the fun of it.

"Only when they have to have three servings of wine to gain the courage to ask me to sit with them, then I'm all in for it," Axel smiled, a little tiredly, to himself, and enjoyed the continued treatment.

The lion chuckled, sonorant and purring.

"Maybe I should be drunk more often, then, if this is what it gets for me?" the lion sounded more confident now, something that served to amuse Axel even further.

"Yes, Bastian," Axel smiled to himself, stroking the lion's side now, as if to repay the earlier swat. "Perhaps you should. Makes your words flow with such...confidence."

He had been very talkative indeed...something that suited Axel quite alright.


There we go! Any thoughts, anyone?

Don't forget that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well.

Thank you for reading my story, and cheerio!