A Return to When We All Lived In The Forest Chapter 4: Speaking With The Scientist, Making A Trip To The Mall, Grasping at Gryphons, and Fighting Feral Tendencies.

Story by Jake Shadow Wolf on SoFurry

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#4 of A return to When We All Lived In The Forest

Legalities: First and Foremost all of my stuff is copyrighted to me. Second the characters Rylee aka Wolfbane is copyrighted to Wolfbane13 and the character Hena is copyrighted to my friend Lex. Third THIS CONTAINS ADULT CONTENT AND CONTENT SOME READERS MAY NOT BE HAPPY WITH!!!! With that said If you're under age and keep reading it's not my fault if you get caught. Also if you find you don't like some of the themes Don't read it. That simple. Fourth If you want to join just send me a pm with your character details and preferred location. Fifth I'm still looking for an evil doctor, a companion for my scientist who I still don't really have, and Characters for key areas such as the local dance club. With all that out of the way I guess we can begin our tail.

I don't know when I fell asleep, it was probably about midway into my watch, but the next thing I knew I was awake in a room full of nothing but blackness. I glanced down to see that I was back to normal. I stared down at myself and slowly spun around trying to make sure everything was fine with my body. As soon as I realized I was completely human I grinned and pulled on a simple black t shirt and jeans, then started walking through the darkness slowly. I silently wondered why I was there, but I couldn't shake the feeling that I knew where I was, and it was somewhere I'd been many times before.

After a few minutes I saw a light ahead of me and started running toward it. I can't really be sure why, other than that it felt right. As I got close to the light I saw that a mirror was in the middle of it. I slowly approached the mirror shivering as the edges constantly shifted and distorted as if they didn't really exist, and the mirror was truly just floating in the air. I reached out and ran my fingers across the glass trying to remove some of the film that seemed to cover it's surface and suddenly saw a figure with black wings that were almost skeletal copying me. As soon as I pulled my hand away the mist vanished and the glass was clear. I blinked as I saw on the other side a strange creature mirroring my stance and everything else. It had skin that seemed almost to glisten with fresh blood, wings that were pitch black and mostly skeletal, and crimson eyes that burned me to my very core.

I shivered as I stared into it's eyes then slowly it pointed at me and said "I am the darker side of you. This mirror reveals your darkness just as it's done for so many others? Remember the people you killed? The families you destroyed? The hearts you broke? So long as you hold them in your heart I will continue to exist." I growled softly and slammed my fist forward shattering the mirror only to hear the apparition laughing as the fragments fell into the darkness and the light started to vanish. Suddenly I heard it's voice say " You shattered the mirror because you couldn't handle the truth, but you know I'm right. When will you grow and lose those you cling so relentlessly to again?"

I dropped to my knees as tears started to fall down my face for the first time years and I yelled "YOU'RE WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M NOT THE MONSTER YOU THINK I AM I'M BETTER THAN THAT!!!!!!!!!! I'M NOT CLINGING TO ANYTHING!!!!!" The voice just laughed and finally started to completely fade away. I held my head until the laughter was gone as the tears streamed down my face then a wolf, a dragon, a dog, a tiger, a raccoon, a fox, and a figure with black feathered wings walked forward and stared at me. I looked at them and said softly "I know all of you." I pointed first at the angel and said "You were born from my feelings of loss and sorrow when I was a kid."

I slowly moved my finger to point at the fox and said "You're name is Kyu. I created you after hearing legends of the nine tail fox, and my urge to let out my trickery." Slowly I moved onto the dog and said softly "I never could think of a name for you, but you've always been meant to represent my loyalty." I pointed at the tiger and said "You represent my solitary nature. You represent my urges to be alone and care free, yet you've never been my most dominant feature. You always sit and wait."

The tiger smiled knowingly and nodded then glanced at the raccoon. I followed his eyes and said softly "You my masked friend, represent my urges to hide myself. I created you out of fear, and the fact that I thought it was easy to hide behind masks. You have always been at the front of my line up, so few ever see beyond you, and for that I thank you." The raccoon smiled at me then looked away and I blinked as I heard the sound of hooves approaching. I turned and slowly found myself face to face with a pegasus.

It smiled at me and I said softly "You represent my urge to fly, and get away from everything. I wondered when you would show yourself. I named you Black Jack's Lightning after my two favorite horses from when I was younger who are at Gramps's place. I thank you for showing me all that you have over time." He nodded and stood alongside the others as I turned to face the dragon. The dragon smiled darkly and I said "You represent my anger, my hatred, my malice, my self disgust. You also represent my inner strength, my urge to stand strong in the face of everything, and my will to protect my friends. Thank you Draco."

He laughed softly and stepped back leaving me face to face with the wolf. The wolf smiled and said "So what then, do I represent? obviously it's not what the others represent or I wouldn't exist. So what, Jacob, Do I represent to you?" I smiled sadly hearing his slightly superior tone and seeing the pain in his eyes that he tried so hard to hide. I reached out and rubbed his ears as I thought of the best thing to say to explain just what he was to me. I closed my eyes as I thought then I opened them with a sad smile and prepared to speak. He saw the look on my face and said "So you figured it out?"

I nodded and said softly "You represent the core of who I am. You represent the animal instinct that drives me. You are my sense of right and wrong, you are my sense of leadership. Like me you don't know why you want to lead, you just know it's who you are meant to be and what you are meant to do. You are my feral side, the part of me that was born that day all those years ago, and most importantly you are my link to this world. The world where all my darkness, and my light resides. You are me, You are Shadow Wolf. The other half to my name. I started out as Jake Fedor the boy who knew nothing, and changed into Jake Wolf on the day you were born." He nodded slowly and I said softly "You are also my baser emotions, including the urge to be dominant." He nodded and I smiled slightly then turned away a single tear sliding down my cheek and said softly "I thought I'd accepted all fo you, but I guess our break up broke me up."

Shadow walked up and nuzzled my hand then said "When you wake up, you're going to be in for a surprise. Also, give your bitch a good fuck from me." I glanced at him wondering what he meant and he said "You'll understand sooner or later, now it's time for you to wake up." I blinked and started to ask what he meant then shook my head slowly as the world started to vanish and Shadow said "Don't worry about these guys, I'll keep them in check. The demon on the other hand is your problem, so have fun dealing with that one." I laughed softly then came to laying on my back below my chair with the world seeming to be slightly distorted because my hair was hanging down into my eyes.

I slowly climbed to my feet. I quietly yawned then walked over to the others and kicked them to wake them up after glancing at the clock and seeing it was already noon. I walked over to the door and found myself, quite literally, nose to nose with Balto. I blinked and said "When did you get so big little fella." I heard laughter behind me and turned around catching a tail move out of the corner of my eye. I slowly ignored it as I glanced at Tanya and Damien who seemed a lot taller. I blinked and said "When the hell did you guys get so tall?"

Damien laughed and said "We didn't get taller, your point of view just shifted. Why don't you go look in the mirror over there and see for yourself." then pointed at a mirror hanging by the door. I slowly walked over to it and looked at my reflection then yelped as I saw a feral dire wolf from myths staring back at me. I glanced at the others and Damien said "It's not a window, that's really what you look like. You know you'd probably be a lot more comfortable if you stopped bending your knees so much." I slowly did as he suggested and found myself almost able to look him in the ground then blinked as Balto yipped and tried climbing up my leg. I slowly laid down and let him climb on my back then motioned for the others to open the door.

Damien walked over and slowly opened it then glanced at me and said "Why couldn't you open the...... oh right..... sorry about that kind of careless of me." I just glared at him then walked out by passing between his legs and started for the main path of the zoo. As I walked I felt the urge to attack something and tear it to shreds so I silently battled with myself thinking about the dream. I silently wondered why I'd taken the form of Shadow out of everyone in my dreams when I suddenly caught the scent of, for lack of a better term, a bitch in heat. I had to fight the urge to run off down a side path and follow it while Tanya suddenly started growling like it bothered her. I glanced at her and Damien said "What's wrong with you two?"

I slowly turned around and let out a growl as I tried to get my canine muzzle to speak then finally said in a gruff voice I hardly recognized as my own "We both smell a female in heat. She's a canine, which is why I'm having trouble resisting the urge to run off and mount her, and Tanya wants to rip her apart." Tanya slowly nodded until I growled at her then she looked down and mumbled "Sorry, hard to fight instinct." I nodded in understanding then glanced at Balto who just yawned and ignored the smell since it wasn't of food or something to drink. I snickered and mumbled "At least one of us wants nothing to do with sex or murder." The three of us started out again, and as we left the smell behind I regretfully thought "I guess I shouldn't be so surprised. It appears my new form is changing my mind with every step I take. I need to find a way to become human again before something happens to somehow make this permanent." Tanya fell back and walked alongside me until I asked "What's on your mind?"

She glanced away from me and said softly "I think that you're stronger than most. Almost everyone who changes, especially as completely as you have, usually goes chasing after the opposite sex and following their instincts." I shrugged my shoulders to let her know it wasn't what she thought and she said "A single question, what made you change me back into a female?" I raised an eyebrow at her as if to say 'Why do you have to ask?' She blinked and said "What's with the raised eyebrow?"

I sighed and said "I gave into instinct when I changed you back. I could have left you male, but honestly the infection was changing me slowly from the moment I was bitten. Instinct finally took over in the end and that's why you changed." I continued walking as she thought about that then glanced at Balto and mumbled "I have to change back, otherwise I'm not going to be of much help to anyone. Maybe the damn scientist has a way to bring out the real me." Tanya and I walked on in silence for a bit then she padded forward to talk with Damien who'd walked ahead during the whole debacle involving the female in heat. I watched the two of them talking then heard something moving in the brush. I growled softly preparing for a fight when a dragoness walked out of the bushes and just stared at me. I blinked at her a few times then bowed my head and she nodded in acknowledgement before focusing her eyes on Damien. I growled softly in warning and she looked back at me then seemed to finally see beyond the wolf.

She took a step back and said "So you may look like a wolf, but you're much more dangerous. I sense my kin in you, and so many others. How do you deal with it all?" I shrugged and motioned with my head for her to go back into the bushes then watched to see if she would do as I said. She slowly bowed her head to me before turning and vanishing into the exhibit without another word. I turned back around and rushed to catch up to the others, who were already about twenty yards away. As I ran to catch up to them, I silently wondered what the dragoness had meant.

Slowly the four of us continued on our way, with Tanya and I occasionally growling at anything that thought Damien looked like a good target. After a while creatures stopped trying to approach our group and we continued onward in silence. However after about two hours I was starting to get thirsty so I nudged Damien and said "I need a drink, I'm betting you, Tanya, and the little one are the same way." He thought about it then nodded realizing that due to the nuclear fall out the weather had changed immensely. The sky was filled with clouds, but they only seemed to increase the heat of the sun rather than decrease it.

The three of us stopped at a bench alongside the path and I let Balto hop off my back to run around and play as Tanya and Damien started digging through my pack for provisions. I watched them for a bit then yawned and closed my eyes laying my head on my paws. I drifted into a light slumber until I heard Damien say "How are we supposed to give Jake and Balto any water?" I sighed and got up then walked over to my bag and started nosing around inside it before pulling out a bowl. I set it on the ground and looked at him like 'Any other stupid questions?' He smiled sheepishly and said "Sorry Jake, didn't think you would take something like that with you on a journey through this wasteland." I snorted and motioned for him to fill the bowl with one of the water bottles I'd been carrying.

He nodded and pulled out a bottle full of brown water, which I'd happened to take off the Dragon who I'd bested, then poured it into the bowl. I glanced at Balto and growled softly telling him to wait until I tested the water first, because I didn't trust it to not be dangerous. The pup nodded and stepped back as I slowly walked forward and stared at my reflection in the muddy brown water. I studied it and said softly "Wish I could go back to normal." then bent down and started lapping at the water with the thought of being human again at the forefront of my mind. As I drank I started to feel a strange stirring in my guts. I glanced at Balto and shook my head to tell him not to drink, then turned over the water bowl and spilled the water on the ground. I slowly curled up in a ball as a strange pain spread throughout my body starting in my stomach.

Slowly the pain spread like liquid fire to my limbs and I let out a howl of pain as I felt bone, muscle, and nerves rearrange. The change went on for what felt like forever, but was really only a few minutes as my body shifted from a feral wolf to that of an anthro wolf. I slowly climbed to my feet and glanced at the others. Damien started to say something, but I held up a hand to stop him and said "Not your fault. None of us knew what drinking contaminated water could do to you. Now we do. My suggestion is you be careful of what you eat and drink from now on." He nodded and pulled out a pack of lunch meats then tossed some to Balto before handing the pack to Tanya. Balto ate the meat Damien had given him voraciously then looked at me as if asking for more.

I smiled at the little fellow then said softly "We have to conserver our supplies Balto, however I can give you some fresh water." I slowly poured a clear bottle of water that had never been opened into the bowl then dumped it out to rinse out the contamination before filling it up. Balto eagerly lapped up the water then yipped and tried climbing onto my back. I laughed and ruffled his ears then picked him up and set him on Tanya's back. She glanced at me and I said "I don't think I can carry him like I was in this state, but I can at least carry my pack decreasing you and Damien's loads." She nodded and I pulled on my bag after grabbing a sandwich out of it. The three of us continued on our way, Damien watching the trail to make sure we were going the right way, Tanya checking on Balto every couple of feet, and me eating as I thought about the weird change from the water.

After about another two hours we finally got to the edge of the park. I motioned for everyone to go into the bushes then slowly walked forward. I heard the sound of something moving as I approached the exit and prepared for a fight when suddenly Balto leaped out of the underbrush and knocked me back. I blinked and looked at the little pup who was sitting on my chest and growling at the exit. I started to ask what he was doing when I noticed a strange webbing covering it. I slowly rubbed his ears and mumbled "Good boy, I thought something was strange, just couldn't figure it out." Balto smiled at me and I rubbed his ears then slowly climbed to my feet. He hopped off my chest and stood next to me then the two of us approached the webbing and I started cutting it lose.

I glanced at Balto then said softly "Go get me a stick pup." He nodded and ran off then came back carrying a stick that was as big as him. I quickly took it out of his mouth with a smile then started wrapping the webbing around it until I had what looked like a torch. I quickly shoved it onto my belt then motioned for the others to follow and walked out of the zoo breathing deep. As I started to turn and tell the others everything ok I was slammed into by something that looked like an imp on steroids. I winced and started slamming my fist into it only to have it start carving a hole in my chest. I growled softly and tried to push it off, but it was strong enough that no matter how hard I pulled I was just helping it dig more flesh off my chest and stomach. Suddenly Tanya ran over with a large stick and sent the imp flying with a good smack. I smiled at her then pulled a few medical supplies out of my bag and bandaged my stomach before shoving a shot in my arm.

I sighed softly as the shot suddenly sent a cooling sensation throughout my body. I slowly climbed to my feet and tossed the needle on the ground. Balto walked over and licked the spot I'd stabbed myself then looked at me for what to do. I smiled at him and said "We head west, as soon as I deal with our imp friend." He nodded and turned around to watch the imp who Tanya was beating over and over again with a stick. I slowly walked over and motioned for her to stop then picked up the imp and said softly "Who are you, and what the hell are you doing in the world of the living."

He smiled at me darkly and said "My master will soon be free. All he needs is the blood of the one who banished him to be placed on the seal that traps him. Then the old laws will be broken and we will again run free." I slammed him up against a building alongside the road and growled softly. He blinked and said "You're actually one of us. How interesting. What made you side with the humans? Was it the thought of life, freedom, what?" I growled and slammed his head back into the wall feeling my anger start to boil over then the growl turned into a laugh as everything blacked out and I felt my hands moving over and over again.

My vision slowly returned and I found myself inside the building with the wall broken around me and a gory mess in front of me. I almost ran forward to devour some of the foul smelling stuff, but my human mind took over and stopped me with a few feet to go. Balto sat next to me looking up at me worriedly and Tanya said softly "Are you alright?" I nodded then turned around and walked away from the mess that had once been an imp. I sighed as I got next to Damien and said "Let's go to the lab, then I'll worry about what the hell is happening to me." Damien slowly nodded then motioned for Tanya and Balto to follow us as we started for the largest building in the area. It was slightly protected by a chain link fence, and had the words "ANIMUS ANIMALIA LABS!!!!" over the main entrance. The four of us slowly approached the building and I blinked as a name I never thought I'd see in the real world hung on the fence facing us. The sign said "Property of Genetech." I stopped and stared at it for a full five minutes then mumbled "I've got to be imagining things."

I ignored the sign and started for the fence. As I approached something seemed wrong, but I completely ignored my instincts in light of my goal and grabbed onto the fence. I yelped loudly as the electricity that had protected the fence from the infected for so long coursed through my body and slammed me flat on my back. I slowly shook my head and climbed to my feet feeling both lighter, and cooler. I wondered why and glanced down at myself only to blink in surprise as I realized I was back to a regular guy. I grinned slightly then fell to the ground as the electric current went back through my muscles and turned my legs to jelly. Dominic and Tanya ran over and started to ask me what was wrong when I held up a hand to stop them and said "Don't touch the fence it's electrified." I fell flat on my face and must have passed out for a while, because when I came to the others were guarding me and Balto was licking my cheek.

I reached up and rubbed his ears then slowly pushed myself to my feet and threw a large rock at a tiger that was getting to close to Damien. The rock soared through the air and slammed the tiger between the eyes knocking it back a few steps. It also caused it to turn it's attention to me. I don't know what it saw but it let out a surprised roar then fled causing the other infected to do the same. I slowly shook my head as Tanya and Damien walked over then said "I'm going inside. You guys stay out here."

They nodded and Balto growled trying to get me to take him with me but I shook my head. I bent down and rubbed his muzzle then said "Guard these two well little one. They're almost as precious to me as you are." He nodded and ran over to Tanya then started watching everything with a dark look in his eye. I smiled slightly and closed my eyes trying to relax as I prepared for the next step which was getting through the fence.

I slowly walked forward and stuck out a hand keeping it a few inches from the fence then started walking around it. The others stared after me in curiosity but didn't follow. Slowly I came to a spot where there was no current and kicked out causing a dent in the fence. I wondered how the electricity went around it then slowly nodded as I saw that the spot I'd kicked wasn't attached to the rest properly. It was only tied to the bar at the top, meaning someone or something had broken out of it. I kicked the fence over and over until it finally flipped upward. I slipped through then kicked it back in place, glad that my jeans and shirt hadn't been destroyed when I changed from a human to a feral, then to an anthro.

I sighed and slowly walked around to the front of the building then kicked open the doors drawing my pocket knife. A single light blue dragoness looked up from a computer monitor and said "Afternoon. I'm Dian, well Dianna now, and you are?" I stared at her at a complete loss then pulled out a letter that Ron had given to me and handed it to her. She took it and started reading then smiled slightly as she got to the end. She folded it up and put it in her pocket then looked at me and said "Here to see the doc, huh?" I nodded as I slowly studied her. Like most of those changed by the infection she was drop dead gorgeous, as far as dragons go. Her scales shined with an inner light making them glow like sapphires, her wings had silver veins running through them and silver tips, her back and tail had navy blue spikes running down them to the tip which ended in a bladed tip, and her eyes were a deep alluring green that struck me to my core.

I shivered and mumbled "Damn I need to control myself." I slowly shook my head and she smiled then motioned for me to head upstairs while watching the door. I started to go, but suddenly stopped as a thought passed through my mind. She looked at me questioningly and I said "Are you guarding the doctor?" She nodded and I slowly blinked trying to figure out why then smacked my palm to my forehead and mumbled "No shit she's guarding the doc, the doc's the only one trying to understand this damn infection." I sighed and smiled in thanks for her answer then started up the staircase. I glanced back to see that Dianna was watching me go, then she turned around and went back to watching the door. I got about half way up the staircase then ran the last few steps and found myself in a long hallway with a door at the end. The door was unremarkable other than that it was made of steel and had a biohazard sign on it.

I slowly approached the door and knocked loudly to get the people inside's attention. I heard a click and the sound of a feminine voice say "Seal opening, please be prepared for cleansing process." then another click and the sound of whirling gears. The door slowly swung open on recently greased hinges. I blinked as I saw a sign saying something about Genetech inside it and the voice continued "Please step into sterilization chamber and prepare for cleansing process. Not all contaminated clothing will be destroyed, so please be sure to ask a nurse for a spare set when you leave. Thank you."

I slowly walked into the room and heard the door shut behind me with a click. I glanced back to see that it was electronically controlled then looked around to see who, or what, was playing the recorded voice. I saw a terminal by the far wall and slowly approached it. I blinked as across the terminal screen flashed "Who are you?" my response was "My name is Jake Wolf. I'm here to find out how to stop the infection, and if possible help remove it from the infected." The response surprised me "Then after decontamination you may enter my lab and we'll talk." I replied "Sounds good to me." Then turned around and stood in the middle of the chamber as steam started filling the room and electrical motors started whining. I sighed in relaxation as the warm steam seeped into my body seeming to clean it in multiple ways, then suddenly a strange silver liquid poured in and the female voice said "Chamber now filling with purifying solution. Infection will be stopped from changing forms for some time and will be unable to be passed on."

I smiled slightly glad the fluid would control the infection then blinked as it completely filled the chamber and I found myself immersed in it. I closed my eyes and breathed in and out letting the stuff fill me. After about five minutes it slowly sank into the floor as a recycling system kicked in and I coughed it all up as something seemed to apply pressure to my chest. I breathed deep and glanced down to see that my clothes had been completely destroyed by the material. My pack had also been damaged, but all the contents of it were now in a bin that must have risen out of the floor as the liquid piled in. I shook some of the stuff out of my hair then slowly picked up the container as a panel in the wall pulled aside revealing a t shirt, jeans, and a strange jacket. I glanced around till I found a pair of boxers then pulled everything on. At the base of the little alcove were three different pairs of shoes and a couple pairs of socks.

I pulled on a pair quickly then slipped into the sneakers, before shoving the boots and flippers in my pack. I didn't know what I'd need them for, but I had the feeling I'd need them before I left the city. After that I pulled on my sunglasses, which I'd kept in my bag up till now, and walked over to the door by the terminal. Suddenly the computerized voice said "Contamination controlled, you may now enter the lab proper. Please have a nice day." Slowly the door swung open and I found myself face to face with someone wearing a hazmat suit. I blinked and they turned around then started working on a computer nearby. I glanced over her shoulder and blinked as on the screen was a black and white image of me as I'd been standing in the contamination control chamber.

The figure glanced at me and said "This is a blueprint of your DNA I modified your new gear to completely change with you. So you don't have to worry about it ever being destroyed. Also I have a question for you. Why is it that you have the genetic sequence of multiple animals mixed in with your own?" I smiled in response to their question then studied the computer and blinked as small blue dots labeled "inorganic" traveled throughout the body on screen. I glanced at the figure in the hazmat suit who seemed to smile as they responded "The 'infection' you want to destroy is gene altering nano-bots. I need more information on the different infected to better assess what they do, but in your case they just seem to latch onto your DNA and are unable to change it. It does however appear that something altered your DNA a long time ago. Care to explain?"

I shook my head and said "Not really doc, how about you just give me a list of creatures you need these samples from, and a current map of the city." They stared at me then motioned to another computer which was printing something out. I walked over and grabbed it then blinked and said "Ok so I have to find a gryphon, since you've yet to get their dna before, and a being from the mall?" She nodded and I sighed then said "Do I have to go into the sewers, and if so do you have some kind of tool I can use to defend myself?" The figure sighed and motioned to the back wall where a stun gun sat and a manual on how to use it. I walked over and picked it up then shoved the manual into my bag. I put the stun gun onto my belt then started for the door with a wave to the figure. I heard a laugh behind me then the door shut as I walked into the decontamination chamber.

I walked down the hallway then headed downstairs and out the front gate. The others saw me come out and Damien said "We good to go, or do you need something else?" I motioned for them to wait for me there then walked to the hole in the fence and kicked it up. I walked through and kicked it back in place then walked to the others and said simply "We're going to the mall. Then we'll head back to the bunker before I go hunting gryphons." The others sighed then nodded and we started for the mall. I followed the new map rather than my own one and silently marked the location of the bunker as we walked. The others stared at me wondering what was going on, but I didn't say anything as old memories floated past my eyes with every step.

I sighed as I silently remembered everything then thought "So it's miniature machines running through out bodies and effecting our DNA. They can't fuck with mine because of the experiments I suffered as a child. Were they a blessing or a curse?" I shook my head to scatter those thoughts as we came close to the door of the mall and I saw creatures slamming into it over and over again. I silently swore that my next step would be to drop the others off and get some real weapons from the museum as I rushed forward and kicked one of the monsters in the back. I blinked as I realized it was a gryphon and tried to grasp it's wings, instead it knocked me back into the air. I blinked as I stared at the feathers in my hands then cursed. I glanced at the others and said "Let's get these fuckers away from the mall. Then we'll head inside and ask the people staying here for a place to rest. Tomorrow we'll head back to my bunker and I'll continue on my hunt."

They nodded and started sending creatures flying as I readied the stun gun and aimed it a bull who was charging toward the two of them. I blasted it with a full charge and the thing fell to the ground twitching and howling silently. I smiled slightly and said "Electricity's a bitch. Deal with it." The others finished with the creatures they were dealing with and headed inside with Balto while I went from creature to creature studying them and making mental notes. I slowly turned and walked inside only to find myself face to face with a wolf girl who had a cat hybrid hiding behind her. I blinked and mumbled "What the hell have I gotten us into now." The wolf studied me for a few minutes with a katana pointed at my throat then turned and walked away.

The catgirl smiled at me and said "Hi, I'm Hena. The girl you just saw is Rylee. She's the local protector for those of us who stay at the mall. Who are you guys?" I glanced at the others and motioned for them to talk to Hena while I chased after Rylee. Damien understood right away and started chatting with her. Tanya looked at me questioningly and I motioned for her to go talk with others in the area then Balto and I followed her. She walked into an old shop and shut the door so I walked up and knocked on it waiting patiently.

Rylee jerked it open ready to tell me off and I held out a hand smirking and said "I'm the local tourist. Nice to meet you." She blinked and burst out laughing then saw Balto and I said "This is my companion Balto. He said you're a beautiful young woman and taht I should talk to you. I told him you were to busy, but he wouldn't listen." I shrugged as I paused on the butt and Balto nipped her hand trying to get her to play.

She glanced at him with a smile then studied me and said "You're not from around here." I smirked and she continued "I don't really like tourists though, so get lost." She started to turn away and I grabbed her shoulder taking a step forward she turned around and her muzzle met my lips as we were both trying to talk at once and we ended up kissing. I blinked and started to apologize when she held up a hand and said "Just get lost lover boy. You and your friends can stay the night, and you can do whatever the hell it is you plan on doing, but we're not interested." I blinked and she walked into the room then turned around and continued "Also don't go confessing that you've come to realize you love me under the lights of the damn mall. If you need water the fountain's got fresh water in it, Hena can direct you to the clothing and food stores, and you can stay at the mattress store if you and your friends need a place to sleep."

I smiled in thanks then motioned for Balto to follow me as I walked back to Damien and Hina who seemed to be getting along rather well. I listened to them for a bit then cut in with a simple "When you're done Damien, report to me in the mattress store. I'm going to grab a quick nap." He nodded and I walked off as they continued talking about the different things going on in the city, the mall, and everything else.

As I started for the mattress shop Rylee suddenly walked up and said "Call me wolfbane by the way lover boy, since you won't be sticking around and my friends are the only ones allowed to call me by my name." I nodded and walked into the store then plopped down on a mattress. I started to pull out my journal when Tanya walked in and looked at me with big puppy eyes. I raised an eyebrow and she smiled then presented her tail to me and lifted it revealing her sex. I blinked and had to resist the urge to hop up and mount her then and there. I slowly shook my head and she nuzzled me using the puppy eyes to get my attention again and I growled softly fighting it even more.

She whined softly and I mumbled "God damn it." before finally giving in and grabbing her muzzle. She started to ask what I was doing when I kissed her deeply and grasped one of her breasts. She moaned into my mouth and I growled softly then curled my tongue around hers and squeezed her breast hard. She moaned louder and I glanced around then saw a back door to the main office and motioned for her to follow. She seemed slightly dazed from the kiss but slowly followed me into the back office. I shut the door behind her right in poor Balto's face and he sat at the entrance scratching. I slowly kissed Tanya as I ran a hand through her chest fur. She murred softly and mumbled "I want you to mount me like the wild beast I am. Please."

I growled and walked up behind her slowly slipping my pants down then ran my already rampant shaft across her sex. I silently wondered why it was that I couldn't say no to a female giving me puppy eyes of all things. Tanya glanced back at me and whined, so I slowly thrust into her. She yipped in pleasure and I covered her muzzle silently wishing she was more human than taur at this point. She growled softly and I started going harder reaching around and stroking her breasts still wishing she was slightly more human. She slowly massaged my cock with her passage as I ran my hands across her breasts and down her sides enjoying the feeling of her velvety fur under my hands. I went even faster and harder after a few minutes then closed my eyes and starting thrusting harder and faster. I started biting down on her shoulder as I ran my hands over her body growling into it.

I suddenly felt her climax and realized that something must be up with her as she started milking me and I released deep into her womb. I slowly slid out of her then stretched yawning and said "I need to go crash, we should have been able to last a lot longer than that." She nodded as I cleaned myself up with a rag I found in the desk then pulled my pants up and walked out to the mattress store proper. I plopped down on the mattress I laid my new gear on then Balto curled up on my chest yawning. Suddenly Tanya jumped up and laid next to us then closed her eyes and fell asleep with her head on her arms.

I pulled out my journal again and finally started writing down my third entry. "Entry number 3. February first 2013. The last few days have been rather hectic. Time must have flown by because I swear I've only been here two or three days, but my watch says otherwise. I met the local scientist, but I can't say much more than that. It appears that my feral side is growing stronger, so I'm probably going to have to be more careful. I actually turned into a full feral wolf, was that due to the infection or my past? I honestly don't know anymore. All I know for sure is I've agreed to help the scientist, I have to find the gryphons, and I'm taking my new friends back to the bunker. I honestly don't know if I should call them friends, but that's what I've decided to do for the time being.

I think the scientist knows I've manipulated the infection, but hasn't said as much. I have to wonder why. I bet it's because they're trying to understand how I manipulated it, and until then they won't tell me anything. They created some specially modified genetic clothing that won't be destroyed, or so they say. I wonder about that, but nothing I can really do to prove or disprove it as of yet. I mated with Tanya again, and I felt as if something in her was changing as we mated. Strange as that is, I guess it's possible, that I did something to change her. Anyway I'll keep writing this journal for anyone who comes after. One last note, the dreams have started again, and I think the world is changing in more ways than originally believed. My friends and I used to joke about music, but I'm starting to think our jokes may have been more right than we could have ever imagined. End Entry Number 3"

To be Continued..............................................

Authors Note: Well there you go gang, now onto question time. First Question, this is only for those who've read my other stories, Why would Jake, who's based off me, Wonder if he was imagining things when he saw Genetech's name on the lab fence? Question 2. Who are the two girls who basically run the mall, and what species are they. Question 3. What caused Jake to revert back to a human, and what was in the liquid that was used for decontamination. Question 4. How many areas have I revealed so far? Question 5. Who wishes for more detailed sex and character descriptions? All those that wish for number 5, well you'll get a character sheet after the next chapter, and everyone will be described in more detail. Finally Question 6. Who would like to contribute a few monsters to the story? Not full fledged characters, just monsters that will appear here, and in other stories of mine. With your permission of course. If Question 6 is your forte then send me the details of the monster, any special abilities they have, and anything else you'd like to put in the story involving them.



Your author Jake Wolf.

P.S. Thanks for reading and see you next upload.