Room 'Mates' (Alternate ending)

Story by drakoman on SoFurry

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Blah Blah Blah, disclaimer, blah blah.

Set in modern times of "To Help A Friend', but no magic.

'Brokeback Mountain' isn't mine. It's copyright whoever made it.

It all started in our shared college dorm.

I was all alone, as I had for most of my freshman years of college. The only reason for my aloneness was the fact that no Baigan would share a dorm with a human. This was partially because I was the first human to get into the college. The only one's who acknowledged me were the teachers.

I was laying on my bed, as I usually did on the weekends. As I said before, no one would invite me to go with them to the city to go unwind. I lay on my bed, playing online games, expecting life to be its usual boring self. But today, I was going to get the biggest surprise of my life.

I heard a knock at my door, and a voice. What, did another human actually make it into the academy? I wondered. To sate my curiosity, I got up and walked to the door. I opened the door to find a Baigan wolf standing eye to eye with me. He had been standing so close to the door that his muzzle was right in front of my face. Now, I was bi, but I had never told anyone. I knew the Baigans thought bisexuality and homosexuality were ok, but humans only went heterosexually.

This wolf was almost too much. He had beautiful, jet black fur with wonderful grey lines tracing around his eyes, up his ears, and down his throat. His eyes were a piercing blue and his shirt was almost shredded by his muscles. His pants left just enough to the imagination to be erotic. I was at a loss for words, as was he. He just held up room keys and a note.

I took the note and read it. It was from the campus locations office, telling me that this wolf was to be my new roommate. I looked up and almost fainted, just barely managing to keep myself from falling or showing emotion. "So you're sharing a room with me? Do you feel comfortable rooming with a human?" He frowned a little at this.

He spoke in a lovely deep voice, filled with caring and kindness, unlike other Baigans. "No, I don't mind sharing a room with a human. My name's Jacob." He stuck out his clawed hand. I took it in my own, feeling the pads on his hands.

"Well met, Jacob. M' name's Andrew, and welcome to our dorm room." From there, I gave him the room tour which didn't take long. He stayed so close behind me, I felt my pants tenting. I hoped he hadn't noticed. Afterwards, I helped him bring in his bags and he invited me out to the city. My mouth dropped to the floor. "You want... me... to go with you... to the city?"

Jacob frowned. "Yes. Is that a problem? Do you not want to go?" I could hear, even without enhanced Baigan ears, the disappointment entering his voice. I rapidly shook my head.

"Nononono! It's not that. It's just that no Baigan has ever asked me to go anywhere with them before." I bowed low, as I was known to do to show respect. "I would be honored to go."

Things sorta progressed from there. From sophomore to senior, Jacob and I were always roommates. Jacob became an outcast from general Baigan society at the school. Not that he cared, especially when he was with me. As long as we had been together, however, we had never shared our mutual feelings of love.

One winter night, during our senior year, our relationship changed.

I had laid down on my bed, studying for our upcoming tests. Jacob had gone into the bathroom to take a shower. I hadn't really been paying attention, so I was a little surprised when I heard him asking "Hey, Alex, do you have a pair of underwear I could have?"

Now, I had seen Jacob in the nude before. We were so comfortable around each other that we could do so. But when he had spoken, he had come up right in front of me. So, as I looked up, the first thing I saw was his sheath.

I was mesmerized until James bent down and waved a paw in my face. "Hello? Alex? Anyone there?" I looked away from his face quickly, blushing. He looked at me quizzically. "Are you ok? You're turning red. Are you embarrassed or something?" I quickly denied it, completely forgetting that he was a wolf Baigan.

James sat down next to me on the bed. "Alex, I know you're lying. What are you not telling me?" I sighed. There was no way out of it now. I would have to tell him how I felt about him.

"James, I... ever since you came into my room freshman year, I've... I've been..." He put a paw on my shoulder.

"It's ok. What is it?" I looked him in his beautiful blue eyes.

"I love you." I looked away again, expecting him to back away, maybe even get a room change. When I looked back up, I saw that he had done neither. If anything he had moved closer.

Suddenly, he hugged me, his head on my shoulder, cuddling the way he had told me Baigan mates did. "I love you too, Alex." He pulled away, looked in my eyes, then kissed me.

I have no idea how long the kiss lasted; a minute, a day, or even a year. All I know is that I've never forgotten that kiss. After we pulled away, we both smiled. I grabbed him some underwear and he joined me on the bed studying.

A few weeks later, I was lying in bed. It was incredibly cold that night and I was shivering. I heard James move in his bed. "Alex, are you ok? I hear you shivering over there." I told him that I was just cold, hoping he would just go back to sleep. Instead, I heard his bed squeak as he got up and came to mine. "Move over, Chilly." I moved over as James joined me in my bed. It instantly became warmer. I felt his strong arms circle around me and hold me tightly to him.

The next night, we were watching Brokeback Mountain and it reached the point where the two men were going at it. Cuddling up to James, who was behind me, I knew James had a hardon, as did I.

After the movie, I stopped him before we got in bed. I stripped him, then stripped myself. Seeing his wolfcock, pressed my own cock against his and began stroking them both.

After a few minutes, we were both as hard as we could get. He pulled away from me and made me sit back on the bed. He smiled, then lowered his head to my groin. Licking along the underside of my cock, he took his time teasing me before returning to my cockhead and sucking down.

It took the most of a minute before I was cumming in his mouth, which was sucking every last drop out of me. I smiled at him as he pulled away from my groin. I turned over and presented my rump to him. He was only too willing to accept, pushing the head of his wolfcock in my pucker. It was a little tight, but as he got a good motion going, I relaxed.

Every time he pushed himself into me, I could feel his knot seeking entrance. After a few more pushes, I felt it slip inside, tying us. He rapidly sped up humping after that, cumming inside me a minute later.

After we had recovered from afterglow, he picked me up, still tied to him, and lay down on the bed. We fell asleep my back to his chest and his arms around me. ~I love my roommate.~ was my last conscious thought before I fell asleep.

(There! That was how I origionally planned it! Much better, no?)

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Room Mates

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