To Love a Succubus Pt3

Story by KerstinCabbit on SoFurry

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#3 of To Love a Succubus

Mouse-Demon, F/F ,Drama Mind Control, Evil Soulmates, Tiger-Fox Hybrid This is an adult story you must be 18 (21 in some really dull places) or older to view. If some how you found this by mistake close it now. KC [email protected]~ (Note: This story takes place after The Succumouse story ends if you have not read that go Back! None of this will make much sense and you will be missing out on my cleverly laid jokes Also unlike that story series this one is in the prospective of Nara not Eliana. Dedicated To the many, many, many Furson's on yiffstar who demanded MORE! I thank you all:) To Love a Succubus Pt 3 "Has any one shown up yet?" "Nara, stop obsessing." "How can you say that he's dead, I killed him and no one even knows what about his family friends or or..." "Nara! Look this is partly my fault I took Carmel and left to make sure shi be safe but I should have stayed I should have...I don't know I would have survived iv been thru it all before. Of all they guys around here you pick the one with the hart condition. I mean shit girl." "You're not helping!" "All right, three days then you have to feed again. I suggest you do so before then, less harmful that way. Second pleas stay away from Carmel and don't go telling her about you know what I don't Need the drama. We only have to keep this up for 28 days now then Eliana will poof back from were ever the hell she went with your body." "I didn't have a body it was just a...a physical representation of my soul or something." "Whatever that's not important, we have to find someone you can umm, well you know with out killing feed off of until she gets back. Carmel came up with an idea as we were hiding out at the hotel last night and..." "Shut up, just shut up! God you think this is easy, how can you bee this calm I killed some one last night and you just blew it off like nothing what the hell is wrong with you!" "..." "Answer me dam it!" "I couldn't and just for the record you should watch what you say you have her powers remember and I'm just as tied t her word as you are, or have you forgotten I was her familiar too. Believe me, whatever you did to that guy last night, it ant even a fraction of what I've seen Eliana do! It ant shit compared to the things she's done. When you come back here and I have to help wash the blood out of your fur then ill feel sorry for you until then stop bitching and listen. Do what I say and this wont be anywhere near as bad as she was hoping it would be, and maybe you will learn something about her. You may love her you may think you know ever little secret she has, you know nothing why do you think I'm even still alive you think I could have survived being feed on every night for all them years." - - - - - - - - - - - - - That was this morning, and it's all true. I don't have a clue what I'm doing; I tried sleeping a little wile ago. I wasn't tired I just wanted to, not be here. It was pretty point less seems since I well last night... I fell like I drank a few pots of coffee. Weird dose not eve begin to cover this. Maybe Carmel had the right idea, I could look at least. Only problem I don't know how to go about doing that either. Hunting for mortals souls is not exactly something they covered at school. I've been thinking about what Eliana would do if she needs an answer to a problem and the only thing that came to mind is now sitting next to this note book. Odd little trinket. A cheep looking necklace that once held a pendant, the clasps that held an evil stone now empty. I've seen her use it before but I just can't bring myself to put the cursed thing on. It started this whole chain of events, a gift from the lord of demons himself. I don't know, it scars me. Well I don't see how it can make things much worse, what's it going to do condemn me that's a joke. Been there done that, not a bag gig really well until queen bitch got all moral on me. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "All right you old hunk of crap I need hunting tips or something." You would think a demonic necklace would be warm or something,... This thing it's like ice around my neck. A metal noose just waiting to crush and squeeze the life from me. And it has the most prissy voice like its beater then every one. The soft female voice sang forth from the links of the chain, "Mistress is already proficient in such matters." "What the hell! Crap it thinks I'm Eliana. Wonderful and I'm talking to myself... Listen up you old trinket. I ask you answer, get that!" "Yes mistress." "That's beater, hummer me and go over the whole familiar thing for me once more." "Very well, any piratical things I should skip." "Yea anything that dose not has to do with getting one." * * *

Twelve hours later

  • * * "God shut the hell up I get it" "I estimate another thirteen hours of information still to be covered are you sure I should stop." "Yes! I got enough all you had to say was that last few minuets of crap god could you bee more..." "I am merely answering the question posed to me in the most complete manner possible mistress." All right then, according to the necklace of extremely long winded explanations, all I have to do is feed from a victim have them survive and bend there mind to my will or get them to agree to serve me. I can't do this. I just can't. I'm a coward by nature; I like things to be easy and nice. This is like so not anything like that, its just sick and vicious, dark and.... Screw you Eliana you won't win, I can do this, just to spit you ill do it! Shit who the hell am I kidding? Wonderful now I'm at war with my self or is it the body, I...I just don't know. It, it craves for satisfaction and power, lusts for it. I've never felt like this before my mind dose not want to do it my hart doesn't want to do it but this begs to be touched. I need air, maybe getting out of this house for a bit will help me think. Screw it I need a drink! - - - - - - - - - - - - - There's a small tavern a few blocks from here. Eliana used to pick up a few meatheads from there but only when she did not fell like going far or being bothered with any sleeking around. Its got rooms on its upper floor so she would just invite one up have her way with them and leave them there barely breathing but arguably very happy. Looks like Markus and Carmel are off doing whatever them two do at night together, iv heard thing but I'm never really sure what the mechanics of there relationship is. Being that Markus was with Eliana for a good string of time I'm sure he has...well experienced her extra bits on more then a few occasions. The fact that she pretty much gave him a girl with the same kind of benefits is a pretty good clue he must have started liking it... or she jacked his mind until he liked it hmmm I wonder? Are they just another one of her little experiments or just something to entertain her, perhaps both? I remember this place looking nicer, no wait that was the hotel. This place has always looked like one of them medieval tavern/inn's its "themed" as the owner likes to say. Looks like a dump, plaster walls set in square sections each section has a cross of wood in side giving the building a woven look. The roof is actually normal but has been done up to appear as though it is straw and the such in appearance. Five shuttered windows cross the second floor; an old wood sine hangs from two chains just below the middle window. It reads, The Trough. How dignified, Not. I swear if one person says aren't you a little young ill rip his muzzle off. Just as I recall the place, old dusty dark and with a hint of booze, smoke, mildew and old yiff. If this place had any more nut funk I'd expect the building to be packing. Gawd, did I just think that, disgusting. At least the bar tender should know Eliana or at least recognize her body he has her mark on him so they have defiantly met. Wish I could find out what she was thinking that day this guy is about as handsome as a fire place poker but I suppose bulldog is an acquired... hell even I can't finish that thought. I can fake being her no what the hell is this ugly bastard's tag stupid question Nara...stop referring to your self in the third person we must not start that...and none of that we shit there is only I. ouch my brain, do I have a brain? Ok off this subject, not important. "Hay there Doug any good mix's tonight." This poor ugly bastard his parents had to give him such an unimaginative name. "Eliana! Been quite round here without you. Some of the regulars been asking for you, they miss your, hehe special care." "I slipped out of town for a change of scenery and to vary my other, selection a bit." "Came back though, what? Find only tiny helpings out there. Harhar, dint I tell you biggest in hundred miles right her behind the bar any time you need to fulfill your self tight cheeks." ...holy crap, Eliana you dirty slut of a...right, succubus. Must be something or she would have broken him for saying something like that. "Perhaps another night I'm here only to get my mind of the world for a bit, same as all the other beast lurking in her to cling to the shadows." "well I know beater then to bug you when your in one of your dark moods drink up that always turns you around eventually, (under his breath) even if it takes more then a sailors crate." "These things on my head are big and function well bring on the sailors ill drink um all under the table and still walk out of here." "Haha, that a girl" - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dame, how long have I been here? I remember when I came in I was alone,.. Now there are two foxes and what I think is a mink sitting with me. Worse there the third group to take up my table and try to out drink me, shame this demon body can't rely get drunk. Kind of calm but not really debilitating as what its doing to them. They die of alcohol posing if they even tried to catch up I'm two bottles of jack down or was it four o crap it was four. At least I feel beater, relaxed, calm, centered. I really should go, but bottle fives only got about three shots left...then ill leave yea. "Well boys been a bash but I'm about at my limit for the month, (the room erupts in fits of laughter, dame I was here along time even dug don't look that bad...ok I was wrong demons can get drunk) next time you monster cock hound." Wait did I say that out loud, yup beater just keep walking. Night air well extremely early morning air is more accurate. Got to be some were around two, I only got there at nine that's not bad. Look at that sky, Clear and black as Eliana's soul. O that was mean but hilarious. Hay there some spackling of light pfft. Way too much Jake for me! Now I'm all happy and chipper improvement over dark and moody. ~CRASH!...clank.~ "What the hell was that?" Sounds like it came from that ally, most likely a bunch of street cats just tipping over a lot of trash cans. "Ow...ouch. Is some one there?...please ah" Hmm cute voice, wonder if she's as cute as she sounds? Crap, dirty thought out! Nope still there. "Umm, who's there?" "Please, (coughing) help the dumpster tipped, (gag) I cant move please..." Did she say dumpster? As in big metal box of steel that crush things well she screwed mashed up girls are not my thing. Then again I can do that healing trick thing in exchange for her soul if she is rely squished, tempting. "Hold on, just try and stay awake, understand?" Almost all the way down this ally, and that thing is defiantly heavy, look's like it's made of steel judging by the rust. Thick stuff, one of them the truck drives up and picks the whole thing up kind, the green paints pretty bad too. More impotently she's a little black mouse, clothing's a bit ratty, might even be homeless, O, the fear pouring out of her, focus don't go getting all out of it now. I don't like how flat that dumpster is laying on the ground at all. It has to have crushed her pelvis flat, wouldn't hold much hope for her walking even if she survived this under normal medical care. Hell she'll be lucky if she could feel anything from her naval down. "Pleas help me...It hurts so badly." "Your really banged up there cutie. I don't think getting that thing off you is the best idea. But I'm going to give it a try it probably going to hurt...much much more if I even shift it but you have to stay awake. Are you ready? "It's too heavy you can't lift it, please get someone. Please! "Relax I'm much stronger then I look." Ok it's a bit heavy just need to shift a little more demon ways, eww that squishing sound is nauseating, (at least for half of me...O sick!) everything form her gut down must be crushed. "I can't feel my legs, o god I can't feel my legs! It hurts, I taste blood. Am, I going to die, o god I am, aren't I?" "Not if you don't want to." That's what I thought the bin was keeping the bleeding in cheek, with out it she will die soon. O man what do I do I could, no I can't do that but if I don't.... "(Crying) I don't want to die, I don't want to Die! Dame it! All right she's hot a little mouse and a girl that pretty much covers all my likes, wish I new more about her personality but fate has kind of forced my hand here. "Listen I can make the pain stop I can give you back what you lost but the price will be high are you willing to talk." "(gargled) Anything! God...anything, make it stop!" - - - - - (In the space between minds) - - - - - - - (Two form sit naked on a floor of red marble a third stands dressed in a long red satin gown. The small black mouse holds herself tight in shock of the sudden sensation retuning to her body in this side world. Next to her a young fox tiger hybrid girl sits with a mixture of anger and longing at the grey mouse dressed flowingly, accuse the room from them. The sleek grey fur of her paws and face seem to glow in the dim red glow that is being emitted from the walls.) "Well now Nara this is truly surprising I had not really expected you to go this far. Or for you to gain enough control to pull me back from purgatory like this. I was enjoying the paradise of my own creation. I suppose you need a hand now. You're a bit over your head in this matter." "Were, who...What the hell is going on!" "Hehe yes, yes I can completely understand that sentiment, we have not been properly introduced my name is Eliana m. Tilton Succubus, Goddess of Earthly Delight, Safety net between Hell and Paradise. This is Nara she was the one who got that dumpster off of our crushed soon to be corps of a body. I know she looked like me at the time but she is being punished for being an unfeeling selfish bitch. She's learning faster then I had expected O and don't fell bad about the guy you killed Nar he is very happy in purgatory now that I've remodeled the place, he had a very depressing life." "I'm dead!" "No your not dead, I pulled are souls into this kind of bubal in time. I was not trying to get Eliana there she seems to have popped in with us. I've never really done this before." "However she will die in about fifteen seconds after going back to her body, but that is why Nara brought you here to offer you a chance to live. You should know that the life she offers is not all peaches and cream, you won't be a single any more you will be part of a whole. Linked permanently to myself and at current count eight thousand seven hundred and six other fursons. Not even death will brake this link. You see I have placed Nara in my body on earth, she there for is a succubus, ass such she must feed or suffer pain that makes that dumpster incident you have experienced seem like a prick on the paw. Nara you finish this." "What? I....umm...well Eliana can restore your body heal any wound cure any daises. In return she gets your soul and become stronger. You will forever be bound to her like...I am. Unlike me however you will eventually move on to her little corner of the after life, I don't know anything about it myself." "I just want, I want... (crying) please let me go, please. I don't want to be some slave." "You would not be a slave Eliana tell her." "On Your Knee's Nara!" I collapse to my knees my head slaps agents the floor in the lowest bow my body can mange. Forced down like a common dog, to submit to her will with out hesitation, my soul obeys my mind rages with anger! "(Enraged) You ask me to lie to her to tell her that my will is not her law, that to me she would have free will and not absolute loyalty. If I were to tell you to dig out your eyes and eat them you would if I told you to do it and be happy about it you would! The only reason you have the free will you do is because I love you and allow you to be as you are! Yet you fail to see that don't you. As for you girl I avoid interfering in the lives of the few who link them selves to me, I can guarantee you will awaken as yourself. You can choose to do as you wish. I will never demand your worship, only your respect. That is who I'm trying to be." "(in a much calmer but very by the way manner) You should also know that being un baptized and having never set foot on holy ground living the life you have lived, even if you're a victim of fates cards, will not get you in to paradise at this time, die now and fire is all that awaits you. Believe me I've seen that place hell I've bedded the lord of darkness him self. You do not want to be sealed within that place at least with me in the end you may find your way into paradise yet. It's up to you two now here is the need documents Nara she must hold her hand over it on her own free will. As for me I'm going back to Purgatory the grey spot just to the left of haven. (Dirty little smirk) Ill see you at the end of the month." In a dark poof she was gone a stack of tan parchment left in her stead. Just before she left however she shifted her form to how she truly appeared. Violet wings, black tail, and that dangerous smirk that invites even the strongest will to her side. "Dose that mean hells real?" "Yea I'm afraid it dose, I've even had the de-honor of meeting Lucy once." "Lucy?" "O right that's Eliana's nick name for Lucifer. He is a real prick" "Do I have to like live in this place?" "Here? O hell no! You would move in with me, I'm sure the two of use can find lots of ways to occupy are time, I've learned from the best after all. "Are you coming on to me? Cause I'm not really into,... well you know" "You sure, have you tried? Bet I'm beater then anything you ever had." I draw closer to her, this unmade girl. She draws away at first until my gentle hands run down from her shoulder to her fore arms. Slowly I need her shoulders relaxing her and reading her body for the pleasure to come. Gently I press and play with her small breast. The encouraging quickening in her breathing, tells me its time move my paws a little lower just barely dragging the tips of my fingers over her fur causing maximum sensation as a pant and a small mown escape her little body. She slowly leans back on her paws exposing her self and stretching out add more to her enjoyment. As my right paw continues to massage her chest and smooth belly, as my left paw gently begins to rub her sex careful to judge her enjoyment by the in voluntary movement s of her flesh and the sounds she lets sleep from time to time. At the peak of a long mown I slip the first of my fingers in to the folds of her inner sex. Are eyes lock, as she gazes up at me in desire and fear burning with in there pools. I start slow tracing the inner folds then gently pressing one, two then three fingers into her sex moving within it I seek out the places that bring out her strongest orgasm At the first inkling that she was approaching that wondrous moment I lower my self down between her slender thighs. Letting my skill force her over the edge and then far beyond anything she had previously could have began to imagine. Soon a red named was added across the parchment and we returned to the ally whole and complete. Well except I was back in Eliana's body! I knew that she wasn't done with me but I was fool enough to hope.

To Love a Succubus Pt4

This is an adult story you must be 18 (21 in some really dull places) or older to view. If some how you found this by mistake close it now.(pfft yea that will happen) KC [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) (Note: This story takes...

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To Love a Succubus 2

This is an adult story you must be 18 (21 in some really dull places) or older to view. If some how you found this by mistake close it now. KC [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection)~ (Note: This story takes place after The Succumouse...

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Theia and the Gorgon

This is an adult work if you are not 18(21 in some evil places) I must ask you to leave now. Note: Gorgons have been reworked so many times over the centuries that in researching for this story I found three distinctly different types I'm using a mix...

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