An Irregular Scholastic Day, Part 5

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The adult Mangrove was the first to wake the next morning, but not before his manhood of course. He smiled down at it before drifting his glance off sidewards to his son who was still peacefully dreaming. He had curled himself into almost the recovery position over the course of the night, as had the GSD, although not as much. Both Daniel and Charlie were facing their bodies inwards towards the grown fox which gave him some very interesting ideas indeed. But when you wake up with an erection, all you can think about is satiating its hunger for release.

He moved very slowly onto his side and hoisted himself up so his waist was level with his boy's head, leaving a small trail of pre along the way. The dripping meat barely a centimetre from his muzzle. The strong scent of his musk emanated from the pulsating shaft and filled the cub's sensitive nostrils. He took a breath in his sleep exciting a shiver to run through his body and made his own little penis jump. The young fox smiled a little, salivating, and stuck out a tongue to lick his lips but caught the tip of his father's cock in doing so. The brief, gentle brush of the small tongue caused a squirt of pre to shoot out and stream itself over Danny's soft cheek.

Aiden grinned a little and took his heavy cock in his paw and slowly began pushing his hips towards Daniel's body. Guided by his paw, the fox poked the tip of his member into his son's partially open maw who instinctively widened his jaw from the intrusion. He continued forcing his still pulsing penis deep into the cubs mouth, coating the walls and tongue in a thick layer of pre-cum. Dan began licking at it in his mouth, moaning a little and fidgeting as his own shaft begins swelling to it's full capacity. The adult fox took great care in trying not to wake his son as he slowly humped his face. However, the silent, gentle thrusting was soon cut short by a certain German shepherd pulling on Aiden's hip causing him to roll back onto his back.

"What do we have here?" Charlie said, clambering onto his lover. "Is my slave having fun without me?" He continued with an evil grin.

"No, Master," the fox returned, slightly averting his line of sight.

Their conversation was interrupted by a cute yawn and mewl as Dan awoke and stretched his body out. He lifted his upper body and looked at his dad and teacher next to him. He then looked away, confused, then smacked his lips and licked around his mouth. Looking further still, he noticed his bouncing stiffy and returned his eyes to the adults.

"Have I missed something?" He said, lowering to a reclined position and sliding a paw down to stroke himself.

"Not much cutie," Charlie began. "Your father took it upon himself to shove his cock in your muzzle while you were sleeping." Daniel murred in return and pawed a little faster.

"Did you cum daddy?" Aiden shook his head and looked up at his dominator.

"No I stopped him," Mr Andrews replied for him.

"Aww, why?" Little Danny whimpered, to which the grown fox smirked up at the sheppie.

"Because pet's need to be trained. And to do that you must take away their pleasures and only give it to them when they deserve it." He leant over his bitch so their noses touched and continued. "And one of those pleasures is cumming." Mr. Mangrove's smirk soon dissipated and turned to a pitiful, disheartened face.

"Speaking of cumming," Daniel spoke quickly, now getting up onto his knees. "I'm going to cum on you, daddy."

"No you're not," Charlie commanded.

"What?" The cub slowed his pawing to a halt and looked confusedly at his teacher. "But I'm right on the edge."

"Good. Keep it that way." He grinned evilly at the boy and proceeded to get off Aiden.

"But ... But ..." Danny whimpered looking down at his preing cock.

"Sorry sweetie. I want you and you father to enjoy the orgasm later on. Mostly to get as much horniness out of you before Monday. I don't want you coming in my class and then cumming in my class."

"Yes, Sir," the cub said mopily.

"Alright, now, let's go have a shower and then we can plan on what we're going to do with ourselves today that doesn't involve sex."

Between the Mangroves, Aiden was the first to rise from the bed. He stretched out his muscles upon standing and scratched himself in various places around his body; his heavy shaft still bouncing and leaking. His son kept an eye on his tutor as Mr. Andrews left the room, and quickly shuffled over to the edge of the bed. He then opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue. Aiden blushed a little and looked at the door, checking to see if his master was still there.

"I can't. What if he comes back?" He whispered, lowering his body so his son could hear.

"He won't." The cub smiled slyly and reached out to stroke his father's penis.

In his current state, that was all the reassurance he needed. The adult fox moved his body to the boy who instantly took as much of the big cock as he could in his mouth. Aiden moaned but quickly shut his lips halfway through, worried he may have alerted his boyfriend's attention. His boy continued to work over the member regardless with his tongue and sucking methods and soon Aiden had forgotten all his worries.

Daniel had gotten really quite good at taking cock in his maw despite only starting two days back. He was nearly at deep-throating level already, much to the approval of his dad who was finding it more and more difficult to stifle his murring. The cub lifted a paw to stroke the big balls that hung weightily behind the swollen knot and used his other paw to return to his own member.

"Oh, keep going little one. I'm going to cum very soon." Aiden chirred between breaths, now humping a little to get himself there more rapidly.

"Me too dad," Dan almost whispered, removing the member from his maw only to speak.

It appeared to them that their orgasms were now imminent, and if it weren't for Charlie knocking on the door, they would have been. They both jumped suddenly and pulled away from each other staring at the doorway occupied by a German shepherd leaning on the frame and watching them intently. They shuffled nervously when he spoke.

"Oh no please, don't let me stop you. Do go on," he urged now walking towards them. "That is of course, if you want to be punished. I'm guessing you do if you're defying my orders." He stopped just in front of his lover.

"I'm sorry, Master. It won't happen again." He hung his head, to which the GSD only lifted it back up and replied.

"Too right." He turned the fox around forcefully and locked his wrists behind his back with one paw. He then pushed him forwards, into the en suite and shut the door. "Now you're going to have a shower," he continued, ordering the fox from the other side, "Then we are, and then we're going to have breakfast."

No sound is heard from inside, apart from the shower water spraying down and bouncing off the floor and vulpine. Charlie, now satisfied with his recognised authority, sat down beside the boy on the bed and wrapped an arm around him.

"I want to cum, Sir," Daniel whined pleadingly, looking up at his tutor.

"I know you do cutie boy. But as you're teacher, you have to obey me. You're smart enough to know that you'll enjoy it all the more later. You just need to persevere for a few hours. OK?"

"OK." The boy hung his head again but his ears perked when he felt a finger glide up the underside of his pre covered penis. The sensation filled him inside and made him moan lustfully. He collapsed backwards, revealing his full erection which Charlie proceeded to stroke up and down with one finger.

He eventually took a gentle grip of the meat and began pulling the sheath up and down over the red flesh. Danny's moans grew ever increasingly louder as his climax crept up to him for the third time this morning. He gripped the bedsheets and clenched his jaws together as he reached his orgasm. Reached but not breeched. The German shepherd let go at the last second and leant back next to the boy who whined and fidgeted wildly, unable to go over.

"Please, Sir, let me cum," he whimpered loudly, rolling over and gripping his teacher's arm with his body, rubbing his member as much as he could over it.

"Sorry sweetie. And if you don't stop asking I'll have to gag you."

Daniel just squeaked after that and remained silent for a while, waiting the return of his father.

Aiden stood in the cubicle, being sprayed by hot water and sighed. He caressed his body, lathering in the soap through his thick, soft fur and occasionally using the bubbles as a lubricant to stroke his throbbing penis. He moaned and purposefully aimed the dripping meat under the downpour, feeling every beat of the water droplets on his skin. He enticed his senses further by forcing an eager finger deep into his anal cavity and twirling it around inside himself. Alas he had to retract due to getting dangerously close to orgasm and didn't want to be punished, however intriguing the thought was.

When thoroughly clean, he turned off the jet and evacuated the shower, dripping onto the mat below. The fox looked out of the open, frosted window and smiled at the heat rays shining in on his cold body. His eyes looked down to the street and saw the distinct lack of vehicles in the driveways, picked up the towel, and began drying himself, thinking about what the three of them would be doing today. By this time his member had shrunk slightly but his mind wandering soon brought it back to life.

After a few moments of drying, Aiden returned the towel and exited the room. He was greeted with a sight of his son laying back on the bed and his new boyfriend stroking his little cock. Danny lifted his head but soon returned it to the reclined position with a moan when his teacher gave the little knot a squeeze.

"I'm going to have a lot of fun with you boys today," Charlie stated, continuously keeping Daniel on the edge with his fingers. The boy just whimpered. "Right you next cutie. Can you shower yourself?" The cub nodded and slowly got up. He wobbled a little but steadied himself and hobbled off into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.

"What should I do, Sir?" Aiden asked nervously. The German shepherd rose and took the foxes hips in paw.

"You can make us some sandwiches to take with us."

"Take with us?" He questioned, tilting his head, "Where are we going?"

"On a picnic," The GSD returned, grinning slyly.

"Oh OK. That sounds like fun. And Danny will certainly enjoy it." The fox smiled happily.

"Oh good. Now off you go boy." He moved himself beside his bitch and smacked his behind. "I'll have ham and cheese on mine."

Aiden squeaked and jumped from the slap, making his cock bounce and leak more. He hurriedly walked to the door after the command was given, eager to please. "Yes, Sir."

'Such good boys.' Charlie thought, resting a paw on the door to the bathroom to check on his little subject. He peered around the corner and watched as the the cub entered the shower and pressed the shower button. An immediate flow of warm water came pouring out of the nozzle and coated the little fox, soaking his fur. He tilted his head a little, noticing his voyeuristic teacher, and decided to give him a little show.

He started by slowly caressing his body from head to toe with his paws, moaning lightly when he reached sensitive areas. He particularly payed the most attention to his behind, which was facing Charlie at the time, and his feet, giving Charlie a good view of his wet cheeks. To make sure he was thoroughly 'clean' he made sure to slide a finger into his tight anus, whilst leaning against the wall, and proceeded to pump it in and out.

Mr. Andrews was obviously already erect, but the show certainly didn't let him go down. He watched from the doorway, now leaning on the frame and stroking his manhood and testicles. The cub writhed seductively within the glass cubicle, sensually rubbing down his body, running his small digits through his soft fur and wagging his tail all the while.

Daniel smirked as he pulled his finger out and turned to rub his penis against the glass, humping the pane a little. He then pressed his nose to the cold surface and licked it, still humping. Mr Andrews pushed himself off the doorframe and casually walked over to the shower, continually stroking his shaft. Upon reaching his destination, he took ahold of the nobs and pulled the sliding doors apart. Little Danny stood back, paws behind his back and smiled cutely at his teacher, who was now climbing in with him.

"Mind if I join you?" The German shepherd asked, even after already doing so, to which the fox shook his head, still smiling. "Oh good," he continued, closing the doors behind him and standing under the stream of water. "Ooh that feels good." Charlie mused before tilting his head back and letting the hot jet spray over his face.

The cub had not taken his eyes off his teacher's big, bouncing meat since he had closed the doors. He took a step towards him and licked the tip of the cock. The GSD didn't notice due to being so immersed in the sensational feeling of the shower. However, his attention was soon caught when Daniel shoved the whole thing in his mouth and started sucking on it.

"You're going to be a lot of fun to be around today, aren't you?" The boy smiled and nodded a little at the adult. "I'm sure you'll be a little bit more controllable when we get outside."

Dan pulled back from the member, "Outside? Where are we going?"

"We're going to go for a picnic." Charlie grinned when we saw the fox gasp with excitement and placed a paw on the side of his face, scritching gently behind the ear.

"No way! Really?" He bounced, gripping his teacher's hips for support.

"Yes way, so you'd better behave yourself when we get to the park," Daniel only giggled in response. "Or at least be subtle about it. Now come on, let's not waste time. We don't want to miss this sun."

To that the GSD knelt down and picked up the shampoo bottle, squirting a decent load onto his palm. He then rubbed his paws together and started lathering in the soap into the boy's fur, taking extra care and attention to his genitalia and buttocks. Once that and the conditioner were both rinsed off, Charlie gave him a quick kiss on the lips and let him leave the shower.

"Go help your dad finish up with the sandwiches," he called to Danny before he was out of earshot, "And don't make either of you cum."

"Yes, Sir," the cub called back before shooting down the stairs.

"I think I could get used to this life," Charlie thought out loud, "But I don't think I'd be able to look at any of my pupils the right way again when they call me Sir. Especially little Daniel."

The teacher stood still, thinking of the need to go back to work the following day. He sighed and took a moment to reminisce on these past couple of days. Just two days ago, he was waking up in his own apartment, preparing to spend another day at the last place he wanted to be, with only the thought of being paid enticing him. Of course he still enjoyed teaching Chemistry, but when you have to teach the same thing for years to kids who mostly don't care or understand, it gets a little ... difficult.

He never knew that that day would change his life this much. Change it to a point of breaking rules and laws for love. Agreeably, this was the most fun he had ever had over such a short period of time, but it had also been the most dangerous. He'd never had a secret this big on his shoulders before, but he knew he could take it. He had to. He loved Aiden and Daniel too much.

"I want to prove it to them," he said, thought train en route to denial. "This picnic is a great gesture, but I have to say it. I do love him, but am I ready to admit that? It's only been a day and a half since we met and already we're boyfriends. Perhaps we are ready. I've never felt so attracted to anyone else in my life. I have to ..."

His verbal thought processes were interrupted by a short rap at the door.

"Are you alright in there?" Aiden slowly opened the door and dragged himself around the plank of wood.

"Yes. Yes I'm fine. I'm nearly done," Charlie answered briskly and commenced lathering in some soap.

"Alright." The fox paused. "All the sandwiches are done. I've added a few other snacking items and some drinks to the portable fridge. Is there anything in particular you want to take?"

The German shepherd failed to respond while he finished up and eventually opened the shower doors. He then stepped out, smiled at his boyfriend, and lunged at him. Aiden laughed in surprise and steadied himself as his lover hugged him tightly. Charlie eventually pulled himself back and looked deeply into him.

"As long as you and Dan are there, then that's all I will ever need," he eventually said, smiling widely.

The fox aww-ed and leaped in for a deep and passionate kiss.

"You're so cute. Now come on lover boy, get dried and dressed so we can set off."

"Heh heh, now don't you go forgetting who's the master here," Charlie smirked, to which Aiden only winked and strolled back into the bedroom to get clothed.

It was a bright morning. The sun was spewing out it's colourful beams into all forms of dark places, lighting anything and everything in it's way. The atmosphere was warm, with a slight cool breeze flowing through it. Not enough to make you shiver however. Quite the contrary in fact. People had taken upon themselves to capture this day as much as one possibly could. Most of whom, aimed their leisurely activities towards the beach. So the majority of the neighbourhood was missing as most families in the area had children and thought the sea air and exercise would do them good.

Daniel was the first to grab one of the car doorhandles and swung it open, leaping into the backseat with enough to vigour to shake the vehicle slightly. Aiden giggled gently as he placed the mini fridge on the seat beside him and watched his fidgety son fumble around with his seatbelt. He closed that door, opened the door to the driver's side and sat, momentarily before his partner sat in his. He turned the ignition and drove off toward the nearest and most appealing and picnic-friendly park.

The little cub, as excited as he was, decided to make himself feel a little more naughty when at the park by removing a key item of clothing. He smiled and tucked his thumbs under the waistband of his trousers and underwear and slowly and silently removed them without attracting the attention of the adults. He put the little pair of briefs beside him and put the trousers back on.

"Now what to do with these," he thought, looking around him to find somewhere inappropriate for them. Eventually his vision rested on the electric cool box.

He looked to his dad and teacher and back to the fridge, making sure they weren't looking. He quietly unhooked the latch and opened it just enough to squeeze in the odorous pair of underwear before locking it back up.

Aiden pulled up in the parking area for the public garden and removed himself and the cooler from the vehicle. The other two exited and the threesome began their search for the best spot. All of the best seating areas were taken, however they eventually settled on a mostly shaded area near a forestry and shrubbery section of the green. The adult fox placed the fridge on a cool part of the grass and sat beside it, ready to open it and tuck in.

The other two sat down and basked in the limited sunlight from their decided position. Charlie laid down beside his lover and closed his eyes as the warm rays illuminated his serene face. Before long he had taken his shirt off and was having his chest and tummy fur ruffled by the little cub. Being in his current state of mind, Daniel slowly started manoeuvring his gentle paws south of the sheppie's body and was now caressing his teachers hardening groin. Charlie, though adamant not to do anything too revealing in public, forgot where he was because of how relaxed he had become. A vicious squawk of an overflying crow soon brought realisation crashing down upon him. His upper body sprang up and he pushed the boy's arms off him.

"What did I tell you pup? That doesn't look very subtle now does it?"

"No, Sir. I'll be more discreet next time."

"Good boy. Now," the teacher continued, turning to his lover, "How about we eat?"

"Yes absolutely." Aiden picked himself up and kneeled in front of the cooler to open it. The other two crowded around with Daniel smiling widely. The big fox took ahold of the clamps and flipped them up, unlocking the lid, and pulled it over.

Upon the top of the neat pile of food and drinks lay a little crinkled pair of worn boy's briefs. Aiden reached in to pick out what he had already guessed as to being his son's underwear, and held them in front of him with feigned disapproval. The boy only shrugged and pulled down the front of his trousers to reveal his genitalia and prove he was now commando. His father blushed and leaped in to pull his trousers back up before anyone saw.

"You naughty boy," Charlie began as he reached in to pick out his labelled sandwich, "Did you do that in the car?" He asked, to which Dan only nodded and smiled. The GSD chuckled and took the underwear and sniffed them, breathing in the faint aroma of musk before reclining slightly and taking a bite of his food. "I think I'll hold on to these for a little while."

Aiden laughed and gave his boy a quick grope. "Alright you, no more naughtiness for a while. Let's just enjoy the meal and relish in the sunlight, OK?" The boy and the increasingly sexually frustrated German shepherd nodded with dismay and settled down to continue their lunch.

Charlie was given a ham and cheese sandwich to his request, Aiden chose a delightfully crisp salad sandwich, while little Daniel decided upon a much unhealthier peanut butter and nuttella option as a filling, but not a compliant was heard among them. They each had a bottle of water and a small carton of juice, along with a randomly chosen set of biscuits to share between them. Not to forget the healthy section of the meal, the adult vulpine had given them all an apple to avoid guilty consciences cursing them.

The weather stayed constant throughout the duration of their meal; sunny and warm, with a slight cool breeze in intermittent bursts. Aside from the forecast, surrounding families played amongst themselves with sporting apparatuses and musical electronics. Some of the younger generations decided to climb trees and play other wonderfully childhood reminiscent games between them like hide and seek, bulldog charge and bizarre variants of tag. But moving back from the scenery, our main protagonists have finished consuming their individual foodstuffs and have sprawled to relax in the remaining lunchtime sun.

The teacher sighed and swung an arm around his boyfriend to stroke his shoulder and lower neck while the kit chirred gently, lying between his father's legs. Aiden reached down and pulled his boy up for a cuddle and asked what they should all do now.

"We could go for a walk around the park; this place has a lovely pond and a forest trail. Failing that we could play a game or meet another family, I believe there's one of our neighbours down there." He pointed to a mother and her daughter lying to sunbathe while the father read an invigorating book on war.

Charlie and Daniel shared a giggle and politely refused.

"Sorry cutie, but my interest this afternoon resides on relaxing and then sexing you two boys," the shepherd remarked, pulling his lover in for a kiss.

"Couldn't we do the relaxing last?" Dan pined, turning his body to face them and groping his teacher.

"Well ... I don't see why not," he replied, pulling the boy on his knees so his bulging crotch was pressing against his young behind.

"Now now boys, be discreet. We are in public after all," the grown fox objected, "Why don't we at least go into those bushes over there?"

"We will do when I want to properly fuck you. But for now, I just want to be inside a tight little hole and fill him with my pre." Charlie took a tight grip of the back of the waistband of the cub's trousers and pulled them down over his cheeks. Being in the position he is, it doesn't show off very much and provides enough room to fit a nice bulky cock.

The teacher pulled out his stiffening penis from his own garments and slides it between the young fox's soft buttocks. Daniel murred as the hot, wet, thick member rubbed over his hole and slid further to poke at his little balls, his own erection creating a predominant tent. The vast quantities of pre served adequately as lubricant, and when there was enough, Charlie readied the tip at the entrance to Danny's colon and began to force himself inside.

"I'll be gentle little one. Mine's a bit bigger than your father's, but I'm sure you'll manage," the teacher said calmly when he noticed a slight air of uncertainty in the boy's face. Daniel relaxed after hearing that and continued to enjoy the feelings.

Aiden watched intently as his little boy was slowly being penetrated in the middle of a park and began nurturing his own growing erection through the fabric of his garments. The cub moaned lightly as the massive cock buried itself deep into his body, leaving a thick trail of pre cum. The GSD humped a little to get the final few centimetres inside, bar the knot, and hugged the boy as he pulsed within. He reached around him with a sly paw and slid it in his trousers to stroke the hidden erect boyhood.

Danny moaned with delight as he was molested in full view of everyone who could turn and see what they were doing at any moment. His father took it upon himself to move to a sitting position with his back to the public and now in reaching range of the boy. Dan saw this opportunity and immediately reached over and started groping his dad vigorously.

From the little show beforehand, the adult fox was already rock hard. A few strokes of the tent and his son was reaching for the zipper. He dragged it down, reached in, and pulled out the dripping member from inside. Aiden murred from the little paw clutching his penis and looked around to see if anyone had noticed. When satisfied no one had, he turned back and let his boy carry on.

"I love that despite how much you've had in here over this weekend, you're still just as tight," Charlie growled and pulled the boy back. After having slid out a few centimetre's, this pushed his throbbing meat back in to the knot.

"Oooh ..." Daniel began, "Well if I'm humped often enough, I'm sure I'll stretch out a little."

"Then I guess we'll just have to make you wait for it then." His teacher bit at the boys neck, exciting a squeak of enticement from the cub.

"Do you like me tight, Sir?" Dan whimpered lustfully. Before he answered, the German shepherd humped powerfully into him, forcing in an inch of his knot, and retracted.

"Damn right I do boy." Charlie turned to his lover. "How are you doing there slave? You enjoying yourself?"

"Yes, Master. Very much so." Aiden moaned from the continual sexual attention from his son. "But I would like to do a bit more. Do you want to go into the forest, Sir?"

"Yes I suppose we could. I am getting very eager to fuck this eager little hole of your boy's."

"I'm sure he is too." Daniel only nodded hungrily in response.

"Then let's do that." Charlie pulled out of the young fox, causing him to whine disappointedly, and put his member away. "Right, pull your trousers up little one, and you put your penis away. Let's go for a romp in the woods." The remaining party members stood, made themselves more socially acceptable and began off into the trees, being sure to take the cooler with them.

The three headed out into the thick undergrowth beneath towering trees. It did not seem the greatest place to have sex in the open, but at least it was more appropriate because of the seclusion from the public. Despite the overwhelming loom from the canopy above, it was quite the picturesque scene. There was very little wildlife, and even fewer people. All around was mostly trees and some shrubbery.

The boys eventually found a remote piece of small flatland within a ring of waist-high bushes, fairly close to the border between forest and grassland. They took out a picnic blanket, which was only going to be used if the grass was wet, and laid it out to protect them from the harsh ground. The cooler was set aside and they all knelt down on the cover.

It began with Aiden and Charlie lunging in for a deep kiss. Their tongues roamed around the mouth of his partner, while their paws caressed the delicate parts of the other's shoulders and back. Daniel started by rather quickly getting naked and proceeding to stroke his growing little erection while he watched the two adults kissing. They broke the kiss only to remove items of clothing, Dan helping with the underwear, and soon all three were completely nude in the forest very close to the green.

The GSD took ahold of the adult fox's muzzle and growled at him. "I want you to fuck me bitch," he ordered, while beginning to lie on the ground, his legs either side of Aiden's.

"Yes, Sir," he responded eagerly, while taking ahold of his Master's feet and lifting them over his shoulders.

"Good boy. And you," Charlie continued, now looking at Danny, "I want you to ride my cock and cum all over my body."

"Really, Sir?" The boy giggled excitedly.

"Absolutely, now get up here."

Daniel did not need telling again. He hurried onto his teacher and straddled his torso, leaning over to kiss him before moving down his body to his manhood. He aligned the tip of the heavy, drooling member using both hands and poked the head into his hole once again. Charlie took ahold of the cub's hips and helped him push his way down the shaft, all the way to the knot.

Now with him being in his pupil, he hoisted his lower body up with the help of his tail and paws, and gathered some of the clothes to put under his back as support. Aiden then readied his own member to his boyfriend's hole and began to push in. The three of them moaned in turn, the adult fox from the warm, wet feeling now surrounding his cock, Daniel from the massive penis now reintroduced to his colon, and Charlie, for having his slave start to fuck him while he was penetrating his favourite student.

They each began their gentle, rhythmic movements of an oscillatory pattern, slowly increasing in speed with every thrust. Dan was slowly being able to take the thick diameter of his teacher's knot. With each hump, Mr Andrews forced it just a millimetre further within the young fox, his cute whimpering and moaning indicating he was enjoying it and wanted nothing more than to be tied. He was turned on further by the fact that they were doing this outside and very close to public eye; well, they all were.

Aiden was the most enticed by the whole thing, because as of just two days ago he was alone and questionably straight. Now he has a boyfriend, whom he is now fucking, in broad daylight, with his own son. I don't think any other feeling could compare to what he was feeling at that moment. But he didn't question it, he just kept humping away, keeping a tight hold of his lover's hips for support and got closer and closer to his inevitable orgasm.

The GSD was just as ecstatic. To have his slave fuck him and be inside such a tight little hole was fantastic. From each thrust of the fuck, he was forced a bit deeper still into Danny. His orgasm was very close indeed, but he wanted to make sure his boys were there too before he came. So he held back and made sure not to tie with Daniel too soon or he would go over. Whilst keeping support for the boy, Charlie had taken ahold of his own little rocket and had begun slowly pawing him, squeezing the small knot every so often.

Aiden was next to reach orgasm. He exclaimed it quietly so as to only draw the attention of his fuck-ees.

"I don't want you to fill me just yet slave. I'm there too, but I want us to all go over together," the German shepherd commanded.

"Yes, Sir," Mr. Mangrove said, slowing his humping down to a steady thrust.

"Well then I think you'd better do it pretty soon, I'm there now as well," the cub moaned.

"Oh good. Then keep fucking bitch while I tie your son," Charlie ordered, eagerly getting back into a more speedy motion, just a centimetre from completely submerging his knot in the tight hole.

The grown fox did not need to be told twice. He immediately started back into his original break-neck speed fucking and was soon upon his orgasm again. He pushed himself deep inside his master, including his knot and bit deeply into his son's neck to muffle a loud moan. The sudden tightness around the very base of his penis was enough to excite a powerful shiver through his body, leading to the hefty volume of cum now filling the GSD's insides.

Charlie murred as loudly as he could without attracting public attention. The sheer force from his bitch caused his own large knot to bury itself deep inside his little student; the immense tightness around the base made his orgasm all the more powerful. He bucked a final few times, pushing the boy down against the humps, and unloaded rope upon rope of thick sheppie seed in Dan's bowels. He took a tight hold behind the little bulbus and opened his maw, aiming to catch the young sperm.

Daniel's was the most powerful of the lot. Because he had been edged for the longest time in his life, he had the longest and widest thing he's ever had in him stretching his hole, and he was still pretty new to the whole thing anyway. Not to mention the fact that he was doing it with his father and his Chemistry teacher in the public park. And with that 2.5" thick knot on an 8" long cock fully forced inside him, his father biting into his shoulder and his own member squeezed in just the right place at the right time, he moaned and orgasmed like he'd never done before.

Five surprisingly viscous jets of 12 year old's semen shot out from his penis and strew themselves all over his tutors upper body. Two hitting his face and mouth, the others over his chest and tummy. Aiden's began to subside by this point and his body had started to relax as the final drops trickled out. Charlie's and Daniel's orgasms also dissipated now; they loosened their muscles and collapsed on the picnic blanket, still tied together.

"That was pretty amazing," Mr. Mangrove sighed between breaths after some silence.

"Oh yeah," Dan agreed happily, "But I could do with some sleep now." He chirred, cuddling up into the German shepherd's matted fur.

"Yes I could do with a snooze after vigorous sex and a light snack," the GSD conquered, smacking his lips and smiling at the boy. "But we can't go anywhere like this, let's pull out, dress up and go home."

The boys agreed and retracted their still quite swollen knots, inducing a wince from both the boy and the Master, but they soon recovered. They reclothed, picked up their belongings and headed back to the car, revelling on what they had just done.

The sun was beginning to set when they reached the Mangrove household. T'was only late afternoon but the nearing of Winter always brought about shorter days. It persisted in being warm throughout the remainder of the evening, despite the sun no longer above. The group was so tired they decided it best to have a short meal and go straight to bed. Only this time, Daniel slept in his own.

It has been quite the eventful weekend for my intrepid little kit, and he's certainly benefited from the whole experience. They all have. I'm sure their story will continue with more exciting adventures, including how Charlie will cope with that insatiable child in his class and the still-yet-to-be-properly-introduced raccoon character who will be making a reappearance in their life to come. But for now, I'll stop narrating so they can sleep peacefully.

An Irregular Scholastic Day Part 4

Daniel strolled down the stairs in his quiet, gentle gait, yawning from his delirious state of mind. He searched around the large hall drearily and walked on over to the lounge from hearing the heavy breathing and soft snoring of his father and his...

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An Irregular Scholastic Day Part 3

A particularly cheerful sun arose the following morning, filling the guest bedroom with an almighty aura of blinding yellow, illuminating everything. The room has what one would expect a spare bedroom to contain. A 3/4 bed, a towering chestnut wardrobe...

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An Irregular Scholastic Day Part 2

For the highly the aroused german shepherd, the car journey was, to say the least, most pleasurable. If a little dangerous. The vehicle swerved on few occasions but Mr Andrews was an excellent driver. The cub, with his new adoration for having a...

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