The Chronicles of the Knights: 2

Story by eragon13666 on SoFurry

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#2 of Knight

Like Flameiod said,Brandonwas able to get a new claymore sword with no cost at all, and the one working at the shop also gave the human a choice of a amour set for free as well. When he asked why he was giving something like that for free, the smith just shrugged it off.

"Anyone who is strong enough to fight and beat a Knight, is okay in my books, think of this as a gift from one man's respect to another's." Thus, Brandon now donned a sliver like chest plate, a left sliver gantlet since he wanted to keep his Ark out in the open at all times just in case a fight were to come between the two and a Troll, metal sliver legs and boots, the waist part were a bit black as well as all the places were the joints would be. Strapping his new sword to his back, he and Grim made their way outside the castle's gates, Greydall Plain just before them as they both stopped for a moment to take in their surroundings. Hills and trees were seen as well as a dirt covered road trampled from the years of many feet and wagons riding on top of it.Brandonplaced his hands on his hips, taking a big sniff of the air before letting out a loud sigh.

"So then," he said while looking at Grim. "We have a long walk ahead of us huh?" Grim nodded while taking out a map he had bought to help them get to where they were going.

"You know you don't have to come with me," he answered putting the map away and started to walk. "I can take care of myself."

"Listen,"Brandonanswered rolling his eyes. "I was taught to always those who help me. Since you helped me get a Knight, I'm gonna help you get one yourself." Grim gave a small smile and nodded to him, even though they just met just a few hours ago, he felt he could trust the human in a way. As the two began to walk more, they noticed that there were no monsters at all outside, these wild monsters always attack those who came though here, so when someone had to walk from here to somewhere else like the village close by or to the tunnels, they needed something to defend themselves, but none were seen; which worried both warriors. As they kept making their way, they heard a thunder blast causing the earth below them to shake, followed by another, and another.

"That doesn't feel good at all," Grim stated asBrandonnodded, then hearing the sound of someone screaming, the two looked to each other and then started to run toward the screams.

A human looking about the age of sixteen slowly backed away from the ones attacking him. Pale skin and grey hair with unreal gold eyes, he clutched one hand on his black staff with a scythe loop for the use of a weapon; a sapphire gem floating at the tip of the blade, his blue marking under his eye looking like a blade with spikes going up and wings on the top. He panted as his other hand held onto his bleeding arm, his breath short and heavy as men wearing all black armour walked closer and closer, their twisted black swords and spears edging closer and closer until an order to stop was heard.

"We have given you a really fair deal boy," the voice of their commander spoke as he walked in between his men of four; his armour as black as theirs. )Since I really can't say how this armour looks here's the picture.)

His scales a deep red, eyes as red, even more then his scales, a single thick horn going backwards from his head, a tail leaving the armour but covered up all but the tip wit flames licking around it. "So I'll ask again, will you join us in order for you...curse as you say, to be fixed?"

"N...never!" the human cried while backing away still. "You can not control it, it will destroy everything in its path!" the dragon like creature laughed hard and then shook his head.

"So what?" he asked shrugging. "As long as the Magi aren't in the way, which who cares right?" the human grunted and as the men grew closer to him, they all jumped back when a flaming fire ball landed between them. The black armour men jumped back as well as the orange dragon asBrandonand Grim got to where the fire which the black dragon shot landed.

Both of their swords were dawned, The human looking back to see another of his kind, he was slightly surprised but he would wait to talk to him once they were safe.

"Hey you okay there?" he asked as the human who was bleeding nodded standing up slowly.

"Y...yeah I'm fine." He answered. "But these guys...they are looking for humans to recite to the Magi!"

"Magi?" Grim asked in confusion asBrandonlooked forward with a glare. The orange dragon moving forward with a smile.

"Two humans in one day? Today must be our lucky day, men, kill the dragon and bring the humans with us!"

They all attacked Grim andBrandonlooking to each other and nodded as they ran forward taking two at once. Brandon swinging his sword over his head, catching one of the swordsmen on the hilt, knocking the sword from his hands until kicking him in the twist, jumping away from the second who brought the blade down on him to faze him. Glaring he slashed at the chest, slicing the armour like it was cheese, blood splattering out as the armour man died before hitting the ground. Grim was having a much easier job, slashing with both blades, he deflected the attacks and weaved out of the way, breathing deeply he let out a roar as he shot fire at one, who screamed as he was cooked inside his armour and soon died, the one left backed away with the other one Brandon kicked as the human and dragon stood side by side.

"Well," the lizard spoke with a small grin. "Not bad, not bad at all, but we have one last trick. You two do it!" they both nodded bringing out one card each. The card having a dark eye and weird shapes around them. The human behindBrandonand Grim eyes grew wide as he stepped forward.

"No!" he cried. "Do not use the Gigas!"

"Gigas?" Brandon and Grim asked, but it was too late, each men saying a word unknown to the others, the cards slowly entered their foreheads and soon then roared in the sky as a beam of red light was seen coming from their chests. They all covered their eyes, and when they could see, all took a step back.

Two beasts that looked like a huge red beetle with a large mace in hand and spikes going down its back, the same eye on the chest and then a large purple wolf with the eye and a sword in hand stood before them. The orange lizard laughed and crossed his claws over one another.

"What the hell are those things!?"Brandonscreamed backing away more holding his sword up.

"Those are Gigas," the human behind them spoke. "Once they say Advein they transform into that thing, a monster summoned from a Gigas Card!"Brandonlooked to Grim, who nodded his head asBrandonnodded back, clipping his sword on his back he walked forward and brought theArkin front of his chest as the human behind Grim so. "Is...that anArk?" Grim nodded and smiled asBrandongrinned.

"Time to go Knight then!" he cried bringing his left hand behind him. "Verto!" he yelled and then slammed his plum on the blue Gem.

The same sigh that was on his Gem glowed below him and was very large, spinning slightly in a circle as a wave of blue light coursed throughout his body, he started to float in the air, arms out to the side before closing them over his chest like a X as a shining beam of light surrounded his body. The Knight was very different then from when Brandon and Grim fought in the Void, the helm having a single horn on the forehead going straight up and curved a bit to the back, the helm was mostly blue save for the face part as glowing blue eyes flashed where the eyes slots were. The shoulder blades bent down toward his forearms, the arms black on the top and white on the bottom. A large blade much like his Claymore when he was human slammed into the ground, the handle as black as the knight, the blade glowed a soft sliver as the same writing that was n his outside of the Gem were seen, glowing a bright gold. Around his waist their was a crotch guard that went down toward the knee, the same on the sides that they were spilt for easy movement as well as behind him. Pulling the blade up from the ground, he brought the two handed blade in front of him, squaring off for the battle that would happen.

The Gigas roared their hollow like roars and attacked him head on with their twisted weapons, butBrandonwas faster, swinging the blade across he collided with their own weapons, pushing his body forward causing the two to back up, a foot came up and kicked one in the eye of its chest as it howled and fell backwards. Grim watched the whole thing asBrandonwould jump back and slash again to keep them at bay. Looking at the human behind as he started to heal himself with magic, he then turned to see where the orange lizard went, but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Hey, human," the dragon spoke the human looked up at him. "We should helpBrandon, I mean; I don't think he can take out two at once can he?"

"How long have he had that Knight?" he asked as Grim sighed.

"Today," he answered as the human nodded, now fully heal.

"Then we better help, you know magic?" the dragon nodded his head as the human nodded back, snapping his fingers his weapon slowly started to shift. Slowly turning into a single black glove with a pulsing black Gem glowing in the center, the same markings asBrandon's own Gem. Grim gave a slight hum looking at it, but other then that, he turned and went after the Gigas with him.

Brandonbrought his blade though the chest of the first Gigas, the wolf one as it howled in pain and fell backwards, the body slowly dissipating into the Magi that transformed, not moving at all. The second on, the beetle caught him by surprised, swinging the weapon and hitting the head of the Knight. He stumbled back and landed on his knee looking up as he was about to be smashed when a combing of fire balls hit the beetle in the head. It screeched and snapped the head toward the two asBrandonsaw his chance. Standing up, he brought the blade toward his chest, and in an echo like voice started to speak.

"Oh Knight, wielder of the mighty blade, Divine Slash!" the blade started to glow a bright blue, Brandon held the blade up by his shoulder and pointed the blade right at the chest of the Gigas before him and thrust forward, driving the blade straight through. The monster roared out in pain and then fell limp from the blade, Brandon pulling out and then whipped his blade behind him as the Gigas fell forward, and like the first, reverted back to what he use to look.

Brandonthen knelt down on one knee, blade out on the side as he glowed softly, reverting back to his human form as Grim ran over.

"That was amazing!" he cried asBrandonstayed in his kneeling pastor. "I mean, I thought for sure...Brandon?...Brandon!" he caught the human as he fell forward, his eyes closed and head drenched in sweat as the human that they saved came up looking at him.

"He was in the Knight too long for the first time, he needs to rest." Grim looked over and nodded, already it was getting dark and no doubt the gate to the city was closed now, so looking around, they found a nice flat land, setting the sleeping human down. Waiting for him to awaken.

(This story idea was inspired by the great game White Knight Chronicle 1 and 2 I take no hold on the Gigas or the Knights or the Magi. Grim belongs to Grim Shadowfang the newest human belongs to EvraMalygos the Orange lizard belongs to keyblademaster08 andBrandon belongs to me!)

The Chronicles of the Knights: 3

Under the night skies, Brandon was still sleeping, the power of his newly found Knight proving to much for him when he and Grim help save the human, who told Grim once they settle down that his name was Ceratius. "So Ceratius," Grim asked while...

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Altomare Lover’s

**Altomare Lover's** Altomare, the most wonderful place the newly trainer had eve laid his eyes on. Backpack slung over his shoulder, the strap over his chest going down to his waist, he smiled as he looked around the city, the water to his left,...

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The Chronicles of the Knights: 1

His eyes burning with eagerness, his black hair nearly in his face as he pushed it back into what it was always in, which was up like lighting zapped him from the heavens of the gods, the human stood before the castle of the kingdom he called his...

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