Truth and Consequences: Chapters 1 and 2

Story by Drakeil Braega on SoFurry

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#1 of Truth and Consequences

This is the sequel to the Gingerbread Man:2109 in which where Matt begins to learn some truths about his adopted race and the results of his actions in order to be accepted by them.

This story and all the characters within it are the sole copyright of the author and it should only be read by those 18 years or older.

Truth and Consequences

1: The Message

Lieutenant Matthew Thorn would have been frightened of the image of the forward swept horned, snake headed dragon-like creature, with its fangs exposed for full effect, if it were not that it was his own image that was reflected back to him in the large pool of water that had collected during the previous night's rain. Somewhat pleased by his fearsome appearance, which he hoped would keep him from having to fight his lover's brother for the alpha male position in her family, he closed his mouth, bent down and took a drink.

His thirst satisfied, he stood up to his full two and a half story height, turned and gazed upon his Dorzeli-Ki lover and mate, Feih Desslat, who was still asleep next to one of the large redwood-like trees that made up the local forest on their part of the planet Dessla. He stopped his walk back to her and looked down at one of the four-toed, heavily clawed, digitigrade footprints he had left in the ground when he had gone to get his drink when he awoke. They reminded him of how they had met: how he had come across a similar footprint (hers) that was filled with the blood of the ones that had slaughtered his former unit, the Soriss.

He had feared for his life when she surprised then cornered him after he had fled that scene, but after the unusual reaction they experienced after she touched him they both knew that there was something special about the other. That this feeling later turned into mutual love was an unexpected turn. Now he had other fears to deal with, one of which was the manner the Dorzeli dealt with their common enemy.

He was disturbed by the thought that he may have, no, want to, devour a sentient being ever since his change, however, Jason's orders that was in the data had been downloaded into his implanted cybernetics, to behave as they did, were explicit. He had no choice but to follow them if he was to stay on Dessla with Feih. He also wondered if Jason had not already heeded his own advice. There were rumors that he had already committed such an act against the Soriss and even a human who had tried to assassinate him.

He laid down next to her, faced the rising Mendallian sun and thought that, on the positive side, he had impressed Feih with his ability to bring down Driskas, the large moose like animals that were the Dorzeli's prime food source. He smiled to himself as he remembered that he had also impressed her in other ways over the last two days. He was further reminded of these more pleasurable memories when he felt a sensual lick on the left side of his neck.

He closed his eyes and almost lost himself to the pleasures that would soon follow before he said, "Good morning. Did my little raptor sleep well?"

She paused and answered, "I haven't slept like that in years, Mister Rex. Thank you."

He had to laugh at the pet names they had chosen for each other the previous night, considering that she was bigger than him, and her true meaning of "sleep", as she started to caress his lower regions. He opened his eyes, looked down at her and said, "You're welcome, but if you keep doing that I might wind up putting you back to sleep for the rest of the day."

She responded to his implied threat with a devilish grin. "I wouldn't mind that at all."

His nostrils flared as her wonderful pheromone laced scent intruded upon his enhanced olfactory senses and his body responded appropriately. After two days of intense love making Matt was still amazed at his new body's strength and endurance.

Her attentions were just beginning to have their desired effect when a loud beeping sound came from the detachable transceiver on his modified particle beam rifle which was actually one of the smaller cannons from the Alliance's flagship that had been modified for his use. He cursed under his breath when Feih released him so that he could respond to the call.

He removed the Dorzeli hand sized device from its storage area and positioned it so as not to reveal his present state of arousal to its camera.

Jason's human face appeared the moment the small screen energized. "Good morning Lieutenant Thorn. I hope I didn't wake you."

"Good morning sir. No; I've been up for awhile."

Jason grinned. "I can see that from here."

His statement and the smile that followed surprised Matt because he knew that the camera was in no position to view his entire nude body. Then he remembered that Jason had told him of the cloaked spy satellite that had been placed in orbit soon after the first battle above the planet and glanced skyward. He looked back at the transceiver's screen and recognized that the transmission codes belonged to Jason's flagship, the Thresher Kone.

Feih had to hold in a laugh when her Dorzeli wide spectrum vision revealed that he had blushed underneath his dense facial fur.

"Don't feel embarrassed lieutenant," began the Alliance's Commander In Chief, "You should be proud of your new body."

"I make sure he is as often as possible Chire Jason," injected Feih while Matt fumed at this invasion of their privacy.

"Good morning to you too Chire Feih Desslat; I thought you were still asleep."

She looked to Matt with an expression of mock disgust. "I was until a short time ago." She again smiled when she saw his blush deepen.

"It's good to hear that you two are enjoying yourselves. And Matt..." He looked down at the device, his anger at being spied upon was plainly visible to his superior, "None of our surveillance equipment has been directed toward your area since we won the last battle. Just take note of the angle of the sun next time."

He lost all of his anger when he saw the shadow that had been cast onto his chest. He smiled and moved the unit into a better position.

"I'm sorry about that sir." After a short pause he, in a subdued tone of voice, said, "Thank you again for allowing me to stay with Feih."

"And I also thank you, for everything," added Feih with a wink. Matt became bewildered when he saw his commander become nervous.

"You're both welcome, but you two earned it. Now the reason for this transmission," his expression turned serious, "A large Soriss column has been sighted heading for their last base, Aybabtu, south of your present position.

"I've put together four regiments of mixed infantry, armor and Cherrodon cavalry to attack it and have arranged for a rendezvous with the other major Dorzeli-Ki families at the coordinates I am downloading to you now in three days. I want you to bring yours there as quickly as possible."

Matt had noticed something unusual about Jason's appearance since the transmission had started. He did not appear to be ill, but he could tell that there was something not quite right about him. The Kroon encoded text that came at the end of the download gave him explanation he was looking for and his eyes widened in shock.

Jason saw the look of dismay on Matt's face and reassured him that; "It's not as bad as it looks, but I don't want either of you to tell any of the others about this until after I meet you."

Both Matt and Feih nodded to acknowledge his order that for some reason sounded more like a request.

"And one more thing," Jason brightened. "I'll have a surprise for you when we meet. Meanwhile," his eyes looked downward, "Take care of that little problem of yours. Jason out."

Before the screen faded to black a high resolution picture taken from space replaced Jason's for a brief few seconds. When she saw it Feih laughed.

Matt fought off a second blush that he felt coming on and turned the unit off. Obviously, he thought, Jason's change had not affected his reputed sense of humor.

"Do you think he'll be all right by the time we meet him?" he asked of Feih.

She stopped laughing and resumed her earlier efforts, which earned her a churr of joy from him, and said, "I'm not worried. That occasionally happens to all Dorzeli Primes," assured Feih, "and he is among friends and allies so he'll be safe." When she moved her free hand down between his legs he stiffened.

Puzzled by his reaction she turned to face him. "I thought you'd come to terms with this?" She rubbed at the highly sensitive organ.

He tried not to allow the anger he felt at what Jason had done into voice, but found it difficult when he answered; "That I have a semi-functional pseudo vagina just beneath my penis? No. It's not just that." He tried to keep his voice as civil as possible when he asked, "Why did Jason become nervous when you winked at him?"

He frowned when she backed away and appeared to have become distressed by his question. It was an action that seemed to confirm a suspicion that he had had ever since their reunion at the Alliance's new base.

"I know what's worrying you and I can honestly tell you that nothing happened between us when he met with me during his visit to arrange for my peoples' cooperation against the Soriss." She sighed. "Although I must admit that, at the time, I did try everything I could think of to get him to mate with me."

Matt became angry when he imagined her showing Jason the same affection and care she had shown him since the start of their second night together.

Feih saw this and quickly explained her actions. "Please, you have to understand; he was the first eligible male Dorzeli that had approached me since Hafnias was killed. I wanted...I needed a new mate so badly that I even threatened to kill every human he sent down here unless he consented. I even used my scent to purposely arouse him as much as you are now, but somehow he still managed to resist me: telling me that he did not want to be unfaithful to Freerah." She closed her eyes and bowed her head. "The potential of my having young with a Dorzeli as powerful as him had caused me to lose all reason. I now know that what I did was foolish, but I couldn't help myself at the time. But after Jason told me about Freerah's 'Chosen Ones' and said that he would send a few down here so that I or any other Dorzeli could choose a compatible individual from them as a potential mate if they consented I and the others agreed to his terms." She looked into his eyes and a small smile appeared on her face. "And I'm glad that I did, because if I hadn't I would never have met anyone as wonderful as you."

Matt thought for a few seconds about what she had said before he responded. "I think I can understand what you were going through, but what I really want...need to know is: are you still infatuated with him?"

"I would be lying to you if I said I wasn't. Every female and even some male Dorzeli of any of the breeds would've been attracted to him and it is considered a high honor to mate or be mated by a Dorzeli Prime of any sex even if it is only just for pleasure, but he would never have been able to stay and help me rebuild my family and help raise my children as you'll be able to." She resumed massaging his abdomen. "But if you feel that you can't trust me, or if what I did with Commander Hatelo was unacceptable to you, or you feel that you don't wish to leave your birth race behind I-I won't stop you."

He saw fear and sadness in her face: sadness at the fact that she had not revealed the specifics of the meeting Jason had told him about back at the Alliance's new base and the fear that he might be angry enough to leave her over it. He did not want her feel this way, but he had to know the truth: that she would not drop him, as his last fiancé had, for another more promising suitor if the opportunity presented itself.

"I won't leave you Feih," he told her. "I only needed to be sure that nothing would come between us and that you'd be happy with me. As far as my family is concerned: with my ability to return to my human form for short periods of time I should be able to return to earth and visit with them, and if I can I'll take you with me, along with any children or other members of your family that wish to come with us."

He did not know that if she, or other Dorzeli, except for Jason and Freerah, would be allowed on Earth or how he would afford such an expensive trip, but when he saw Feih's face brighten he knew that his statement had had the desired effect.

She returned to her previous position next to him and moved her hand back toward his groin. "Thank you. I knew from what I saw of your reaction to what I did with Hatelo that that aspect of our nature disturbed you, but I'm glad that..." she stopped when he again stiffened to her touch.

She tried not to sound too stern when she told him, "You'll have to come to terms with your attitudes on my people's sexuality if you're going to have healthy relations with them. You'll also have to expect to be approached by both males and females in the future." She winked at him and smiled. "We're not as strictly monogamous as some species, but we're fiercely loyal to our primary mates. Besides, your new form is very attractive."

She slipped a clawed index finger into the cleft at the base of his maleness and used her other hand to stroke him back to a full erection. His whole body shivered in response when he imagined a similar sized organ penetrating him there. "But I...I've never been with other males before and I don't want to start doing that now or be with other females now that I have you."

She smiled and nodded her head, "After Jason's reaction to my advances: I understand how you feel. That's why I'll make sure that no one will ever force you to do anything for now, but you must let it happen when you feel that you're ready." She looked in the direction they would travel in to meet with her family and changed the subject to one that he felt was almost as bad. "At a brisk march we should make it to the rendezvous long before Jason and his army." She turned back and grinned at him in a way that would have frightened him when he was still human. "We might actually be able to cut off the Soriss before they can find sanctuary at their base."

When Matt appeared to have become troubled by her statement she resumed her massage. He leaned back and enjoyed her attentions until she said, "Don't worry. You'll do well when we find them."

Matt struggled to voice his feelings on the subject. "Killing for food or in self defense is one thing, but I can't ..." he stopped when he felt Feih dig her claws into him. He looked down at her and saw that she had become deadly serious.

"If you're going to be accepted by the others, you'll have to do this one thing. There can be no compromises in this matter." She softened her voice and expression then continued with her earlier actions. "I-I don't want to lose you." With those last words she stuck out her tongue and licked his entire length in one slow pass. He gave up trying to argue with her and submitted himself to her tender mercies.

2: Enter: Daihas

Matt had been cordially greeted by each all of Feih's surviving clan members upon his arrival, except for her brother Daihas who made it clear that he was suspicious of Matt's intentions toward his sister and leader when he snarled, "How do we know that you won't leave us as soon as your mission here is over?"

Feih was about to voice her displeasure at his rudeness when Matt announced that; "My mission here is to be an ambassador to your people and to help them in any way I can." He turned towards Feih who was stunned by his initiative, and added, "And if for some reason Jason removes me from that position I intend on staying with your sister for as long as she'll have me."

Before she could react to her mate's touching words Daihas growled, "I don't believe you" and moved toward him.

Feih jumped in between them and shouted; "Daihas!" He stopped and looked her in her eyes "The future of every Dorzeli on this planet hinges on the success of this coming battle; I will not tolerate any behavior that would endanger our relationship with our new allies."

He growled at his sister and resumed his advance.

Matt, who saw this as a challenge to Feih's position and their relationship, decided that, for one of the few times in his life, he had to take matters into his own hands; "What would it take for me to convince you that I'm sincere in my words and actions?"

Feih turned and looked at him and asked over the special link she had made with his communications implant, "Do you really want to do this?" He nodded his head that he did and she backed away.

Daihas, not sure what had just happened, resumed his challenge; "You're not a true Dorzeli or a member of the Kroon Empire so you'll never be accepted by us unless you prove yourself worthy by defeating me in single combat."

Matt reached for his weapon which caused tensions to rise all around him and he got an 'I knew it' look from his opponent. He smiled at Daihas' reaction, removed it from his shoulder, placed it on the ground and used his foot to push it toward Feih. She retrieved it and moved off to join the rest of her family who had moved back to allow them adequate space.

Convinced that Matt was going to rely on just his natural weapons and not his Alliance issued beam cannon Daihas sized him up. Matt followed his example and observed that, although he was quite muscular had a strong family resemblance to his sister, he had the appearance that, if one were to come upon him unexpectedly, one would believe that their life would quickly end at his claws and teeth. It was not that he had a look of evil about him, thought Matt, but that all of the negative experiences that he had been subjected to since the Soriss invasion had affected him to the point that it had manifested itself in his facial features.

He was so deep in thought that Daihas' sudden roar and charge had almost caught him off guard, but he recovered, gave off his own roar and moved to meet him head on.

He dodged a surprisingly quick slashing attack by Daihas' claws, but had forgotten about one of a Dorzeli's most effective weapons: their prehensile, nearly steel cable strong tails. He was caught around his neck and violently yanked backward onto the ground where he struggled to remove the appendages.

Daihas, sure of his quick victory, turned his head and hissed, "It takes more than a good roar and speed to be one of us human." When he saw that Matt try to stand he tightened his grip and growled, "If you ever want to breathe again you will yield to me now!" Matt said nothing and continued to struggle.

Angered by this Daihas turned and dragged him across the ground, a move he regretted later.

Matt removed his hands from Daihas' tails, braced his arms against the ground, whipped his twin tails underneath his body and used them like a spring to launch himself into a back flip from which he landed a vicious kick with the sole of his right foot between Daihas' shoulder blades with his right foot.

Staggered by this surprise attack he released Matt's neck so that he could regain his balance and received a second kick which knocked him to the ground face first when Matt went into a handstand the second he was free.

Matt back flipped, landed in front of his Daihas then mimicked his opponent's move. He wrapped his tails around Daihas' neck then tumbled forward and lifted Daihas from the ground into a position above his body then kicked up into the surprised Dorzeli's mid-section with so much force that he was sent high into the air, towards the forest's edge.

Matt rolled forward into and upright stance and watched Daihas twist himself in midair so that he landed feet first some distance away.

Enraged at what the newcomer had done to him he bared his teeth and claws, and charged forward. Matt obliged him and moved to again meet him head on, but this time, at the last moment, he leapt into the air and to the right, spun his body and, as Daihas passed him, he lashed out with his left leg and struck him in his back at the base of his neck with his heel.

Matt landed, turned and ran back at Daihas who had hit the ground front first and had slid for over a dozen meters before he came to a stop.

Before he could even attempt to try and get up he was slammed back into the ground and pinned. Then to everyone's amazement and to Feih's horror Matt clamped his mouth around Daihas' neck and bit down.

Alarmed, Feih shouted, "Matt, don't do it!"

"I yield, I yield!" cried Daihas the moment he felt Matt's teeth threaten to penetrate his skin

He complied with her wish and removed his mouth from her brother's neck. Then, to her surprise, he licked at where his mouth had been. The smile that was about to come to her face faded when she saw him became astonished by what he had just done.

He was not only shocked by this involuntary action, but he was further alarmed by Daihas' response; he had relaxed his entire body, released the fasteners that held the lower half of his suit in place, spread his legs and had moved his tails off to his right. As disturbed as he was by this behavior he was even more troubled by the reactions that this stirred from within his body and what he was supposed to do: to make Daihas his in order to insure his loyalty and his own position within his new family. He suppressed this new urge, released his foe, stood up and backed away.

Daihas turned his head and stared at Matt with a mixture of confusion and disappointment. He opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by his sister, who had managed to get next to him, when she placed her hand on the top of his snout and applied a gentle download pressure. He closed his mouth, looked up and saw in her face that he was to remain silent.

Matt stopped almost two full body lengths away, looked around and saw that the others were expecting something from him. He searched the database Jason had given and chose the less distasteful of the two courses of action open to him.

He took a deep breath, raised his face to the sky and utilized his enhanced vocal abilities to give off a victory roar that he was sure that no Dorzeli had ever heard. He even surprised himself that he was able to imitate such a famous deep throated sound. When he finished and looked at the faces of those around him he became pleased that his unique vocalization had had the desired effect. He smiled when he saw that Feih and Daihas were also amazed.

He was pleasantly surprised when her family surrounded and congratulated him on his victory through words and other physical signs of respect; including licking the left side of the face, versus the right as when they had when they met only a few minutes earlier. Some even tried to imitate him, but they all failed to do so.

Feih helped her brother to his feet and reprimanded him for his actions; "I told you to make it convincing not push him to the point of almost killing you!"

Daihas held onto his aching midsection and said, "I'm sorry, but I got so angry when he kicked me that..." He stopped whe he saw her frown then glanced at Matt to make sure he was not listening then whispered, "I never thought he could be that good or so aggressive. Are you sure that this is the same human that was frightened of us?"

She showed him a half smile. "Oh I'm sure, but I don't think he's ready for everything we have to offer him; at least not yet."

He looked back at Matt and whispered, "Do you know if he has a sister?"

Her brother's question had not caught her completely by surprise. She understood all too well his need for a reproductive mate was as great as hers had been; "For some reason he hasn't told me much about his family," she smiled as she remembered the real reasons why, "so I don't think you should discuss that subject with him and I don't want you to demand that he finish this ritual when you apologize. Do you understand?" Her question had come out in a low growl that told him that she would not tolerate any moves on her mate. He agreed without complaint. When she noticed that the others had started to disperse she urged him to walk toward Matt.

Matt readied himself when he saw Daihas stand and approach him, but was relieved when he showed no further sign of aggression and that Feih had accompanied him.

Daihas stopped when he was less than an arms length away and bowed his head. "I apologize for my attack on you Chire Thorn. I should have trusted my sister's judgment in choosing you as her mate."

Still a little wary of his former opponent he replied, "Apology accepted."

Daihas raised his head, but did not make direct eye contact. "May I ask where you learned to fight like that?"

Matt saw no harm in the question and answered. "My older sister taught me everything I know." The surprise he saw on their faces puzzled him. He decided that it was nothing and continued, "She joined Earth's defense forces soon after the Soriss invasion and used to come home on leave and teach me some of her fighting techniques."

Daihas rubbed his neck where Matt had almost delivered a fatal bite and said "Is there a chance I'll ever get to meet her?" When he saw Matt start to become angry he backed away and quickly added, "You misunderstand. I only want to congratulate her on doing an excellent job of training you; except for my sister, I have never been defeated."

Matt realized, at that moment, how strong Daihas had to be to have held on to his position as there were two other males in his family that were larger than him. That was also when he discovered that he was second in size on to Feih. These two discoveries muted the anger he had over the subject of his sister so much that it sounded as if he had been saddened by her mention when he said, "I don't think that will ever happen."

"Is she alright,?" asked Feih with genuine concern that the memory of his sister may have been a sad one.

Matt showed her a small smile. "Yeah; she's assigned to a garrison on Mendall." He looked up to the sky and sighed. "I haven't seen her since she left earth on the Thresher Kone. She probably wouldn't have approved of what Jason has done to me, but I hope she knows I'm all right."

Feih moved next to him and said, "I'm sure she does."

"Too bad," added Daihas with a slight grin. "I would really love to get to know her."

Matt snatched his weapon from Feih's grasp and pointed it at Daihas; the end of its barrel was less than half of a meter from his face and its targeting laser's red dot was between his eyes. Nobody moved for fear that any sudden movement would cause him to shoot their former alpha.

"You know," he growled, "the only reason I didn't take up Feih's offer of being with Lasteri that morning was because I respected your prior relationship with her, but when her transformation becomes permanent and she joins us I intend on taking full advantage of my position." He saw that his partial lie, combined with the knowledge his former Soriss prisoner had given him after the fact, had had a profound effect on Daihas; he stared open mouthed at Matt as he had not expected anyone to know of that relationship. But when he moved his eyes to check on the reaction of his family he saw that they appeared to not to have been surprised by that revelation.

Matt tilted his head toward Feih and asked, "That would be my right as your mate?"

She focused her eyes on his weapon and nodded her head yes; "As soon as you carry out certain...rituals."

He licked his lips and refocused on Daihas; "Good. And if you're wondering why I didn't use this before..." he pulled the trigger and hoped that his knowledge of Jason's modifications to it were correct.

Daihas flinched, but there was no discharge of energy or armor piercing projectiles.

Matt grinned, swung his weapon so that it pointed at a low lying bush and again pulled the trigger. A muffled thrumming sound was followed by its being shredded to pieces and the rise of a cloud of dirt behind its former position. He brought the weapon back to its original target and pulled the trigger and, as before, nothing happened.

"I could've never used this against you or any other Dorzeli." He pulled it back and pointed it into the air, "And obviously I didn't need it." He glanced at Feih and smiled. Her stunned expression changed to one of relief and a satisfied grin.

"Well done."

He gave her a short bow.

Daihas stared at them until his sister's intended's attention returned to him; he lowered his gaze once more and fumed.

Matt saw how angry he was and decided to reveal what information he had on Hatelo's status in case his fortunes turned downward. "Daihas?" He looked up. "Jason told me that he'll make sure that she'll be well taken care of for the entire period of her change once it starts and despite what I said I won't touch her unless you say otherwise."

Feih looked as surprised as her brother when she asked, "You knew about that?"

He turned to face her; "Yes; he also told me about your people's ability to transform humans and certain Soriss with your nanite filled venom." She opened her mouth to say something, but he interrupted; "If I had known about it beforehand I would've begged you for it, so there's nothing to apologize for." He shouldered his rifle, leaned forward and licked her on her left cheek. "Where can I take care of...certain needs?"

She grinned and pointed to a narrow path to his left. He returned her grin and left the two siblings.

Feih stared after him with the belief that she had made the right decision for herself, her brother and her people. She did not see her brother sign to one of their relatives who ducked into the forest.

"So everyone knew about her?" asked Daihas of his sister.

She smiled at her younger brother. "It was a bit obvious when you carried her off that day and came back that night almost as clean and lean as when you left." She walked up to him and rubbed her left cheek with his. When she pulled back she said. "The reason why I kept her alive is because she's helped us and that we've all noticed that she's seemed to have had a very positive effect on you since that day; you haven't been as nasty or have tried to challenge me since then." She left him to go check with her other relatives.

Daihas almost regretted the plan he had set in motion but hoped that it worked and that she did not find out about it until after it was too late. He almost had to laugh when he thought about how he felt and what she had said. Maybe she was right, he thought, he had changed since Hatelo gave herself over to him. But he was still determined to regain his position in his family.

Once he felt he had gotten to a safe distance away from the others Matt stopped and leaned against a tree and his whole body shook. He could not believe the urges that had come over him when Daihas assumed that provocative position after his defeat or that he had just successfully gotten away with an act of bravado that he thought he would never have been capable of before that moment. Then he thought of how easy his victory was.

He suspected that the fight may have been a setup to see how he would handle himself in case of a real challenge, but he did not want to believe Feih would have allowed it to go that far: that she expected him to mount her brother in order to emphasize his status as the group's new top male.

He calmed himself and set about set out to do what he had come out there to do, which had been made easier by the fact that he was already partially erect.

He had barely finished resealing his uniform when he sensed a presence behind him. He spun around, but instead of Daihas he saw Javfeis, the smallest male member of Feih's family at just over six meters tall; Feih's cousin stood just outside of his strike range. Of all of them he had given Matt the warmest greeting.

Matt, his ears fully erect, growled, "What do you want?"

Javfeis smiled then said, "You're very good for one not born to our race, but I've known Daihas for most of his adult life and he would never have left himself so open to you unless Feih had ordered it so."

Matt relaxed, but remained wary. "It didn't seem that way to me."

Javfeis' grin grew before he spoke; "I think you know better, but as you saw he tends to get carried away." He looked Matt's body over. "What I really liked about your fighting style was your attempted killing bite. It showed him that your resolve was true so his surrender was just as genuine, but," his pleasant expression turned serious, "if you don't want to find out how good he really is I suggest that you finish the ritual soon or he'll challenge you again and if he wins I know Feih won't interfere with what will come afterward."

Matt was shocked. He did not want to believe Feih would break her promise to him.

Javfeis' earlier pleasantness returned; "I don't think it will happen too soon though; your very effective threat will keep him wary of you for awhile unless you're forced to revert back into a human." He grinned when he saw Matt become alarmed at this knowledge.

He could not believe that they all knew about that aspect of his new form that Jason had warned him about, that his energy transfer had been just enough to change him temporarily, that if he did not keep his energy above a certain level over the next additional three days that he could permanently revert back to his human form.

Javfeis' smile grew. "Yes, we can tell that your present form is provisional and that you can lose that handsome body you now possess. But don't worry. Daihas isn't as bad as his reputation would suggest so you're no danger, yet." Javfeis moved slowly toward him. "But he can be quite affectionate if you give him a chance; and so can I."

Matt stood transfixed as the shorter male raised his right hand and massaged his chest through his uniform's top. His body's reaction was the same as the one he had had with Daihas. He also realized whom Feih could have seen her brother with in order to know how well hung he was. Javfeis and Daihas were the only males that did not have a female at their sides when he arrived. This also dispelled the remnants of any suspicion of incest between them.

"How," tentatively began Matt, "How long have you two..."

Javfeis looked up into the former human's eyes; "Like I said; most of our adult lives." He sighed and laid his head against Matt's neck; an action that felt all too right to the former human.

He had to fight hard to keep from embracing Javfeis in a hug that could have lead to activities he felt that he was not quite yet ready for, but he felt nearly powerless under the smaller male's gentle caresses

"After the Soriss attacked and slaughtered my family and caused the others to scatter Feih took me in and Daihas renewed our childhood friendship. When he couldn't find a female for a mate our previous friendship evolved into something more since our blood ties wouldn't allow me to be with Feih, but our situation was different since we're both males."

He passed one of his tails between Matt's legs, up to where his special organ was located and increased his massage. "You'll find that there are many advantages to our type of relationship, especially when it comes to making faithful allies." Javfeis smiled up at Matt and increased his tail's pressure.

His resistance was nearly gone when something snapped within him; he grabbed Javfeis by his throat and bared his teeth.

"If," he hissed, "this was Daihas' idea to coerce me you can tell him that it hasn't worked and that he'll have to wait a lot longer now." He pushed him away just hard enough to put him out of arms reach. "You can also tell him that this stunt has ruined any chance of him getting on my good side any time soon."

Javfeis felt his neck then said, "You have very strong hands." He bowed to Matt. "Although he did send me I would've come on my own anyway, because I find you very attractive and..." He stopped and smiled when he saw the bulge in Matt's groin. His eyes opened wide then he turned and ran.

Matt was startled when Feih stepped over him in pursuit and caught her retreating cousin and lifted him up to her face as she turned back to face her mate.

"Never," she growled, "approach him again unless he gives you permission. Am I understood?"

The frightened male lowered his gaze from her anger filled eyes and said, "Y-yes Feih."

She sat down and lowered him to the ground. Her voice had lost all of its anger and sounded almost affectionate when she said, "Good. Now go tell the others that we're not to be disturbed until sunrise."

Javfeis bowed to her, but before he turned to leave he glanced at Matt who saw the look of disappointment on his face just before Feih gently pushed him on his way and he ran off.

She turned back to Matt and looked him over. "I see that his skills are as effective as ever."

He saw where her eyes were focused; he had become partially erect within his tight fitting uniform.

Matt resigned himself to the fact that Feih was right; as much as he had tried to deny it her cousin's actions had indeed aroused, but not as much as when he had been with her. He was glad that she had chased him off.

He shed the lower portion of his uniform and allowed his impressively large penis to attain his full length the moment he saw her lick her lips and smile. He gave off a sigh of relief, looked up at her and was puzzled by why she remained at her larger size. Then a question came to him; "How many Dorzeli know of your heritage?"

"Only my family knows I can do this." She removed her flexible battle armor which shrank back down the moment it left her body. "It's a recent development; after evading them for over seven years we were cornered by a battalion of Soriss troops and armor. I guess it was the anger that I had toward them and myself for getting us into that trap that triggered the transformation. You can imagine what happened next."

"Like what happened when you rescued me?" Matt grinned at the memory of how she had wiped out that entire garrison in order to rescue him, but became puzzled when her countenance became solemn.

"It was much worst than that. I was totally out of control and as I said before my nutritional needs are...quite substantial when I'm in this form; none were left alive by the time I was finished. What was worse was the way everyone looked at me after it was over; like they expected me to turn on them now that there was no longer any prey left. I-I felt so bad from the thought that they could think that of me that I nearly broke down. Daihas was the first to comfort me; that is why I give him such freedom to act. Then came the others. From that moment I resolved never to use this form to dominate them, except when it comes to you."

He saw her grin and realized how hard he had been staring at her.

She brought her hands up and lifted her firm, but heavy breasts. "Do you really like me at this size?"

He tried to answer her, but hesitated, not because he feared her in her present state, as Javfeis had, but because he had a hard time concentrating on forming the words. Finally, he asked. "I do but I was also wondering why you're staying at that size now that Javfeis is gone?"

She lowered her hands and walked toward him. "I not only did this to emphasize to him that he was not to ever harass you again but I also liked what you did with me when you were still human and in your present form there's almost no chance of my injuring you. I also ate the food my family had saved for me, so I should be able to hold this size until after we're finished."

She sat down in front of him, leaned forward and licked him from his nostrils up to the area between his eyes; an expression of her dominance over, yet deep love for him. She then laid back so that her legs and tails were spread out to either side of him.

"I believe you remember what you did that night."

Her arousal aroma was so strong that it took a supreme effort for him to not just dive in; instead he walked up to her groin, crawled past her inviting slit and, once he was on her abdomen, he took hold of each of her breasts so that her nipples were squeezed between his clawed fingers.

She moaned, "Even as a Dorzeli you have wonderful hands," when he squeezed them.

He then took turns suckling from each of her teats as he manipulated them for maximum stimulation and fought hard against the primitive urges that had built up inside of him, the same ones that had always, in time, overwhelmed him since his transformation. When he felt one of her tails try to find its way into him he launched a pre-emptive strike; he entwined both of his and, with uncanny aim, plunged them deep into her.

Their more than satisfying thickness and spiraled contours combined with his continued ministrations proved too much and she came hard and loud; all of her family heard her roar of joy.

He continued to hump at her in this manner; even when she pleaded for him to stop. She screamed again and coated his tails a second time. He untwisted and pulled them out which added to her already heightened arousal.

She sat up, seized him by his sides and bathed his entire face with her tongue. He stopped her when he took hold of her snout and pushed downward. She stared at him and he froze; had he gone too far in insisting that she relieve his now painful throbbing need?

She grinned and again stuck out her tongue; this time it went where he needed it the most. He groaned with joy as Feih sucked and licked at him for several minutes. Then, to his disappointment, she stopped.

Matt looked pleadingly at her to finished what she had started. Her response surprised him; she laid back and brought him forward so that his needful flesh pole nestled between her breasts. The moment she pressed her mounds so that it was completely surrounded he began to pump into her mammary love canal. He had been so close that it did not take long before he yelled "Feih I love..." and erupted onto her neck and lower jaw, but much of it was caught in her open mouth. Matt's issuance stopped within seconds, but he was not finished.

Still hard he backed off Feih's stomach and with a triumphant growl thrust his way into her dripping slit. She bellowed again as his forcefulness set off another climax.

He closed his eyes and pounded away at his enlarged mate with more force than during any of their earlier pairings, not because he wanted to make sure he pleased her or in fear of what could happen if he didn't, but because he wanted, no, needed it.

Feih was in ecstasy. Not only had Matt as a human fulfilled her needs more than she could have ever hoped and since his change but he had improved upon his technique. But now he was taking her to heights she had never thought were possible as he seemed to have filled her more than she thought was possible at her present size with each passing moment. What little rationality she had left was nearly lost when another climax hit her. She clamped down on her mate and screamed out his name.

Matt could not take it any more; he screamed, "I love you!" and flooded her body with more of his love without slowing down in the least. Even when he was all but drained he continued on pumping into her which drove her to yet another growling climax.

She opened her eyes and was amazed to see that his were level with hers.

"Feih," he gasped, "I don't feel..." He collapsed onto her and shrank back to his former size. She sat up and saw his entire body take on the same type of glow that hers and Jason's had when they changed, but unlike hers it was very faint.

"No," she cried, "not now." She reduced her size and tried to help him stand.

He felt something familiar shoved into his mouth and simple reflex caused him to bite down. This sudden reaction and the taste of flesh startled him into reopening his eyes. He relaxed and chewed when he saw that Feih still had all her fingers and that what was in his mouth tasted of Driska.

"At least your appetite is still good." She grinned at him.

He put his hand to his head and asked, "What happened?"

"I pushed you too far, too quickly and you blacked out. Luckily I kept the last of my food in my suit's pouch just in case."

"Oh; for a moment I thought..." He did not get to finish as she had placed the remainder of the meat in his open mouth. He took it in and chewed this last portion.

She released him to see if he could stand on his own and when he did she turned to retrieve her suit. "You'll be okay by sunrise and you should make it to the rendezvous before this happens again."

He watched her put it back on and grinned. "No matter what size you're at, dressed or undressed: you're still one of the most beautiful females I've ever seen."

She sealed her suit and looked at his groin; her reverse strip tease had caused him to start to become erect again. "I can see that from your reaction you mean that, but we'll have to put off any more fun until your form stabilizes in a few days; the hunting will be poor until we meet up with Jason." He frowned, but did not complain; it was either go another round with her and be vulnerable to her brother or hold off and be safe until they met the Alliance forces.

He left her to dress. When he finished he turned and saw her staring up the path he had used to get there. He looked in the same direction and sensed that someone was coming, but they were upwind so he could not identify the scents.

"We better leave; some of the others may need to use this area now." She turned to him and held out her hand. "We'll return the way I came."

He picked up his weapon, took her hand and left the clearing.

They arrived back at the main encampment where he saw that the results of the fun were quite evident to his night vision. All of the mated pairs had either fallen asleep still bonded to each other or were snuggled close in tight hugs. The smell of Dorzeli sex was still quite strong.

"Don't let their scents overtake you," she warned over his implant. "Or we'll wake them."

Matt nodded in agreement and reinforced what self control he had. He walked to where she had laid down but looked over the sleeping forms once more and asked, "Where's Daihas?"

"He and Javfeis usually go off by themselves. They'll join us in the morning."

He breathed a sigh of relief and joined her in a tender embrace similar to the others in which they kissed each other good night.

"Please Dai'," cried the group's omega, "I tried but ..."

Daihas growled and pushed more of his prodigious length into his lover's pseudo-feminine folds back at in the recently vacated clearing.

"I'll forgive you for your failure because if what I sensed about him is true I might not have to defeat him."

He eased back, lifted his snout into the air, inhaled the mating couple's scents and licked his snout as his penis throbbed within his lover.

"He smells so good, just like he tasted that day. I can't wait."

Javfeis closed his eyes and whimpered as his own rod quivered, "You want him more than me now because he's larger than me."

Daihas lowered his snout to his partner's neck, licked him up to his ear then whispered, "I'll always have a place for you in my heart whether Matt accepts me or not or if I find a female. You know this." He wrapped his tails about the smaller Dorzeli's length and massaged it. "And I'll let you have some time with him too."

Javfeis smiled and allowed Daihas to have his way with him, as he always had, but, in secret he imagined Matt doing the same things to him with a penis that could rival in size that which pulsed within him.

A New Dorzeli\'s Second Day

This story takes place right after the events of Gingerbread Man: 2109 and is a bridge to the next series ("Truth and Consequences"). It has two parts which are presented here as one. Enjoy. I again thank all who read my first series. ...

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Gingerbread Man: 2109; Chapter 13, Secrets Revealed

This story is for those 18 years old or older 13: Secrets Revealed Matt did everything he could to catch up with Feih, but not being fully familiar with the terrain and hampered by the bulk of his new weapon he soon lost sight of her....

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Gingerbread Man: 2109; Chapter 12, The Meeting

This story is meant for those 18 years of age and older. 12: The Meeting Three hours had passed since Matt and his prisoner had left Feih and since his sensors had not detected any sign that they had been followed he decided it was safe...

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