Rasky's Jewel - Commission for Gruffy

Story by Riverweasel on SoFurry

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#2 of Commissions

Second commission done, this one for our favorite HH author, Gruffy. A college cat comes back to his home in Sedona and meets someone special

I was so sick of school at this point, I would have gagged on the very next final and subsequently turned it in, but thankfully, there were no more left to go. Rushing out of the classroom, my feline claws continuously danced in their respective sheathed fingers, nearly tickling my paws as I brusquely tracked through the hallways, bumped around like a metaphorical pinball as all of us disappeared from the hall at a pace that would have even made Michael Johnson impressed. In front of me lay three weeks away from books, away from dorm rooms and especially, away from my obnoxious roommate that spent his whole time either drinking or fucking the latest girl he picked up from the nearby bar.

What was it with us freshman that so many of us slipped from the alleged maturity we gained as upperclassmen in high school and acted like complete social retards the very moment we stepped foot into the campus? I shook my head in confusion, but also in barely contained relief as I began jogging to my room. Josh, my roommate, wouldn't be out of his class for another half-hour. That left me plenty of time to get my pre-packed bags, get into my sedan, and get the hell out before his obnoxious ass showed up. The last thing I wanted to hear was him bragging to me about who he had picked up. "Hey Julius, look at this girl. Too bad you never get any good pussy like this."

Hopping in the shower, I quickly soaped down, scrubbing the collected sweat incurred from hours of stressing over multiple final exams off of my fur. Lots of preconceptions surrounded the mistaken belief that we felines hated water, or at the very least, weren't turned on by it, but the truth was far different. I simply didn't like getting dirty and a lot of the bodies of water available to swim in were filled with so much dirt that I felt I was mucking around in a swamp. At the very least, it was uncomfortable, but a shower was far different and I always felt wonderful afterwards.

I dried off in record time, spending no more than a couple minutes to brush my fur back into place. Some breeds had rather plain looking pelts, like the Russian blues, and didn't have to be as responsible about their upkeep. Being a cheetoh, I had much more work to do. Keeping my fur sleek and trim was one of my greatest concerns and a sense of pride to me. I'll admit that sometimes, I'll strut around a bit, but who doesn't? Plus, I'm a cat, so that's normal.

Brushing my black head fur was a bit more time consuming, but I took pride in my looks. Okay, so some would say it was a bit too much pride, but when you look good, you look good and a lot of others are going to hate. Honestly, what is there for a feline to do? Not look good? Pfft, fat chance, I'd sooner be a turtle than to stop caring.

With the last precursors to my eight hour drive complete, I grabbed my bags, purring a bit as I proudly stroke out of my room, down the stairs and to the parking lot. OH SHIT! I ducked behind my car, holding my breath as Josh strode by a few spots away, talking to what was no doubt another university whore that would leave the room smelling like two week old musk in just a few hours. God, how I hoped he would get herpes at some point, anything that would give me a few hours reprieve from him.

With the coast clear, my feline paws made quick work in the trunk of my vehicle, positioning the bags and then slamming the top shut with a gleeful grin. Sliding into my seat, I dropped the top, hissing happily as the slight breeze ruffled my fur. It might be December, but there was no such thing as a white Christmas in San Diego, and it wouldn't get too much colder on the way to Sedona, Arizona. My parents weren't too ecstatic about me going so far for college- their wish had always been that I go to either Phoenix, Tempe, or Tucson to study for my degree. They relented after a few weeks when they realized I had made up my mind about going to southern California. In hindsight, I couldn't have made a better choice. The city life was exotic and enticing, leaving plenty for a cat like me to do. Whether it was watching a play, going to a movie, getting plastered and later brought in by the cops to be cited for public intoxication, I didn't care.

Being far from the exemplary student my parents had always envisioned me to be, I wasn't on the dean's list, but I still got above average grades on all my courses. Hell, a 3.3 GPA was nothing to scoff at these days. Besides, it would definitely rise once my first two years of prerequisites were over. English class was fine, but really, who cared what exact date Napoleon attacked Russia? I could tell you in what year he did it, that it was in the winter, and in what war and why he failed miserably, but because I couldn't tell you whether it happened on the eighth of December or the ninth of November, I missed the question.

Economics was what mattered to me and that was why I had a stellar mark of nothing but A's in all my math and political field classes. The complexities of history could go screw themselves for all I cared. School as a whole was fun, but that had more to do with all the friends I had than what I was learning. Fellow cats, dogs, horses, lizards, mice, I didn't care what they were; if they were fun and someone I could hang around with and have a good time doing so, they were another one of my friends.

Being a very social fur, I had many good friends at the university, including the professors of classes I would be taking later that I would most definitely care about. Otherwise, they were all peers at the college, many of whom were planning on majoring in degrees similar to my own. There was nothing quite like having a discussion on politics with someone who was equally informed and opinionated as myself. I won as many arguments as I lost, but as long as you based your opinions on facts, no one ever criticized the other for being proven wrong. We all respected each other's beliefs and opinions, but that didn't stop us from all trying to prove we were right in a friendly manner.

Slipping in a record of ediT, I merged onto the freeway, losing myself in the glorious hum of the traffic and car engines that mixed with the soft, but bumping electronic beat. There always seemed to be something musically intrinsic about the freeway, as if it were its own instrument on the road. Everyone drove on it, with the revs of engines, the honking horns, occasional sirens and for me, the wind, providing a symphony that even Beethoven wouldn't have been able to quite match.

Electronic music and jazz were some of my favorite genres. I played the saxophone all the way through junior high and high school and I played it during my off time now. The college had wanted me to join, but I told them I'd rather spend the first year there just enjoying that atmosphere as a student, but that I'd keep practicing and improving during the year on my own and would be thrilled to join them as a sophomore. My talents were what kept my parents off my back for my night life behavior; they knew I took pride in what I did, and so they left me alone to be the average, if not a bit more active than most, college freshman.

By the time I would be arriving in Sedona, it would be about midnight, but who the fuck cared? I might love the dark streets of San Diego, but no one said I couldn't equally love the peace of watching an Arizona sunset, and in a city of only ten thousand furs, scales and the like, there was plenty of opportunity to do so. Friendships were also a lot more substantial in a small city like it was. I might hang out my buddies in the dorms, but no one knew of my secrets like my closest friends did at home. No one else knew that I still watched Tom and Jerry like a religion or that I had the photographic memory of a camera. Topics like that just never came up when the whole reason for hanging out was to get drunk or watch the latest movie.

There was one more thing I kept secret from everyone at the campus. My family knew about it, and all but one of my friends knew about it. Well, I wished I could call him my friend, but the circumstances in high school had made it uncomfortable for me to get to know him, something I now looked at myself with disgust in retrospect. I never did anything mean to him, but I was still in the closet until after I graduated from high school. But maybe it wasn't really being in the closet. Are you really gay if you're a guy and the only other fur you've ever been attracted to in your life happens to be a guy as well?

I never looked at any other male in my life like I did with him, but then again, I had never looked at a single female like that before either. Finally opening up to my family about my crush on him, they were a bit nervous with the concept, but being the great family they were, not only left me alone about it, but told me they would continue to accept me for as long as I stayed true to myself. Still, though, he had left on a trip to prepare for the Olympics the next year and I waited for him to return. I was going to college, so what had I to lose?

Two weeks later, the tragic news came to the city, as Rascal Wesley, the state champion two years running in gymnastics, the weasel who was more flexible than putty suffered a severe accident on the high bar. I didn't care to rehash the details, but he came back in a wheelchair after suffering from three dislocated vertebrae in his spine. Apparently, the bar snapped as he came back down from a release maneuver, and the whiplash he absorbed as it ripped upward with his surely soft white paws still in contact with it snapped his spinal cord too hard for him to take.

Refusing to see the video, I never knew with certainty if it was anything he did, but when I saw his face after returning, the thought of me coming to him about my affection both sounded and felt hollow. I couldn't even bear to see him, so I sent him a card instead and left early for college, like a devastated kitten who had just been denied the bike he had dreamed of since last Christmas. I never did send an email to him or converse any further, as I was too wallowed in self-pity to imagine actually having to hear from him again. His dream had been to win the gold medal in the all-around competition, but the doctors told him that to compete again would be akin to injecting himself with cocaine. If only one thing went wrong, he could fully break his back, rendering him paralyzed from the neck down.

Thinking about him and what happened brought tears of anger to my eyes, both of anger towards fate for letting this happen to the one I wanted and loved as well as anger at myself for not having the guts to step up to him sooner, or at all for that matter. If I had even approached him during high school, we could have been great friends before the accident and I wouldn't have hesitated postponing college to stay with him through the trauma.

It's not like I had a good excuse for not getting to know him; I was in the band and he was in gymnastics, and I had the gall to decide that I couldn't hang out with him because it might tarnish my reputation as a popular kid. Who hung out and was good friends with a guy in gymnastics? He must be a nerd. Or, he could just be the same kind of guy who thought playing the saxophone was badass and was very vocal about it. Why couldn't I have taken my pride in my musical prowess and applied it the same way towards Rascal? Granted, it's not like he was friendless at all; he had plenty of his own pals, but the fact that I didn't take the time to get to know him was only proving to be detrimental to me now. How could I approach him now when I didn't have the guts to do so earlier? He'd just take it as forced pity, right?

Now pissed off at myself, I turned the music off, determined to punish myself for my ignorance and stupidity. It took me well over an hour to finally return to a better mood, at which time the sun had almost finished setting. The smile crept back over my face, as the thought of going to a dark place on the flats and playing my saxophone to the stars more than excited me. I remembered doing that in high school. I was always amazed at the responses of the feral animals that roamed the deserts, many of them responding to my music as if it were some sort of ancient calling. It made me feel as though I were a part of nature and that always brought peace to my mind. Yeah, doing that would be the best remedy for the thoughts running through my head now.

The miles and hours were eaten by the tread on my tires and the ticking of the clock on my dashboard, the sun now completely below the sky. The traffic had all but been eliminated on the starry horizon, leaving me completely alone. Grinning deviously to myself, I considered all the possible outcomes of what I was about to do, and then said fuck it. A good amount of my fortune gained by working all throughout high school was spent on this beast. It was a three year old Camaro and I spent near a thousand dollars into the sound system and now I planned to use both.

I turned my radar tracker on, flicked on my subwoofers, and yowled to the sky as my paw pressed down on the gas pedal, the motor howling wildly to match the nature that surrounded it. Kraddy smashed through my tried and tested speakers, the bass echoing through the open plains. The Sierra Nevadas were about fifty miles in the distance and I planned to reach them in record time. This was a damn near straight line for the next twenty miles and it screamed perfection for the v8 nestled in front of the beast I rode in.

Scanning the area for any other drivers, I saw no one, nothing but open asphalt, and so I gunned it. One hundred wasn't enough, nor was one-ten, or one-twenty. With my LED overhead lights, I could see for damned near a half mile on this road, leaving me plenty of time to respond to anything that came out for a surprise attack. The wind raced through my hair, my eyes left to see the road through the clear goggles I had on. My heart pumped with abandon, the adrenaline racing through my arteries to feed my muscles an almost unlimited supply of pent up energy. I let the feral desire for speed overtake me, pressing my foot down even harder, pushing the machine to one hundred sixty-five.

The bass was pumping and adrenaline flowing so hard that I could feel my shaft throbbing with my increased testosterone. Not giving a damn about the road, I unbuckled my pants and slipped my jeans and boxers to my mid thighs, leaving my flesh wide open to the elements. Screaming with lust, I brought one paw down to it and began to vigorously pump it up and down, the precum erupting from it like a hose. I was drooling in seconds, my vision blurring dangerously, but what was life without risk and danger. There was no one else out on the road, only me and my bulging erection.

I bit down on my free paw as pleasure burned through my cock, the stroking now turning into a rapid thrusting into my paw, the precum bathing my member enough to leave it and my paw soaked. Finally, glorious ecstasy jolted through my loins and I screeched in honor to the sky and desert as my climax overtook me. Fully committing myself to the overwhelming pleasure, I slid my head down and encased the first few inches of my shuddering cock just as it erupted.

The taste of my own semen always drove me insane with lust and I gulped down all I could, each spurt pouring itself down my inviting throat. Some dribbled down my flesh, but my tongue was quick to catch it and bring it back to my lips. Even I was surprised at the ferocity at which my balls delivered my seed, sputtering a bit from the immense load of cum as I swallowed it all down. I shivered with the aftershock of such an explosive and intense climax, letting the car slow back down to a normal speed. Sometimes, a feline just had to let loose and tonight I felt wild. Leaning back with a perpetual grin and constant, thrumming purr, I let the road take me into the beginning of the mountains, marking the halfway point of my trip back home.

The air cooled somewhat, but simply turning on the heat allowed me to keep the top down, the clear skies informing me that I had no need to worry about rain. Miles wound by on the narrow roads, requiring my full attention as I drove through many thousands of feet with a cliff side to my right and a ravine to the left. By the time I was through them, Sedona lie only a couple hours out. I could see the lights of the city line of Phoenix come into view and I smiled. I would be going through the outskirts, through Glendale, but the sight was always something breathtaking to see. Surrounded by desert, the city was symbolic; it was a capital city to be proud of.

Taking the I-17 north, I entered into my final leg of the trip, my golden and black spotted fur rustling in the air as I traveled along at a more conservative pace. Many non-felids had made the mistake of referring to me as a cheetah, but we lacked the distinctive tear marks and remarkable speed. My parents were an Ocicat and a Bengal. I was the only one out of four to actually qualify as a hybrid, as my sisters and brother were born with 90% of the genes from either my father or mother. They tried to not be jealous of me, but I always noticed it.

Just a few more small towns passed by as I entered the Tonto National Forest. It was a nice change of scenery and the air became crispier, forcing me to finally stop long enough to pull my top back up, trading it in for my windows as I rolled them down. Back on the road, I felt the very beginnings of fatigue start to creep through my body, but with just a tiny bit over an hour left until I reached home and a soft bed, I forced my amber eyes to stay open, breaking open my lone Red Bull and chugging it down before hitting the road again.

Many minutes later, I made the final exit, entering the 179, a mere five miles from my city. The lights were few and far between, but I didn't need them on my way to my home. The engine sung in relief in harmony with me as I reached my street, turning left on Schnebly Road and stopping two houses down. I could see shadows move behind the curtains and I rushed out of the car, sprinting up to the steps. Just as I was about to knock on the door, it was opened and Harris Fritz, my father pulled me inside.

"Julian!" My mother squealed as she rushed to me and pulled me into a tight hug, my father happily sandwiching me between him and her. I purred, too happy to be home and see them to care. My mother, Therese, gave me a quick kiss on my nose before allowing me to breathe again. "Come, sit. I'm sure you're tired after so much driving, I'll go get you some water, but I'm not letting you go to bed until you tell me a few stories of all the crazy stuff you've been doing in California."

This started a gruelingly long, but happy reunion of father, mother and son. His siblings would be greeting him tomorrow morning, but they were all off working. I was the only one who had gone to college, though Rose, one of my sisters, was working to save up money to go. The other two had no plans, with my brother, Ross, working with my father and his business, while my other sister, Tracy, interned at a new tech company. We were quite the family of unique personalities, but we all seemed to jive together well. My mother's surprisingly large litter of quadruplets had left her no longing for more children.

I could hardly blame her, as we had been the ever rambunctious and sneaky kittens anyone would expect us to be, but with each of us having three siblings of the same age to encourage us, we had some rather hectic experiences. None of us ever regretted it, but it didn't mean we couldn't admit how dumb it was back then. Ross might never admit it, being as stubborn as he was, but we all knew he only did so for show.

When my mother was finally thorough with her interrogation, Dad uncapped a bottle of beer, the two of us chugging one down in health before I headed to bed. I had twenty-one days of fun in front of me and I planned to utilize them all. For now, though, sleep was the most important thing for me to participate in and I didn't relent to its calling. Purring loudly from the beer and the sheets that felt like satin, I closed my eyes and let myself fall into the world of dreams, recharging my mind and body for what would hopefully be another one of the many scintillating days to come.

Waking up the next day, I caught some breakfast before going out for a jog. I liked running the morning because the air was so fresh then and the streets were quieter. School wouldn't be out for another week, so all the buses and kids would be out in full force in about an hour, something I hoped to avoid by getting out here early enough. I loved this city for being the exact opposite of San Diego. Don't get me wrong, as I said before, that huge city was awesome, but I was always happy when I came home for the fact that I could run and think without drowning myself in music.

The air breezed through my fur and clothes, keeping me relatively cool even as the sun's rays began pouring out over the horizon. The sounds of kids busily getting ready for school were growing louder, signaling the end of the serene atmosphere in the city, but I had no plans on staying around. Running was a passion of mine and I was no slouch on it. I left the houses behind, diving into the forest trails, shaking the sweat off my face as I effortlessly glided in and out of the bends and hills. My ears flicked in every direction as the chirps of the birds that had stayed for the winter shrilly echoed through the forest.

The small lake was a couple miles away still and it was my final destination, the clear, cool water signaling for me to accept its embrace. I could hardly stand most lakes, but this one was far out and mostly hidden from public view, so it was very clean. Occasionally, a few pieces of trash would find their way into the waters from the grubby hands of irresponsible kids, but they were easy to clean up. The depth grew quickly, it took at most fifteen feet from any edge to go beyond the point that I could stand in. This left diving into it a very viable and inviting action.

As I drew closer to it, I began sliding off my gym shorts and taking off my shirt, leaving just my swimming trunks to tightly hug my waist while I carted the clothes in my paw. Sweat was glistening off my golden and black body, the fur shimmering in the small rays of sun that had penetrated through the thick canopy of the trees. My legs burned from the exercise, but I ran ever harder, knowing I was a mere few minutes from the ledge I had dove from for years. Pulling in as much air as I could, I planted down on the earth harder, extending my strides.

Bending down, I leapt forward, assuming the low crouch of a four-legged feline. I had practiced this stance for years, training my muscles and joints to react comfortably to this new position. Pumping forward with my arms and legs, I gained more speed, the dirt flying up behind me like the smoke from a hot tire. The aforementioned ledge came into view and I timed my strides to hit it perfectly. Dropping my clothes behind me, I drove forward, extending myself. Hitting the end of the ledge with the grace only we felines had, I pulled my legs underneath me and leapt forward off the edge, curling into a dive.

The water shimmered a good twenty feet below me and I yowled in glee as I flew towards it. Gravity brought us together, the cool liquid spreading around my paws to allow the rest of my body to slither in. The cool water hugged my lithe body as I swam underneath the surface, stroking forward until I finally swam upwards again, breaking the surface and taking in a deep breath.

"That was quite the entrance, I'd say. A perfect ten!"

I was caught so off guard by the unexpected voice that all I could do was sputter in confusion, rotating my body in the direction my ears led me. Then I nearly pissed my trunks. Oh God, no! I panicked and in desperation, with no other idea, I dove back underneath the water. It was him! How...oh fuck, what am I supposed to do now? Praying it was just my imagination, I resurfaced, looking in the same direction as before. Nothing had changed. No more than thirty feet from me stood a silky white furred mustelid. The bastard had changed coats as the winter came along, as he always did, and now was clad in nothing but a pair of blue trunks and his snow white fur.

He stared at me in confusion, as if trying to understand my antics, his beady black eyes twinkling a bit in the sunrays. I hadn't known him all that well, but as was unsurprising for most weasels, he had the belief in maturity was merely a contrived idea to take the fun out of life. Unfortunately, beyond that, and the fact that he was into gymnastics, well, at least used to be, I didn't know much about him. Funny how I could be so attracted to someone I knew so little about, but I guess that's what they mean when they say love is hard to understand.

Eventually, he shrugged his shoulders and went back to skipping stones across the lake. By the looks of it, he wasn't having much luck, at most, a few of them skipped once, but most of them just sunk into the water on the first shot. I went back to swimming for a few more minutes, not really knowing what to do. Should I approach him, or just say hello, at least acknowledge his existence? I didn't know and the fact that I knew was that the longer I spent deliberating about it, the worse the outcome would most likely be.

I turned around and looked at him again, watching him as he threw another stone into the water with no success. Finally, I took a breath in my lungs and just spoke.

"You're doing it wrong, Rascal. It's less to do with the arm and more to do with the snap of the wrist. That's how you get the spin on it so it stays above the water more."

I don't really know where the guts came from that allowed me to speak then, but they left me as soon as I was done, leaving me embarrassed and uncomfortable. I had left him in silence for over five minutes after he spoke to me first and now the very first thing I said back to him was to tell him that he didn't know how to skip a rock. All I could think of was how "fmylife.com" was going to have a post coming in from me tonight about how badly I just screwed things up.

"Well, that sounds a bit more promising, I guess. I don't really have the same mobility in my back as I used to, so it'll help if it's mostly the wrist."

Grimacing in the knowledge that I had been the one to bring that subject up to the surface, I watched as he grabbed another one. Well, I was already in deep water, what were a few more feet?

"Crouch a bit with your knees. The more level you are with the water, the easier it is for the rock to skip."

I watched as he bent his knees a bit, steadying himself on the ground. He body fluidly twisted back while he drew back his arm a few inches. He cocked back his wrist and then snapped everything back into place, sending the rock screaming across the lake. It made it a good fifty feet before it hit the first time, bouncing back up before landing and bouncing again, and then crashing into the cliff side opposite him.

The grin that was plastered on his face nearly made my heart melt. I hadn't seen him smile that widely since high school...since before the accident. He must have seen the reaction in my face, because he slapped his long tail down in emphasis before he talked.

"Come on. It's not like I'm in the infirmary or hospital, so would you stop looking at me as though you've seen some sort of miracle?"

I snarled to myself, punching my arm in frustration under the water. Why did I have to screw this up again? For crying out loud, just use your head Julius, use your head and stop gawking! I had to be truthful to myself; at least he was out of the wheelchair. Hell, he wasn't even using crutches to stand anymore, so he was making progress. But again, though, I gave too much away with my actions and the weasel responded.

"Hey man, sorry. I didn't realize it meant that much to you. Guess I thought the both of us saw each other as nothing more than an acquaintance. I'm doing better now, but I still have an uphill battle in front of me. Would you like to talk for a bit?"

"Yeah. I think I'd like that."

Relief washed over me as I smiled at him and then swam over to the bank. I couldn't help but notice how he looked at me, but I brushed it off as mere coincidence. Walking out of the pool, I sat down in the grass next to him, happy to be next to him, though disappointed that it wasn't in the situation I had dreamed about for so many years. Thankfully, I kept that hidden, otherwise things would have gotten very awkward, and potentially disastrous.

"So, what have you been up to since you graduated? I never really heard anything from you after the ceremony, not that I expected to, considering how little we conversed or associated with each other during high school. Have things been going pretty well for you?"

"Well, I just finished my first semester of college out in San Diego. Class is tough, but it keeps my mind engaged. Every other weekend or so, I'll go hang out with the guys around town and go get drunk or watch a movie. It's not a very smart idea to walk the streets there by yourself at night; there's just too much trouble that goes on and all you're doing is asking for it come and bite you if you ride solo."

"I can't even imagine how big of a place San Diego must be. We barely have ten thousand here and it still feels big to me. That's why I like to come here a lot, at least now that I can. The quiet helps me think more and relax."

I couldn't avoid the question anymore. Though it would have been nice to pretend that I didn't care about it anymore, there was no way I could pull it off.

"So...how's your back doing?"

He stiffened at the mention of his back, his eyes losing a bit of their shine, if only for a moment before he turned back to me. His face was resolute, as was his response.

"It's doing better, you know, hard to recover from something...like that."

His face twitched. I could see how hard he was trying to hold it back, so I didn't press him on it.

"Have you been going to school at all? Met anyone else online or around the city?"

Rascal sighed in what I could only guess was relief at the question being left alone.

"Unfortunately, no, I haven't been in school. Jackass of a university dropped my scholarship and all of the money I had saved went towards my medical bills and then some. Met a few guys, but nothing's really stuck. Been trying to keep in contact with the guys I knew back in high school, but people move on."

I nodded, trying to somehow come to terms with what he was dealing with. To have your dreams utterly shattered in one moment, just a few seconds of Murphy's Law going out of control, and now to have your whole life turned on its head. God, that had to be miserable. I cursed myself inside again for not having the courage to tell him how I felt before this started, for not even taking the time to begin a friendship. He sounded so alone, desolate, isolated; I wished that I could hug him and tell him everything would be okay, but how would I know? Did he hope that everything was going to be okay while he was in the hospital? Did he cry when the doctors told him how bad it was?

"I'm sorry that shit happened, Rascal. Sorry that I was too much of a pussy to show up at the hospital and wish you the best of luck before I left."

It felt good to finally let that out, but everything that ever occurred in life had a consequence, a result, and so I waited for mine. Rascal's nose twitched, his head turning in that cute sort of way I had always liked, and then he chirped at me.

"Julian, you can't look to the past and feel sorry about what happened. I could have chosen not to go on that high bar. I knew I wasn't in the best of shape, my back felt numb that whole day and I had a gut feeling that something bad was going to happen, but I risked it there anyway. Opportunities aren't always there, we just have to take them or let them pass by. I'll be honest with you; there isn't hardly a day that goes by that I don't look back on that day and wish I had done things differently, but the truth I have to realize is that I didn't, and no amount of regret will change that.

I figured that there wasn't any malice behind you not coming, though honestly, I hardly gave it a thought. We had never talked beyond a simple hello in passing through the hallways, and even that was an unusual occurrence."

"I'd like to change that. I would tell you the honest truth, but I worry now about how you'll respond to it, just as I have worried about how others would respond to it for the last couple years."

Rascal leaned back a little, propping himself up with his elbows while his tail flitted about around his legs. Finally, he took a breath and responded.

"Well, how about we make ourselves a deal then? It will probably help the both us to not only say it for our sake, but also for the one who hears it. We'll keep it between the two of us so there won't be any need for limits. Deal?"

I hesitated for a second, but chose to accept. There wasn't any other way out of this that wouldn't turn this conversation back into small talk that would leave us no closer than we were before.

"Okay, deal."

"Okay, so what is it you really want to know?"

Shivers ran down my spine, but I knew I had to have the answer to it, if just for closure's sake. I had avoided it for so long, but I knew there were a lot of emotions that the weasel needed to let out and could only do so by answering my question.

"What happened that day at the high bar? I mean, when you injured yourself and were brought to the hospital and all?"

"Somehow I knew that was going to be the question, but a deal is a deal. Be patient with me on this one, though, as it's not exactly one of the easiest events for me to discuss."

I could see the unease on his face and I slightly regretted asking the question, but I knew that I had to know. Not knowing had been bugging me for months and I didn't feel there was any hope of a real relationship if I didn't come to a personal level with him.

"Well, the day started innocently enough. I woke up, got myself some oatmeal and a few granola bars. Gulped down some orange juice and then drove to the gym to practice my routines, all basic morning ritual stuff. From the moment I started stretching, though, I could feel as though something was wrong. My back was stiff and taught and even mild stretches were giving me a hard time. I pushed it to the side, though, because I knew I could lose my chance at the preliminary qualifications if I didn't make the cut there.

The worst mistake was that I simply threw the stretches that I couldn't manage to do without feeling like I was going to tear something away. I knew I wasn't as limber, and so I decided to just do well enough to ease my way into the qualifications. It wasn't as if I had to do anything spectacular, but choosing to not participate would put me under a huge amount of pressure during the second go around the next month.

I felt pretty good when I came in to do the floor exercise, bounced around a bit, but a couple minutes after finishing it, the tenseness came back. Honestly, I thought the parallel bars were going to be the hard ones. In order to take it easy on them, I would need some strong scores to contend with the average one I'd get there."

Rascal took a deep breath, gritting his teeth as he approached that one moment that changed everything. I put a paw on his shoulder in comfort, though, to be honest, I didn't mind the contact in the least. His body was tense and shaking, but after taking a few deep breaths, he seemed able to continue.

"To make a long story short and a lot less painful, let's just say that my back was feeling rather decent while I was on the high bar. I felt like the bar was pretty stiff, but went for it anyway. My release was perfect, and I felt like I was gliding back into the rotation, but as soon as I peaked on my downward spin, a huge amount of torque ripped upward and the bar just snapped. I remember screaming out before I even landed, sprawled on the mat just bawling. Everything felt numb and I remember thinking to myself that I was going to die as the lights went out in my head."

He had fought through it, but it was clear that the weasel had spent a whole lot of energy during the battle in his mind. Breathing hard, the mustelid looked at me with a sense of both pain and relief on his face. It was clear that the story had been miserable for him to recollect, but in sharing his heart to someone else, there had to be a feeling that a burden was taken off your back. But, then again, it was my turn to let go of mine; all I had to do was wait for Rascal to ask me his question.

I could see the weasel's eyes travel to my paw that was still sitting on his shoulder, a look of confusion dotting his features as he tried to make sense of the contact. Smiling back at him, I spoke first.

"Thank you for telling me that. There's no way I would have had the stomach or heart to hear it from anyone else."

Squeezing his shoulder one last time, I let my arm slip down his fur until it stopped above his own white paw. A look of concern spread across his face, his whiskers twitching in worry as he gathered his breath for the question I so dearly hoped he would ask.

"How long have you liked me, Julian?"

I started a bit, caught by surprise at his foresight, but with my claws now stroking over his paw, my guess was that it probably hadn't been that hard to catch on to.

"Since the first couple days of my sophomore year of high school, but I never took the chance to get to know you because I was worried about what the other guys might say. I can't really make an excuse up for it. I am really sorry, though."

Rascal stared at me, his eyes judgmental, but fair. I felt nervous under his black beads stare. Within a minute I was squirming, but the weasel had never been one to hold a grudge or stay angry for very long. I purred a little as I felt his second paw close over mine, a smile creeping up into his muzzle, a muzzle I so badly wanted next to mine. I closed my eyes as his paws drifted up my arm, rubbing over my shoulders and caressing my neck before softly stroking down my shivering back. I couldn't help it; I purred like my Camaro roared, resting my own paws on his broad, white shoulders as his claws tickled my sides, occasionally stroking just over the band of my trunks, causing my legs and groin to shudder.

His paws never remained still for more than a second, drifting back up my own white furred chest, squeezing over my hard nipples before they split up. I moaned as I felt him draw my head towards his, shattering breaths echoing through me as his black lips met mine. It was all I could do just to hold on as his sweet lips pressed eagerly against mine, his tongue quick to dart forward and rub over my teeth. His paws danced everywhere, and I groaned as they trailed their way inside my shorts, firmly squeezing my rump as his flashy tongue claimed my mouth, rubbing over my cheeks and the roof of my maw as I pressed hard against him.

Already, my cock was swelling with desire, the tell-tale throbs marking how close it was to release. Without a moment's notice, Rascal broke the kiss, bringing up one paw to hold the scruff of my neck, looking directly into my eyes.

"Be back here tomorrow morning and I'll make you the happiest cat in the world; you've already made me the luckiest weasel in the universe. God knows, though, that I can't leave you like this."

With that, his head darted down my chest, his paws quick to pull me down on top of him. I quickly grabbed hold around his chest, desperately digging for the hot mustelid's bone. It took little time to find the hard length and I heard Rascal moan in his silken voice as I firmly gripped it and squeezed. Instantly, though, his paws slipped under my shorts, one to slide a finger into the crack between my cheeks while his thumb toyed with my tail; the other one cupping my balls before his hot maw sweetly wrapped around my drooling shaft, taking in every inch before beginning to bob up and down.

I mewled in pleasure, but held on, keeping my mind as I stroked over his member, feeling the hot precum dribbling over my fingers with every caress and squeeze. The heat quickly overtook me along with the constant massaging of the weasel's tongue and cheeks and I buried my face into his rump as heat roared through my shaft, yowling as it erupted, pumping spurt after spurt down Rascal's throat. He thrust into my paw as I held on, his mouth sending vibrations over my still cumming cock. I felt him tense as his dick bucked in my fingers, strings of semen spitting onto his chest and the ground below them.

Rascal's tongue scrubbed the underside of my shaft, caving in his cheeks as he sucked out every last drop of spunk he could from my balls. As the soft thrum of bliss ran through me, he rolled to his side, enjoying every extra squeeze over his own dick as I massaged his spent tool. The two of us laid there in contentment, his trill mixed in with my purr, the both of us too relaxed to even move. Eventually, the weasel pulled his hot maw from my cock, kissing the tip of it before he turned around and slithered back up to meet me face to face.

The two of us moaned as our lips met again, the distinct flavor of my seed washing over our teeth and into my maw. The kiss lasted up until I could feel myself getting hard again, Rascal breaking it and pulling back, licking my nose as he gave me a cheerful grin.

"You just made my day, Julian. All I ask is that you let me return the favor to you tomorrow. Can you meet me back here at sunrise? I'd love to watch it with you snuggled up next to me, and then I have some plans that'll have you bursting with ecstasy."

"Of course, I'd love that, Rasky."


The weasel seemed to mull over the attempted nickname, saying it in different tones, testing to see how well it stuck. After a few seconds, he seemed genuinely pleased with it.

"Only if I get to call you Jewel."

"Definitely a deal. See you tomorrow morning, kitten. Remember, be here before the sun."

Rasky planted one more kiss on my nose before he stood back up, seemingly more than energized, and walked into the lake, taking a little time to clean the mess off of his silky fur. Turning back around, the weasel winked at me and then trotted back towards the city, trilling a quirky little tune the whole way.

I was nearly brimming with joy as I ran back home. I had waited an hour to make sure that I wouldn't stand a chance at running into the weasel again. There was no desire, except for the one in my loins, to see him again any sooner than tomorrow morning. The scenery, the time, the reason, all of them were perfect, but for the fact that my Rasky had told me to wait, I would do it. I could wait the whole lifetime of the universe in order to see that perfect smile on his face again.

The rest of the day flew by in a haze and I barely registered what I did up until I was brushing my teeth. I imagined his face pressed up against mine, our tongues wrestling with each other as we kissed, grinding against each other in need. My sheath twitched, but I ignored it for now; there would be plenty of time and energy spent taking care of its desires tomorrow morning.

My alarm clock sounded with the sky still a dark blue color, the very edges of the eastern horizon a royal blue, signaling the incoming sunrise. Quietly dressing into my trunks and a slim t-shirt, I sucked down a long draught of water before taking a smaller bottle with me and heading out into the waking sky.

I had worked up a morning sweat by the time I entered the forest. The sky was brighter, but the sun was still another hour away, so I knew had plenty of time to get there. As my paws passed over each other in the rhythmic pace of the run, my brain switched its focus from my surroundings to what I couldn't wait to have surround me. I wondered if Rascal was already there, chilling in the warm water, anticipating my return as much as I did for him. Shaking my head, I chuckled over the fact that I had waited so very long to get to know him and now, here I was only a few miles away from making love to him.

My breathing stayed heavy as I crested each hill, the beginning warmth of the first rays of sunlight that penetrated through the trees landing on my back. A small purr hummed in me, each pacing stride drawing me closer to the weasel I had dreamed of for so many years, grinning like a child with an ice cream bar from the knowledge that I now finally had him. As I crested the final ridges, I called out to him, ripping my shirt off and lunging forward onto all my paws, pumping hard for that extra speed before rocketing over final ledge and sailing into the crystal water below me.

I caught sight of him just before I disappeared under the water. Swimming beneath the surface, I stroked closer to the weasel before finally re-emerging to spring out to him. He laughed loudly as I wrapped my wet body around his in a deep hug of affection.

"Careful there, Jewel. I'm working on it, but there's still work to be done to get my back into shape again."

Holding him a bit more gently, I smiled at him, kissing him on the nose. He chirred back at me, playfully swatting my legs with his long tail, his small paws hanging around my waist for a second before slipping into my trunks. Groaning at the lewd contact, I brought my feline crotch against his, sliding my groin up, pleased to feel his own hard shaft press back on mine through the thin fabric of the trunks. For a few seconds all Rascal did was murr, his cock twitching, whiskers ticking and his ears flicking. After about a minute, though, the weasel pulled back, his arms slipping back up to encircle the lower parts of my back.

"How about we watch the sunrise first? We'll have plenty of time afterwards."

With a small bit of reluctance I nodded, but it was a very small bit of reluctance; simply being in the presence of the ermine was all that was needed to keep a beaming smile on my face. Nuzzling into him one last time, I moved back and lay on the ground, leaving an arm outstretched as an invitation for him to lie down with me. He quickly obliged, dooking a little his tail slid over one of my legs. Wrapping my arm around his chest, I stroked over it, purring as he trilled happily.

The rays of the sun met us as we rested upon the grassy rocks. I groaned out, stretching in wonderful acceptance of the heat that met and embraced me. The content duet of my thrumming purr and Rasky's quirky gurgle met the very first edge of the actual star as it peaked over the horizon line. As the light intensified, I began to squint from the glare, but seconds later, my weasel came to my rescue. With the fluidity even a feline like me couldn't manage, he twisted over my prone form and finished with him sitting on top of my chest.

His fur glowed. There was really no other way to say it, to be honest. If I hadn't known him before, I might have guessed he was an angel, but then again, he might as well be, seeing as how perfect he was. Meowing at him, I brought my paws up to his face, rubbing over his muzzle, stopping to caress he pert ears, chuckling as he closed his eyes and chirped. Leaning up, I slid my arms down around his neck and drew him to my muzzle, yet another moan leaving my maw as our lips met.

This time, our kiss had a purpose, a deep one rooted in the near primal connection we felt between our bodies and souls. I had wanted this for so long: the feel of his fur against my paws as I raked over his back, careful to avoid working his spine too hard, the soft touch of his hot lips in contact with my own as our tongues danced and weaved together, the glow in his beady eyes as we gazed lovingly at each other, forgetting the rest of the universe even existed. Then there was the most urgent of them all.

Rascal didn't stay still for long, dragging his paws down to my hips before tugging my crotch onto his lap, softly sliding a then freed paw over my emerging shaft still locked underneath my trunks.

"Just lie there and relax, Jewel. Let me do the work."

I nodded at him and mewled gleefully as he slid both his paws under the waistband of my swimming trunks. Pushing up against me, he lifted my legs and slid the clothing up to my ankles before dropping them over his back, giving him full access to what had hid beneath it. My member twitched as it was exposed to the crisp air, my ballsac tightening against my sheath, but the air wasn't the only thing affecting my meat. A slick tongue tickled the base of seven inch shaft, the dark red flesh bucking in response as the weasel's tongue tracked his saliva over it, kissing the tip of it like last time before his member broke contact for a split second, only to meet at the base of my cock again.

Relaxing was far tougher than it sounded to be at first, as my feet tensed against the trunks with each lick. My forepaws held onto the grass and my neck flexed as I forcefully held it down on the rocks. Rasky must have seen this because he leaned back again, leaving my shaft to throb in the open air.

"Julian, seriously, just relax. You're far too tense and high strung right now and it's making this less fun for me. Rest your head on the grass, don't force it to be there."

"I'm trying, Rasky, but it just feels so amazing."

"Here, I might have started on your pole a bit too soon."

Before I had a chance to respond, I felt his lips close down around my collarbone, the tongue firmly rubbing against it, causing little tingles of delight to run over my sternum. Rasky ran his maw over to my shoulders, using both his teeth and strong jaw and lips to genuinely massage the muscles. I sighed and hissed pleasurably as the muscles uncoiled on one shoulder and then the other as my weasel switched sides. Meanwhile, his paws were busy behind him, squeezing my thighs and hamstrings with expert dexterity.

I could feel my body relaxing, as even when he began molesting my nipples, I did little more than moan and very slightly arch my back in response to the shocks of ecstasy flashing through my body. His maw never stayed at one place for long, drifting down to my navel to lock his jaws over the surrounding skin, his tongue diving down into the small hole. I laughed as the flesh tickled me, growing ever more rested and comfortable with each second. The lips soon moved on again, teasing me as his paws worked over my rump, groping and squeezing the two mounds of muscles that made up my rear. Licking once over my waist, he leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine, letting me sample the flavor of my own scent.

He stayed there for a few second before lifting off again, his maw quickly moving to my now precum slickened dick. I let out a shuddering moan as his muzzle wrapped around the very tip of my slit and sucked at the small hole there, drawing out a spurt of precum in response. Instead of swallowing it, the weasel let it drool down my already wet shaft, mixing his saliva in with my juices as he then slid down to take the head of my pole into his maw.

His tongue worked over the still exposed flesh, scrubbing sweetly over the sensitive barbs and throbbing veins of my now more than needy penis. My libido was skyrocketing, but there was no sense of urgency to Rascal's movements, no sign he was intent on making me cum. The pleasure was substantial though, and I gladly rested on the grass and let the white furred ermine have his way with my meat, purring non-stop as the sensations kept flooding over me.

Soon, my mate began to take more of my shaft into his maw, inch after inch disappearing while his tongue worked overtime on my sheath, sometimes dipping inside of it to stimulate the hidden flesh resting there. As the last inch slid into his throat, he caved his cheeks in and began sucking on it with more purpose than a calf would show towards her mother's teat. I gasped and couldn't help but tense up, my paws balling into fists on the grass as the firm muscles of Rasky's maw worked wonders on my pole of flesh and barbs.

The weasel didn't hesitate or slow down, each suckle as driven and determined as the previous one, and I could feel my balls responding as they slid closer to my sheath. I could hardly help but thrust my hips as far as they could, the natural and instinctual desire for release driving me forward with a lust driven demand. Rasky didn't let off, but held me down by my tail with one paw as he slid just a bit deeper, his tongue now rubbing over the roots of my shaft, and his other paw coaxing my balls forward with their imminent process.

Ecstasy ran through me as I felt the beautiful burn beginning in my ballsac before it raced up my urethra. I held out for as long as I could, doing all I could to hold off the first spurt, but I was far past turning back. Letting out a long, shuddering sigh, I lay prone on the grass, moaning as each successive pump of my cock sent me closer to heaven.

I must have damn near emptied my ballsac by the time I felt the rush subside, leaving me totally satisfied and relaxed, but the weasel was not done by any means. Grinning at my weakened body, Rascal scooted forward more, forcing me to curl in on myself, but as he did so his lips pressed over my scrotum and then released a mouthful of my own spunk all over it, sliding his head down to just above my tail as he coated my tight, fleshy hole with it. Taking no time with it, he pressed his lips over the tiny muscle and began prodding the opening with his tongue as he made out with my ass.

"Oh, Jewel, you taste so damned amazing!"

He managed to spew that out between breaths and he ransacked my tailstar, his tongue pressing harder and harder against it, my semen providing him all the lubricant he could have asked for. Already, my shaft was responding, as it bounced and started to harden again, another tiny drop of precum sliding out of its slit. The drop quickly turned into a stream as I clenched down hard around the flesh that had just entered my ass.

Rascal drove his tongue inside, lapping at the walls, coating them in his slick spit as my current position caused the sweat, saliva and spent cum to drool down my rump and crotch as my cock streamed precum onto my neck and face. Opening my maw, I tried to catch all I could, savoring the sweet flavor of my own juices while I dribbled more at the feeling of the still warm cum drooled down my waist, back and tail.

Rasky seemed as turned on as I was as he worked his tongue as deep into my sphincter as he could, his body hidden from view, but the actions far from hidden from my mind. Gravity drew his saliva further into my passage and he vigorously worked in more to make up for it. I could feel my tailhole relaxing its grip on my lover's tongue, having grown used to its presence, but Rascal only took that as an invite to surprise it again.

With a lewd schlik his tongue popped out, carrying a drool of thick saliva with it, leaving my asshole clenching at the now empty confines. They didn't stay empty for long. The weasel popped his head over my waist, smiling at me as he surely admired his artistic work. With a quick smirk, he took one of his fingers and slid it into his maw, giving me all the facial features I could have asked for, sliding it in and out like it was a real dick. A few seconds later, he trilled and then placed his spit-laden finger just underneath my balls and began tracing a zigzag line down my scrotum before stopping at my tailhole.

I groaned in glee as the digit slipped into my loosened hole, sliding all the up to the last knuckle before he pulled it back to his claw and then drove it in again. My claws dug into the grass, pulling at it in maniacal lust. I liked his finger there, but I knew I wanted the real thing. My virgin tailhole just begged to be taken and Rascal didn't make me wait for very long. He stuck two fingers inside and I barely felt the pain; I was too taken by desire at this point to notice anything but the embrace of pleasure so tightly wound around me.

The weasel pumped those two digits inside me a few times before he too pulled them out. I could feel him finally lower me back to the ground, my ass again resting on his knees. I had long since kicked off my trunks and used the freedom I gained to wrap my legs around his waist, caught in a fit of purring and mewling as I felt him pull his own trunks down. Lifting my head in unrestrained curiosity, I watched as my Rasky's jewels were exposed.

Sporting an erection as black as his eyes and as slick as my ass, it stood out in strong contrast to the silken white sac and sheath underneath the proud, seven inch long weaselhood. I wanted him in me so badly, but he took his time, making a show out of lining up his head at my entrance, before pressing forward ever so slightly, my asshole almost hugging him in delight and greed. The resistance to his entrance was short lived and soon I could feel my sphincter relent, the ebony black head of muscle slipping into my welcoming prison.

I watched him as he soundlessly groaned, and then I yowled as his head shot forward, greedily sucking my sac into his maw. He held those orbs in his mouth, rolling them around, drowning them in his saliva as his tongue ravenously stroked over my scrotum. Pleasure coursed through me, but only a few seconds after he started, his maw released my balls' soaked casing, smiling at me before he blew his warm breath over them, causing me to groan in near primal lust. I cried even harder a second later.

His attention now back to my ass, he pushed again with force...and then moaned to the sky as every single inch slid into my confines. I yowled as ecstasy claimed me and sent me over the edge, mewling as my cock spasmed and throbbed, my spunk lacing all over me as the weasel lost it and began to thrust back and forth. Neither one of us even knew where we were anymore, all our focus solely spent on who we were with and what we were feeling.

I held on as Rascal worked my hole, his seven inches of maleness more than enough to force every drop of seed and every ounce of heat and pleasure from my cock. As the last dribbles ran out, I leaned back and just took my weasel's thrusts. I needed him to finish in me, to pour every drop of his ermine semen into my depths, to fill every cavity of my rear with his essence, and there was no sign that Rascal was intent on doing anything but complying with my wishes.

Suddenly, one of his paws left my hips, and to my horror, closed firmly around my still hard, but spent flesh. Mewling in not just lust, but also the pain of the overstimulation, I stayed down, determined to let Rascal have me the way he wanted to. Honestly, I couldn't even tell if he had known that my feline body had just finished its climax, but I knew that he was going to drive me to another one, and even as my cock complained and stung, I relaxed and just gave in to his wants, pressing back hard against his invading cock, urging him to sink it in deeper.

Rascal held his orgasm back, though, working my cock with uncanny dexterity and skill. The pain began morphing into an intense burning sensation and I could feel my balls tightening up again. Throwing my head back, I screamed to the sky as blinding heat burned through my cock and it began spitting its watery fluid high into air, most of it landing back on my chest and face. I could hear Rascal groan and his thrusting speed changed, rocking back and forth in the immensely tight hold of my ass. Pulling back one last time, the weasel then slid back in and began grinding against my rump, trying to dig an even deeper trail to empty his load into.

I heard him grunt and groan as he began working in short, quick thrusts, using my walls to garner as much pleasure as he could. His claws dug into my tail as he again pulled back to his tip, took a breath and then slammed in again, his shaft throbbing one time before his seed rushed out and into my ass. The heat was amazing, but the sudden feeling of having the hot and sweaty weasel embrace me and press his lips against mine in a kiss of impassioned affection and feral desire was exotic. His seed kept pouring out of his twitching member, filling my rectum and then drooling into my intestines while my ass seeped what it could around its plunger.

Our lips broke contact again and again as we fought to breathe amidst the suffocating musk, but the two of us had never been closer. Tongues mashed against each other, the battle for dominance forgotten, rather they danced and rubbed and coiled in joy as the last dribbles of the weasel's semen drooled into my feline rear. Rasky pulled his maw away from mine, looking into my eyes, a beaming, but tired grin on his face.

"I love you, Jewel."

"I love you too, Rasky."

No more words were spoken as he and I cuddled together, snuggling up close to savor the heat of our bodies. Rascal rested his head next to mine, dozing off, and I felt obliged to do the same. Though the thought brought no regrets to my mind, I did wonder at how crazy I had been to not chase this weasel before.