Dark nightmare

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I give you a story, of what it's like being within a nightmare that feels to real.

Note this is supposed to be disturbing, and it's meant to be realistic. After all no one really knows when a dream becomes a nightmare itself...

Warning: not for children adults only.

synopsis: when a father dreams it quickly and without warning turns into a nightmare.

Alone in a bedroom was a family of four, one husband, a beautiful hermaphrodite daughter and a son. His wife was a beautiful wolfox with blue hair there daughter dyed her hair blue as well to match hers. Currently the father was stirring and dreaming, never knowing it will become a nightmare itslef...


Thunder and lightning danced across the sky as rain fell onto the city of New, New York bellow. Everybody was inside there dwellings, or anywhere to keep them warm.

Within a home was a larger than usual kitchen, a library, two guest rooms and a master bedroom. A queen sized bed fit for six people. Within a father was holding His cub as his silver furred paws stroke his ears feeling him shake as he was lying on the bed next to his sleeping adoptive daughter.

He sighed as he opened his golden hazel eyes as he gently stroked his back slowly. He felt exhausted as he slowly calmed down Chris while opening his arms as his wife took him.

His wife was a beautiful wolfox with dark grey fur, blue hair, golden eyes and dark rimmed glasses. He smiled softly at her as she gave him a kiss before gently stroking his sleeping adoptive daughters tail.

His daughter was a beautiful gray furred wolfess and a hermaphrodite. He smiled admiring her form seeing her breasts and well muscled legs and arms. He smiled seeing the black lines hidden underneath her fur as she slept peacefully. He blushed as he eyed her erection an average length of six inches for a herm while he had a slightly longer and thicker one himself.

He gently moved his hands to rub her chest feeling her breath deeply. He blushed feeling her fur as his wife smiled softly saying "she doesn't have any nightmares today?"

He shook his head saying "no, for once she's fine. The poor dear is still suffering from them even after three years have passed after all..."

His wife sat on the edge of the bed naked as she gently rubbed her stomach. She smiled softly seeing her stir and opened her eyes looking at them both as she smiled softly. She sighed as she whispered "morning already?"

She purred feeling her parent's hands rubbing her fur before she felt her father gently rub her breasts. She moaned as her mother began fondling them lightly.

He raised an eyebrow saying "well yes Kris but Sheana why are you fondling her?" His wife smiled deviously at him and answered "what she wants it Evan! Just look at her getting all horny!"

Evan rolled his eyes watching her hand as she held Chris in the other. He shook his head saying "do you want to be fondled Kris?"

Kris nodded before panting as she stuck out her tongue. Her parents had odd fetishes her mother adores incest, her father adores having a mistress. He uses her to make sure he doesn't drive her mother crazy and loves taking it and receiving it at the same time?"

Evan smiled softly as he lowered his head and gently licked her nipples causing her to arch her back. She panted and squirmed before gasping as her mother inserted some of her fingers into her snatch.

Sheana smiled softly as she pumped her fingers in and out of her brushing against her G-spot repeatedly. After her husband saved her he had removed anything that has caused her problems, tattoos, piercings, particularly a nasty one that was a small rail road spike jammed into her shoulder by a hammer. Before he did so he broke her free from the indoctrination and made sure to purge any chemicals or drugs from her body that she was injected with.

She was as clean as a whistle and she forevermore loved her parents. She however knew her father had a spiteful and dark personality forged through war, determination, and fierce protection. He was a S.W.A.T officer that had augmented arms, legs, and eyes having lost those along with being a bydo hybrid.

He did have strong mental abilities, undeniably so because of having the bydo core lodged inside his chest. However there to strong so it blocked it off down to a total 30% of its maximum abilities. Her father was tall easily as six feet high but skinny even with weights on. He did have bad teenage years and covered in small mental and emotional scars. Her mother was the same including herself from her past life...

Her father turned himself into a fighter; and a killing machine in order to protect those he loved. Learning several deadly martial arts and willing taught them to her and her mother. He loved them both dearly, cuddling, kissing, petting or pampering. Having sex on the other hand is usually reserved if they want to, or he gets dominated by them.

She smiled as she thought of riding him again causing her to get hard even as her other inserted another digit. She bucked her hips and whined as she was gently spread and felt her digits flicking in and out of her. She panted as her father slowly unzipped his pants and smiled kindly as his wife removed her fingers and instead began to finger her anus instead.

She yelped and whined in bliss as he slowly began to stroke her rod with a paw.

Her mother eyed it briefly before asking "are you sure it's natural?"

Her father nodded saying "of course it is, it increases in size with age and nutrition the body takes in. She didn't used to be this beautiful and strong after all, she takes after me in the coldness department sadly..."

She smiled softly blushing at the praise before he gently rolled onto her and wrapped his free arm around her waist in a hug.

Her mother smiled softly before asking him "would you really spend all the time with her?"

He smiled sadly and answered "I wouldn't do that to you; it's been how long three years since we had Chris but I would never neglect you or him one bit!"

Three year old Chris was a unique cub as he also followed after his father of being a bydo hybrid. Also his psionic abilities were all natural. He adored his sister and spent most of his time with her when he can. He always liked to have fun with her playing tag, or wrestling playfully.

He whimpered and whispered "mommy I'm scared!" Sheana gently rocked him even as he squirmed around briefly and Evan gently released his arms from around Kris's waist.

She pouted slightly and he gently placed a finger under her chin and added "now now don't act like that. Even though you do look adorable and cute there is no need to act like that!"

She blushed red as she smiled softly as she swished her tail side to side before moaning. He inserted two more digits into her slowly and gently as he removed his arm around her to rub her abdomen gently. She smiled softly saying "you always wanted me to ooh enjoy myself completely. I don't care if you're always so cold with everyone else I still love you and mother!"

She arched her back gasping as he gently made scissor motions and slowly slid his fingers in deeper to his knuckles.

His wife eyed him before gently sitting on the edge of the bed as she smiled softly. She giggled hearing her pant and moan softly before saying "she's getting me horny just listening to her it's adorable!"

He sighed and added "honestly your libido is higher then mine sometimes. However it's not a bad thing at all!"

He smiled softly gently rotating his fingers inside his daughters snatch causing her to buck her hips and gasp in pleasure. He removed his fingers before making sure to use Zordiarc to clean them as she sat up and hugged him of which he returned gently.

She smiled softly as she gazed into his eyes seeing a solemn look but filled with love even through the shadowy abyss. She frowned as she whispered "sometimes I wonder why, that you would be so selfless?"

He gently released her and they soon got dressed. Sheana released Chris who quickly bounded over to hug her sister of which she embraced.

He finally whispered a sentence that made their hearts ache with grief "it's because I somehow stopped carrying about my own life. I want to be healthy, strong, or even take care of myself while truly caring about my wellbeing. However I just don't have the drive I used to in High school anymore..."

She watched as he slowly placed on his clothes consisting of black pants and shirt before exiting the room while shedding a tear that rolled down her cheek.

Breakfast while usually fun or joyful in the household was a solemn affair even as Kris decided to make herself a plate of eggs.

She watched her father with a heartbroken look as he gazed out the bay windows, he just looked so sad.

Her mother shook her head even as Chris nibbled on a piece of bacon. She whispered "your father while a strong, lethal, loving, or passionate lapses into this state of depression. It's actually a genetic trait shared among his own family before he met me. It doesn't help knowing that he has been tormented, insulted, betrayed, and been insulted about his own sexuality harshly. I never knew he felt this way..."

She wiped her glasses as her eyes began to water with tears as she nearly began to sob.

He shook his head and whispered "I try not to show it, I just don't. Even with all the counciling that we do it's still strong like it was a grudge..."

She grimaced and Kris asked her father "slipping back into a relapse must be common..."

He laughed a dry bitter laugh before answering "Kris my entire family has a genetic trait for depression so it occurs a bit. When you get depressed your in a funk for me it's much stronger and harder to get out of. I think the rain is messing with our heads!"

He shook his head before smiling softly as he walked over and gently hugged her before giving his wife a kiss. He broke off gazing at her with a saddened smile as she did the same before gently releasing his daughter.

Chris sighed before saying "daddy can I play with my toys?

He smiled at his son saying "oh alright but remember reading comes afterwards!"

He chuckled seeing his son beam at him before moving out of his chair quickly before hearing groaning from behind him.

He whirled around seeing Zume holding Jayce as Kobe looked at them in concern. He jumped and moved out of his chair and asked "my word what's happened to the poor fellow?"

Zume was a blue anthro wolf with a solid eight pack, Kobe was a Doberman and slightly larger than him as he was also his boyfriend. They both had blue eyes and were quite forward but also shy around others. However that doesn't stop him from getting into their pants if they want to.

He licked his lips before eyeing Jayce who was a yellow fox and slightly smaller than Zume. The poor fox didn't look so well before walking over and gently started rubbing his back through his black shirt.

Jayce sighed in relief and whispered "man I hate the weather today. I feel sick..."

He opened his eyes showing there green colors brightly, apart from his friends he was the only one with green eyes in the household. Evan raised an eyebrow saying "oh and why is that?"

Jayce flattened his ears saying "I don't know I just do. Do you have a thermometer?"

Evan looked concerned and asked his wife "hey Sheana have you seen the thermometer?"

She raised her head and slowly walked to the medicine cabinet in the kitchen. Zume eyed the drugs and medications wearily and Evan answered "there's enough supplies in there to help a small army. I'm not taking any chances about whatever might harm my son, daughter, and wife..."

She returned with the thermometer and answered "now Evan remember the average temperature for any anthro is 108.6 degrees. Anything higher then that means he has a fever but should it reach 116 degrees..."

He grimaced and added "he will die..."

They winced and Zume added "still as blunt as war hammer I see!"

He shook his head saying "I am just what I am, a cynical, rough, and truthful ass."

Sheana shook her head and Evan gently took it before smiling as he said "say ah!"

Jayce did as he was told as he slowly slid it under his tongue and he closed his mouth around it. He waited for a few seconds and Evan gently removed it. He gazed at the mercury levels and frowned saying "well it's not to bad a solid 111 degrees mostly, looks like you have a fever Jayce!"

Jayce sighed saying "not again, second time this month. Sometimes I wonder why does my luck is all wonky?"

He rolled his eyes saying "your one to talk my luck is screwed up tighter and you know it. I have good luck and bad luck; yesterday I got rammed by a hover car which flipped me over right into the windows of a cargo truck and was sent off again right into a women's brothel bathhouse!"

They all snorted before laughing as Sheana sighed and rubbed her forehead. She muttered "you didn't enjoy it did you?"

He merely scowled saying "no! Why would I enjoy myself when I have a wonderful wife and beautiful daughter waiting for me when I come home?"

Kris blushed saying "oh stop your making us blush with your flattery!"

He sighed and added "yeah, yeah, hey Zume can bring Jayce to the couch it looks like his temperature has spiked again; I guess I was wrong he has the flu unfortunately..."

Zume let go of Jayce who swayed slightly feeling pale as he started to sweat. Evan slowly walked over and embraced him and lifted him saying "take it easy, I don't know what you caught. But I would have to say your strong fighter for lasting this long..."

He gently nuzzled the fox as he entered the living room and rested him on the couch. Jayce felt sick as he watched him leave and return with a bucket and towel saying "you look like you need to heeve so here..."

And he heaved his bile flew out of his mouth in chunks as he aimed his head downwards into the bucket. Kris looked disgusted as did her little brother who replied "gross!"

Evan eyed it slowly before narrowing his eyes as the last one a black substance escaped his mouth before paling as a small red current did as well, blood...

Jayce shakily raised his head as he whispered "what is wrong with me?!"

Evan swallowed hard as he slowly moved forward and reached out his hands. Jayce nearly protested feeling his hands on his fur while gently moving it slowly before watching him step back in shock.

Evan felt cold as he gazed at the black spots hidden underneath his fur before whispering "bubonic plague..."

Zume felt a chill crawl down his spine saying "that's not good is it?"

Evan shook his head saying "without the proper medication he will only live for24 hours. I need doxycycline fast you should be able to find it in the medical cabinet!"

Zume did as he was ordered and shed a tear for his ex feeling depressed with himself. Evan frowned feeling his thoughts as he returned with the green case and he gently grabbed it. He opened the box and grimaced seeing 4 needles saying "shit, I never liked needles that much. Now to find the source..."

He gently placed the needle in his mouth as he moved Jayces fur again hearing him moan in pain. As he searched his groin and legs he found the source on his right shoulder and grimaced seeing a white mound.

He gently took the needle and placed it on the area and injected it making Jayce wince in pain. After the first one was injected he added another just in case making sure to not overdose him. As he injected the last of the substance he gently rubbed his forehead saying "that should help you fight it, mind as well get the ginger ale..."

He stood up to enter the kitchen once more before asking "Zume can we see you for a second please?"

Zume looked concerned as Sheana nodded saying "please Zume, you don't need to gripe..."

He sighed before following them into the kitchen as Kris walked along with him.

Zume sipped his tea feeling nervous and Evan explained "you felt terrible about what happened to him why? I do not see the connection at all unless you still care about him..."

Zume winced saying "of course I do, sure he likes the attention and using his pheromones but come on. He only does it because he is a lonely fellow. I didn't even know he had the bubonic plague and well it hurt as though I got a cut on my heart..."

Evan sighed saying "I understand the feeling; this morning was not the best of mornings at all for either of us especially for my wife and daughter the most..."

Zume raised his ears before asking "and why is this?"

Evan sighed before saying "I don't care much of my wellbeing even though I want to. I forget it really because I always get lectured or put down about it about my own life style..."

Zume frowned saying "you take it seriously?"

He shook his head and answered "not really but it hurts, I got lectured on how I was supposed to walk once. Hell I can't even stand up straight my back hurts if I do that!"

He smiled sadly as he added "it's a bad habit of mine, of which I really want to break. I want to care about myself I truly do it's just I feel like something is making me stop!"

They raised an eyebrow and he looked out the window at the rain. He narrowed his eyes as he slowly walked forwards at the bay windows and recoiled. This was the first time he saw the rain, instead of being clear he gazed at black rain instead, something wasn't right at all.

He looked over his shoulder and spoke cautiously "Sheana has there ever been accounts of black rain?"

She flattened her ears and replied "no..."

He slowly blinked as he tested something, he punched his nose hard breaking the cartilage. However he felt no pain as his eyes dilated, this wasn't real at all.

He looked into the living room seeing Jayce started to convulse as blood seeped out his mouth.

This was a dream turned into a nightmare...

Kris shuddered before flinching saying "daddy, my past is starting to come back without my knowledge it's to strong I can't take it anymore!"

They looked at her in horror as she broke out into hysterics eyeing her claws in desperation which turned into razor shapr blades. Evan swallowed as she flinched and she started to cry as she felt imagining whipping, needles, lecturing and other forms of discipline once more. He quickly ran to her and embraced her as she burst into tears and started to sob, all the while he was helpless to help her with her memories being shown once more...

He shed a tear before eyeing Zume and his eyes dilated in horror. His pupils were much larger and Zume whispered "my head hurts, it hurts!"

He watched him grip it as blood leaked out his nose, mouth, and ears. He eyed his wife and he went into hysterics seeing her deeply depressed look.

He eyed the living room and started to run but felt the floor underneath started to sink away. His eyes dilated again seeing Jayce throw up blood and stopped as he coughed out his own heart before eyeing him with red soulless eyes.

His eyes slowly turned bloodshot as he started to feel his mind crack. The last straw was seeing his daughter fall over with a souless look as she impaled her heart with her own claws.

He eyed Zume who choked and gagged before falling over as his lungs failed.

Thud- Thump

He couldn't take it anymore feeling his body shake in sorrow and horror seeing that Sheana had her side arm out. He wanted to move but he couldn't and watched as she placed it into her mouth and pulled the trigger.


Her head exploded and he shook as he fell onto his knees shaking as he felt his mind starting to crack. He could feel the darkness increase as the rain outside slowly covered the windows in it's own darkness before he reared his head back and let out a blood curdling scream as he ripped out his own intestines using his claws before closing his eyes as he watched his son look at him in horror as he laughed and laughed.

Evan snapped awake feeling cold sweat on his face. He looked around and nearly burst into tears seeing his daughter with her arms around his neck. His son was sleeping peacefully resting on his mothers chest of which he quickly embraced.

Another nightmare, another twisted and horrible nightmare, it felt so real. He rubbed his daughters back with a paw feeling her stir, He rubbed his eyes and whispered "that's it no more beer before bed..."

Sometimes your mind plays tricks on you, your fears, your anger, but nothing is worse than a nightmare that feels way to real...