A Bitch and his Master

Story by Kendo Kawabata on SoFurry

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#4 of Lion Masters

Next story in the Lion Masters series. Please rate, enjoy and comment.

A Bitch and his Master

By Kendo Kawabata

Blake stared around his masters dining hall, the huge and expansive room changed into something akin to a movie set. It was amazing how a room could be transformed from the mundane to something different in just a matter of hours, and by so many practised hands.

The young flamedramon stood in the centre of the open space, once again amazed at how the staff of his masters manor were able to transform one room into another anytime they were asked too. It wasn't the first time they had done such a thing, and each time it made him simply stare in awe.

Normally, the room was hung with portraits and floor length curtains over the windows that were always open. A fully laden and very ornately laid table went straight down the middle of the room, able to seat almost a hundred or more people at once.

The table was always perfectly set, ready to be used at a moments notice. Huge bouquets of flowers adorned the tables and were dotted along the sides of the room, always never more then a couple of days fresh, and the room always smelled like a florists shop. Although it was a splendid room to be in, Blake hadn't been in there to actually eat more then a couple of times.

But now the huge table had been broken down into smaller tables, each one lined with perfectly looking laden dishes of food he had no idea how to pronounce the names of. The chandeliers were turned off, and the candelabras were nowhere in sight. The windows were opened and it gave the impression the room was bigger then it was.

And he was supposed to go around and make sure everything was in it's place. Standing there in just the regulatory red lace panties that his master made him wear, and the slender and elegant collar that sat around his neck, he didn't feel like he was able to give the staff any kind of order. He didn't even feel like he looked like someone to go about giving orders. T

he staff were all male, each one dressed in white and black, bent over tables or wheeling trolleys laden with fine china or large platters of food.

The butler, a rather well presented Argonian with a head full of what Blake suspected were blue coloured leaves, walked around and made little corrections all over the place, making sure the glasses were exactly five inches away from the edges of the tables, and that each dish was on a spotless plate, and that the silverware were lined up like soldiers in a row.

His name, if Blake could say it properly, was Carnine, or something like that. And he was the behind the scenes master of the house. Nothing went on in the manor without his knowledge, and he knew everything there was to know about everything.

And he was in charge of putting the party together. Blake watched with a fascination as the Argonian walked around, stiff backed and proper, holding a large measuring stick against everything to make sure everything was lined up properly in the right areas. And he was not afraid to give people a whack on the backside if it was wrong.

Carnine took his job with both a fierce passion and professionalism, but he was a nice bloke. Until something went wrong. Blake had no actual authority over anyone in his masters manor, but he didn't feel like telling Marcus that the staff weren't doing their job when, as far as he could tell, they were doing it.

The place looked good enough to him, and as far as he could tell, no-one was slacking off on their job. So why speak of something on a mere speculation when it could possibly be unfounded?

He thought there was no need to cause trouble like that so he just figured everything was doing well, turned around and left the expansive room. His naked feet padded softly on the thick carpet that lined the halls of the manor, the windows he passed gave views to the sweeping lawns that surrounded it.

He made his way to the lift at the front entrance of the manor, a large room flanked by dual staircases and a large marble statue of a lion holding a spear. It looked like one of the warrior Greeks from the movie 300. Except it had no loincloth.

Blake pressed his thumb against the 'up' button beside the door and didn't have to wait more then a moment or two. It opened with a prompt ding and he stepped inside, pressing the button for the fourth floor.

He caught his reflection in the mirrors that lined the walls. He felt like he had grown in the last few months, and he was indeed a few inches taller then he used to be. His body was slender and lean, no real major definition to his body, but his master liked him to be slender and smooth for him. The panties he wore framed his plump bubble butt rather well, hiked up enough just to expose the right amount of cheek and give a bit of definition to his butt.

He had been embarrassed to high heaven when he was made to wear such things, at least at first. But after a while he had adjusted to them. None of the staff treated him any differently if he was naked or dressed, and whatever embarrassment he once had was gone.

The elevator opened and he stepped out, heading down the hall to his masters office. The halls were covered in pictures, and the windows had small tables and cabinets holding some sort of art piece, be it a vase, a statue or something in between.

He had to admit, he liked Marcus' office more than any other room in the manor. And that included the pool and sauna. The office was large and airy with a floor length window that gave him a full view of the massive backyard, and the outdoor swimming pool garden. Couches and chairs lined the room in front of bookcases filled with almost any kind of novel. A Gothic fireplace, looking like it was supported by two dragons sitting on their haunches, sat opposite the very big and antique looking desk with a huge screen television sitting above the mantle.

Blake could hear Marcus' voice as he got closer to the room, and he was able to hear his master angrily talking on the phone when he got to the open doors. He carefully stepped inside, not wanting to make a noise in case this was delicate business.

"Look, I have told you before, I do NOT invest anything less than fifty thousand for anything, and a street performance of geisha amateurs is something I'm interested in to do so. Because quite frankly, i can see the potential."

Blake carefully walked into the room, seeing his very big lion master standing behind his desk facing the window, dressed in a designer white shirt and black pants. Big, muscled and regal looking, he looked both dominant and successful.

And to Blake, he sounded like Anthony Stewart Head. Complete with glasses that he occasionally wiped with his handkerchief, just like the character Giles from 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer.'

"Five girls with a budget of two hundred managed to make themselves look rather authentic and they danced in an amateur but very good fashion. Together they managed to make about six hundred dollars in small change from passers by in a few hours. So of course they got my attention" Marcus said to the slender and very small looking phone in his large hand.

Blake walked up to the large plush carpet in front of the desk and knelt beside the enormous piece of furniture, his hands on his knees as he knelt silently in position. He was almost hidden by how huge the desk was, and indeed, he could be hidden underneath. And he had been on more then one occasion.

"And your performer puts a tarp on the ground, sits a bowl of honey and a bowl of milk beside one another, then slurps up both contents and spits it onto the tarp with his hands behind his back. And quite frankly, it's fucking disgusting. If you want to see that kind of crap, I might as well feed some bulimics some lutefish and stand them in front of a freshly painted wall" Marcus said, turning around a little to see Blake kneeling. He nodded once then turned back around.

"Because it's disgusting, that's why" Marcus continued on the phone. "No, I'm sorry. It's fucking disgusting. It's not art, it's some guy throwing up on the ground and thinking he can make a picture. To me, that's in the same category as someone using an elephant to suck up paint and spray it on a canvas. It's not art, it's a spectacle. Just some side show, like a guy getting his balls smashed for five dollars. So if you have a problem with it, too damn bad. The answer is no" he said as he hung up the cordless phone and planted it on the desk.

"Stupid idiot" Marcus said as he turned around and walked over to Blake, giving the boy an affectionate rub on his head as he slid his fingers into his boys soft plush hair. "The new colour suits you. I like the black and white streaks" he said as he admired the latest dye job on his boy. He gave the Blake an affectionate smile as he rubbed behind his long soft ears.

"Problems master?" Blake asked with a smile as he was petted. Knowing his master liked his new hair colour gave him a very happy feeling on the inside, and he felt quite proud. The big hand could have covered his face easily. Amongst other parts of his body.

"Art is debatable, but everyone seems to want to debate the crap that they come up with" Marcus said with a smile as he stroked under Blake's chin, making his boy murr softly. "But enough of that" he said as he sat himself down in his very large and ornate looking office chair.

He motioned for Blake to sit in his lap and the near naked flamedramon did so, sitting himself across the much bigger lions tightly covered thighs as he was given a one armed hug. Blake smiled and rested the side of his face against the warm body of his huge master. He could smell the mixture of his masters warm fur and designer cologne through the white material.

Blake looked at the very large computer screen in front of them both as he felt Marcus slide his hand down to his stomach and he saw what looked like a web-cam site.

"What is that sir?" he asked. The front page of the website displayed a very muscled and quite handsome looking canine, a Doberman, judging by his colouring, posing in a leather biker outfit, complete with studs, chains and a leather cap. Although the notice on the base of the page said that it was still under construction, but it was accepting registrations and donations.

"It's a web page a contact of mine thought I would be interested in" Marcus said as he rubbed his hand over Blake's warm thigh. He smiled as Blake gave a shiver against him. "Some college horse boy is apparently putting up a website of him and a friend, archiving their way through learning to be a master and submissive" he said.

"Would you be interested sir?" Blake asked, giving a soft squeak as Marcus slid his fingers between the flamedramon's legs and began rubbing underneath his bulge. Blake was a hermaphrodite, and had both sexes between his legs. And he knew that Marcus loved his vagina more than anything else on him.

"I might be" Marcus said. "Being a master is an art form of itself. Training a non animal pet is a bigger challenge then training a regular animal, which a lot of people don't seem to realise. But if done right, it presents results. I should know, I have proof in front of me" he said with a grin on his face as he felt Blake squirm as he lifted the bulge on his boy with two fingers and slid a third against the spot where he knew his boys slit was.

Blake squirmed a little as he felt Marcus' fingers hook under his panties and start rubbing against his sensitive lips. Marcus grinned as his boy squirmed and the motions felt like Blake was grinding down on him. He chuckled and pushed upwards gently, pushing his covered fingers up enough to make the boys lips split apart.

"I...I guess so sir" Blake said, then gasped as Marcus took his other hand and pulled the side of his boys panties over enough to expose the moist slit behind the bulge. He slipped two fingers rather easily into Blake's opening, feeling himself get stretched out a little as his pussy was opened up.

Marcus chuckled as he felt some of Blake's honey dribble down onto his fingers as he moved them back and forth, seeing the bulge in his boys panties grow as the flamedramon was teased into arousal. Blake whimpered and clutched at Marcus's shirt as he was fingered easily.

"Oh...daddy" he whispered against Marcus' warm neck as those thick fingers wiggled around like two stubby snakes between his legs. The front of his panties were tenting up rather quickly and he clutched at Marcus' neck more firmly as he gave a moan against his masters shirt.

He gave a surprised yelp as he felt Marcus pull his hand away from his legs. Blake looked slightly flushed as he watched Marcus lick the juice from his fingers with a deep purr.

"Mm, as much as I'd like to get a proper taste of you boy, we need to get ready for this party" Marcus said with a grin. He gave his boy a kiss on the forehead, seeing the look of need on his boys face. It made him chuckle to how cute Blake was to get aroused and left hanging. He gave his boy a pat on his exposed backside and helped Blake off his lap.

"And I've left you your outfit on your bed for you to wear" he added. "It's not another cheerleader outfit, is it sir?" Blake asked, somewhat hopeful that it wasn't as he adjusted his panties over his hard length, tugging them back up his rump. He could feel the moist spot rub between his thighs from how much he had leaked.

He was pretty sure that most cheerleader skirts were not the kind of short that Marcus expected him to wear. The question got him a light smack across his butt that made him jump forward.

"Not today. I'd like everyone to see just how sexy you are for the party, so I'm sure you'll make an impression" Marcus said with a grin as he gave him a shooing motion, making the boy leave him to finish his office work. He chuckled to himself as he watched his boys backside retreat, rubbing his own thick bulge between his legs from how good his boys ass looked.

Blake made his way through the carpeted halls to where his bedroom was located. His boner throbbed against the tight restraints of his panties and he headed there as quickly as his naked feet could scamper. The moment he was in he pulled the silky and somewhat damp panties from his body and tossed them into the laundry hamper in his en suite bathroom.

His bedroom hadn't changed much since he had first arrived all those months ago. A computer and desk sat in the corner, piled with the work that his tutor expected him to finish. He wasn't permitted to go to a regular school any more, and he had courses set for him to finish. A generous sized television sat opposite the bed against the wall, his new game system sitting still in its box under it. He had been given permission to open it, he just hadn't gotten around to it.

The tv had been a reward for his good grades. The game station, that was for taking his masters eighteen inch beer can thick cock down his throat without gagging. Sitting on his bed lay a bright white box with a pretty pink ribbon on it. It was only big enough to look like it held clothing.

Blake strode over and unwrapped the pink ribbon slowly. He tossed the long silky ribbon onto the floor and removed the lid of the box to see what his master wanted him to wear. He found himself smirking.

Of course it was something like that.

David was nervous as Kent drove him to the towering estate at the end of the road. Sitting in the back of the car and instructed to remain silent throughout the car ride, he was shivering all over, mostly from anticipation, and from nerves. He could feel his heart pound rather steadily in his chest the closer they drew to the big residence.

It had been a month since he had been 'bought' by Kent, and a month since Kent had pretty much raped him on the side of the road on the front bonnet of a limousine. He still shivered and felt like crying a little every time he thought of that event, but the feelings were getting better with each day.

It was an event that was slowly pushing into the back of his mind, where he could eventually forget about it. He had slept through most of the next day after that seemingly endless night and had woken up with a sore body and a very sore big butt.

He had been scared a little that by sleeping for a day and a half that Kent would have been angry with him. But apparently, he hadn't been. David woke up to a house that was empty, in a small room on a bare single bed. Sitting on the small bedside table was a note with instructions on it.

He was to clean the house and make sure that all the jobs on the list were done before Kent got home in the evening. If he didn't, he would be punished. His first thoughts were to escape. After all, he had reasons to get out and get the police involved.

Kidnapped, sold off, raped, tortured. All valid reasons to have the police burst in and arrest Kent and save his ass. But he found that all the windows were securely shut, and the doors were all deadlocked and unable to be opened without a key. And he had no idea where one would be.

There was a landline, but the phone apparently required a keycode in order to make phone calls. And there was a strange black box in the kitchen that had a note beside it, explaining that even if David managed to force a window or door open, the sensors on the box would activate when he left the boxes range, and he'd be shocked into unconsciousness. It would also apply if he tried to pull the plug on the box, or damage it.

Apparently, while David had been sleeping, Kent had seen to it that David would stay where he was. David's hands went to the thick collar that was secured around his neck, and he had struggled for a bit to pull it off. But whoever had designed it, had made the whole thing seamless and impossible to remove without a key.

He had sat himself down on the floor and ended up crying for a good while. How long he had lain there on the cold floor he wasn't sure, but it took him a good while to run out of tears to cry with. Eventually he had managed to get up and head into the shower where he washed his body clean of the crusty cum and tear marks, and to get rid of the stupid marker tattoos that had been drawn on him before his 'sale.'

Trapped within the house and with no real plan to get out, David did the only thing he could. He did the chores on the house, if in the hopes that Kent wouldn't repeat his actions on him.

The long list of chores, he found, were rather easy to do, and as he had the television set on in the background to listen too, time passed rather easily. And he was done before Kent had come home.

"I'm quite impressed" Kent had said when he returned home, giving the naked Charizard a rather proud smile. David had intended to yell and scream and possibly get physical with the lion, but the comment and the smile stopped him in his tracks and he was left speechless for a few minutes.

Kent had patted his big backside and told him what a good boy he was, which, for a reason David wasn't able to understand, made him feel pleased. It became a rather daily routine that David eventually got the hang off, although it was off to a bit of a rocky start.

Every morning he was required to fix Kent his breakfast and do the dishes after. He had to do the chores around the house and keep the place clean. Doing laundry was included as well, but the backyard was surrounded by privacy hedges, and David had no idea if there were any neighbours at all nearby.Once all of his chores were done, he was permitted to relax and enjoy himself.

When Kent came home, he would take David and fuck his big backside good and hard almost the moment he came in through the door. At first David had struggled, not used to such constant and rough sex. Kent, obviously, was the dominant one, and began to take David in a variety of positions and bound up in various ways.

At first, David hated it. But despite himself, it began to actually feel good, and he started to, a little, look forward to his master climaxing in him and telling him how good he actually was.

Kent took him in any way he wanted, but he never actually hurt him during sex. He could pound his fat butt till it was rosey red and the Charizard would have trouble sitting down afterwards, or he'd get a spanking that would leave him crying like a little boy, but Kent didn't actually physically abuse him.

The spankings mostly came from when Kent was displeased about something he hadn't done or done properly, and David found himself doing things better to avoid such punishments. And to actually get praise from the lion made him start to take pride in his work.

Getting the washing done, strung on the line, ironed when dried and then folded neatly, gave him a satisfied feeling when it was put away tidily. Getting the dishes spotless and the kitchen floor sparkling, seeing the living room neat and tidy and the way Kent looked after having a good breakfast, it just made him happy.

But he was still somewhat scared of the bigger lion, because he had been shown that even if the bigger lion didn't actually hurt him that badly, he had already proven he was capable of it. And it made him shudder to think just how far the bigger lion would go.

Cigar burns and rape he had already experienced, and it was what the lion hadn't done to him that made him stay awake at night sometimes. And now they were heading to Kent's friend Marcus' manor for a party.

According to Kent, there were at least twenty masters that Marcus knew, and almost as many pets attending. And he had been warned multiple times to behave himself. Marcus was the one who gave Kent the money to purchase him, and Kent wanted David to show him the money was well spent.

Kent sat in the driver seat of his car, an unlit cigar in his mouth. David couldn't help but always keep an eye on the cigars whenever Kent had one out. The burn marks on his body had healed over by this time, but he could still remember how painful they were.He was starting to get used to the heady smell, particularly when Kent made him kneel in front of the couch and suck him off while the lion watched the news.

Kent pulled up behind a line of cars already ahead of him, able to see a few of the guests getting out of the cars one at a time. Some of the cars were sparkling and almost new, while one or two were rather mundane and ordinary. Figuring he had a few minutes, Kent adjusted the rear-view mirror.

"I haven't told you the rules yet, so now's a good time" Kent said as he pulled the cigar from his mouth. He didn't look back, but he looked at David through the rear-view mirror. David saw him looking at him and he sat up a little straighter.

"First, I don't know half the masters here. Only Marcus does, so I have no idea how extreme some of them will be. I know Marcus doesn't invite masochists or sadists to these things, but some do come rather close" he admitted.

"So, no matter what you hear, no matter what you see and especially, no matter what anyone says to you, DO NOT run your mouth and answer back or try to tell them what they're doing" Kent said as he glared into the mirror. "A lot of masters hate outside people telling them how to raise their pets or slaves, and sometimes it does not end well. So watch what you say, got it?"

"Yes sir" David said with an obedient nod. He felt himself shrink back in the seat somewhat, and he felt his heart race a little at the very stern warning.

"Good boy" Kent said with a small smile. David relaxed slightly. "Second, no-one is going to do anything to you. These sort of things are only for show mostly, so all the boys will be on display. Just as you are. But the masters aren't permitted to do anything more than feel you up or give you a groping. They can't do anything more without my permission, and you can't do anything to anyone else without my permission, and theirs" he pointed out.

"Thirdly, and this is the most important rule of all" Kent said as he looked over his shoulder. "DO NOT embarrass me. I've been impressed with your behaviour over the last month, and I want you to keep behaving. I wouldn't have brought you here if I didn't feel like you deserved it. And if you piss me off, I may or may not be the one to punish you while we're here. And everyone here has a different idea on punishment, so as I said, behave, or else" he ordered.

"Yes sir" David said. He felt himself shaking a bit and he felt himself start to panic as the car pulled closer and closer to the front of the intimidating house. He found himself fidgeting his fingers together over his lap and he was having trouble keeping still.

Kent saw the way David was starting to panic as he pulled the car up as it reached the large front doors of the house. He put the car in park and then silenced the engine with a quick turn of his key.

"David, calm down" he said slowly and carefully. "Don't freak out. You'll be fine" he said gently. "Remember, just stick next to me, keep quiet, behave and we'll be out of here in a couple of hours, alright?"

David nodded a little as a smartly dressed Valet opened Kent's door. The lion got out and pulled David's door open. David stepped out, immediately blushing as he was now out in public in his 'outfit'. While Kent was wearing a simple and rather casual looking suit ensemble, consisting of a deep purple open necked shirt and black dress pants, David felt like a downright slut.

He wore a set of leather braces and ankle cuffs that had big silver rings attached to them on both sides of his wrists. Across his muscled chest was a cross harness connected by a silver ring between his pecs. A pair of very tight rubber boots were stretched over his shins up to his thighs, and they had a bigger then average heel, making him almost stand on his toes as he walked. His very big ass was covered, barely, by rubber booty shorts that showed way too much ass.

But the most embarrassing thing was that, written across the edge of the rubber shorts, were the words 'Kent's bitch' in bright white letters. And that came fighting for first place over the chastity device that made the front of his shorts bulge out.

The belt had a hollow silver tube on the front that his cock had been pushed into, and then it had been tied with silver string over his balls, making the whole thing plump up and push forward. In the rubber shorts, it was obvious he had something on under there, and it made him embarrassed to know that people would be staring. It was almost as bad as walking around with a damn hard-on.

"Calm down" Kent said again as he put a hand on his boys shoulder, his fingers on the edge of David's collar. A metal plate on the front bore the charizard's name, with a large silver ring underneath it. Kent had the leash in his pocket, just in case.The lion put his other hand on the boys other shoulder and turned his dragon to him as he spoke quietly to him.

"We'll only be here for a few hours. Just to catch up with some people I haven't seen before, and to let everyone see how good looking you are. We might be out quicker if you be a good boy for me. So just keep quiet and stay out of trouble, alright?" he said gently. "And if it gets too much for you, just tell me and we'll leave."

"Yes, yes sir" David said after a he took a few deep breaths to calm himself down. He felt reassured that Kent did have his well being in mind, and he immediately made up his mind to behave. Perhaps if he showed everyone he was an obedient boy, Kent might let them leave pretty soon.

David dropped his arms down and stood up a little straighter, his chin held up as he stood to attention. With a nod and a squeeze on his boys shoulder, and a pleased smile that made David feel better, Kent then handed his keys to the young looking wolf who had opened his car door.

The wolf jumped into the car and started it up as the next car was allowed to pull up front. With a nod of his head to David, Kent turned to the huge lion standing at the front door.

"Kent. About time you arrived" Marcus said as he and Kent shook each others hands before giving a firm hug to the other. Marcus was bigger then Kent in both height and muscle mass it seemed, and he was dressed rather impeccably in a tailored white suit.

"It's been a while, old friend. You're looking so much better. Good to see you smoking again, even if it is bad as all sin for you" he added with a grin.

"indeed it has, and indeed it is" Kent said with a grin back to the bigger lion. "I still need to thank you for getting me out of my rut like you did. And I see that even with all this money you still wear Harry Potter glasses" Kent said with a smirk.

"I take it this is the boy you bought?" Marcus said as he ignored the good natured quip from his friend as he turned his attention to the rubbered pokemon. Kent nodded and indicated David to walk up with his hand. David swallowed lightly and walked forward till he was standing next to his master.

"Hello sir. My name is David" David said as steadily as he could, but he felt intimidated by yhe bigger lion. David did have a light body builder's build, even if he did have a major booty under his tail, but standing this close to the huge hulk, he felt downright small.

Marcus gave him a very searching look through the glasses perched on his nose, and David felt himself shiver a bit. The lions eyes seemed to travel over him as he shuffled slightly on his feet, feeling his cheeks warm up with embarrassment.

A bright green wolf dressed like a ringmaster in bright coloured clothes, complete with top hat and cane walked past, two dressed up muscled horses trailing behind him. They were both painted horses, their markings matching the other in every colour and detail. The twin horses were dressed up in mesh stockings, garter-belts and bulging panties, with brightly coloured feathers sticking out of their dolled up manes. Marcus ignored them as he studied David like he was on sale.

"He's quite handsome indeed" Marcus said after several minutes with a smile, which made David relax slightly. David let out a small breath of relief as he seemed to pass the lions inspection. "I can see why you like him so much."

"Actually, it was this big ass of his that made me want him so much" Kent said with a grin as he gave David's huge ass a firm smack, making the dragon gasp loudly from the sudden impact. He felt his face flush with embarrassment, both over the comment of his backside and the smack to it.

"Indeed" Marcus said with a chuckle as another car pulled up. "Prime ass indeed, it would seem. This is my boy Blake. He'll direct you to the dining hall" Marcus said as he gestured to the boy on his left. Both David and Kent turned to see a blue flamedramon boy standing patiently nearby, and Kent found himself chuckling to the outfit.

"It seems it's not just me that decided to dress our property up for this party" Kent said with a grin. David felt himself clenching his fingers into the palms of his hands from the comment, and he was about to tell Kent off for calling him property, but he managed to stop himself before he did something stupid. Forcing himself to keep quiet, he looked at Marcus' boy and felt a little surprised.

He could tell already that the claws on the flamedramon's boots and the large blade on his helmet were made of rubber, and quite possible the helmet and boots were too. They were far too shiny and far too skin tight to be anything but. The leather straps on his upper arms and thighs were most likely real, and probably fully functional.

He wore a flame patterned belly shirt that only covered his chest muscles, so tight it looked almost painted on. A collar hung around his neck, with a leash that was clipped to the back of his collar and the end tethered around his tail tip, secured enough to keep his tail raised. Under that tail was a pair of flame print panties that only covered what was needed.

"Quite a cute flamedramon you make" Kent said with a smile and an approving nod.

"Thank you sir. I'm glad that you approve" Blake said with a pleased smile as he gestured for Kent and his pet to follow. "This way to the party" he said with a polite smile on his face. Marcus allowed them to leave as he greeted the next guest that arrived on the doorstep.

Kent followed him, letting David follow behind. David found himself looking around in awe as he stepped into the house, his rubber heels clicking a bit on the floor.

Obviously, this Marcus was loaded, and the giant lion statue had to prove it. Who else would have a statue that big and that well endowed in the front foyer alone? But the statue was forgotten as he found himself looking at Blake's blue backside.

"Here you are sirs" Blake said as he arrived at the dining room doors. He stopped so suddenly that David almost ran into him. He stopped just in time to avoid crashing into him and he shook his head from his thoughts. He felt himself flushing from catching himself staring at the blue rump before him.

"Please enjoy yourselves. If you have any questions, my master or our butler Carnine will be happy to assist you" Blake said with a smile as he left Kent's side.

"You're allowed to go outside if you can't handle it in here" Blake whispered to David as he stopped for a moment beside him. "Or you can find me and I'll take you some place private for a breather" he added before he left him alone. David felt a bit better as he watched the flamedramon leave. It was reassuring to know that someone there was at least trying to look out for him.

The interior of the dining room took their breath away as they finally entered the huge room together. Already a dozen or so masters were there, and quite a few more pets were milling around, either standing still like statues or kneeling beside their respective owners. And they were all dressed to the nines in whatever their masters wished them to be.

The dining hall had been opened out and there were many buffet tables laden with many dishes on display. A bar had been set up against the middle of the room, with a smiling cheetah in just a black bow-tie and white cuffs was serving a couple of masters. From how low the actual bar was, it looked like that was all he was wearing.

At the far end of the room was what looked like a photo shoot was happening. A camera man was busy flashing his camera and taking shots of what looked like a panther with a red fringed emo haircut and wearing nothing but a bright red thong who was flexing his muscles. There was already a line behind the stage of others wanting to show off their pets.

There were pets in rubber, leather, latex, mesh and who knew what else. David found his jaw dropping from the display of boys, pets and slaves that were on display. But something very quickly registered with him as he found himself openly staring.

Not one pet there looked bad. Each one was dressed in something that looked good on them. They were exposed, yes, but not naked. They looked like prize trophies, and some were so little that they made David feel like he was overdressed.

The other thing that he noticed, was that each pet look happy. Wether they were standing, kneeling or sitting beside their respective owners, getting felt up or groped or spanked, none of them looked like they were upset or annoyed. They all looked happy to be on display.

"Impressive" Kent said with a nod as he strode along, letting David follow him. "He really knows how to show off his money" he remarked. "Then again, he always did have more then I could find uses for" he admitted with a light chuckle.

David could only nod, but he was already aware of several stares on him. As he crossed the room in his rubber boots , he could practically feel their eyes on him and over his body. Regardless of how the other pets were displayed, he felt embarrassed to be seen like he was. He jumped slightly when someone grabbed a handful of his backside and he got a laugh from his groper.

"Some prime meat you got there wagging all over the place" said the menacing looking deer buck as he gave David's ass a firm smack. "Wouldn't mind taking that home and putting a few love bruises on it" he said with a laugh as he gave the pokemon's big butt such a hard squeeze that David swore he had hoof marks in his flesh.

David felt himself flush as he scurried ahead to get away him from. The buck and the others around him sniggered after him, and he felt flushed with shame as he got in line behind his master. Kent, if he had heard the remarks, seemed to not give notice as he walked up to someone he apparently recognised.

"Jeanne, good to see you again" Kent said with a smile as he walked up to a very tall fox standing between two kneeling subs. The fox looked over and gave the lion a smile as he greeted him with the martini glass in his hand.

The fox was tall indeed, and very slender. There was very little curves on his body, making him seem almost flawless in his sides. His fur was a black and white mix, and his hair reached past his shoulders, centred by a rather manly looking ponytail. He wore what looked like a pair of shorts made out of blue ribbons that were tied up along the sides of his legs, and a black mesh shirt covered his torso.

"Kent, a pleasure to see you" Jeanne said with a smile. His accent sounded either slightly French or slightly Canadian. Or slightly both. "It's so good to see you again. Marcus told me everything that happened. I am so sorry for what happened" Jeanne said with a sympathetic smile.

"It's over and done with" Kent said with a dismissive gesture of his hand. "I take ityou and your boys are doing well?" Kent asked, giving the foxes free hand a shake. He let go as the fox took a gulp of his drink and took a step back.

"Yes, we are fine. They are coping very well, but we still have difficulties, as to be expected. The boys were looking forward to coming here all week though" Jeanne said with a pleasant smile. "And this must be David, your new boy?" he asked wit ha smile as he saw David standing behind him.

"Yes, this is my boy David. Go on boy, say hello" Kent said with a grin as he gave David a push forward on his big butt. David stumbled forward a bit as he was pushed and he mumbled a soft 'hello' to the fox that was eyeing him.

"Chin up" Jeanne said softly as he cupped his fingers under David's chin and made him look up. David let his chin be lifted as he was made to look at the taller fox.

"Normally, most boys in your position would be crying" Jeanne commented as he let go of David chin. "Crying, begging to leave. Making a scene. Screaming for someone to release them. The fact tahat your here quiet and in control of yourself, that's quite the achievement" he said with a caring smile.

"But, if you do greet someone, you need to speak up a little. I didn't hear you say hello." David felt somewhat taken aback by that statement. The look of confusion on his face made Kent chuckle rather loudly.

"Jeanne works as a councillor for masters and their pets" Kent explained. "He helps boys and pets accept their situation and make things easier for the both of them. Been doing it for, what, six years now?"

"Seven, actually" Jeanne corrected him with a smile as he turned back to David. "Your master can give you my number and my email if you ever need to talk. But I might be busy sometimes. I help a lot of boys" Jeanne said with a smile as he gave David a pat on the shoulder. "Now, why don't you meet my boys?" he said as he gestured to the two boys behind him. "This is Leon, and Garu."

David's eyes went wide when he saw the two kneeling figures behind the tall fox. For a moment, he couldn't figure out what exactly they were, but as his eyes focused, he found out why.

They were both identically covered in what looked like a mixture of rubber and leather. Covered from head to toe into a single suit of skin tight rubber, it clung to them like a second skin and showed off their various muscles. They weren't hulking or overly bulky, but the two of them were clearly ripped and the tight rubber showed off every detail. If they weren't kneeling, they'd be intimidating.

Both boys wore a rubber dog hood, that even covered their ears, which had to be flat under their hoods, judging by the small mounds on their heads. A half facial gas mask with a grill style covering lay over their muzzle, locked securely behind their necks with a big padlock. Various leather straps criss crossed over their torsos, each one covered in silver rings. The many rings over their bodies gave David the impression they could be trussed up to anything in almost any position.

An open patch on both sides of their chests exposed their nipples, which had a very heavy looking silver ring pierced through them and had small weights attached on strings. They wore knee high boots over a pair of tight looking latex chaps, that looked as if made with extremely heavy leather and laced with heavy straps and silver buckles, and were shined to perfection. Between each of their legs was a very tight looking leather thong that was tied securely over their generous looking bulges.

"Are you ever going to let us know just what kind of boys you have there?" Kent said with a smirk. "I've known you for years and I've never seen your boys without their hoods off" he admitted. "the only thing we have to guess by is their tails. One's obviously a canine and the other a feline" he commented.

David took a look and saw that one of them had a long lion style tail waving behind him, and the other looked like a fluffy wolf tail of light blue with deep blue stripes over it.

"Of course not. They're mine, and I don't want people knowing what I keep. I am allowed to keep some secrets" Jeanne said with a smile. Kent just chuckled as Jeanne caught the somewhat awed expression on his face.

"Oh don't worry, they enjoy dressing up like this. My two boys are quite fond of bondage, and they love me too. Don't you boys?" he asked. The two hooded males nodded rather eagerly as one stood up on his knees and wrapped his arms around Jeanne's midsection, like a loving dog would hug his master.

"Awwe, and I love you too. Both of you" Jeanne said with a smile as he hugged his canine boy against him, and then let the feline come over and hug him around his waist. He gave both his boys pets on the head, the smile on his face both caring and very genuine. And it was obvious with the way the two of the bound males clung to the taller fox, they felt the same way.

David swallowed a lump in his throat as he watched the display. The thought of being wrapped up like that, and acting like a dog. It seemed so strange to him, and somewhat crazy. And he was starting to feel a little funny in his stomach.

"How could anyone like being dressed up like that? Do they stay that way?" he thought. He wanted to ask Jeanne why on earth he'd dressed them up like that, but he remembered Kent saying that some masters hated being questioned. Jeanne did seem quite friendly, but what if he wasn't when he was questioned?

"Ah, and here comes Isaiah" Jeanne said with a nod behind Kent. Kent turned with a smile on his face as he gave a greeting to obviously another friend of him. David turned his attention from the two bound up males and looked in Kent's direction.

"Kent you old bastard. Bout time you got out the damn house" said a rather loud voice, and the owner of that voice was a large guilmon that was walking towards them. Dressed in only a pair of jeans and a black harness that crossed over his muscled pecs and above his round bulging gut, he seemed to give an impression that he was large and in charge. When they got close he gave Kent's hand a very vigorous shaking that made Kent's arm shake all over the place.

Behind him, towering over the guilmon was the biggest rhino that David had ever seen. Like a huge hulking beast, the grey rhino was so covered in muscled he looked like someone had inflated him with a bicycle pump. His legs were like tree trunks and biceps the size of footballs strained over his arms. His pecs were huge round slabs of muscle that were puffed out rather proudly.

A bright pink mohawk covered the rhinos head, and a black leather mask covered most of his face, leaving room for a large white horn to poke through. A large bright pink silvered ring hung from both of his large nipples, and a large pink bow-tie was securely around his thick neck. A pair of white cuffs hung around his wrists and, his eyes trailing downwards, David saw that the rhino was wearing a bright pink candy thong. It looked like it was made out of pink Lifesavers, and there must have been a lot to cover such a huge looking bulge. And it appeared to be straining.

"Geez mate, your looking a lot more like your old self" Isaiah said with a big grin on his face. "Good to see your out of the house and back like your old self again. Bout bloody time" he added as he let go of Kent's hand.

"Well, I did have some help in that department" Kent admitted as he shook the feeling back into his hand. He then gestured for David to walk forward. David gulped slightly as he stepped forward, then gasped loudly as someone passing behind him gave his big ass a hard smack, hard enough to make a loud cracking noise and leave a good sting on his cheek.

"Hey Kent, nice bitch ass you got there" the person said with a laugh. Kent just dismissed him with a good natured wave of his hand as he made David stand beside him. David just wanted to rub the now sore part of his ass as he whimpered from the sting, but the look from Kent's face told him not to so he kept his hands in front of himself as he fidgeted his fingers together.

"Well well, you finally got a new boy huh?" said Isaiah as he stepped up to David. David felt his face flush with embarrassment as Isaiah began to press his hands over his body as he inspected him. His hands were smacked away as he tried to cover his face from the embarrassment as Isaiah felt him up like he was some kind of prize animal at a state fair.

David let out a whimper as his crotch was suddenly groped and the guilmon's strong fingers cupped around the obvious bulge in his shorts and felt him up. David suddenly had the urge to cry as Isaiah so blatantly felt him up in front of everyone.

"Bet this is one of mine, ain't it mate?" Isaiah said with a smirk to Kent, who nodded with a chuckle. Embarrassment and confusion tried to win over on David as he was, mercifully, let go. He felt his rather small dick start to throb a bit painfully in its encasement, having plumped up from being felt up.

"One of..yours?" David let out in a small voice as he brought his hands back together nervously. Isaiah let out a loud laugh at David's confusion.

"Oh, didn't your master tell ya? Well, I design bondage gear for a living, and i live on a ranch. Got myself near twenty odd boys and pets working for me, all trained right. And I got a company in the city where I do all my bondage designing" he said with a big grin across his face.

"And my boy Dino here is the test subject for almost everything i make. Bloody spoilt baby gets all upset if i make one of the other boys try something out" he said as he slapped his rhino on the ass. The big lug blushed bright and turned slightly, and David saw the rhinos huge bulging backside jiggle from the impact. The word 'Bitch' was tattooed like a tramp stamp over his large cheek.

"A...slave ranch? David asked quietly. He felt that funny feeling in his stomach start to intensify. "I own a ranch in the country where i make me boys and pets work, yes" Isaiah explained. "the outback here ain't the same as it is back home, but it's good enough. I own about twenty odd slaves, and I train them to be hard workers. They work from sun up to sun set and they do me proud" he said with a grin on his face.

"And he designs all his own devices too" Jeanne said as he drank the rest of his drink. His boys were now kneeling beside him, their heads on his thighs. He idly stroked the canine around his face with a tender caress. "And they're good work. Most masters want devices that require surgical enhancement to make them permanent. Isaiah designs alternatives to that."

"that i do. Don't want some stupid young prick fresh out of high school to come up to me and tell me how to run things on me own property" the guilmon said. "and i don't like makin me boys wear stupid shit that prevents them doing their damn job. So i design all me own stuff and sell it online. All safe, legal and comfortable to wear. That belt your wearing is one of the chastity belts i designed" he explained. He saw the way that David was looking, and he must have been reading what was on David's mind as he gave a chuckle.

"Look, don't worry. I can tell what your thinking" he said to David. "I ain't no sadist or a masochist either. Take for instance this new slave company that sprang up a while back. Some place called the Bureau of Slave Services. The call it 'B.O.S.S' for short. They asked me for designs for chastity and movement restrictive devices and training plugs that were permanent, and possibly requiring surgery to install and remove. So I designed up some plans that offered safer alternatives. Told them take it or leave it. Me bank accounts fuller now" he said with a grin.

"And just what did you do with the money from that new for this company?" Jeanne asked.

"Upgraded the ranch of course" Isaiah said as he gave his rhinos bulge a firm squeeze, making the big beast blush harder. "The air conditioning in the slave barn was busted for ages. Finally got it fixed so now they can sleep better without waking up drenched in sweat. And got a few other things around the place fixed up, including the toilet block. Boys are glad they finally don't get to use drop toilets no more."

"So, you joined B.O.S.S. now?" Kent said as he pulled his matchbox from his jacket pocket and began to light up his cigar. David whimpered a little as he took a small step backwards, watching Kent puff the cigar back to life.

"We all heard what happened to Aaron after he joined up" he commented as he puffed out a cloud of smoke.

"I never did like him" Jeanne said as he looked down at his boys. "you boys get me a drink and something to eat" he ordered. The two bound males nodded as the one with the lion tail took his masters empty glass. "Don't worry, I'll wait right here" he said with a smile as the two boys nodded before they quickly walked off.

"That sounds like a good idea. Go on Dino" Isaiah said with a smack on the rhinos ass. The big rhino bowed rather deeply and walked off towards one of the tables. David couldn't help but stare at the rhinos huge bubble ass that seemed to jiggle and shake with each step he took, and saw the thick looking pink butt-plug buried between his massive mounds.

"So what happened to Aaron anyway? Is it true that he...you know?" Jeanne asked.

"You mean the rumour where he castrated his boy?" Isaiah asked.

"That was no rumour" Marcus said as he suddenly made his appearance next to Kent with Blake standing beside him. "He decided to punish his boy one night, and it ended up with the police being called" he said as he removed his glasses and began to wipe them with a handkerchief.

"So he really did do that?" Jeanne asked. Marcus nodded as he replaced his glasses.

"Yes. Aaron joined the B.O.S.S last month, and since then he dropped contact with a lot of us. Apparently, he believes they know how to run a slave business better then anyone, and they have a better system in place or something. He got a new slave from them. Some new and rather young cheetah boy sold to the company because his father was in debt.

'Is that how they get slaves in that company?" Kent asked as he inhaled on his cigar and blew the smoke off to the side.

"One of the ways. I haven't looked into it myself, but there are a lot of ways someone can be sold to the company for slavery. Anyway,according to what I heard, physical punishment is almost mandatory to the company, and they allow some pretty extreme things to go on" he explained.

David felt his stomach start to tie up in knots. He had the feeling he didn't like where this was going. He felt his start swim a little as he rubbed his forehead a bit. His forehead felt a bit clammy.

"From what I heard, the cheetah wasn't adjusting as well as Aaron thought and he decided to punish him. So he tied his cheetah boy to the garden fence and castrated him with a pair of gardening shears. Apparently the neighbours had never heard such screams before. And when the police arrived the boy had almost bled to death" Marcus said.

"Ugh, that's just bloody disgusting" Isaiah said with a shake of his head. "How can people do that to others like that? And to a freaking kid no less."

"I know. You wouldn't believe how many slaves and pets I've talked to that go through such treatment" Jeanne said as he looked displeased about the notion. "What did the police do? I hope they arrested him."

"No, they didn't. apparently, castration is legal in B.O.S.S., and the worst they did to him was take his boy away" Marcus said as he looked rather disgusted. "He has to go through a revision course to prove he can handle the responsibility of owning a pet again with their company."

"So what about the boy?" Kent asked.

"He got taken to the company and put in hospital" Marcus explained."And apparently once he was well enough to walk, he was sold off to another owner in a matter of hours. "

"So Aaron basically got a slap on the wrist?" Isaiah said as he looked disgusted at the thought. Marcus nodded and the Digimon growled in disgust. David felt a lump rise up in his throat as he found himself start to break out into a cold sweat.

"It's just disgusting" Jeanne said. "I like to think I'm making progress with pets and their masters. When it comes down to it, a master makes sure that his submissive's best interests are at heart, and the submissive responds by taking care of his master in servitude. But how can you make progress like that when some company like that allows things like this to happen?"

"Where...where's the bathroom?" David suddenly spoke at Kent's side. He felt himself starting to pant as he struggled to keep whatever was in his throat down. Kent turned and saw that David was looking pale from the colour that had drained from his face.

"Blake, show him. Quickly" Marcus ordered. Blake nodded as he took David's hand. His hand felt rather warm in contrast to David's clammy and cold sweated hand, and David hurried with Blake through the crowd. and lead him through the crowd.

David followed without a word, feeling his stomach become more and more upset as they passed the assorted dressed masters and pets. Blake took him from the room, David struggling to keep his throat from opening up.

His big backside was smacked several times along the way, sniggers and laughter following him. He had to clamp a hand around his mouth to keep himself in check. Across the front hall was a pair of gleaming white doors with the word 'Bathroom' written in gold letters on each door.

Blake pushed the door open and the two walked in. The bathroom was lined with black marble tiles, and it looked like a bathroom out of a highly classed restaurant. The two were immediately greeted by the strong scent of urine, and the rank smell made David's stomach churn all the more violently.

Looking disgusted, Blake saw a white fox strapped to one of the wall urinals and he was dripping with piss that was coming from the big bull that was standing before him.

"Yeah, yu like that slut?" the bull murred as he held his fat thick cock in his hand and guided the rank golden stream over his pet. The fox moaned as he was stained yellow, his black hard-on standing at attention between his stretched legs. The two of them jumped when Blake raised his voice loudly.

"Get out of here, NOW" Blake ordered. "How dare you do this in my masters house without permission" he said in anger.

"Christ kid, watch your damn tongue" the bull said as he turned to them both. "Your the masters bitch, not the damn owner of the place" the bull said with a smirk as he stroked his rather big looking cock.

"Either you get out, or my master makes an example of you" Blake said with an angry look on his face. "An you know damn well he will."

The bull suddenly looked pale, the colour draining from his face as the word sunk in. He mumbled an apology as he shoved his cock back into his pants and quickly unstrapped his fox from the urinal. Blake stood back as the bull grabbed the piss soaked fox and hoisted him up over his shoulder as he ran from the bathroom, looking rather scared. Blake hoped the bull was going to leave, and he shook his head at the disgusting mess that was left behind.

"Great. My master invites them into his home and they decide to treat it like some sex club" Blake said as he walked over to three stall doors that stood opposite the urinals. It was thankfully clean as he held the door open. David ran into the stall, letting go of his muzzle as he knelt over the porcelain bowl and he heaved rather loudly.

The remains of his breakfast splattered into the bowl as he emptied his upset stomach, heaving loudly as Blake stood by the door, letting the Charizard empty himself. David's heaves echoed in the empty bathroom as the water in the bowl was filled with half digested remains

"That'...that's so fucking wrong" David said as he finally felt the last remains of food hit the water in the bowl before him. He panted and gulped a few times as he wiped his face with the back of his hand.

"I know. My master said for them all to behave. I doubt he'll be invited back. Maybe Carnine will make them clean up the mess" Blake said. "Hopefully with that bulls tongue. Teach him to do this" Blake muttered to himself as he looked over the rank puddle of piss on the floor.

"No, not that" David said as he rested his head on his forearm. "What they were talking about out there." He was starting to realise why he was feeling so sick, and it seemed the seeing the bull and the fox had only further strengthened what was making him ill at lease.

"You mean about Aaron?" Blake asked. "I know what happened was disgusting, but ..."

"That is what they're disgusted about?" David interrupted as he looked up from the bowl. "They've got other guys out there dressed up like ponies and leather dogs, I'm being felt up and groped all over, and they're concerned about some guy who got his balls cut off?" he said.

"Of coarse they're upset about such a thing" Blake said. "That master was an insult to the rest of us who actually care about our boys" Blake said, feeling somewhat surprised by David's outburst.

"You think Kent cares about me? Dressing me up like this and putting me on display?"David said as he stood up slowly. "What about you? Are you ok with looking like some cartoon slut?"

"How dare you" Blake said as he looked at David. "How dare you say that. My master takes great care of me" Blake said as he started to get angry.

"So you think it's ok for them to make us look like freaks and the only thing they care about is some guy getting his balls cut? That Isaiah guy, saying he cares about his boy but admitting he tests sex devices on him all the time. And that Jeanne, saying he cares about his boys and he helps people, but he's got his boys bound up so much they might as well be wearing fucking straight-jacket. They're all fucking sick" David said as he stood up.

"They are not sick" Blake said as he was clearly angry at this point, and he was not hiding it. "They take good care of us. I know your new, but you have no right to say such a thing. And you have no idea what Jeanne has through with is boys, and you have no idea hard Isaiah works at his business."

"I don't care" David said angrily as he removed the rubber gloves form his arms. All of the good feelings he had accumulated over the last month were forgotten as he threw the gloves into the toilet bowl in anger.

"I'm not putting up wit this. I don't care what you think, I can't take this shit any more" he said as he pulled the boots from his feet.

"David, your making a mistake here" Blake said angrily. "You have no idea what your talking about, and if you go out there and make a spectacle of yourself, you'll only have yourself to blame" he said as he blocked the doorway.

"Get the fuck out of my way bitch" David growled as he balled his hands up into fists. Blake didn't seem to back own in any way as he barred the dragons path.

"David, I don't care if your angry. You have no idea who you're messing with out there...." Was all he was able to say, before he was roughly shoved aside, crying out as he landed hard on his back against the wall next to the urinal. He felt a spike of pain hit his back as he arched in pain, coughing a bit as he pushed himself onto his side.

"Fuck this, I'm out of here" David snarled as he looked down at the boy before him. He wanted to punch and kick the boy for some reason, just to let him know how damn angry he was.

Those masters out there, fucking hypocrites. Talking about how much they cared about their boys and all that while treating them like prized hookers. Ignoring the pained Digimon on the floor, he stormed out of the bathroom.

He stormed out into the foyer and looked around, just wanting to leave. He didn't care about the collar or how he was dressed all he wanted was to get out of there and let Kent stay behind with nothing. It took him a few moments to realise that Kent had given the car keys tot he valet.

Figuring he'd have a spare set of keys on him, and an excuse together in his face if he didn't, David marched himself back into the dining room. Now that he wasn't handcuffed in a car or afraid of a stupid little cigar with all the rage he was feeling, he was going to settle his score with Kent and show him he wasn't a bitch.

If anyone noticed his new angry look, no-one made a comment. Most of the master by now were gathered around the photographer, who was doing more then one boy at a time in group shots. Others were gathered around the food tables, discussing how good or too good the food was to them.

The boys of the masters were around their owners, Jeanne's two boys on either side of him, both holding a plate of food like two servants offering to their god. Isaiah's big rhino was standing with a huge piece of chocolate cake lodged in his mouth and a plate full of food in both his hands. None of them seemed to have noticed David approaching.

"So he is adjusting well?" Jeanne was overheard as David made his way through the throng of assorted masters and their pets. He was fuming and ready to punch the stupid bastard in the back of his head, but he was only a few feet away when he heard Kent speak.

"At first, no, not really" Kent said as he held his cigar in his hand. "It's always difficult when a boy is owned as he is" he admitted. "You can't expect them to adjust to such a big change so quickly. He is adjusting, it's just taking its time, and I don't see how forcing him into his position is any good for him." "And he has been making his fair share of mistakes. It's taken him a while, but I'm starting to trust him a little more each day. At least he's not threatening me or trying to fight back" he said as he took a puff on his cigar.

"All boys make mistakes when they start servitude" Isaiah said as he held a salad sandwich slice in his hand. "you can't expect a person to become well trained in a day or so. It takes time. Sadly, a lot of idiots out there expect a boy to get shove into a uniform, yelled at and be obedient in a few hours. That just doesn't happen."

"Exactly" Jeanne said with a nod. "You won't believe how many pets and boys I've talked to who just can't come to terms with what's happened to them" he said. "and it doesn't make it any easier if their owner/master is a dick."

"That's why there is no real foolproof way to be a master" Marcus admitted. "Everyone has a different method in dealing with their subserviants, and not every pet or boy or whatever they are, takes to a method the same way as another does" he said. "

"Look, I know about David's past" Kent said. "And most would probably tell me not to bother with such a thug wannabe. But why should I pass him up because someone else thinks so? Besides, I don't see any reason to throw him away just because he was a troubled boy growing up."

"What is his past anyway?" Jeanne asked with curiosity in his voice, but Kent waved him away.

"It doesn't matter what he was before, it matters what he is now" Kent said. "He's my boy, and that's it. I may treat him like a bitch and fuck him every chance I get, but I'll be damned if I get told I don't take care of him" he said.

"He might be making slow progress, but I'm proud of the actual progress he's making. I'm just not going to force him to change as quickly as some company might expect him too."

David felt the anger in him slowly start to fade as he heard Kent speak about him. So, Kent knew about his past, but he still wanted him? And, he was proud of him?

"He's my boy, and I am all he has right now. If we can work things out together, I'll be damn proud of him" Kent continued as he blew out a puff of smoke. "Besides, I'm all he's got right now, and he's all I have. So he's making a few mistakes and someone may think I'm either too soft or two hard. I don't care. He's my boy, and that's that." David felt the last of his anger slip away as he heard Kent speak.

Someone was willing to be proud of him? That had never happened before. He felt that familiar feeling start to creep into him again, that feeling he had been getting whenever Kent had said something nice or acted pleased with him.

"So, why did you bring him to the party? And make him dress like that?" Isaiah asked with a smirk. "not that I'm complaining about how good he looks."

"Because, it's a step forward" Kent said. "The reason you take a pet out in public, is because your proud of him. And, sadly like one of those stupid rich bitches, you dress your pet up because you want them to stand out. Or because your an idiot" he pointed out.

"Plus, he needs to know how to deal with being in public as a bitch" Kent continued. "There are worse things I could have dressed him in, but we all dress our pets up like we do because either they honestly enjoy it, or because it helps them deal with the situation and know what to expect out of it. But I will admit, he does look hot" he added.

"I have to admit, he is quite fetching in that outfit" Marcus said wit ha nod as he took a drink from the glass he was holding.

"Besides, I know I made a lot of mistakes with Jamie, and for the life of me, I wouldn't be able to admit to anything I did wrong, because in my eyes, I don't know what I did wrong. I want to make things right with David, and if that means keeping him just as my bitch and not any closer, then so be it" Kent said. "It's a learning experience for the both of us, and I want to do right by him."

"I'm guessing you don't want him to get any closer, in case he ends up leaving like Jamie?" Jeanne asked. "Honestly, I don't know why he did it. I talked to him a lot too, but he never mentioned anything about leaving or being displeased about you."

"I suppose that's true too" Kent said with a nod." I think it's better for the both of us if we stay as master and bitch, not father and son like I did with Jamie."

"Well, that may be true, but at least we can say we look after our boys" Isaiah said as he gave Dino's big rump a firm smack, the rhino swallowing the last of his cake with a startled gulp. "I'm proud that I do, and I ain't letting some slave company say otherwise."

"I'd never work for them" Jeanne admitted. "They've asked, but I know if I did, I'd have to sign my boys up to be registered with them. My boys wouldn't last five minutes with that company, and I care about them too much to do that to them" he said.

"Same" Marcus said with a nod. "I don't think any master here would argue with that" he said as he took another drink.

David felt strangely quiet as he listened to the conversation, the world around him going numb as he processed the information. Everything around him seemed to slow down and go quite as he registered what he had just heard.

So Kent had a boy before him. Someone named Jamie. And from the sound of it, they must have been as close as father and son. But if what he heard was right, then Jamie left and Kent was left behind.

It suddenly dawned on David that everything that Kent had been doing up to that point was to keep David at arms length to prevent them getting close. Perhaps Kent was just simply afraid to get too close, in case David ended up going as well.

And these masters, they were all saying that they cared more about their pets then some slave company that was doing things legally? He suddenly felt a pang of guilt on him. All this time he had been worrying about what Kent was doing to him, but he had not once thought of what was up with Kent.

Maybe he really did have Kent figured wrong and the others too. He looked at the boys surrounding Jeanne and Isaiah, and saw the looks on their faces, and how they looked up at them with genuine affection.

Maybe this was hard on his master as much as it was on him. He felt bad at thinking that Kent and his friends were the bad guys. Perhaps he was mistaken about the whole lot of them. Maybe they all were really happy with each other, and he was stupid to judge them like some fool?

Maybe the fault wasn't with Kent and the others, but with himself?

It was then he noticed the Argonian butler that came up behind Marcus and tap him on the shoulder.

"Excuse me sir, there is a problem in the bathroom that requires your attention" he said in a rather polite and professional voice.

"Alright. Excuse me a minute" Marcus said to his friends as he walked off. The canine beside Jeanne turned his head and saw that David was standing nearby. He looked up at his master and tugged gently on one of the ribbon ends on his leg and pointed in David direction.

"Hey, look who's back" Jeanne said as he spotted David not too far off. "So boy, do you feel better....what happened to your clothes?" Kent asked as he turned and saw his Charizard was now half dressed. David suddenly snapped back into reality as he realised that half of his clothes were still in the bathroom.

Where Marcus was heading right now. He felt his heart stop momentarily as he remembered the scared look on the bulls face when Blake had threatened him with his masters wrath.

And if Marcus was able to install fear into a master like that with just a threat from his boy...

"Can...can we go now?" David asked as he started to panic. If Marcus found out... no, WHEN he found out, he was sure to pay for it. He then remembered what Kent had said about each master having a different opinion about punishment, and that heh ad no idea what those opinions would be.

"Why, what's the problem?" Kent asked as he looked at his boy in confusion. "Did something happen? Are you sure you're feeling alright?"

"Please, I...I really need to leave" David said as he grabbed Kent's hand and held onto it so tightly that Kent was surprised by the power of the grip. "Please, master, I can explain later..."

"You can explain now" Marcus said as he strode up to the scared looking dragon, the butler close behind with Blake walking behind him. Blake had most of his armour off and he was rubbing his side and it looked like he was hurting.

"Is there a problem Marcus?" Kent asked, seeing the look on his friends face. He knew that look. It was the look that said Marcus was pissed.

"Yes there is. Apparently David had a freak out in the bathroom and lashed out at Blake" Marcus said as he crossed his arms over his solid chest as he looked down at the smaller dragon. David felt his skin pale in fear as he felt himself diminish in the bigger males eyes.

"He did what?" Kent said, looking surprised.

"According to Blake, David didn't like anything we were saying and freaked out over how we were ignoring his humiliation" Marcus said as he glared down at the Charizard before him. "And then when Blake told him to calm down, he lashed out at him."

"I...." David said in a small voice, as he found himself at a loss for words. He tried to explain himself, but no words were forming.

"So, this is why you want to leave" Kent said as he looked at David. The look on his face made David tremble slightly. He had not seen that pissed off look on Kent's since that night in the limousine.

"I..." David whimpered, but the familiar anger from before started to rise up in him again. The fury built up slowly as the four masters and their boys looked at him, and he felt his hands ball into fists. He suddenly found himself not caring about what they thought. They deserved to know why he was so pissed off, and he was going to tell them.

"Ok yeah, I did push the little bitch aside" he said angrily. "But you were the one who made me dress up and put me on display like some harlot" he said to Kent as he pointed at him accusingly.

"David, I suggest you calm down" Jeanne said carefully. "You really do not want to.." but David rounded on him.

"I didn't ask for the shrinks opinion" he snarled, his fangs baring as he rounded on the tall slim fox. "Why don't you butt out of this and go work on some stupid drug user and tell him he's a waste of space or whatever it is you do."

"Hey, that's no way to speak to our mate you little wanker" Isaiah said as he looked angry as well. Jeanne's boys took a few steps back, and Dino did as well, the three boys removing themselves from the line of fire.

"Oh fuck off you fat shit" David snarled. "What makes you think you can speak to me like that? I'm not your damn pet. I'm nobody's bitch" he said as he ignored the furious look on Isaiah's face before he rounded on Kent.

"and I sure as hell ain't your bitch. You can take your master shit and shove it up your ass. I never wanted this, and it's not like you gave me a choice in all this either. So fuck you. I'm out of here" David said. He brought his hand up and gave Kent the middle finger before he turned to leave.

He didn't get to move more then a turn to turn away before Kent grabbed him by one of his tube like ear horns. The sudden iron grip on his ear made him cringe before he let out a yelp and was hauled backwards. The three masters just stood and watched as Kent dragged the dragon by his ear out through one of the windows and onto the concrete landing outside.

None of them made a move to help or to assist the dragon. David let out a cry as he was shoved, landing on his side as he was tossed down like a sack of potatoes onto the warmed concrete ground. He felt himself land rather hard and he felt his body crash against the frame of the verandah. He arched his back in pain as he looked up at the very angry lion.

"You have no fucking idea how disappointed I am in you" Kent growled as he glared down at the dragon as David slowly stood up, rubbing his ear somewhat. David rubbed his elbow as he brought himself to his feet and glared right back.

"Like I give a shit what you think" David said angrily back. "What makes you think I give a shit? Why should I? all you've done to me is rape me in the limo, burn my skin and fuck me every which way from Sunday. Why the fuck should I behave or do anything you say any more?"

"You know, I honestly thought you were doing well" Kent said angrily. "I honestly thought I could start trusting you and I actually thought we could get along. Well, obviously I was mistaken. I guess you really are the stupid ghetto street thug that Juliet picked up off the street."

"Yeah, you were. What the fuck makes you think I wanted any of this?" David said angrily. "what makes you think I actually wanted to be your stupid pet? As if anyone would choose that."

"So what, you think I didn't give you a choice?" Kent said as he snapped his cigar in half in his hand in anger. "I did give you a choice. You either behaved, or you got punished. That was as good a choice as anyone could get."

"Like fuck you gave me a choice" David said as he continued to yell. "You just fucking raped me in the limo and expected me to behave like some mongrel dog."

"Yes,I gave you a choice, and you chose to be a spoilt misbehaving thug" Kent said as he dropped the remains of his cigar. "So you got punished for it. But obviously I didn't punish you enough because your still acting like a spoilt bitch."

"You never asked me if I wanted to be your stupid bitch. I bet the rest of your sick friends just bought the first guy they laid eyes on and then fucked them up royally" David growled.

"You watch your mouth you little shit" Kent growled as he stepped up to the Charizard. There was murder in his eyes as he glared daggers and David actually shrank back a bit. He hadn't seen Kent this murderous looking at all, not even that night in the limo. For a few moments, he actually was afraid more then he was angry

"You have no idea what any of my friends have done to get their boys, or what goes on in their lives. How dare you judge them like this" he growled.

"You have no idea how long Isaiah has worked to keep his ranch running, or how long it took for Jeanne to get his boys to trust him. You have no idea how much it means to Marcus to be considered a good master. You have no right to judge them like this." Kent seethed in anger as he glared at the cowering dragon.

He actually had raised his hand to strike the stupid boy, but he managed to keep himself in check. He slowly lowered his hand and David felt his fear ebb away as he found himself smirking, feeling like he had just gotten the upper hand in the argument.

"Well, you obviously aren't that good either. I bet you just treated your ex bitch like a cumdump. No wonder he fucking left" David said with a smirk on his face and in his voice as he spoke to his master in that manner.

Complete silence met David's accusation and for a moment he was stunned. The murderous glare in Kent's face had faded somewhat, and the bigger ion actually looked...sad. and the sadness in his voice was more disarming then the murderous fury in his voice a moment ago.

"And I actually thought you would be a good boy" Kent said in such a toneless voice that David was unable to make a comeback. Whatever anger David had was fading rapidly, and he suddenly saw just how tired Kent looked. Almost..defeated.

"I honestly thought I was taking good care of you. But I guess I wasn't. I must be making the same mistakes all over again, so it really must be me in the wrong here" he continued.

He didn't raise his voice, but what made David suddenly feel cold was the fact that Kent sounded disappointed. For a moment, David was unable to speak. The sadness and disappointment in Kent's voice made him realise that Kent was genuinely upset over the whole incident.

Perhaps Jamie's departure really had broken him in a way, and by failing with David, he had broken himself further.

"Well, since you think I don't give you a choice, I'm going to give you one right now" Kent continued in his toneless voice. "You can decide who punishes you before I stop being your master."

"Wait, what?" David said in shock. Whatever he had thought Kent was about to say, he hadn't been expecting that.

"You insulted all three of my friends, showed their boys disrespect, and embarrassed me in front of a room full of masters much better than I am" Kent said. His eyes glistened slightly, as if he was starting to fight back tears."For now, you are still my bitch, and you will be punished."

"For...for now?" David said, suddenly feeling fearful.

"If you really aren't happy being my boy, then it falls onto my duty as a master to make sure your happy. And if that means giving you to someone else, then fine" Kent said. "If I can't make you happy, then I don't deserve you. But while you are still my boy, it still falls on me to punish you, and I will make up my mind afterwards."

"You....you'd just give me away?" David asked. For some reason the thought of being given away chilled him to the bone and he found himself shaking in fear. "But....but you bought me..." he found himself stammering, and he was genuinely surprised to find himself scared of the thought.

"And I can sell you" Kent said as he took a step back. Behind him, Jeanne, Isaiah and Marcus were all standing at the open doorway and were watching in silence. None of them were saying anything, but none of them looked pleased with the situation.

"You...but you can't..." David whimpered. "You...your my master...." He whimpered as he looked from one master to the other.

"David, you will pick one of my friends to punish you" Kent said, ignoring the dragons cries. "They will punish you for one hour, and at the end of that hour, I will make up my mind about you" he said.

"Kent, are you sure about this?" Jeanne asked, speaking first and breaking the silence that hung between them.

"If he's not happy then I have no right to keep him" Kent said, and his shoulders slumped slightly. It did not go unnoticed by David, or by any of the others. "And a masters duty is to look after their boy and make them happy, regardless of how that must be done."

David said nothing as he looked from one to the other. None of them looked at him with pity or remorse in their eyes. They all looked displeased with him, and none of them seemed to mind the prospect of giving him punishment. Kent was, after all, their friend. And he had insulted all four of them.

"David, choose. Or I'll choose for you" Kent said as he looked at his boy, his voice rising in a short burst of anger at the order he had just given.

David swallowed a lump in his throat as he realised that he was now in way over his head. Now, he had only an hour left that could be spent as Kent's bitch, and that hour would be used to punish by one of three people who he had never met until that day. And there were plenty of masters behind them who would perhaps not be as lenient as Kent had been the past month or so. All he had to go on, was what little he knew of them since he met them all.

Isaiah, the slave ranch owner, who had more then twenty boys at his service.

Jeanne, the councillor who helped boys and slaves accept their place.

Marcus, the owner of the manor who could make other masters scared.

And at the end of that hour, David could be sold off to anyone in the room if Kent made up his mind to do it. The Charizard found himself shaking as he was forced into a choice he had claimed he wasn't given. And it would possibly be the last choice he was ever given freely.

Finding himself shaking rather badly, David made the choice.

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