Chapter 4: Karen's Lament

Story by GhostDrake on SoFurry

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#4 of Immortalia

The cold morning air stung Kaza's fragile peach skin and she rubbed her exposed arms quickly with her cupped hands. Why she ever came out into this cold unprepared in the first place she would never know. Why Lazok couldn't wait until the dew had at least gone away? Lazok... her eyes shifted over to him who seemed unaffected by the normal morning cold. She smiled when she saw his bronzed body, intricately carved with deep muscles, casually shifting as he walked.

Lazok caught a glimpse of that smile, "What are you smiling about?"

"I'm smiling at the male that I've found myself wrapped up with every night--" She paused, feigning a serious face. " Also I was wondering that if I had balls would they be frozen off by now?"

The serious tone in her voice made Lazok shake with laughter as they walked side by side. "Well, just be glad you don't have any then."

"Whatever." Her smile widen, "I'm just glad you've got a pair."

Lazok raised an eyebrow. "I'm sure you are."

She laughed. Her long black hair flew gracefully behind her head as she turned towards him. "I love you, Lazok."

Those words were more sweet and tender to Lazok's ears than the calming and ornate melody of the morning bird. They echoed across every point of his mind, those sweet words, over and over. How he longed for a lover and moments like this made him revel in praise to Kurr.

Lazok pulled her close, his hands stroked the black hair. "I love you, too, Kaza."

The smile she gave had almost a child-like innocence. "I know no matter what Lazok, you'll be there by my side. I feel it inside me, this warmth that melts my heart."

"I've felt it too, its consumed me these past three days. Three days, we've slept under the covers revealing our hopes and dreams, and I've found myself bewitched by you." She felt his warm bronze skin brush against her face, as they hugged. The moments melted like the morning frost into eternity.

"Ahem!" A feminine voice coughed and hacked. "I hope you're not planning to go farther than that. After all, that would ruin the tranquility of the forest for us."

Kaza pulled away embarrassed, and Lazok glimpsed at the intruder. She was a female human with red fiery hair that hadn't faded with her obvious age, the flowing red robes marked her as a Druid of the Rose, a fair and peaceful group of Druids, at least as far as Lazok knew. However the most distinctive feature was her milky white eyes.

"A druid?" Lazok feigned interest. "You must know several secrets about this area, care to help us?"

"Lazok, that's rude."

"No, I don't mind, not at all for two young lovers. What do you need from this old prune?"

Lazok pointed in the general direction of Kurr's temple. "We need another route into Kurr's Temple. The roads are all blocked up ahead with troops."

"Yes, I can help you. By the way, my name is Karen." She extended her hand to no one in particular.

Kaza quickly moved in to shake her hand. "I'm sorry about him just asking you like that. I know my way around here but we'd probably be best served by someone who can communicate with the... spirits. We don't want to waste your time."

"Ah," Karen nodded her head kindly. "Do not worry about that. Our time here is limited and we do not have much of it at that, and helping is the best way to spend it. I am skilled in navigation, however my obvious problem makes tripping over branches and other objects a very dangerous obstacle."

"Lazok will help you! Won't you Lazok?"

Lazok walked over and held the aged woman's hand. "A strong Arillian and a human. Quite a couple."

Lazok scowled, but Kaza chuckled at Karen's observation.

"It's that way," Karen pointed confidently towards a small path in the forest. "Let's walk, its been a long time since a young male such as yourself has led me on."

"Tell us, have you heard any news on the war?"

Karen nodded, several times. "Oh, yes. Yes, I have. Wouldn't have believed it if I'd seen it with my own two eyes." She cackled with laughter at her joke. "Apparently, the war has been going bad for Lord Darren."

Both Kaza and Lazok looked at each other incredulously. Lazok tensed, knowing that death would await them if Queen Emerald won.

"Oh, don't you two fret. Now I'll tell you an interesting rumor that's been all the buzz among both sides. Supposedly some odd miles into Lord Darren's territory, there was your typical skirmish. Dear, don't hold my hand so tight, I'm a hundred and seventy five years old and very brittle. My, if the wind blew too hard... WHOOSH! I'd blow away."

Lazok lessened his grip, and Karen continued.

"Well supposedly, the skirmish was going great for Queen Emerald. Her troops outnumbered ours ten to one! Lo and behold, as the men considered surrender. The skies opened up and a blacken creature erupted from the fissure in the sky, down the it soared! When the monster landed, an equally black rider got off of it and cut them down to nearly half. HALF!" She cackled with extreme joy. " Then a blast of the Dragon's doing, killed all the rest. Only 7 squads of Darren's troops survived that blast and none of the Emeraldites.

"A dragon?" Kaza said with disbelief. "The war must be going bad if Lord Darren would resort to spreading such nonsense."

"Drake?" Lazok wondered. "No, no way could that be the same person. He's too insane to do attract the notice of a Dragon."

"Ah, it's just a rumor. You are right Dragon's aren't around very much anymore!"

"That's because they don't exist." Kaza responded quickly.

Karen sighed. "We need to start hiking now and we'll arrive in about two more days."

"Two more days?!"

"Hells, Do you understand age? I need to rest more than you younglings! I've seen more in my lifetime than most, so I deserve a quick snooze here or their, and don't shout!"

Lazok was again flustered, while he heard Kaza laugh. Karen's aged face looked off in a direction. "Turn here... HERE," Karen pointed.

The day had slowly passed and the group shambled across the ground. Lazok desperately trying to help Karen avoid branches in the ground, and Kaza following them from behind. Maybe it would've been better for them to take her path instead of just following the Druid.

"Lazok, my feet hurt bad. Like little needles getting jammed into the sole." Kaza complained some time near late afternoon.

"When I first started this pilgrimage, my feet hurt all the time."

"Let's stop please." Kaza begged.

Lazok sighed, he loved Kaza but her human frailties were a nuisance at best. Lazok faced Karen who was still holding on to his arm."Karen, do you mind?"

"Not at all dear." Karen responded as she was slowly lowered to the ground.

"Kaza, do you have to stop, we still have a long way to go."

"Lazok, I'm sorry I'm not Arillian and built to travel. I'm human."

"Oh, Please, Don't play that card, I've known humans who've taken this same pilgrimage. They did just fine."

"Please stop!" Karen shouted. The old woman's face suddenly contorted into a sad wrinkled expression. "Children, I need to tell you something." She adjusted to make herself more comfortable.

"Hearing you two, talk and bicker, reminds me of someone I lost." The woman's milky white eyes started to water, but she wiped them away. "Many, many years ago long before any of you were born, there was a great war known then as the Great Division. My beloved was a warrior for his country, when this as once unified country. He desperately did not want to see it fall into civil war. No matter how much he fought the country was still failing-- never in my life did I see him so determined."

Lazok watched the frail woman, shake with welling tears.

"He was Arillian like you Lazok. A sweet and good natured male who knew what to stand for and who to fight. He was an inspiration and still is to me more than a hundred and fifty years later, but I want you to promise me something."

Kaza leaned in closer to listen. "Yes, of course."

"I loved that male more than anything, yet my love couldn't protect him when he was away on the battlefield. I would've gladly fought with him. Yet now here I am to be tortured till my final days to think about him and our love. I've never filled that hole in my heart. Kaza, Lazok, promise me that whatever happens you go into it together."

"We promise to never leave each other's side." Kaza grabbed Lazok's arm.

Lazok nodded in agreement. "I won't ever leave you, Kaza."

Kaza's eyes glowed, and almost teared with happiness. "Lazok, you mean everything to me."

Lazok didn't feel his next question would be appropriate considering the mood of Karen's story. "Karen, I'm just curious how can you lead us when---"

"I'm blind?" Karen finished for him. "Lazok, I can see things in my own way. My sight is not the same as yours, and do not worry I am not leading you blindly about." Karen's disposition improved with the joke.

"I suppose being a Druid has something to do about it? Maybe the spirits?"

Kaza almost snorted at the nonsense of the mentioning of spirits, but held it in. If Lazok believed in them she would allow him to, in fact even if he believed the most bizarre thing she'd still be by his side.

"Yes, Lazok, magic is merely the manipulation of natural energies, however spirits are in everything and everyone. I can see wisps of where spirits have been or are. So in a sense, I can navigate through seeing these spirits, because they rarely change."

"What do you mean they rarely change?" Kaza snapped in. "Everything lives and dies, so therefore their spirits change."

"Believe what you will, Kaza, souls are immortal." Karen chuckled, "Are your feet better, dear?"

Kaza nodded. Even though they still pained her, she didn't want to delay them any further, and the talk of spirits annoyed her. She didn't believe in them any more than she believed in fairies or Dragons. Superstitions, she snorted to herself as she got up.

"Off we go children, Dark is coming." Karen chuckled, as she held on to Lazok.

"Karen, Arillians can't see in the Dark." Kaza stepped in not wanting to see Lazok speak of his flaw. "We can only go a half a mile or so."

"Oh, yes, I'm sorry, I suppose it would be counter productive for the blind to lead the blind."

"How about we just take a break for today?" Lazok said as he glanced in Kaza's direction. "I'm sure we all need it."

"Fine, I suppose you're right." Karen held tightly to Lazok's arm as she felt herself being put down. "Besides, My feet are starting to hurt as well."

Lazok hadn't intended on this type of break. He spent a greater part of the dusk pitching his tent which stubbornly refused to peg correctly into the ground. Kaza and Karen were chatting about all kinds of bizarre stuff, most of it philosophical in origin.

Lazok was just nailing in the last tent spike, when Kaza spoke beside him. "Lazok look how beautiful the sunset makes the sky look."

Lazok stood up and looked, "Yeah, I suppose when you really take the time to stop and look at it... maybe if a few more people learned to appreciate the small things we'd all be happier." Lazok reached out and held Kaza's hand. "I'm just glad I found someone who's made my life more meaningful."

Kaza's face glowed softly in the sunlight and, in Lazok's opinion, made her all the more beautiful. The smile that crossed her lips, seemed to be a slice of heaven. She moved close to him, "Wait until later, and it will be all the more meaningful..." She ran her hand across his chest.

"Well, you two enjoy your tent." Karen said gruffly. "Why can't you just sleep out here in the grass? Like all of the Gods Creatures?"

"It's dangerous to just be lying out there." Kaza as she covertly pointed Lazok to get in. "Good night, Karen."

Kaza laid down by Lazok who'd already disrobed himself. His bronze god-like sex clung to the side of his thigh. He ran one hand from his sex up his chest, while looking over Kaza's body. "So what were you planning?"

"Shh." Kaza giggled softly as she felt Lazok run a hand over her thigh.

"God, we're so dirty doing this so close to her."

Lazok tugged at the base of her shirt. "C'mon, me pumping your slit won't be anything new."

"Lazok, you're incorrigible." Kaza whispered when she saw that he was semi-erect. "I wasn't thinking about full sex."

"Tell me you don't like my rod, going in between your legs." His curious hand slid up her thigh.

"Mmm, We haven't done it in a few days. So I don't know..."

Lazok propped himself up with his two hands. A smile grew across his face. "I'm sure you'd remember how much you liked it if you felt it again." He started to rub his cockhead.

"I'm sure I would, but..." She positioned herself on his muscle covered thigh. "Maybe a little fun would be better, before we go all out."

While balancing on his thigh she pulled off her shirt. Her round breasts hung, their soft pink nipples gave them a look of perfect symmetry. Lazok's free hand was already working at her pants, unsnapping a button. She slid her pants down, her soft warm rear, rested delicately against his bronze skin. She grabbed the free hand, pulling it down to her slit.

Lazok savored the powerful sex as he slipped one finger inside. She was so damn tight, he just couldn't figure out why she didn't stretch after the last fucking. His cock was huge, and he should be able to at least get two fingers in. He felt her grab his wrist. "Just pump it with your wrist al--." She paused as she felt, a gentle rhythm massaging her slit. Her left hand started to rub the dragon sized cock, in soft squeezes and thumb movements over the head.

Lazok pulled out, his free hand cupping her right breast. He squeezed the firm breast, occasionally rubbing her pink nipple. She put one arm around Lazok's neck to steady herself. "Alright, I guess we could play a bit."

She rotated around so that her face was in Lazok's. Slowly, she slid down his bronzed shaft, each inch by delicate inch of the tall cock, was ate by her slit. She pulled Lazok more into herself, her warm breasts rubbed against his chest. "Just lay back and let me work."

Lazok fell upon his back, enjoying the view of her tight slit wrapping around his cock. She lifted her self up by her knees falling down upon his sex, her juices covered his sex making it glint in what little life was left in the day.

Her slit came down along his shaft and his head started to tickle a bit, as he warm pre dribbled in her insides. She pulled up again, his cock was huge, the veins inside of it pumped insanely hard. It would be painful if he didn't have Kaza's sex to fuck.

Lazok groaned as softly as possible. Kaza leaned forward clamping Lazok's maw closed with a hand. She came down upon the cock, she loved how tight he made her. She squeezed as she went up. The cock wouldn't even give in with another hard squeeze.

She looked down to Lazok, his eyes closed but clearly in pleasure. She was starting to orgasm as her face filled with hot blood. Rapture fill her sex and traveled to her mind. Her black hair sailed through the air as she shot her head back. Her face contorted in pleasure.

Lazok wasn't even cumming yet... She went up squeezing around the head. He groaned but she couldn't get a better response than that. As she came down again she felt the cock start to shudder, about to fill her with his cum. She pounded hard... he exploded long shots of hot cum into her slit. She lifted again, the hot juices rolling down his cock. She gave one last hard thrust, before laying out on Lazok's chest.