First Time: The Tournament

Story by CanadianWusky on SoFurry

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#10 of First Time Series

After a short break, I return with the second half of my tale ;)

New things are in the future for our four friends at Ivalice. Some big changes, some small....and others are life-changingly huge. If Auren and co. thought the hard part of attending an Academy of magic was over, they are in for a big surprise.

The auditorium was filled with the din of many, many voices, sounding more like a constant roar than actual words or phrases. Glauron looked around in wonder as more students filled into the bowl-shaped building, marvelling at just how many students actually attended Ivalice Academy. Sure, he had always seen other students in the halls, or in class, or around the quad during breaks, but never had he seen the entire student body at once before. There had to be almost a thousand people, much more than that! He was brought out of his wide-eyed surveying by a muscular arm draping over his shoulders, pulling him a little closer to its owner. Turning back, he grinned at the larger silver dragon beside him, who as giving him one of his trademark killer smiles.

It had been several days since the encounter with the would-be predator Perch at BITN, and Auren's friends had finally started to get used to his new physique. The silver drake had gained considerable height and muscle tone from digesting the stallion's mass, leading him to be on par with their taller wolf companions. Auren now stood at a handsome 6' 1", with the physical build of a career athlete; strong and muscular, but still lean and fit. A part of Glauron was a little put off by his boyfriend becoming bigger than he was, seeing as how Auren had already been a few inches taller and more muscular than his golden partner. Then again, that same part of Glauron's brain melted away when he was being held by those muscled, silver arms...being smiled at by that oh-so-sexy grin....

Shifting slightly, Glauron tried to relive the pressure of his tightening pants.

"Heh...Glau's getting hot and bothered again," the snow-white wolf two seats down laughed over the noise of the auditorium. The golden drake blushed and averted his eyes as Ren ribbed him for ogling Auren's new body again.

The silver-furred wolf sitting between Auren and Ren snorted, and rolled his eyes. "Ren...lick your lips."


"Because you're the one drooling over him..."

Licking his muzzle suggestively, Ren winked at his two silver companions, making both Auren and Nate chuckle at his antics. "Seriously guys...its been like three days," Auren muttered playfully. "You think I'd stop being the center of attention by now."

"Center of of a foursome.....what's the difference?"


The snow-wolf laughed and snorted, earning a gentle smack from his lupine boyfriend. Nate shook his head and relaxed back in his seat, even though his eyes still gave a few glances to the drake beside him. Being that the four of them had become 'active' together, it was only natural that he started appreciating the two dragons just as he did his snowy-furred boyfriend. Plus, Auren was even hotter now, especially since some of his clothes became alot tighter on him since his growth, the dragon having yet to go out shopping for some better fitting clothes. Like the shirt he was wearing now....that hugged those delicious abs showing through the fabric....

Wow....easy boy, the wolf scolded himself. He shuffled in his seat, trying to ignore the tightness forming around his own sheath. The silver-furred had found himself daydreaming about the dragon lately, even before his newly acquired body. At first, Nate just thought it was because he had formed such a fast friendship with the drake, brought on by their first vore experience together, but lately, it had started to become alot more than that. He found the image of the silver dragon sliding into his thoughts more and more frequently, even when he was with Ren alone. It was starting to worry him slightly. I mean....yeah, Auren's hot...but Ren's my mate. I shouldn't be so-

Nate as cut from his thoughts as Auren stretched, and casually draped his left arm around the wolf in a friendly gesture, mirroring what he was doing with Glauron on his right side. To the drake, he was just being friendly and affectionate to his buddy whom he shared a bond with, but it made Nate squirm just the tiniest bit, the warmth and tightness in his sheath growing slightly.

Before any train of thought could be continued, there was a collective reduction in noise all throughout the auditorium as students began to see the professors gather on stage, accompanied by the Dean himself. A shorter, stocky lion, dressed in a leisure suit adorned with the Academy crest strode towards the lone podium on stage. Despite the bit of grey lining his mane, anyone could see the vibrant life in his eyes and face, evidence of a man who loved everything about where he was in life. The dull roar of the gathered student body died without any prompting, and by the time Dean Grimswald opening his mouth, it had gone almost completely silent.

"Good morning, students," the lion's rich baritone boomed upwards from the stage, barely needing the enhancing effects of the microphone. "And welcome back after our impromptu break this week. Now, naturally, you will all be quite curious as to the nature of this sudden conference I and all your professors were called to." He rested his large paws on the podium and smiled up at the thousands of eyes watching him intently, genuinely pleased at the dead silence that greeted him. The reinforcing sign of the respect the Dean garnered from his students. "But before I get to that....a little story for you all."

"As you know, the first Academy was founded long, long ago in Europe by a group of scholars who knew that those possessing magical arts needed to be properly educated, so as to limit the impact it would have on what some would call 'normal' society," the lion said as he slowly strode from the podium, taking careful, measured steps. "As the years passed, more and more students became scholars in their own rights, and eventually, began forming new Academies across Europe, and eventually the rest of the world. To date, there are over 40 Academies like Ivalice all over the globe, each catering to the pursuit of knowledge and understanding of magic, to the ever growing population of individuals with arcane talents."

The Dean paused, and resumed his gentle pacing in time with his speech. "Now, as many of our older students already know, Ivalice - like other Academies - not only focuses on education of the arcane arts, but in many ways, functions like any other college or university. Our professors teach not only subjects of the arcane, but also general education like the sciences or other everyday courses." The lion beamed out at the students, in which he saw more than a few surprised looks. "Ah....and so I intrigue the first-years with a surprise, ha," he chuckled. "Yes yes....we do teach 'normal' education here at Ivalice too. After all, one cannot expect to get a job without a proper college education now can they?"

Shaking his head with a grin, the lion continued his speech. "But I digress; As I said, the Academies strive to function like any other college one might find all over the world, despite our predisposition towards the education of magic. We have our social clubs, our sports teams and extra-curricular events....all geared towards making our students feel as if nothing has changed from their lives in high school." A sudden grin appeared across the Dean's muzzle, as if he were trying to contain himself from spilling something. " any other college, we pride ourselves on that which dominates every life on earth.....our competitive spirit."

Stopping dead in his tracks, the Dean pointed to a surprised student in one of the front rows. "Son? How does a school - any school - exercise their competitive spirit?"

"Er..." the off-guard horse murmured, his voice sounding overly loud against the dead silence of the student body around him. He shuffled in his football jersey slightly. "By competing against other schools?"

"Exactly!" Grimswald crowed, clapping his thigh. The lion resumed his gentle prowling across the front of the stage. "Sports teams play against each other, social clubs compete at functions together...all to strengthen the school spirit!" The Dean clenched his fist proudly. "The Academies are no different. We pride ourselves at being the best at what we do, like every school does. BUT...." he paused for dramatic effect, making nearly every student lean forward in their chairs. To say he had everyone's undivided and raptly curious attention was an understatement.

"As the years passed, the highest orders of the Academies began to realize there was something missing," the grinning lion resumed his story-like speech. "They said to themselves, we are just like any other schools around the world, and yet, we're missing something. It was then they, we're not like other schools - not completely. We have something no normal college can ever offer. Our students are the most unique and gifted individuals on the planet....and we failed to incorporate that into our worldly interactions."

Seeing more than a few faces begin to show signs of realization, the Dean smiled widely, his fangs parting his muzzle. "And so, several hundred years ago, it was determined that a new kind of inter-school competition would be held, one specifically designed for the people of the Academies. My friends....I give you..." The Dean whirled around and pointed to the large projector screen behind the stage. The two-storey tall screen lit up suddenly, earning gasps and looks of wonder. "The Inter-Academy Championship!"

Images and videos played across the screen, showcasing humans and furs engaging in various states of competition. There were races, sporting events, and triathlons....but as the images continued, students began to point and voice their wonder aloud. Pictures of people engaged in arcane combat began to filter across the screen, fantastic magic duels being performed in front of roaring crowds. A video of two students began to play, illustrating a fierce battle as the spellcasters combated one another inside an arena that looked alot like the one Auren and Benny had fought in several weeks ago....only much larger. Another video played, showing what looked like a scene out of a medieval fantasy; students battling one another with swords, polearms and axes. Then, the video changed once again to sporting competitions like wrestling, archery, and then something as ordinary as football or basketball.

It was like the Olympics and a fantasy video game all rolled into one. More than a few students stared forward with maws agape.

Dean Grimswald took to the podium once again as the slide show continued on behind him. "Every ten years, five Academies from across the world are chosen to compete in the Championship. Our sports teams compete against one another in a mini-league, but also, a group of talented students are chosen for the more specialized competitions that you see behind me. Students from each Academy are selected to represent their school in the tournaments, both physical and arcane, in order to bring honor and pride back to their school." He could see the looks of wonder and excitement across the gathered faces, and felt the questions he could see forming in their eyes. "Each of the more specialized competitions are governed by the same safety features and technology that you will find in our sparring for those of you picturing the ancient Roman gladiators can rest easy." A chorus of chuckles echoed around the auditorium. "Yes, the videos you see are real - you will actually be fighting with swords and magic like out of a fiction novel, but rest assured, everything is completely safe." The lion chuckled to himself. "We wouldn't want to go losing our students now would we?"

Another round of dull-roar like laughter passed through the gathered student body, before Grimswald addressed them once again. "I tell you all this because Ivalice has been given the honor of being one of the five schools selected for this decade's Championship." The screen behind him finished its montage of the tournaments, and began showing images of other Academies as the Dean went on. "One week from now, the city of Caldonis will be the host of this decade's Championship, as well as host to our visiting friends from the other schools."

Auren felt his eyes widen at this surprise; he hadn't been expecting the city to play host to such a...well, unique gathering. But, then again, an event like this might as well be another kind of Olympics. Despite the mingling of the arcane and the 'normal' societies, the prestige and honor of hosting a major event such as this probably overruled any misgivings.

The Dean gestured to the screen behind him as it displayed the other schools that had been chosen. "Joining us in the Championship this year are neighbors as well as vistors from across the ocean. Firstly, we have Arcadia; our sister school from the east coast!" Images of the school appeared on screen, showing a campus very much like Ivalice except for one major difference; it was a completely human school. Despite the fact that humans and furs now co-existed peacefully all over the world, and had for the last few centuries, there was still some diversification in areas, such as some schools.

"Pssh....those poor buggers are going to be flattened," Ren chortled from his seat, gesturing to some of their school's massive football players. "Human versus bull? Ouchie."

Grimswald continued on with his presentation as the images moved on to the next school. "Also from our fellow domestic schools, the Dutchess of Rhodes Academy!" Now the screen showcased a smaller campus, looking almost like a boarding school that wealthier families sent their children to. The analogy wasn't too far off, as it quickly became apparent that this Academy was also one that practised exclusivity....but of a different kind. Whistles and shouts came from a number of the gathered males in the auditorium as pictures of the Rhodes' students came across the screen.

"An all-female school?" Auren asked incredulously. He looked at his three friends, who all joined him when they grinned and shouted out, "Boring!" He could have sworn Grimswald had heard them over the din as the lion's smile twitched a bit wider, before he went on.

"Next, the Academy of Rozzaria!" the Dean growled proudly as the screen showcased the next competitors, Auren and the others looking on as images of an Academy similar to their was shown, happily noting that this one was more or less just like Ivalice, with a mixture of species all across the campus. The only difference was that those students all wore uniforms, which more than a few of the gathered furs muttered about.

"Must be a European thing," Nate said simply, mentally praising the dress-code at Ivalice for being so lax. He doubted some sweater vest uniform would show off Auren's abs very well - Whoa.....back up! Not those thoughts again, he growled at himself, averting his eyes from the dragon's midsection once again.

The Dean went on to show the last Academy competing in the Championship, the aptly named Outback Academy from Australia, who were also more or less just like Ivalice. A few more slideshows about the other schools and then Grimswald changed topics. "Now, as I had said, many different groups of student compete in the Championship. We have our sports teams events, but we also have the more specialized competitions, in which, each Academy selects four talented students to represent them and compete." He waved his arm to a familiar black-furred panther sitting amongst the gathered professors. "Our very own Professor Reston has been selected as the manager for our team of competitors. It was she who was given the task of selecting those students that she believed best able to represent Ivalice in their section of the tournaments."

Another wide smile crossed the lion's face. "Ivalice will be remembered this decade as the first school in many many years that has a team comprised solely of first-year students." That drew a gathered murmur of surprise from the assembled student body. "Logically, one would assume that more advanced students would be chosen, because of their heightened experience in such matters," Grimswald went on. "However, Professor Reston has assured me that these four students she has chosen are uniquely talented and are the ones she best believes to represent Ivalice in their competitions." The screen darkened and the lights in the auditorium dimmed in anticipation and suspense.

When the screen lit up with the pictures of the four chosen students, there was the expected sounds of surprise, followed by the cheering of their fellow classmates. But in the middle of the auditorium were four very still furs, whose maws were gaping widely in utter disbelief.

Auren, Nate, Glauron and Ren looked towards the stage in shock as they found themselves looking their own faces.

"This is a joke," Glauron muttered as he paced across the room. "This is some kind of awful practical joke..."Auren sighed and tried to reach for his boyfriend, but the golden dragon resumed his pacing, leaving the silver drake to slump back on the couch.

They and the two wolves were now in the professors' lounge, having been invited there as soon as the Dean finished his presentation in the auditorium. Ever since seeing their pictures up on the massive screen, indicating that they were the students chosen to compete in the Championship, the four friends had been almost constantly stared at by other students. They had heard whispers and hushed comments as they hurried to the lounge, but there had also been cheers and slaps on the back of congratulations from others. Honestly, Auren and the others didn't really know what to think. They were still trying to get over the shock of it all.

Nate was just about to rise up and grab Glauron to stop his pacing, when the door to the lounge swung open and Professor Reston walked in. Before the flood of questions could erupt, the panther held up her hands and silenced the boys mid-outburst. "Now.....I know all of you are a little caught off guard, but just keep calm and I will explain."

"Please do," Auren rumbled softly. "I don't understand why you would pick us - or any first years - for something as big and demanding as this Championship."

Reston nodded, and poured herself a glass of water from the sink, before sitting down opposite the boys in a plush chair. She looked to each of the four males before her, watching their eyes, and began her little speech. "Since the beginning of the year, I have been watching students in preparation for the Championship. As Ivalice's team manager, I was informed about the school's invitation to this decade's event from the very start of this year, so that I could begin rooting out potential candidates." A delicate sip of her water, and the panther relaxed into her chair as she continued. "It only took me the first three weeks to recognize the potential that you four have."

"How can we have such potential?" Glauron argued. "We're barely of age, and only just beginning to understand our magic."

Reston shook her head gently. "It is not all about the magical potential, Glauron. The competitors - or gladiators, if you want to use the original term from back when - are selected based on a multitude of skills they posses." Turning slightly, she faced the golden dragon. "Glauron, you are one of the most clever students in your year - possibly the school. I have seen some of the reports and papers you have submitted to your teachers; you have a way of looking at problems and challenges no one else would consider. That makes you unique in the way that you are unpredictable, and thus, hard to read when up against any opponent." Another small sip, and the panther licked her lips daintily. "You may not be the physically or magically strongest, but used in conjunction with someone who is, you have the potential to outwit and outplay your opponent before they know what has happened."

Leaving the golden drake with a curious and thoughtful look on his face, she then turned to Renfear. "Ren, you are a very resourceful young wolf. I have spoken to your professors, as well as some of the leaders of camps you have attended over the last few summers. You are able to adapt to any situation that presents itself to you, and make the most of what you are given." Reston grinned at the snow-white wolf, chuckling. "I daresay there is not a situation we could put you in that you would not find some way to turn to your advantage; if not through physical means, then through your perception and your charm. Like Glauron, this makes you able to approach any situation and immediately turn it in your favor in such a way an opponent may not expect."

"Well.....being original is boring," the wolf grinned, earning a few chuckles from the others in the room.

"Quite," Reston smiled. Finally, she turned to Auren and Nate. "Now, you two are probably the most capable physically and magically out of the group. Auren," she said, looking to the silver drake. "I heard from Coach Longhorn about your bout in the ring with a fellow student. He told me he had never seen a student with such raw potential in the martial arts, no doubt thanks to your years of classes and your father's influence. Also, I know from personal experience that you are very adept at your magic for someone your age...even without proper training. Quite simply, you have a gift."

Lastly, she locked eye with the silver-furred form of Nate. "Nathaniel," she purred, using his formal name. "You too are quite skilled physically, as I have learned from your teachers at your previous high school. You hold the track record for most of your school's track and field runs, and are very capable with a bow." The wolf couldn't help but smile and blush at the praise from their professor. "Like Auren, you are probably the most physically fit, which bodes well for any physical combat aspects or challenges, but are also rather adept at your own magical gift. Professor Leandra spoke very highly of you during these past few weeks." This time, Nate's ears folded back in slight embarrassment as he remembered accidentally shorting out the power in the wing where his Lightning class was.

Sitting back in her chair and crossing her legs in a business-like manner, Professor Reston looked over the four boys once more. "On your own, the four of you are very talented, and would no doubt do well in a number of challenges. But together, I am certain that you would be a force to be reckoned with. Your tenacity, your intelligence, and your straight-up physical prowess can be moulded into a finely-honed that would be sure to clinch us the Championship. This is why I chose you."

For several moments, no one spoke. Then, Auren reached over and nonchalantly pinched Nate's arm. "Ouuch!" the wolf yelped, glaring at the dragon.

"Sorry," Auren shrugged. "Just making sure you weren't dreaming." The wolf continued to glare, rubbing his arm, even thought a hint of a blush had appeared under the fur of his cheeks.

Reston gave a warm chuckle at their antics, then sat forward in her chair. "Now, the Championship begins the day after tomorrow. Today, I am supposed to make sure all four of you know the rules and regulations of the tournaments, so here," she said, rising up and retrieving her bag from near the door. Pulling out four identical handbooks, she passed them to each of her students. "I want you all to read over these by tonight, as well as look over the descriptions of each of the events in the second section of that book." The dual pairs of wolves and dragons nodded, Glauron and Nate already flipping open the first few pages. "Tomorrow," Reston went on, "I want you to report to the gym and sparring rooms, so we can get in a little conditioning before the events begin."

"Wait," Auren spoke up. "One day of prep, and then right to the events? How is that fair?"

The panther shook her head, although she had a large smile on her face. "That is the point, my dear Auren. Competitors are supposed to rely on their natural talents and expertise when thrown into the challenges. A true warrior relies not on the complexity of his training, but of of the belief he has in his own abilities." With that, the Professor nodded to them and departed, leaving the four students with blank stares, and much to think about.

It was a few hours later, and the four friends were lounging about Auren and Glauron's dorm room. When they had left the professor's lounge, Reston had doubled-back to inform them of one last requirement; the four 'gladiators' for each school were expected to room all together. This made it easier to keep track of all competitors to minimize 'unsportsmanlike-like' conduct or interference. Also, seeing as how Ivalice would be playing host to the visiting schools during their stay, the campus was likely to get crowded and cramped, facilitating the need to shuffle housing. The campus engineers were already quickly constructing temporary dormitories to house the visiting students, but because of the time constraints, many of Ivalice's native residents would be billeting students from the other schools. In addition to healthy competition, the Inter-Academy Championship was supposed to promote the creation of new social ties between students of different schools.

So, the four friends had decided to use Auren and Glauron's dorm room to stay in, seeing that is was the closer one to the gym. Because Auren and Glauron now shared a bed, it wasn't like one of them were being kicked out of their room to accommodate Nate and Ren staying with them.

The atmosphere in the dorm room was quiet, but rather tense, as each of the four boys poured over their manuals as well as mulled over their individual thoughts on recent events. Glauron and Ren were both absorbed in their readings, neither of them having said a word in almost an hour. Auren had taken a break from his reading and was scribbling a few things in his journal, getting some of his thoughts down on paper to distract himself. Nate on the other hand, was very restless, having been assaulted with a whole new wave of problems with this newest change. His manual to the Championship was open before him, but his eyes were lingering elsewhere as his thoughts wandered.

His recent discovery of these troubling thoughts involving Auren had been hard enough to keep under control in normal circumstances. However, the wolf now found himself rooming with the silver dragon as well as being paired with him in the upcoming tournaments. Not only that, but the dorm room was laced heavily with his and Glauron's scents, although the former was much more potent to the lighting-wolf's nose.

Ever since their first vore experience together, Nate had been unable to get Auren out of his mind. Coupled with that, the two pairs of boyfriends had spent nearly every free moment doing things together.....not to mention all the sexcapades the four of them had done in recent days. At first, Nate just rationalized that he was enjoying the company and companionship of his new dragon friend. But as time went by, the silver drake became more and more prominent in his thoughts, to the point they had started to compete against ones for Ren. And now, thanks to his recent growth, Auren was firmly lodged in the wolf's brain, causing Nate to worry about what was going on.

I fell in love with Ren....but I can't stop thinking about Auren, he growled to himself, his eyes sneaking glances to the silver dragon every few seconds. What is it about him that has me so......arghh, I don't even know what to call it! Infatuated? Interested? Another glance up and down the dragon's body.


Biting back a growl at himself, Nate tried to sort his thoughts. Yes, he still had very deep feelings for Renfear, and had no doubt they were of a permanent nature. But no matter how he tried to reason, these new feelings regarding Auren just would not go away. Tossing his manual aside with a sigh, the wolf leaned forward and rubbed his temples, as if to alleviate a headache.

A gentle touch to his shoulder made him jump, and his head whipped around to see Auren's concerned face staring back at him. Instantly, all the blood in Nate's face rushed to his cheeks and made them burn as the object of his wandering, lusty mind was now right beside him. "You okay, man?" Auren growled gently, his electric blue eyes radiating concern.

"Y-yeah!" Nate fumbled, urgently wondering if he should scoot away or not. " alot to take in, ya know?" He hoped his off-character skittishness wasn't outwardly apparent.

"Heh....I know what you mean," the drake grinned, his brilliant smile making Nate's stomach flip. "Its a lot to take in." Letting his hand drop from the wolf's shoulder, Auren rubbed at his jaw. "You want to go workout or something? Hitting the gym usually helps me to relax and focus."

"Uhh...sure, why not?" Wait....what? Why did you say yes?!

Auren looked over to the other two still reading. "You guys in?"

"Nah....I'm good," Ren muttered with a stretch, as he got into a comfortable position in his chair, legs hanging over the side.

"Same," came the reply from the floor, Glauron propped up on a pair of pillows as he lounged on the floor beside the table. "This is actually kinda interesting."

Rolling his eyes at his bookworm partner, Auren chuckled and rose, going to get his gym bag, inadvertently giving Nate a perfect view of his backside when he bent down. Looping the bag over his shoulder, Auren jerked his head as if to say 'lets go', and he followed the wolf as they left the dorm.

The two friends strolled down the hallway in silence as they stopped by Nate and Ren's room to gather Nate's own gym bag, then doubled back towards the gym. As they walked, Auren kept glancing out the corner of his eyes at his friend. Like wolves, dragons had a keen sense of smell, and Auren could not only feel but smell that the wolf beside him was troubled. Fighting back a grin at the gentle aroma of vanilla, he turned to his companion. "Everything alright, Nate? You seem off today."

The wolf tried to look nonchalant, even though he nearly stumbled over his own feet when the dragon spoke up. " know, just been a big day," he shrugged, hoping to seem nonplussed. "Lot on my mind."

"Fair enough," Auren rumbled gently, opening the door for them into the gym.

Getting changed into their workout clothes was almost a nightmare for Nate, as he realized too late that being nearly naked alongside his dragon friend was not going to help his wandering thoughts any. He tried to keep his longing looks to a minimum as Auren removed his clothes, even though the wolf's brown eyes eventually managed to make a full circuit of the silver drake's sexy frame. The mass he had gained from Perch the stallion had filled him out very nicely, giving him a broader chest and a cut six-pack, making Nate blush harder. Trying not to seem like he was staring Auren down, even though he totally was, Nate screamed at himself not to try and think about what "other" growth may have happened to his dragon friend as Auren removed his pants to stand clad only in his boxers.

Don't look at his groin....don't look at his groin....don't look at his - dayyuuumm! Were those always so tight on him? Oh fuck....please tell me he didn't see....arrgh!

Adjusting his own tightening shorts, Nate quickly threw on his sleeveless shirt and hurried out into the gym proper, trying to ignore the familiar feeling of his cock starting to slide from his sheath, just knowing that his cheeks were bright red and burning. Setting up the chest press, the wolf growled and stared at the ceiling as he grabbed the bar and started pushing. The sensation of his muscles burning with effort quickly started to fill his mind and he welcomed the distraction, dropping right into his second rep and gritting his teeth.

After ten heated minutes of pumping and pushing himself, Nate finally replaced the bar and sat up, panting. His chest burned with that natural high of a good workout, even though his mind was still running amok. Without even realizing, his eyes darted up to look for Auren, and locked onto the form of the silver dragon doing free-curls in front of the mirror. It took him almost a full minute to even register that he was staring at the drake, before Nate grit his teeth and ripped his gaze elsewhere. Looking down at his paws, he clenched them tightly and strode over to another machine and dove right into another set of reps, determined to burn the thoughts of Auren out of his mind.

Chest, back, abs, arms, legs....Nate powered though every muscle set and exercise he could, and then, he went back to the beginning and started all over again. Sweat slicked his silver-gray fur, matting it down, but still he drove himself on. He could feel his muscles beginning to protest, but he ignored them, pushing himself harder to try and think of anything but the silver dragon just a few feet away. But the harder he tried to fight it, the more difficult it became to dislodge the images of Auren from his mind.

Finally, his frenzied workout took its toll, and Nate's arms gave out on him as he lifted the bar of the chest press once more. A yelp, and the bar teetered dangerously, its 180-lb load threatening to topple on him. A pair of silver-scaled hands grabbed the bar from above his head, and Nate was able to wrestle the bar back into its place with their help. Sitting up, the wolf panted heavily, head hanging low both from fatigue and in effort not to meet Auren's gaze.

The silver drake sat beside the exhausted wolf, his face a mask of concern. "Nate, what the- are you okay?"

"I'm fine," came the gruff reply, the wolf still staring down between his legs at the floor.

Auren went to put a hand on the wolf's quivering shoulder, then stopped. A protective feeling welled up inside him, and he used his raised hand to pull Nate upwards by the shoulder. Before any protest could be heard, the dragon slid his arms around Nate and hugged him tightly.

"Auren, wha-?" Nate fumbled, feeling the dragon embrace him. The burning in his chest raced upwards to his face, and he panicked slightly. Auren held him securely, not showing signs of letting go, and Nate's defenses slowly began to fall one by one. Without conscious thought, the wolf's arms rose up and slid around the silver drake's frame, returning the gesture, and Nate's head came to rest atop Auren's shoulder, his muzzle pressed into the dragon's neck.

Sagging in acceptance, Nate held Auren as the dragon held him, relishing in the contact in more than one aspect. His fatigued body relaxed under the gentle comfort as well as finally halting its frenzied workout, but more than that, Nate's wandering thoughts purred in contentment as he held the silver dragon in his arms, and was held in return. A gentle sniff, and the wolf took in the warming scent of his draconic friend, letting the warmth pool in his gut and spread through him like a calming wave, soothing away all his troubles and misgivings.

Dammit, this just felt right.

All too soon, Auren began to pull away and Nate was forced to do the same, lest the dragon begin to think something more was going on. Letting his chin slide from Auren's shoulder, Nate looked up to see the drake's gentle smile in front of him. "Listen, Nate," Auren rumbled softly. "I don't know what's bothering you, but killing yourself working out isn't exactly healthy." Despite himself, the silver-furred lupine chuckled lightly. Auren gave him and small grin, then went on. "Look, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to," he said, squeezing the wolf's shoulder with a gentle paw. "But just know I'm here if you ever want to talk....about anything. Got it?"

"Yeah.....thanks, Auren," Nate whispered, unable to stop the wide smile from appearing on his muzzle. More than the physical attraction, this was what Nate loved most about his silver-scaled friend; the sense of warmth and love towards his friends. The dragon let his paw go from the wolf's shoulder to gently cup his cheek, before letting go altogether and standing back up to retrieve his towel from nearby.

Barely a word was said as the two friends returned to the change room to shower and dress, each absorbed in their own thoughts. The grins and traded looks at one another as they disrobed and admired each others forms didn't bother either of them in the slightest, that brief hug in the gym having said all that was needed for the moment. As they gathered their things and headed back to the dorm room, Nate couldn't help the grin that was plastered on his face. Staring at Auren's frame as he followed the dragon back to the room, he finally stopped fighting with himself and just accepted the reality of it all, no matter how little sense it made. The again, in this complicated four-way friendship, normal was out the window.

Despite still being in love with Ren and committing fully to the snow wolf.....he was totally falling for Auren.


"Oof!" Nate huffed, as his back hit the mat hard. Sucking wind and rolling over, he shot back to his feet as quick as he could to meet the grinning face of the dragon opposite him.

"Come on, wuff," Auren teased playfully, bouncing on his feet. "Gotta move quicker than that." The silver-furred wolf grinned and lunged again, beginning another series of blows and counter-blows with his draconic partner, their limbs moving almost faster than the spectators could follow.

Glauron and Renfear watched from the sidelines alongside Professor Reston as the pair of friends sparred in the ring. The four students had been in the gym since early this morning, as the professor had wanted to give them a thorough walkthrough of all the potential challenges that they would be subject to starting tomorrow. The panther had been taking notes on her clipboard during each little exercise, both for herself and for the four boys, reminders and general thoughts that may help when it came time for the real thing.

Nate struck out with a flurry of three blows, each hitting Auren square in the midsection and sending the dragon down on a knee, enabling the wolf to quickly get him in a grapple with his toned arms around the dragon's neck securely. The pair struggled for a bit, before Auren finally tapped out, signalling his defeat. Growling and playfully gnawing on his shoulder, Nate let go of Auren as the dragon laughed out loud and gently shoved him away, the two of them panting slightly from the exertion. "Nice hold," Auren grinned, bumping fists with the wolf.

"Hey, you almost had me with that throw," Nate countered as he tossed Auren his towel and retrieved his own.

Glauron and Ren offered their own comments on their boyfriends' performance, before Reston cleared her throat gently. "Very nice, you two," she purred warmly. "Very nice. I daresay you should have a leg up on your opponents in the events. You both have good skills and technique, although Auren? You need to keep your left side more guarded." She gestured to the dragon and adopted a ready-like stance, as if she herself was about to jump into battle. "You lead too heavily with your right, and leave your left unprotected. Try and stay balanced."

Auren nodded, towelling the back of his neck off as he mentally made a note to stop relying on his right side so much. The panther in her track suit turned to Nate, skimming over her notes briefly. "Nate you have good form, but you need to move your feet faster. Auren got you with that reverse hold and throw because you aren't sidestepping fast enough."

"Gotcha," the wolf panted rolling his shoulders. The pair of them had been using the sparring ring with full safeties on, so neither of them had caused any injury or pain to one another, but they were still fatigued from the intense activity. At first, they had been surprised when Reston had them climb into the ring and just go straight at it, concerned about hurting themselves prior to the Championship tomorrow. The panther just chuckled as she dialled up the safeties on the wards around the ring, stating that the two needed to 'get in the zone' if they were to compete right away the following day.

"Alright, you two can hit the showers and cool down a bit," Reston said, flipping a few pages in her clipped notes. "Glauron, Ren. Meet me over by the range shortly. I want to see your magical projections." The golden dragon and snow wolf nodded and headed eagerly over to the spell range, excited to put some of their lessons to the test. Turning back to Auren and Nate, the panther nodded towards the door. "Go ahead and grab yourselves some lunch boys."

"Don't you want us to stay and watch?" Auren asked, guzzling some water from his bottle.

The panther just smiled and patted his shoulder. "Yes, come back when you're finished. But I have no doubt the two of you just worked up a large appetite. You've been sparring for almost two hours." As if punctuate her statement, Nate's stomach growled loudly, sealing he deal. Shouting a 'later' to their friends, the dragon and wolf headed for the showers, stripping off their shirts on the way.

Reaching he change room, the pair quickly disrobed and hoped into their respective showers, relishing the warm water as it washed away the sweat and grime accumulated this morning. Auren hummed to himself as he scrubbed his scales clean, his body aglow with that great feeling of a long and thorough workout. Wrestling and playing around with Nate for the past few hours had been fun, something Auren missed about his old school and his more actively-minded friends. Hanging out with Glauron was great, but sometimes the silver drake missed the rough-and-tumble play of being around fellow jocks.

Running his hands over his lower body, the dragon unashamedly rubbed across his sheathed manhood, giving it a few jerks as he pictured the silver wolf he had spent the morning with. Ever since yesterday and their moment in the gym, Auren and Nate had talked and hung out almost constantly, while Glauron and Ren went over the Championship manual together, trading notes and ideas. Spending time with the lighting-wolf had been immensely enjoyable, seeing as how the only other time they had spent together involved sex in one form or another. Humming as he washed, Auren started when his paw thumbed over the sensitive head of his cock, which had started to slide from its hiding place.

Looking down at his black maleness, Auren wondered if it was the gentle rubbing or the picturing of Nate that had brought his dragonhood out to play. Granted, he wasn't ashamed to admit the wolf was handsome - attractive even, but he hadn't gotten that kind of spontaneous response in his cock since he first started looking at Glauron. Without trying to, Auren pictured the hug the two friends had shared yesterday, then growled as more of his cock throbbed into view. I know something is up, he muttered to himself.

Leaving the shower behind, he stepped out and grabbed a towel, drying himself off as he saw Nate already pulling on some boxers. He was about to say something when he saw the wolf blush and avert his gaze from the dragon's bare form, and that's when the gears in Auren's head started turning faster. Nate had been acting strange lately, only to practically melt into Auren's arms when the dragon had giving him a supportive hug yesterday. He's not....nahhh, I'm over-thinking again, the drake shook his head and reached for his own clothes. Buttoning up some jeans, Auren looked over at his lupine friend. "What kinda grub you feel up for, bro?"

Nate flicked his ears and turned back to Auren, only to feel his cheeks burn a bit more as he saw the dragon inadvertently flexing his midline as he adjusted his waistband. "Er....whatever, really. I'm just hungry, plain and simple." Smooth.....real smooth, idiot.

"Well, don't look at me like a snack," Auren winked as he pulled on a shirt, playing on the fact he and Nate were both vore predators. The wolf couldn't help but chuckle and toss his wet towel at his friend.

"Yeah yeah...look who's talking. You swallowed me pretty eagerly there, bucko."

Auren shrugged. "What? I love the way you taste."

The moment the words left his lips, both furs' eyes went wide and blushed hard. Auren clamped his mouth shut and looked away, clearly not meaning to imply anything, and yet, totally sticking his foot in his mouth at the same time. Nate shuffled shyly as he gathered his gym clothes and shoved them in his bag, Auren's unintentional flirting bringing back his thoughts from yesterday. Yes, he now knew he was harboring feelings for the silver dragon, despite his relationship with Renfear, but still, he was caught off guard when Auren said something suggestive like that. It was almost like the drake wanted to open up, don't start thinking like that, the wolf growled to himself.

An awkward silence passed before Auren managed to clear his throat. " about lunch," he said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. Nate simply grunted, not trusting his tongue, and the pair of them gathered their things and headed for the door, trying so hard not to brush against one another.

After a very silent and nervous shuffle-inducing lunch, Auren and Nate rejoined the others back in the gym as Reston continued their pre-Championship testing. As she had done with Refear and Glauron while the others were at lunch, the panther then led Auren and Nate through a similar course in using their magic to create offensive and defensive spells. Admittedly, the boys were in awe in just what they were able to accomplish with their powers when Reston began teaching them 'shortcuts' that normal lessons avoided. She introduced them to ways to access more of their elemental powers without the need for the long, tedious classes that their professors had been teaching them. Normally, the panther herself would not approve of such corner-cutting, but with the Championship to begin tomorrow, and having selected first-year students as her competitors, such measures were required.

In the back of her mind, the panther professor wondered if choosing the four boys had been the right decision. Yes, they showed great potential with the right training. However, at the moment, their use of magic and abilities was raw and instinctual; powerful yes, but possibly dangerous if things got out of hand. Still, she reasoned, what she had seen in these boys was special - and for more reasons than she was letting on. If they managed to do well in the Championship, even if they didn't win, it would satisfy her other concerns perfectly.

And that was the driving reasoning behind her selection of the four young friends in the first place.

Rising from one knee, Auren wiped a small bead of sweat from his brow as he looked down the range. He had just finished using his Fire magic to send baseball-sized fireballs down range; his element's equivalent to a ranged attack. Checking the targets, he was pleased to see he had hit three out of the four target boards several dozen yards down the range. Reston patted his shoulder proudly, and handed him an energy bar, which the dragon eagerly tore into. The use of magic was draining, especially for mostly untrained youths like them, so it was important that they made sure to ingest plenty of nutrients both today and during the Championship. The professor had assured them that all competitors would be supplied with energy bars and drinks, as well as nutrient-rich foods to supplement their exertion during the events.

The day was drawing to a close as the group finished up with some defensive spell work, Reston instruction the four of them together how to create things like a shield, or how to use their non-elemental powers to deflect other spells. In the last sixteen hours, the four boys had learned more about spellcasting and magic than most first-year students did in their entire first year of studies. One of the requirements of competitors in the Championship was to swear not to divulge any training or techniques leaned during during the tournaments to any of their fellow students. These 'shortcuts' were only used to give the gladiators a competitive chance against their opponents, and not to be used for everyday lessons.

Still, what Auren and the others learned today would only benefit them in the long run, both here at Ivalice Academy, and beyond.

Finally, as evening approached, Reston called and end to the training for the final time. She praised each of her students highly, stating that they had far succeeded her hopes in the potential she saw in them. She had no doubt they would perform brilliantly in the Championship, no matter the outcome. With final instructions to meet with her early tomorrow morning for the opening ceremonies, she sent the weary group back to their dorm room for some much needed rest.

"Ugh...I think my knots have knots," Glauron complained, rolling his shoulders as he slumped to the couch. Auren simply chuckled and slid in behind him, tracing his hands up the golden dragon's back before starting to gently massage his boyfriend's weary muscles. A loud purring sound soon permeated the air as Auren's talented hands went to work.

"Jealous..." Ren laughed, flopping to the floor and stretching himself out. "Nate, will you massage me?"

"Uhh...I have no idea how," the silver-furred wolf blushed, his ears folding back slightly. The white wolf on the floor just laughed again and waved him off, indicating it was no big deal. Sitting on the couch next to Auren, he watched as the silver dragon massaged and rubbed his partner, silently wishing he was in Glauron's place right now. Judging by the look on the golden drake's face, it felt heavenly.

A few minutes later, Glauron curled up with a sigh of contentment, feeling all warm and fuzzy from Auren's massage, and pulled up his Championship manual once again, resuming his note-taking from before. The golden dragon had been devising ideas and strategies based on the outlines of some of the events, and was eagerly drawing up scenarios for his friends.

Seeing Nate roll his left shoulder again, Auren turned and raised his hands. "Want one?" he asked playfully, wiggling his fingers towards the wolf.

Nate hesitated for a moment. Yeah, he could certainly use a good rub-down to soothe his overworked muscles for sure. But....then again....with the way things had been regarding Auren, was that really such a good idea? For the longest second, he wavered between answers, before finally submitting to both his muscles desires, and his own. Turning his back to the dragon, he shuffled closer, giving Auren all the permission he needed, and the drake hopped right to work. As soon as the skilled fingers began working the muscles in his shoulders, Nate slumped in relief and comfort, humming happily, instantly forgetting his misgivings from a moment ago.

Auren worked his hands across the wolf's shoulders and back, before going lower and getting the rest of his back, Nate letting out little sighs or groans of contentment. A grin crossed Auren's face as he felt the wolf relax under his touch, and he slid a little closer, letting Nate's back press lightly against his chest as he worked the wolf's sides. A light swishing sound met their ears as the silver-furredwolf's tail began to wag, showing just how much he was enjoying it all, causing Auren to chuckle lightly. "Feel good?" he whispered, leaning over his friend's shoulder, taking in the gentle scent of vanilla that surrounded the wolf.

"Mmhmmm...." Nate rumbled, leaning back even further, unaware that he was now basically sitting in Auren's lap. The dragon's hands had migrated from his sides to his chest without thinking, and were now tracing his pecs and abs gently, massaging as much as they were tendering rubbing. Neither of them really consciously realized what they were doing, too caught up in the moment to bother with how the little exchange had changed into something alot more. It was only when Ren spoke up from the chair that both Auren and Nate's half-lidded eyes flew open and they realized just what they were doing.

"Hey, Auren? Any lower and we'll be getting sweaty again."

"Huh?" the dragon asked, shaking himself from the little daze he was in. It was then he found himself holding Nate from behind as the wolf laid back into his chest, the two of them caught up in the tenderness of the moment. The wolf's head was resting into Auren's shoulder, his furred ears brushing against the drake's jaw gently.

With a pair of furious blushes, the two of them jerked apart, twisting away from one another as if to put as much space between themselves as possible. Ears folded back, and his silver cheeks ablaze with embarrassment, Nate looked over to his snow-white boyfriend, only to see the biggest grin on Ren's face he could remember. The ice wolf had a odd glint in his eye, almost like a knowing look, as he continued to grin at the two silver-colored friends on the sofa. Similarly, Auren glanced over at Glauron, worried his golden partner would be upset, but was in turn slightly shocked to see the smaller drake grinning at him just like Renfear. Tilting his head in silent question, Auren's confusion only grew as Glauron gave him a sly wink, before going back to his book, still grinning.

Unsure of what just happened, and feeling like they were the subject of a hidden joke, both Auren and Nate shuffled in their respective spots. Finally, it was the wolf who stood and mumbled about going to bed, heading for what once had been Glauron's room. Ren jumped up and eagerly followed, starting in with some playful comments about 'trying out the new sheets', before their words were cut off by the closing door. Fidgeting a bit more, Auren was half tempted to say something to Glauron, but as he opened his maw, a large yawn came out, surprising him and making the two of them chuckle.

"Maybe bed is a good idea," the silver drake sighed, getting up and heading for his and Glauron's room, the golden dragon gathering his things and following shortly after. Getting undressed and sliding beneath the covers, Glauron made himself comfortable by laying his head atop Auren's chest, as the larger silver dragon stretched out on his back. They traded a few kisses and said their good-nights, before Glauron quickly succumbed to the call of sleep and the scent of his silver boyfriend under his head. Laying back on his crossed arms under his pillow, Auren stared at the ceiling, trying to let the soothing sound of Glauron's steady breathing lull him into his own slumber, but it would simply not come. Despite seeing nothing but the darkened roof above him, the image that played through his mind's eye was not the dragon laying on his chest, but the silver wolf he knew to be just a dozen or so feet away in the other room.

He's my friend.....but is that all he is now? the silver dragon wondered. Am I starting to see him as....more? But, why? Since when? Looking down to Glauron's sleeping form, he felt a small twinge in his belly. I'm in love Glauron....that is not in question. Hell, I can't even think about not being with him....but....Nate......I can't get him out of my thoughts. A warm, tingly feeling washed over his chest, and he remembered having the wolf against him on the couch, or the embrace they had in the gym, and he began to realize something odd.

Neither of those times, did it feel wrong to have Nate in his arms like that.

Troubled by these new thoughts, Auren willed his mind to blank and urged himself to sleep. To help, he began to mentally recite his instructions on meditation that they had been required to learn on their first day of classes. Slowly, he felt himself calming down, before slipping away blissfully to slumber alongside his golden partner. Maybe....maybe things would be clearer in the morning.


Hmm....well this is certainly interesting. Wonder where it shall lead?

Cum back and find out!

A Whale of a Good Time

Glauron peered into the cupboards, hoping to find some coffee. The golden drake was in the employee lounge after his massage appointment earlier today, and after all the calming music and aromatherapy, was feeling pretty drowsy. Auren and Nate had gone...

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Evolution - Chapter 1

_My name is Auren Drakeson. _ _A week ago, my friends and I were attending college on the island of Seascape. Life was normal; go to class, hand out around the island, return to our dorm for the night. At first, our parents were skeptical about all...

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Evolution - Prologue

_No warning.....that's what I'll remember most about E-Day._ _It began like any other day on campus. Professors droning on in class....cafeteria food at lunch....familiar faces in the hallways. Nobody had any clue how things were about to change. We...

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