Forgive Those Who Trespass Within Us

Story by TheBlackMarten on SoFurry

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#2 of Eunice Chew Commission

This is the second installment in a commission asked of me by the user Wallacethe5, following the naughty dalliances of three catholic schoolgirls with a taste for men but not for protection.

This probably the kinkiest series I have going except for the poke harem, so if you came looking for porn then you're in the right place, but there's far more sex than plot development in these stories just yet. Looking at some of the messages I get, that might be a good thing :)

Forgive Those Who Trespass Within Us

Commission for Wallacethe5

Eunice Chew is © to Wallacethe5 2013

All other characters appearing in this story are © The Black Marten 2013

(This story contains vivid descriptions of sexual actions and conversations of a sexual nature between fictional characters. It is not a reflection of people that actually exist, events that have actually occured, or a reflection of the personal beliefs of the commissioner or creator of the story. No offense, be it satire, political or religious is intended in any way shape or form in this work. This is a free to view work of fiction that has been written purely for entertainment purposes, and should always be considered as such. If you are not of the legal age to view pornographic material, then first off you've just hacked through this websites in-built age restrictions, and secondly you should not view the story written below. By reading this story you agree that you won't sue, take any legal action against or even be a little bit angry at me or the commissioner because of the content herin.)

What's this, back again to hear more from me about what happens in the lives of our three favourite teenage catholic schoolgirls are we?

I can't say that I blame you.

Now where did we leave off last time?

Oh yes, we paid a visit our favourite little 16 year-old red squirrel Eunice Chew, the bright, happy and helpful young girl who had both teachers and fellow students alike singing her praises with her dedication to her work and the infectious warmth she showed her friends. Red and white fur covering her body in patterns that should be familiar to you from the last time we discussed this, she was easier on the eyes than 5 solid year's wages and twice as tempting.

Now then, with that out of the way, let's get straight back into the story.

Huh? You don't remember the other characters that well?

I'm not surprised; I didn't go into them that much because I was saving that for this story, but surely you can remember what they were like from back then.


Need more than that?

Okay, well I did mention all of this too you before, but just for the sake of jogging your memory, and because admittedly they didn't really do anything spectacular in my last story, I'll describe Eunice and her friends to you again.

We'll start with Joyce. She is a small grey-furred mouse with short brown hair, and is never seen in public without her signature set of slim black-rimmed glasses, giving her the air of a teenage businesswoman on a mission when combined with her direct ad uncompromising attitude. The white fur on her body starts on the underside of her muzzle and covers the entire front of her chest, abdomen and reaches all the way down to the fur in-between her legs, while her tail remains hairless and a healthy fleshy pink colour. Undoubtedly the smartest out of the three schoolgirls if their already exemplary grades are anything to go by, she was the kind of person whose brain was always working away at something even if she was just laying in bed in the afternoon, be if a personal problem of a close friend, a musing of a bit of homework she previously got or a naughty fantasy about a boy she'd seen that day. Some would describe her as the stereotypical nerd character with the amount of time she seemed to spend working, but behind that exterior of complex equations and algorithms lay the mind of a true temptress attached to a diminutive but developed body for the task. As I mentioned the last time we talked, she had recently begun having regular sexual escapades with a rather good looking stallion teenager who was both good natured and a little on the naive side, absolutely perfect for the picking in her tastes. Oh and by the way, you'll recall that he was already somebody else's boyfriend when they began meeting up for this. Well amazingly, this other girlfriend still hadn't found out yet, not even when her man was spending more time with Joyce than he was with her. Joyce certainly wasn't about to confess her sins to her, as the little mouse was quite partial to horse meat.

Next up is the star of our previous story, Eunice Chew. A pure breed red squirrel from a deeply religious family of pure breed squirrels, she was the picture perfect image of the ideal schoolgirl at a glance, and even from close up. Red fur covering most of her body except for white 'socks' on her hands and feet, a white tip to her large bushy tail, a broad white streak that covered her face from her pink nose downwards, her chest and abdomen, and her adorable brown hair that she always kept tidy. Combine this with a face sweeter than golden syrup, and you get Eunice. Always willing to help those struggling with homework, always handing her work in early, never losing her temper when one or two of the other girls called her names or insulted her out of jealousy, as well as being punctual and obedient; she had even been asked to join the school council on numerous occasions, although she turned them down on the grounds that she wasn't really the authoritative type. Yes Eunice was a little angel. However, let's just say that when the bible says that the role of angels is to spread happiness and joy throughout the land, Eunice used more primal methods to do so. Unbeknown to her teachers or her parents, little Eunice had a deep and long-held desire to bear a child of her very own, and was more than willing to carry out the actions needed to create a child with any man who was willing. Old and young, large and small, confident or shy, rich or poor, felines, canines, bovines, equine, avians, reptilians, cetaceans, rodents, virtually any and every male that was fortunate enough to encounter her when she had been 'in the mood' had found themselves eagerly attempting to father her child within minutes. The attraction of a perfect schoolgirl body and the freedom to help themselves was an offer that so far nobody had refused the little red squirrel. Some would have called her a slut, but in truth she never considered herself as such, as she always made sure that her partners enjoyed themselves as much as possible during her 'encounters', whereas a slut wouldn't have cared either way. She always seemed to have fun no matter who was boning her though, even if she did pick her partners to some extent, so she playfully joked to her friends that it was probably true on occasion.

Our last girl is one that we shall be discussing at length today, Reena the white Tabby cat. You could probably describe her as an unusually smart party girl, who both always manages to complete her work in class and at home, while simultaneously leaping at every chance to go out and have fun with her friends that came her way. Bubbly and bright nearly every day of the week, she was always the first one to start suggesting where they could go out to eat or have some fun after school was finished, not so much fulfilling a leader's role as she played a catalyst. As for her preference of lovers, she was probably even more travelled than Eunice was. As for how that came to be, then you'll just have to sit down and listen won't you?

She, Eunice and Joyce were all very close friends, and as such knew everything there was to know about one another, their strengths, their failings, and their kinks. Through good and bad times these three had been the perfect trio, supporting and encouraging each other when they needed it most.

Anyway, are getting tired of me stalling the plot while I reintroduce you to the characters? Thought so, but we're done with reintroductions anyway, and I want to get to the parts with sex in them.

Round about the same time the school janitor was bending Eunice over a toilet and roughly humping her from behind in the student's bathroom at her school; Reena was sat quietly in her English class, utterly bored out of her mind at the monotone droning of perhaps one of the most ill-suited teachers ever. Every single syllable the pupils endured only reminded them painfully of the time still to pass before they could leave.

Let me put that lesson into perspective for you: Reena is a sixteen year-old completely white-furred tabby cat, and like many girls, and boys, her age she is eager to have fun and her attention span quickly wanes if she hears the same thing spouted at her repeatedly; as we know some things have to be repeated as a necessity, but this particular teacher did nothing but repeat everything she taught them, and forced her class to recite what she had written for them until it was instinctual. The teacher in question, being a 56 year-old brown Labrador that had managed to major in modern languages and English literature at college, had a self-righteous streak that was so long she had refused a fully paid refreshers course in teaching that was being offered to the staff, and still believed that the methods she used were far better than any reimagining that the new soft-hearted generation had to offer. Normally Reena didn't mind going back over her previous notes too much if she learnt something that she had overlooked, but they were going right the way back to reception level revision at the beginning and end of every single class, and it was driving her crazy.

Desperate for something else to think about other than the definition of a freaking noun, Reena discreetly fished her I-phone out of her pocket when the teacher wasn't looking her way. One blessing she did have was that this Labrador was short sighted. The white tabby knew nobody else would tell on her; there was an unspoken rule among the girls in the school that in English classes everybody was entitled to do whatever they could just to stay awake, and taking a quick glance around the room Reena could see at least five phones, three handheld games consoles, and even one girl using a full sized computer tablet set on very dim brightness.

Yes, this teacher really was that out of touch with her students.

Having already set her silent and 'no-vibrate' before arriving, Reena carefully hid it beneath the desk to obscure it's screen from the direction of the blackboard as she quickly unlocked it, wasting no time in checking her Facebook messages although appearing offline so that she didn't suddenly end up in a long chat in the middle of class. She made sure that her eyes looked back towards the teachers with strained interest more than they pointed down at her I-phone, that way she at least appeared to be trying to pay attention. As per usual, most of the notifications were complete junk, just personal opinions on what somebody else had done or said posted for the sake of saying it, links to rubbish music videos on YouTube and advertisements from several different companies simply because she had liked a related page to them.

After ignoring the first 35 pointless ones in a row, one particular post finally caught her eye. It had been posted by a boy that was the mutual online friend of another girl in her class, that she had been given the chance to meet once when she attended one of the inter-school matches for the local hockey teams; he was a 19 year old Angus Bull called Don who had been drafted in as the team's new Goalkeeper recently, and seeing as he was six feet of solid muscle barely contained beneath pitch-black fur he did his job pretty well on the ice. He was currently still a bit of a loner amongst the others guys from what she heard though, as he had only been part of the team for five games so far, and tended to keep to himself when he could.

The post he had made was asking if anybody else had heard from a girl he'd been dating recently called Linda, requesting to them that they ask her to meet him at the gym to pick him up after practice like she promised. He was currently waiting for driving license application to go through, so he couldn't drive himself back home yet, and they had agreed to go out on a date that evening anyway.

Reena had to feel sorry for him; Linda was a sliver-furred wolfess with an infamous mean-streak when it came to men, only ever interested in getting her own name and image well known and not giving a damn about the hearts she had to tread on while doing so. All of her boyfriends were the big achieving sports types, and the moment she found one with a better reputation she would be into his lap without a second thought. It was even the talk of the entire school at the moment that Linda had been dating two guys at the same time for weeks, one being Don and the other being the captain of the football squad of the same school. The white Tabby cat was almost sure that Don knew about this already, as he didn't seem the oblivious kind of guy when she spoke to him, but she also knew that it wouldn't make him feel any better having to sit there for two hours until the bus that went to his neighbourhood finally arrived because Linda had stood him up on a date to be with another guy. To top it all off, Don wasn't even the 'jock' type that would have deserved it anyway, he was a quiet and gentle giant who just admitted that he liked playing hockey to the coach in casual conversation once and got roped into joining the team soon after. He never wanted to be put into the spotlight, but found himself thrust into it once his natural talent was exposed.

The captain of the football squad was another matter altogether. Infamous for binge drinking, changed women almost as often as he changed his socks, loved to pick on the smaller guys just because he was this big strong mustang stallion and to top it all off he was even trailing right at the bottom of his class in grades. Bad news even to drop outs, he was like a black hole that sucked in and destroyed the lives of the people around him with his awful lifestyle. Reena honestly couldn't imagine a worse pick for a boyfriend, but by some miracle he had actually achieved quite a pit of popularity amongst the less intelligent girls thanks to his success at sports. For Linda to have sneaked away from Don's date with her to see that jerk was just...just plain wrong.

Double checking that the teacher wasn't looking her way, and finding that the Labrador was writing down something about antitheses on the whiteboard, the white Tabby opened up the details of the notification, wanting to see just when and where this had happened. To her surprise, the data log showed the post had been made just 5 blocks away from St Marian's All-Girls School, the place where she was currently being forced to endure this lacklustre lecture. She had honestly expected it to be days old as she hadn't had the chance to look at her updates for a while, but the info on the post clearly stated that it had been posted only 4 minutes ago. He would almost certainly still be there right now, waiting for Linda to come and pick him up.

So far there had been no comments posted on it, but then again it wasn't that long since it was put up. The white furred feline was tempted to reply to him, but she had already been running the risk of being found out using it for too long while she had been checking the info on the notification tag, and she knew better than to try and send one while she was still at school. Begrudgingly, she decided to just turn off her I-phone and put it away for the moment, hoping that there were at least a few new topics for them to go over to keep her sane, but her teacher afforded them no such luxury. Once again finding the meaningless deluge of drivel that this woman was attempting to teach her class unbearable, the white tabby cat quickly returned her thoughts to the well-meaning bull that was likely to be given the cold shoulder and left waiting on his own with no explanation.

He wasn't that far away from school, in fact her normal journey home would take her right past him, and her parents wouldn't be home until 6:00 that night when their school day ended at 3:00, so they shouldn't notice if she was a few minutes later than usual if she stopped to talk to him. Some company to help cheer him up or at least past a minute or two talking to him was better than people pretending that he didn't exist. At the very least she could tell him exactly what Linda might have been doing, so that he wasn't too let down later, and possibly even prompt him to break up with her. It might be painful for him to hear, but it was better that he know from her than find out the hard way by seeing her with football captain with his own eyes. Don could do far better than that canine 'bicycle for hire' anyway.

About half an hour later, the school bell rang, putting a merciful end to the seemingly endless boredom of her dreadful English class, and in fact to the entire school day. There was a flurry of pencils, pens and erasers being thrust back into pencil cases and then in turn being shoved back into school bags that ensued, the teacher's final words about rereading what she had gone over in class drowned out in the excitement of being allowed to leave. Within moments, the entire array of students previously in the classroom were heading briskly down the corridors for their lockers located throughout the hallways of their private school, wanting to retrieve the rest of their textbooks before they went home, with Reena amongst them.

As the white tabby cat was reaching into her locker to grab the last of her books, she noticed something out of the corner of her eye. Her friend Eunice Chew, the beautiful red squirrel with a warm heart, poked her head out of the students' toilets to check that nobody else was looking her way before stepping out and walking towards her own locker at a relaxed pace. Two things struck Reena as being slightly off about her. The first was that there was a sign place in the hallway saying that there was a plumbing problem inside these particular toilets, and Eunice never broke the school rules by going where she wasn't welcome. Secondly, Eunice was wearing an amazingly bright smile on her face that looked to be about a mile wide, her entire body language from her swishing tail to the bounce in her step denoting a deep satisfaction. As the red squirrel passed Reena, she gave her a knowing wink before walking on in the direction of her own locker just a few metres down.

Understanding her pure-breed friend for who she really was at heart (and I hasten to add, loving her for it), the white tabby cat promised herself to get the squirrel to spill all the juicy info on what she'd been doing in there. She knew what it took to put that kind of smile on her red-furred friend's face.

*A few minutes later on the way home*

"No way! You are the luckiest squirrel in the world, 'little red'!" Reena exclaimed, her friend Eunice Chew still beaming like a lighthouse from her earlier 'exercise' with the school janitor as the red squirrel and white tabby cat walked home together.

"Maybe you're right. *giggle*" the Eunice replied, "To be honest, it felt really good to be able to give him some release. He got into it so quickly and was so desperate to pump me full of his hot stuff; it felt like he had almost been starved of it for a while."

"Oh my god yes, the ones who have been saving it up are always the best." the white tabby cat added, leaning in closer to comically whisper her next sentence as if she were revealing a national secret, "They always leave the biggest mess when they're finished."

That comment sent the two schoolgirls into a strong giggling fit, having both had the experience to know it was true. The pair managed to compose themselves just as they reached their school bus stop, where Eunice stopped and waited for the bus (which was already within sight) to arrive. As Reena wasn't taking the bus home that day, the red squirrel gave her a friendly wave as the white tabby cat continued walking on ahead, hoping to open a private chat so they could speak later.

Yeah, this private catholic school of theirs really was rich enough to afford facilities only accessible to their students and staff that stretched as far as public transport.

Now at this point you might be wondering why on Earth Reena would have taken the bus in the mornings, as I mentioned the last time we met, and occasionally at night if she lived so close to school. It's a fair question, and the answer is simple. During the school year they were currently working their way through, the young feline girl had found herself having fewer classes together with Joyce and Eunice than she would have liked due to them choosing different courses to study. None of them wanted to drift apart from one-another and the route the school bus took from near Eunice's house actually proved quite a long journey, allowing them plenty of time together before school started and always getting them there on time. Sure it meant had to get up a little earlier to walk down to the same bus stop her friends used, but it was always worth it in the end.

A few blocks of silent walking later and her family's house was in sight just a few hundred yards ahead, not even 5 minutes after setting off from school. What was even sweeter was that her house was nowhere near a main road, so there was never any massive amount of traffic going by. As she was about to cross the final road in her way to get to her house on the other side, she caught something out of the corner of her eye off to her left, a large black shape somewhere near the bus stop. Turning her head to get a better look, she saw Don the black furred angus Bull, standing with his back leant against the side of the bus stop, dressed in black tracksuit pants and a matching T-shirt with a thoroughly miserable expression on his face. Even his usually impressive curled bull-horns seemed to droop a little, although Reena was certain it was her imagination making her see that.

She didn't have to guess twice about why he was there, as there could only be one reason why he was now waiting to catch the bus home, after all his girlfriend had promised she would come and pick him up for their date, as she found out from his Facebook post. Unsurprisingly, Linda had completely ignored their date and left him stranded there on his own, and probably wouldn't even pay him back for the bus fare next time they met. This was why Reena never considered her friends or herself sluts; she and her friends always cared about how their partners felt, and made no attempt to hide their intentions from them so nobody's feeling got hurt, whereas sluts were the girls like Linda, who just took what they wanted then moved on.

She couldn't fathom how humiliated and betrayed the large black bull must have been feeling right then, the snow-white feline noticing that Don was even keeping his eyes tightly closed against the gentle wind, as if trying to forget where he was and why he was there if only for a few moments.

Reena felt so sorry for him being given the cold shoulder in such a rude manner. It wasn't fair that he was being used like a disposable toy for that she-wolf, especially when she knew that Don's test scores were actually more than double those of the Linda. Taking a glance down at her wristwatch, the white tabby cat saw that she was actually 10 minutes early for getting back home, and her parents weren't due back for two and half hours even if they were early, leaving her with more than enough time to stop and talk to him without getting into trouble with them.

She approached him slowly, as with him being on the same side of the road there was no need for her to hurry to avoid traffic. From what she remembered of him the last time they met, he more the organised and mentally gifted type rather than the laidback 'go with the flow type, and as such wasn't that good at handling sudden surprises; it was actually quite unusual for his species to have his kind of mindset in truth, as Angus bulls had always been bred for their huge muscle mass, and so had always ended up in contact sports, or heavy labour or other kinds of work that required physical strength, but certainly not advanced mathematics as Don was studying. The white tabby cat saw him open his eyes slightly upon hearing her light footsteps approaching, although he didn't open them enough to really focus on anything, more just verifying that someone was actually there. His eyes were slightly red around the edges and he seemed to be blinking slightly too frequently, although his calm green irises remained unchanged; she also spotted that the fur just beneath his eyes seemed to be matted, but in smooth lines flowing down his cheeks, a strong indicator that he had been crying recently. A small sense of nervousness came over her as his eyes met with hers for a moment, the large black bovine seeming not to want to bother with the world enough to register who anyone was at the moment.

Stopping about two metres in front of him, Reena quietly spoke up, wanting to break the ice before an uncomfortable silence could settle in.


At hearing his name, the muscular bull opened his eyes wider, snapping himself out of his depressive inward spiral and trying to get a better look at the person talking to him. The white-furred feline stood in front of him was undoubtedly a beauty, about a head or so shorter than he was, but with a decent sized bust without being excessively large, a slim waist, round yet tight hips and long slender legs. Even with most of her body hidden beneath the conservative black and white school uniform she wore, he could tell that she was a bonefide knockout. All of this made it seem incredibly unlikely that he could have forgotten her had he actually met her.

Still, as he looked more closely at her enchanting face, her cute feline ears twitching a little under his unintentionally intense gaze, he felt he incredibly strong urge that he had in fact met her somewhere before.

Thinking harder on it for a moment, the large bovine suddenly remembered meeting a white feline once at a multi-school sports event that had been held a few months back. He had just been helping out for the day back then, needing to earn his own spending money for the summer holidays, but this same tabby cat with snow white fur had come up to him and offered him a drink of water, seeing as he had been sweating profusely from the heat. Initially he had refused, as he thought that she had mistaken him for one of the athletes and was trying to flirt with him because of that, but she had insisted, saying that she felt like he needed it at the moment. He had accepted without making any further fuss and thanked her for it; she had smiled brightly at him, saying it was her pleasure to help him out before running off to join her friends.

That small gesture had made that entire day's work worthwhile for him. Thinking back to that day that he first met her, he recalled what her friends had called her when she went back to meet them.

"Reena?" Don asked hopefully, his dark chocolate-ey voice sending a momentary shiver up the white tabby cat's tail.

Pausing to brush a loose strand of her soft white hair behind one of her ears first, Reena replied in a warm and caring tone of voice.

"Yes, I'm the girl who gave you the water back at the last annual track meet."

"I remember." Don answered; a smile finally appearing on his face after being the very image of depression for the past half hour spent waiting alone, "I really appreciated that by the way. Work was kind of tough for me back then."

"You're welcome Don." the white tabby said in response, a small blush making an appearance on her cheeks on hearing that he both remembered her and that he was grateful for her gesture, "Please forgive me if this may seem a bit direct, but why are you waiting out here? Shouldn't you be back at home by now, I thought the bus for your neighbourhood leaves at 3:00?"

She of course already knew the answer to this question, but really didn't want to upset the poor guy by just walking up to him and saying 'hey there Don, so your girlfriend left you on the sidewalk while she fucks another guy? That must suck a lot, well than she ever did'. What he needed right then was someone understanding to talk to, not somebody to lecture him. Maybe if she could get him talking first she might be able to bring him out of his usual withdrawn personality.

Don sighed heavily as he was unintentionally reminded just why he was there by himself.

"Yeah, You're right. The bus did leave at 3:00." he admitted, the bull now staring at the ground dejectedly, "I was supposed to go out on a date with my girlfriend, or soon-to-be ex-girlfriend, Linda, but she called it off at the very last minute. The bus was actually turning around the corner and driving away as she sent me the text. Look, I don't know what you might have heard from the girls at your school, but she's a good-looking wolfess that has this reputation for being as easy to slip inside as your own shoes if you're a popular guy with enough time to spare, okay?

"Well, I met her for the first time after the first match I played in during the play-offs this year, and I'd really impressed the coach and the regular fans of our team as they weren't expecting anything big from me. I guess you could say she saw me as a future investment in case I attracted a lot of attention. All the others guys in the changing room told me to stay clear of her the moment I said her name, 4 of them claiming to have banged her before, 2 of them even saying they'd done so at the same time, but I hadn't been in the men's changing rooms after a match before. I didn't know how to tell when they were joking or not, or whether to take their advice seriously. The unwritten rules hadn't sunk in yet. I just went with it and decided to date her, but kept my distance for a while just in case the guys were being serious. I'll confess, I got into her pants a couple of times very early on, and she really took no convincing at all now that I think back on it, but I so accepted to actually be getting attention from a looker like her that couldn't see clearly enough to pick up on the warning signs.

"She always called me to go out together, but never answered my calls, and when we did go out I almost always paid the bill if we went to get something to eat. When she cancelled today, she said that it was because she wasn't feeling well and needed to get checked up at the hospital, thinking she had the seasonal flu virus. Turns out that on my way here, I caught sight of her naked in the back of some horse guy's car, riding him reverse cowgirl style like he was a mechanical bull, no pun intended. TO be honest, it didn't really surprise me when I saw it, but it did still hurt. It's the same thing every time I try really; I'm always either just for fun or second best to someone else on the menu. Nobody ever takes me seriously."

Reena felt her ears fold back in sympathy for him as he relayed his story, wishing that he didn't have to get such a hard lesson in life that not everybody was as trustworthy as he might have hoped. In truth, she, along with Eunice and Joyce, also knew what it was like to feel like the consolation prize. True enough they were all cute, and they turned quite a few heads when boys saw them, but at the end of the day they were always a sideshow compared to the older girls on the cusp of turning twenty, with racks that could pass as buoyancy aids that gave the boys instant hard-ons as they looked at them. In the end, they decided that if they weren't attracting their attention as they were, then they probably wouldn't have liked them anyway.

Not wanting to let Don wallow in his own despair, she decided that the least she could do would be to stay with him until his bus arrived, and hopefully cheer him up now that he'd got his problems out in the open air; however, upon looking at the inside of the bus-stop over his broad shoulders, she couldn't spot a time-table for the bus route anywhere.

"What time does your bus come to pick you up?" she asked him politely, trying not to sound too obvious.

"In about one and a half hours." Don answered, tilting his head back up to look at her and scratching just behind one of his short, off-white curled horns in confusion at her question, "Oh, if you're looking for the timetable, I'm leaning against it."

"One and a half hours?" Reena replied in disbelief, "You're going to stay here by yourself for all that time?"

"Um, yeah...I guess so." Don said sheepishly, catching on to why she might have asked him about that, "Hey, I really do appreciate your company, believe me I do, but if you were thinking of staying here with me, then don't worry, I'll be fine on my own. No offense but, people might get the wrong idea if they see a Catholic schoolgirl hanging out with an Angus bull that is dressed for a night out. Besides, I don't want to keep such a pretty girl away from home any longer than she needs to be."

That last part really caused the white tabby cat's blush to deepen and spread out further across her cheeks, Don coughing uneasily as he realised too late what he'd just said in front of her and how that could be interpreted, happy that his fur colour prevented his own blush from being visible.

"Besides, it looks like it's going to rain soon." The black bull said quickly, attempting to change the subject as he gestured towards the sky with his thumb.

Looking up at the sky, Reena was surprised to see that he was right, there were quite a few dark clouds gathering overhead that looked far from friendly. Still, that didn't really make it any easier for her to consider just leaving him there, if anything it made it even more difficult. The white tabby cat didn't see a backpack by his side, on the floor or slung over his back, and he wasn't holding an umbrella in his hands either, so he would almost certainly be completely soaked if it did rain. The bus shelter wouldn't do him much good either, it was open fronted so would be about as good at stopping the rain getting in as an imaginary spoon.

Then a thought struck her out of nowhere: why not invite him inside her house?

It was so close to the bus stop that when she turned her head she could actually see it clear as day, and from her living room window she would be able to see most of the road that the bus stop was on, so he would be able to catch the bus as soon as it arrived at about 4:40 or so, if her wristwatch was correct. That still left over an hour until her parents said they would be back at home, and they were always late getting home on weekdays anyway. Nobody had to know he was ever there, and she could cheer him up in the best way she knew how.

"Hey Don?" she asked quietly, not wanting him to think she was too eager to push this thought forwards, "If you want, you could always come over to my place until your bus comes."

"Wh-what?!" Don exclaimed, caught so off-guard by the open invitation that he nearly fell flat on his side, having been leaning against the bus stop on one leg thus far. The large bovine stumbled a few steps (thankfully in the opposite of the direction to the road) before he regained his balance enough to give a reply.

"Please could you repeat that, slowly?" he requested.

Reena smiled so cutely that the large bovine in front of her felt the strong urge to pick her up and cuddle her as she repeated herself, although adding a few words just to tease him a little, since he seemed to no longer be thinking about how Linda had treated him. That and she liked how goofy he looked when he knew he was being flirted with.

"I said, 'If you would like to Don, you can always come back to my place until you have to leave.' My parents will be gone for hours yet, so we'll have the whole house to ourselves, and a lot of time to spend until your bus arrives."

Don felt his heart thumping loud and fast within his chest at her offer. Some small part of him felt that he still owed it to Linda to at least dump her officially before he went to another girl's house, even if all he would be doing is sitting down waiting for his ride home. Fortunately, the rest of his brain was screaming for that part to shut up and go with the beautiful kitty girl asking him to be alone with her, as Linda had already proven herself not to care about him, and this was the luckiest break he'd ever received. After all, he couldn't possibly make his life any worse if he was inside someone else's house where he knew his natural shyness would keep him in check right?

Well, let's find out.

5 dollars says he can't keep it in his pants.

*15 minutes later in Reena's living room*

If Don had any reservations of keeping his failed relationship with Linda going when he walked through the white furred cat's front door, then they were surely dead by now. Every inch of the angus bull's body was in plain sight for his feline companion to see, with his boxer shorts being the only remaining item of clothing left on his body, and currently warming his ankles instead of maintaining his dignity. He was standing just in front of the sofa with his impressively thick 10 inch member as hard as it had ever been in his life, while the beautiful white tabby girl that had invited him inside sat on the sofa just in front of him, gently working both her hands over his rigid manhood in the most expert handjob that angus bull could ever remember experiencing. Each movement her fingers made seemed to reveal new nerve ending beneath his skin, providing him with all the stimulation he had been missing out in one measured surge through his central nervous system.

Looks like I'm two for two so far.

"You poor thing." Reena murmured sympathetically, feeling the blood pound away through the veins on his swollen shaft, "You're so sensitive all over, even in the places that you shouldn't naturally be. You've haven't been touched here very much have you?"

As she said this, she rubbed the thumb of her right hand carefully up and down the visible bulge that ran up the entire length of the underside of his bovine cock, the fleshy tube that would serve as the pathway for his sperm to charge down when their time for action came. She'd never encountered a male who had groaned out loud from such a simple treatment, although it nearly always made them grunt a little. This alone showed just how desperate his body had become for some real attention, and she was disgusted that his own girlfriend could have let him get to such a state and been fine with it. Nevermind, she would remedy that herself.

"Linda was...*Ooohhh*... always the overcautious type... when it came to sex. We never...*Unngghh*...did it unless I wore a condom." Don managed to explain while keeping his hormones in check, although he was unable to take his eyes away from her as she worked him with her nimble fingers. He could believe how much it turned him on to see her bring her receptive feline nose right up to his hard cock and take a deep breath, bathing her receptors in the scent of his sweat and building arousal.

"Not even for oral sex?" the white tabby asked incredulously on hearing that, keeping her eyes on the large throbbing task in front of her.

"*Ghhuhh*...N-No, she said she...didn't want any of, to go in her fur...*pant*...I'd always be wearing a rubber if she went down on me..." he replied, blushing with embarrassment as he began to realise how little distance he'd actually managed to cover with an infamous 'easy lay' girl in the time they had been together. It really did seem quite pitiable in hindsight.

"Don't worry Donnie," Reena teased him, making the large black furred Bull arch an eyebrow playfully at this new nickname, "there are two things that you will never find in my house. The first is a copy of Monty Python's 'Life of Brian', as my parents are as religious as they come, and the second is a condom of any shape or size."

The teenage feline moved her thumb up higher to rub over his sensitive flared tip as she continued, earning a long drawn-out moan from her muscular lover in the process, her paw-pad circling his cum-slit like a hawk circling it's catch.

"You're not leaving until you've emptied every bit of that virile spunk you have lying in wait inside these." She whispered juicily up to him as she reached her free palm up to cradle his heavy testes, "You won't be filling some horrid mass-produced plastic sleeve to just dump it in the trash later, or be forced to pull back and squirt it out over my fur at the last minute for my sake. You'll get to put these eager little swimmers of yours where nature intended them to be, as deep as you can get them inside of my womb."

The look that flashed on the bull's face was absolutely priceless, illuminated by the light coming in through the one-way glass that served as the windows to her living room while the rain fell steadily against it. Reena knew that look very well, equal parts shock, disbelief and excitement at being given full clearance to do something that his mommy had probably warned him never to do. His cock even did a cute bounce in her hands at her succulent proposal.

To give him a little extra incentive, she brought her head down to his heavy balls and let her rough feline tongue extend from her mouth to gently lick one of his male orbs. Don gasped sharply as he felt her feline tongue slide over his gonads, the fur there being matted down by her saliva in her wake.

"Oh! *giggle* Looks like somebody likes the idea of knocking up the cute kitty girl." she teased, stroking his hard member up and down with her hand while simultaneously raising her other hand to fondling his balls, adding to the sensations that her tongue was already supplying from down there.

"B-B-But I, I can't do...*Hhhaahhh*'s not right to...t-to just...surely you don't m-mean that...I should...oh Reena..."

The white tabby cat smiled a broad happy smile as she listened to his last arguments slowly ebb away little by little, until his pleas no longer asked her to stop at all. He was a nice guy, and just like every other nice guy, he needed so be eased in this slowly. He need to be warmed up and guided in to start off with, but as soon as his hidden switch was turned on, he'd be every girl's wet dream. As she continued to stoke the growing desire within him, she listened closely for the moment when his willpower would break. He was young and healthy, seemed to have a genuine liking for her as a person besides the sexual attraction, and he was more pent up than a volcano two centuries overdue for an eruption. It wouldn't take long. Very soon he would crack.

"Oh god right there..." Don moaned helplessly as his genitals were left defenceless in the wake of her soft skilled fingers and inquisitive wet tongue, the feline even going so far as to stroke the skin just behind the tip of his cock where the most sensitive skin of all lay, "...dear lord don't stop...but what you really mean that?...would you really...really let me do there?...without a condom?"

*Gotcha.* the tabby thought to herself, hearing him change his tune under the duress of her caress.

"Of course I would Donnie." she spoke softly back up at him, watching his pre-cum dribble from the tip of his cock in excitement, "I never lie. I'm not taking any birth control pills either, so I'm nice and fertile for you right now. I can keep a secret, even one as big as you, cutie. Nobody has to know about this, not now, or any of the other times you want to try your luck putting a bun in the oven for me. If you want me to keep your sharpshooting a secret, then I'll happily do so."

"O-Other times?" he answered shakily, looking down to meet the white feline's half-lidded emerald eyes to confirm what he'd just heard, hardly believing his own ears.

"Yes." Reena said without hesitation, "You don't seriously think that just one time would guarantee me to carry your child? I'll need regular, rough, potent instalment from you, if you're willing and able."

"But, why me?" Don asked, still thinking that all of this sounded too good to be true. He was naïve, but he wasn't stupid.

"Okay Donnie, if you really want me to explain it all to you then I will, it's the least I can do." The white feline replied, pausing licking his balls for a moment although keeping her hands moving as if nothing was happening, "Don, I've had the world's biggest crush on you since your last year of middle-school."

"S-Seriously?" the large bovine enquired, remembering how different he had looked back then.

As a 16 year old he had been pretty buff, but he hadn't been actively working out, leaving him in this sort of hallway point between thin and thickly muscled. If it were just his body alone that people were looking at, then he'd probably have been one of the most popular guys in school all things considered. As luck would have it, his consistently high grades and genetic short-sightedness that had led to him being prescribed glasses from his very first year had labelled him as the class nerd from a mile away. Once he started college he had begun working out regularly since he got a free gym pass with being a student and had enough spare time, the angus bull quickly becoming a towering mass of muscle that put every other sports club member to shame. He had also started wearing contact lenses rather than glasses when out in public, giving himself a much more rugged appearance so that he wouldn't receive the same amount of negative attention from his classmates. While it had succeeded in putting off the bullies and attracting a girl like Linda, it seemed to have to unintentional effect of scaring away most other people that he would have liked to get to know due to his sheer size. Still, he couldn't think why someone would have been attracted to him as that middle-of-the road teenager just finishing his first leg of education.

"I mean it Don," Reena said, continuing her line of thought as her blush exploded across her face from the embarrassment of bringing her private feelings to bear for him. Stroking his cock was one think, but giving away her childhood heartthrob secrets was another.

"I'll admit that I liked it when you started working out, and the results speak for themselves, but you were still the same person inside both before and after you bulked up. You didn't act any differently. I may not have been at your school, but I saw the way you stood up to the other class bullies when they picked on the smaller kids on their way home, I heard endless stories about how you always volunteered to take the clean-up duty so that everyone else could go home early, and you never let your anger get the better of you when you were getting picked on yourself. I always wanted to have a guy like you be my boyfriend someday, but I learned very early on that what people say and what people do are often completely different, so I gave up hope of finding one. Now I've got my original nice guy crush right in front of me, and I want to keep him!"

"Ah, I take it you had your run of bad boyfriends too?" Don asked carefully, smart enough to read between the lines when she said that she'd learnt early that no all boys were to be trusted.

"I will keep no secrets from you Don." Reena said quietly, looking up into his gentle green eyes as she continued, "I am not the obedient little catholic daughter that stays at home, respects her parents and does as she's told all the time that some people think I am; I go out to parties where I know there will be men looking for some action with no strings attached, and I go because I want to give them what they came for if they give me the same in return. You are not my first, and neither would I be able to limit myself to you immediately if we became a couple, I enjoy the thrill of experiencing so many men enjoying my body too much. But I would always come back to you at the end of a night out, and make sure you get the last hoorah out of me every single evening. You would not have me to yourself, but you would have me whenever you wanted me, and you would never have to ask my permission when you need me. I you can get me alone, you have my explicit permission to take what you want out of my hide. Someday I might be able to leave this sexual habit of mine behind me and be yours alone, but it will take time Don; I would never hide it from you though, you would always know exactly where I've been and what I've done, without exception. If you were ever uncertain, I could always tell you in advance if you wanted to come and watch, or even join in. I like you Don, a lot more than I've ever liked a guy before, and I'm willing to let you have the privilege of my heart and my body whenever you ask for it, so long as you can live with me being the woman that I am."

Listening to her offer, Don closed his eyes to think for a few moments, although the horny female cat never let up his ministrations on his proud boner for a second.

If he refused, then he would be walking out of this house with a clean slate and an open plan for tomorrow. Sure he wouldn't have a girlfriend, but he could always find one later, and one much better than the last. This whole affair with Linda had actually helped him to become more aware of just how complicated relationships could be, and what he wanted in a partner. He didn't want someone like Linda who saw being a couple as just a mutually beneficial arrangement that could be terminated at her leisure, he wanted someone who would be willing to go the distance with him, that would actually care about him and how he felt whenever they were together. But there were men who searched their whole lives for that and never found it, so who was he to think that he'd somehow be guaranteed to meet someone like that? He'd already been shown pretty harshly that his feelings could be misplaced. There was, after all, a girl who really cared for him sitting on the sofa right then.

If he accepted her offer, he would be agreeing to start a relationship with a girl who had openly admitted that she got around, and would continue getting around while they were together. She might end up being the cheap thrill of someone that spoke to her like she was a piece of dirt, just for him to move onto the next girl that came through the door if she had bigger tits.

However, he knew that Reena was smart enough to see that kind of guy coming, and he could always teach her to defend herself in an emergency if need be. Also, she had been completely honest with him about what she would do; she didn't try to hide the fact that other guys would be getting a shot at her, and probably shooting off inside her as well, but she had promised to return to him when he needed her despite, and maybe even become his and his alone sometime in the future. There was no attempt at innuendo or being subtle, she had been direct and laid everything out in front of him, a lot of it very personal information about her private life that could really get her into trouble if he told the right people. The fact that she had trusted him enough to reveal this side of herself so openly showed that she didn't see him as just another dick on offer, otherwise she could have easily played the 'innocent girl wanting to try what the adults do'; in fact she needn't even have done that, she already had his dick hard and dripping in her hands while his hands literally shook from the feeling her delicately stroking digits travelling over his shaft. She could easily have fucked him without saying a word if some hard sex was all she was after. She knew her flaws, but more importantly let him know them in advance, so he knew what he was in for, which was more than most girls would have done.

There was of course the very real risk of him getting her pregnant, but considering the rather unusual condition of his close family at the moment, that wasn't as big a problem as it would have been for most teenage boys.

Coming to a conclusion, he decided that seeing as this tabby girl had already shown him far more kindness than any of the other women he'd met thus far, and he honestly wouldn't have been able to find someone who was both as pretty as her and as kind hearted as her if he was to refuse.

"...okay Reena...*ghhuhhh!*...I'm willing to give the two of us being together a try if you are..."

On the sofa in front of him, the gorgeous white tabby cat smiled warmly at his reply.

A few moments later, she ceased her actions upon his genitals, drawing a teasing finger all the way from the base of his penis to the dribbling tip in the same manner a woman might drag a finger along a man's chin to flirt with him.

Don was so aroused by this point that his cock actually squirted a clear strand of pre-cum out onto Reena's face to land right between her eyes, though with his eyes having shut automatically when she pulled that little trick with her finger, the bull seeming not to have noticed. She didn't hold it against him, after all his manhood was only doing what she had been trying to get it to do, and the feline girl really didn't mind being marked by him all that much. It was more of a pleasant surprise than it was an inconvenience. She worked quickly to get herself into position by the time he opened his eyes.

Looking down at her to see what was happening that had stopped her from fondling him, Don found the cute kitty girl laying on her back on the sofa with her legs spread wide open for him, a large towel placed beneath her to prevent any 'overspill' from touching the sofa. Reaching between her legs with a paw, she teasingly spread her light pink nether lips wide for him, letting him see her feminine dew drip from her needy hole as she looked at his hulking male body for 'inspiration'.

The Black furred Angus bull could only smile and begin stroking himself off with his hand as he saw her splay her vaginal folds out for him, no longer even thinking about Linda in the back of his mind. Every inch of her, from her face, her perky breasts with hard pink nipples and slender arms to her trim thighs, curved butt cheeks and oh so inviting pussy, was perfect in his eyes.

"No foreplay tonight Donnie." Reena teased in a low sensual slur, "We can't have you leaking on the carpet while you wait your turn, so you'll have to slide straight in, although that's certainly not a bad thing. Come and get me handsome, I'm all wet and ready for you. Please don't keep me waiting here for too long."

Don didn't disappoint her. He quickly moved himself into position with his hands resting on top of the backrest of the sofa, leaving his impressive rippling six-pack and pulsing 10-inch cock hovering just over the comparatively small female beneath him. She didn't even flinch at seeing the powerful beast looming above her, licking her lips excitedly as she waited for him to begin.

He didn't delay it much, only pausing to rub his manhood against her moist vagina lips for a short while, helping to moisten her even further for what was coming next. Laughing and joking aside, he didn't want to hurt her accidentally because of the size difference; he was a nice guy after all.

Soon enough, he pulled back and waited as the cute feline girl reached down with one of her hands and lined his broad bovine shaft up with her unprotected honeypot, smiling contently the entire time. Don looked her in the eyes once again as he rested just outside of her warmth, checking to see that she didn't want to back out of this. In response, she playfully tried to tug his member inside her by herself, but this only resulted in her blushing even more deeply as she failed in moving him even a centimetre closer, it was like a toddler trying to lift a sack of bricks while wearing roller-skates.

The horny male got the hint clearly enough though, and clenching his powerful buttocks, he slowly but firmly forced his cock into her welcoming womanhood, never faltering or stuttering in this smooth action as his tail swished happily behind him. He adored the long drawn out *mrowl* sound that the white tabby made as he entered her, and was so tempted to rib on the subject, but at that moment he was experiencing far too many things at once to be able to tease her about it.

Going in without a condom for the first time ever, he was exposed to an entirely new level of euphoria inside her tight pink tunnel; he could actually feel all of the muscles clenching around him in perfect sync as he slid deeper and deeper inside her, he could feel her fluids coating and lubricating his member as he went, and he moaned long and loud as he felt her body heat seep through his skin like a heavenly poison bound for his brain. This was unlike anything else he had ever dreamt of. With a condom on he had previously been able to feel his partner contracting around him and a subdued amount of the warmth, but now that his own skin made contact with her slick, welcoming insides, he could actually feel her heartbeat surrounding his manhood, and he knew damn well that she was aware of the effect she was having on him. The closeness it brought him was intoxicating.

Soon enough, his hips met hers and he could intrude no deeper inside the willing schoolgirl impaled upon his shaft, though he could clearly felt his tip pressing against a firm barrier inside her, which he guessed to be her cervix. He stayed there for a few moments, wanting to savour his first experience of raw sex with this beautiful girl that had required only 20 minutes of his time to seduce him when every other girl had taken weeks.

Beneath him, Reena looped her arms around his neck affectionately, understanding what it felt like on the first time without protection. His penis would be feeling so tender and naked inside her right then, and he would need a few seconds to adjust to everything he could feel going on. For her part, she loved the sensation of fullness that his impressively large girth gave her, her tight vaginal canal being stretched in every direction to accommodate the gifted bull. She had experienced all shapes and sizes of penis inside her narrow canal, ones with knots, ones with ridges, ones with barbs, ones with flares, and even on a few occasions she had ones that actually moved by themselves, but Don easily beat her previous record in the width of his manhood.

Just to tease the handsome bull a little more, she began wiggling her hips around as he remained buried up to the hilt inside her, causing the much larger male to grit his teeth and grunt as she expertly clenched and relaxed her inner walls around his exposed length, putting all of her past experience to use so that she pleasured him just enough to not make him fire off early. This also had the added effect of stirring him around inside her love tunnel, sending strong jolts of pleasure up her spine as she felt him rub against her walls with the motions of her hips; her g-spot included much to her delight.

"Do it Donnie." Reena whispered hotly into his ear, deciding he'd rested enough "Fuck me as hard as you like!"

Not hesitating a second, Don drew his powerful hips back, withdrawing his large cock almost all the way from her wonderfully hot feline pussy; the friction caused by his size actually pulled Reena a small distance over the sofa towards him, the smaller feline sticking her tongue out in a playful grin at Don when he noticed this. With Just the tip left inside her, Don could truly appreciate just wonderfully hot and moist she had been inside, feeling the colder temperature of the air outside her vagina almost stinging him as her fresh juices dribbled along his male organ.

Unwilling to put up with that incomplete feeling any longer, he rammed his entire length right back inside the schoolgirl in one strong stroke, earning a loud pleasured moan from his gorgeous feline in the process of sliding himself back inside his own personal piece of heavenly ass. A shiver ran the length of his spine as he repeated the motion, pulling himself almost all the way out only to charge back inside accompanied by Reena's happy mewling, her lubricating juices already leaking from her stretched lips to trickle down her butt-crack.

By the time Don spurred himself deep into her for the third time, he was well and truly addicted to her. Nothing could compare to just how intense everything felt with no rubber sheath in the way to hold him in check, letting him experience first-hand just how this female responded to his actions in a way that required no words or hand signals, her womanhood conveying her pleasure to him perfectly, and driving his own ecstasy higher in the process. This was truly how a man and women were intended to be together, species difference be damned.

Beneath him, Reena murred as she felt him slowly mate her with his hard and regular thrusts. From the way that he kept such a good rhythm and made sure his thrusts never strayed too close to becoming painful for her, it was clear that he had done this before, and he was very good at it. She honestly couldn't believe that his girlfriend could have given him up on the basis of sex. Every delicious entry forced his large penis right to the base within her pink folds, setting off all of her nerve endings at once. While she couldn't really describe it as making love just yet, as she had not known him long enough to say that she loved him, it was definitely the closest she had ever come to experiencing it. This wasn't some stranger whipping his dick out and shoving it past her panties in a spare bedroom at somebody else's house, it was someone she actually admired fucking her in the living room of her own house. Somehow, it just felt a lot more of a special occasion than it had before, like this was something she should treasure.

A few minutes of this slow and steady pace later, and Don began to gradually speed up his thrusts, eager to feel more from this already sublime encounter. Wet slapping sounds could now be heard echoing around the living room every time the Angus bull's hips collided powerfully with the teenage tabby cat's, a steady supply of Don's pre-cum adding to the already plentiful juices being secreted by the mewling feline he was mating. Between the white tabby cat's heaving breasts, the golden crucifix she always wore on its matching chain bounced off her chest with each welcome shunt he gave her, both her pink nipples now sensitive hardened nubs just waiting to be played with. She could tell that Don was tempted to try something with them; he had been staring at them moving for a while now as they bounced to and fro, but she wanted him to be the one to take the initiative now, and she was far too turned on by his thrusting to form a coherent sentence anyway.

In the meantime, the vast array of bulging and contracting muscles along his chest and arms provided quite the tasteful 'in-flight movie', his expertly honed body with its pulsing veins lying just beneath the skin putting even the hunkiest of her favourite fantasy boys to shame. Every breath she took brought with it the heavy musk-laden smell of sex and sweat, the white tabby actually able to see beads of sweat form on the bull's imposing body before dripping down onto her fur or the towel she was resting on. She loved the sight of him getting so worked up over her, and made sure to clench the muscles of her tight womanhood around him to keep him motivated. Right now he was a gentle beast, but a beast none the less, and that knowledge made her even wetter.

Soon enough he noticed she hadn't been trying to hide her vulnerable little nipples from him, her hands still looped around his neck affectionately as he pounded away at her. Taking a chance he leant his head down, keeping his hands on the sofa's backrest, and took a tentative lick of her erect right nipple. The moment his tongue made contact with the fleshy little nub her back arched upwards in delight, trying to bring her breast closer to his mouth as she let out a pleasing moan at his bold move.

"...*Hhhhaaaaahhhh!*...suck them Donnie...please..." Reena moaned, desperate to be brought closer to her climax that she felt coming closer by the second.

He obeyed her without even considering arguing or retreating, sealing his lips around her pink areola and sucking ravenously. To his amusement, Don heard the beautiful tabby cat actually start to purr as he suckled, flicking the fleshy nub with his tongue inside her mouth just to add something a little different for her. After attending to her right nipple for a minute or so, he switched to her left one and provided it with the same treatment, earning some long raunchy moans from his lover as she voiced her approval.

Feeling her hot, tight kitty flower quiver even more forcefully around him as he licked her, the horny bull sped up his pace even further, his strong hips now virtually battering his long, thick bull-cock inside her, with the feline girl now not even able to keep pace with his thrusting with her own hips. His pace had now increased to a full blown rut with the catholic girl underneath him on the receiving end. He was now hell bent on using her as his female for his release, his heavy ball sack swinging forwards to slap her white-furred butt-cheeks on every re-entry, reminding her of the potent payload they in store for her.

Reena's tongue hung out of her mouth as she panted to catch her breath, eyes half-lidded in the overwhelming surge of pleasure that now engulfed her from his brutal pounding, the white tabby doing nothing to stop him. As if to show just how submissive to him she was, she manoeuvred her legs so that they now rested on his shoulders with her feet on either side of his neck, leaving her cute bottom totally unguarded against his lustful assault. Her long furred tail wrapped playfully around one of his thick thighs as he resumed his hard pace, making it his mission to give her the hard fucking she asked for.

Don could feel himself getting very close to the edge, in fact with the sheer tightness and warmth of Reena's wet canal and her delightfully obvious enjoyment of it so far, it was only his sheer will to not make an idiot of himself that had kept him from bursting prematurely thus far. In fact he could count at least three times that he normally would have cum inside her by then, but he wanted to make this one afternoon he and she would both remember for a long time, and so had furious held back his orgasm until then. As his girthy manhood jack-hammered inside her clenching pink love tunnel, he felt himself beginning to lose it, feeling that light tingling sensation travelling up his length and spreading across his groin that signified he was about to spurt his spunk inside her.

This time however, he knew he'd already gone too far without noticing. He could actually feel his balls clenching as they prepared to supply him with all the unborn babies he needed to impregnate this kitty, and no amount of mental concentration could stop them at that point.

"You're close aren't you?" came a breathless voice from beneath him, the black bull opening his eyes to find Reena looking back up at him with a warm smile on her face, "You don't...*AAaahhh!*...have to hold back anymore...*Oh yes, right there!*'ve done very...very well for your first...time without a condom. Go ahead Donnie, cream me! Who knows...*Mmmnnh!*... I could have a little Donnie of my very own growing inside me soon if you're lucky...of course we can always...*Unnfff*...try again could even try for triplets if you like..."

Her words had precisely the effect she was hoping for.

With a heavy grunt, Don rammed his cock deep inside her three more times, each thrust getting harder than the last, and on the fourth time he pounded her so hard that he actually moved the entire sofa about a foot across the floor. The bulbous tip of his member barged right past the lips of her cervix and lodged itself firmly inside her womb as he fired a thick voluminous stream of his hot bovine cum directly against her fertile uterus.

The sudden spike of pleasure Reena felt when he penetrated her womb was enough to set her off as well, her entire vaginal passage clutching desperately at his member as she squirted her hot fluids against his crotch, the bull's own cum filling up her birthing chamber as volley after copious volley was pumped into her. Even from the thick texture of his cum she could tell that he hadn't been given much opportunity to do this for a while.

Despite the tight seal created by his thick cock and the fact he was already inside her womb, there just wasn't enough space to contain all of his creamy semen, and eventually a few white streams escaped from her pussy lips to dribble down her butt cheeks to soak into the towel beneath her. They stayed there virtually frozen like that for a full minute, Don keeping himself buried right up to the hilt inside the young feline girl, determined that if he was going to get into trouble for impregnating her then he would make damn sure it was his child she carried, his lover's receptive vaginal passage caressing him all the while she rode out her own blissful orgasm. Reena loved how cute he looked positioned over her, the big brawny bull shivering and nearly whimpering as he squirted his gooey cum inside her seemingly by the pint. It was something she always found amusing in boys, once they reached their peak they were completely helpless to hide how happy they were about it, like little children screaming for joy at being given a new toy.

Eventually, he could spurt no more cum into her, his balls drained of their contents to the very last drop. Looking down at her sheepishly, realising just how rough he might have been in the last few minutes, Don began to form an apology to Reena on his lips, but was promptly silenced when Reena Leant up and kissed him fully on the lips. He was too stunned by her quick move to return it, his white-furred lover pulling her mouth away before her could regain is senses, an expression of warm, caring affection spread across her face. The bull's cheeks turned beetroot at the gesture.

"Thank you very much for that Don. You truly are a fantastic lover." she said honestly, although still a little out of breath from their heated session.

The large bull was truly touched, as he'd never received a compliment as a lover before; at least not one that he could believe to be true.

Don reached a hand down to cup her cheek lovingly, stroking a thumb through her soft white fur as he replied, "I'm only as good as the girl I'm with babe, and you're utterly phenomenal Reena."

The white tabby cat turned her head to the side to try and hide her blush at his praise; though in reality it did little to conceal it at all.

Don was very careful with her as he withdrew his still semi-hard cock from her used feminine flower, a mixture of their combined sexual fluids coating his member and dripping onto the towel beneath them as he pulled inch after inch out of her, the catholic schoolgirl moaning quietly as he did this. He knew she might be tender, so made sure to pause every now and then to give her time to relax. Finally, the fat tip popped out of her with a resounding squelching sound, allowing a thick white cream pie to pour out of her pink passage in heavy viscous globs in his absence. There was so much left to spare even though her womb was full that her tailhole and the entire lower portion of her bottom were soon a sperm coated mess, leaving her basking in the warm sticky afterglow of one of the best bouts of sex she had ever had, without a single complaint on her lips.

Looking over at the clock out of curiosity now that Reena was peacefully resting, Don was shocked to see that it was only 5 minutes until his bus arrived.

"Shit I've got to get dressed!" he exclaimed, about to turn and dash for his clothes but stopping in his tracks when he saw the gloopy cum stained mess that was his half-erect penis, "Ah, this might be a problem. Um, Reena? I might have to borrow your Tow-...Woah!!"

Before he could finish his sentence, Reena had stopped him in his tracks for the second time in one night. In a perfect display of feline flexibility, the white tabby had leant forwards and taken his entire cock into her hot mouth and down her throat in one fluid motion, sucking the accumulated fluids from his length, swirling them around in her mouth for a few moments and swallowing them all contently with a loud series of gulps. Don couldn't help but sigh as he felt that rough feline tongue of hers stroke the underside of his manhood as she pulled her head away from him, leaving his member with only her saliva to decorate it.

Knowing that he had to hurry if he wanted to get home before tomorrow morning, he quickly pulled up his boxer shorts before going to retrieve his other clothes that were flung halfway across the room. He couldn't help but admire the beautiful white cat resting on her back on the sofa as he redressed; she was truly something else, both in mind and body, and he knew it would be worth sharing her with all the men in the world just to have her return to him instead of any of them. As he clipped his belt on and put his arms through the sleeves of his jacket, he caught sight of his bus trundling down the street towards the bus stop, making his blood run cold in his veins. Like a man possessed he rushed towards the door, stopping only to kiss Reena one last time on the lips.

"I'll see you soon gorgeous." he whispered to her.

"Right back at you Donnie." she mewled back, still riding wave of her orgasm for the moment, grinning like a Cheshire cat as her fingers played around her engorged clitoris. He so sorely wanted to stay it nearly hurt, but he knew he couldn't, so made his way to her front door (the one on her house, pervert).

Making sure to close the door quietly behind him as he left, just in case her neighbours were home, the black bull stepped out into the pouring rain with his head held high and a huge smile on his face. As he ran at full speed towards the bus stop, the cold rainwater seeped right down through his fur and ran along his dark skin, even drenching the fur covered by his jacket. Arriving right as the bus pulled up, he stepped on with water flowing from the tip of his tail, dripping from his fingers and even getting into his eyes from his sodden hair; a dash that had taken seconds leaving him more drenched than most showers would have, but still he smiled from ear to ear as he paid the bus driver his fare with the change he had in his pocket.

"What's got you grinnin' son?" the aging brown bear driver enquired in his usual gravelly voice, having met Don often on enough his journeys home to gauge his moods even without his mile-wide smile.

"I got dumped." The towering black bull replied happily, leaving the bear with a bemused look on his face as he went to find a seat. It was pretty easy considering the bus was empty apart from him, and the bus was moving even before he picked. He sat about hallway down and put his hands in his pockets out of habit. He blinked in surprise as he felt his left hand make contact with something small, thin, and made from a very soft fabric. Clutching it and slowly removing the item from his pocket so that the driver didn't catch sight of it, his hand revealed it to be a pair of cute white panties, specifically the pair that he had removed from Reena's enticingly round bottom not half an hour ago, complete with a nicely scented damp spot on the front where her womanhood would have been touching them.

"You sneaky girl." he said to himself in a very quiet voice, examining them just for the sake of it as he wondered how on earth she'd managed to put them in his pocket without him noticing.

On turning them over, he caught sight of something stitched into the inside of the waistband, a message in tiny black writing that had likely been hand-woven in by Reena. The message read "Call Me Cutie" followed by a phone number.

Putting the panties back into his pocket, his clasped his hands together and said a short prayer.

"Dear god; if you are listening, thank you and every fucking one of your angels for getting me a girl like her, and please let me be the one to knock her up. Amen."

With that, he laid his head back against the seat and slipped into a lurid wet dream of his new girlfriend.

Forgive me Father, For I am a Mother

**Forgive me Father, For I am a Mother** **Commission for Wallacethe5** **Eunice Chew and Tumbnail Image are © to Wallacethe5 2013** **All other characters appearing in this story are © The Black Marten 2013** _(This story contains vivid...

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Kung Fu Panda: Best Laid Plans Part 1

Well, this is the first half of a very long overdue chapter that I promised I would write over a year ago. It's gone through over 7 complete re-writes, and I have enlisted the help of quite a few SF users to help me proof read this, who I have listed...

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The Musician: 1st movement - Anastasia's Rebirth

**The Musician** **1st movement - Anastasia's Rebirth** Hello there! It's nice to see you again. You're back here to listen to more of my tale about the start of the age of peace aren't you? Hahah! I thought so. Hm? No I don't mind. As I mentioned...

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