1 - Brian explores

Story by Quillhog on SoFurry

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#1 of Am - Brian

Shooting off again with another perspective. Don't worry, there will be morphs. Just wait till you meet Gizelle. Written 2013.

A message popped onto the screen above his chat. [Come down for dinner] He replied quickly, then said good bye to his friends.

Another window popped up [Bring Julie Ann with you] He sighed and relied again, then shut the lid to his computer and headed to the hall.

He knocked hard on his sister's door. There was a loud crash and he opened the door, "Are you okay?" The tall redhead was laying on the floor with her butt in the air and her legs spread, giving him a clear view of her pussy and red bush. He stood frozen by the sight, with his mouth hanging open.

She closed her legs and looked over her shoulder as she struggled with her chair, "I'M FINE BRIAN, CLOSE THE DOOR!"

The intensity in her voice urged him to obey, but he stole one more peek as she rolled over and sat up, her large breasts, curly red bush and spread pussy in full view.

She noticed and gave him a death glare, "BRIAN!!!"

He shut the door quickly and hurried down for dinner.

"Where's your sister?"

"I'm right here," the young girl sitting at the table waved her arms and her mother patted her shoulder.

"I know sweety."

"She'll be down in a minute. She just needs to," he almost said get dressed, which would have stirred up a lot more questions, "pick up some things she knocked over," honest enough.

Julie Ann came down as their mother was placing the food on the table. Then their father came in without a word.

Their mother started serving and tried a little conversation, "Did you get your homework finished, Brian?"

"Yep, no problem."

"Good," she made sure everyone was feed while she tried to keep the pleasant discussion going, "How are things going with your classes, Julie Ann?"

"Great. I should have my certificate in four months and can start assisting while I finish my degree."

"Then you can afford your own place," their father spoke up as he stuffed a fork of food in his mouth.

"Sweety, please."

Julie Ann just smiled as she ate.

Her mother smiled at her, "You know you're welcome to stay as long as you need to."

"I don't understand why you can't just be a nurse. You've already got that degree and you'll be doing the same thing, just on animals instead of humans."

"She had her reasons, just let her eat."

"I heard you were up visiting that rabbit at the vet's old place again."

"I deliver his groceries every week and he pays me... and I'll probably be working for him."

"I don't like it. I don't want you going up there and making him feel like he's welcome around here."

"Fortunately, you're not my father and what you want me to do doesn't matter outside of this house." She put her utensils on her plate and picked it up as she stood up, "Thank you for another wonderful meal, mother. I believe I will retire to my room for the evening." She placed her plate beside the sink, gave a nod to everyone at the table and went back to her room.

The sarcasm was so thick, Brian almost choked on it as he tried not to laugh.

His father pointed a knife at him, "Don't you go gettin' any ideas. I AM your father and she's not your sister."

He finished eating quickly and put his utensils on his plate, "May I be excused?"

"What's your hurry?"

"I promised some friends I would play with them and I don't want to miss them."

"Fine. Go on."

He hurried to stack his plate on his sister's and gave his mom a hug then ran upstairs. Back in his room, he rushed to open his computer and get back to his chatroom.

Rutter: Orville was the greatest player ever.

Trickaphillia: Orville was a plant. He always got the same porcupine girl, always last, there were almost no fights when he was on the mound. I'll admit there was better sex, but most people watched for the blood.

T: He was brought in to ruin the game and he did.

R: if he was so bad for the game, why didn't they just ban him.

T: He was too popular. He was the only male porcupine in the game and most people had never seen one. His quills were a spectacle and his leadership got them the sex they wanted, but when nobody was losing, people got bored of the game

R: hey B

T: The only people watching the game when they stopped it was porn addicts and there's plenty of other sex on the internet to satisfy them.

B: Aren't you one of those addicts?

T: Hey B. I can quit anytime.

B: well don't quit yet, I've got something to tell you.

T: Spill

ShdwKt has joined

B: I just saw my sister naked.

T: The redhead?

B: Of course

T: You walked in on her in the shower?

B: No. In her room, full view, both sides, spread.

T: You walked in on her masturbating.

R: Did you get pics?

B: I don't know what she was doing. I knocked on her door to tell her about dinner and heard a crash. I opened the door and there was her naked butt right in front of me.

B: her legs were spread and I could see her hairy pussy

T: Interesting. What happened next?

B: She told me to get out, of course. But I peeked and saw her roll over to get up. Boobs, pussy, bush, everything.

R: nice

T: So, just a quick glimpse and you pissed off your sister. Doesn't sound like a win to me.

R: shoulda got pics

B: I didn't piss her off. She was just surprised.

T: So, she'll let you have a look anytime you want?

B: She lets me in the bathroom when she's taking a shower.

T: So you've seen her naked before.

B: Can't see much through the curtain, but she was naked on the other side of it.

R: I'll take that.

T: Its not worth much if you can't get hands on. Anybody can find porn on the internet.

B: I touch her all the time.

T: She lets you touch her naked body?

B: Not yet, but she would.

T: Most girls won't, especially not their brother.

B: She'd do anything for me.

R: anything?

R: would she let you fuck her?

B: I bet I could get her to let me fuck her

T: Right now?

B: Anytime

R: I'd like to see that

T: Hurry up so you can tell us about it.

B: Alright. I'm gonna go fuck my sister

R: Get pics


Brian stared at the screen, what did he just say? Well, he probably could, but he'd have to go in slow, so he didn't startle her. He turned off all his lights and opened his door a crack, then sat on the floor and waited for everybody to go to bed.

He heard his parents go to their room and turn off the hall light. He crept out a little and watched the bottom of their door until their light went out, then he crept quietly to his sister's door and knocked softly. The door opened and Julie Ann looked out, wearing just a long, light shirt that only went halfway to her knees. He whispered as quietly as he could, "can i come in?"

She opened the door and he slipped in. He wasn't sure how to start seducing her, since he'd never done it before and he didn't think asking her outright would work. He looked around for some clue, then he looked at the floor and pictured her laying there, naked.

She gave him an annoyed look, "What do you want, Brian?"

"I wanted to apologize for coming in earlier. I know I'm not supposed to, but I heard the crash and wanted to make sure you were alright."

"Its okay. I wasn't really mad at you. I was more embarrassed about tripping over my chair and being naked when you opened the door. Kind of more mad at myself for letting it happen."

"oh" Well, she wasn't mad at him, but that went too fast. He needed more time. Her pink legs caught his attention and he followed them up to the edge of her shirt, wondering if she was wearing anything under it.

"Is there something else?"

Ack. What else happened today? "Um, well, I wanted to ask you: Are you my sister?"

She looked a little surprised, "Of course. Why would you ask that?"

"Because at dinner, you said that my dad isn't your dad. Doesn't that mean you're not my sister?"

"Well technically you're my half-brother because of mom, but you're still my brother."

"So technically, its only half bad that I saw you naked." He knew he shouldn't have said it

She glared at him and pointed to the door, "Out!"

"Wait. I wanted to ask you something else."

"Make it quick."

Think quick. Okay, be honest, but vague, "Well, there's this girl I like, but I'm not sure if she likes me back, you know, the same way."

She softened, "Have a seat." He sat in her chair and she sat on her bed, "Why don't you tell me exactly the way you like her, then I can tell you how to know if she feels the same way."

He stared up at her and smiled, describing her without being too obvious "She has beautiful curly hair; a wonderful smile; she's really smart; super nice; not afraid to get dirty or stand up for herself; she's got great legs and a nice pair of lumps."

She smirked, "You're only twelve."

He stared at her chest and hoped he hadn't said too much, "Yeah, but she looks great."

"Alright, well, it sounds like you really like her, so I'll help you out a little." She slid to the edge of the bed and leaned closer. "You want to start by being friends, but compliment her everyday. Make sure she always feels good when she's around you. Get her little things she'll like, but nothing expensive. You want her to know you're thinking of her when she's not around, but not trying to buy her."

He leaned forward, putting his lips near hers, "When do I get to kiss her?"

"When she's ready and not a moment sooner," she leaned back on her arms and her shirt slid up her legs a bit.

"oh," he rested his elbows on his knees and stared at her legs, noticing that where they met was almost visible under the edge of her shirt.

"When she starts touching you and letting you touch her, you can work your way to a hug and when she's comfortable being close to you, she might kiss you and let you kiss her. Don't rush anything, though or its game over and no second chances."

"How do I know if I'm going too fast?" he tried to keep the conversation going while he imagined her red bush and open pussy.

"If she starts getting uncomfortable and pulling away, just stop,"

"When do we get to have sex?" he knew it was too much as soon as it left his mouth.

Suddenly she was paying attention, "Brian! Aren't you listening?"

He scrambled to recover, "I keep having these thoughts about her and I want them to be real."

She sighed and patted the bed beside her, "Come sit up here."

He moved to the bed and she wrapped her arm around his shoulder, "It can be tough, but you have to wait."

"Why?" he turned his head and started at her breasts moving up and down under her shirt as she breathed.

"Well for one, the law says you're not old enough. You can use that excuse to help remind yourself. You're also still in school. Keep yourself busy to distract yourself... from yourself." She hugged his head, running her fingers through his hair.

He smiled as she pressed his face against her breast and brought his arm up to return the hug, making sure it pressed against her other boob. He glanced down and noticed that his arm had pulled up her shirt and he could see a little of the red bush of hair between her legs. His urges wanted him to touch it, but he resisted. Instead, he looked up at her face, smiling with her eyes closed as she stroked his hair, then down at the heaving boob in front of his face. He moved his hand carefully and gave it a squeeze. A soft sigh encouraged him. He noticed her nipple poking through the light fabric of the shirt and gently touched it.

She moaned and lay back on the bed.

Brian felt empowered as she melted in his arms. A glance down showed that her shirt had slid further up, revealing the entirety of her flaming bush. His urges returned and this time he listened. A quick check of her blissful face gave him all the encouragement he needed to move his hand from her boob and run it through her own patch of fur, but what he really wanted was on the other side. When he touched it, she gasped and lifted her hips. He quickly moved his hand back to her side, expecting her to wake up and run him out, but instead she just moaned softly and fondled his hair. Emboldened, he moved his hand back down to her bush and slipped his fingers between her legs.

Julie Ann moaned in her sleep and moved her hips, gripping his hair and rubbing her wet sex against his fingers.

He held still and watched excitedly as she humped his hand, glancing up occasionally to check the orgasmic expression on her face and wanting to use the hard on that was tenting his pajamas. She groaned and stopped moving and he quickly moved his hand to her side.

As she woke up, she released his hair and pet it back in place, "Oh, Brian. I'm sorry, I fell asleep on you."

"Its okay. I'm tired, too." He tried to keep his erection from poking her.

"You should go to your own bed, so I can get some sleep."

"Can't I sleep with you?" It was worth a shot for another chance.

"No, you're to old for that anymore." She sat up, forcing him to side off the bed and stand in front of her.

"Why? Don't you love me anymore?" It always worked on his parents.

"Of course I do," she pulled him in for a hug.

He stood on his toes to wrap his arms around her neck, raising his erection over the bed. She squeezed him tighter and he rubbed his hard on against the edge of the bed. A few more strokes and he squeezed her back, grunting as he started squirting into his pajamas pressed against the bed.

"but you're a teenager and teenagers don't sleep with their sisters," she rubbed his back and patted his rump, knocking out a final squirt, "now get your wiggly butt back to bed. If you have to use the bathroom, don't flush or you'll wake mom and dad." Leaning back, he smiled at her, thinking about what he just did. She kissed him on the cheek and he turned, trying to catch her lips, but she gave him her cheek, instead. Disappointed, he turned away quickly to hide the wet spot he could feel on the front of his pajamas and she swatted his rump again as he hurried to the door.

He stopped before opening it and looked back, her bush still peeking out from the bottom of her shirt, "Good night, Julie Ann."

"Good night, Brian," she parroted.

He slipped out the door and hurried down the hall to the bathroom. Closing the door behind him, he laughed quietly, realizing he got away with it. He pulled down his pajama pants and looked at the mess, then whispered, "That's for you, Julie Ann." He looked around and grabbed a wash cloth from the side of the tub. As he cleaned himself, the thought occurred to him that she was probably the last one to use it and would probably be the next. With devious intent, he placed the used washcloth neatly back where it was, imagining her cleaning her vagina with his sperm.

He peed, then took his pants off and threw them in the hamper. Peeking out the door to make sure the hall was clear, he hurried, half-naked back to his room.

Brian sat down at his desk and lifted the screen of his computer. He quickly logged in and got to his favorite chat room.

Random3872: look you motherfucking loser. i dont care what your mama says ill come down there and kick your ass

User Random3872 has been kicked and banned. Reason (asshole)

Rutter: Thanks.

TheGreatO: Hey B.

Bearayaien: Hey. Is Trick on?

O: haven't seen him, but this is his time.

B: He was here a little while ago

R: Hey B. Trick disappeared just before the random dickwad showed up.

O: What's news?

B: I did it

O: Did what?

R: You serious? That's sick!

O: What did he do?

Trickaphilia has joined the room.

B: Hey Trick. I did it.

T: No way. What happened?

O: Seriously, spill. Don't leave me hanging

R: He fucked his sister.

O: That redhead in the picture yesterday? Not a chance.

B: Close enough

T: There is no close enough. Either you did or you didn't. Give it up. What happened?

B: Well, I went in to "talk" and apologize for seeing her naked earlier.

O: You saw your sister naked?

T: Good start

R: he heard a crash earlier and opened her door and she was naked on the floor. Red bush and everything

O: no shit? But she's his sister.

R: his dad married her mom so not really

T: Guys, let him continue

B: She was wearing just a nightshirt and when I sat in front of her, I could almost see between her legs.

O: Does she have nice legs?

T: You're not scoring any points yet. Get to the good stuff.

B: She almost kicked me out, but I asked her for some advice. I said I liked a girl and asked how to get her to want me, but I was talking about her

T: Good call. Girls like to give advice. Go on.

B: She had me sit beside her on her bed and she pushed my face into her boob. I reached around and grabbed the other one.

R: nice

O: She just let you grab her boob?

B: She was too busy telling me how to treat a girl.

B: I looked down and her shirt had come up enough that I could see her bush

T: Getting there. Keep going.

B: I saw her nipple sticking up and I rubbed it. She liked it and lay down. I could see all of her bush now, so I touched it. She liked that too, so I put my hand between her legs and rubbed her pussy.

O: You're full of shit.

R: nice

O: Your sister really let you rub her pussy? How old is she?

T: She's 19. Now shut up. Touching isn't fucking. You've got a long way to go.

B: She started moaning and lifting her butt to make me rub her pussy.

R: nice

O: she was humping your fingers?

O: I need to meet this girl.

B: She was wet and it was great.

T: Did you go inside?

B: No. She stopped and sat up and had me stand in front of her

R: and that's when you fucked her

O: This is shit. No 19 year old girl would let her younger brother do this to her. She could spread her legs and have any guy she wants

B: she hugged me and I rubbed my hardon between her legs until I came

R: Did she feel it?

T: You came inside your sister?

B: maybe she wants me

B: No, but I think I left a spot on her bed.

O: nah, he's too small

T: So, you rubbed your sister's pussy and humped your sister's bed. I still haven't heard you fuck your sister.

R: its goods enough for me. I need a towel.

TheGreatO dumps a laundry basket on Rutter's head.

R: hey

B: When I went to the bathroom, I used her washcloth to clean up, so when she uses it in the morning, she'll be rubbing my cum into her pussy.

O: You are so stupid.

R: nice

O: It'll be dry by morning and she'll just rinse it out before she uses it.

B: Well I've done more than you ever have

O: I don't have a sister, idjit

T: I'll give you points for being bold and doing as much as you did. You did touch your sister's pussy and you did cum between her legs, but you didn't get inside, so there was no fucking.

T: Try again and I'd love to hear about it.

ShdwKt: You're all morons.

ShdwKt has left the room.

O: You're the moron.

R: I'd love to see it.

PM from ShdwKt: Let me know when you're ready to really have sex and I'll let you cum in me.

ShdwKt has quit.

Msg to ShdwKt: I'm ready.

Msg will be delivered when user is next online.

O: seriously. Get some nude pics of your sister. Video is better

B: Hey guys I'm gonna go.

R: catch ya later B

T: Keep trying. Sounds like you're getting close.

R: bring pics next time.


Brian closed the lid of his computer. He wondered who ShdwKt really was and if her offer was real. He jumped into bed and tried to decide between dreaming about having sex with his redheaded 'sister' or the mysterious ShdwKt. He ended up with a dream that his sister was ShdwKt and really wanted him.

In the morning, he met his sister in the hall and hugged her, "Good morning, you're looking good this morning. Thank you for last night," then he hurried to the bathroom without another word.