3 - Billy's long weekend

Story by Quillhog on SoFurry

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#3 of Billy

A long read, but lots of nearly non-stop action. Who needs sleep? Written 2013.

The next couple weeks were difficult for me. I helped the doc, learning everything I could in order to be the best assistant I could be. I still wanted to leave, but I figured this was the best way to repay him.

Then it happened.

I was awakened by squeals from upstairs, followed by running and shouting and jumping. I grabbed my apron and put it on as I hurried to the front room. The doc came bounding down the stairs and ran into me. He looked at me with an ecstatic gaze and said "We did it!" Then he kissed my nose, said "Thank you," and bolted out the door to shout, "We did it!"

I looked back up the stairs and saw his doe coming down with a glowing smile on her face. She slid her arms around my neck and smiled, "Thank you." Then she kissed my lips passionately.

I began to get scared. Could it be mine? If they were, it wouldn't matter much how I left, doc would still hate me when they were born and he found out they weren't his. I needed to disappear.

Doc came back in and announced that he was going to make breakfast for a change, to celebrate. I decided to at least have a meal before I left.

The doe tried to help, but he shooed her away. So, she sat with me at the table.

I was already nervous and it didn't help any when she took my paw and put it on her belly. There was nothing there to feel, of course, but my panicked imagination felt quills jabbing my palm through her belly. I held my tongue and tried to remain calm, but her affection only made me feel worse.

When the doc brought breakfast in, he kissed his wife; then looked at me and made a comment that chilled my bones, "Of course, you know what this means, don't you?"

I just froze and waited for him to answer his own question.

"I'm going to need your help around here more than ever. You'll need to learn more of her tasks, so she can rest as the pregnancy progresses."

I swallowed some fear and responded, "Of course. I wouldn't think of it any other way."

The doe put her paws on my thigh, leaned over and kissed my cheek. I tried to smile.

Breakfast was interrupted by a knock at the door. One of the neighbors came by to congratulate the doc. Then a phone call with more congratulations.

I began to get really scared. There would be a lot of people mad at me when they found out. I would have a town mob after me. How could this get any worse?

One of the calls wasn't about the baby, though they were happy when the doctor told them about it. When he hung up with them, he turned to me, "That was the local registrar. They finally got back to me about an appointment for you. They set it up for next Monday morning. If nothing happens, I should be able to go down there with you. Otherwise, I'm sure Pinny wouldn't mind." He smiled to his wife.

"I wouldn't mind at all," she smiled as she hugged my arm.

That did it. I was tied. I had to stay; then I'd be registered next week and I wouldn't be able to disappear again. Maybe I could use those registration benefits to move to the other side of the world or at least they should pay for my funeral.

Being pregnant didn't slow down her affections. If anything, she was even more flirtatious and horny. After a busy day of patients, each one getting the news and congratulating the doc and his wife, with interruptions for more congratulations, we finally sat down for dinner. Pinny was cooing and cuddling, alternating between my shoulder and her husband's, until I finished and got up to wash the dishes. I looked back and saw the doe kissing and rubbing her paws over her husband, then she sliped beneath the table and pulled his pants off.

I focused on the dishes and tried to pretend that I was oblivious, but I could hear him moaning softly and stole a peek over my shoulder. She had lost her clothes under the table and was sliding up his body, unbuttoning his shirt on the way up to kiss his lips passionately. Back to the dishes as my erection pushed against my apron.

Another glance saw her straddling his lap and stroking his ears as she kissed him. I ran out of dishes and hoped they wouldn't notice me watching, but she seemed to look right at me. Then he leaned back until his shoulders touched the floor, body arched over the bench, with her perched on top of him.

I didn't want to interrupt, so I moved into the pantry, where I still had my bed, but curiosity got the better of me and I peeked out the door. With the lamp shining on them like a spotlight, I could see every twitch.

He closed his eyes while she was grinding on him. she looked over and smiled at me standing in the doorway. I lifted my apron, pretending to dry my hands, but showing her my firm erection. She smiled at me, then closed her eyes and leaned her head back as she worked herself to a climax. A shudder and a moan and she glances over at me, then looks down at her husband.

He looks up at her and she pushes her paws through the fur of his belly, leaning down over him and repositioning her sex around his shaft. She began moving her hips and he moaned in pleasure. I couldn't help but stroke my shaft as I watched her expertly please her mate.

She lay her ears over his face and he began to stroke and kiss them while she gyrated on him. Then it was his turn to shudder and moan. She pushed herself up and took as much of him into her as she could. When he finished, he lay limp with his eyes closed. She moved forward, crawling up his body, and stopped to touch her sex to his nose before she stood up and looked at me.

I felt like I was in the spotlight now, with my hand on my erection under my apron. I pulled my hand out and she walked over to me. She stroked my cheek, then slid her paw down my chest and gripped my erection through the apron.

Then she moved down to her knees, put my apron over her head and began to lick my shaft. As she wrapped her mouth around my shaft, her ministrations were unbelievable. I was quickly lost in the sensation as she pulled me towards an amazing orgasm. Just as I was about to explode into her mouth, she gripped the base of my shaft and pulled back, letting my apron slide off her head and looking up at me with a smile. Without letting go of my throbbing erection, she turned herself around with her head on the floor and her tail twitching in the air, exposing her wet sex to me.

She released my shaft, but I had no doubt what she wanted me to do next. I pulled the strings on my apron and tossed it aside, then grabbed her hips and and plunged my eager erection deep inside her until her tail twitched against my belly.

I thrust into her, but she slowly slid down to the floor. I followed her down, trying to keep a steady rhythm, until she was laying on the floor. She turned on her side and lifted her leg. I hugged her thigh and was able to thrust deeper inside her. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment.

I slid my paw down to tease her clit, but when I opened my eyes to look at her reaction, I saw her husband kneeling in front of me. She was intently sucking on his shaft and he was smiling as he watched me hump his wife.

I stopped, surprised by the new situation. She looked over at me with a smile and slid her hand back to grab mine. she gave it a gentle squeeze, encouraging me to continue. I realized I was accepted; all my fears were meaningless. They wanted me to be an intimate part of their family. The relief and joy overwhelmed me and aroused me even more. I resumed thrusting into her and they both enjoyed it. I thrust until I reached my climax and it was better than any I'd had before. I opened my eyes and looked down to see the doctor had leaned over and was licking his wife's clit. I could feel her twitching around my pulsing shaft. When I finished, she pulled away and I felt him lick my shaft as it slipped out of her. I realized it wasn't an accident when he continued licking it until his wife joined him. She cleaned my shaft and continued sucking it as he moved around behind her. He smiled at me as he pushed into her and began humping her vigorously. I could tell she enjoyed his thrusts, because she sucked even more firmly on my shaft. I didn't think I had anything left, but she was expertly pushing me towards another climax.

The doctor thrust into his wife and moaned as he came inside her. Then she did something I'd never felt before and it pushed me into an amazing orgasm. I fell back on the floor as she cleaned me again, then crawled up to whisper in my ear, "Come take a shower with me." I smiled and agreed.

I looked around and the doctor was gone. She helped me up and guided me up the stairs to the bathroom. The doctor was there and had turned on the water. I was a little unsure of the situation, but let her lead.

She got me into the shower and they both started cleaning me; her in front, while he carefully scrubbed my back. After a bit, she moved down to clean between my legs, then gave my shaft one slow suck to declare it clean.

Then it was the doctor's turn. She kissed him passionately, then started scrubbing over his chest. A glance suggested that I join in, so I started scrubbing his back. She moved down to clean his loins, quickly taking his shaft in her mouth. He held her ears as she drew him to another orgasm. I moved my paw down to give his tail a good fluffing and he exploded in her mouth. She licked her lips and slid up his body to kiss him passionately again.

Finally we focused on her. Her husband rubbed her chest and worked his way down while I scrubbed her back and fluffy tail. When she gasped and leaned back against me, I looked over her shoulder to see her husband had his nose buried in her crotch. I held her, gently caressing her breasts and nuzzling her neck while he focused on her sex. She lifted her leg and I helped her hold it up. Soon she squeaked and shuddered, then pulled me in for a kiss. When she released me, her husband was there to catch her lips with his own. I could feel her tail twitching against my shaft as he began to thrust into her. I pushed my hips against her rear and let her soft, fluffy tail stroke my shaft as it rose to another erection. The doc moaned and kissed his wife passionately, then slipped by me with a smile to rinse off and get out. Pinny pulled me into a kiss, casually stroking my shaft, then pushed me under the shower to rinse and shooed me out.

Doc handed me a towel with a smile and I dried off. As I pulled the towel off my head, the doe stepped out and grabbed both of our hanging members. With a smile, she let go of her husband's shaft and traced a finger down my chest and belly, bending at her waist to follow it down and turning her tail towards her husband with an inviting twitch. He got the message and eagerly slid inside her again, beginning to thrust as she wrapped her mouth around my own erection. It was soothing and sensual this time, instead of the erotic and arousing ministrations of earlier. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sensations, idly stroking her ears against my belly. I opened them again in time to see an orgasm wash through the doc's face. His wife let my erection slip from her mouth with a soft pop, then crawled slowly up my body sliding off her husband's shaft. Once he was free, the doc tweaked his wife's tail, then disappeared to the bedroom. Pinny kissed me deeply, giving my shaft a gentle squeeze, them led me to the bedroom.

She crawled on the bed, where her husband was waiting, and immediately swallowed his shaft, leaving her tail flagging in the air invitingly. I didn't feel quite ready to hump her again, though my erection suggested otherwise, so I knelt at the end of the bed and stroked her tail and thighs, then teased her sex with a round claw. I slipped my finger inside and probed gently with my claw, paying attention to her every twitch. I found a few places that made her squirm and moan, but when I slipped another finger in, I found the best spot. Her tail stuck up in the air and vibrated as I rubbed it. She gasped and pushed her sex towards me. Her husband noticed and began stroking her ears. She seemed completely lost in our attentions, then suddenly, she squealed and squirted. I dodged back in surprise, but her pulses rained down on my belly and erection. I smiled and slipped my fingers out, watching her spasms subside. Panting, she turned and gave me a smirk that looked like she was a little annoyed that the surprise orgasm had interrupted her plans, but also defiant and challenging, much different than the bunny I'd known so far. She crawled up her husband's body and kissed his lips strongly as she straddled him and planted his erection deep inside her, then flagged her tail at me again. I was up for the challenge, so I crawled onto the bed behind her, grabbed her trail with both paws and plunged my erection into her sex, alongside her husband's. They both gasped in surprise, but before she could turn, her husband grabbed her face and resumed their kiss. I began thrusting into the tight space and they both moaned in pleasure. I knew I has done right when she shuddered and squeaked; her tail went stiff and her sex began to pulse around us. A few more thrusts and her husband joined her with a moan, his shaft pulsing against mine. The feeling overwhelmed me and I added my own squirts to the mix. The food of fluids filled her quickly and began to leak out beside my shaft and drip down my balls. When I was done, I let my waning erection slide out of her and sat back on my heals to admire the results.

I felt completely spent and crawled over to lay beside them and gently stroke her back. She turned to kiss my lips and I felt her paw gently fondling my balls a her husband kissed my cheek. I drifted off to sleep, very happy.

When I awoke, they had traded places and he was thrusting into her. I smiled and reached up to stroke his fluffy tail. He gasped in surprise and buried his shaft in his wife, then moaned as his tail twitched in my paw and I was sure he was filling her again. He finished and slid over to lay beside her and smile at me. She wrapped her arms around us both and I fell asleep again as we cuddled.

I awoke later to find Pinny rubbing herself. I watched, but when she noticed I was awake, she rolled towards me, careful not to wake her husband as she slid out from under him. She wrapped her leg over me, bumped noses and stared into my eyes as she gently stroked my member back to a full erection. I didn't know where I was getting all the strength, but she knew how to get it from me. When I was hard enough, she guided my shaft into her sex and began moving around it. I was afraid to break eye contact and spoil the moment. Soon, I felt another paw on my side and her husband peeked over her shoulder with a smile. His wife gasped and I could feel her tense around me, then she gave a low giggle and I felt him start to thrust. I held firm and let his thrusts push her onto me. It wasn't long before I closed my eyes and squirted into her again. She kissed my lips until her husband finished. When he lay back, she got up, taking her fingers down my body as she gracefully slid off the end of the bed. I watched her tail bounce away to the bathroom, then looked at her husband lying on his back with a smile on his face.

I whispered to him, "How do you manage to keep going like that; and every night?"

He chuckled, "Not every night. Sometimes I'm too tired for more than a few."

"But eight times in a row tonight?"

"You slept through a couple."

I laughed, "I've heard as many as 14 in one night."

"You were listening to us?" I blushed. "I think our record is somewhere around twenty, but I'm not usually focusing in counting. I just do my best to keep up with her. I know she would probably still love me if I couldn't, but I want to give her all she wants while I still can." He turned to look at me, "I also take a few things to help out with the stamina and volume. Everything for my bunny. Now you were impressive. I think you surprised her. Whatever you did at the end of the bed really got her going." He started idly stroking himself, "It was exciting seeing her thrilled like that. Then when you pushed into her while I was in there, that was amazing. Not only did you get her to orgasm just by thrusting, but me too." His voice got shaky while he stroked himself more firmly, "I may have stamina, but you've got skill. Just thinking about it..." He gasped and moaned as he squirted into the air and milked his shaft, then smiled at me, "Thank you for letting me experience that."

I looked at his little fuzzy balls and wondered where it all came from.

"Well, we should get cleaned up and downstairs before she makes more food than we can eat." He slid off the bed and headed for the bathroom, then stopped and turned back. "Come on, you can go first."

I hopped off the bed and headed for the bathroom. After I used the toilet, with much relief, I stepped into the shower and used a rag to wash of the messy parts, since I didn't want to soak my quills. The doc came in for his turn as I was drying off and I headed downstairs.

Pinny had just finished fixing a plate for me and set it on the table. I sat down and started to eat. She sat down beside me and lay her had on my shoulder, gently stroking my thigh. She slipped under the table and I soon felt her push my legs apart and slip her mouth around my balls. My body responded and she soon had enough of my member to get her mouth around. I tried to focus on eating as her husbands came downstairs, but she quickly drew me to a full erection and food was no longer on my mind.

"Have you seen Pinny?"

"Uh huh."

"Did she step out?"

"Uh uh."

He must have figured out what was gong on, because he walked over, laughed and whispered, "Welcome to the family." He reached over my shoulder and I looked down, surprised to see him fluffing her tail. How did she get turned around so quickly without me noticing? The moment was too much and I groaned as I squirted into her once again. Before I knew it, she was turned around and licking me clean. It was relaxing and soon my shaft had returned to its hiding place. She slipped out, under the bench and popped up beside her husband for a kiss and groped his crotch.

"None for me this morning. I'll have some of that wonderful breakfast, then I have an early visit to make today. Mrs. Telwater is past due and I want to try again to convince her to go to the hospital."

Pinny bounced and tugged on his sleeve with an excited look on her face.

He thought a moment, smiled, "Well, I guess you could help convince her. We'll need to get you there eventually."

She hugged him and trilled happily.

"So, Billy. Do you think you can hold down the fort for a couple hours by yourself?"

"I guess I can keep everybody comfortable until you get back."

Pinny bounced over and hugged me, "You can do more than that. You've been learning quickly." She kissed my cheek and snugged me tight.

"I'll do what I can."

"That's the right attitude."

After breakfast, Pinny dashed upstairs to get ready, then they headed out. I put on my apron and tidied up, preparing for guests and disasters. The morning was fairly uneventful. Dr. Lem had made sure no appointments would be showing up while he was out, but there were a few minor issues that I was able to handle: some phone calls, a couple bandages, an ear wash and a cup of tea. Mrs. Ellendown came by expecting to chat with Pinny, but the old cat was not surprised to hear that she was visiting Mrs Telwater. She talked, only pausing to sip her tea, while I busied myself with anything I could find. I was running out if things to straighten and re-sort, when I glanced at the clock again and started to get worried.

They had told me I only needed to call in an emergency, but I wanted to know when I could expect them back. I wasn't sure if the doc would want me going through his files to handle any appointments that showed up. I dialed his personal number and it rang and rang. Just when I expected it to go to voice mail, Pinny answered, "What's wrong?"

"That's why I called. Mrs. Ellendown is here and we were wondering if everything is alright."

"Oh, I forgot about her. Give her her tea."

"Third cup."

"Uh, no more tea. I'm not sure when we will be back. Mrs Telwater went into labor while Winny was examining her."

"Who?" Around patients she always referred to him professionally and alone, she didn't have to call him by name or say much of anything, really.

"Oh, right, the doctor." she gave an exasperated sigh. I had never heard her so stressed, but I could hear mrowls and shouts in the background. "It doesn't look like this is going to be over anytime soon. _The doctor_counted four before her water broke and the first hasn't come yet. We tried again to get her to the hospital, but she is stubborn about that. Could really use a sonogram to see what's gong on in there. A couple more months and we could afford one, but there was no way her kittens were going to wait that long. As much as he hates it, we probably should have borrowed the money to get one sooner." A call from the background got her attention, "I have to go. You'll be fine and we'll be back as soon as we can. Oh. Send Moira home she's had too much tea already."

The phone clicked and I started at it for a moment. I think that was the most words I've heard her speak at once since I met her.

"Is everything alright?"

I hung up the phone and composed myself, "Yes, Mrs Telwater had gone into labor and they are staying to help."

"Oh? How many?"

"None, yet. It looks like it could be difficult. Pinny asked me to send you home and she will talk with you later."

"Oh yes, I should get home and put together something nice for the happy couple." She hurried to the door, but paused after opening it, "Oh, how many booties do you think they would need?"

"I wouldn't know."

"Right, and Pinny will call me later?"


"Good. Good day." The door closed behind her and I breathed a sigh of relief in the silence.

The day was peaceful again after that. I had to turn away a few appointments, but thankfully nothing serious. I was considering calling again when the rabbits returned. Pinny was a mess and went straight up the stairs, pausing to acknowledge me, "If I have six in here, cut me open."

The doctor laughed as he closed the door, looking mostly clean and tidy, "She'll feel better once she gets cleaned up. That's why she switched from MD to nursing, she couldn't stand the mess."

I thought about the messes she cleans up everyday and the messes we had made that night, but before I could ask anything, he winked, shook his head with a smile and headed upstairs after his wife.

I handled a couple more patients, but fortunately no one was inside when I heard some familiar noises from upstairs. I went up and slowly opened the bathroom door, peeking in to see the doc finishing up: his tail twitching behind him, a smile on his face, his shaft buried in his wife, sitting on the counter with her legs wrapped around him.

I stepped in and whispered, "You still have patients coming today."

His doe pulled me close, crying happy tears, "Oh Billy, I'm so sorry I snapped at you, too." She kissed me passionately while her husband smiled, "Can you ever forgive me?"

"Already done." I could tell she was stressed and didn't hold it against her.

She kissed my lips again and released her husband from her legs. He slipped out to the bedroom while she quickly removed my apron and grabbed my member, urging it to erection.

I pushed back in surprise, "You don't have to do this. I never thought ill of you."

She wrapped her legs around my thighs and pressed my erection against her wet sex, "Please, for me. I want to know you still like me this way. If its just words I'll worry"

I noticed her husband in the doorway, nodding and gesturing for me to continue, "Okay."

She squeed and kissed me again as I pushed into her. I could feel her small, fluffy tail tickling my balls as I thrust into her and I reached up to stroke her ears. She moaned and giggled, moving her legs up to my waist. Suddenly she cried out in pain and dropped her legs down. I started to move back to see what had happened, but she pulled me close again, "Don't stop, please."

I resumed thrusting and continued until I squirted into her. It didn't feel like an orgasm, because I was worried about her. She smiled and kissed me, then leaned back to look at the mess I had made and smiled, satisfied. I pulled back and lifted her foot for a look. There was a small quill stuck in her heel. I got the first aid kit from under the sink and carefully removed it for her. I bandaged up her foot and she gave me a complimentary smile and kiss on the cheek, then hopped off the counter and hurried to the bedroom for fresh clothes. I washed up quick, put my apron back on and met them both downstairs, already tending to a patient as if nothing had happened all day.

By that evening, I was exhausted and the doc looked it too, but Pinny still managed to whip up a light dinner and get everything cleaned up before she crawled along the bench we were sitting on and lay across our laps with her head in her husband's and her tail in mine. I rested my paw on her thigh and smiled at her, "You are an amazing rabbit. Where do you find all the energy to get everything done?"

She smiled up at her husband lovingly and stroked his chest.

He stroked her ears, "She's my little go machine and I don't know what I would do without her."

She turned and kissed his belly, then turned some more and kissed lower, while pulling my paw up her thigh and under her skirt, no panties again. I thought she was wearing them before dinner. She pressed my finger against her vagina and I got the message. I wasn't too tired to lift a finger for her. I pushed my claw inside her and began searching for the good spots. I rubbed her belly with my other paw and noticed that she had twisted and swallowed her husband's shaft. He was moaning and stroking her side and ears.

I slipped another finger in and found the right spot again. She twitched and moaned around her husband's shaft and soon let it slip as she squeaked and shuddered, then began squirting. I caught it in my paw and let it drip down between her legs and onto my erection.

The doc looked at me, "You'll have to show me how you do that sometime."

His doe smiled back at me, then swung her leg around to catch me between and turned me sideways on the bench. She quickly grabbed my shaft and guided it into her. I leaned back propping myself up on the bench with one arm and stroking her tail with my other paw. She did all the work and was incredibly tight. I looked up and her husband had turned to face me as she resumed sucking on his shaft.I soon burst inside her with more energy than I thought I had left. I lay back on the bench, panting and she milked every drop, then crawled forward, letting my waning erection slide out of her, soon replaced by her husband's.

I picked myself up and slid forward. I watched as her sex undulated around his shaft and decided to try to join in. Unfortunately, she was too tight and I was too soft. She looked back at me and wiggled her tail invitingly. I didn't feel I had the energy to try again, so I just stroked her tail and back until she milked him to orgasm.

Once he was done, she sat up and leaned back against me, putting my paws on her belly. The doc smiled and placed his paws on hers, "There's no doubt that we belong together and this baby is going to be very happy."

Pinny turned and kissed me, her tail flicking against my belly.

Eventually, they went upstairs and I retired to my pantry, too exhausted to join in any more of their fun. I heard them continue at least two more times before I fell asleep.

I awoke to someone gently caressing my cheek and opened my eyes to white furred breasts, right in front of my nose. I looked up to see Pinny smiling at me.

I gave her a pitiful face, "No, I don't think I have the energy for any more."

She shook her head, still smiling, took my paws and drew me out of my bed. Out of curiosity I followed her through the kitchen, around to the stairs and up to their bedroom. She brought me to the bed and crawled on beside her sleeping husband, indicating my place beside her. I accepted the invitation and fell asleep to her gently rubbing my belly.

I awoke to her rubbing herself, no, he was. She was stroking him and had her other paw over his rubbing her sex. I put my paw on her thigh and they both looked at me. Pinny moved her paw to my groin and the doc gave a nod for me to give him a hand. I slid my paw up and first moved his thumb to her clit. Then I followed along his fingers and carefully pushed my two fingers in with his. It was a tight fit, but she didn't complain. I found the tips of his fingers and moved them around until I heard her gasp just right, then pressed and rubbed. He got the message and continued the motion, eliciting shudders and moans from his wife. We both reached up and stroked her ears and soon she gave a squeal and began to squirt. With nowhere to go, it quickly squeezed out beside our fingers. I slipped mine out and stroked her thigh. She panted and turned to give my nose a quick kiss, then grabbed her husband and kissed him passionately. She pulled him on top of her and wrapped her legs around his. He started to thrust into her, but she held him down, then looked at me. From her ocular gesturing, I gathered that she wanted me to go in with him, so I got up between their legs. However, when I tried to push inside her, she was squeezing too tightly. I gave her a puzzled look and she grabbed his butt cheeks and pulled them apart. The direction seemed clear, but I was a little reluctant. I had done it with Mutt, but not with the doc and I much preferred her sex. I decided to go ahead and rubbed some of her juices on my shaft, then pushed my erection into his anus. I started thrusting and they both moaned. Soon, I could feel him pulsing his orgasm. When he was done I stayed inside and toyed with his tail, running my claws through the fur, scritching along the top and generally fluffing it. I traced my claw along the base of his tail and he moaned, then shuddered and finally twitched and pulsed another orgasm. His tail fell limp and I decided to pull out. I pet Pinny's leg and went to the bathroom to wash up.

A long pee was a relief, then I started wiping myself clean. Pinny came in before I finished and took the rag to finish for me. When she was done, she took my shaft in her mouth and gave me a slow, sensual suck, then slid up my body for a passionate kiss. She slid onto the counter and pulled me close, guiding my shaft into her. I pushed in deep and held tight, kissing her deeply, but refusing to thrust. She began squeezing and flexing around my shaft, her tail flicking against my balls. My legs were tired, so I picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. Her husband was laying on his belly with his tail twitching occasionally. I laid her down with space between them, trying not to wake him up, and laid on to of her, keeping my shaft buried inside her.

I pulled back and smiled at her, glanced at her husband, them back at her with a finger to my lips. She giggled silently and nodded, lifting her hips into me and wriggling. I held firm, fighting my climax as she clenched and tried to milk my shaft. She began quivering as her efforts excited her more and I kissed her passionately and stroked her ears, trying to focus all my sexual energy into her. Suddenly she squeaked quietly and arched into me, then began to squirt. I held back a moment longer before I released my own, pulsing hard into her. This elicited another squeak and renewed her orgasm, shuddering and spasming beneath me. I could feel her toes curling against the backs of my thighs, then she relaxed with a shuddering sigh. I kissed her lips and soon she was asleep.

I looked her over and sighed with a smile; she was a beautiful bunny. I glanced over and noticed her husband was watching. He was smiling and idly milking his shaft where he had obviously enjoyed the show. He nodded and whispered, "Natural skill."

I blushed and pushed myself up to my knees, the bunny moaning softly in her sleep as my soft member slipped out of her. I panted a bit, looking over her fantastic body laying in glowing repose. I started to get up, but the doc whispered sharply, wait. He was standing on the other side of the bed with a camera, quickly taking pictures as the morning light drifted in over his wife's nude body. He gave me some directions, like smile down at her, brace yourself over her, and kiss her belly. She smiled blissfully through it and soon we retreated to the bathroom.

He flipped through the pictures as I grabbed a cloth and started cleaning myself again, "You are simply amazing. I have never seen her fall asleep. She always wore me out first." He pushed the camera at me with a closeup of her face, "Just look at how happy she looks. I don't know how you do it, but thank you."

"I just focus on pleasing her first."

"So do I, but you make it look so easy; and what you did to me simply blew my mind. I'm hard again just thinking about it." He was stroking his shaft as he stared at a picture of me over his sleeping wife, "If you ever want me to return the favor, just show me what to do."

I watched as he jerked himself to climax and ejaculated into the shower, "Uh, no thanks."

"Seriously, you are a blessing. My bunny loves you and I don't know what I would do without you. Anything you need."

"You saved my life and I've only complicated yours."

"You have made so many things better around here and I think you're only just getting started. You are very talented; and I don't mean just in pleasing my wife. I've seen you with the patients and things you've fixed. You are an amazing person." He washed himself up, never losing focus.

"No offense, but I'm just not all that interested in the medical stuff. I like the helping people part, but some of it gets messy."

"You sound like Pinny. She couldn't handle gross anatomy. Her stomach was fine and she could do it, but she was very clear that she didn't like it. She breezed through nursing instead and seems to enjoy helping keep me organized." He finished getting dressed and we headed downstairs

It was a little early, but too late to go back to sleep, so the doc put together some toast, Vegemite and jam. Not the big breakfast Pinny cooks, but good enough with some juice.

"A couple more days and you'll get to hear what the registration office has to say."

"I'm a little worried about it. I know you say there's lots of benefits, but sometimes people start yelling and I don't know what I've done wrong."

"Relax, this is a friend of mine. I kind of saved his life, too. Just in a different way, so he'll do everything he can to help you."

"I'm just worried about what he can't do."

"Don't. I have other friends in high places and you are very important to me. Now, let's get things ready for the day and keep your mind off your worries. Why don't you grab the tablet while I clean up and we'll see who's on the schedule for today."

"I thought you had it all memorized."

"Never trust your memory and always keep good records."

I laughed and pulled out his work tablet. The doc kept me occupied, showing me all the things Pinny did to organize. Soon it was time for the first appointment and he had me handle the records and assisting, just as I would have to do later.

As the patient was getting ready to leave, there was a short scream from upstairs followed by lots of soft scrambling. We all stared at the ceiling until Pinny came down the stairs so fast it didn't look like she touched a single one. She noticed the patient and stopped at the bottom of the stairs to put herself back in order. We all smiled, trying not to laugh, then the patient said goodbye and left.

"Good morning, my beautiful bunny," the doc walked over and kissed his wife. "Did you sleep well?"

She was blushing brightly, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sleep late."

He tweaked her tail and she jumped, "Its alright. Billy picked up your system right off."

She gave me an apologetic look and I tried to be comforting, "It makes perfect sense; you're very well organized."

There was a knock at the door and the doc kissed his wife's cheek, "We have another patient. Do you want to jump in or see how Billy handles it?"

She kissed me on the cheek on her way to the kitchen.

"I guess you're up," he opened the door for the next patient and Pinny watched from the kitchen. There were a few more patients before the scheduled lunch and she only stepped in to help once.

After the last scheduled patient left, there was a knock on the door. It was a child with a badly scraped leg with a mother panickedly explaining how she was worried because it was so big. I took their info, distracting the mother while Dr. Lem examined and cleaned the wound. When he was finishing up giving it a lose wrap, I noticed Pinny was missing. I excused myself and the mother busied herself with thanking the doctor.

I found her crying on my bed in the pantry. I knelt down beside her and asked, "What's wrong?"

She looked up at me, fighting her tears, "I don't know why I'm... I love him, but..."

"Start at the beginning."

She sat up and took a few calming breaths, "I'm sorry. This is all my fault."

"That doesn't sound like a beginning." I took her paws in mine, "Try again. I need to know what you're talking about before I can understand."

She gave a little laugh and sighed, "I convinced him to keep you after you woke up."

"Well, that's not bad."

"I... I almost raped you while you were sleeping."

I was stunned, not quite sure how to respond, "But you didn't."

She pulled her paws away, "Well, I was bathing you and you had an erection. I washed it and I guess I stroked a little more than I needed to and you ejaculated. I got scared and cleaned it up quickly, but I started thinking about it and we've been trying so long for a baby... I decided to take your sperm, then let you go without telling you, but you woke up the next day before I could work up the nerve. So, I told Winny to keep you longer, that we could help you more. I had no idea about anything he managed to make happen. I selfishly wanted another chance to take your sperm. Then I couldn't make myself do it while you were sleeping; then I raped you while you were awake. Oh I'm so sorry." She put her paws on my cheeks

I took her paws in mine, "Its alright. Things have worked out; and... And I was already thinking it, obviously," I tried to hide a blush, but she saw and smiled.

"I noticed you looking and your surprise erection was too tempting an opportunity to pass up." She pulled away again, "But now everything is messed up. I have your baby instead of his and he doesn't want to make love to me anymore and I'm failing him and he doesn't need me..."

She started to cry again and I tried to get her attention, "Hey, woah, none of that is true, well maybe the baby, but the rest is not. I was scared that I had screwed up. I thought he would be mad that I got you pregnant when he couldn't and kick me out or worse, but he actually thanked me."

"For showing him how unfaithful and horrible I am?"

"No." I took her paws again and caught her eyes, "For giving you the baby you wanted when he couldn't. He'd been trying really hard; pushing himself to keep up with you, even taking some things to help. He wanted you to be happy."

"I didn't know. I made him do that to himself? I'm so horrible," she started crying again.

"No, he loves you."

"I don't deserve him."

I put my poise on her cheek, "Yes you do. You deserve him and all his affections. You are an intelligent and caring and wonderful person."

"Then why doesn't he want me?"

"He wants you more than anything. Everything he does is for you. He's teaching me your job, so you're not stressed and I'm happy to help, because I care about you, too."

"Even when I can't show up for work on time?"

I smiled, "He was happy to see you sleep. He even took pictures."

"But..." I put my fingers on her mouth.

"No more buts. He loves you; he wants you; he cares about you and you deserve it all. Any questions?"

"Do you?"

I smiled, knowing there was only one answer to that question, "Absolutely."

She hugged me carefully, then kissed my lips.

"Feeling better?"

She nodded and smiled, then helped me to my feet and we headed back out.

The doc was putting some things back in the fridge and there were sandwiches on the table. He walked over and kissed his wife, then led her to the table and sat her down. He stood behind her with his paws on her shoulders and whispered in her ear for a while. She turned and smiled at him, then they kissed passionately. When they came up for air, she looked at me and waved me over excitedly. She grabbed my apron and pulled, so I sat down beside her.

"You're part of this family, too," she grabbed the back of my neck and and kissed me just as passionately. I'm not sure what he said to her, but it was just what she needed. We ate lunch with Pinny cooing happily between us, alternating between her head on my shoulder and her paw on her husband's thigh and vice versa. She was all smiles the rest of the day, excitedly telling everyone she was going to have a baby.

When we were ready for bed that evening, Pinny took my paw and led me upstairs to the bathroom, with her curious husband following behind. She turned on the water, took my apron off me and put me in the shower. Baffled, I started washing up while she undressed her husband and put him in the shower, as well. She took off her own clothes, gathered everything up and left. Confused, the doc and I looked at each other, then he shrugged and started washing, too. A moment later, she came back, joined us in the shower, kissed her husband and started helping him wash. Unsure what she was thinking, I started scrubbing her back. She smiled at me and continued washing every inch of him. I rubbed her legs and tail while she focused on his ears, making no indication that she wanted anything other than a cleaning. When she was done with him, she turned to me and started working through my soggy quills. I leaned against the wall and let her fingers work their magic, rubbing my muscles under the heavy quills. Her husband picked up rubbing her and tried some suggestive touches, like reaching around to fondle her breasts while nuzzling the back of her neck and rubbing his erection against her tail, but she only acknowledged the gesture with a smile and continued her task. When she finished with me, she finished herself and turned off the water, then pulled us both out and started to dry herself, then her husband. He stood there, waiting to see what would happen as she dried me. When I was dry enough not to drip, she took my paws again and led me to the bedroom. She gently pushed my arm until I was laying on my side, then she went back and pulled her confused husband over. She laid him on his back in front of me, then crawled up his legs, slid onto his erection and laid her head on his shoulder. I thought I knew what to do next and started to get up, but she put her paw on my arm and pushed me back down, then pulled me close, so I put my arm around her to cuddle. We watched her for a while, expectantly, and eventually she fell asleep. The doc looked at me, beaming, and I smiled, then we relaxed and soon joined her in sleep.

In the morning, she was still there, but eyes open and smiling at me. I stroked her back and she sighed happily. The doc turned to look at me and she looked at him, a little surprised, then pushed herself up to sit on his hips and smile down at both of us.

"Good morning," he stroked her thighs tenderly, "I really enjoyed that."

She leaned forward and kissed his lips, then smiled at me as she lifted her hips to slide off his morning wood. She slid down his body and took his erection into her mouth, then slowly pulled it out with a smile. She gave my balls a grope, then hopped off the bed, shook her tail at us and disappeared into the bathroom.

We lay stunned for a moment, then he turned to me, "I think that was an invitation." He scrambled off the bed and hurried after her.

I took my time, to give them a moment to themselves. The sex was good, but I knew there would always be plenty. I heard one round finish and got off the bed to head in. As I suspected, they were nowhere near done. She was trying to grip the tiles on the wall with his nose and paw buried between her legs. He had been paying attention to the 'lesson' and soon her tail started twitching frantically. He quickly stood up and plunged his erection into her, pressing her body against the wall. As he started thrusting into her, I came up behind them, reached into the shower and teased the base of his tail with my claw. He fell forward on her with a gasp and his tail began twitching. She looked back and smiled when she saw me, then pushed her hips back to stand him up. He leaned on her hips and panted as he looked back at me with a smirk, then grabbed my arm and pulled me into the shower.

Pinny turned and caught me, by my arm and my balls, then pulled me in for a kiss. She wrapped a leg around my thigh and I grabbed her rump to pick her up and slide her onto my erection. I began thrusting with my quills rattling behind me and she moaned happily, already sensitive from her husband's probing. Then I felt a poking at my tail. My mind engaged in one activity, I reacted reflexively: I jumped and turned to get away from it. The rabbits were quick, but not quick enough. I heard a yelp and a clatter and saw the doc holding his arm with a dozen of my quills sticking out of it. Pinny was okay, but she had a harsh look for her husband when she noticed the plunger in the middle of the floor and deciphered what happened.

He sighed, annoyed with himself, "I should've known better then to surprise a porcupine from behind."

His wife didn't wait long before she pulled him under the shower to soak while I grabbed the med kit from under the sink. Three fell away unattached, but that left nine to get out. I tried to be gentle, but the best way to get then out is a quick yank with a twist, so that meant nine yelps from the doctor. Pinny dried him off while I salved and bandaged his arm, apologizing the whole way.

"Relax, it was my own fault. I'm sorry I interrupted you. Don't worry about me now, if you need to finish."

"I'll live and the mood is kind of gone."

"Well, you did a great job taking care of your first patient of the day."

I laughed, "Should I go fill out the visit report?"

He thought a moment, then nodded, "Yeah, go ahead. And put yourself as the attendant."


"It makes a record of your skills that you can use later."

I shrugged, "Okay" then cleaned up the kit and headed downstairs. As I walked out, I heard a soft smack and glanced back to see the doc holding his cheek as his wife leaned in to kiss his lips.

Downstairs, I found the tablet and logged into the service account. I quickly filled out the forms: Dr Edwin Lem and his info, removed 9 porcupine quills from left forearm, and put myself as attendant, then added Pinny, since she helped. We didn't get a picture of the quills, but I could take one of the bandage later. When I finished the rest of the form, I noticed my apron, clean and folded, on the table and wondered how she did it when she was with us all night. I shrugged and put it on as the rabbits came down the stairs.

Pinny laid the dozen quills on the table and sat her exasperated husband down.

"I'm fine, honestly."

She picked up the tablet, looked over the form, then tapped to add a picture.

"She wouldn't let me get dressed by myself. She had to do everything for me; and a little rough, too."

A pose showing the bandage and quills for the patient record, then a few quick swipes and she posed his arm by his annoyed face.

"What was that one?"

A few more taps, then she handed him the tablet, showing "Message sent"

"Oh, you didn't," he groaned and put the tablet on the table. "She warned me earlier that I deserved what I got, but had more coming. I thought she meant she was going to baby me all day, but apparently she is going to embarrass me, as well."

Pinny gave an innocent smile from the kitchen and finished making breakfast. She brought two plates and set them on the table, then headed back. Mine had an extra helping, while her husband's was arranged in a sad face.

He laughed, "and I'm the one that got hurt from my own mistake."

She turned back and grabbed his paw, kissing the bandage, then grabbed my face and kissed my lips passionately.

When Pinny finally returned to the kitchen, the doc leaned over and whispered, I don't think she is going to let this go until you finish what you started.

I was about to respond when there was a knock at the door. Pinny was there in a flash with a smile as she greeted a stressed collie.

"I'm so sorry to bother you so early, but its rather urgent."

The day continued slow, but steady, the doc having to explain his injury to each one. No appointments, but not even a break for lunch. Pinny whipped up some small wraps and we took turns stepping aside to eat.

I took a moment to pull Pinny into the pantry while the doc was examining a patient, "You don't need to punish him anymore for my sake."

She gave me an innocent look. It was true that she hadn't done anything since breakfast, but she had been coolly professional.

"He was just getting back at me for interrupting him."

She smiled and patted my cheek, then pecked my lips and walked away.

When the day was finally over, Pinny closed the service account and before she could put it down, there was a video call. A big smile crossed her face and she handed the tablet to her husband.

He groaned and swiped to answer, "Hi, Don."

"So, the invincible doctor finally got hurt himself."

"I never said I was invincible."

"No, but you were always taking care of everybody else and never yourself. Hi, Pinny, are you taking good care of my brother?"

She waved over her husband's shoulder.

The doc laughed, "Everyday, but not this time. Billy, come on over here and meet my brother, Dr. Windon Lem." He turned the tablet to face me with a rough looking grey rabbit on the screen.

"VMD. Wow, he's a big one. Billy, was it? Call me Don. Are you also the one that attacked him."

Dr Lem turned the tablet back around, "No, I did the attacking."

"What?! You?"


"What in the world possessed you to attack a porcupine?"

"Well, you know how I like to tweak my bunny's tail and make her jump?"

Pinny bopped his head.


"Well he started doing that to me."

"And you attacked him for it?"


"Wait is he staying with you?"

Pinny nodded.

"Yes. Don't you read my messages?"

"Mostly. They're just so long. Wait, is this the one that you pulled the shot out of last month?"

"Yes. How many porcupine morphs do you think there are around here?"

"I have no idea, I'm on the other side of the world and there are plenty of the smaller ones around here. Well, small is relative. What is he, six feet?"

"To the ears."

"Man, I wouldn't want to mess with that in a dark alley; or a bright field, for any matter. So, what happened?"

"Well, I tried to get him, but my stick wasn't long enough. He jumped, right back into me. Fortunately, I managed to get out with only a handful of quills in my arm, but I won't be doing that again."

Don was laughing so hard that he couldn't hold his phone straight. It was just wobbly images of the ceiling and walls, then the nose of a curious dog. He pulled himself together while the doc gave his wife an annoyed glare, "Hoo, that's good. I mean, yeah, it hurts, I've been pricked by a 'pine, myself, you... You went after a six foot porcupine with a sick."

"A toilet plunger," Pinny chimed in, getting a quick glare from her husband.

Don broke out in laughter again, "A toilet... A toilet plunger? That's even better!"

The doc tried to change the subject, "So, who was that we just saw?"

Don caught his breath again, "Oh, you probably saw Molly here. Doc Tanner found her in a ditch as a pup. She was still young when I got here. I guess you could say we grew up together around here. Now that Tanner retired, I'm the new doc and Molly stayed with me." He pointed the camera at the golden Labrador and ruffled her ears.

"Are they treating you well up there?"

"For the most part. Doc lost a few clients when he took me on and a few more left when he retired, but there haven't been any real problems. There are always some jerks. I've got a cute girl that delivers my groceries for me, so I don't have to go into town much anymore. She's interested in becoming a vet, so I might take her on as an assistant once she finishes enough classes."

The doc smirked, "Are you crushing on a human?"

"Now Ed, that's between me and my sheets."

The doc laughed, "Well, I guess we should let you get started with your day."

"Yeah, Molly's eager for a run and I've got to be at the McNabb farm in an hour."

"Don't be a stranger and say hi to Ma sometime."

"I know. You be careful with that porcupine."

"Oh, I learned that lesson. Never surprise a porcupine from behind."

"Right. Catch ya later, bro. Oh, and Pinny, save me a kiss."

She giggled and blew him one.

"Bye, Don." he tapped to hang up and sighed, "Well, that could've gone worse."

Pinny bopped his head again and made her way to the kitchen, stopping to give me a kiss on the cheek.

He set the tablet on the table. "That's one brother. I wonder who will be next," he slapped his thighs to close that discussion. "Well, tomorrow you have your big meeting and we'll see what Jake has found out about you. Maybe Pinny'll give us another quiet night, so you can get some rest and be fresh tomorrow." A knotted towel hit his nose. "I love you, bunny."

His wife came out to get the towel, then grabbed his shirt collar and kissed his lips aggressively.

"Right. Only Billy needs the quiet night."

She looked back at me with a smile as she opened his pants, then took his shaft into her mouth. She pointed her rear towards me and lifted her tail, which raised her skirt to expose her bare bottom and waiting sex. I watched her sucking on her husband and swaying enticingly in front of me and decided dinner was going to be a little late.

I took off my apron and stepped up. She stopped swaying and presented herself to me, so I spread her open and pushed my erection inside her, then grabbed her hips.

The doc was grunting and gripping the table, "Oh no, not the teeth. Hiee." I was glad to be on the other end.

She flicked her tail against my belly, so I started thrusting into her and she pushed back against me, squeezing tight every time I pulled out. Soon I could take no more and buried my throbbing shaft to squirt deep inside her. She held me tight, so I stayed inside her as she seemed to be torturing her husband.

"Okay. Yes I'm sorry.I'm very sorry.I'm so sorry.I've learned my lesson.Now please please please..."

I grabbed her tail and she looked back quickly, which made the doc squeak as her teeth left quickly. I smiled at her and she smiled back, then took his shaft back in her mouth, only this time he gasped, then gave a relieved moan, "Oh, thank you.Thank you."

She stood up and turned around, then gave me a long and passionate kiss before returning to the kitchen, swinging the towel and swaying her hips happily.

Her husband was panting on the bench, leaning against the table with a mess on his shirt. He waved me closer and I sat down by his knees.

"I didn't know she could do that."


"I mean she'd used her teeth before to tease me, but..."

"Did she bite you?"

"She got me right to the edge of orgasm, but wouldn't let me have it. She knows how to turn me on and off so well, she just... Whew. And then she didn't take it," he gestured to the mess on his shirt. "I certainly hope that settled my punishment. I don't know if I could survive any worse."

He slapped his thighs to end that conversation. "So, tomorrow you get your big meeting. We finally get to hear what Jake found out about you. Are you excited?"

"Kind of. I mean, you've told me all sorts of things that would be great, but what if I've broken laws I didn't know about?"

"The registry is funded by the government, but not controlled by it. The guard can make requests, but they don't watch everything they do. Jake knows you're important, so I trust he will be very discrete."

Pinny came in carrying two plates and put the smaller one in front of her husband, then sat down beside me with the other plate in front of her.

"Looks like its my turn to be puni..." she stuffed a cherry tomato in my mouth and smiled. I popped it and smiled back, chewing as she ate.

She stroked my thigh under the table while she feed me and herself, her husband watching as he ate. She would tease the leaf of lettuce, slice of cucumber or spoon of barley around my mouth before she decided who got to eat it. Sometimes it would make it into my mouth or hers, then she would change her mind.

When dinner was over, she collected the plates and took them to the sink. I got up to get ready for bed, but she came back and grabbed my balls, then kissed my lips. Slowly releasing me, she went to her husband and started undressing him. I wasn't ready for another round, so I snuck upstairs to take a shower. I let my quills soak and enjoyed the water running down my face, a moment of relaxation while they occupied themselves downstairs. It didn't last long.

Both rabbits came in nude and smiling and instantly swarmed on me. They set about scrubbing every inch of me and I relaxed and let them do it. They had proven over and over that they only wanted the best for me, so I closed my eyes and leaned against the wall. It was strange, but nice to have them looking out for me for a change. I wondered if Mutt had found someone to take care of him.

I gasped as their attentions raised my erection and they started cleaning it, then sucking on it. I looked down at the rabbit ears bouncing against my belly, then she kissed me. When the surprise waned, I returned her kiss and put my hand on her husband's head as he continued. He was assertive, but not as skilled as his wife. Her kiss became more impassioned and the combination drove me to orgasm. He pulled back and aimed my squirts to land on her slit, then started licking her clean, but her kiss never wavered. It intensified as he pushed his fingers into her, keeping his other paw around my shaft. Finally, she shuddered and melted against me as he successfully brought her to climax

She stroked my cheek as I held her up, then the doc appeared and kissed her. They feel into each other and kissed passionately as I slipped out and began drying myself. I watched then gripping and kissing and trying to occupy the same space and thought that they are made for each other.

I held the counter and leaned back to shake my quills, stretching as far as I could. When I stood back up, Pinny was there with her tail between my legs, tickling my balls. They were still all over each other and she leaned him over the counter, catching his erection where it belonged. I decided I needed to get in at least once or they wouldn't let me sleep, so I stepped up behind her and pushed in with him. She moaned and put her paws on the mirror in front of her as he held her hips. They both pushed back against me and called out in pleasure as I thrust. Soon, he began to squirt, but she held out, so I kept going. Just as I was about to lose control, she hit her peak, squealing as her body convulsed. Her husband groaned with another orgasm, shooting a second load as I let mine loose inside her.

She slid down the mirror to lay gasping on her exhausted husband as I stepped back. She smiled at me and waved her fingers to say goodnight, so I backed out of the bathroom, soaking in the image to use later.

I went downstairs and stretched out on my cot and waited to hear them continue, but they were quiet for the rest of the night. The silence left me to think about the morning and what would happen when I was official. As much as the doc reassured me everything would be fine, I couldn't help but worry.

Eventually, I fell asleep.