Kaynine: Boots on the Ground

Story by Kiran on SoFurry

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#2 of Scraps and unfinished work

An exploration into the end-state goal of Human / Kaynine Law Enforcement relations, in a slightly modified setting where other anthros are also mainstream.

Not sure I'll finish this one. I'm having trouble continuing on as I wrote it when my mind and muse decided to venture into some dark places.

She was afraid. Anastacia Mallory stood five and a half feet tall, had long, honey-blonde hair, green eyes, and was last seen at the Student Hall on the Auria Campus of New Denver wearing a white and blue blazer and blue jeans, according to the local news stations. Anyone with information as to her whereabouts where instructed to call the DPD hotline at 303... She rocked back and forth slightly, those blue jeans that had stretched around her hips to accent what she had, and wasn't afraid to show, several days ago, lay dirty and shredded in the corner of the small, dirty room, torn by the claws of her captor when she was initially dragged into the hell she'd lived for the past week, or had it been two? She'd lost track. The young woman pulled the threadbare blanket tighter around her shoulders, struggling to keep warm against the Colorado winter beating against the drafty walls, wincing as the wool scraped against the several grazing cuts over her form. A feline had taken her, one of the Anthros, they had started as a genetic modification trend, looked upon with similar desire to peircings, ink, or plastic surgery, generally only regarded as a fancy bit of body art reserved for the very rich, or very stupid. Until an anthro child had been born, then half-breeds were reported. The game changed considerably. Almost overnight, they turned from freakish statement of art, to a new species. It had been a few decades since then, now a simple revolution studied in Ana's modern history classes. Filed away neatly among the autonomous driving inititive and the great recession, another statistic beside the Global War on Terror and the collapse of the UN. The planet was now shared between two species, both afforded equal recognition, and both having their spectrums from the paragon of success, to the downright vile. With everything that came in the shades of grey between.

The door to her room slammed open, Ana reflexively flinching back from the hulking, furred form that filled the doorway, tail lashing in agitation behind as he stepped through the entry and closed the door behind him. A scrap of paper landed on the bed, Ana snatching at it just to have something besides her captor to stare at in pure fright. It was a newspaper article, her smiling face gracing the page with the simple headline "Hope wanes for Anastacia." "Soon they will give up the search." His deep, purring voice rolled over her as she dropped the scrap of paper. "Denver is as much living entity as the people who crawl over top of it. Every year, more are swallowed up by it that never return. You will be no different." He let that sink in for a short while, opening the door to draw in his usual bag of impliments which he dropped beside the bed with a metallic thump, her body subconsciously cringing, she'd been party to a majority of the bag's contents since she'd been dragged here. "Until then, there's no reason we can't be civil." He purred, the heavy shadows mostly masking his vicious grin, the dim light flashing against his teeth as she looked up. Her entire world turned upside down, his rough palm smashed into the side of her head, the resounding slap bouncing her off the wall at the head of the bed as she was sent sprawling. She felt the rough blanket get torn from her loose grip as stars swam in her vision and barely comprehended the sound of the bag being unzipped and the cool steel of the manacles closing over her wrists again. Her shoulders protested as her arms were lifted by the connecting chain and then slipped over a hook attached to the wall above her head, leaving her awkwardly half-hanging, half sprawled on the bed. "I'm on a schedule, today, so you'll have to excuse me if I skip the formalities." He hissed, Ana locked her eyes shut, trying to close off the tears welling up as he undid his belt and dropped his pants to the floor, then felt the bed beneath her shift as a new weight joined her.

The sharp scent of him invaded her senses and she fought back a shriek as he seized her by the hair, drawing her face to his sheath...

"Pretty sure this is just going to make a kidnapper more confident." Chris Thompson sighed, leaning back in his chair and rubbing the bridge of his nose, scowling at his unofficial partner for this particular case as he threw the newspaper down in front of him. Ajaxx DeMure lifted his muzzle from the file he was reading and smiled, showing an even row of very white canine teeth as his tan ears swivelled toward the agent. "That would be the point, Agent Thompson. What is it they teach you at FLET-C again? I must have had a different course." "Yeah, the one on the opposite side of the compound, with the slinky tunnel and the see-saw." Chris grinned at the hulking Malanois across from him. "Bite me, fido." "Small pleasures." the Kaynine officer chuckled, seizing his cup of coffee and taking another sip. A file landed on the table near the two desks, the Captain of the precinct waving the two over as he drew down the war room map against the wall and then flipped the folder open, passing out reports to the handfull of agents who approached the table. "Latest reports in for our search on Ana." The captain began without preamble. "A lot of what we expected, empty hands, but there are a few inconsistencies that you guys need to put your heads together on." Ajaxx and Chris flipped back and forth through the pages, correlations already drawing together in the Kaynine's mind as flags began to go up in the sector of the city he'd been monitoring with Chris. Chris glanced up at the heavy trooper. "It's that easy?" "Occam has a lot to say about it." Ajaxx murmured, going over to the map and eyeballing a tack set against it with a picture and an information card. "We initially dismissed the prick." Chris came behind him, looking over the reports again, the captain noting the two staring at the map and joining them. "Got something, boys?" Ajaxx looked at his file again, flipping back a few pages, putting together inconsequential facts out of a sea of information on their persons of interest. "It's not concrete, Captain, call it a haunch between me and Agent Thompson, but that's more than we've had since the case picked up." He pointed at the picture. "He's our guy." The Captain lifted an eyebrow. "Chris?" Chris lowered his reports after a moment. "I think we should pull the trigger, Cap."

"All right!" Ajaxx roared, silencing the buzz of conversation around the office as he turned to the table, he reached down and began sweeping his hands over it, bringing up information and maps on the digital screen that was it's surface. "Here's what we know..."

She choked out a cough and sucked in a ragged breath as he pulled his length from her mouth, her throat raw from the assault he'd just obliged her. ...

Chapter 2; The Hand That Feeds

Kiran finished his usual dinner of bread and beef stew, smiling and engaging in light conversation with his fellow students, what few there were. He got a few remarks on his new eyes and therefore transformation to that of a full Shaman, to which he...

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Chapter 1; The Perfect Candidate

The lightning bolt left his paw with a simple flick of the wrist and a slightly strained look on his features, sending his target, a straw-filled dummy, into an explosion of burning hay and cloth. "Very good, Kiran." His instructor said...

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She looked up at the Foxhound and tilter her head to the side, "So when do we start this shindig?" "Ha, an eager pup she is." John laughed as he accepted Tanya's bag from her and stashed it away on a shelf. "We start as soon as you start Miss...

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