Those Banana Days -(Chapter 7)-

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#7 of Those Banana Days

Huzzzzzzzzzaaaaaaaaaah, this little side project of a story is really turning out to be something that could keep going depending on how many people actually like it! I'm steadily on my way to making 200 watchers, which of course would be a huge boost in moral and creative thinking. So, that's my next goal right there, making a 200 watchers milestone and seeing if I cannot entertain so many people with what I write/draw/create etc! next one coming up is the 150 mark, so almost halfway there already, so thank you guys, you're so incredibly awesome! Please do leave some feedback in the comments too, just simply clicking on votes and favs doesn't tell me how much a story is liked, just the fact that it may be slightly enjoyable! Gaaaaaah, comments! I lurve the comments!

Anyway, thank you all again, if you see me around, feel free to say hi, I don't shun you away like some story writers might do, I enjoy talking about it and everything! Now, I do hope you al enjoy the next installment and I'll see you the next time I post another story! Have a good one, everyone!


Those Banana Days


I'm pretty sure that any parent you talk to will always say that their cubs, pups, what have you, will go through and have gone through changes in their life. From being a rambunctious youngster who always got into trouble when they were young to end up being totally different as they grew older. I find that a fun little aspect to follow up on whenever I chat with people and everything and find out more about them. Hell, some of my clients have even told me they realized they were gay AFTER getting married and pumping their wifey up with kids. Hard to believe, but hey, guess you can always say you're changing even if you're an adult.

I myself was just that cute little bundle of fur my brothers always so kindly make me remember whenever they visit and of course, they visit on a fairly regular basis, we are a tightly knit family cloth my folks like to say. I don't mind it one bit, even if the word gay gets passed around with me every two seconds because I can never get girl to let me grope their ass with them around. Yes, my two older brothers, so awesome in their ways, always get laid whenever they visit too. They can either do it by charm or simply getting a nice young girl to drink enough booze to make the Irish jealous. They've sent me plenty of videos to which I usually jack off to, either they by themselves to which they make it a contest of who can get a better girl or last longer, or sometimes they double team one.

Don't get me wrong, it does seem wrong to get a girl drunk and fuck her brains out, but when you see two primates going to town on a girl who couldn't tell you the time while looking at her watch, it is something to drool about and make a mess on my keyboard too.

I've yet to participate in the apparent, tradition of video taking (Haha, good one right?) and sending it off for judgment of my peers, AKA, Jeremy and Lucas Tye, my two older brothers. Though just a bit of advice for all the ladies going to this school, make sure you don't go into heat around them. (I can point you to at least 4 pregnancies that I know of caused by my brothers!) They tend to not like wearing condoms. To which I follow that quite well. Though, in all of-....

"MmmmphffuUUUuuuck... Jason.. it hurts...." The underaged freshman Fox slurred out in a drunken attempt at telling me to stop, I myself not having one drop of alcohol to thoroughly enjoy barebackin' this virgin bitch I'm railing in his dorm bed. His moving boxes are still in the corner, still packed. See what happens when you have rainbow ear rings along your ear and pride ring on your finger? I'll hunt your down! Can't help it, I've not had a good one in some time, had to take the initiative. He did come onto me after all and basically gave me permission, just so happens he was drunk when he did!

His slim body making him the new school twink right off the bat I heard, though the fact he's 17 and losing his virginity to a more experience individual makes it all the better. Best part is he doesn't even know who I am. I grip onto his sheath and stroke the base of his own knot that is slowly forming, loving the sight of that canine gift, knowing it is there to help impregnate, yet used in so many ways make this Fox's virgin ass more mine with how much of my seed I keep pumping into him. I'm on my 3rd load already.

This fox here, I think his name is Drake or some shit, didn't catch it before I got him all loosened up with the booze and shitfaced before he even knew it, of course, I played the nice guy, taking him from the crowd, letting them all know I was helping him to his room down the hall from the party. Yeah, that's me, David, the helpful Monkey. Hope he won't mind I leave him a few welcome to college presents up his ass. Damn brothers... if you still liked this openly, I'd send you videos alright. I did learn how to snake off a condom from you both after all!

Though, back to what I was saying. My brothers do like to let on that they are perfect with their escapades of women and being so straight their backs are in perfect alignments Haha, yeah bros, I wasn't the only one experimenting when I was younger.... I still remember it all too well...

"Shut the fuck up ya little faggot! You're gunna lose anyway!" Were the first words I heard while I was trying on the graduation gown I received that day as it was nearly the end of the school year and I was getting ready for the whole, graduation walking and everything. Heh, crazy brothers, doing some stupid game no doubt!

I couldn't believe that the school year went by so fast! Now here I am in the living room looking through all the crap that came in the sealed package of my graduation gown, the odd little square hat like thing and that dangly bit I always forget the name of. Apparently my brothers got super jealous, although they're already in college and everything, they didn't get the special kind of... uuuhh.. Lanyard! There I go, that's what it is! Hah, yeah, this thing is pretty awesome, the gold in it means I'm one of the few top 2 percent of the class or something, some kind of rope thing I have to wear around my neck over my gown too. Yeah bros, get jealous that your baby brother got some decent grades in high school! Suck on th-...

"Hah... you call that a reversal?! I've seen hundred pound cats do better than you!" Nearly echoed through the hallways of the house, seems my brother were actually downstairs in the basement doing some wrestling stuff... geez, I may not be into wrestling, but hey, a teenaged mind who just loves the idea of guys in tight clothes, yeah, I can say I like wrestling all right... not that fake crap on tv, the whole, body grappling, slamming, onesie wearing guys, yeah... that's the stuff right there!

Eh, what the hell, might as well go on down and try to give my brothers a nice little surprise that their brother got out of school early for it being so close to graduation and all. I'm sure I could give them a round or two and show them their baby bro is more than just a nerdy Monkey!

"Better fucking get the lube... ready, Lucas is going to go to town on you after you tap out!" Were the other words that crept up from the basement, my ears perked up at that, alright, so maybe I don't fucking know anything about wrestling... where the hell does lube come into the sport and everything?!

My curiosity sparked at the words, making me wonder if Felines actually go through this on more so a regular basis. They do say curiosity killed the cat! Hah, I doubt I'll be getting killed with this going on! I stripped out of my gown to be in just a pair of shorts and shirt, giving my prehensile footpalms a nice little stretching to get in the mode of stealthy ninja Monkey! Of course only a few long steps later and I was at the basement door, the door itself was cracked slightly, that's probably the reason I heard them so loudly! Or the fact that they have the voices of those that have no idea how to whisper!

Hell! You try going to the movies with my brothers! You'll want to di with embarrassment cause they cannot lower their voice to anything less than a dull talking, still loud enough to be heard throughout the theater and everything. I mean come on, is it so hard to lower your voice that much so that I can hear you and no one else can!? Gah, fucking idiots for brothers, don't let the high grades and good looks fool you! Haha, oh gosh, people telling them to be quiet in the ro-...

A loud thud and groan followed by laughter reached my ears louder thanks to me being close to the door now, best part is, the basement stairs aren't crappy, so they won't squeak or anything if I put some weight on them! I was two steps down before another thud reached my ears, the soft sound of heavy panting from the room below made it obvious they were wrestling of course... I hope?!

"Haha! Lucas, you can suck my dick! You're going to regret agreeing to this... again!" My brother Jeremy said as I slowly took another few steps down, looking now under the roof of the basement slightly, my eyes scanning the area. A nice basement I couldn't help but think, as I've been in far worse! Ours however, was fitted to be that of the workout room for the house, I can't tell you how many fucking square feet or inches it is, but it's big enough, has several sections, all with the appropriate assortment of exercise and workout equipment for a specific routine, from running to weight lifting, we had it all down here!

"Fuck that!..." Lucas said after another thud reached my ears, the sound of a body hitting the wrestling style mat we had put in, I could almost tell who's winning with each statement made, haha, my brothers, geez, so freaking loud... guess they do think no one is home!

I moved slowly down the stairs, moving along the wall to the right so they couldn't see a shadow and crouched down, taking my phone out to get a nice video of two retards going at each other. I'm sure I could make this a viral hit on YouTube or something! Hah! I got on my knees and peered through the boxes that were stacked near the corner where the wrestling was very evidently coming from, if the now loud panting and grunt noises couldn't tell you, the musky scent of two guys would! Of course, that musky scent made all the more sense as I looked around to see my brother's rolling around on the ground, both trying to fight for the hold and both being 95% nude with only tight black jock straps on! Holy fuck! This will be great to have over them! Fucking wrestling in that stuff, gaaaaaaaaaaaaayy!!

I snickered a little at the thought, their bodies coming to a standstill, my brother Lucas moving his body to press his chest to that of Jeremy, I swear, it almost looked like they kissed, damn boxes, can't see shit from here... Their arms wrapped around each other for a few moments and then Jeremy rolled Lucas onto his back, straddled his stomach while keeping his body close to his brothers. I myself knew the technique, always staying close to your enemy, can be harder at times to make a move when someone is so close!

His left foot grabbed Lucas's right foot from the top, pulling it upwards as his other leg lied across his knee, their faces hidden from my view as their bare asses with the black bands around their thighs entered my vision even more so as I slowly moved the boxes to get a better view. I never got the point of a jock strap, seems pretty weird to have only the front covered!?

The all too obvious submission came quickly as Jeremy gave the leg another firm tug with his other still across Lucas's knee, made sense to me as if he tugged anymore, he might have broken or dislocated something of my brother! The tapping I saw on his back and the tapping sound of a paw hitting mat was all it took for the one on top to sit upright, his face still hidden to me as he rolled off my brother.

"For fuck sake... did you have to go after my leg again!?" My brother Lucas said in a labored breath one can have only after a good workout session. His body glistening with the results of a battle lost, sweat dripping off his brow as he sat up to look over at his brother. I could see from here that smug smile, a paw coming to cup his crotch with a firm squeeze as he himself sat upwards.

"Hey, my legs were open to you to attack..." His paw made a few upward movements between his legs, that jock strap not getting any smaller as I zoomed in with my phone to see better. Lucas just sighing heavily as he looked over to the clock for the time, most likely doing some form on thinking about something with that face of his and that tail thrashing around like a Monkey who was playfully angry.

"Much like they are open now for you to give me my prize... Hehe, little Lucas bitch!" He continued to say as I looked back down my screen instead of at my other brother, my eyes going wide at the sight of my brother pulling the last of the strap off past his footpaws. I must admit that throbbing, fleshly tones boner made my own throb a little, of course, a raging hard on is what I had after a few moments passed and my older brother buried that fat fucker of a cock in his mouth to start bobbing. Holy fuck, no dirty talk or anything like that, just going right at it huh? Geez, how do you guys get women! You're brutes!

"Fuck yeah... Don't worry bro... we still have nearly an hour before..Mmmmpfhuck... before David gets home..." Jeremy said in a labored breath as I watched on, his paw coming to rest and rake through Lucas's headfur, that Simian maw of his being perfect for blowing dudes now that I think about it!

Jeremy eventually moved to be resting on his knees, towering over my brother who occasionally slopped off to say he's going to win the next time, or just to nuzzle that furry sack carrying the treat my brother looked like he wanted to receive with how lewd and dirty that blowjob sounded. I myself just sat there behind the boxes at the corner, stroking myself inside my pants and holding a phone in the other, what a scene this would be if anyone happened to come down the stairs and see! Parents Usually come home after I do, they both work and all, I've heard them talking about being late to get home cause they just had to go at it. I of course didn't know whtat that meant when I was younger, though now, it makes sense thinking back, smelling that manly scent in the car for a ride to school, I probably sat in my father's jizz on more than one occasion! That shit can be tough to get out of a lot of thi-..!

"Dammit bro, you're lucky your cum tastes good... or else I'd have doubled down on this bet!" Lucas stated after popping of that spit shinned piece of meat, seeming to just back away and plop back down on his own bare behind, their faces and their crotches oh so evident now that I had moved the boxes. Lucas still had his strap on, though from the looks of it, it didn't look like it was doing a good job of covering half that length that was hanging lazily, and hardening ever so slowly. Holy fuck, my brothers liked this shit?! Hahaha! This will be so great!

Jeremy only replied, it seemed, with a mirrored gesture, sitting back on his own backside, upper form leaned back with his arms supporting him from behind. His eyes darted down to his fully erect dick, my eyes trying to turn into rulers to measure it from being a good few feet away. I instantly feel in love with it, the veins, the hue of color, the fact he was cut, gaah... seeing some cut Monkey cock really... hot! Though I didn't have much time for looking as Lucas just sighed again, the noise distracting me from the view, and the realization I had drooled a little too, embarrassingly enough, hah!

"Uuugggh, I fucking hate losing to you..." He said, crawling over and as if this action was practiced enough to make it look no so shy-like, his hips were pressed up against Jeremy's own, tail raised and out of the way, that exposed pink pucker of a tailhole subtly grinding against my brother's head, strings of pre, I could easily make out, every time he lifted up slightly kept the two connected.

"Heh... at least I spit roasted you with that faggot... Guess you'll never top thAAA..---!!" Lucas shrieked out enough to make me think about him being a girl in this instance, being pierced by a more than averaged sized Monkey member, of course that scream was short lived as this time I got a good fucking view of their lips mashed together. Jeremy sat up straight for that one, moving a palm to cup the back of his own brother's head, the other gripping and spreading a cheek to held Lucas slide down all the way, the sight in itself made my hand stop moving, hell, I don't want to blow my load just... yet...

"Shut the fuck up... and ride your winner... LOSER!" Jeremy made sure the word stuck out with the intensity of his voice, that smug grin of his returning to his features while leaning back on his paws again, a long as fuck string of saliva still dangled between them... Shit... my brother's just tongue kissed each other...?! I'm living in a home with two bros that love to screw round?! GAH!

My mind lingered on the subject only a little, as Lucas seemed all too happy to get to work and to assume the role of what I found out to be the bottom long ago, goodness, the internet is amazing if you want to watch some dirty things! Haha!

I made sure to keep the phone steady, loving the fact I was catching this.. uuuh, taboo, there you go, yeah, this taboo of an act, incest! Hah! You both can suck a dick after I spring this gem of a video on you!

"Oh fuck... J... shit! Have you gotten bigger?!" Lucas blurted out that rather adult statement as he bounced on my brother's lap, Jeremy not doing anything other than holding himself up, seeming to make the loser of the wrestling match literally do all the work aside from providing a stable platform to stuff a cock up one's ass!

The eldest of the two just looked up as his brother bottomed out again to rub bare, jockstrap wearing ass along the soft fur of his thighs, letting out a rather loud laugh after hearing the statement.

"Geez! You do realize you didn't even spit for lube on my junk right?!" He retorted as Lucas never skipped a beat, grinding that backside of his back and forth along my brother's lap, I being still slightly dumbfounded to know that my brother's literally were having sex in front of my eyes.

"Oh shut up... we both know you spill pre like the damn Niagara Falls..." Lucas shot back, moving one of his paws that were placed on his sibling's shoulders, giving that pink nub of flesh of a nipple a hard titty-twister like motion while sliding up and off that glistening spire of indeed pre spurting goodness. A soft chuckle reaching my own ears as my paw started feeling a damp spot between my legs... Guess it is in the family that we make a lot of pre! My brain also made sure to notice the several stings connected to him and a glistening dick sliding out of his tail end.

"Told you!" He exclaimed before positioning his brother below him, and sliding back down, I must admit, seeing my brother ride my other brother for the loss of a bet, and the fact one of them is still wearing his jockstrap? Goodness, that's amazing!

The eldest, Jeremy, of course, just stayed silent in this act, not moving much other than to hump up every now and again and start another make out session, one of many I assure you! They must have swapped spit more than I have with my girlfriend, Tiffany!

Lucas took everything in stride, not wasting a chance to moan out, tell his brother how big he is and jack himself off every now and again. The whole event went on long enough that my phone's battery life could be seen dwindling away, the eye of that machine catching and saving everything, geez, technology, you sure are awesome when it comes to capturing crazy things alright! Jeremy eventually leaned down to rest on his back, his hands coming up to rub and grope at his brother's pecks, teasing the nipples. The attention obviously made my submissive brother feel good as after a good few tugs of his nipples, Lucas himself leaned back, placing his hands around my brother's legs for support as he started jackhammering, the best word I could describe his hips raising and lowering like mad on that fuckspire. The terribly lewd and wet noises were so audible I had no worry of it not being caught on camera; something about hearing ass meet hips in a wet squelching sound of nothing but sexual juices really twists my nipples the right way if you catch my drift.

The sweet sounds of male on male love making made that damp spot so much bigger of my pants, the lovely noises of my brother's moaning out in unison made the act seem less taboo and more passionate than anything! My brother Jeremy obviously enjoyed it as I could literally see his pleasure plastered face as he forced his hips up, holding his brother down on his lap with no movement, just the silent expression of an orgasmic release on his features, the view quite nice on my phone as I zoomed in. Lucas followed suit soon after, having his balls tugged at by his sibling while he himself blew his load inside him must have pushed him over the edge because I could SEE, yes, you got it, I could see the sperm flying through the air to mix with his chest in a creamy combination of fur and male essence. I wanted to finish with them...

"Oh Fuck! Yes.. Yes..! J-Jeremy!... breed your brother... Fill me!" Lucas blurted out with his eyes closed, I myself thankful they decided to fuck in a way that showed off everything. That sweet jockstrap cradled his balls so snugly as his cock kept pulsing that sweet life giving juice along his own chest. I could help it... I dug my teeth into my paw and humped the air around me, the confines of my underwear and shorts providing all the friction I needed to make a mess between my legs that most porno companies would love to see with how much spunk I just deposited.

Jeremy, kept himself less audible, with a few techniques he told me about in a tipsy driving home from the bar a few times beforehand, making sure to not let a girl know you're cumming inside her by moaning out, just get a little forceful and they'll love it. Then you have to be a man and eat your sperm up after fucking to make it even less likely, then viola! You have yourself a girl who's pregnant! Damn he's a sneaky fucker... glad I got this on tape! I myself got a last few frames on camera before stopping, catching what I will always remember with just my eyes.

My brother Lucas slowly slid off my brother to stand, literally spreading his legs and holding his hands out under him to catch the literal STREAM of fucking SPERM pouring out of his ass. I can tell you, he had one hell of an appetizer before dinner that night, the thought of food making my tummy rumble as I slid myself away from the remaining dirty deeds. My "First" entrance into the home being met with my two brothers watching tv, damp headfur and a smug smile on each of their faces, that nearly 30 minute long video already transferred to locked folder on my computer.

"Hey guys, do anything fun today?" Being my first question of the day, one met with random answers and a few grins. Of course, I figured I'd hold onto that video for a while.

Stan was his name as I snaked a few bucks out of the pup's wallet from the pile of clothes he so kindly stripped off faster than I could have. His cute frame snuggled up to himself in a blissful sleep, that bushy tail of his rather matted down with the present I had left inside of him. He came twice during his drunken romp, so I don't feel too bad for taking a drunken virgin and taking advantage of him! He loved it, so how am I the bad guy?! Haha! I'm not! He gave me permission, you know you'd take the same place if you were in my shoes! Ha! My brothers would be proud I think!

I took a few pictures, got dressed, removed any trace of me other than my DNA inside of a twink who'd wake up none the wiser and sore under his tail. Also nude, that might give it away and his spunk covered chest, too! Of course, I don't even think about by the time I'm out of the building, being in my own room a few long minutes later.

My computer on, my shorts are down, my own jism drying into my fur before I start making another sloppy sounding mess.

Nothing like watching a favorite porno to get yourself off before bed.


Thanks brothers... Without you, this old video wouldn't be nearly as special!

Huzzah! Another story done! Hope you all enjoyed it and don't be shy to leave a comment and such. Next story being worked on as you read this!