Family Therapy: Kaina Saraivia

Story by RaiRaijinn on SoFurry

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#5 of Family Therapy

Damn Kaina!...

Anyways, I promised it be out this week, Now I need know what to write for the Last one in the series

Every year since Rociel and Celestine were ten years of age, her father has scheduled a week of the year dedicated to visiting a family therapist to help learn of any problems within the family to allow Rhyne to address them properly as well as have certain members of the household who are normally hesitant to visit a psychological professional such as Rociel or her Mother Jacklyn. Kaina is the second to last one to enter the office then takes a seat on the sofa, smiling with a brimming air of content.

Hello Ms. Saraivia!

Hello to you too!~

Well, this is different...

How so?

Your partner and her daughter have such a cutthroat sensation to them, it's a little nerve wracking.

Kaina laughs at him

Jackie just does that to people she thinks are stupid, and RoRo does it to make her look more intimidating. They really don't mean anything by it.

Oh phew... So how are you today, Ms. Saraivia?

Like a peach on the beach!~

Kaina giggles, She's obviously quite happy about something

What's so funny?

RoRo and Jackie were telling jokes about you in the lobby.

What did they say?

It was really exciting to hear, they said that your girlfriend kept your "Bolas" in her purse whenever you go out and that you have to beg to sleep in bed with her every night.

Mother... Oops! Almost said something that i shouldn't have, Anyways, How are things in your household?


So... I hate to probably bring this up since it was mentioned by your partner, Jacklyn, How was your family life when you were growing up.

Oh... When I was teenager, my parents were going through a rough time in their relationship due to money and felt very depressed until Rhyne came into my life then offered me an escape from the emotional torment they put me through with the constant arguing every day.

...And What was that escape?

I lived with him for a while then became his girlfriend...

If Remember correctly, Jacklyn mentioned that Rhyne broke up with you then you got back together along with jacklyn, What was the reason for your break up in the first place?

Well, He just left me for some soul searching reasons, and Rhyne asked me a question before he left me.

What was the question?

"Am I worth spending your time with and are you worth that collar around your neck?" is what Rhyne asked.

What did he mean by that?

I think it was that he meant, Is he worth spending my life with and vice versa.

So he left you so you can weigh out that decision?

Yes, he thought about his end too, and I answered his question, that's why he took me back.

The Therapist realizes a detail about his previous client and Kaina, They're both wearing small black collars around their neck with ring in the front of them.

Hey speaking of which, What's with the collars around you and your other partner's necks?

Oh, They are kind of like a wedding ring but they are also a promise to Rhyne as his partners.

What's the promise?


How long have you had yours?

About twenty years.

Wow, Do you have to do anything special to earn them?

Yes, It's a very intimate ritual that Rhyne performs on us.

Can you describe it?

Well, We recite a promise that we agree to beforehand then are suspended in midair with ropes tying our hands behind our back, unable to move them, blindfolded, ear plugs placed in our ears and a mouth gag before Rhyne takes a cat-o-nine-tails to begin the ritual. He stimulates our bodies with pleasure and pain to as much as he wants for hours...

Interesting, What is the purpose behind this "ceremony"?

It's to test how far he can take it with us, to see what we are physically and mentally capable of handing, Rhyne said when we were younger it was also a test to see if we would be good mates and parents.

Quite a unique method, How does this ceremony end?

When Rhyne has hit his max limit on how much can resist the urge to have sex, and trust me, Its really a long ritual.

...But what's the ending?

When He hits his limit, He breaks the restraints and if we aren't an Incoherent puddle of what was left of a person, We pass the test and have sex!

You have a chance of failing, how?

If we lose ourselves and become unresponsive to any outside stimulus beyond pain or pleasure, essentially if we become broken beyond repair and catatonic.

Oh my! What is the post ceremony coitus like?

We 'fuck' like if our lives depended on it, like nothing else mattered in the world.

What is like for you.

I feet so alive after the ritual! I could feel every sensation coursing around me, the air, the heat, I could hear the sound of heartbeats and the sound of every breath taken by my lovers, i could see the passion and love in their eyes. I could see how much they cared for me, everytime they touched me, I felt the warmest embrace with every single kiss and touch, as if was like the love described in my dad's bible class, it was pure bliss!

Woah, Has your partner Jacklyn went through this ceremony?

Yes, we have both gone through a bunch of times, Rhyne says if we have any doubt about relationship, we can ask to go through it again.

Have you done it exclusively with Jacklyn?

Yes, I feel the same way with her too and she does as well!~

So this ritual is pretty much like a wedding ceremony and redoing it is like redoing vows except where re-confirm your emotions for your partners?


Kaina starts to blush heavily and pant...

Ms. Saraivia, are you okay?

Kaina suddenly shivers and twitches as if muscular spasm occurred throughout her body

Did you just?...

Kaina smiles an expression of delight


Did you get excited from me talking about your partners?


The Therapist notices a pair of wet blotches on Kaina's shirt

Ummm... Are you alright?

Oh no, Don't worry, I have had this problem since I was a teenager, My body produces Milk 24/7, I am perfectly healthy though, it just happens I leak when I get a little too excited.

That explains the Wetnursing.

Yeah, its quite handy when you have a pair of hungry babies around, I used to breastfeed RoRo when she was little, She was hungry baby Hyena! It's also convenient for when you sleep with two partners who don't want to get up and go to the fridge in the middle of the night or early in the morning...

So do you like Breastfeeding... even your adult partners?

I love breastfeeding because I feel so good doing it! It also helps relieve build-up tension when I haven't been milked in a long time.

Did you ever get picked on for the leakage?

When i was a teenager, my entire school picked on me for it, some girls would grope my breasts just to get blotches on my shirt to make fun of me.

What do you get in exchange for breastfeeding your partners?

Sex! That's what normally happens after they feed or during... then we play "Bunny-in-Middle"!

Have you ever tasted your own milk?

Yeah! It tastes sweet and creamy!

Anyways, lets get focused back onto the normal questions?


How is your relationship with Rociel?

She loves me a lot! She gives the best hugs too!

How is your relationship with your own daughter?

I love my little Celestine! Me and her like to cuddle up to watch movies together on the couch sometimes.

So I heard that Celestine has a love interest named "Caesar", What's he like?

Oh he is a sweet boy, Mute though, but he says the right things to my Celestine without even moving his lips then my bun-bun is all over him like how Rhyne and Jacklyn are on me during any day that they are both free from work. I am expecting a lot of grandkids from those two when they get hooked on each other and I have a feeling that Caesar is a closeted dominant...

How can you tell?

Whenever my Celestine says "Ave to thy Caesar" to him, He looks at her a like the way whenever I call Rhyne "master" in the bedroom.

Wow, Do you think they have done it yet?

No, I can tell Cell is waiting for the right moment for her first time.

How was your first time, was it with your current partner?

Yes, Rhyne made both me and Jacklyn women out of us. My first time happened when I was having bad day when my friends basically said they didn't want to be friends with me anymore since I moved out of my parents' house, and I was living with Rhyne at the time so he made me feel bit better by telling that He'll always be my friend then I wanted to feel even better so Rhyne put me on his bed naked then he...popped it.

What was it like?

Rhyne kissed me a lot and he licked me, then right in... and waited, made out a lot more as I tried getting used to him. it was really sweet, He started to thrust, then I discovered sex was fun!

What happened afterward?

I would wait for him to get home from work or from college then just have him inside me, sometimes He would study for his classes with me sitting his lap with him inside, Rhyne's head curled over my shoulder while he read his textbooks.

What was the first time you had intercourse with your partner, Jacklyn?

Oh, My first time with her? It was probably on the first day I met her...

That quick?

I thought if Rhyne trusted her, I should trust her so she pulled me into his bedroom to have a conversation then i started to get a little upset then hugged her. I felt something poke me in the leg and that thing i found out later was Jacklyn's clit, then i found out I can put "it" inside me, then Rhyne caught us doing it. I was upset that I thought I broke the promise but He wasn't mad, Rhyne seemed excited then we played "Bunny-in-middle" for the first time. I loved it!

I hate to ask but What is "Bunny-in-middle"? Is what I think it is?


Well, you are one lucky person!

Kaina notices the Clock as her hour ran out

Looks like I have to go!

Oh Hell, I didn't notice, Well, Send him in!

Kaina leaves the office, returning to the lobby, sitting down next to Jacklyn and starts kissing her...

Family Therapy: Jacklyn Amirr

_Every year since Rociel and Celestine were ten years of age, her father has scheduled a week of the year dedicated to visiting a family therapist to help learn of any problems within the family to allow Rhyne to address them properly as well as have...

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