2.1 - Worse
#3 of Mutt
I left this part out of the main story because of its content, but I felt I needed to get the worst parts out most of all, so I put it here. This isn't meant for anybody's enjoyment. Written 2001.
Goldsmith took the fox to the showers, removed his cuffs and let him get cleaned up, then brought him back down the stairs.
The panther greeted them gleefully as they reached the gate, "Ah, back again and looking so pretty. We might just have to take a picture."
"Lay off," Goldsmith snapped. "There's no need to be an asshole."
"And what if I like it that way?"
"Just leave mine alone."
"Fine, fine. In any case," the panther turned to the fox, "your room is waiting for you, sir, and congratulations, you're back just in time for dinner."
Goldsmith sighed as the panther directed Mutt through the gate with a wave of his arm.
As Mutt followed the black cat down the hallway, they passed the buck and he heard him mutter under his breath, "Oh, shit."
Mutt entered his cell, happy to be rid of the muzzle and cuffs, and sat down on the bunk.
"Enjoy your stay," the panther beamed. "And by the way, down here, you're mine." The panther shut the door with a finalizing click.
Mutt sat in the silence a moment, thinking about the buck and the panther, then laid back on his bed and closed his eyes.
Soon, the buck brought dinner and Mutt ate freely, glad he no longer had to fight with the muzzle. The fox rubbed his cheek at the memory of the bonds.
When he finished, he wondered why the buck had not yet returned for the tray. A little while later, the door opened and in walked the panther with the missing restraints and a grin on his face.
Mutt whimpered, but gave no resistance as the cat applied the cuffs and muzzle, but wondered about the short ankle cuffs.
The panther looked up with a grin, "Its so nice that you're so willing."
Mutt was confused and tried to ask why the cat was linking his paws to his feet, but the muzzle was tighter than before.
Then the black cat grabbed the fox's tail and pulled him over onto his stomach on the bunk. Mutt squeaked and whimpered in pain, but could do nothing.
"Now you'll learn who is really in charge." The cat removed the pants of his uniform and gripped the base of the fox's tail, "When you are down here, the one you bow for is," thrust the answer into the fox with his erection, "ME!"
Mutt screamed from within the muzzle and started to cry as pain shot up his spine. He whimpered and cried, praying each thrust was the last and trying to move as it felt like the cat was shoving a cactus inside him.
After what felt to the fox an eternity of torture, the panther pushed deep inside him one last time, pulling hard on the fox's tail and groaning loudly as his orgasm came.
"Ah, you're a good fuck. I'll have to do that again sometime," the panther said as he pulled himself out and smacked the whimpering fox's rear, then shouted for the buck, "Clyde!" He turned back to the fox as he picked up and dusted off his pants, "You'll learn to enjoy it. I know I did."
The buck came in with a towel and the panther took it from him to clean himself off before putting his pants back on. "Clean that up," he ordered as he tossed him a key. The dear held out a hand for the towel, but the cat straightened his uniform and walked out, "I'm sure you can think of another way to clean it up."
After the panther was gone, the buck pulled another towel from under the back of his shirt and laid it over the fox with a sorrowful smile, then reached up to unbuckle the muzzle and pull it off, "I'm sorry he had to do that."
Mutt sniffled and crawled onto the bunk as the buck released his paws and feet.
"Do you need help getting to the toilet?"
The fox gathered himself back from the pain and tried to get up by himself, but fell over and whimpered. The buck caught him and held him up for a moment, "How about a little help?"
Mutt sighed and nodded, then walked with the buck's help to the toilet and sat down. The dear handed him the towel and let him clean himself off.
"He does that whenever he feels his authority is being challenged. There are some guys that come in here that probably deserve it, but you don't look the type. He's not all that tough, but they put him in charge down here and we can't do much about it."
"Actually, my name's Duncan Miller, but that pain in the ass calls me anything he thinks will bother me. I don't really care. I let him mouth off and he lets me stay out of my cell."
The buck looked down and noticed the bloody towel in the fox's paw. "Oh, shit." Duncan sighed and helped the fox to his feet, then back to his bunk. "I'll be right back."
The deer left the room and went down the hall. Mutt could hear him talking with the panther.
"He needs some medical attention," Duncan said.
"Just clean him up and get back to your work, he'll be fine."
"He needs to be taken care of or you might end up with a dead fox."
"Dead? How could he die from that?"
"He's bleeding and it won't stop."
"Fine, but if they start asking questions, you're the cause," the cat responded loudly.
Duncan returned to close the door. "The doctor will be down in a little while. I'll be by when he arrives to help keep things straight." Then he shut the door quietly.
Mutt lay on the bunk and waited and worried about what was going to happen next. The bleeding had stopped, but the pain remained, both at his tail and in his head.
After what seemed like a couple hours, the door opened and in walked a female yellow cat carrying a bag with the panther and Duncan in tow. The panther was rambling to the doctor, "I've told them they should be feeding the prisoners better. There is always room for improvement. Even if they are here for doing something wrong, we should treat them right, so they will learn the right way to be."
"Hush, I'm here for him, not to listen to you," the lady doctor said and sat down on the bunk beside Mutt. "They tell me you're sick. Are you allergic to anything?"
Mutt shook his head, afraid to speak, especially with the panther in the room to punish him later.
"They said you're complaining of rectal bleeding that won't stop."
Mutt looked at Duncan, then the panther, and then back at the doctor, "It stopped."
The panther started to say something, then just turned and glared at the buck.
The doctor paid no attention to the others and continued, "So, what do you think caused it?"
Mutt looked to the panther's menacing scowl, then to Duncan's encouraging nod, and then down at the bunk, staying silent.
The doctor watched the fox and followed his gaze, "Is there something going on here that I should know about?"
The panther looked back at the buck in mock surprise, "Have you been abusing your privileges and the prisoners?"
Duncan scowled back, "Who's in charge here?"
"Sounds like someone just gave up their privileges to get a turn in solitary," the panther answered as he met the buck's scowl with his own.
"Enough!" barked the cat. "Are you saying someone raped this poor fox?"
"I thought that's what you were saying," the panther quickly replied while Duncan sternly nodded his answer behind him.
The doctor turned back to Mutt, "I see. I think I need to examine him. Would you two please step outside and shut the door?"
Duncan left quietly, but the panther remained, "I'll stay, its nothing I haven't seen before."
"I bet," replied the doctor. "Please leave now so I may work."
The panther cast a glare at the fox and reluctantly left.
The physician then turned to the fox and quietly asked, "May I take a look?"
Mutt gathered what was left of his courage and nodded slowly. The doctor instructed him to lay on his back with his knees bent and apart, and then she proceeded to examine him. When she had seen all she needed, she applied a cream that was cool and soothing. "You can relax now. Hopefully that cream will keep you from getting sick and at least let you sleep. If you want to, that is. I am sure you will have some nightmares. For now, rest; and I will go have a talk with your keepers." The cat leaned down close to the fox's ear and whispered, "Is there anything you want to say before I go?"
Mutt breathed, "I don't know."
The doctor whispered back, "I understand," and stood up, gathering her things to go. She opened the door and found the panther standing close to it, as she had expected.
"Will he live?" he responded to her scornful gaze.
"For now," she replied. "I would like to speak with the attendee you have."
"That buck, of course. I put him in his cell for now. I plan to give him some time in solitary later. Didn't want to take him down there now and leave you alone here."
"Oh, you don't think he actually raped the fox? You think it was something else?"
"Ah, well, I'll lead you down there to talk with him," the panther said as he closed the door behind the doctor and continued talking as they left, "though I'm not sure what you'll be able to..."
Mutt lay in the silence thinking, wondering if he would have to bear that again and if he would have the courage and the strength to fight back. He wondered if it would be easier to just let it happen, but the need to answer those questions never came. Duncan returned to his duties and Mutt's new life returned to what it had been.