4.1 - Brian gets a lesson

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#6 of Am - Brian

The world's not all bunnies and flowers. Written 2014.

Brian had trouble paying attention in school. He had a lot on his mind and was just waiting for the final bell. That morning, he had watched his sister masturbate and say his name, and he had it on video, which he still needed to edit; he was pretty certain she was pregnant with her rabbit lover's baby (bunny?), and she said she wanted to show him something when she got home that he was sure was something sexual; and Gizelle was still missing...

He skidded to a stop as he realized where he was. School was over and he had ridden halfway home, stopping on the trail above where he had met the young bear morph. He looked through the trees, hoping to see her sitting on the log at the bottom of the slope, "Gizelle!"

The trees were still.


A man came speeding by on his bike going the other way, without even a glance at the boy standing on the trail.

Brian got back on his bike and continued home, wondering if he would ever see the bear that he had given his virginity to again. He wondered if she ever wanted to see him again. He wondered if the people that were keeping her had found out she got out and had hurt her. He wondered if she was pregnant and they got mad and killed her. He wondered why she hadn't come back.

He hurried up to his room and woke up his computer. He started his video editor and told it to load the file, then hurried use the bathroom and grab a drink while it analyzed the video from that morning. When he came back, it was just finishing up and showed the bathroom with his sister's hand at the edge, just before she ran in. He scrolled through the suggested scene segments and deleted the suggested effects. He wanted as little alteration as possible. He trimmed the first section out, so it started with her sitting on the toilet, just before she took off her shirt. He left in her stepping on the wire tie, because it got her to the sink, but cut out most of her time in the shower. He slid the scene dividers to frame the best parts, then played it through.

Knowing what was coming made it even more difficult to watch objectively. Soon, he found it hard to sit still. He looked at his lap and realized his raging erection was hurting, trapped in his pants. He opened them and released it, rubbing it soothingly, but that soon turned to serious stroking. He stared at her inviting pussy as she stretched, then lost a load down the top of his pant leg. He groaned and pushed them off, letting them stay under the desk as he resumed watching.

He realized he missed a bit and scrolled back to watch her take the towel over, hang it up and stretch to fix the curtain. He paused it and enjoyed the view for a moment as his erection returned. He let it play through and realized the shower looked weird with her getting in, then getting right back out, so he added a transition effect of clock hands wiping the screen and replayed it.

He knew the best part was next and slid to the edge of his seat, staring at his sister's beautiful naked body posed on the screen. Her fingers found her pussy and he was stroking eagerly. She leaned over and he imagined himself behind her, thrusting his throbbing shaft into her sweet pussy as she begged him for more, calling his name. Another orgasm hit and he let it spill on his pants under the desk.

He paused the playback with her upright, pressing her hips against the counter. She was a beautiful woman and he didn't care that she was his half-sister. He wanted to touch that body, her neck and shoulders and breasts and belly... He stared at her belly, then scrolled the video back to find a side view. Maybe it was poking out a little. Could she be pregnant? Did she lie to him about not having sex with her rabbit or could his cum have made it inside her. Did she know? Is that what she wanted to show him?

His mind ran with the idea. She stood before him, in her room, wearing her nightshirt.

"Brian, you're growing up and becoming a man now. I've noticed. I've seen the way you look at me, how you want me, and I like it. I've seen your erection pushing out your pants when you're near me and I want it. I was awake when you were touching me and it made me so horny. I felt your cum shoot against my pussy and I want more."

She pulled off her nightshirt and her belly was even bigger, "You're the only man to cum for me. This baby is yours. You're my brother and I love you and now I love you more. Now that I'm carrying your baby, we don't have to hide our passion anymore. I want you to fuck me properly. No more games."

She lay on her bed with her legs spread, holding her pussy open for him, "Fill me and make me yours, my brother. Make your sister your lover and show me how much you want me."

He didn't hesitate. He threw off his clothes and drove his hungry hard-on into his sister's waiting pussy. She moaned in pleasure and begged for more with each thrust until he filled her

He groaned and looked down at his erection dripping another load onto his pants, then looked up at the image of his sister, still paused in the middle of an orgasmic stretch, and decided it was time to clean up. He adjusted the resolution and compression for quick download, then told it to make the new file and sat back, feeling accomplished. He grabbed his cum covered pants and hurried to the bathroom.

After throwing his pants in the hamper, he grabbed a washcloth and sat on the toilet to clean up. His little fantasy was nice, but it didn't seem like his sister. She could be pregnant and she would probably trust him enough to tell him, but even if she thought it was his, he didn't think she would be begging for more. At best, she would be upset and trying to figure out what to do. At worst, she would be very angry and he would be lucky to keep his boyhood attached.

Okay, what if she's not pregnant. What could she want to show him? If she found something about Gizelle, she knew he would want to know right away, so it had to be something else. His brain wouldn't let him think of anything other than her naked body and soon he was hard, yet again. He let himself enjoy the images of his sister naked, imagining her in the bathroom with him, masturbating against the sink. He wondered if she would ever let him hump her against the counter.

A knock on the door pierced his fantasy, "Hurry up, Brian, I gotta go bad!" Kristine's voice was like an alarm going off for all the things he shouldn't be doing.

"Use the other one!"

"Dad's in there and I gotta go!"

"Fine. Gimme a sec."


He got up and flushed, then remembered his pants were too messy to wear. He couldn't walk past his little sister with a throbbing erection hanging out, she's only ten. But how old is Gizelle and they had had all out sex. But the bear's not his sister. But Julie Ann is and he was thinking about having sex with her; more than thinking about it, he wanted it. Did Kristine have thoughts like that about him? His mind tried to picture the little girl naked and begging for his cock, but it was like a kick to the groin.

"Brian, come on!"

He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist, then opened the door.

The young girl shoved past him and dropped her pants and panties to sit on the toilet, "Brian, get out!"

He closed the door and went back to his room. The editor was finished and he closed it, then he remembered the camera was still set up. His curiosity got the best of him and he opened it just as he heard the toilet flush. He saw his little sister pull her pants up to cover her bare butt. Not much and it didn't do anything for him. He wondered if he should try for more, just to be sure, then pushed the thought away. He had enough to worry about without that in there, too.

He opened his chat, but before he could even say hi, a message popped on the screen, [Dinner's ready, bring your sisters.] He replied and closed it.

Rutter: hey B. anything good today?

The Great O: Hey, B

Bearaiayen: Sorry guys, just got the call for dinner, but I do have something to show you. Check out my files and I'll be back later.

He left the chat running and headed out. Kristine was coming out of her room and he watched her for a moment before speaking, "Dinner's ready."

"I know."

"Hey Kristine, I'm glad you're my little sister."

She stopped and gave him a curious look, "Um, okay. What do you want?"

"Nothing. Really. I was just thinking about if anything happened to me, I'd want you to know that I liked you. I do love you, sis."

She raised a little eyebrow, "You're weird."

He thought she was going to leave it there, but she turned back and hugged him

"But I like you anyway," then she hurried downstairs to dinner, like nothing happened.

He smiled, no erection, nothing to worry about. He let her get ahead, then continued downstairs.

"Where's Julie Ann?"

"I don't know. She said she was going to show me something when she got home, but I still haven't seen her."

"Did you show her what you needed to this morning?"

"I sent it, but she never responded."

"Why does she even have a phone if she never uses it?"

They sat down for dinner and Brian ate quickly, so he could spend as little time with his father as possible. He took his plate to the sink, then hurried back to his room.

The chat was busy, but he scrolled up to where he left, to see what they thought of the video.

R: alright video

O: What is it? I don't want to watch you jerking off.

Trickaphilia: Guys, looks like this one is worth it.

R: I'm still waiting

O: Definitely worth it.

R: come on guys I can't help its slow here

O: Get your towel ready, buck. Full view of his sister getting ready for a shower and she shows it ALL!!!

T: More than that. Just wait till after the shower.

R: finally started

R: she looks great

R: how long is this?

T: Long enough for her to squirt.

O: She squirts? I went back when she bent over to see her twat again.

T: Its worth the wait.

O: Oh, that's nice. Gotta see that again and again.


O: What?

T: It doesn't end when she leaves. B comes in after and jerks off in a washcloth!

Oh shit, he forgot to cut the end off. He didn't want to show them a video of himself masturbating. He quickly removed the video from his shared files, even though it was way past too late. He went back to reading to see how bad the damage was.

O: I don't want to see that. Thanks for the warning.

T: Its hilarious. He looks like such a kid compared to her.

T: And he's so focused, too.

T: Like he planned the whole thing, right down to his own orgasm.

O: Well, I won't be watching it. I'll stick to the hot redhead's squirting O to get me off.

R: guys hes not so bad

R: I think he looks cute

O: You wanna fuck B now?

R: I didn't say that

R: I'd definitely do his sister though

PM from ShdwKt: Don't listen to them, Brian. I thought the end was the best part. Shame it was only a video.

Crap, he didn't realize ShdwKt had seen how to get to his files.

O: But you think he's cute.

R: doesn't mean I want to have sex with him

O: You liked watching him jerk off.

O: I bet you even got off to it yourself.

R: I was horny from watching his sister

O: So you did cum while watching him.

R: I didn't say that

O: You didn't deny it.

O: The horny buck wants bear's bone inside him.

R: stop it

O: Maybe you can get a threesome with his sister.

O: But who would be in who?

R: stop

O: Maybe she's got a toy and can fuck both of you.

O: Get a video of that and see what your mom thinks of it.

Rutter has left the room.

T: That was a little too far.

O: Come on. I was just teasing him.

T: And he asked you to stop.

O: Whatever. If he can't take a joke, he shouldn't be on the internet.

T: Are you done?

O: Fine. I'm gonna go watch the video again and call it a night. I'll be dreaming of that fine red bush across my lap.

O: Too bad there's no sound. I'd love to hear her moan.

The Great O has quit.

Rutter has joined.

T: He's gone.

T: So, what are you doing tonight, buck?

R: you mean besides enjoying a nice video until somebody ruined it for me?

T: You know GO can be a bit brash sometimes. Don't let him ruin it for you.

T: What was your favorite part?

R: a bit?

R: you won't laugh at me?

T: I might laugh, but I'll stop.

R: I liked the part when she was rubbing her foot

T: Yeah, that was a pretty nice view.

R: I'd love to give her a massage

T: Wait. You were looking at her foot?

R: I knew you'd laugh

T: No. Its a nice foot, but, its just a foot.

R: I like human feet they're soft and smooth and all those lovely little toes

T: I always thought human feet were ugly.

R: you don't understand

R: I don't have feet

T: What do you mean? Like cut off?

R: no

R: I'm a buck

T: Well, yeah but even morphs have feet.

R: I have hooves

T: Seriously?

T: Like real hooves?

R: they're not like feral hooves, but they're nothing like human feet

T: You've got to send me a pic.

R: no they're ugly

T: Come on.

R: you'll just make fun of me

T: You know me better than that. I've just got to see it to believe it.

R: alright

R: there

T: Dude.

R: I knew it

T: That's awesome.

R: what???

T: I love how your fur just hangs over the top like that.

R: you like my hooves?

T: You've got to send me a better pic than that. Get some good light.

Brian wasn't sure he wanted to face his friends after they had seen him in the video, but he'd have to eventually. He tried to play it cool.

B: Okay, I'm back.


T: Thanks for the video. That was awesome on so many levels. Still haven't fucked your sister, but getting there.

R: yeah thanks

R: so many things to love about that vid

B: I'm sorry I screwed up with the editing. I had trouble getting all the way through it.

PM from ShdwKt: There's my big porn star. I sure liked what I saw. Want to do some more?

T: I believe it. I'm not sure I could ever watch it without losing a load or two.

T: How did you get her to go through with it?

B: I just set up the camera and got lucky.

R: lucky? that's the lottery!!

T: Seriously? She got that close and didn't see it?

B: I guess she was thinking about something else.

R: Ill say

B: Did you notice her say my name?

T: What? No. Where?

B: When she's rubbing herself and bent over.

T: Just a sec.

B: She must have been imagining me doing her from behind.

R: you stud

T: Dude. There it is.

T: Looks like she says "Brian, get out"

T: Were you trying to get in on the action?

B: No. I was in my room, watching the video.

T: Why would your sister say your name while she's masturbating?

R: maybe she dreams of him as much as he dreams of her

B: See, Rutter knows.

T: I just find it hard to believe that she wants you so bad and still hasn't just let you.

B: Well, she said she has something to show me when she gets home tonight.

R: think she'll let you take pics?

T: What makes you think that means she's going to have sex with you tonight?

B: She said it right after she finished fingering herself while thinking of me.

T: You don't know what was in her head. She could have been thinking of some Brian from her school.

B: She doesn't go to school anymore.

T: Still could be anything.

B: Well, we'll see when she gets here.

T: And when will that be?

B: Well, she missed dinner and its almost 8:30 now.

T: She probably changed her mind and went to bed without you.

B: She wouldn't do that.

T: How do you know what her day was like?

B: Well, I'm gonna go wait in her room, so she can't miss me.

T: Maybe you can find a hiding spot for another camera in there.

PM from ShdwKt: Leaving without even a hello?

R: put it at the foot of the bed that's a great angle

Msg to ShdwKt: Hello.

PM from ShdwKt: I'd love to make some more movies with you.

Msg to ShdwKt: I didn't mean to make that one.

PM from ShdwKt: Well, I'm glad you did. Want to get together tomorrow and make another?

Msg to ShdwKt: Nobody wants to see me.

PM from ShdwKt: I do and I have some friends that I'm sure would enjoy watching us together.

Msg to ShdwKt: I don't think I want anybody watching me.

PM from ShdwKt: We can keep it just for you and me, then.

Msg to ShdwKt: I don't know.

PM from ShdwKt: You think about it. We don't even have to video it. We can let our first time be more private.

Msg to ShdwKt: Maybe we can just hang out first

PM from ShdwKt: Sure. I'd like that.

Msg to ShdwKt: Well, I'm gonna go talk to my sister now.

PM from ShdwKt: Alright. I'll look for you at the bus stop.


Brian was starting to really wonder who ShdwKt was. She knew a lot about him, but he didn't know anything about her. He hoped she wouldn't show up at his house if he didn't go to the bus stop. He wasn't sure if he wanted to meet her or not.

He did, however, want to see his sister. He got up and grabbed some pajamas, getting changed quickly. He didn't want any excuse for her to send him away. He slipped into the hall and took a breath, then knocked. No response. There was no light coming from under the door, but he took a chance and opened it. He peered into the dark room, but didn't see her. He knew he wasn't supposed to go into her room when she wasn't there, but if he waited in his room, he could fall asleep. If he waited in the hall, his mom would send him to bed. He had to hide inside, so he wouldn't miss her.

He didn't want to turn on the light, because his mom might notice and come in, then he'd be in trouble. He closed the door and stood still, letting his eyes adjust in the dim light from the windows. When he could see the bed, he carefully crossed to it and hopped up to sit down. He stared around the room in the darkness, trying to remember everything that he had seen from previous visits. The bookcase, the desk, the closet, the hamper, the table, the bed, all looked different in the dark. He stretched out on her bed. It felt harder than his, but the blanket on top was soft.

He found her only plush under his head and pulled it out. He didn't understand why she had it. His dad didn't like the things; said they were baby toys. Brian hugged it and thought about his sister. It was soft and comforting and laying in the dark in his sister's bed, he quickly decided he liked cuddling it. He felt so relaxed that he drifted off to sleep.

"Brian, I want you so bad. I dream about you. I want you. Please make it real for me, so I don't have to pretend anymore."

He kissed his sister and stroked his hands over her bare body, feeling her soft breasts and warm skin.

They rolled around on the bed until she lay on her back and pushed him up, "I can't wait any longer. I need to have you in me now."

He looked down at her lust filled face framed by her red hair flowing over the pillow. He followed her freckled, pale skin down her neck to her heaving breasts. He slid his hand down her belly and found her furry bush, then grabbed his firm erection and guided it into her waiting pussy.

His sister moaned in pleasure and pulled him deeper, "Oh yes, fill me as only you can. You fit perfectly and I love you."

He thrust and pushed, rubbing his face between her beautiful breasts and listening to her cries of passion and pleasure.

Soon, their mother opened the door to find out what the noise was, "What's going on in here?"

Julie Ann grabbed her brother's hips and wrapped her legs around him, holding his throbbing penis in her pulsing pussy, "Brian loves me so much, he has given me a baby. You're going to be a grandmother."

Mom's scowl rose to an excited smile, "I'm getting a grandbaby from my kids? How wonderful! Don't stop now."

Their mother watched gleefully as he continued thrusting into his sister. She pushed her clothes out of the way and rubbed her pussy and breasts as she watched her children having sex, cheering as he filled his sister with his seed. "Wonderful! Now you can do your other sister."

Kristine stepped out from behind her mother, completely naked, "Oh please Brian, I want you so bad."

Julie Ann rolled him off of her and rubbed his back, smiling as her belly slowly grew, "Oh Brian."

As he realized his dream had turned into a nightmare, he struggled to change it back to just him and Julie Ann, but it was no use, everything fell apart and he was waking up. Then he heard her call his name again.

He opened his eyes and looked at her, "You're home!" He sat up quickly on the edge of the bed, "I guess I fell asleep waiting for you."

She had a scowl that reminded him of their mother, "What do you want?"

"You said you wanted to show me something and I didn't want to miss it."

Her stern face was replaced with one more apologetic, "Oh no, Brian. I'm sorry I'm home so late, but you really shouldn't see that just before bed. It'll screw up your dreams."

"But I don't want to wait anymore. I promise I won't dream about it. Just show me."

"It doesn't work like that. I can show you tomorrow."

He didn't want to take a chance on her forgetting tomorrow, too, "Pleeeeeeeeease."

She gave a resigned sigh, "Fine. Come sit over here." She held her desk chair for him and he eagerly moved to it. She reached around him to wake up her computer, "You know where morphs came from."

He gave an annoyed sigh, "I know. Sex makes babies, I already thought about..."

"No, I mean originally."

"Oh. Yeah. Some mad scientists in Australia made them and we tried to stop them, but were too late."

"Kind of. Forget the movies. After they were made, our government tried to exterminate them and invaded Australia, but the rest of the world stood up for them. Then our president tried to kill them all with a virus." She played a video for him.

[It was an old president making an address, "My fellow Americans, by now, you have heard about the massive deaths of morphs following the World Morph Rights rally in Harstlein, Australia. I'm sure you would like to hear me say this was God beginning his cleansing of this abomination plaguing our world. Unfortunately, it is sometimes necessary for men to step up and act for His will to be done. By special Presidential order, a unique virus was engineered that will kill all morphs and only morphs. By my command, on Thursday, this virus was released at that rally. It has proven to be more of a success than we had anticipated, killing more morphs, faster, than projections had shown. We expect to cleanse the entire world of these freaks of science by the beginning of next year. Thus ending over a hundred years of suffering by humans due to the existence of these sins against God, with no further loss of human life."]

"Whoa. He's an asshole."

"Hey," she smacked his shoulder, "but you're right. He was an asshole. The virus didn't work the way they planned. Most morphs were immune and the virus started killing humans."

"What an idiot."

"That's not the worst of it. He sent soldiers down to finish the job, but then they caught the virus and the ones that didn't die went crazy. They blamed the morphs for it and were doing horrible things to them," she played a video of some soldiers with a tiger tied to a pole.

["Here we have tigrus stupidus, the dumb tiger," the guy with the camera narrated. "We found this one trying to sneak away with is kid. The little one got away, but we got this one. The ferocious tiger, slinking like a coward. He's not so tough now, is he?" One of the soldiers hit the tiger's face with a board and the other five laughed, but the cat tried to stay strong. They took turns hitting, kicking, and beating the helpless tiger with anything handy until he finally gave in and begged them to stop. "Aw, the kitty cat has had enough. What do you think, guys, should we let him go?" One more slammed the butt of his gun into the tiger's crotch, then leaned on the cat's shoulder with the business end under his chin, "I think we can show a little mercy this time, there are so many more to play with, like that little kitten." He pulled the trigger and the tiger's head exploded. The video ended with laughter.]

Brian jumped at the shot, "Oh shit, they killed him. Was that real?"

"Very real."

"What happened to the tiger?"

"He's dead, Brian."

"What about his kids?"

"I don't know. I hope he got away safely."

"Did those guys get arrested?"

"I don't know. There were a lot of them," she showed him the list of search results.

He picked another video that had a dark gray rabbit in a brown suit

[A soldier yanked the rabbit in front of the camera by the base of his ears. Other soldiers were laughing as the rabbit begged for his life, "I'm not sick. I'm not a threat to you. I haven't done anything to you. Please let me go. I'll leave and stay out of your way. I'm just a student." Somebody shouted, "Get his clothes off." and they stripped him to his fur, then threw him to the ground by his ears. They pinned him with his arms and legs spread and shoved his shirt in his mouth. One looked into the camera with a malicious grin, "Today I'll be showing you my technique for skinning an animal. Since these already have a human-like shape, if you're careful and plan ahead, you can come out with a coat that requires very little stitching; or whatever you'd like to make."]

Brian was going to ask his sister if they were really going to skin the rabbit, but she wasn't looking at the screen. He understood and decided not to force her to watch.

["Unlike their smaller cousins, morphs have thicker fur on their bellies. Don't ask me why, but it means more usable fur for less work. This time, I'm going to preserve this fine front of fur and make a fold over coat, with the edge on the left side. Usually, you'll want to drain the blood first for less mess, but I'm a professional and this way is more fun. Now, don't cut too deep, but you want a smooth first cut. Remember to leave a little extra room around the arms." The rabbit screamed and tried to pull away as the man slid the knife along his side, blood staining his fur. The man continued tracing his planned coat, then began peeling the skin away with smooth, practiced strokes from his blade.]

Julie Ann reached back and muted the screams, but let it play.

Brian couldn't watch quietly any longer, "We've got to stop them. They can't do that."

"They've already been stopped. This happened eight years ago," she clung to the back of her chair and looked at her brother, careful not to see the screen.

[They rolled the rabbit over, no longer struggling, and continued to peel away his skin.]

"Then why are you showing me?"

"Because there are still people that think like that. Some guys attacked Don today. They beat up Molly, his dog, then started hitting him. He managed to defend himself, but there are probably more. Its people like that that killed Gizelle's mother."

[They held up the fur 'coat' still dripping blood, then showed the bloody rabbit on the ground. The camera focused on his still furry legs, then back up to the 'host']

"You did see it."

"I did and its horrible. We have to teach people that morphs are people, too, so they'll know that this is wrong."

The video ended with the camera falling on one of the soldier's name tag. Brain stared at it in horror, because it was his own: GARVER. Julie Ann looked at the screen and he managed to speak, "Is that my dad?"

"I don't know." She scrolled the video back, but the name belonged to the one with the camera and he never showed his face. "Don't assume its him. We don't know for sure."

"I know it is. He hates morphs. He did this."

"Even if that was him, its too late to do anything now."

He couldn't believe she was defending him, "No its not. I'll kill him."

"Brian, you can't do that."

"Just watch me. He could do that to Gizelle. What if he found out and found her and already killed her? How could I live with myself for getting her killed?"

"He didn't kill her. I'm sure she's still fine. They probably just changed the locks so she couldn't get out again. We'll find her."

"He can't kill her if I kill him first. I'll skin him like he did that rabbit," he pointed at the screen.

"Brian, if you kill your father, they will lock you away forever and you will never see Gizelle again,"

"But she would be safe."

"Not for certain, there are lots more out there like him."

"Then what do I do?" He felt helpless and fought back tears. His sister pulled his face against her chest and he lost it, sobbing against her breasts.

"We have to be good examples of how to treat morphs and everyone. We protect them, but if we attack first, then we're the bad guys. We just have to be strong."

She stroked his hair and he clung to her. His mind was too filled with anger and fear to think about her body pressed against him.

"Brian, do you want to sleep here tonight?"

He felt like a scared little kid and just wanted to hide in her arms. He nodded, trying to control his tears.

She pushed him up, "Come on, let's go to bed."

He had no strength in his body and let her pull him from the chair to the bed. She crawled in beside him and he curled up against her. As she wrapped her arms around him, he felt safe and calmed down enough to fall asleep, but his dreams were not gentle.

Brian ran through the woods as fast as he could; branches slapped his face and body. He felt afraid and was calling for Gizelle. He found a house and ran inside. There were people laughing at him as he searched the house, until he found the young bear, chained to a bed.

"Oh Brian, I knew you'd come for me. Look, Danny came for me, too."

A boy his age stood beside the bed with his arms folded, "Want your turn? I fucked her all night."

He charged the boy, trying to hit him, but he disappeared. He turned to free Gizelle, but her skin was gone. She was still smiling at him, with her bloody body, "Do you still think I'm beautiful, Brian?"

His father was standing in the doorway, holding her fur, dripping blood into a puddle on the ground, "This is all these stupid animals are good for."

He charged his father, but fell through him. He landed on a morph laying on the ground. It was a tiger, beaten, and missing the top of his head. He jumped to his feet and looked around. The house was gone and the ground was covered with morphs: beaten, skinned, dead and dying. He called for Gizelle and tried to run, but he stumbled over the bodies, some reaching up for him and begging for help.

He woke suddenly, hearing himself shout, "Gizelle!"

Julie Ann held him tighter, stroking his hair and back and softly shushing him, "Its okay. She'll be okay. You're okay."

He let her comfort him and tried to forget the dream, but the terror held on. He stared at the darkness, focusing on his sister's soothing touch. She fell asleep before he did, but he didn't feel like doing anything. He just wanted those images to go away. He wanted everything to be okay.