A Complex Exchange (Angela)

Story by Claudia Vial on SoFurry

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A Complex Exchange

Part 1: Angela

By Lotean

The room was nicely kept, everything had and was in it's place. The fox almost whistled as she observed the club's backroom, there wasn't much to make untidy, a bed, some knick-knacks her partner for the night kept, a freezer and a small television running off a medium sized generator. The oddly well lit room didn't smell either like most sex rooms she'd been in where the smell of dried sweat, cum and other unwholesome bodily fluids wafted in the air.

In fact the only thing generic or out of place was the wallpaper or the lack of which, since, this was just a room where the owner brought people to fuck nothing more, nothing less. The vixen sniffed the air again thinking back to yesterday where the smell of cum was laden in the air. The thought of the white substance coating her form made her thighs wet, she clenched them together to try and hide this from the owner of this room but an audible sniff highlighted her failure.

A slender female mink, actually calling her just female was doing her a disservice since the vixen didn't bother getting intimate with girls. Too much emotional baggage and drama involved. No this mink was a hermaphrodite no, a hermaphrodite of hermaphrodites. The minkette turned around showing the vixen why she was here, her slender hips seeming a bit too small to hold the main event. A massive two foot long, inch and a half wide ivory shaft, no, miniature tower jutting from the middle of the minkette's naked crotch. The rest of her nude form was slender, sleek, beautiful, and easily able to pass for a woman, even desired as one though just one minor detail made her 'not' a woman just that little detail...

The mink woman stepped back then went to lay on her bed, focusing her nonexistent weight on her right side, her right hand drawing the vixen forward like she was in a trance. The fox promptly walked towards the bed and got on her knees once she was close enough to her prize wrapping her lips around the spire, giving it the worship she and most of the club population thought it deserved. The minkette giggled as she felt the vixen's tongue wrap around her organ again and again, drawing it further and further into the fox's hot mouth.

The vixen beamed as she tasted the fruits of her labor, wet seed flowed into her mouth as she continued. It tasted juicy, like a ripe apple, the vixen liked nice big juicy apples. The minkette stopped the vixen's head as it got a third of the way down her mass.

"If you keep this up I'm gonna cum in your mouth. I don't want that... Get up and take off your clothes."

"Yes master..."

The vixen responded, she didn't know why she said it this wasn't the 'Custom's House' or 'Laisses et de la chaîne' or the 'Leash and Chain' to non French speaking folk. She was just invited to this room but it felt so right calling her that. Not mistress either. No. Master was the only way to address this mink now. The vixen shed her clothes in record time, almost cutting her blouse in half in her fervor to get it off. The minkette made another welcoming gesture with her hand, and the fox slowly, obediently climbed into bed with the mink, her eyes glazed over, her mind entirely focused on the fuzzy creature now before her.

"Turn around."

The minkette's were now magnified, like she and a dozen other furs were speaking now but it didn't matter to the young vixen she simply showed her back to the creature. The minkette grabbed the vixen's hips, moving her own to align that ivory spire up with the fox's tail hole, once she did the herm simply shoved upwards penetrating and simply melting into the vixen's rump. The vixen only felt an instant of pain, an instant that wasn't the warm, full feeling that flowed through her entire body. The minkette wasn't gentile in her conquest, her thrusts quick, harsh, dominating, the hermaphrodite literally taking ownership of the fox's body.

The vixen backing her hips into the warmth invading her despite the rough thrusts, the now deep Un-mink like growl emanating from behind, the soft bites on the vixen's neck. Soon the woman was barely able to keep up with her partner, thrusting, half thrusting, pumping up down left and right. The vixen moaning, begging for more all the while, having multipule orgasms during the lewd event, more than she ever had with someone. The minkette soon withdrew, a literal river of sticky apple tasting cum flowing from the used vixen.

"Good girl... my... I was right, you do have a wonderful body. Well for now anyways..."

The vixen shivered at that, shaking her head, the haze of the afterglow interfering with the other haze in her mind now. The minkette smiled behind her as her partner's eyes refocused.

"What... do you mean?"

The minkette grinned even wider now, circling the vixen's stomach with a claw, licking her inner ear softly.

"Oh Angela... Angela you are a slut, and that won't change but that wonderful body of yours won't be going to waste anymore."

The minkette turned the vixen over, painfully popping the woman off her shaft, the fox lethargically trying to get off of the bed now but the minkette made sure she didn't move an inch. Her body barely moving when she commanded it to, the minkette seeming to relish in Angela's pathetic struggles.

"What are...? You doing... P... Please... Y... You got what you wanted."

The minkette laughed at that, her long tail wagging back and forth like a happy canine. She kissed Angela square on the nose, going to lick her chin to boot. She held Angela's hands together above her head now, continuing to lick and kiss at her neck.

"I'm just getting started dear... Though feel free to struggle. My poison has already done its work; you're as helpless as a kitten now."

Angela tried to scream but all that came out was a strained huff. The mink giggled a deep girlish giggle, the fox recoiling at how many voices giggled that deep warped laugh. The vixen canted her head to the side, her body simply not responding the way it should have. She should have given this 'thing' a good right cross already, she should have recovered her clothes and got out of there cursing up a storm, and most of all she should have got her cell phone and called her boyfriend.

The minkette's licks and kisses went downward, going to the female's breasts licking and kissing the soft nipples before proceeding to the stomach. The vixen shed a tear, her boyfriend, John, what was she doing here? Fucking a random randy clubgo'er with a big cock? She should have been in his warm apartment, in his warm arms, those warm loving arms but she was here about to suffer whatever this 'thing' had in mind. Though she had a condition, she had to fuck, she had to give head, she had to pleasure people sexually, she just had to... It was her gift and curse, more curse than anything now.

The vixen practically squealed when the minkette went lower, licking at the vixen's wet practically spent pussy. Lapping in the same small circles she rubbed the vixen's breasts, soon focusing on the entrance. Maybe this was a part of the mink's play. Yea... like a bondage thing the fox thought since the mink made Angela call her 'master' and all. Maybe there was nothing really wrong here, maybe the woman was just using a synthesizer or something. Yea... What happened next dispelled the fox's happy illusions. The minkette softly probed the now wetter cunt with her muzzle shoving inside like she penetrated her rear end.

The vixen let out another forced squeal as she felt more and more of the minkette's nose inside her then the start of her neck, then her round ears, and then her entire head was inside creating a sizable bulge in the vixen's crotch. The minkette giggled at least she could tell that was a giggle reverberating against her. The vixen tried to resist, tried to fight this, tried to bring her legs closer together to keep this thing out of her but the thing chuckled, simply pushing the resistance aside as she slurped her shoulders against the woman's cunny.

The vixen realized something as her resistance was quelled once more, she should be dead, she should be in pieces, her ass and her pussy gaping as she struggled to breathe but no she was whole and she was taking in more and more of the mink thing, her shoulders now parting the impossibly wide pussy. She sighed opening her legs as far as they would open now, there was no further point in resisting she was poisoned, weakened, immobilized.

The vixen let her mind drift as she was violated keeping it away from the thing crawling up her. Such a cowardly thing poisoning your enemy... Using the least amount of physical force and exposing the least amount of your body to attack to achieve the best possible result but then again she fell into the perfect trap. The mink had such a big cock and to a nymphomaniac that was like offering candy to a cub. Though what did she want, to crawl up her? To pretend she was 'mommy'? She could have probably paid a whore to do that but she probably didn't want a whore she wanted her, Angela Votren, cocksucker extraordinaire.

The vixen squealed again as she felt the minkette's tail against her pussy slowly sinking into her body. That tail, it reminded her of john's tail, all soft and fluffy, then again all squirrel tails were soft and fluffy. She missed him then, wanting to be in his soft arms, to tell him everything about what she'd done and what she'd been doing in the past. About her condition, about everything... an especially lewd and wet slurp heralded the entrance of the minkette's feet. The world around angela started to fade to black, fading into John's apartment. The fireplace lit room a stark contrast to the electronic heat she once was in.

"Angela? What are you doing here? How did you get in?"

The soft voiced squirrel asked, the vixen practically crying when she heard his voice. She turned around seeing him, actually crying as she saw his tall form and even taller fluffy tail. The vixen hugged his chest, nuzzling into it shivering.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..."

She could only repeat, nuzzling into him, loving him more in that moment than the three years she known him. He simply shifted in her arms petting her head as he usually did when he didn't understand but approved of her actions.

"Okay... It's okay sweetie. Everything's going to be just fine..."

This was a dream, a finely constructed dream though not so finely constructed as the girl was supposed to fade into it when they were done fucking, no matter. She took to it just fine not noticing that she was now apart of the massive collective of souls it possessed. The now heavily pregnant vixen leaned and then stood up cracking her neck softly.

Angela... Hmmmm beats being a nameless whore. Angela Votren. It was actually kind of catchy, kind of rolls off the tongue. The new vixen looked at her fur, the red slowly changing to a stark white, the gloves, mask and other fox markings remaining though everything else changing to a pure white, the tip of her tail shifting to a fine gold color. It loved blonde and gold colors; she even changed the vixen to have long golden hair. It was a giveaway but it was sexy damn it.

Angela poked her new belly, it would take a while for the old body to digest but it would be worth it. The whore was getting old, her body harder and harder to control but Angela... Angela could probably give little Jonny the best sex he ever had for nine months before she had to move on. Not that he'd be getting it but it was a nice thought. Maybe it's victim was leaking out into it's consciousness. Maybe it had finally consumed too many souls and was finally losing itself. No. It was probably starting to go soft, some more wild sex and a spending spree with the now missing Angela and the still alive John's credit cards would solve that... Yes. Maybe this body would look good in velvet...

Trials Of A Demon Part 1

Hello there. This is claudia saying that this is an adult story and if you aren't 18 or 21 in some states you should officially **go away**. If you don't like the concepts of hermaprhodites, males screwing them and the fact that all herms do not look...

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A warm night

A Warm night By Lotean May fifth was a hot night, a night that could make someone wake up in a sweaty, smelly amalgamation of thin blankets if they didn't have a way to drive out the heat. Something like this would have been...

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