
Story by KayrinSF on SoFurry

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Commission for BaseProgressionSeeking refuge from a storm, 2 soldiers ditch patrol duty and take refuge in a hangar together. When a superior officer finds them, however, he's obliged to whip it out and remind the two young soldiers about the importance of obeying orders.

A little crueler than my norm... but I mean, I've written a few cruel things in the past so not too surprising! The vore was harder to write than usual for some reason, haha, guess I'm out of practice. I'll have to rectify this somehow. Anyway, I'm quite happy with how this turned out and hopefully you guys are as well.

Btw, I'm super proud of the title. It came to me in a flash of inspiration, hopefully someone gets the joke.

Enjoy, guys!

Sead, Base & Crimson Guard concept (c) BaseProgression

Eddison (c) KayrinSF

The storms in Gulliver Reef were things of legend. Great and terrible, they were said by the natives of the island to be the products of the Gods themselves; The rainy season was the time that the Gods would fight to decide who would rule the heavens for that year, and in the face of such fury and bluster there was little the inhabitants could do. As Base stepped from the gloom of the barracks into the growing humidity of the day, however, they were little more than a nuisance.

"Rain? Again? Are you shitting me?" The young jaguar sighed as he lamented his plight. Patrol duty again, and he just knew one of those damn storms was going to kick up before he could make it back to the safety of his bunk. The military base he lived on was already a hive of activity as bare-chested soldiers hurriedly completed their assigned duties. Tarps were secured, vehicles moved into cover and the more ramshackle and older buildings reinforced with new wood. This was not the first storm season the Crimson Guard had withstood, but it was clear that the mistakes from the year before would not be repeated.

"Sead" Base called out, tugging on a simple red shirt with his unit's insignia emblazoned on the left breast. "Hurry your ass up. I want to get this patrol done before we get blown out to sea." The feline's tone was a sharp contrast to the flirty, playful answer to his demand.

"First time I've heard you complain about getting blown anywhere, Base." A white fox slid from the barracks door behind Base, his pristine fur marred by streaks of green and orange along his head, ears and paws. The young vulpine was the same age as Base, and though they had only met the year before when they'd joined the Crimson Guard, their friendship had blossomed into something strong and unshakeable.

"I'm not talking about that kind of blowing, Sead."

"It's all you'd talk about if you'd just let me--" Sead began, only to be interrupted.

"I let you last week, remember?"


"Well, you were pretty drunk..." a smirk slid over Base's lips as he shrugged his rifle strap over one shoulder. He knew the fox's answer before the shorter male even opened his mouth. It was the same answer he always gave when anyone questioned his prowess in bed, in battle, or in the bar.

"Base!" the look of feigned surprise and dismay which crossed Sead's was a masterpiece, forged from repetition and a deep-seated belief in his own mock-offense at the comment it was easy to mistake for genuine if one didn't know the fox. "As a true son of the sun-soaked Emerald Isles, with all the powers such a noble heritage furnishes upon us lucky few, I do not get drunk! Why, my old Ma could drink a sea of whisky and still find the faculties to smack our asses with a wooden spoon for speakin' ill of her cooking."

Base rolled his eyes, trotting down the steps onto the sand-packed roads of the base before waiting for Sead to grab his rifle and join him. "Guess that explains the spanking thing, eh?"

"It may just at that, but I'd wager it has more to do with my fear of wooden cutlery." The fox forced a visible shiver down his spine as he fell in beside his feline friend. The sky had already begun to grow dim, the bank of clouds rolling in adding an ominous allure to the sunlight filtering through their increasingly dense mass. There was no telling how long before they reached the sea-side military base, but Base had little doubt his luck would ensure the storm hit long before they were finished.

"Come on, Sead. Let's get this over with." Base glanced over towards the fox, who snapped an impish salute in return.


The route was an uneventful one. They'd walk the perimeter of the base, ensure there were no holes in the fence, then walk a lap around the major buildings in case anyone had ended up somewhere they shouldn't have been. The mood was light despite the increasingly stifling humidity which hung on the two boys' shoulders like weights; it was a constant reminder of what was coming. By the time they had finished half of their patrol route, Sead was picking at his dark pants irritably.

"Feels like I'm carryin' bricks in my pockets. An' my arse won't stop sweatin'. Why can't they just issue us some shorts an' be done with it."

Base couldn't argue, his legs felt like two sausages roasting in an oven. The heavy military grade fabric was bad enough, but the dark colour and the oppressive heat were making matters far worse.

"Not a lot we can do" was all the jaguar could come up with, the simple answer given more to assuage his own desire to complain than to placate his friend.

"Well say, with that storm rollin' in, I don't think they'll be out and about makin' sure our rounds are done right away. Why don't we pop off into one of the hangers and give our legs some breathing room." The fox turned on his heels and continued to walk backwards, looking to Base as though gauging the taller boy's face for any hint as to what the jaguar may be thinking.

"Sounds like a pretty shit idea, Sead." The answer wrenched an exasperated sigh from Sead.

"Come on, Base! Don't be such a wee little kitten about it!"

"And what'll we do while we're standing around a hanger in the middle of a tropical storm with no pants on, Sead?" Base asked, as though he didn't know what the fox had planned.

"My intentions are only the most honest and upstandin', Base. Try to hold your... baser... instincts in check, mate!" Once again the look of shocked dismay crossed the fox's face. Base could see the slight tense of the fox's muscles, however. It was hard to stay mad at the fox. Even now when he was trying to coax the jaguar to disregard his duty and risk serious repercussions, Base couldn't help but find himself willing to let the fox lead the way; there was no way Base would ever admit it, however.

"I told you, Sead! One more time! You use that shitty joke one more time!" It was Base's turn to fake an emotion--anger--and as he tightened his grip on his rifle strap the jaguar let out a roar that had the fox bolting immediately. Sead knew he had won, as did Base, but the charade was just important for both of them. As Sead ran, Base gave chase while muttering a long string of obscenities, and vulgar promises to himself about what he'd do to the fox should he catch him, that would have had Sead's old Ma' blushing. As the two headed for a nearby hanger, however, thunder rolled in the distance and the first drops of rain began to fall; the storm had arrived.

The hanger was as dark as the foreboding skyline. The boys could see the storm's first shots through the small rectangular windows which ran the length of the cavernous building, the pattering rain hitting the steel roofing like gunshots. Inside, however, it was dry and Base found himself suddenly thankful for Sead's reckless nature.

"See? What would you do without me, Base? Besides be boring, and wet." The smirk on Sead's face was as infuriating as the fact that he was completely right. Finishing the patrol in the increasingly dire weather was not the jaguar's idea of a good mind. Here, in the dark, they could at least find some comfort in their dry clothes and each other's pleasant company. Even the humidity had a hard time surviving the first throes of the storm and even as Sead's slim body pressed against Base, both of them felt the first chilling relief of the storm as it broke the heat's back.

"Down boy" purred Base as the fox's paws slid their way around the taller male's waist. The hanger-- when it wasn't acting as a refuge for wayward soldiers-- was a storehouse for outdated hardware, and the stacks of poorly maintained refuse crates provided a perfect brace for Base's back as he found himself pressed against it. A crack of thunder reverberated in the steel structure and though Base knew his friend was simply playing it up, he didn't complain when the fox's body pressed in tighter against his own.

"Oh Base, save me with your big muscles and no nonsense demeanor!" Sead tried to mask his accent in favour of a more fitting southern belle, an attempt which died a quick death yet still managed to draw a smile from the jaguar.

"You're an idiot--" Base began reproachfully, but the thought was cut off by Sead's lips finding the jaguar's. They locked themselves together in the warm embrace, ignoring the wind howling outside. The brunt of the storm had finally reached the base and smothered it in the frantic chaos that only came from nature's limitless wrath. Inside, however, the two lovers were more interested in each other's slim bodies. The shirts were the first thing to come off, Base sliding his paws up Sead's white furred belly while the fox tugged on the shoulders of the jaguar's uniform, practically tearing it up and over his head. Bare fur glimmered in the little light which managed to sneak through the clouds and into the hanger. The earlier humidity had left both of the males sweaty, and that sweat only amplified the smell of lust which hung heavily in the soldiers' noses.

Base's hips rolled against Sead's belly and the fox found it hard to miss the firmness hidden within the folds of the jaguar's pants. The scent of the feline's growing arousal was like a magnet which drew the vulpine's muzzle lower, his tongue caressing the lean curves of the jaguar's abs even as Sead's fingers forced the waist of Base's pants lower. Sead's movements were slow and meticulous, as though he were an archeologist uncovering a great leader's tomb, rather than raiding his friend's pants for a quickie. As the first curling tendrils of fresh air caught the jaguar's sweaty sheath, Base couldn't help but stifle the low purr which rumbled from his chest. Nor could he stop his legs from spreading a little wider when his now freed cock was greeted by Sead's smooth tongue.

The fox's head bobbed on the musky length it had discovered, Base's moans of pleasure only egging the smaller male on. The storm became an afterthought, the shrieking winds and rolling thunder little more than static as Sead's entire being focused on coaxing another groan, another shiver, or another roll of the hips from Base. The jaguar was no better off, his eyes closed and his mind firmly planted in his own pampered dick. When Sead's tongue curled around the meaty length his mouth had ensnared, Base was certain he was going to cry out. When a voice finally sounded, however, it was not Base's... nor was it Sead's.

"Well well, what do we have here?" The voice was deep, but more importantly, it was familiar. Sead was on his feet first, spit still glistening on his lips as he turned to face the newcomer. Base snapped to attention, his cock still free and jutting up as though it too were saluting.

"C-Captain!" both stammered out in unison. Base's already lowered pants fell the rest of the way and lay in a pool at his ankles, the feline making no move to lift them.

"Oh please, grunts! Don't let me interrupt." A sudden flame appeared in the hand of the newcomer, his lighter lifting and the unmistakable glow of a cigar soon sputtering to life.

"Sir, we... we were just--" Sead began, only to be interrupted once again.

"I said. FINISH."

There were no more arguments, though neither of the boys felt much like finishing. The imposing figure moved forward even as Base and Sead awkwardly resumed what had moments earlier been a suave display of hormones and young need. Captain Eddison's hefty frame came to rest atop one of the crates. The minotaur was large, to say the least. As his cigar hung loosely between his lips, he simply watched in avid disinterest as Sead found his stride once more and continued to pleasure Base; the magic was dead, however, but both knew that if they disobeyed now they could easily suffer the same fate.

Minutes passed, and the minotaur made no move to pleasure himself despite the obscene tent in his black uniform pants. Base sank into a stupor as Sead's well trained tongue gave him some respite from their situation and it wasn't long before he could feel the knot that had begun to form his belly begin to loosen. Short gasps became a sudden sharp intake of air which was held even as the jaguar's hips pressed forward needfully. Base's climax broke at last and as a strangled growl rasped from his throat he could feel the gush of cum pulsing from his dick and into the slick confines of Sead's muzzle. For Sead's part he welcomed the thick cream as it rolled down his throat, the fragrant cum a pleasant distraction from the minotaur's eyes boring in the back of his skull.

"Now then, what the fuck are you doing in here?"

Base barely had time to enjoy his afterglow before the minotaur was on his feet and moving towards them. The male was huge, easily 7'8" and there was little of him which wasn't sheathed in hard muscle. The size difference between the three was made all the more pronounced as he stopped several feet from the pair, his yellow-tinted eyes gleaming with barely suppressed rage.

"We were just--" Base began, but the anger laid bare in the minotaur's eyes seeped out in a stinging slap to the jaguar's head.

"I am a fucking captain, private! I am an esteemed member of the Crimson Guard's Omega Ops. I will be referred to properly by a slug like you, or I will personally make sure you two go missing!"

"Y-Yes, Captain!" both Sead and Base shouted, Base a little slower as he rubbed at the sore spot already forming where he had been struck. Even Sead kept his mouth otherwise silent, the lingering taste of cum enough to supplant the need for a joke at the captain's expense. The minotaur's eyes shot from one to the other before finally coming to rest on Sead.

"Something funny, you little bastard?"

"Sir?" Sead practically squeaked, his eyes widening; Base couldn't recall the last time he'd seen the fox actually show fear, but it was practically written on the trembling boy's face now.

"Aren't you the little shit that's always making jokes in the Mess? Everything's funny, and the only time you aren't cracking wise is when someones got their dick in your face." The minotaur was looking for a fight, it was clear, and it was a fight that neither Sead or Base would win if it started. Base found himself thinking of something to say in Sead's defense, but quickly thought better of it as the minotaur's full attention turned towards the fox. "Yeah. It is you. What's wrong? Nothing funny to laugh about?" The minotaur stepped towards the fox, the full brunt of his size bearing down on Sead's tattered courage, crushing it.

"I--" Sead began. The minotaur had no intention of listening to the boy's answer, however. His hands shot out and grabbed the fox. Sead's answer died on his lips and was reborn as a cry of surprise which in turn was drowned out by a peal of thunder somewhere overhead. The minotaur's human-like hands were as big as the rest of him and they made short work of the fox's frantic attempts to dislodge their grip. They hung onto Sead's arms and lifted him easily; there was no escape.

Base was glued to the spot with a potent mix of fear and well-ingrained obedience. The minotaur was a superior officer, and in the heat of the moment the jaguar found himself adhering to the chain of command. As Sead squirmed and shouted in panic, the feline was powerless to do anything but stand there and watch. Eddison's intentions became more transparent with each passing second. As his muscles rippled beneath his red shirt, the huge male was positioning the smaller fox and at first Base couldn't believe what it was. Sead's shouts of protest and grunts of effort became more frantic as his pants were torn from him, the fabric tearing along the seams as the minotaur wedged his hand beneath the waistband and pulled. Sead was rendered naked, and his cock still held some residual stiffness from his earlier play with Base; perhaps, thought the jaguar, the fox was enjoying being handled by the large minotaur.

There was no acknowledgement of the jaguar in the minotaur's confident movements, however; Eddison's attention was focused purely on Sead. His arms still held to his sides, the fox was lifted easily. Without a word of warning, and little ceremony, the boy's head vanished into Eddison's gaping maw. The first thought that ran through Base's mind was that this was some kind of joke, he was just trying to terrify the two underlings, but as more of the fox slowly began to slide between the minotaur's impossibly wide jaws the jaguar found himself waiting for a punchline he knew would never come.

Sead's nose was assaulted by the rancid smell of undigested food, six hour old mouthwash and the heavy cloying odor of cigar tobacco. Disgust rose in the back of his mind, drowned by the terror he could feel beginning to numb his limbs and send his thoughts into a tumbling mess of panic and disorder. Saliva oozed over the fox's muzzle as more of his head disappeared into Eddison's gullet. Sead's skull ached with the pressure being placed upon it, and as his feet kicked and his eyes rolled frantically about in their sockets, the fox finally gathered himself enough to scream out. To Sead, the sound reverberated down Eddison's throat, filling his own pinned back ears with the sound. To Base it was a muffled testament to how little the fox was enjoying his sudden predicament; the minotaur was unmoved. Base watched on in avid horror, unable to look away and frustrated at his unresponsive body despite his mind's demands that it do something to help.

With a series of pops and cracks, Sead's shoulders finally found a way to fit between Eddison's lips, the feat punctuated by another scream from deep within the minotaur's distended throat. By the time the fox's chest had slid into Eddison, the fox was moving far less than when the minotaur had begun his meal. Sead's entire body burned with pain, a raging inferno amplified by the internal pain his lungs were slowly succumbing to as they found nothing but rank, fetid air to pull in and even that was growing sparse. The macabre scene was made all the worse by the impressively large tent in Eddison's trousers, his large cock as hard as the minotaur's gaze. A new series of grotesque cracks began to fill the air as Sead's bones gave way beneath Eddison's strength. The minotaur's powerful jaws had begun to grind against the fox, skin splitting beneath the incisors and causing rivulets of blood to trickle down his jaws; Base's mind nearly broke as he watched his friend be chewed alive, the fox's ribs giving way one by one under the pressure being thrust upon them. When Sead's spine finally gave out, the jaguar nearly vomited; a sharp and sudden snap, as though someone had broken a large piece of chalk into a microphone, was the only clue as to what had happened. It was unlike anything the young feline had heard before. Sead's legs immediately went limp, muscles twitching and toes curling but the vulpine showing no conscious control of him. Sead's scream was far more obvious, the jarring defeat in that ragged sound enough to make Base's heart skip a beat.

The rest of the meal went smoothly, or as smoothly as such a meal could. Inch by inch Sead disappeared, and by the time his legs were slurped up the minotaur's grin was hard to miss. The fox's tail tip was the last thing to disappear, sliding into the minotaur's monstrous body with an anti-climactic finality that had Base staring in awe. Eddison's head tilted back as he began to swallow powerfully, like a duck downing a cracker, Sead's legs hard to miss as they distended the minotaur's throat before they followed the rest of the fox into the captain's gut.

Licking his lips, Eddison's gaze lowered to stare at Base.

"Little shit thought goofing off at mess was so fun. I didn't hear much laughing this time" the minotaur mused thoughtfully. The large male's voice was raspier than before, as though his throat had been rendered raw by the feat he had just accomplished. "How about you get your skinny ass over here and have a listen? They usually last a little while once they're in here" he added, patting the stretched out expanse of his stomach, his shirt riding a little high on it to expose the bottom of the male's swollen midriff.

"F-Fuck you" Base finally stammered out.

"What was that, boy?

"I said, fuck you" Base repeated, a little more confidently this time. The feline paused before adding a disdain-thickened, "Sir..."

The minotaur's eyes flashed a split-second of anger before they returned to their calm, but pointed solemnity. He moved towards Base, who shrunk back instinctively as the lumbering male approached. Eddison's hands had dipped from his distended gut to unbutton the front of his pants, that lewd cocktent still proudly on display within them. The minotaur's dick sprang free from his pants as they were pushed down, his heavy sack swinging at its base as the minotaur stopped only to remove the pants before resuming his slow progress towards Base.

"How about I fuck -you- instead?" Eddison rumbled out, the anger he had betrayed with his eyes on full display in the gravelly growl the minotaur was speaking with now. Base's mind reeled with the possibilities of what was about to happen, and through it all he could swear he could hear faint screams still emanating from Eddison's stomach; whether it was his imagination or not it was enough to draw a scream bubbling up from Base's chest. Like Sead, however, the scream could not escape in time.

One of Eddison's thick arms shot out and smashed into the side of Base's head, sending the naked feline sprawling to the cement floor. The burly male was on the smaller feline in seconds, his dick dragging along Base's legs as his body loomed frighteningly above the jaguar. The same smells which had overwhelmed Sead now rolled over Base, that dangerous mouth scant inches from Base's.The minotaur simply hung there, the scent of his arousal like an aphrodisiac that had the terrified jaguar squirming despite his situation. The distended gut was pressed against Base and though the screams he thought he'd heard were now silent, he now could swear he felt movement within that orb-like belly; this was no baby, however, and the implications of what he felt were as grating on the jaguar's soul as the sounds his friend's bones had made as he'd been devoured.

"Or..." rumbled the minotaur at last, his imposing figure dropping lower along Base's body. No explanation followed and Base was left staring up at the rows of unlit fluorescent lights far overhead.

When a strange warmth enveloped Base's feet, he was immediately certain the minotaur intended to eat him as well. When the minotaur's flat and broad tongue ran over the jaguar's belly, however, Base looked down in surprise. How!? The warmth was wet like a mouth but there was something different about it, a wetness that felt nothing like the saliva now cooling in his bellyfur. It spread further up his legs, wrapping around his knees as though he were being slowly submerged in a warm pool of water. A moan from the minotaur had the jaguar's addled mind trying to draw the logical connection between the two. It wasn't until Eddison lifted his upper body that Base got a clear view of the minotaur's dick swallowing his legs! A flood of emotions swam through Base's head as he stared.

"In Soviet Russia, you stuff cock!" the minotaur chortled, a peal of heavy laughter at his own outdated joke spilled from the large male as his shaft engulfed more of Base's body. The jaguar squirmed but the grip was too tight, the boy couldn't even spread his legs as his thighs disappeared.

"P-Please, lemme go!" the jaguar pleaded. The minotaur paid it no mind.

"Ugh." Eddison groaned out, "You privates are always so good at handling my privates." the minotaur mumbled, a veritable comedian in his own mind. Base's own smaller prick disappeared. Pre-cum welled from the massive cock and lubricated Base's body, sending the smell of hot lust washing over the boy. His paws scrambled at the cement beneath him, his back arching off the ground only to be flattened once more by Eddison's weight pressing down atop him. The movement in the minotaur's gut had ceased, and as more of Base was dragged down into the tight confines of Eddison's dick, his head grew closer to that gut. The sound of sloshing fluids and gurgling acids were hard to miss and the jaguar's eyes welled with tears as a desperate cry for help ripped from his lips.

"Nobody's coming, boy." growled Eddison, his weight slamming down and stealing the breath from Base's lungs. The jaguar's cries stopped immediately, replaced with a series of needy gasps as his belly found itself constricted by the minotaur's ravenous cock. He could feel it jerking and twitching around his body, each movement the jaguar made drawing a pleased groan from the minotaur. The fear Base had felt earlier came crashing back as the reality of the situation settled into the certainty that he was going to end his life here. Tears on his cheeks, Base let out another futile plea for mercy before his ribs began to compress in order to fit into the growing dick that was eating him. His feet had already passed through the length of the minotaur's shaft and they curled in the increasingly hefty sack. The warm tackiness of cum was hard to miss as it squelched between the jaguar's toes. Paws pressing against the minotaur, Base head was now growing increasingly close to the male's opening, the scent of cum impossible to ignore now. Base couldn't find the breath to scream again, and as he heard Eddison chuckle, the jaguar simply closed his eyes tightly and prayed that, somehow, he would be saved.

"The lil' kitten seemed to enjoy getting his cock sucked by his slut. How about it, kitten? You still think cocksucking is harmless fun?"

"P-please, sir, we were just hiding from the storm." Any pretense of composure melted away and Base found himself lost in the rush of emotions; the anger, fear, disgust, and excitement formed a perfect storm in the jaguar's brain and he knew that he was lost.

The minotaur bent himself down and just before the jaguar's face disappeared, Eddison licked it. The hot breath tickled at Base's whiskers as the minotaur's broad tongue ran across them. Somewhere, deep beneath the rank breath, Base could swear he caught a hint of Sead's scent; down there, somewhere in the depths of this monster was his friend. Hopelessness danced its victory jig behind Base's eyes .


"Nice knowin' you, runt." were the last words Base heard before his head was swallowed, his arms forced above it and trailing behind him as he disappeared into that hungry cock. The darkness of the hanger became the darkness of Eddison's body, and the smells from earlier were now so strong that Base was certain he was going to choke to death before too much longer. He could still feel the cement beneath his paws as they followed his head in; he was now fully engulfed.

More of Base's body slowly spilled into the minotaur's balls before the inner-walls hugged him like a velvet shroud. Cum oozed and coated the young jaguar's body as he writhed in the darkness, the occasional sharp cry escaping his lips but it was to no avail.

Eddison relaxed as he rolled onto his back, his gut sloshing and his balls abnormally large with the jaguar trapped within them. Satisfied in more than one way the minotaur stared upwards, his cock resting on his filled belly as pre-cum and the occasional strand of fur trickled from his un-naturally engorged prick.

"Can't say you boys were ever good for a laugh, but at least you were good for this" sighed the sole male left in the hanger, his eyes fluttering shut as he found himself in dire need of a nap.

Outside, the storm raged indifferently.

Eddison awoke with a start, his belly smaller and his balls more rounded than they had been before. Both of the boys had long since begun to break down, digesting into either nutrients or cum depending on where they had ended their lives. Every movement was a chore for the minotaur as he slowly dressed himself, his pants barely fitting and his shirt just barely covering him properly. Outside the storm had quieted, the sky dark with the coming night but the rain and wind no longer an issue. Eddison made no move to clean up the remnants of Base and Sead's discarded clothing and with a deep breath he made his way from the hanger.

"Where've you been?" Valerith asked as Eddison entered the barracks.

"Busy" the minotaur answered bluntly.

The small white ferret eyed the bulge in Eddison's pants, a smirk crossing his lips.

"Who'd you catch this time?"

"Remember those two smart-asses from the Mess?"

"Which ones?"

"The jaguar and that stupid white fox. Fuck if I can remember their names" the minotaur's voice growing dismissive, his interest in the two privates ending as soon as he'd ended them.

"Oh yeah." Val answered, his voice dropping slightly. "Did you have to? That fox gave some pretty good head."

"Yeah, because finding a fox to give you some head is such a chore" snorted Eddison, stopping to stand in front of the ferret as Val's muzzle split in an appreciative grin.


"Speaking of head, I've got a sack full of cat that needs some attention. You on duty tonight?"


"Wrong, buck-o." Eddison's hips pushed forward to rub that fragrant tent across the seated ferret's snout to give him a good whiff of the scent rolling from the still-stiff prick inside.

"Oh. Of course, what was I thinking!" Valerith slid to his feet, paws curling around the tent before turning to move towards the more private quarters afforded to the higher ranking officers. Eddison followed, his balls heavy with what remained of Base. "Hey!" Val called back, "that cat should be thankful. I remember his scores on the range, this'll probably be the best shooting hes ever managed.

Eddison laughed as he ducked into one of the private offices. "Wait... I don't get it..."

"Shut up and close the door."

The barracks grew silent once more as the door clicked shut, and as the sun set and the crickets began to sing a soft symphony in the grass outside, the clouds from the earlier storm rolled out of view.