And When You Get to Hell...

Story by LeiLani on SoFurry

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I somehow forgot I had this laying around, from 1997. ^^ A friend of mine was dealing with some infidelity issues, and we had met at a local cafe to discuss. She was heartbroken about it and I tried to joke about the kind of damnation one might have to endure for committing adultery, which I have illustrated here. We laughed about it, but the idea never got out of my head, and I wrote this, almost word-for-word, the moment I got home.

I know what you're thinking. Sure, you might have cheated on someone before, like a boyfriend or girlfriend, and maybe some of you have been married and strayed over the line. And you might be thinking that the act really didn't do any harm to anyone, and that you're perfectly safe in the notion that you "got away with it".

Better rethink that train of thought after you've read this little number...

Her breathing was labored, slow, almost unheard in the darkness. The vixen felt her whole body tingle and give a quick spasm of pleasure from her head to tip of her toe-claws. Droplets of perspiration beaded from her forehead and cheeks, dribbling down, moistening her scarlet and white fur. Her heart hammered inside of her chest, trying to burst through. She lie there, not moving, the heavy warm weight of the fox straddling her, his chest pressed against pert, full breasts, drenched in scent. She felt his lips touch hers, and she kissed back, her tongue snaking into his mouth to dance madly with his. The first signs of new, stronger arousal began to overtake her, and she felt her tight, wet sex squeezing itself around his cock, feeling it harden to full erection instantly.

"More...." she whispered in the darkness, "My husband will not be home for a while yet..."

That sounds so familiar, she added mentally. I said that once, didn't I?

But he was already moaning, his hard cock slowly sliding in and out of her warmth, and she joined him again in the wet, ardent sounds of their lovemaking, beginning to breathe faster as her senses began to leave her, replaced by the urgent need for him. His pace quickened on top of her, and he gave growls and moans of pleasure as her strong, tight vaginal walls stretched and pulled, welcoming his length eagerly deeper with every thrust. She could feel her orgasm building, could feel his furred sac pressed against her groin, his sex now so deep within her, she could feel it nestled to her cervix.

God, it was amazing how sensitive she was to his every move. She felt the warm cum in his balls rise slowly to his head, and she gasped, squeezing her sex tightly, spasming around his cock as she let go full force, cumming hard, feeling his cock letting go in a jumping, pumping release of his own seed, filling her sex slowly and completely. She cried out as their love mingled in the darkness and shuddered hard.

Slowly she felt herself beginning to recover, resting softly against the bed. Her eyes tried to adjust to the darkness of the room, fearful they might have gone at it too long, that the morning sun's rays would spill into the window, and her husband would come walking in the door at any minute. But there was only that same darkness.

She trained her pointed ears, twitching them, listening for any indication of movement in the house, a car-door slamming in the driveway, but heard only their heavy breathing, laboring slowly. She felt his kiss again, and almost against her will, her sex tightened around him like a hot, wet vise, and she wrapped her legs around his powerful body once again.

"More..." she cooed softly to him, her arms slipping around his neck softly, "My husband will not be home for a while yet..."

Her mind wandered again, even as he was kissing her, slipping his tongue deeply into her mouth again.

Am I nuts? John will be home any minute! We've been going at it for hours!

But still the vixen moaned and moved with him, locked in a tight embrace, cumming hard with him, gasping, crying out, feeling their juices trickling from her spent, sore sex and onto the sheets of the bed. She gasped hard, and felt an odd new sensation inside her. She could not be sure, but she could no longer feel him, or at least, could not feel the part that mattered to her. But she still felt his kiss against her lips, and the heavy furry weight of his body atop of hers, and she shuddered, her body slowly giving in to him again.

Her eyes flicked downward instinctively.

The sheets were drenched in cum. The fox's powerful cock, full, throbbing, was poised at her opening, completely covered with cum, lathered with it. Wet cum glistened from the head. And still it throbbed in desire.

She wanted to cry out in horror and revulsion, and then he was inside of her again, pumping his cum steadily deep inside of her. The stench of cum wafted to her nostrils and she wanted to gag.

Oh God no, her mind reeled, Please...stop...!

" husband will not be home for a while yet..."

Again she felt him enter her deeply, moving slowly on top of her, building a gentle rhythm up and down, up and down, faster and faster. She cried out in pleasure, cumming hard with him, feeling her warm cum seem to push from inside her, shooting out of her sex, splattering his groin. She dared not look. She couldn't. She looked.

His cock was now starting to bleed, the friction beginning to scrape away at the fur and flesh. She could only imagine what her insides looked like at this point. She tensed her muscles inside of her, as if trying to keep him from entering, but soon he was pushing his flesh back into her, and she instinctively hugged her torn, bloodied walls around it. But now it appeared that he was not inside of her at all; instead it seemed like she was only feeling cum now. When she squeezed again, she felt more of her wet cum spill from her sex, gathering in a small pool between them.

"More....", even as blood began to flow from her, "My husband will not be home for a while yet..."

She wanted to cry. This was a nightmare. That was it! It was all a strange, terrible dream, and if she could just fight to wake up, she would be safely with John again in their bed. She would roll over softly to him and hug him tightly, and swear to never cheat on him again. She could go to therapy with him, for the kids' sake. She could-

She hardly felt his orgasm this time, but hers came full force, spraying from her sex around his cock. She gasped hard at the enjoyable.


She tried to move again. Her arms tried to push away at his chest, but they could only slip around his neck. She tried to will her legs to kick, to knee against him somehow, but they only wrapped tightly around his waist in a warm embrace. She tried to cry out, but only her moans filled her ears.

She opened her eyes.

The fox cast in shadow bobbed and rocked on top of her, grunting, moaning in pleasure, as he came hard, his own cum shooting back out of her sex in a flood, dripping off of the sheets, joining the puddle of cum surrounding the bed.

John,_she cried softly in her mind, _I love you...

" husband will not be home for a while yet..."

But she knew now. John wasn't ever coming home.

Another image flashed in her mind suddenly, so instantly it was like the blink of an eye. But she saw it. She saw John one more time. The fox was looking down at her with cold blue eyes, and he was holding something in his paw. Something...silver...

As she moaned loudly, and his answering growl filled her ears, she heard almost as an after-shock, the echos of something else.

The solid, sharp reports of gunshots...

She felt cum against her back, covering her tail, immersed almost completely in juices, trickling into her ears, around her face and her eyes. Soon she would drown and the nightmare would end.

The room was soon completely filled. Two bodies floated on the bed, suspended, moving slowly in the murky fluid of semen and gushings.

"More..." the words came from her lips in milky bubbles, strangely coherent, "My husband will not be home for a while yet..."


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