The Rebound - Straight Side
#1 of Polar Bear on Rebound
Joe's marriage has ended, and he needs to get his mind off it with chasing some tail
Hey everyone!
This two part story is somewhat an experiment for me, I tried some things that are quite new to me, at least for what this first part is concerned. The idea occurred to me when one of my followers lamented the lack of stories involving polar bears and, since this particular polar bear is straight, I thought that I could try my paw in writing straight stuff. Then, I added the second part, which will be posted soon and will involve my usual man-on-man action!
_This story features graphic (I hope) description of heterosexual sex. If you don't like it, don't read it and wait for the second part. Both parts can be read independently, so don't worry ^^ The next part will involve gay sex. _
As always, thank you Gritou for proofreading and being my love! Special thanks to
GabrielClyde who taught me some... interesting things about female sexuality.
The jazz music filled the club, its smooth waves of sounds culling the patrons without covering their conversations. Of course it was recorded, not live, but still it gave the place an extra jiff of classiness than most, as they did the clothes of the middle aged, which were of a varying degree of formal.
Joe didn't like this kind of clubs, they always gave him some bad vibes, like if it was a place for furs one step from the grave. The polar bear didn't feel old, but at the apex of his virility at the age of 42 years; his looks mirrored how he felt, thanks to the ageless granted by white fur and the firm muscled, covered just by a thin layer of fat.
Usually, the ursine would frequent louder places, pubs filled with the shouts of cheering fans when their team scored, or discos where music was loud and inebriating. Some place where he could be his boisterous self, not the prim and shirt-wearing adult he was in this club.
Unfortunately, Joe wasn't in the mood to go to his usual places. Or better, he couldn't. He had passed so many times there with his Lisa, and while the memories had been happy ones not long ago, they now filled him with anger. Plus, going to a bar caused... That. He didn't even want to think about That.
So, for all these reasons, the bear had found himself in a classy club, trying to get himself drunk with the very expensive, for his standards, whiskey, sipping his booze slowly in the hopes of forgetting what had happened. He still couldn't believe that Lisa did that... They fought from time to time, sure, but all couples did....
The big fur swallowed another portion of his drink, trying to drown the thoughts. Whatever had happened between him and his wi- ex wife was behind him, nothing could be salvaged from that. And that had caused... That, his grasp on the glass threatening to shatter it at the mere thought.
"Whatever" he thought, looking around, rolling his shoulder in the too-tight dark read shirt he had worn the day. The bear had promised himself to have a night all of his own, to forget and enjoy the newly gained, if hated, freedom, and that meant drinking his ass off and maybe hooking up with a classy lady.
His eyes wandered, stopping on the lovely dressed lady present in the room, searching for those he would like to bed. Preferably someone that didn't look like Lisa, that was for sure! No one attracted him, thought, which made him snort loudly. The well-dressed bartender took it as a cue to fill his glass, which didn't mind at all.
There was some motion to his side, which made him turn while sipping the fresh beverage. What he saw made him almost choke on his whiskey, and caused some tightness in his black pants that, hopefully, wasn't too obvious to the other clients.
The cause of his commotion was a petite rabbit, scantily clothed in a black cocktail dress, one that highlined her cream fur and her other features. And oh boy, if she had curves! The polar bear could see only her behind, but the small tuft of a tail crowned a perfect ass, full but beautifully shaped, one that was begging to be played.
Her hair hid her back, a shade darker than the rest of her fur, with her long ears poking through it. Joe had always a thing for perky ears, as much as he had for asses, maybe because his own were too small and rounded. No matter what, this bunny had caught his attention, and in a big way.
Stealthy readjusting his junk through his pants, the bear stood on his feet, luckily without any sign of wobble thanks to the booze. Walking smoothly, with his glass in the paw, he accosted the rabbit, who was now sit on a stool, already a glass of red wine in front of her, leaning her face on one paw.
Joe heaved himself on the stool next to her, thankfully being the first fur approaching this hot prize. Touching her shoulder with a gentle paw so to attract her attention, he painted his best charming smile, white teeth strangely whiter thanks to his fur, or because of his black gums, he really didn't know.
"Hey there. I don't think we ever me- Cheryl?" The ursine started, freezing once he saw her muzzle. It might have gained a few years, and have more make up than before, but he couldn't not recognize her, after all he had passed most of his high school days captured by those deep brown eyes and sulky lips.
"I think otherwise, Joe." The rabbit smiled sensually, merriment in her eyes, but not a cruel one. She had never been that, always smiling and forward, teasing him to no end.
"Y-yeah, I do know you Cheryl." The bear said rather stupidly. But he was in shock, he had met his high school sweetheart purely by chance, after so many years, he could take a break!
"You have your ways with words, as always." She noted with a smile, bringing up her glass and taking a slow sip of the wine, ruby red lips leaving a mark on it.
"I-I didn't know you were back in town!" He replied, not knowing what else to said. They had been gone different ways after school, but he had remained in their hometown while she had gone... He wasn't actually sure where she had gone, to tell the truth.
"I didn't advertize it, honey. I arrived just two months ago." She explained, her breathing making her full breasts show up under the thin cloth she was wearing. They looked like they needed just some support from the bra, having lose little ground to age.
"Weren't you living in Cali?" The bear asked, trying hard not to stare at the heaving goodness in display, remembering all too well how those tits had felt in his paws.
"Oh, you stalked me on Facebook?" The bunny laughed sultrily, while her paw patted his arm lightly, to show that she didn't mean anything ill. The ursine blushed, the accusation being right after all, but he didn't have the courage to admit it.
""So, why are you back here?" Joe asked, maybe a bit untactful. But this was Cheryl he was talking to, they used to be very intimate during high school! The science lab had witnessed how close they had been back then.
"Bah, the usual.... Failed marriage, LA feeling too tight for me. Luckily, I could take a sabbatical, so I decided to winter up here." The rabbit said, though the sad and short retelling didn't sour her smile, full lips drawing it with a fine line.
"Ugh... sorry about that Cheryl." The bear expressed his empathy, paw covering to squeeze the smaller one of the bunny: He noticed only now that it was still on his arm, the fingers slowly massaging it.
"I am not, I barely stood the douchebag the final three years." She waved away the matter, shaking her head. The movement made her long hair looks like a fluid cascade of light brown, something to marvel on for hours; the ursine would have done just that, and he barely heard the question asked.
"What about you? Still with Lisa?" The innocent question came. Or maybe not so innocent, after all he had been trying to pick her up in the first place. The bunny should have sensed already the answer, after all, she was that smart.
The polar bear gulped down the contents of his glass, in doing so releasing the cream-furred paw. He didn't like to talk about it, not since... That. But the liquid fire was working miracles, and heatened up his courage.
"She... divorced from me. Just last week." The rough fur finally admitted with a sigh. Saying it hurt like always, but the anger and sadness weren't enough not to feel a light arm trying to encircle his shoulder, squeezing his bulk. She must have been raised on her footpaws to reach his height, with no small thanks to her heels.
"I'm very sorry to hear that." Her sympathetic voice said, conveying all the emotion its owner was feeling.
"It's okay... She just needed someone else..." He sighed, appreciating the efforts of the rabbit to cheer him up.
"She has always been a bitch, you know that Joe." The words conflicted with the comforting hug he was receiving, but they were still nice enough.
"Yeah...." The immaculate furred male grunted. Lisa hadn't been a bitch before the break up, but still, his mood felt like agreeing with those terrible words.
"And so... It seems we are both free... and in need of consoling..." Cheryl stated, her arm sliding away from the shoulders, but her body still remaining pressed to his, her mouth talking in his ear.
"Ye-eah?" He vocalized his surprise when he felt a tiny paw wrapping around his cock through his fancy pants. The sudden contact was just enough to get it hard again, his sheath filling up after going dormant through the conversation.
"No string attached... And I had been dreaming to have this cock in me one more time for ages...." The bunny teased his verbally, her tone having lowered and got huskier, while her paw was slowly jerking her price.
He refrained from moaning out loud, that would have been.... Impolite for such a club. The bunny must have learned some tricks through the years, since his cock had reached his maximum hardness in no time.
"So... your place or mine?" She whispered the age long question in his rounded ear.
***** *****
Joe picked up his place. It was closer, he was driving and he was going to enjoy fucking another woman in the wedding bed defiled by his ex wife. They hadn't been talking during the drive, the petite woman having extended her paw so she could keep jerking his junk; that might have won him a speeding ticket, but he didn't care at that point.
The moderate-sized house was all black, only the automatic lights spurting to life when they reached the curb in front of the garage.
"Nice suburb house, Joe." The rabbit said, descending from her seat while stretching out her arms and back.
"It's just average, you must be used to better stuff." He reflected the compliment, closing the car and walking to the main door.
"I never judge buildings... only its inhabitants." She winked, tip-toeing after him, having left her shoes in the car.
"Hope you like this particular inhabitant." The bear replied, fishing his keys out to open the front door, letting his guest enter first like a true gentlefur.
"Oh, but I sure like him a lot." She laughed huskily, dancing inside the house, followed by the bear caught in her spell.
"Well, I know that but-" His smart jab was cut short when a pair of lips met his, a tongue demanding entrance. She had been lucky that he had been folding his back to put the keys in their bowl, else she wouldn't have reached his mouth.
Not that such a thought was important. Joe greedily accepted the request, opening his muzzle to answer to the attack, letting his broad tongue invade the short muzzle of his lover for the night. He met her own tongue there, beginning to battle it while wrapping her in a true bear hug, his paws wandering and lightly groping that marvelous ass.
Cheryl did just the same, her small paws being attracted by the white rump of the fur; and she sure wasn't careful in her groping, being it hard and rough, but also eliciting moans from the bear. He just liked when women played with his ass like that.
While their upper body's appendices were busy exploring, they didn't forget to let her mouth's muscle have their deserved work out. It felt marvelously to press his lips against such nice and soft ones, a hint of her long teeth just pressing against them from time to time, while their tongue were engaging each other, dancing the millennia old dance of pleasure.
The hardness in his pants only grow harder, thanks to being pressed against her voluptuous body, the urge of getting inside her growing louder and louder with the passing of minutes. He was starting to wonder if he needed to lift her and bring her to the bedroom, when the cream-furred bunny abruptly stopped the kiss, leaving both of them gasping for breath.
"B-better to move to the bed, champ. I'm a classy lady after all." Cheryl proposed, using the old pet name she had given him so many years ago.
"I couldn't agree more. This way!" He huffed, stomping his way to the bedroom. On the way there he started unbuttoning his shirt, not caring to show how eager he was after having pressed his cub-maker against her. Plus, it was one hell of a shirt, he didn't wanted to ruin it.
His bedroom wasn't nothing exceptional, only the size of the bed being unique. After all, it needed to fit a very big bear, who usually thrashed around in his sleep. Neither fur bothered to say anything, Joe sitting down to unlace his shoes while she just drifted out of her cocktail dress in one, smooth move.
The bear stopped what was doing to admire the body of his companion. The dress hadn't left much to the imagination, but it was clear that the ravages of time hadn't taken a hold of body; her boobs didn't shagged down once the bra was removed, hovering over a flat stomach. And her ass... ohhhh her ass! Just the stuff of dreams: shaped perfectly, rounded just enough to show that its cheeks would bounce beautifully, and that tuft of a tail not hiding any part of it.
"Before I loose my panties, you should get equally undressed, Joe." She accused him, turning around on one feet, shamelessly displaying her naked beauty. Hearing the order, the polar bear swiftly got rid of his shoes and socks, reminding how Lisa used to remark of the ugliness of having them on during sex.
Unzipping and unbuckling his pants, the ursine lowered them together with his silk boxer, not having the patience nor the will to tease. He hoped that his somewhat heavier body wasn't a turn off for her, having gained some weight since he had stopped playing football, but the hungry look on her small muzzle took away any doubt, her eyes fixed on the towering cock, its blackness only enhancing his size thanks to the contrast with his fur.
"Well well, looking good Joe..." She mused, one tiny finger tapping on her full lips while she contemplated the hunk in front of her.
"You look amazing carot-pie." He answered back, happy to see the smile broadening at hering the old nickname.
"Thank you. Now, on the bed champ." The rabbit demanded, pointing at the bed, her boobs jiggling and showing that they were 100% real. The ursine complied, reaching the bed in mere seconds and lying on it, ready to welcome his lover on it; she hadn't wasted time, having lost her panties in the mean time and climbing up on the bed, something that was almost ordinary despite her beauty.
What happened next wasn't surely ordinary, at least for him. Joe had been expecting her to lay on him, to resume the kiss that had been interrupted previously; but the lips that showed up over him weren't the ones he was waiting for
"W-What?" The bear stuttered, his eyes peering in the depths in front of him. It was almost too much for him, to be so close to a pussy, seeing how those pink lips hide the mound of her sex; Lisa never asked him to.... Stick his tongue in hers.
"You know what I want, chap. Not like you get something in return...." The cheeky answer came from somewhere above his crotch. He wanted to ask more, but any questions were muted by the sudden warmth around the tip of his cock, the hot wetness travelling down to engulf half his shaft.
He moaned, the feeling of being sucked off always so good for him, and it had passed a long time since the last time he was given a head! Years! Actually a week, a small voice in his head pointed out, but that wasn't important. That delicious mouth didn't stay still, but moved up and down his cock, tongue lashing around that thickness while small paws jerked the part of his dick left out.
The bear open his mouth to express his pleasure, but he was muffled by the abrupt lowering of her hips, which brought that silky pussy just on his long muzzle. He could feel that it was already wet with its humor, the smell being the usual one of an aroused woman, just multiplied ten times; he didn't really look forward to lick it, but she was doing such numbers on his cock....
Hesitantly, he extended his tongue, going to trace those feminine lips for starters. He didn't have a clue on what to do regarding vagina licking, so the bear was going to figure it out and hope that it was good enough for her to pass to some real fucking. Not that the continuous bobbing and slurping going on his cock wouldn't be enough to get off...
So those lips were licked, and the bear kept that action going for a good while, not knowing what to do next. Not that the woman complained, with a good cock in her muzzle, and her muffled moans indicated that he was doing a good job after all. Looking up, he noticed how those lips were getting more colored, but his eyes were drawn to the small mound of pleasure that was just showing up.
Taking the cue, thinking that it was time for her to be properly stimulated, the ursine moved his ribbon of flesh over that bud of pleasure, poking it and playing with in a, he hoped, sensual way. Joe heard moans while doing this, and most of all he felt the vibrations of them along his shaft, something that was both very hot and a sign that she was being pleasured. Or that she was a good actress. He didn't care.
Putting more passion in his work, he grabbed those firm but soft buttcheeks, massaging them while pushing down that body, his tongue and mouth busy licking and kissing those bunny ladyparts. After a while he got in a rhythm, moving his muzzle so to nuzzle that pussy, trying to cover everything with his saliva; now he couldn't stop the moans, thanks to the sweet hotness on his face and the wonderfully skilled blowjob he was getting.
From the shudders of the feminine body over him, Joe almost believed he made her cum just with his tongue, and before he had shot his load, something that was never happened in his experience. He wasn't sure if he was wrong, since one moment he had a muzzleful of bunny pussy, the next one it had disappeared, along with the moving wetness on his cock.
The bear turned, seeing Cheryl rearranging herself so to lay in the right direction, her breast heaving hard for her panting, sweat wetting her fine cream fur.
"I-I think it is enough, let's go on, I'm more than-" Her babbling was interrupted by the ursine, shifting his mass on the bed so that he was the one on top now, kissing her hard to silence her. He had been ready since the start, ready to dip his cock in such sweet depths, and his appetite had been only increased thanks to the appetizer.
Washing his tongue of the strange tastes he had gather with a deep kiss, not minding at all to taste back his musk, he grabbed her legs, gently but firmly pulling them apart to open his ways to what was treasured between them.
Lowering himself, he rushed to grab a condom from his nightstand, grateful that he had so many left, putting it on his throbbing length, covering it in plastic before he moved his hips so that his cock was angled in the right direction, pointing straight to that hole he once knew so well.
Joe dipped his tip first, feeling those lips blossoming at the touch before getting more inside her, grunting in the kiss at feeling the relative tightness. He could feel her moaning too, her arms trying to circle his wide shoulder, meaning that it wasn't being painful for her and encouraging him to delve more in that sweet pussy that had been offered to him.
Pushing more, inch by inch, he penetrated in her, until he felt that he couldn't go further than that. His cock had a couple of inches still out of that pussy, but he didn't minded, he never had managed to sheath himself completely... in a woman. The idle thought pushed him into action, already extracting his sizeable dick from the perfumed depths, before pushing it back, all slowly at first.
Cheryl didn't agree with the pace. Without talking, since her muzzle was busy with a chokeful of tongue, she wrapped her limb legs around his waist, trying to attract him in herself faster and moving her hips along his movements.
Taking the cue, the polar bear hastened the pace, his rump lowering and raising faster so that his cock could fuck her better, the tight hole stimulating it and squeezing it, his precum being a good lube. The heat of their passion forced them to free their muzzles, so to breath and pants more easily, their moan echoing in the bedroom.
In and out his cock went, pushing whatever buttons ladies had there, the force of his thrust making her full breasts jiggle between them, the sound of meat slapping against meat being the perfect background noise. He had been teased and stimulated for the whole evening, so it didn't surprise him that he could feel his orgasm already building inside his balls.
Fucking her harder than before, Joe leaned over her, to breath heavily at the side of her muzzle, covering all of her body. She was having equal troubles in breathing, her moans getting higher and higher, until they reached a peak, her body shuddering wildly beneath him, victim of her powerful orgasm.
The polar bear increased his own pace, feeling that he shouldn't leave her the only one reaching the climax, his balls slapping against her bottom. It didn't take too many seconds of deep thrusts to feel his cum churn in his jewels, and not much longer to finally reach the edge, his cock shooting his spunk inside the welcoming pussy while he roared in the air triumphally.
Feeling exhausted and not wanting to crush her under his weight, Joe rolled on his side, facing the ceiling while panting, utterly satisfied by his performance.
"That was.... Amazing chap." Cheryl murmured in his rounded ear, but he wasn't really listening, sleep already taken over his brain. He was overjoyed that he had met her, he had the chance to prove himself that That had meant nothing, that he hadn't changed, that he was still himself.
"Although what I did with Daryl was hotter..." Joe thought faintly, in the moment where his defenses were lowered, when his rational mind gave in to sleep.