WYOA: Thatious Blimpkin Pt.1

Story by omeganeep on SoFurry

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#1 of WYOA

This was written while people from the stream threw out some ideas to how the story progressed join in next time to have some fun as well


Thatious blimpkin was an old dwarf who has been in the mighty city of Titopolis. He was a Treasurer of the royal houses and he was quite famous. He spent many years at his desk counting their gold but he yearned for something more something amazing so he decided to.....

what does he decide to do?

He decided to invest in a Guild where fighters would come seeking Quests for saving wayward marmasets in exchange for dragon dildos. He was very very successful and by very successful I mean he made millions upon millions of gold and dragon dildos. With his newfound profits and dildos he decided to....

again what does he decide to do?

He decides to build a Massive Ark made of Dragon dildos he had acquired! However he doesn't have an ocean to sail it on so he hires the knights again to carry the dildo ark to the nearest ocean. The boat stays afloat in all of its phallic glory. He decides to take it out on a great adventure so he gets on and decides to sail it....

where does he decide to sail it?

He sails to a far off land where he had hear legends of beer brewing brownbears but it had never been explored before so he would be the first. As he sailed, he had to sail to avoid some rather horny sea serpents who wanted to do things to his large dildoship. When he penetrates the shore he gets off the ship wielding his trusty dildobat and enters the jungle and that is when he sees something off in the distance it is.....

what is it?

It is a Lake which is surrounded by a Large rubber duck shrine. As he approached it a large Breasted Spirit and as his eyes looked over her body, it shifted to an extremely tall elf so he could look up between her legs and he gives a very toothy grin... if he had teeth. She pulled out a magical sword and proclaimed him the king of this new land. He was too enthralled by her to pay attention to what she is saying that is when he noticed....

what did he notice?

That is when he noticed that there was a Centaur with moose antlers. He looked pissed, he roared as bees shot from his nipples and the dwarf fought the bees away with his dildobat but he noticed it wasnt just a centaur but in fact the centaur was riding an equally pissed off t-rex. He decided it was this time to run so he kept running until he found a.....

what did he find?

He found a Massive fallen tree he could run up and a Man Bear Pig yelled at him for running on his house. He got up to a height above the T-Rex and he jumped landing on the back of the T-Rex. His eyes locked with the centaur's eyes and lightning struck in the distance which was followed with heavy rain. As they circled on the back of the T-Rex they could hear off in the distance "JASON!" and it was then that they struck eachother. As they stood the mood of the centaur changed as the dildobat had hit him on the head and he looked at the T-Rex and soon after they had the hots for eachother and the dwarf blushes and looked at his dildobat now learning its power. He ran away from them to learn more about the land that is when he....

what did he see/do/go to?

He sees the mountains off in the distance and he goes to them as he notices buildings on them. As he gets closer he sees a city of Dragons, Tigers, and bears, oh my. He walks through the streets as nobody seems to notice him yet and when he gets to the town square someone sees him. He immediately bows, as the other people see him they all bow until the entire city is bowing to him as he is the proclaimed king of the land by the spirit of the lake. He tells them to get up as he is just an old ass dwarf. They all rise slowly and they cheer as he isn't a cruel leader but little did he know the kings always get attacked by the land's great evil.

To Be Continued....

The Change 3

While Alex was away, it was my time to play. I was experiencing amazing new alien pleasures as I used Alex's vibrator. I could never have imagined anything like this. I could feel my tail curling back off the couch and when it touched the floor it was...

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The Change 2

The next day I woke up on a couch I got up my vision blurry and I saw a figure I couldn't make out what it was and I rubbed my eyes and then I saw it, again. The large dragon its massive cock still out but not fully erect. My ass was still sore from...

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The Change 1

Hi my name is Kyle... well it was Kyle until I changed. Now my name is Renshaw but enough about that. This is the story of the day I changed... well more like a week. I'll just get right to the point. Before I changed I was a 5' 10" tall human male...

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