A Beginning of Sorts

Story by fuzzyroo on SoFurry

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#1 of Master Splinter's Stables

Chapter 1 is kind of a "set up" chapter. Establish main character, setting and scene, and blah blah blah. Don't panic! There will be adult naughtiness in every chapter from here on.

My goal for this story is to be semi-long running updated semi-monthly (with a goal of regularly). You can expect mildly hard core subjects including rape and kidnapping, maybe a bit of watersport and musk play in the future, but I plan on reaching a wider audience so it won't be as graphic as my previous stories.

More to come.

The roo, like most lonely single males, kept a close eye upon the dating app that slowly eats away at his data allotment. Every ping from the phone is an urgent message that must be monitored with frantic desperation. The program is one of the hip new ones with the trendy name "Grindfur".

He sits in a dimly lit coffee shop with his phone in one hand and a creamed coffee in the other, sipping at it as he idles in the soft warm glow of the tiny electronic device. The black plastic and glass rectangle buzzes gently between the soft paw pads of the roo's paws. "Saw your profile. You seem interesting." The blue backgrounded message chimes upon the phone. The image of the messenger's avatar was a black symbol of a flower upon a cloth maroon backdrop. The tiny 100x100 avatar seemed to be very Zen in both shape and color.

"Greetings, sir" Replies the roo. His paw shakes a little as he stares at the screen as if his phone will catch fire at any moment. With a surge of confidence he hits the "send" button, shooting back the green bubbled reply. Almost instantly his phone buzzes with the other user's response "You are to call me sansei or Master in public and maybe even daddy on occasion." Even though they were just words trapped in a tiny rectangular blue bubble on the tiny screen of his phone, the roo gets shivers and finds himself eagerly nodding to the phone as his fingers dance upon the phone's smooth glass top.

"Yes, sansei!" the roo sends back, panting out softly into his coffee, the sweet milky taste overlaying the bitterness made the roo moan out softly. Suddenly snapping back into reality, he blushes deeply taking a quick glance around hoping nobody heard it. To his shock, he finds a gruff grizzly bear looking up from his paper with a raised eyebrow at the little herbivore. The roo blushes even deeper, his cheeks and inner ears turning a soft pink before trying to hide his face with his phone, getting back to the "intense" conversation on the skinny black box. "Good." came the response shortly after. "Now boy, do as your sensei tells you. Frist take a pic of yourself and send it. Your face first, followed by your cock. Then come to this address. Come alone." And that was it. A couple of seconds later, an address and a time for later in the evening appear in the chat log.

He blinks. Staring down at the screen, the words on his phone reverberated in his mind as the roo re-read the instructions. As if on que, the phone buzzed once more as a new message came in. "P.S. You must be ok with rats." The last message was a little confusing, but nothing else made its way to the warm glow of the roo's phone. Still panting, he puts the coffee down. The kangaroo lifts his phone up and snaps a picture. He winces as, like a dummy, he forgot to turn the flash off. A chuckle comes from the big grey-muzzled bruin, the bear taking amusement in the younger roo's antics with the new-age trend of taking a "selfee with a coffee".

Little does the roo know that the bear can see the screen of his phone reflecting in the window. The bear watches the roo send the picture on an app he himself is quite familiar with. Even though he's older, he's not slow on the tech. He takes careful note of the roo's screen name, the window acting like a lens and blowing up the image to the bear's vantage point. With a pin, he writes down the screen name. Who knows, maybe when he's bored one night, he can make that roo blush even deeper. The bear chuckles before going back to his paper and his own swill of dark black ichor.

The kangaroo looks around, as if expecting the eyes of the whole coffee shop to be staring at him. Even the bear is back to his paper... albeit a strange smirk on his face. The paranoid roo makes his way to the coffee shop's restroom. The kangaroo slips into a nearby urinal. He pulls his pants down softly revealing his fluffy thighs to the porcelain sentinel. He can't figure out "why" but for some reason he takes great care in the photography. Making sure the lighting is good, that his bits are centered and in focus, and getting everything in frame was the most pressing matter. He even made sure to get some recognizable part of the urinal in the shot to give the picture an inner story. A few flicks of the thumbs and the pictures were sent. The kangaroo waits... No reply. The roo sits in the restroom for a few more minutes, but his phone lays silent.

The day churns and the sun succumbs to the horizon. The roo is jittery after several suddenly empty coffee cups and banana nut bread slice wrappers slumber peacefully at his small window table. Having been left alone to swim in his own nervous worry, the roo hopes that his pictures were what "sensei" wanted. What if "sensei" was a size queen and the roo simply didn't measure up? What if the recipient is put off by his uncommon "upside down" kangaroo anatomy? With a gulp he swallowed down his cowardice, got up from his chair before leaving the café, and followed the address filled with curiosity and a bathtub of caffeine. The roo, guided by his phone's GPS, is led to an empty ally way a few blocks down from the little coffee shop. It was empty; save for a dumpster and a lone street torch that hasn't yet taken notice of the hours growing late. "Figures..." muttered the roo.

Just as he turned around to leave with a heart weighted down by a quest unfulfilled, something hits him hard in the stomach, knocking the wind from him. A black bag is swooped over the roo'a face. It is soaked in a wetness, a choking and claustrophobic wetness that clung to the roo's muzzle. It smells stark and chemically and within moments the roo falls flat on his face as sleep climbs through the tunnels of his vision into his brain.

A Room with a Moose!

\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ It had been at least an hour since he had been dragged into the basement after being drugged and fucked. The "Roo-fies" in the roo's system were starting to wear off, though...

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Blind Date

\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ He hates it when his boyfriend has "other plans". Even if they are meetings for work, there should be...

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