A Room with a Moose!

Story by fuzzyroo on SoFurry

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#2 of The Tale of Fuzzyroo

Originally the Tale of Fuzzy was supposed to be a stand alone tale... but you know what... MOOSE ARE SEXY!


It had been at least an hour since he had been dragged into the basement after being drugged and fucked. The "Roo-fies" in the roo's system were starting to wear off, though he was still a little bit sluggish from them coursing through his blood. Fuzzy's head swims with a deep fog as if he was lost in the woods on a cold day.

His eyes start adjusting to the low light. He's been tossed into a cage. It is a rather large cage at that. The basement itself is a room of smooth cement walls on a cement floor. A cage had been fitted into the first half of the room giving about 20 feet of movement to those inside it and another 20 to those free to move about. Most noticeably, the room smelled.

There were many scents in the air from the many patrons stuck inside the chain linked cage. Mostly it smelled of unwashed masses as there wasn't any sort of tub or shower to be seen, and some of the furs within look like they have been stuck inside the cage for some time.

Inside the cage were a couple of rabbits cowering and shaking in a corner. The faint murderous red light coming from the floor boards of the bar above made any distinguishing features invisible. The roo could smell a mouse, though he couldn't make out which silhouette was distinctly his. There were smells of various small game all about, everything was mostly prey in species. There were the occasional "girly gay" fox in the crowed as there always seems to be at least one everywhere. Strangely, everyone was quiet... they just stared at the new comer without daring to say a single word or even make the slightest noise in fear of someone up above taking undue notice of them.

Something wafted over the roo's nose all of a sudden. It was something smelling of fresh pungent sweat and that of a very potent masculine alpha male. The smell came washing over the roo's nostrils like a waterfall of overpowering strength. It had a foresty hue to it, as if a lumberjack had an intense "P90X style" work out on every tree for one hundred acres of forested wilderness. The roo couldn't see what had such a strange and strong scent in the dimly lit basement. The "roo-fies" were still clogging his vision in a thick inky haze.

A sudden gruff grunt pushed hot breath from a wide muzzle onto his long neck. A very heavy digit pushes its way under his tail and starts rolling along his taunt and wide open anal ring that is still dripping out of a large open gape from the night's previous encounters down his legs and thick tail and finally onto the ground in a slow dribble. The roo gives out a whine as that finger pushes its way up inside, squishing out the used cum from inside him like a discarded condom losing its sacred contents.

"H-hey...D-don't..." The roo manages to call out in protest, sounding weak from his exposure. There was a deep chuckle from behind him. "Shhhhhhhh", it almost sounded like a growl. Low and guttural was the sound coming from a large barrel chest. The roo turns around as that finger digs into his rump quite a bit deeper teasing his swollen and abused prostate with each flick. Smiling down with a crazed expression is a massive moose. The antlers being almost as wide as the roo is tall on a body built like a statue of an armored warship. He's crouched over the roo like a child inspecting a new snail that had been crawling around on the side walk.

A second finger forces its way into the roo's pre-abused hole. The roo gives a whimper from the exertion from his hole stretching anew and the lasting ache from his tail. Looking around the room, the moose gives a fierce expression to the others cowering about simply saying "Mine" as he fingers that roo's swolen hole. Several of them nod, not wanting to challenge the beast that is terrifying and lit up in the bar's bloody red lights from above the floorboards.

Fuzzy gives a shrill yelp as those fingers pull up on his anal walls, forcing him to get to his feet and stand. Another "shhhhh!" comes from the massive moose, trying to keep the new meat from making too much noise. The moose begins walking away from the edge of the cage and moves his way deeper inside. The roo, hooked by two thick sausage thick digits forced under his big thumpy tail, can't resist and is made to follow behind, walking backwards. Each step makes Fuzzy wince while his open and dripping rosebud winks around the moose's heavy paw fingers leaving little splats of dino and camel spoo on the cold cement ground behind him.

There is a jingling of metal as the moose sits down at his destination in the back of the cell. The roo steals a glance behind him, and to his surprise sees an all-in-one exercise machine. It smells heavily of the moose as if he's claimed this contraption all for himself as well. Nearby the out of place gym equipment is a very gross toilet. It looks like it hasn't been cleaned in months and it also looks like it was just stuck into the cage randomly so that the captive furs have a place to do business that isn't the floor or the urine stained floor drain.

The metal workout equipment clatters and groans under the all too familiar weight of the massive cervine. He pulls his fingers free of Fuzzy's tail and uses that big rudder butt to turn him around. He pushes the roo down onto the ground using a hoof to kick out a kangaroo knee and force him to kneel on the cold concrete. Fuzzy becomes face to face with those massive oval shaped deer-like moose balls dangling low between the moose's knees. He gives a nervous gulp as he eyes that massive sheath. The moose pushes his gently used paw fingers into the roo's muzzle, moving them about as if brushing Fuzzy's buck rabbit-like herbivore teeth. The roo can taste the leftovers from his previous encounters on the moose's hoof digit.

When the big moose found the cleaning of his hoof sufficient he pulled it free from those soft muzzle lips. He then gripped the roo by the ears and pulled his muzzle close to his crotch. With his other free paw, the moose pulls his heavy nuts up out of the way before shoving the roo's muzzle underneath. That big blunt roo nose slides across the moose's taint between those powerful thighs. The moose stops pulling that roo head down underneath him when those soft rubbery lips kiss the tight star underneath his short flagging tail.

"Stay" the moose calls out with a gruff huff before barking his next command of "Lick!" He peers down at the now trapped roo whose face he sits upon. He lets go of those ears to reach up and get a tight grip on the handle bars above him. With a loud grunt he pulls down, raising the strong heavy weights behind him. The roo whines out at the deep musky smell of the male atop his muzzle. In fear of what damage such a strong deer could do to him, he starts licking. His muzzle wrinkles at the foul pungent taste of the body builder's musky back side.

The kangaroo looks very awkward. His face is stuffed under a giant muscular moose. His ears are splayed out with the moose's balls resting down the back of his head in-between the large fuzzy sound gatherers. The roo is trapped in a world of musk. The lasting effects of the drugs make him too weak to pull himself free. Fuzzy groans as he breaths in the heavy moose scent. His tongue laps at the fleshy wrinkled nub on command.

A loud clang comes from the weights. The moose does another rep. CLACK! The weights push down. The moose grunts in exertion as he pulls on the bar again, pulling the heavy metal cable down and the large overbearing weights up off of their shrine like resting place. The moose's rear muscles squeeze down on the roo's head, further trapping him in such a smelly place. The roo can only whimper in fear and lick, feeling the weight of those heavy balls on his head that far dwarf his own making the roo feel more than inadequate.

Another repetition. The weights clink and clang away as the moose almost roars with using his taut muscles. To the kangaroo's plight is worsened as a light sheen of sweat starts to glisten from underneath the moose's fur. Beads of the strong musky flavor run down the moose's back side and slip into the crack of his rump before streaming to the roo's trapped muzzle. Sticky and salty moose sweat nearly pours from his hefty calf makers to rub that musk onto Fuzzy's head. As the kangaroo licks and laps with his thick broad tongue he continues to get mouthful after mouth full of the musky pungent sweat that taste of the musk of virile moose in his prime. The mouthfuls force the roo to swallow them in loud and sick unseemly gulps or drown in a torrent of sweat. It isn't long before his breath threatens to be permanently stained with the smell of sweating moose.

The moose moans loudly. Getting eaten out while working out, there is no better feeling! He rocks his hips against the roo's face with each pull on that handle bar. His arm muscles ach and bulge out from the heavy weights but the soft fur from the kangaroo's head on his giant sack feels so good. His sheath thickens and the round moose tip starts dribbling pre onto his lap, only to mix with the sweat and drain on top of Fuzzy's muzzle. He feels the wet kangaroo slobber rubbing his pert wrinkled fleshy hole making it wink and clench against that prodding tongue with the rest of the muscles in his body.

CLINK! Another rep sounds off as the moose starts to push himself to the limit. Salty and slimy moose sweat starts to nearly pour from the moose's body. The roo gulps as the taste of it makes him wrinkle his nose in disgust. It's so salty that it's almost sour. The foul sweat of the moose tastes as if the moose himself was a living lime or other extremely sour fruit. The moose's musk becomes more potent the more he sweats and the roo gets the worst of it by licking the quivering squeezing tailhole. Fuzzy's giant thick tail thumps hard on the cold cement in protest as he's forced to drink it down one salty lick at a time. His world becomes nothing but darkness and the musk of the big beefy moose.

"Oh yeah! That's a good little sweat rag! I'm glad the predators up above picked out such juicy fresh meat..." the moose teases. After a couple more reps he sets the weights back down. The moose grinds his hips into the kangaroo's face a few more times, that thick tongue licking out his sweat ridden musk hole. "Like my scent, don't you meat?" He asks rhetorically knowing full well how prey is captured from upstairs, the drugs preventing the roo from giving much of an answer.

The moose lets the roo continue to lick as he begins pulling pins from the machine and putting them in new places, changing it from an arm and chest work out to a leg workout. Finally, he pulls the roo's head out from under him. The moose's balls slide off the roo's face like two overweight slugs leaving glistening trails of pungent moose sweat down his long slender and sopping wet snoot. Like a punch to the gut, the smell wafts from the roo's head as it's covered in the moose's workout gunk and grime. The roo's breath smells heavily of the moose's rump and sweat. The moose smiles at this, loving his own stench with a passion as he sees it as a testament to his strength and good looking muscular body. "Look strong, smell stronger" was a personal motto of his, after all.

With a little bit of a heft, the moose pulls the roo up to straddle his waist. Gripping the roo's ears tightly, he forces Fuzzy's head up underneath an armpit and claps down on it. The roo's legs kick from around the moose's waist as the even stronger musky smell took ahold of the roo's sensitive nose. Under the moose's arm, the roo was met with thick gel like goo. Inside that pit was a thick viscous slime of concentrated sweat that must have been there ever since the moose started sweating that clings to every follicle of fur on his roo face. He whines out loudly at the discomfort and the horrible smell.

The moose makes a few more adjustments on the machine and brings his legs onto the leg-bar. The position has the moose sitting on an incline with the roo in his lap facing his chest while the roo's maw is trapped under a thick arm. The roo's legs straddle his waist and lower stomach and the roo's tail is draped down between his legs. As the moose pushes down with his calves, his hips push out and prod the roo's tail with his growing erection. The moose continues his workout, pushing down making the weights rise up with his hips. He pulls a hand down underneath the roo to adjust his girth, feeling it rub up under the roo's soft rump fur. With a hoof finger, he hooks the lip of the kangaroo's tailhole and pulls it downwards forcing the roo to sit down hard as the moose's hips thrust up.

Fuzzy yelps out loudly inside his slime prison as an eager moose cock forces its way deep inside him. There wasn't a soft slow push; it was a hard and violent intrusion. Backed by weights the moose pushes down with his legs and juts his hips up spearing the roo in his lap. His long cervine cock shoots up through his widened abused gaping cloaca making the moose bleat out in the utmost pleasure. The moose feels the cooling seed of predator spunk deep within the roo squishing out around his girth. He smiles as his workouts make him just as strong as any predator, making him more like one of them as he takes this little prey item who's so below his station and is only fit to be meat.

"That's a good cow" The moose moans loudly as a rep ends making him raise his legs up and bring his hips down. His long moose cock being forced back out of the roo with a wet and lewd "schlorp~". His body shines brightly with pungent moose sweat as if his body and muscles had been suddenly freshly oiled. The slime from the moose's pit drips down the roo's head clinging to his fur and permeating his muzzle and nose with the moose's sweaty scent. Tears start to stream down his muzzle as he gags out hard from the foul odor that surrounds him.

The moose grunts loudly pushing the weights down again and jutting his cock violently into the roo's backside. The roo's hole stretches wide as the moose's member hilts the roo sinking that loose hole all the way down to the invading cock's base. The moose's balls slap against that big thumpy tail with an almost playful "slap" noise that makes the moose bleat out in utter bliss. Those powerful well worked muscles rocket the moose's cock up deep into the kanga's bowels making them bulge lewdly with the moose's girth. The kangaroo cries out in pain in the slime covered arm pit as he's further drenched in sweat and intoxicatingly strong musk of the extremely masculine male he's riding on top of against his will.

The moose mrrrs softly as the roo forces himself to keep licking around inside the sloppy armpit. His tongue drags along inside the moist furry enclosure as he slurps up chunk after chunk of malodorous ungulate grime and moose slime into his quivering muzzle. His body shakes and clenches down hard as another powerful burst of moose cock is fed into his assaulted cloaca. Moose sweat flows forth from his body onto both the roo and the machine as well as it drips heavily on the groun. Flecks of salty sweat splatter the machine and the cement wall each time the moose hilts the roo at the same time he fights the heavy weights with his legs.

Resting for a moment, the moose moans softly while he lets the weights down, sliding all but the tip from the roo's battered anus. With a heavy shaking hoof hand he pulls the roo out of his armpit by the roo's long moist matted ears. He brings his muzzle close to the roo's and whispers "Count" as an angry command. Fuzzy gulps in fear and nods with a "Y-yes, sir..." The moose grins as he grips the roo's hips in his hooves tightly.

As he kicks downward on the weights the strong buck's hips slam up with incredible strength. The moose pushes down hard on the roo's hips making him hilt into the livestock with a loud smack that resounds through the entire basement, almost echoing off of the cement walls. Fuzzy squeaks out in pain, the tan fur roo covered in stripes has never had his innards plundered this deeply or with such ferocity. He whimpers as those big moose balls, the ones that put his own size to shame, slam into his big tail. He weakly whines out pitifully "O...oo-one..."

The moose chuckles "That's a good slab of meat, now moo before you count. I want to hear you call out like the dumb cow you are for my thick cock! Common hussy, moo for me, slut!" The moose relaxes his legs before pushing down hard, slamming back up into the roo again. The moose bites down on the roo's long ear as he pants from the strain of the workout. "Moooo!" the roo yells out as the pain from being stretched so wide by something that smells so bad forces him to yelp. "t-tw-twoooo!" He sobs a bit, his body clenching down reflexively around the moose buried deep into him.

The roo gasps out as the moose retreats from deep within him, resting the weights back once again. "MOOOOOO!" the roo yells out so loudly that the general clamor of bar patrons above goes silent as another hot red missile explodes deep into the roo once again. "T-th---thrrreee..." the roo whimpers and pants out loudly. The moose's sweat clings to Fuzzy's body as all he can smell is the bull whose strength is perfect to breed little cum drenched fuck slut cows like the roo.

The big bull moose pulls out once again as the door to the basement slams open. Yellow light pours free from the opening as the camel comes rushing down to check out the strange disrupting noise. "CLINK!" goes the weight machine. "MOOOOOOOOOOOOO! F-four..." comes a loud call from Fuzzy. The camel switches the lights on and peers into the back of the cage. The furs around the entrance cower and scramble to move away from the cage's entrance but the moose just stares at the bartender, his face wrinkled in tempered concentration as he focuses on his workout and fucking a little cock thirsty cow with all his might. The roo, strained as he is, can only see the cement wall and the weights of the machine forced to face the cold grey cement opposite the door. He can see the wall is awash with the moose's work out as well as the same sweat dripping off his own fur as if he had stood underneath a moose sweat waterfall. The moose's muzzle sneers at him with that big broad moose nose and those wide flat teeth as the moose watches the bulge in the roo's tummy form from his own massive bull fuck pole.

With a smirk, the camel goes back up the stairs leaving the lights on and the door wide open. "CLANG!" goes another round of weights and the knight's lance finds its target in the dragon's heart once more. "MOOOOOOOOOOO! FIVE!" the roo whines out. The kangaroo's own member is rock hard as that long girthy cervine length squishes his prostate with each thrust and the smell of the sweating moose drives him to the brink of insanity. The roo drools out as he pants hotly focused on only the smell of his new captor and that monstrous thing pushed up into his cloaca under his big thick roo tail.

The camel comes back down in a hurried huff with a set of folding chairs in his arms. He hastily puts them down, opening them up in a frantic frenzy. Chuckling and laughing with drinks in hand come down a large bellied T-Rex, a soft furred lion, and a well-toned and very toothy orca. The camel collected some cash from the lion and orca as the three nude predators gathered around before he led the trio into the seats. The moose kept his cock buried in the little filthy fuck toy for some extended period of time, as if waiting for the predators to take their seats before dragging his cock out of the kangaroo with an agonizing slowness causing the roo to moan out and arch his back and tail despite himself. He had never felt so empty than he has when that moose pulled his anaconda free from his backside. The arched tail showed the newly found audience the moose's big meaty cock slink free from somewhere extremely deep inside the roo, pulling nearly completely free save for the very tip.

The dinosaur moans in soft excitement as he watches the pair copulate inside the cage. He mrrs feeling up his own crotch, enjoying the spectacle, as he fondles his own uncut shaft that was still moist from his mating with the sexy roo livestock earlier that evening. The orca leans to the rex and speaks in a hushed tone, careful not to disturb anybody, and the dinosaur then nods softly to the orca before spreading his legs. The orca takes a thick long whiff of the dino's previously used shaft and moans hotly through his blowhole before pushing the dino's cock into his muzzle as to get a taste of what the roo might taste like.

"CLANG! MOOOOOOOO!" the predators bust out laughing at the silly noise the roo makes as he's fucked. How fitting for livestock to make the sound a cow does before the slaughter. The orca tries his best not to laugh too hard while sucking the massive meat in his own maw as he doesn't want to bite down on the thick scales of the T-Rex's impressive and impossibly good tasting foreskinned cock. His smooth webbed hand rubs his own dick slit as he suckles eagerly against the dino dick. He can really taste the roo's innards on his big tongue. The orca moans out, pushing that tongue of his into the rex's foreskin, licking out the dirt and grime mixed with the flavors of earth and grass that had come from deep inside the kangaroo. While he pushed his maw down to the base of the dino's impressive member, his eyes are enjoying the delicious sight of the same hot little kangaroo he's tasting get totally owned by the massive form of the bull moose. "S-Six!" called out the roo.

The kanga's cock was dribbling pre onto the moose's belly. It's salt mixing and dissolving quickly in the massive flow of slippery sweat from the moose's cut body. "CLANG!" goes the weights. "MOOOOOOOOOO!" bellows the roo. With a loud thunderous roar, the whole room freezes. Other prey items in the cage cower and whimper out in fear and the place erupts in the scent of scared prey. The lion roars out as seed splashes through the chain link fence onto the face of an unsuspecting fox that recoils in disgust. The lion gives the camel a shy and embarrassed smile and the camel, inturn, smiles back while he hands the orca a handful of bills, to the winner go the spoils.

The roo bites his lip before whimpering out loud "M-MOOO...MOOO!" and gasping for air. His tapered member twitches below his soft furry fluffy orbs as he cums suddenly and hard. His toes curl and his tail thumps down behind him onto the wet cement, sloshing around a puddle of moose sweat. Kangaroo cum spatters against the moose's chest. The moose ignores the newest warm and wet sensation and waits for the roo to collect himself before moving. "S-s-seeeven" The roo calls out from behind clenched teeth. Only then does the moose start his long pull outwards.

The rex moans softly as the orca tends to his aching need. Even after giving the roo what he deserves, the thought of having the sexy kangaroo as his personal livestock excites him to no end. The orca in his turn gives another moan fumbling with his own porpoise dick which leaks upon the cement ground.

"CLANG! MOOOOOOOOOOOO! E-EIGHT" the spent roo yelps out in a pained grunt. The moose starts to pick up the pace. With a hooved hand he reaches behind the roo to lift up his tail and let the audience see his work in progress. They see him pull out, the bare tip buried into the once tight cloaca that is now sporting a soft purple blush of a bruise around its poofy swelling rim.

"CLANG!" go the weights as they drop back down only to rise up directly after. The audience gets a clear view of the swift speed at which a thick lengthy moose dick slams home inside of the kangaroo plaything. His oval shaped eggs bounce in their sac with the wild force of his thrust as he claims the little cow in his lap. "MOOOOOOOOOO!" the roo screams in pain as his orgasm's afterglow leaves him even more sensitive. "N-niiiine" he calls out.

"CLANG!" the weights slam home louder than ever. The roo is nearly bucked off of the moose's lap with the fury of that last thrust. The moose bellows loudly in a deafening bleat, the noise ringing in the roo's ears and the watching lion jumps in surprise, his fur standing on end as he's startled. The roo gives out a loud and weak "MOOOOOoooo--~" before passing out from the abuse. The T-Rex leans in closely to the cage for a better view, pleased to see a thick glob of moose spoo start to leak from his meat's tail star.

The view is enough to make the tyrannosaurus rex to gasp in excitement and push down eagerly on the orca's head, coming hard into that fish eating maw of the orca. Panting he leans down to the dino cum swallowing fur "L-later on, I'll let you do that to 'em. Kid's got a fuck hole like a vice. Born to be fucked, lucky slut." The promise makes the orca moan out once more as he so wants to get some of that thick roo tail action. The flavor of the roo's insides on the dinosaur's cock, the sweet moan from the roo mooing like a cow, just like meat should when it begs for cock... it's all too much and the orca begins to spurt his own seed... albeit all over the dino's feet claws, getting an amused frown from the big dinosaur.

The moose lets the weights of the workout machine down softly. His muscles burn and are left bulging from the exertion while sweat runs through his fur. The moose pants as he finishes his workout and lays for a couple moments on top of the machine, still stuck inside the unconscious roo. He finally pulls free from the roo completely. Fuzzy slumps onto the moose's sweat drenched body slipping into an unconscious stupor. His hole had been forced wide open and leaking moose, dino, and camel spoo onto the moose's legs. Carefully he gets the roo free and stands up off of the work out machine.

Carrying the roo with ease, the body's weight nothing at all to the muscular cervine, the moose brings the sleeping roo to the fence of the cage, pressing that rump up against it for all to inspect. The lion, like before, pushes his paw fingers into the roo's hole, swilling around the juices within before bringing it to his muzzle to taste the marinade. The T-Rex gives a nod of approval to the moose before reaching through the fence to grip the roo's hips, keeping him semi-standing. The roo groans out in his sleep.

Wasting no time, the T-Rex pushes his cock back into its home, sliding deeply into the roo with a growl, enjoying the feel of moose semen. He builds a decent pace, humping the passed out roo through the bars of the cell, giggling out as the roo's floppy ears jostling this way and that with the rough pounding remind him of several hours previous in a restroom.

The orca kneels before the moose and clicks his webbed fingers. The moose quietly and obediently steps forward and pushes his slowly softening dick through the bars. The orca leans forward and smells it, moaning hotly when smells the hot mess of well used prey upon it. Opening his maw, the big well defined whale slips his rubber muzzle lips around the moose's cock, slurping it clean of what tastes like roo fillet.


Blind Date

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A Wild Ride

It's just another one of those nights. A lone abandoned husk of what was once a rather busy way station and rest stop back in the 60's. Now it sits watching over the vast interstate highway. The building's windows are boarded up with plywood having...

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