
Story by Fenrir Shadowfang on SoFurry

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This is the first commission of written work that I have paid for, and I must say that Twotime is an incredible writer with a lot of talent and not just in the areas of sex-scenes. This is a very good job and I am well pleased.

This story is a commission written for me by Twotime. It features some of the excitement that made up Fenrir's life in Ancient Greece, a long time before he met Lupa. Contained within the following tale are a large number of sexual fetishes enjoyed by Fenrir, a Renamon, and a Charizard (anthro). I'm sure you've all heard the various standardized age-related warnings: if you're underaged, I cannot stop you, but do highly encourage you not to read this.

After all the chaos that Greece had been through, Athens still stood. He was glad for that, if little else in the world these days.

Fenrir Shadowfang stood at the entrance to the city-state, watching the day go by as morning turned into afternoon. Despite the open stares his three heads drew, there was an advantage to being a Cerberus hybrid: you could watch many things at once and see sleights of hand other eyes couldn't in the less savory cities. Today he saw a surprising amount of peace and many happy - if resigned - smiles on the faces of citizens. Only a few months ago it had been hard to find anyone without a hardness in their eyes or an air of defeat.

Greece had fallen under Roman rule after the fall of Corinth to the west, and yet everyone here was smiling. The young boys running in the streets wouldn't be trained in the ways of war until much later in life than their predecessors, and no one here would return home that evening fearing another letter bearing news of their deceased. With the war finally over life could just be life, and life meant food, laughter, and camaraderie even if your cities were filled with strangers from a strange land.

_ Not that I'm not strange, myself_, Fenrir thought with a smirk. Black fur, three heads, seven tails, and big red eyes - no wonder he was attracting looks. At over 11 feet tall, he towered over the citizens and their conquerers alike.

"You can barely tell the difference," Renamon said, stepping up beside him. She was as weary of the long roads they'd walked during the years of war as he was, and it showed in her tired posture and the circles beneath her eyes. "That is, if it wasn't for the soldiers."

"Always a cynic," Fenrir commented. "You're right, though. Let's not get too comfortable here. We need a place to rest." He stepped forward, and the crowd edged away as he passed.

To be perfectly fair, he didn't mind the stares he drew. In fact, it was almost flattering to know that the broad, muscled stature he worked hard to maintain caught the eyes of the women as well as the guards. Renamon didn't have his taste for the attention of the public, and even though they'd traveled together for years her fur always bristled under too many eyes. Before meeting him he was sure she was prone to slipping quietly through the shadows as many Digimon seemed to, intent on business no one quite understood.

If anything, it spoke to their friendship after their years as lovers that she didn't. She wouldn't leave him to walk alone through the streets with all the guards' eyes following him, and the ever-present risk of a spear or a sword being pointed in his face. Rome had won, but her soldiers weren't fools and they knew a potential threat when they saw one.

"Perhaps we should move elsewhere," Renamon said, eying the armored wolf closest to them warily. "They don't exactly look pleased with us. We stand out."

"I know," he said. He held out his arm to her, and after a hesitation she took it. "Here. We're just everyday citizens on our way to the theater now and enjoying the afternoon sun. We'll look and talk on the way."

"Not going to suggest we smile and wave, are you?" she asked. She paused to inspect the wares at a bracelet stand just outside of the theater area, and Fenrir stopped with her.

"Hmm. I suppose not," he responded. His eyes drifted over the audience gathered around the outdoor theater, and he gasped. "Of all the - Felicia!"

A Charizard near the edge of the crowd looked up at the sound of his voice and smiled. Tall and sultry in simple white clothing, she stood out among a crowd and the people moved aside for her as she parted the crowd to walk towards him. "Fenrir! Dear, it's been ages. You don't know how much poorer Athens is without you."

"You flatter me," Fenrir said. "Renamon, you've met Felicia, haven't you? We're old friends."

"I've heard of her. I don't think we've had the opportunity to meet."

"Oh, we go way back," Felicia said, draping her arms around Fenrir's waist. At half his height, she couldn't reach much else. "We used to attend this very theater when Greece was still her own and they had those summertime plays."

"You always did like the theater and politics," Fenrir chuckled, "or at least the men attending."

"And why shouldn't a woman?" she replied with a wink. He could feel her ample bosom pressing into him as she gave a squeeze. "I've done better for myself in Athens than most of my male counterparts at furthering my country. I'm speaking next week, you know, and I tutored under some of the recent great minds."

A smile quirked at the corners of his lips. "That doesn't surprise me one bit. Felicia, I'd hate to impose so soon after seeing you again, but we need room for the night. If you've a bed to spare..."

Renamon shyly shuffled her feet while Felicia laughed.

"For my old friend and his friend?" she said. "Of course! No need to be coy. Come with me." She took his hand and led him past the midday rush and deeper into Athens, with Renamon casting one last wary glance around before following.

As they passed house after house, Fenrir was struck by a sense of nostalgia. Everything in Greece was a matter of simplicity blended with elegance, and in the wider world you could get lost in the sights, the sounds, and the flavors of cities. Here the homes were meant to be slept in, not seen or brightly decorated.

They turned down a street empty except for a young hare finishing his morning stroll with his assistant. Fenrir caught his eye and saw the lingering shadow of the war, and then Felicia ushered him inside. Even when he ducked to enter, his 11-foot frame could barely squeeze past.

"Why so eager to get us indoors?" he asked, following her into the dining room. "I think I was just about to make a new friend."

Renamon peeked out through the shades into the empty street. "How sociable of you."

"If I were you, I'd be careful," Felicia warned. "The war might be over, but the fight hasn't quite left some of us, if you know what I mean. You don't look like you're from around these parts even from a distance."

"I don't think I look like I'm from anywhere, really."

Felicia watched him from the corner of her eye as she set the table with cheese, wine, bread, and porridge for a simple meal. "That won't matter to them. You're not here looking for trouble, are you?"

"Of course not," Fenrir replied.

"We really are just passing through," Renamon spoke up. "Everyone's confused about what to do next - everyone who's not a farmer or a merchant, that is."

"Aah," Felicia replied knowingly. She motioned for them to be seated, and with a relieved sigh Fenrir sank into one of the chairs.

Greek homes were simple on the outside, and simple but efficient on the inside. Felicia's had chairs for visitors, a table for eating, candles for nighttime, and an entryway leading into the courtyard contained in the center of the abode with the lush sound of running water. When he stepped inside he'd felt immediate relief from the midday sun beating down on his back and bumped into none of the clutter he'd so often been guilty of tumbling over in more decorated homes.

Through the thick wooden shades covering the windows he could see the sun beginning to set throughout their meal. There was the noise of passerby making their way home, and soon there would be the quiet of night. Past sunset there was little respectable business to do in Athens, not when there were only candles to do it by and those candles only burned for so long. They were simple wax sticks for those who didn't turn in when the sun left the land, whatever they may be doing in the dead of night.

Felicia rose to pour more wine, and in the dim light of the evening her tail lit up the room. Nighttime was falling and soon the light of hundreds of candles would be visible through the shuttered shades of the city, but the Charizard let night creep into the house and the shadows danced on the walls as she moved.

"Why do you even need candles?" Fenrir asked as he helped himself to another hunk of bread. "Your tail is brighter than any I've ever seen."

"For guests, of course," she said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Some of them are so tired when they come in that they need a meal first, or even a good rub-down." Her hands, drifting idly across Fenrir's broad shoulders, trailed down his chest and he felt the tingle of her claws tracing patterns in his fur.

"And not us?"


He rumbled appreciatively. "A gracious host, as always."

"Nothing less for you, Fenrir," she whispered into his ear. Her hands trailed a little too low to be gracious, but Fenrir didn't protest. Cupping one of his massive heads in her hands, her lips covered his in butterfly kisses while the other two heads grinned.

Felicia leaned in close, and he caught a whiff of the faint smoky smell that always accompanied her. Not what one might expect from a flame Pokemon, it was more like a smoky autumn night than a brush fire. Her arms went around one of his necks as she draped herself across his lap, letting the weight of her clothed bottom rest warmly against his bare groin. The heat of her body and her generously-padded rump was quickly bringing him to life with the same fervor as the rich, Greek wine she brought out for only her most beloved guests. He supposed he should feel flattered that he was one of her biggest heartthrobs.

"It's always a pleasure to have someone of your, ah," she pursed her lips against his ear, "stature in Greece. Too many little dogs and foxes." She shifted on his lap, perhaps deliberately, and his crotch pressed against her soft folds through the thin cloth garbs she covered herself with.

_ Always the tease,_ he remembered. There was a reason that when he came to Athens, he stayed in Athens. I never could resist...

He could feel himself getting hard, and when he glanced away from Felicia's alluring figure he caught Renamon's eyes darting away. She'd clearly been watching, but wasn't sure how to react to her ex-lover and this new woman grinding together right in front of her over dinner. For some people, Felicia's lack of shame concerning sex and sexuality could be intense - and she had always been shy. Fenrir was in a room with a tiger and a house cat; one insatiable and the other modest.

_ So she is,_ he thought with a smirk. But if she thinks I don't know she enjoys watching this, she must have forgotten how long we've known each other...

"Renamon," he purred, leaning back in his chair so that his bulging sheaths were clearly visible. "Felicia is a gracious host, don't you agree?"

While the Charizard giggled, he carefully pulled the front of her toga down and exposed her bouncy, pert breasts to the cold night air. Two of his heads casually watched for a response while one, as if it were the most normal thing in the world, leaned in to cover a nipple with his lips. Felicia moaned his name.

"I... yes," Renamon replied, trying to keep her eyes away. "She's lovely."

Fenrir laughed. "As if you haven't been thinking that about half the women in Athens."

"I don't know what you're talking about," she shot back curtly. There was a blush creeping across Renamon's cheeks that told him she knew exactly what he was talking about. You didn't travel with someone for years and not see where their eyes went during the day.

"You'll have to try it sometime. I don't want to be around when you go crazy."

Felicia had been listening in with a raised eyebrow. "I see where this is going. Honey, you're gorgeous, too. Come over here."

"No, I - "

"In fact, I'll tell you a little something." Felicia licked her lips as she rose off of Fenrir's lap and left him, poking halfway out of his sheaths, to walk over to Renamon. "I could just eat you up as a little appetizer to the main course." She leaned over with her hands on her knees, then laughed at Renamon's flustered mumbling at the sight of her breasts hanging out the front of her toga inches in front of her face.

"If you're trying to seduce me, then good job, you two," Renamon huffed. She tried to cross her arms over her chest, but Felicia took her hands in her own and placed them, open-palmed, over her bare breasts.

"You can lend a hand, can't you?" Felicia asked, squeezing her hands over Renamon's so that her breasts squished and molded to the Digimon's hands. "You've got two nice, soft ones right here. Try squeezing - but be careful."

"Don't look at me," Fenrir said, raising an eyebrow when Renamon's eyes darted to him for answers.

"I..." she trailed off, not knowing where she'd been going with her protest, after all.

Renamon's hands gave a squeeze, and Felicia sighed. The Digimon cupped them in her palms as if testing the weight of them, and then her thumbs pressed against the nipples and rubbed. The rough paw pads caused them to flush and harden, standing out in the already chilly night.

"That's it, dear," Felicia crooned. "You don't have to be shy about a woman's body. It's only natural to be curious. Don't tell me you've never played with your own and imagined they were someone else's?"

"I've... never done that."

"Oh, I guess that's just me, then," Felicia giggled.

"I have thought about... other things," Renamon admitted.

Felicia gave an encouraging smile. "Well, go on."

After all these years, Fenrir could still be surprised by her and the things she'd rather mull over quietly than discuss with others. He leaned back with a smile and watched as Felicia instructed her in the proper technique for handling breasts: a gentle squeeze, a nimble flick of the thumb, lips closing over a pert nipple. From the looks of it, Renamon was a natural deep down.

With her lips pressed to a plump teat, she teased and suckled until Felicia began to coo and sigh. With one paw cupping each breast, she was like a kitten greedily burying its face in a dish of milk. She traced her tongue along the pinkened nipples and lapped at them with an astonishing fervor before her mouth closed around them again, and Fenrir could hear the soft sound of her suckling. One of the Charizard's hands settled on the back of Renamon's head and stroked her fur as she explored her first pair of breasts.

_ Oh, the things a woman can do when she's been cooped up for ages,_ Fenrir thought. How long has she been waiting? Months? Years?

Fenrir had always been a patient man, but he found himself shifting uncomfortably in his chair as the women explored each other. At this rate, he'd be hard in minutes. Who hadn't imagined such a woman's hidden fantasies? Everyone had them; some just hid them better than others and for far longer.

"Come for dinner, stay for the show, hmm?" he commented.

Renamon's mouth left Felicia's breast with a soft pop, and she looked over at him shyly. "I -I... "

"I think it's going to be good for you that you tried this," he said gently, "but you ladies forget just how sexy you are when you're doing this." Against the stark black of his fur, the reddish-pink of two erect canine cocks sans knot could be seen slyly poking up from his lap.

This evening relaxation and the lack of a stigma about their bodies was another thing he'd missed about select places in Greece - Felicia's home first and foremost. A chaste world was a tense world for a canine with a libido, and he could feel his blood racing hot and lusty in his veins.

"Renamon," Felicia purred.


She gave a sly, sideways look. "I think Fenrir's suggesting something. Don't you?"

Renamon's eyes fell on Fenrir's twin erections, standing proudly at 24 inches each, and he smiled when he saw her eyes widen in understanding. There was a faint spark of longing in her eyes. Her libido, normally kept under lock and key, had long since been aroused by having her face stuffed into Felicia's chest. "I think he is, from the looks of it."

He winked, and Felicia laughed.

"Need a helping hand, dear?"

"If I can beg more of your generosity tonight..."

"For you? Anything." Felicia left Renamon, looking dazed but pleased, to kneel on the floor in front of Fenrir. While her hands went to work kneading at his thighs and balls, she motioned to Renamon with a jerk of her head. "There's room for his lusty little lady friend, too. He always brings seconds."

"Well, I..." Renamon decided she'd rather not to be left behind in whatever debauchery her friend had dragged her into, and sank to her knees besides Felicia. There was still the hint of a blush beneath her fur when she looked up at Fenrir, but also the hint of a smile on her lips. "I'll get you for this."

"Eat me. You can start now." He grinned.

Renamon's paw gently encircled his shaft and thumbed at the head, while Felicia wasted no time in pressing her lips to the hot flesh and dragging her tongue from top to bottom with her eyes locked on Fenrir's. A groan escaped him as he watched, transfixed. He was going to enjoy the opportunity to compare.

While he gazed into the Charizard's lapis blue eyes, she eagerly teased him with her mouth. Her long dragon's tongue curled itself around him, lapped at his balls, and dragged itself slowly along every inch from bottom to top. It was obvious - though he knew in his own ways - that she was the more experienced of the two, and it showed in her confidence as well as her technique. It was no secret that she loved the way a man's face looked while she pleasured him or the subtle shift in expressions just before he reached his peak, and it was even less of a secret that Fenrir was one of her favorite males. She moaned appreciatively around his cock as she took him between her lips, as if savoring the taste like fine wine.

Encouraged, Renamon pressed her muzzle against him and he felt the silky smooth texture of her lips before he slipped past them. As bold as Felicia was, she was demure in comparison and he felt her smaller, flat tongue delicately teasing against him in a way that was almost feline. It swiped the pre off his head with one swift lick and circled around, searching for more. Finding none, she let his cock slip free and trailed her lips down his length with all the grace of someone kissing a lover, leaving her hand behind to alternately thumb at the head and stroke him in time.

The chair was hard-backed and wouldn't let him lean back to watch his two companions as they sucked and slurped at his cocks, but there was a certain appeal in the casualness of doing this here instead of in the bed. Fenrir sat calmly with his thighs apart as if this were just another part of a normal, everyday dinner, with both Renamon and Felicia kneeling between them. He could even have reached the wine if he wanted. That is, if he wasn't the type to stop at a modest two glasses.

"You do know how to treat your guests," he sighed, rubbing a thumb across Felicia's cheek.

"You like it?" Felicia purring, pulling off with a purposefully loud slurp. She'd been watching him watch them with a keen eye, and never liked to pass up an opportunity to hear a dirty thought.

Fenrir just smiled. "I like the view best. Two lovely ladies, one for each cock. I must have pleased some pantheon or other."

"Do you two always talk with your mouths full?" Renamon asked, chuckling. She looked up at him as he suckled, her eyes gleaming with mischief.

"No, and your mouth isn't that full, anyway."

Renamon rolled her eyes, but she also bobbed her head to take several more inches into her mouth. Fenrir felt the full, warm embrace of a mouth wrapped around him and the tickling of her chest fur on his balls as she bobbed her head low, only to pull back with a soft sound and dip back down again until he felt himself pressing against the back of her throat. Not being the deepthroating type, she must have wanted to keep up with the Charizard watching her curiously out of the corner of her eye.

_ If I'm not careful, they're just going to have a go at each other instead,_ he chuckled. He let one hand settle on the back of Renamon's head, gently guiding her up and down as she worked. He wouldn't rush her, but he liked to sit this way all the same.

Felicia was a quick one. She caught on to what he was thinking, and sunk her head into his crotch until he could feel her hot breath puffing out into his fur and his knot swelling behind her lips. There were advantages to having a dragon's long muzzle and thick tongue, and every time she gulped at him he could feel the hot flesh of a dragon's mouth, heated by something inexplicable inside all Fire-type Pokemon, massaging him closer and closer towards orgasm.

"Ooh, good girl," he moaned. He let has hand wander across her cheek and caress her long, graceful horns as she worked.

She pulled back to suck in a fresh breath of air and swirl her tongue around his head before diving back in. With her muzzle against his fur, she looked up at him with lust-glazed, adoring eyes as she put her clever mouth to use pleasuring him. It would have been cute if he wasn't about to cover them both in cum.

As a gentle warning sign, he let out a low rumble and shifted his hips in the chair. "Getting close," he murmured.

Renamon didn't seem to notice. She was still bobbing her head against his lap with her eyes closed and her expression serene, one hand massaging his increasingly swollen knot. She'd remembered how much he loved that after all this time.


"Hmm?" She opened one eye to look at him a moment too late.

When he finally came, Renamon's lips were just leaving his cock to tease at the head. The first thick, creamy jet of cum splattered across the side of her face and fell across her tongue as she gasped. She tried to lick it away even as another rope fell across her muzzle and a third shot across her breasts and began to seep into the white fur, all while her hand continued to pump him. Before he'd even finished his seed had begun dripping down off her pert nipples and her chin, spattering to the floor between her legs or across her thighs. He_had_ tried to warn her.

Felicia had been more daring. The Charizard had hungrily wrapped her lips around him and taken him in up to the knot again as soon as he'd started, her nostrils flaring against his fur. Her throat convulsed with each swallow as she guzzled down the heavy load his twin cocks were pumping out, and he could a bead of sweat was on her brow. Even for Felicia, it was a lot of cum. He could hear her working to keep going and the sound of lewd gulping between his thighs, but she wasn't willing to let a drop of it escape. Not even to let Fenrir finish on her breasts, which Renamon was clearly enjoying.

"Oh," Renamon gasped. "I didn't realize..." With Fenrir's gaze on her she began to fumble over her obvious pleasure, but Felicia's boldness must have rubbed off on her. Looking back at him, she began to clean herself of his seed, licking her fingers free of the sloppy mess.

He heard a groan from Felicia as she finished and let his cock slip from her mouth. From the look on her face it had been as satisfying for her as it had been for him. A dribble of white was on the corner of her mouth, but she quickly caught his eye and licked it off.

"You always did blow a big load," she purred, dropping her usual coy language.

"You always did love it," Fenrir replied. "And I always did love returning a favor. Ladies?" He gestured towards the bedroom with its modest accommodations but enough room for three - if they squeezed.

"Of course. The night's still young," Felicia replied. She turned to Renamon, taking a moment to admire her slender curves and breasts covered in cum. "But maybe a towel first?"

Fenrir rose from his chair and went to retrieve the towel while the two ladies made their way to the bedroom. "Here," he said as he stepped inside after them. "I think it's big enough."

The towel was tossed to Renamon, who quickly wiped her fur clean as best she could while the other two sat down on the bed. She dove into the bed just as one of Fenrir's heads was kissing its way down Felicia's sleek, scaled body to her thighs. He wrapped an arm around her and dragged her in next to the Charizard.

"So strong," Felicia cooed.

Fenrir just smiled.

His three heads planted kisses along their breasts, their stomachs, and their thighs, savoring the delicate feel of their bodies. He drifted down until his noses were pressed against the thick scent of female arousal and his hands, one planted between each pair of legs, nudged them open. Felicia's lips, like the rest of her well-endowed body, were agape and juicy, her body blushing and willing. Renamon was more delicate and flower-like, with pale pink curves and folds requiring a more considerate touch.

Where to start... ? Fenrir wondered. He let his eyes admire the sight before him.Thank goodness I'm a good multitasker.

Felicia's body was warm under his lips when he touched them to her thigh, and when he pressed his nose gently against the top of her folds it was even warmer. She drew in a breath when she felt him bump against her clit, and when he dragged his tongue along her from top to bottom to taste she let it out in a sigh.

"Your tongue is so warm," she murmured.

"Mm-hmm," he replied. The tang of her on his tongue, already slick, goaded him on. Another lick parted the folds, and with a twist of his head he plunged his tongue into her depths.

Her body quivered with pleasure around him, and he pressed his tongue against her walls and explored every inch the same as kissing a lover. Warm muscles were squeezing and contracting in time with his tongue, clamping down only to let him go a moment later as if her body couldn't get enough of him.

"Oh, such a good boy," she sighed. She laid her head against the soft sheets and closed her eyes while he lapped.

Renamon's hips shifted against his muzzle, and his eyes darted up to her face.

I haven't forgotten you, he thought with a smile. Not in a million years.

Rather than dive in he pressed a pair of lips to her clit and gave it a firm kiss, just hard enough to send a twang of pleasure throughout her body. When she made an appreciative sound he gave it kiss for good measure before drawing it between his lips and sucking at it, his great jaws cradling it like a pearl. He was rewarded with her fingers weaving themselves through his fur and her hips arching against his muzzle until his chin was damp with her arousal.

Time to give her a little more, then.

Mindful of his claws, he slipped two thick fingers between her thighs and pushed them inside, spreading her as he went. She took him in up to his knuckles before she started arching her hips in rhythm with him, trying to ride his fingers as he worked them in and with a wet sound. With every movement his nose and lips ground against her clit, and she would led out a pleading moan as he used it to edge her towards orgasm.

Fenrir gave Felicia one last slurp and withdrew his tongue, a thin dribble of saliva trailing behind as he did. He licked his lips, feeling a little bashful as he began lapping at her clit again. Too messy was never a good thing to him. Sex was supposed to be beautiful and erotic, like the way her body rose to meet his hand as soon as she felt his fingers starting to penetrate her, too.

Renamon was tugging at his fur now, not hard enough to hurt him but hard enough to let him know that she was being driven wild. Even her toes at the ends of her long, delicate feet were quivering, which was a sure sign that he was doing something right.

"Three heads and only two hands," Fenrir's middle head sighed. He felt Renamon's body clenching and unclenching around his fingers and the hot - almost too hot - flesh of Felicia around the others. If he hadn't been using his hands on them, he probably would have had a hard time keeping them off the two women as they squirmed. Watching both pairs of breasts bouncing as their owners sighed, purred, and moaned was a form of torture worthy of military weaponization.

"What a shame," Renamon gasped. "You'll just have to make do. Ooh -"

And make do I will, he told himself, dragging his tongue across her clit with a loud slurp. More than once he'd wondered how it must feel to a woman to have so many different places of pleasure, and all of them so tempting.

"Fenrir," Felicia sighed.

"Yes?" he asked jokingly, pausing for effect. He could feel her walls grasping at his fingers as though she never wanted to let him go.

Stopping his hand hadn't stopped her pleasure, and he hadn't expected it to. She ground her hips against his knuckles, frantically trying to work herself towards release whether he was going to help her or not. Her hands gripped the sheets, twisting them up beneath her claws. "Fenrir, I've been wanting this forever..."

"Getting fingered?"

"No, a baby. I want you to make me pregnant."

Fenrir raised an eyebrow and, seeing his face, Felicia continued. "You're perfect for it. You always have been. I don't want to be without children forever, but I haven't been able to pick out a father and I don't want it to be just anyone. Please, make sure they're yours."

"Hmm..." Fenrir pressed his lips to her clit and thoughtfully suckled at it while she bit her lip against another moan. "Are you sure?"

"I-I'm sure," she gasped, teetering on the edge of orgasm. One hand drifted down to her belly and rubbed at it. "I don't want to change anything except not being a mother."

"I accept, then," Fenrir said. He gave her folds a long, luscious slurp that sent her over the edge with Renamon watching keenly out of the corner of her eye.

With her hands twisted in the sheets, Felicia moaned his name with a fervor that made her orgasm music to his ears. Her face when she went over the edge was always absent-minded yet ecstatic, her eyes with their long lashes closed and her already reddish cheeks flushed. She was a million miles away and oblivious to everything other than Fenrir's fingers thrusting into her until finally they both began to slow, and she sucked in a great gasp of air. "Oh... oh, my..."

Renamon stretched out and sighed as her fingers loosened in Fenrir's fur, her orgasm far quieter and more subtle with her eyes fluttering behind closed lids. She silently mouthed words Fenrir couldn't quite catch and her shaking thighs squeezed around his fingers while he thrust through the wet mess dripping down between her folds. Finally she want slack against the pillows and weakly pushed at his head, letting him know it was time to give her a rest.

The favor repaid, Fenrir lay back on the cool sheets between them and draped one arm around each. They sat in restful silence, but he'd long since started to become aroused again. Both of his cocks were starting to slip out, and although he tried to be patient - there was no rushing lovers - thinking about what came next made it impossible to slow his racing heart and his pounding pulse. Many furs had a thing for oral sex, but to him the height of intimacy had always been real, protection-free canine intercourse.

"Wow," Renamon breathed. She didn't need to say that it had been too long since she'd last had such a release. Whether or not she'd taken a lover in secret since their days together Fenrir couldn't say, but it was hard to enjoy anything when you made love on the hard ground and slept with one eye open at night in case the soldiers came looking for you.

Felicia was impatient. As soon as she'd finished basking in the post-orgasm glow, she swung a leg over Fenrir's hips and straddled him so closely that he could feel her sopping wet sex pressing against his groin. "Don't get too comfortable, Fenrir. It's not time for bed yet."

"I wouldn't dream of it," he replied, leaning into her hand as it trailed across his cheek. He felt her hips shift against him and his body responded with a surge of lust that caused his cocks to slip fully out of their sheaths, begging for attention again.

One of Renamon's paws had been shyly tracing fingers along his thigh, and after a moment's hesitation she cupped his balls and began to knead at them. The gentle brush of fur and silky-smooth pawpads against such a sensitive area was exquisite, and when she leaned in and gave him a lick, nearly tipping over Felicia as they bumped into each other, he laughed.

"Ladies," he chortled, "there's more than enough for everyone. No need to crowd."

"For me?" With her claws gripping his chest fur, Felicia ground her hips against his until his erection parted her slick lips. "You should know more than anyone that it's never enough."

"Hmm... Challenge accepted," he murmured. His hands drifted to her wide hips and gripped them, guiding her down to his cock.

Her plump folds teased at his head as he slipped past them, and soon he was buried in her halfway and feeling her hot body pulsating around him. What made Fire-type Pokemon so hot he'd never discovered, but for her it was fitting - fiery woman, fiery flesh. When she moaned, he could feel her body squeezing and massaging him while she adjusted to the sheer size of a thick, 24-inch canine cock penetrating her.

"Still not enough?" Fenrir asked. He bucked his hips just enough to bounce her on his lap and watch her breasts jiggle.

She smiled, propping herself up with her hands on his chest. "Oh, we're getting there."

"You're insatiable," Fenrir winked, pulling her down onto his lap.

Renamon climbed up onto his lap next to Felicia, and he slipped a hand behind her to cup her rear as she steadied herself. He felt his cock slide against her flat stomach, and then it slipped between her thighs. She bucked against him, eagerly taking him inside in one swift motion and sinking down until he felt the tip of his cock nudging snugly against her cervix.

Being wrapped in both of them at once was even more tempting than having them kneeling between his legs at the dinner table. Fenrir tried to pace himself as he worked himself up into his two lovers, focusing his mind on the sensation of being wrapped in warm flesh and feeling two tails thrashing against his legs as his lady friends had their way with him for once.

Felicia wasn't having it, and no matter how courteous he tried to be she was clearly going to hump him like he was a wild beast. With her head thrown back and her long, lovely throat bared above her cream-colored breasts, she was using her hands dug into his fur for leverage while she rode him. Every time she bounced her tail and rear would slap against him with a wet, satisfying sound that was only growing louder as the women grew more and more excited.

_Oh, these two... I should have known I was getting myself in for a wild night._Laying back, Fenrir found he didn't have to do anything at all but provide them with two cocks to fill them up and slate their lust.

It had been years since he'd last seen Renamon on top of him moaning with such fervor. They'd broken up three years ago when they found that their love just wasn't meant to be, and being the warrior-types they were there had been few words and even fewer feelings exchanged on the topic. That was life in a hard world, and it had been let go without tears, anger, or bitterness when it came to its natural end. She'd been tense and he'd been quiet, but now he saw the full, fiery extent of her long-buried passion. Every thrust had her gripping his shoulders to help lift her up before she let herself fall back onto his cock with a schhlorp!

The touch of a lover had a way of bringing out truths you didn't even know were there. Passionate lovemaking was a beautiful thing, he repeated to himself, and tonight had passion enough to make the long trek to Athens well worth it. There was no way to go wrong with two women in two wonderful flavors: golden and orange, fur and scale, fire and ice.

His right head leaned forward and pressed his mouth against one of Renamon's breasts, teasing the nipple back to firmness with the flat surface of his tongue. He pulled back to admire his work and watch her chest bounce hypnotically along with them.

"Like what you see?" Renamon gasped, her earlier shyness gone.

"I always did," Fenrir replied. He reached up and covered a breast with his palm, letting his rough pawpads graze against the sensitive flesh until he felt her quiver. The weight of it in his hand when he cupped it was perfect, and as eye-catching as a busty pair like Felicia's were he'd always been a fan of a nice, palm-sized pair that was perfect for fondling.

Absolutely perfect, he affirmed, for fondling...

Okay, so maintaining focus was going to be harder than he thought. He could feel his knots beginning to swell, a faint bulb around the base of his cocks that slipped in and out with the rest of him and reminded him of what was to come.

Felicia could feel it, too, and she loved the sensation of a knot tugging against her folds almost as much as he did. She wrapped an arm around Renamon's shoulders, pulled her in, and muffled her gasp with her lips over her muzzle. Fenrir watched with a smirk as her tongue plumbed Renamon's mouth with an eagerness she had not at all expected, until the smaller woman shyly wrapped one arm around her neck. Felicia's fingers wove themselves through Renamon's neck fur, savoring the soft velvety texture of it. Men, women, herms... she thought they were all beautiful.

_ A good mother for a litter,_ Fenrir thought. But poor Renamon... she has no idea what she's getting herself into with Felicia.

Watching the show, he realized he was minutes away from tying with them both.

Renamon was smaller than Felicia, both in stature and in the size of what she was able to handle. She'd grown daring enough to take the full length of him and because of that she was the first to get stuck on his rapidly-swelling knots. He heard her cry out when, still needy and lustful, she found she could no longer bounce on his lap and instead began tugging against him frantically, her body still craving him.

"Oh, Fenrir," she gasped when looked down between her legs, smeared with her own fluids. Her folds were stretched over the base his knot as she squirmed, trying to free herself. "I-I'm stuck... on your knot..."

"As you should be," he murmured.

Fenrir's lips met with hers and, while she tugged, one hand slipped down to brush a thumb across her clit. He felt her gasp into their kiss, her lips parting for him, and then he felt her begin to shake as his thumb teased at the sensitive pink bud with her trapped in place on his lap. From the way her body shook and convulsed around him, gripping his knot almost painfully tight, he knew she was close, too. That just left the Charizard he was supposed to impregnate in the first place.

Until she was finished enjoying him, Felicia wasn't accepting his knot. She was experienced enough in the ways of sex - and apparently knots - to work herself off it with a twist and a pop whenever she sank too low in his lap, and every time Fenrir felt a rush of pleasure as his knot was squeezed into and out of that warm, welcoming heat.

That was something he could never get tired of. Tying was a kind of highly personal, distinctly dominant intimacy with a lover where he was buried fully inside of them and filling them with his seed while they gasped, their body merged with his until he finally deflated. His body decided when it was over, and when it had done its biological duties. He never finished without tying with his lover, and knowing that he and Felicia were trying to conceive tonight only made it hotter.

He nuzzled against her neck, listening to the sound of her ragged breathing and feeling her heart pounding. "Almost there," he said softly.

When his eyes drifted down between their legs to the sight of his twin cocks throbbing, hidden fully or halfway inside a fertile female, he knew it was time. His mind roared to life with images of himself shooting the same immense load from earlier against their walls, and his body followed suit.

With one hand on Felicia's hips, he rammed his body upwards and forced her to finally take his knot and hold it. She gasped and tried to continue pull off, but only stretched herself lewdly around the bulb at its full size - he was too close even for her to resist it.

"Don't act so disappointed," he groaned. "I've got something better for you."

"Oh," she breathed, "and what's that?"

"I'll give you a hint," he breathed into her ear. "It's hot, sticky, and you're going to bear my pups because of it if I have to pump you to bursting a dozen times."

She seemed satisfied with that. "Promise?" she breathed back.

His lips on hers were answer enough, and she moaned into his mouth while he bucked his hips, feeling himself slipping over the edge. Renamon's hands grasped the nearest head and pulled him into a kiss of their own, letting their bodies blend in every way possible as they finished together.

"Oh, fuck," his free head gasped. His cocks twitched, throbbed, and spurted, and he could feel himself shooting long, thick ropes of cum into both of them. His hips were still thrusting, trying to push himself in and out as much as his knots would allow and shovel his seed deeper into them. His balls were pulsating and even his body seemed to know that he wasn't just mating for leisure this time, with every inch counting for his sperm on their race to fertilization.

Felicia rocked her hips back and forth, the slow throb of his flesh inside her and the feeling of heat building up behind his knot starting to sate her motherly desires at last. One hand drifted down to her belly and laid itself across it, and Fenrir covered it with one of his own. She was getting fuller and fuller and moaning as she did, and it made his head whirl with delight. With every bounce of her hips his knot twisted in her and tugged against her entrance with a wet sound, but wouldn't come unstuck. Waste not, want not.

With nowhere for his seed to go but deeper inside every crevice and fold of her willing body, their chances of conception were already looking good. The knot was just one of many canine male perks.

But Fenrir wasn't a normal canine male in any sense of the term. Not with two cocks and not with how much fluid they both pumped out every time he came. Neither woman was built to contain so much, and yet their bodies eagerly - even desperately - worked to adjust to the load as they'd stretched around his knots. Plugged up, there was little else to do but take it.

Felicia bit her lip as cum continued to build up behind Fenrir's knot and her belly began to stretch out, mimicking the shape she'd be when carrying his future litter. It started as a barely noticeable bulge in the soft, peachy flesh from her womb beginning to stretch to contain him, but it grew and grew until it was a round bulge sloshing around with countless jets of his seed.

Renamon was moaning as her own belly began to swell. He squeezed his hand on her hip, trying to steady her. If he was lucky, he might impregnate two females tonight. The thought made him growl and drag his tongues along the two pairs of bobbing breasts in front of him that would be nursing the pups if he did. The Digimon hadn't said she didn't want a litter of her own.

Eventually, he felt himself tapering off and a tiredness overcame him. Leaning back against the pillows, he tried to catch his breath and slow his racing pulse while he waited for his knots to deflate. Until then he got to enjoy two soft bellies with his own handiwork sloshing around inside pressed against his chest as the women relaxed against his chest. It was a deeply satisfying feeling, not entirely unlike the results of a hard day's work but intimate and soothing in a way that manual labor just couldn't offer to a man. One thing you rarely felt on the road was the serenity of a sleeping city bathed in moonlight, a full stomach, and warm bodies against yours that wouldn't gut you in the night if you'd blinked wrong that day. Maybe the future would be different for Greece, and for him.

One can only hope, he thought wistfully. The moonlight on his eyes lured him towards sleep, and he was still imagining the results of their union when Felicia sighed and shifted.



Felicia was quiet for a moment. The weight of her on his lap was warm and comforting, and in the dead of the night the only things he could see were by the light of the flame on her tail that hung almost out of sight at the edge of the bed. Renamon was leaning into the crook of his arm, and it seemed that all three of them were just feeling the throes of orgasm ebbing away. In the wake of it there was only the headiness of the wine and the tiredness of being up long past the hour when any untroubled souls were still thinking.

"That was amazing as always," she said. "I don't know how you do it, Fenrir, but you fill me to bursting every time." Her body was trembling against his with the effort of holding a womb full of his seed and a thick knot plugging it all off, and even when she gave another tug it stayed insistently lodged inside. "I need to lay down."

Renamon nodded, her face buried against his fur and her rump still in the air. "Me, too."

"So be it," Fenrir said. "It's been a long day for everyone, I'm sure." His knots had started to deflate and a faint dribble of cum was soaking into his fur, having leaked out around them. When he gave a good, firm tug they popped free and thick globs splattered onto his thighs.

Always a mess, he sighed. But always worth it.

Felicia rolled onto her side and pulled the sheets up around her to fend off the chill of the summer night. "There are towels in the next room, dear," she mumbled sleepily. She watched him hoist himself off the bed and walk into the next room, her blue eyes gleaming.

By the time he'd come back, the two of them had snuggled themselves up beneath the thin sheets and begun to doze without him. They'd really tired themselves out on him. Fenrir had to slowly ease himself onto the bed, careful not to disrupt them, and squeeze between them to take his place again for the night.

When he leaned back against the pillows, Felicia's eyes fluttered open. She laid her head back on his chest and smiled, with one hand on him and the other cradling her belly as if imagining the children she might birth early the next year. She was so full she could barely move, but she could still speak.

"Perfect," she sighed, starting to drift back into sleep. "Just perfect. Thank you."

Renamon looked dazed but satisfied when she poked her head out from beneath the sheets. She nodded and gave an affirmative, "Mmm. It really has been too long."

"Glad to be of service," he replied with a chuckle.

He hadn't intended for Athens to be any more than a brief respite during a period of wandering for them both, but he had thought that a little relaxation would be good for Renamon and that it was only a matter of time before the perfect opportunity came along. In truth, he'd expected something more along the lines of the luxurious hot springs of Japan, but he'd gotten more than he'd bargained for from returning and meeting with an old friend he'd jut about given up on seeing again.

_ Life takes new turns at the strangest of times. I was never a fan of the saying that one door opens for every one that closes, but it sure does make me think sometimes..._


When Fenrir next opened his eyes it took him several moments to realize that the dim orange glow he saw wasn't Felicia's tail but the rising sun. He'd been dreaming, he was sure, but he couldn't remember where his mind had been for the last several hours that seemed so pertinent. Perhaps he'd just been sensing the warm bodies curled against him as he slept. He yawned and stretched his sore and spent body, reflecting on the fact that he and Renamon hadn't slept next to each other in ages. It had always been a separate bedroll, a separate cot, or a separate patch of earth.

"Good morning," Felicia whispered from beside the window. Early to bed meant early to rise, she'd always said. To be successful in an often unforgiving world, one needed to have good habits. That was the mindset that had cultivated so much for her already, and that would hopefully bring the same bounty to their offspring.

"Hmm," he mumbled sleepily. Eloquence failed him in the early morning, but he eased Renamon onto the pillows where she snorted and rolled over. "I'm never up this early. Not these days, anyway. It's just like old times minus all the shouting and clanging."

More like minus the headache, he thought, pressing a hand to his head to ease the throbbing when he stood. He didn't know when he'd become soft enough to let a few glasses of wine and a heavy workout go to his head, but it must have been when he realized that there was room neither for his skill on the battlefield nor for the life he'd left behind to pursue it anymore.

Which was precisely why he needed a change of pace like this. Anything to break the coldness and the monotony of wandering in the wilderness and wondering at where the world was going. He wouldn't have dared to hope for the opportunity to father a litter with a good woman six months ago when it seemed that there was violence and tension everywhere he turned.

"Perhaps it's good for you. I always feel a bit dreary when I sleep in too long after sunrise. There's so much to do in Athens... why sleep in?" Felicia had already made herself something hot to drink and slipped back into her daily garb, and she watched him with a subtle smile as he approached.


"True." Fenrir's hands settled on Felicia's shoulders, and he gave her cheek a kiss before moving his lips to her ear. "If we're going to conceive, we'd better make time today to keep trying."

"Of course," she replied, sighing as his hand drifted down between her legs. "You did promise me at least a dozen, after all."