Teenage Troubles: Chapter 2

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Chapter 2Downtown Fait Public High School9:45 AM, 30th of March"Mr. Vaughn, could you answer this question?" The grey skinned rhino pointed up at the math's question with his stick. He jabbed at the board once more, tapping against it and making the most annoying sound known to the furry races. The fox didn't reply. "Max?" Still there was no answer from the vacant canine.  Max, the fox, was busy; busy at the empty seat that was normally occupied by a small. black rabbit. Max didn't know why he was bothered by the rabbit's vacancy, the two had never interacted with each other and when class ended the rabbit would slip out of the room without any fur noticing. So why was Max suddenly worried by the rabbit's lack of presence? Maybe it was simply because it seemed odd. There was almost always a full class, the desks would be loaded with two furs and there would never be an empty seat. But today, the rabbit had broken the tradition and left his desk empty. Max could take a guess as to why the rabbit wasn't around. It was probably because of the notes, everyfur knew about them and what they said. Horrible, spiteful things about the rabbit, his family and cheetahs. Max had written out a few himself, at the time it was all just a little joke among friends. Max couldn't help but feel responsible for the lagomorph's disappearance. Don't be dead, Max willed.The rhino slammed a hoof down and bellowed, "Max Vaughn! Pay attention!" Half of the class jumped out of their fur, their heads snapping to look at the rhino. That was what normally happened when somefur shouted. Loud noises in the public school were common place, but like snow or heavy rain they always would draw the attention of students."Yes?" Max asked in a monotone voice, he rolled his eyes. Hadn't his teacher heard of multi tasking? He glared at the rhino who was now storming between the aisles of desks towards Max. "Try not to run out of breath you fat fuck." Max spat under his breath, chuckling to himself. How funny would it be if the rhino were to trip over a bag and fall flat on his face? Max thought. It was highly unlikely because the rhino's hooves kicked aside a few bags without any care, how such a vile rhino had found a mate was beyond Max. The rhino's skin was dry and chafing, moisturizing didn't exist in his world. Most furs would imagine a rhino as some muscular macho male who oozed testosterone and drowned in bitches, Mr. Masaki was the opposite. Underneath his tacky clothes were rolls and rolls of fat, there was nothing else. 'His cock is probably a chode, might be hard to find though.' Max thought to himself. "Why did I just think that?" The fox asked himself in a quiet whisper. "Tail raiser...." Max whispered to himself. Most furs would consider it strange to speak to themselves, but Max enjoyed the activity, but only when no fur was listening of course."What are you

looking at?!" The rhino shouted, spitting on Max's muzzle. He reached up and wiped his face, the class laughed. Everyfur was listening in on what Max had to say to their teacher Mr. Masaki or 'sir' as the school wanted every male adult to be addressed as. "A chair, sir." Max answered with a smile. "And the answer to your question is...." Max looked at the board and scanned it quickly.10a- 4= 5( a + 5) Algebra would never be hard for Max, the answer practically jumped at him. "'a' equals 5.8" Max answered, the rhino looked at the board and solved the question a fraction of a second faster than Max. "Well done. Pay attention." Mr. Misaki muttered, unable to punish or shout at the fox because he'd answered correctly. Max instantly went back to wondering why the rabbit was missing. He didn't have anything better to do.31st of MarchThe rest of Monday's school day was the same for Max; the rabbit wouldn't be in class, he'd get distracted again and then the teacher would shout at him. Then Max would answer the question, embarrass the teacher and make them sulk away.  The next day was the same, but he learned something interesting. Max had thought that the rabbit had probably gone on holiday or was sick with the common cold, but his question was answered in History. The register read 'N' next to the name Lyall Morrigan, which meant he was out of school without a reason. If he was on holiday there would be a 'H' and if he was ill there would be (to no surprise) an 'I.'Max's curiosity spiked and he was simply un-able to settle back down until he knew why Lyall wasn't in school. "Can everyone find a partner please?" the teacher, a snow leopard, asked. Max stayed in his seat, knowing he was about to be swarmed by at least half of the class. His predictions were spot on. They assaulted him like locusts, bothering him as if it was a biblical event. "Fuck off!" He wanted to shout, but knew that it was a little extreme. "Max! Max work with me, can we work together?" All of them asked. The noise was un-bearable for Max, but he wasn't about to cover his ears and ignore every fur. He looked into the crowd and picked out his best friend without a second thought "Quinn."Dispersing, the crowd complained silently. The wolf took the seat next to Max and opened his book to the right page. "'Sup, Max?" The black wolf asked in his usual laid back voice. "Nothin'" Max answered, "Where's Lyall today?" Max asked."Who?" Quinn asked in a confused voice, squinting at Max to see if he was pulling his leg. "Is he a new kid? Are you on something?""Lyall, the black rabbit who isn't here today." Max answered with a straight face. "You must know who he is.""Oh the tail raiser. I don't know, getting raped by his dad?" Quinn joked. Max didn't take it that way though, rape wasn't a joke and neither was being gay.Max didn't hate Quinn, but sometimes he'd piss him off and if Max didn't leave

the situation Quinn would end up with a black eye along with a bloody nose. His rage bubbled up rapidly and Max knew that he wouldn't contain it for long. He'd end up venting it in a violent way, perhaps he would rip a display down or strangle Quinn until his red eyes rolled over in their sockets. Max was amused by the thought, but it was also illegal, so he didn't act on it. Instead, Max got out of his seat and headed towards the door, stepping overs bags and paws. The teacher only had to look up and see the red card Max was brandishing. Then she looked back down at the papers she was marking without a second thought. Quinn understood as well and didn't follow his best friend to where ever he was going. Although, if he was to hazard a guess he would say that Max was heading for the bathrooms.Max pushed open the door to boy's toilets and walked straight to the mirror to collect his thoughts. The toilets were horrible, but what else would you expect? The school had tried to make them look nice, but it's in a guy's nature to mess things up. The floor used to be a clean, marble surface, but was now covered in dirt, liquids and wet toilet paper. The walls were a sickly, grey color and were collecting a layer of grime in the corners of the room. The stalls were white, but don't let the color fool you; the toilets were cleaned about once a week and it was Tuesday, so obviously there was piss on the seats, floor and half of the four toilets would be clogged. Anybody who wanted to use the toilets in the school clearly had something wrong with them. But at least no one got assaulted, thanks to the security camera that loomed in the corner of the room that was constantly watching everything in the room. Max looked at himself in the mirror and tried to force his angry expression away. Max's fur was the traditional colors of a fox, orange, brown and white. His arms, legs, head, back and the top of his muzzle was a bright orange color that contrasted with his brown gloved forepaws, ankles and ears. Fortunately, the white on his chest, chin and inner ears balanced everything out. Max did have brown pubic fur that had stuck with him since he hit puberty, mostly because Max didn't want to clip it off and end up ruining his fur coat.Max's head fur had never been stylish, he'd  let it roll off of the top of his head into a fringe that ended above his eyebrows. He pushed it to the left and then back to the right, it still didn't look right. But for the style he lacked in his hair, he made up for with his clothes. He wore blue jeans that weren't too tight or too lose, completed with a cyan shirt.Max was a jock, but he didn't live up to the stereotype. In fact, Max was one of the smartest furs in year 10 and was still a virgin. Sex just hadn't started to appeal to him yet. He'd tried watching porn, arousal had started to set in and then the vixen had cried out 'Fuck my cunt!' and thus was the end of Max's boner. If Max

ever lived up to the stereotype, it was because of his anger issues (and the jockstrap he sometimes wore.) His issue made him aggressive, hostile to most and act with his fists. Max wanted to end his anger issues before year 10 was over. He'd already lashed out twice at his friends, ten times if you counted strangers. It was a miracle how he hadn't been expelled. Max didn't mind being a little less muscular than the other jocks, he had a six pack and he could lift the bigger weights with ease, but unless he took off his shirt, you wouldn't know that he was ripped. His six pack wasn't very defined, but it was certainly there. Max let his forepaws un-curl, he started taking deep breathes like his mentor had told him to whenever some fur got on his nerves. "1...2...3...4...5" Max counted, it was childish and degrading almost, but it always did  the trick. Besides, it's not like he could hit anything and get away with it. If he hit one of the stalls the camera would see him and he'd get busted for it.Max soon cooled down, so he walked out of the toilet and back to History where he spent the last hour of school.School was coming to a close and Max still didn't know where Lyall lived which made Max furious. In the last minute the teacher performed the most evil task of all, assigning homework. It didn't look too hard, he just had to research the monarchy before the great war and more specifically the tyrant who the teacher had purposely decided not to name. All she said was that he was a very...exotic fox who liked to indulge in long faced furs of any gender. But Max got the feeling that this was going to lead to something like a project.When no one was looking, he swiped a second sheet of the homework for Lyall, he had a plan. It was stupid and could probably get him arrested, but for some reason he wanted to meet the disappearing rabbit. Straight after school he walked down to the main office and asked a very strange question. The fur behind the desk couldn't be seen because she'd already drawn the blinds, but she was there, her nails could be seen through the slit where mail would be dropped."Hello, I have homework for Lyall Morrigan, but he isn't here today and the homework is important. Can I have his address, so that I can drop it off?" Max said confidently, truthfully he was nervous about being accused of violent intent. The police had warned him before, one more thing and he was off to youth offenders every Summer, weekend and holiday.The woman at the desk was reluctant to give him the address, but after reading the homework over she answered quickly ''12 Moors Grove. I hope you understand that if anything happens to the boy, you'll be held responsible." The woman informed him."Yeah yeah. I know." Max muttered, already walking out of the front doors because he knew where Moors Grove was. He hoped that the rabbit wouldn't be afraid of the random fox showing up on his

door step.Thanks for reading!Story and Characters © Kalebthecat

Teenage Troubles: Chapter 1

# Chapter 1 ## 19 Mourn Street, Fait ## 9th of September 2015, 5:49 AM * * * _'You're straight, Lyall'_ The rabbit told himself with a cool-headed voice that wasn't his own. _'Straight. You're a straight, male rabbit.'_ His chest rose and fell...

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Teenage Troubles: Chapter 3

Chapter 319 Mourn Street, City of 'Fait'4:01 PM, 31st of MarchLyall's door bell rang; it told him to stop hiding away from everything because he was starting to be pathetic, but it mostly told him to answer the door. Dressed in nothing but a pair of...

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Teenage Troubles: Chapter 1

Chapter 119 Mourn Street, City of 'Fait'5:44 AM, 30th of March*Lyall*Lyall's mouth was filled with the musky, abhorrent and knotted penis for what seemed like the hundredth time. As always, his gag reflexes were triggered instantly and he began to...

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