The good the bad and the poodle

Story by Koji Haeos on SoFurry

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One one of her missions Violet comes across another poodle and finds they have more in common than one would expect.

Author's note: the characters Violet,Marcia,Ray,and Tina and Little stan belongs to Gray muzzle who was kind enough to give me permission to use them in this story.


Violet was in a forest wearing her black camo combat gear. She was armed to the teeth caring everything from an assault rifle to live grenades complete with bullet proof armor. Every so often she went on certain missions, the kind that was considered highly classified and telling would result in a bullet to the head. This time she scoping out a large building that was said to be a terrorist cell. She crept closer her black armor making her blend into the darkness of night very easily the full moon serving as her only source of light. She kept her guard up so she could spot anyone, her gun drawn and ready to greet them properly. It wasn't long before she came under fire. She quickly dived behind the nearest tree and returned fire managing to take out several of the assailants. Growing up in Alaska she spent most of her time in the wilderness giving her a large advantage she could easily pick each of them off. It wasn't long before she heard gun shots coming from in front of her. She saw several sparks coming from an automatic weapon taking out the rest of the assailants before the sparks vanished. She stood up slowly with her gun at the ready her finger on the trigger. She listens very carefully trying to pick up the slightest sound.

Suddenly a figure dressed in all black jumped down in front of her from the tree. She raised her weapon but the attacker kicked it out of her hands before she could shoot. The figure then punched her hard in the face knocking on her back. Violet jumps to her feet raising her fists. The figure attacked again throwing a jab at her face again but Violet was ready. She side stepped the punch grabbing her opponent by the arms throwing her over her shoulders sending the attacker crashing into a tree. The attack then jumped up to their feet and ran at Violet. The poodle drew her side arm but person grabbed her wrist making her miss the shot Violet grunted as strangers has a vice like grip making her drop the gun. She knew this was no human. The attacker flipped her over but she landed on her feet driving her knee into her attacker stomach making them grunt she hit the attack repeatedly in the face making them stumble. She was able to see the person was wearing a mask and but the size of the chest was clearly a female. She charged and the masked attacker blocks her punch kicking her in the stomach making her skid back.

"She knows how to take a punch, I'll give her that." Violet thought to herself.

The figure lunged at Violet and tackles her but Violet grabs her by the collar and drove her foot into the attacker stomach throwing over into the ground. Violet wasted no time jumping onto of her pinning her down. She gripped the mask and pulled it off and was shocked to see another poodle glaring right back at her. The poodle was none other than Tayuya, a highly trained military agent.

"I thought the only humans where apart of the cell." Violet said.

"That's MY line!" Taya growled.

"I'm here to STOP the cell." Violet shot back.

Violet heard a beeping sound before a small pop. An extremely strong and foul odor flooded her nose, catching her off guard. Tayuya had used a scent bomb. Tayuya then uses that chance to get free. She jumps back finding Violet's riffle and Violet did the same picking up Tayuya's weapon. She noticed it wasn't like any gun she has ever seen before or handled before. The rifle was extremely light and the design was unfamiliar.

"Feeling lucky...little girl?" Tayuya taunted

Violet narrowed her eyes. She knew Tayuya was trying to get under her skin and wasn't about to fall for such an obvious ploy. The two poodles smirked at each other before they drew the weapons at took aim, each staring down the barrel of the others gun at point blank range.

"It seems we're at a bit of a stalemate wouldn't you say? However I do have a proposition" Tayuya said.

"And what would that be?" Violet asked.

"Since we face the same enemy it would only make sense that we cooperate. I have the Intel on this cell and you have the firepower. OR we can just keep beating the shit out of each other." Tayuya said.

Violet thought for a moment then saw someone with a rocket launcher taking aim. She quickly grabbed Tayuya and dived out of the way barely avoiding the missile. She took Tayuya's riffle quickly taking aim and pulling the trigger on Tayuya's riffle killing the enemy in a single shot. She noticed there were barely any sounds and no kick from the gun but there was no mistaking its power. The impact from that single shot blew a hole clean through their attacker.

"I got to get one of these..." Violet thought to herself.

"Come one we need to go." Taya said tossing Violet her rifle.

Violet caught her rifle and tosses Taya her own following. They walked for several hours and arrived at a campsite. Taya took out two circular boxes and opened them. Two large tents popped out fully set. Violet took out a lighter and lit a fire. Tayuya sat down took out a locket opening it. Violet saw a picture inside. She saw Tayuya and male brown poodle wearing what looked like a police uniform Taya herself and a young female 8 white poodle with black hair tided in a braid.

"Is that your family?" Violet asked.

"Was my family." Taya said corrected.

Violet fished out her wallet showing Taya a picture of a male malamute wolf mix, a teenage cheetah, and toddler white wolf malamute poodle mixed pup with purple streaks in her long black hair.

"Your family is very... diverse." Tayuya said.

Yeah, but that's what makes them even more special ya know?" Violet said

"For as long as I can remember now I have always been on my own, Anyone close to me either betrays me or dies....but I have gotten used to it." Taya said.

"Isn't there anyone you trust, any friends or other family members?" Violet asked.

Taya narrowed her eyes.

"No, one thing I learned is you can't trust anyone, nobody cares about me but me. That's how it's always been that's how it will always be. You wouldn't understand" Taya answered.

She got up and went into her tent before Violet could get another word in. Violet watched quietly before walking to her tent.

"I understand...a lot better than you know." She said softly before sleep claimed her.

The next morning they packed up camp and went on. For some reason Violet felt the need to get Taya to open up to her more. In truth Violet knew EXACTLY how Taya felt, for once upon a time she also felt the same way. But maybe if she could reach her she could show her another way. They found a natural hot spring and Taya striped down. She was slim but toned sporting a double D bust. Violet couldn't help but gaze at her breasts. She had several scars along her bust and on her back, which showed she was no stranger to combat. Violet's gaze drifted a little lower to Taya's sex. She saw her sex her triangular like that of a feral dog. She didn't see too many anatomically correct females but all in all Taya was definably a looker. Taya slowly slipped in the water leaving just the upper half of her body exposed.

"Yes they're real." Taya said catching Violet checking her out.

"Lucky..." Violet muttered looking at her own chest.

"Green isn't your color. Stick to purple. And you should be happy with how you are instead of being envious of other" Taya shot.

Violet glared a bit. One thing she didn't like was being lectured. She already had her gun loaded and was keeping watch. The best way to learn more about Taya was to ask. She bit her lip and decided to ask about her daughter first.

"What. Happened to your daughter?" Violet asked.

Taya gave her a stern look, her eyes filled with sorrow and anger but there was an even stronger desire in her, Revenge.

"She's dead, taken from me by the very person who leads the cell we are tracking. Her name is Shiva." Taya said before closing her eyes remembering the horrible day telling Violet as much as she could.


Deep in the mountains Taya hung suspended off the ground in a hidden compound. She was chained up by the wrists and her legs were tied together at the ankle. Her unit was ambushed behind enemy lines and as the only survivor she was taken captive. She had been stripped nude and denied food or water for almost a month. She had several cuts and bruises along her whole body a sign she had been beaten and brutally tortured. She glared as her captor entered the room again. A tall slender female panther walked in wearing a black cloak holding a massive scythe. Taya's lips curled back showing her teeth as her growl angrily at her tormentor. She lowered her hood revealing her long flowing silver hair gazing at Taya with golden yellow eyes. Shiva has been interrogating Taya to for government secrets but so far Taya wasn't talking.

"You know for a poodle you are a quite resilient." Shiva taunted rubbing Taya's cheek her razor sharp claw leaving a small cut drawing blood.

She pulled her hand back as Taya snapped at her still growling and baring her teeth at the feline.

"In fact something tells me no matter what I do to you, you won't break am I right? Shiva asked.

Taya glared at her still growling, Shiva gave an amused toothy grin.

"That's what I thought." Shiva said.

Taya's defiant rage turned to horror as a male leopard dragged her 8 year old daughter in. It was clear she was severely beaten. Her cloths were in tatters; her fur was matted with dried blood. The leopard then chained her up right in front of Taya leaving the three of them alone.

"Asuna, What did you do to her!?" Taya growled.

"Not much...yet, just tell me what I want to know or well're a smart bitch. I think you can imagine what happens to Asuna next." Shiva said with a smile.

"I am just a scout I don't know any of the launch codes or the weapons development site locations." Taya said.

Shiva's smile was soon replaced with a scowl as she walked over to Asuna raising her scythe.

Taya was now panicking, as she struggled franticly to get free and save her little one but her struggle was in vain. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest. All she could hear was her own heart beat and the sounds of Shiva's footsteps as the world around her seemed move in slow motion

"I swear to god I don't know!" Taya cried.

"We shall see." Shiva responded.

"No, Please!" Taya pleaded on the verge of tears.

The panther was now standing in front of Asuna with a growl she swung her massive scythe decapitating Asuna with a single stroke. The pup's blood sprays out of her neck soaking the right side of Taya face and splattering all over the wall. Taya didn't move she was in a state of shock. Her eyes wide and pupils small like a deer in the head lights. A stream of tears flowed from her eyes, she wanted to scream but she couldn't find her voice. Shiva then turned to face Taya reading to take her life next when two other canines wearing the F.A.S uniforms burst in opening fire. Shiva growled and fled through a hidden exit. They soldiers cut Taya loose and carried her out.

*end of flash back*

Taya stood up walking past Violet and getting dressed.

"I couldn't save her; I couldn't save my own child, all I could do was watch, just like I couldn't save my husband or my parents or anyone else who dares get close to me. THAT'S why I am better off alone...You wouldn't understand. Her body was never found." Taya said.

Violet could see tears in her eyes as she walks pasted her. Taya felt Violet grab her hand.

"That' of the saddest stories I ever heard." Violet said

Taya tried to pull her hand free but Violet tightened her grip.

"But I DO understand...I have also lost people close to me, not just friends but family too. For a long time like you, I also thought that I didn't need anyone, that I was better off alone, that no one cared. But then as time went on I made friends TRUE friends." Violet said looking her in the eye.

"Let me guess your husband changed your views?" Taya said.

"He is one among many; I have this one friend who I have known for a longtime... She is strict, always lecturing and arguing with me. She is always one of the first to get on my ass if something is goes wrong. But even though we fight a lot I know she is only looking out for me. She is one of my best friends, she actually introduced me to my husband...She is one of many friends that I know I can trust and can depend on them just as they can on me. But I would never have had these friends...if I didn't give them a chance ya know? " Violet said

Taya thought about what Violet said.

"You've given me....a lot to think about." She said as she packed up the camp.

Violet couldn't help but smile a bit she knew she had made some progress and managed to learn a bit more about her acquaintance. Taya clearly was starting to trust her as it was the first time she has spoken without a snide remark. Packing up camp only too a few minute between the two of them and they were soon on the road.

"So what's the story with your hair?" Taya asked.

Violet gave her a look.

"I am serious why did you chose to dye you hair purple?" Taya said.

"Well Long story short, I lost a bet. They started calling me Violet. After a while the name stuck, and to be honest I like it and the hair style. Violet answered.

The two traveled and chatted. Violet found they had quite a few things in common. Taya's passion for motorcycles rivaled even her own. They friendly chats ended when they approached a large grey building. It was easily 2 stories tall. Taya and Violet drew their weapons. They waited till night fall before creeping to the wall. Taya raised her right hand showing her wrist gauntlet. The gadget fire a long grappling hook sticking to edge of what looked like a balcony.

"I gotta find out where this girl goes shopping for her gear." Violet thought.

Taya put her free arm around Violet's waist and the gadget pulled them up in mere seconds. Violet stumbled a bit not used to the sudden rush, she quickly regained her composer. They crept through the hall. There were no guards no signs of any type of security. Both of them felt something wasn't right, the two poodles are unknowingly being watched.

"This is too easy....It's a trap" Violet said.

Taya nodded in agreement when suddenly a trap door opened under Violets feet. Taya reached out to grab her but missed by a hair. Violet slid down the chute landing in a dark room. The lights soon came on and what she saw made her gasp and cover her mouth. There were furs of all ages' races and gender standing inside display cases like manikins in a clothing store. The children were all clothed but many of the adults here nude. Violet knew taxidermy when she saw it, each of these furs were taxidermy mounts but what sickened her most was what looked like the most prized mount in the collection. An 8 year old poodle pup stood in the center of the room a gold plaque engraved with the Name "Asuna". She was still wearing her uniform and weapons and everything, Small threads hung from the pup's neck showing her head had been sown back on. Violet clenched her fists. She had come across a lot of Vile sick and twisted people in her life but Shiva is by far the worst. She could feel her fur bristling as she began quietly seething with rage.

"Enjoying my collection?"

Violet spun around on a heel gun drawn ready to shoot. Shiva was standing in the door was with a calm smile on her face. Shiva looked Violet up and down sizing her up the door shutting behind her.

"I don't think we've met before have we? I am Shiva, pleased to meet you." the feline said casually.

"When I am through with you you'll wish we never did meet you sick Skank!" Violet growled.

Shiva gave an amused snicker all the while keeping her nonchalant attitude. Violet wasted no time and open fire. Shiva twirled her massive scythe deflecting each shot.

"You have some skills; I would be more impressed if you knew what do with them." Shiva said.

Violet shot again hitting her between the eyes. Shiva slumped against the wall and Violet kept her weapon trained on her. Her eyes widened as she stood back up the bullet hole in her head closing and healing in seconds. Violet took a step back having never seen something like that before.

"Just what the hell are you!?" Violet asked.

"There are a lot of things in this world you will never understand." Shiva said before swinging at Violet. Violet ducked dodging the blade.

She shot Shiva again this time in the chest but the bullets couldn't pierce her armor. Shiva coiled her tail around Violet's gun yanking it from her hands before kicking her hard in the face knocking her into one of the display cases. Violet stood up and cracked her neck before spitting on the floor. Elsewhere Taya ran through the building. She ran into a few guards and shot them down. She reached a large door with a computer lock. She pulled out a cable and plugged it into the lock and the other half into her wrist gauntlet. After a few seconds the lock sparked and the door open revealing a series of massive power generators. And a few security monitors. On one of them she saw Violet going against Shiva. Taya types hurriedly on the terminal over loading the generators. The massive machines began to rumble minutes from exploding.

"That should do it." She thought to herself as she rushed to help Violet.

Violet dodged another slash from the feline's scythe and kicked Shiva in the face hard making her step back a bit. The door soon flew off its hinges hitting Shiva knocking her to the ground the door landing on top of her.

"I get how you like to dance but this isn't the right stage." Taya said.

Taya then saw Asuna and walked over picking her up. She and Violet ran from the room running up a large flight of stairs making their way to the floor they came in on.

"I know I shouldn't ask you this but I need you to watch Asuna...when this is over I will bury her properly. I managed to hack the electrical systems I over loaded them this place will blow in 5 minutes. Can you take Asuna out of here...if I don't make it back I want you to bury her Can you do that?" Taya asked.

Violet looked Taya in the eye. Before she could answer Shiva ran in and attacked Taya, Who drew her sword. The two clashed sparks flying from their blades.

"I see you brought me a new family member for me to kill." Shiva taunted.

Shiva and Taya continued to fight. Taya weaved in close slashing at her armor before slices off part of the panther's ear. Shiva roars in pain before knocking Taya to the ground. Taya kicked out Shiva's legs and jumped to her feet driving the sword down missing the panther. Shiva stood up and grabbed Taya by the neck lifting her off the ground pulling her sword from her grip tossing it away. She growled slowly tightening her grip making Taya gasp for air. Violet reaches down pulling out a large combat knife. The building began to shake the generators exploded one by one fire soon shot out of the floor as alarms rang through the whole compound.

"I will enjoy reuniting you with your daughter! You did you REALLY think you could beat me ALL by yourself!?" Shiva growled.

Taya looked over and saw Violet and she smiled a bit.

"I am not alone. I have friends!" Taya shot back.

Violet threw the knife as hard as she could Taya caught it driving the large blade into Shiva's shoulder making her scream in agony. The big cat let Taya go and roared charging at her scythe raised. Violet ran over grabbing Taya's sword slicing Shiva in the back making her fall forwards near the still open trap door.

"I WILL HAVE YOUR HEADS!!" Shiva roared.

Taya jump up high kicking Shiva in the face knocking her down the chute.

"This place is going to blow we need to Go NOW." Violet said.

Taya searched Asuna belt and smiled pulling out what looked like a marble off her belt. She smiled as it was an Ion grenade and was still active.

"What's that?" Violet asked.

"An active grenade, I guess Shiva never thought someone would be smart enough to find and use it all the way out here. Taya squeezed it and it began to beep she threw it down the chute.

Shiva hit the floor and growled. All her trophies where burning by this point. The room was engulfed in flames.

"They will pay...." She hissed.

Shiva heard a thumping and saw the grenade land near her feet. Her eyes widened but before she could react the grenade exploded, destroying the room.

Violet and Taya ran as they had a mere 30 seconds left. Taya used her grappling hook holding onto Violet as Violet held onto Asuna. They jumped off the ledge as the building began to implode. The duo landed in the dirt in a heap a safe distance away.

Taya came to and saw Violet holding out her hand smiling. Taya smiled and took her hand as Violet helped her to her feet. Both of them looked beaten bloody and bruised.

"Thanks. You saved my life." Taya said, quietly.

Violet punched her in the arm gently smiling.

"What are friends for right?" She said holding out her hand.

Taya looked at her hand and took it smiling in agreement. It had been a long time since she considered anyone a friend even longer since she has been happy. A few hours later they found a good place to burry Asuna. Taya knelt at the fresh grave.

"It took me a while baby but Momma finally got the bad guy....If only I could have helped you... sorry I failed you...I'm sorry...." Taya said wiping tears from her eyes.

She then broke down sobbing. Violet knelt next to her and hugged her tightly. It began to rain and thunder. Taya and Violet saw what looked like Asuna. They both knew they were face to face with a ghost. Soon another ghost, a male chocolate poodle soon walked up next to her both wearing golden robes.

"Asuna....Nigel...." Taya said quietly.

" didn't fail us... you never did." Asuna said.

"I let you die... I couldn't protect either of you when you needed me most!" Taya cried

"Taya...there was nothing you could have done. There is one thing. You always taught Asuna here. Do you remember what that was?" Nigel asked.

" just a stage of existence. It's not goodbye it's just I'll see you later." Taya said.

"Mom you didn't fail I couldn't have asked for a better mom, we will meet again and we will be waiting for you...on the other side. I want you to live life to the fullest... Make friends have fun. Can you promise to try...for us?" Asuna asked.

Taya smiles as tears streamed down her eyes. Violet stepped back as both Nigel and Asuna held her in an embrace.

"Alright....for you I will." Taya murmured.

The two poodles smiled and soon vanished. Taya stood up. There was a different type of air about her now. She was more sure of herself, she was happier. Violet smiled her mission was complete now she had to make her way back to her bike. They walked all day and night neither of them felt like they needed rest so they didn't set up camp this time around. Violet soon found her motorcycle which she had camouflaged so no one would steal it and the enemy wouldn't find it. She lifted up the seat and pulled out her cell phone and began checking the messages. She had at least 80 of them. She checked the first one and her face went from calm to a look of horror. The message was from her cousin Tina read "Violet Koji has been hit by a car. He is now in a comma get down here NOW!"

"What's wrong?" Taya asked concerned.

"My husband...there has been an accident. He is hurt bad. I am sorry I got to go." Violet answered.

Violet quickly started her bike and sped off. Taya looked at the ground and saw Violet had dropped her phone. After almost 15 minutes of speeding down the road ways Violet made her way to the hospital to see Monica sitting at his bedside Koji was hooked up to life support.

"Oh God Koji!" Violet cried.

Monica stood up holding her shoulder.

"They stabilized him...all we can do is wait." Monica said.

"How did this happen?" Violet asked.

"Koji and Cali where visiting Ray and Tina, Cali wanted to see little Stan, They were playing catch but the ball went into the road. When little Stan went to get it a car came speeding down the road. Koji rushed in and pushed Stan out of the way but he got hit himself. The car never stopped and just sped away." Monica said.

Violet saw Tina and Ray trying to calm down Cali. Cali rushed to her mother's side.

"What if dad never wakes up? This coma thing happened to my friend's grandfather. He never woke up." Cali cried.

"Cali you listen to me, your father is one of the toughest most stubborn men I ever met. He WILL wake up." Violet said.

"I got the care license plate and Ray is calling it in as we speak. Whoever did this will NOT be getting away with it." Tina said.

Cali nodded quietly. Marcia soon rushed in She hugged Violet and sat with them.

"Koji please wake up soon....." She thought to herself

Violet held his hand firmly as she gazed at him while her battle had come to an end Koji's had just began.

Koji opened his eyes to find himself in his bedroom, Violet wearing red Sox panties and bra. He knew immediately something was not right.

"What happened?" Koji asked.

"You slept in dear. We got home late for the game." Violet said.

Koji narrowed his eyes his suspicion growing.

"A baseball game?" Koji asked as he followed her into the kitchen.

Violet nodded and smiled. She severed him breakfast and he ate still unsure.

"Anything else I can do for you? Do we have laundry that needs to be done?" Violet asked.

Koji choked on his coffee, before putting down the cup. Something was amiss and now he was certain.

"Tell me, that song I sang I sang on our wedding. What was it?" Koji asked.

"Oh Koji it was so long ago, you can't expect me to remember that can you?" Violet asked.

"No I can't expect you to, because you aren't Violet." Koji said.

"What are you talking about?" Violet asked.

Koji stood up and saw everything around him bur a bit.

"You look like her but I know Violet better than anyone. Your first mistake is wearing the red sox gear, Violet HATES Boston and would never wear memorabilia from there not even for me and of course I would never ask her too, your second mistake is your attitude, Violet doesn't kiss asses she kicks them. But you BIGGEST mistake was not knowing the song. The REAL Violet would NEVER forget the song I sang on our wedding" Koji said.

His eye went wide as the imposter turned into a large feral wolf looking much like him.

"Not too bad Koji. I was hoping to take you peacefully using your mate's face but I had no idea you were so self-aware." The wolf said.

"What are you?" Koji asked.

"I have many names. I guess you could say I am here to take you to the other side so to speak. You see the last time you faced death you got a free pass but this time if you want to live you need to fight for it." The wolf said.

Koji began to get an idea of what he was facing he was face to face with a grim reaper of sorts. The wolf wasted no time and lunged at him snarling. Koji jumped out of the way and ran with the wolf hot on his heels. He noticed that house was gone and there was a black forest. Koji jumped down a dry river bed and his himself. Be found a stone and used it to sharpen a stick. He did his best to slow his breathing. He felt a burning sensation and saw he was bleeding badly he looked up to see the wolf staring back at him.

"It was a valiant effort Koji but it wasn't good enough. Your body is weak and broken you will not recover." The wolf said before biting down on Koji's neck.

Koji stabbed him in the side making him howl in pain and snarl jumping back. Koji's vision blurred as he stumbled a bit. Suddenly he felt his strength returning

"I won't give up. If I do she will kill me" Koji said softly chuckling a bit even though the pun was awful.

He charged the wolf with the wooden spear and drove it through the wolf's skull. Black blood poured from its head.

Damn can't avoid me forever. I WILL be back for you!" the wolf growled before fading away.

"Better get used to waiting then." Koji said.

A Large bright light shined in and he could hear Violet's voice. The light was pulling him in. the warms felt good to him. He wasted no time running to it.

Next to his hospital bed Violet saw him beginning to flat line.

"KOJI!" She cried.

Violet rushed out to get a nurse. Taya slips in wearing a nurse's uniform. She pulled out a syringe with a glowing blue serum smiling

"Consider us even Violet." She said injecting the serum into Koji's neck it was a very basic medical injection for the F.A.S but as far as medicine goes regular hospitals didn't even know of its existence. She put Violet's phone on his chest walking out. Nurses soon came in and used readied to try to revive him till the flat line stopped and he stabilized.

"It must be the equipment I have never seen this before...." The nurse said.

"Koji don't you dare give up on me! I can't lose you." Violet said holding his hand in both of hers.

"I am not going anywhere...." Koji said softly

Violet looked up at him seeing him smiling back at her .She hugged him tightly sobbing.

"Ma'am if you'll excuse me we need to check him over." The nurse said handing Violet her phone.

Violet took the phone thought for a moment. She remembered she left it in the woods when she was with Taya. She rushed down the hall and found Taya walking to the lobby. She rushed over and hugged her tightly.

"I don't know what you did but thanks, for saving him." Violet said.

"All I did is what you would do if the roles were reversed." Taya said.

"I never did get your name." Violet said.

"You can call me Taya all my friends' do." she said smiling as she walked out of the hospital.

"Will I ever see you again Taya?" Violet asked.

"Only time will tell." Taya answered.

Violet watched her as she crossed the street a large truck went by. When it passed Taya was gone without a trace. Violet smiled and returned to the room and saw what looked like one of Taya's grappler gauntlets and one of the laser pistols she saw Taya wearing before. Taya had left them for her. Violet smiled and concealed them properly as not to arouse suspicion. Koji was brought back into the room he was fully healed much to the doctor's amazement. They had never seen such a rapid recovery.

Deep in the wilderness the compound was nothing more than rubbing now. Shiva burst from the rubble with a roar. She was bleeding badly and was injured. She began to press a series of buttons on her wrist band to warp back to the Skull hunter's main base

This is far from over ...If you want to start a war with the skull hunters.....then the skull hunters will FINISH it..." She growled warping back to base.

the end?

Chapter 5

The group walked inside and went up the first flight of steps and opened the door. It was pretty large with 4 bedrooms each of which had a king sized bed. There was a large bathroom with a large whirlpool 2 person bath tub shower combo and a huge 82...

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Chapter 4

Luna stood on the bridge of the Oblivion. They were responding to an S.O.S to a now self-destructing Fur ship. She was contemplating weather she should shoot the ship down or rescue whoever was on board "How many are on board?" Luna asked. Flare was...

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Love and Pain recap 2 UPDATED

Love and Pain recap UPDATED. Okay so I have been seeing that there has been some confusion with Love and pain series 2 so I updated my recap to help with that but this recap DOES NOT include EVERY detail but there are characters you have seen and know...

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