Ein's Playtime Tales

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#1 of Ein's Playtime Tales

Hey, thanks for taking the time to read this. This is my first submission to SF in quite a long time. I'm getting back into writing and see this as the first chapter of a very slice of life series. Yes there are cubs/teens and yes they will be having lots of sex. This chapter has a lot more back story than I expect other chapters in the series to have. For the first few chapters each chapter will typically introduce a new character, usually in the context of interacting with a character from a previous chapter. There's no real overarching plot in mind, as most of the story will simply come from the various characters interacting with, and likely being very naughty with each other. A continuity will develop over the course of the series, but in the end the stories themselves will not be very serious in tone. The majority of the stories are going to be M/F or F/F. I'm not really into writing M/M stuff. The whole point of this series is just to get me back into writing, as well as generally letting a growing cast of characters have a good time with each other.

So if you are looking for a fairly lighthearted (and yeah I know this chapter starts off on a bit of a sad note, sorry) and cute set of stories about various cub characters having fun with each other, then stay on the lookout for more in the future.

Chapter One - Ein and Meryle

"To our son, Ein whom we cherish with all our hearts, we leave our home and estate in his care. Let it be a comfort to him that he will never have to go without a place to call home, even in the event of our untimely departure. All finances shall be handled automatically by our trusted broker, and the brokerage shall see to it that his needs are met, and his expenses hereby handled indefinitely. Son, this house is yours now, as is our wealth. If you are at the reading of this will and are not yet of age, the deed to the house shall be retained with your aunt, but she has been instructed to take care of you, only with a light hand. You shall be free to live as the free spirit you have always been. Please use our estate selflessly and kindly to make the best life possible for yourself, and those you care about. We love you, and in death, we give you all that we once had, in hopes that it will care for you as well as we tried to."

The last paragraph of the will stated quite clearly what was to happen to Ein and to the home he had known all of his life. The shock of his parent's untimely passing was hard for him at first, though, over time the pain numbed. It hurt, it was never going to stop hurting, but he took their words to heart. He would do the best he could with what was left to him.

To have been left to his own devices at the tender age of eleven would be a bad situation for any child to be left in. Under normal circumstances, local authorities would see to it that he was moved to a new home as soon as the paperwork had cleared. His parent's will however stated explicitly that he was to be allowed to live on his own, emancipation papers having been prefiled in case of such an eventuality. This had not always been the case. Their will had only been updated the year before to include this new provision alluding to him being allowed to live his life undisturbed. He knew his aunt would abide by his parent's wishes, though she had told him she was only a phone call away if anything was ever needed. Ein didn't want to be a bother on her, and generally tried to keep any stress he put on her to a minimum.

Today, two years since that day, he sat alone on the bed in his room, not the biggest in the sprawling mansion, but it was his. He could have had any of the dozen bedrooms in the estate, but chose to keep the one he had always known, unable to let go of that one piece of the past. His room looked typical for a boy his age. Various posters of different television programs decorated the walls. Shelves were filled with different games and action figures, carefully and purposefully posed in different actions reflective of their heroic natures. A desk sat in the corner with a desktop computer setup in place. Games, both video and board variety were littered on different shelves in the room, the biggest of which sat next to a chest of drawers. He did not wear clothes though, so the chest was mostly decorative, the individual drawers empty. His mother had never understood it, but his father was happy to let his son run around as he pleased, as long as he wasn't getting into trouble. It wasn't illegal anyway, society having accepted that some just chose to let their fur cover them and nothing else.

Indeed all that did cover his young feline body was simply his coat of orange-brown fur. He was a fairly active young cat preferring to spend his days outside in the yard, or down by a lake just to the south of the town he called home. He stood barely five foot two, though his mother had said that he might take after his father, in which case he certainly had much room to grow. Puberty had started to hit him recently, so he was finally gaining a bit of muscular definition in his arms and legs, though overall his frame was small and agile, the product of millennia of evolution tailoring his species to be swift hunters. In a modern age such as this though, there was little need for such things, though even he would occasionally be overcome with the urge to pounce anything that looked sufficiently wily.

His favorite thing to pounce currently lived in the back yard of his estate. A small rabbit girl lived in a warren that stood at the far corner of his back yard. The warren had existed on the property for years before it had come under his family's control, and after much deliberation it was decided to leave it in tact, since the pleasant family of rabbits that lived there proved not to be of much harm to anything. For several generations they lived peacefully, regarding each other as neighbors. Ein had even made friends with one of their daughters, a young rabbit named Meryle. She was only a few months younger than him, but she was much smaller in stature than he was, perhaps partly due to her being the runt of her litter. Still she was never deterred by that fact, and would often go up against those bigger than her.

She too chose to walk around naked, her body covered in thick gray fur from the top of her head, down to the bottoms of her feet. She did have a bit of white fur on the underside of her tail fluff, enough to accent her cute round bottom for anyone tempted enough to look. The only item she wore was out of necessity. A pair of round, wire frame glasses sat on her face, a result of how much time she spent reading when she was younger. This served to make her look a bit more bookish overall. She was lithe, but still shapely for her age, a fact that Ein was becoming increasingly more aware of recently. She stood about three and a half feet tall, her frame quite tiny compared to his, with her head coming up to his chest on a good day.

Meryle was also very playful, and would hop on Ein as much as he would pounce on her. The two spent quite a lot of time wresting in the yard with each other as they grew up. She could easily keep up with Ein as they played, a fact that always kept him on his toes around her. He'd taught her all he knew about stalking prey, and in turn she taught him now to better interpret his surroundings. Almost no one could get the jump on Ein, except for Meryle who took great pleasure in doing just that. She'd move quietly through the yard, letting him think he was alone, just to leap forth and pin him under her triumphantly. They'd playfully roll around in the grass, collapsing in a tired heap to nap on each other through the sunny afternoons of their youth.

Recently though, their wrestling had turned into something more, a new kind of game that Ein found himself enjoying more and more each time they played it. Meryle, being a rabbit had become sexually aware more quickly than her kitten friend. She would always test the water with him, judging his reaction to different types of touches. She'd play them off as simple slips of her paw if it seemed like he was getting uncomfortable, and he would just as soon forget and go back to playing with his best friend.

Meryle had a new and powerful urge building within her as of late. She had finally hit the point where she discovered exactly what mating was, and what it was for. She spent quite a bit of time reading up on the subject, though she spent a lot of time reading in general, her appearance no less bookish for the effort.

Her developing body was beginning to regard the male in a much different way now, seeing him as more than just a playmate but as someone who might be able to scratch a certain itch inside of her. She knew what might come of it, if they were not careful. Even if they were different species, crossbreeds were not unheard of in this world. Though she would certainly get pregnant from another rabbit, the odds of it happening from a feline were low. She knew the statistics, and found the risk well worth the potential rewards.

She had tried to quell this itch in other ways. She discovered masturbation fairly early on, and had gotten to know the intricacies of her body quite well. This only gave her temporary relief though, as after a few hours that same feeling would be back again. She had gained quite a collection of different sex toys that she kept hidden from everyone, locked in a chest under her bed. Each of them had been well used as of late as she tried to manage the ever growing intensity of her first heat.

She'd even gone as far as experimenting with other female friends of hers. Over time she even found that she liked the things that other girls could do for her. Her first real kiss was with a girl, as well as her first sexual experience with another person, a small mouse friend of hers named Mina. If she could get Ein turned on to the idea of sex, eventually she planned to introduce Mina to him. For now though, no matter what she tried, that itch could only be temporarily stopped by these methods.

Her heats came and subsided over several months and her current solutions were driving her crazy with lust. She knew now what she needed was a boy if she wanted any lasting relief and Ein would have to be it. Though Meryle was more experienced than him, made quite clear by the coy way Ein would fluster as she touched him, she believed she could make him learn. As sad as the circumstances that left him living alone were, they did give her a very unique opportunity to get him alone, and finally teach him how to satisfy a female.

Ein, for his part had been fairly oblivious to everything she'd done to him thus far. Occasionally as they wrestled, he'd feel a paw brush again his crotch, causing him to blush and stammer a bit, flustered from the new sensation. She'd play it off in her usual way and they'd go back at it as though nothing had happened. He did notice the next time it happened, but he also noticed that he like what he felt when her paw was in that place. Eventually, he didn't question it, instead letting her touch as much as she wanted, glad to let her do so if that's what she wanted.

Today though, as they wrestled on the ground, and he felt her paw on his crotch, he grabbed at it, stopping her from moving it away. He wanted her to touch him, to let him see exactly what she was trying to do with him. Meryle was taken aback by this, but it played right into her plan.

"Meryle... why do you keep touching this?" His paw gripped hers softly as it rested between his legs, causing his young sheath to stir slightly under the touch, getting it harder the longer he left it there.

"Ah! Ein... I wanna do something with you. It's a new kind of game, one I know you're gonna love playing." She looked back toward the house. She'd rather not be in the open for what was going to happen next.

Meryle took Ein by the paw and pointed toward the house. "We have to go inside to play this game, okay?" Ein nodded to her, taking her paw as she offered it and heading back toward the house.

A new kind of game sounded fun to him, and with Meryle, he knew it would be something he'd enjoy. In the back of his mind, he had some idea of what might happen. The fact that she didn't move her paw from his crotch as he rested it there gave him that much of a clue. While it was true he was sexually inexperienced, he was far from sheltered, having seen a fair bit of stuff on his computer in his room. He knew what masturbation was, though he'd only learned recently, in one of his final school classes before the summer.

Boys and girls of his age were taught what to expect as their bodies began to change as they began to cross the cusp of adulthood. He'd learned about females and how some species experienced things called 'heats' where sexual desire would overwhelm their bodies, causing them to act strangely. He wondered if this was the reason for Meryle's recent interest in his crotch.

As they entered the house, Meryle shut the back door tightly behind them, even taking care to lock it, something that she'd never have thought to do before this. She didn't need any unexpected visitors coming through the back and getting a glimpse of what they were doing. In the past she'd heard tale of her siblings sneaking in and raiding the house for any sweets they could get hold of. Ein's family may have been aware of it, but if they had been, it had never been brought up as an issue.

Ein followed the young rabbit back up to his room, where she again closed and locked the door behind them. With a curious stare, Ein looked to the door as it was locked.

"Hey, why did you need to lock my door? I never really do that anymore. Never really had the need," Ein said as he sat on the edge of his bed.

"Well, I just don't want anyone interrupting us. I know it seems silly, but... I really need us to be alone for this." Meryle approached the bed, sitting down next to Ein and resting a paw on his thigh, causing him to tense up a bit at her touch.

"What's this about Meryle? You've been acting really weird recently. I've been meaning to ask you, but... are you in heat?" Ein made no effort to dance around the issue in his question, his innocence causing him to be blunt with his question.

His forwardness threw Meryle off for a moment. Did he really understand what he was asking, she thought.

"Ein, I guess I shouldn't hide it from you anymore. Yes, I've been in heat again for the last few days. I actually started getting them regularly about three months ago. It... well it's been hard for me." Her cheeks flushed red as she described such an intimate feeling to him. It took most of her courage to come out to him like this.

Normally she was much more relaxed talking to him, able to kid around and joke with him as if he was just another friend, but this felt different. Her desire to mate was starting to overwhelm her. Locking herself in a room with him certainly wasn't helping the situation. If he sniffed the air he might be able to detect her scent hanging heavy around her.

"Hard how, exactly?" His ears perked up to show his interest in her response. His body continued to fidget on the bed as he sniffed around. He could smell something new in his room, a scent he couldn't quite place. It wasn't a bad smell though, indeed it seemed to be exciting him, causing his heart to beat just a bit faster as he looked at Meryle. At this moment, he began to see her a bit differently. Before, she was just another friend to him, but as she confided in him, something seemed different. He saw her in a new way that caused him to feel a new kind of nervousness in the pit of his stomach.

"I've had to manage it on my own. It's been hard. You might have noticed that sometimes I'm not around, well that's because I locked myself in my room. I can't deal with it alone anymore. It's too much for me now. Ein... I need your help, okay?" Dancing around the issue was not going to get anything accomplished. She knew him well enough to know that trying to avoid talking about her needs directly would probably just confuse and concern him. She stood up off of the bed, then sat down again, this time on his lap, her legs on either side of him as she faced him. He took his paw and rested it between her legs, letting him touch her downy furred nether regions.

Ein blushed a deep red through the fur on his cheeks. She'd touched him numerous times on his privates, but now she was inviting him to do the same to her. Meryle kept her paw on his, pressing his digits against her soft outer labia. Her crotch fur was matted with her lust, the wetness a new sensation for Ein as he gently rubbed her.

"Hehe... it's soft." These were the only words Ein could stammer out as his young mind was simply overwhelmed by the situation. His paw rubbed her under the guidance of her's on top. After several intense moments of him rubbing her cunny lips, she moved her paw back, bringing it around his shoulder as she leaned into him, giving him a passionate kiss as if trying to illustrate her need for his touch.

Ein's first kiss felt a bit awkward and very unexpected. Her tongue moved around his maw, excitedly probing and swirling around his. A trail of saliva leaked from between where their lips locked as her paw stroked along the fur of his back. Ein's eyes had rolled back into his head as this new pleasure took him, leaving his mind clouded in lust.

For a moment he was unaware of where he was, trying to comprehend the reality of this situation. His best friend for years had basically just confessed her lust for him, and was now doing her best to impress upon him just how badly she needed him. They stayed in this position, Meryle's kiss remaining unbroken for several minutes, though to Ein it could have been hours with how enraptured he was becoming with her. The kiss only broke when Ein remembered that he needed to breathe, his paws pushing her back from him momentarily, causing him to gasp out for air for his lust addled mind. Meryle for her part couldn't help but giggle to him, finding his reaction to this adorable.

"Hee... you do need to breathe silly." She said with a smirk, her paws having moved to his front, rubbing into his chestfur softly.

"Meryle... hah... is this how you've always felt about me?" He said through his panting, trying to fully understand this situation.

"Silly kitty. I've always liked you, but recently I've wanted you in a different way. I want you to have my body in any way that you desire." At this point, her message was coming through loud and clear. She wanted him, and no was not an answer she was ready to accept. Ein, despite his nervousness, was willing to do whatever she needed him to do.

"I don't know how good I'll really be though. If it's with you, I'll do whatever you need me to." His answer was sincere and to the point. He was truly willing to help her, no matter what that involved.

"Don't worry kitty, I'll teach you everything you need to know." Meryle smiled to Ein as she leaned into him once more, kissing him lightly as she pushed him down onto the bed, pressing her paws to his chest playfully as she now leaned over top of him.

"Now, what do you know about this?" She said as she slid off to his side, resting her paw on his sheath. She blushed, noticing that he seemed to already be at half-mast. His sheath was already stiff and the tip of his length poked out of it. She rubbed a thumb gently around his tip as she looked down to him. "I'm sure that you've gotten it harder than this before right?"

"Y-yeah, I have." He said as his cheeks remained a deep crimson, his eyes avoiding her gaze for the moment as he looked off to the side. He trembled under her touch, his young body still trying to process the amazing feeling of her paw on his crotch. He knew how to make himself feel good, but her touch felt much more intense. It didn't take her rubbing thumb long to coax out the rest of his young member.

His length now rested against his stomach, the tip coming to rest just below his belly button. Meryle looked upon him, impressed with his size, though she'd not seen another one before to compare it to. It did look bigger than the largest toy she'd dare to try on herself. She leaned in and sniffed it carefully, finding that she enjoyed the his male scent. Carefully she began to rub a couple of fingers along the belly of his length, not sure how hard to touch him. Her rub was light, but more than enough to cause him to squirm under her in pleasure. His young member was quite sensitive to her fingers, the kitten used to the feel of his own paw, but not to hers. Light tingles of delight shot through him as her fingers traveled from the base to the tip. He wanted more from her though than the light teasing she was providing.

"Meryle... you can grab it in your paw if you want." Ein said just above a whisper as he lay adrift on the bed, enjoying everything about this moment. Meryle did as he suggested, grabbing his shaft in her paw. She was able to wrap her fingers around him, the tips of her fingers against her paw as she held him. Her arm jerked and she tugged him, causing Ein to yell out with a start.

"Hey! Umm... not that hard okay. Don't pull it off or anything," Ein said as he was snapped back to reality from her pull on him. Meryle looked upon him apologetically as she gave a much lighter tug the second time. Ein's reaction was much better this time, as he gasped out with enjoyment. At the tip of his length a clear bead of fluid formed, a sign of just how excited he was for her.

"What's this?" She rubbed her thumb against his tip once again, spreading the clear, sticky fluid over her digit. The more she rubbed, the more that seemed to leak from his tip, trailing down the underside of his shaft, into the fur on Meryle's paw where she continued to grip him.

Curiously, she leaned her head down to sniff it. It carried the same scent that she smelled on his shaft, a very musky smell that she could only identify as male. Sating her curiosity, she gave it a lick, wanting to know what he tasted like there. The feeling of the wet tip of her tongue drove Ein wild, causing his hips to buck upward into her paw. Meryle kept a firm grip on his length, giving his tip a few more testing licks. This fluid tasted a bit salty, but she didn't find it unpleasant. She was spurred on to give him more licks, wanting to stimulate more of this clear substance to flow from his member.

Meryle had seen something like this in one of her books as she read up on the subjects on her heats. She studied a bit before this, wanting to know what a boy like Ein might enjoy. Remembering a picture she'd seen, she took his tip completely into her mouth, causing Ein to look alarmed for a moment. His alarm soon subsided and faded into pure bliss as her small tongue began to lick over his tip inside of her mouth. She was careful not to let her teeth touch him, an impressive feat considering the size of the front two.

Ein writhed in delight underneath of her, his hips again pressing up against her face as she continued to lick and succle on his tip. Her paw continued to lightly stroke his shaft as she teased the tip with her tongue. For her first time doing this with a boy, she was handling herself quite well. Even if she had no practical experience, the books she'd gathered gave very explicit detail on how to handle a male. As long as stuck to what she had read, she felt confident enough that she could keep him excited. Her powerful lust drove her onward as she took more of his shaft into her muzzle. Eventually she stopped just shy of the back of her throat, coughing for a moment as she hit her gag reflex, something she had not been expecting. It felt similar to when she'd get too excited eating a carrot, when the tip of it would go deep into her throat when she wasn't thinking. She fought the urge to stop though, keeping his length deep in her muzzle, suckling harder on him to distract her from the feeling. More of his precum filled her mouth, the musky taste driving her desire to new heights.

"Mrow! Ah! Meryle... this feels really weird. Something's happening... I'm sorry!" With a loud mewling, Ein continued to press his hips to the rabbit's face. He had been doing his best to hold back this feeling that had been building at the base of his length. The new experience was simply too much for him to fight. He felt a massive wave of pleasure course through his body, causing him to tremble as he let out a loud growling mewling, his shaft spasming in Meryle's mouth, erupting with his pent up seed. This wasn't his first orgasm, but it was by far his most powerful, stronger than anything he'd done for himself.

Meryle coughed at sudden burst of thick liquid that filler her mouth, shooting at the back of her throat. Instinctively she pulled his member out of her mouth, only to be assaulted by more spurts of kitty seed from his tip. His thick semen covered her face, getting onto her glasses, nose and muzzle. Her eyes closed instinctively as she waited for it to be over. Ein's hips were raised up high as his back arched, his young body momentarily locked in this position as he was paralyzed in pleasure.

He collapsed hard against the mattress, panting hard from the intensity of what he'd just felt. His crotch as well as Meryle's face were now covered in his seed. His eyes opened once more and he looked both surprised and horrified with the mess, though Meryle seemed to be smiling.

"Hee... you are one naughty cat, you know that?" She said as she gave his tip a few more teasing licks. She took off her glasses and set them aside, knowing she'd need to wash them off later. She wiped her face with her paws, cleaning her face off as well as she could without the aid of a mirror. She then proceeded to lick the mess off of her fingers, cleaning the mess his seed had made on her. Her gaze turned to his crotch, looking at the mess there as well. She leaned down and began to lick over his shaft and lap, cleaning the spilled kitty seed off of him. In spite of the massive release he'd just had, his youthful vigor showed through, his member still stiff and ready for more as her small tongue lapped eagerly over it.

"M-meryle... that was incredible. I didn't know you could do that with your mouth." Ein said in awe of her, impressed that she knew how to give him such pleasure.

Meryle's expression seemed to change, her eyes looking at him with a sultry gaze. She had waited long enough for what she'd wanted. Seeing that thick kitty seed spilling forth caused her lust to only grow stronger. She needed him inside of her, now! She sat on his lap, straddling him with her hips, letting her pussy lips grind over the belly of his kitty dick.

"Ein... I can't wait any longer. You're going to be my first male... hee." Her voice dripped with lust and need as her sex grinded against him, coating her crotch fur in his seed. She moved her paw underneath of her hips, raising them up as she pointed his length toward her awaiting entrance.

She gulped, then with a single motion she pressed her crotch against his tip. Her hips pressed down slowly against his length, her powerful rabbit legs supporting her weight as she lowered herself onto him, letting him have her virginity. There was very little pain for her, as she'd broken her hymen long ago training herself for this moment with her favorite carrot shaped toy. He was a fair bit bigger though, and his girth stretched her virgin sex around it, her small frame a tight fit for him. The slickness of her inner walls made it easier for her to take him in that she could have hoped. She looked down to Ein with a loving smile, enthralled that he was her first, and in turn she was his.

Ein could only watch, his body basically submitted underneath of her as she lowered herself onto his length. He had of course seen pictures, but the real sensation was almost too much for him. His hips pressed eagerly up against hers as she slid down his length. His paws rested on the sides of her hips as he panted and moaned in delight. Carnal desire was a new feeling for him, but one that he seemed to relish as he mated his first female.

The two cubs sat motionless for a moment, both panting heavily from the intensity of this new experience. Meryle stared down at Ein for a moment as she kept his maleness inside of her. This was the pinnacle of sexual pleasure for her, and she wanted this moment with him to last forever.

"Ein, I love you." She said before she had a chance to think about what was coming out of her mouth. Her feelings for him, that she'd kept hidden for so long, felt easy to express as she now had him as her lover.

Ein blushed an intense red as he heard the words come from her mouth. In truth, he'd always been fond of her, and she was certainly his best friend.

"Meryle, I... I love you too. You've been there for me, through everything that's happened. You make me feel much less alone. I'm happy, that we're together like this." He expressed his feelings for her as honestly as he could. Was it wrong for him to love her, and was it wrong for them to do this kind of adult thing, in spite of their ages? He didn't have a satisfactory answer to this, but in this moment, being with her felt like the most right thing in the world.

"I'm gonna move a bit now... hee. Enjoy the ride." She said to him with a teasing tone to her voice. Now that she had him, her more dominant side began to express itself. When they played in the past, she had always been the type to try to keep him pinned, but this was different. She had him completely at her mercy, and this filled her with a new type of confidence. The pace of their mating was determined almost completely by her, leaving her free to choose how quickly, or slowly the experienced each other.

Meryle began to gyrate her hips slowly as she sat on top of him, her paws coming around to find his and move them to her chest. She was not very developed, barely an A cup, and even this was a recent change in her body. She had seen the assets other girls had been working with around their age, and did feel a bit like a wallflower. Even so, his paws eagerly kneaded her small buds as she guided him. The feeling of his larger paws kneading her chest was amazing, causing her to tremble lightly as she continued to ride the kitten's shaft.

Ein panted softly in pleasure as she moved her hips against his member. The way her inner walls squeezed and milked his length caused him to engorge with blood inside of her, increasing his sensitivity to her motions. As she moved her hips, he began to motion hers in time. As she raised up, he pulled back, then pushed up against her as she lowered herself once more.

Their young bodies writhed in carnal ecstasy as they mated. The minutes passed slowly to them, both unaware of anything else around them except for the feeling of each others' bodies. Meryle could feel a powerful sensation building in her nether regions, causing her sex to squeeze tighter against Ein's length, milking him harder now for the seed that her body so desperately craved.

A powerful pressure was also building at the base of Ein's shaft as his balls swelled with another load of his seed. When she clamped harder against his shaft, he pushed up against her, increasing his pace as much as he could with her on top of him. In spite of his inexperience, instinct did a good enough job guiding his motions, causing him to just do what felt best for him at the time.

Meryle was the first to hit her climax, her body trembling hard as she cried out in pleasure. She gripped his arms tightly as her body rocked against him, the bunny determined to get her prize from the kitty's rod.

"Ein... please. I need this. Don't hold back, give me everything!" She exclaimed as she rode out her powerful orgasm. Her sex twitched rapidly around his length, her inner walls milking him eagerly, her hot juices soaking his hips as the powerful climax quickly overwhelmed her.

"Meryle! Ah!" Ein cried out a moment later, unable to resist the powerful squeeze of her innermost walls as she slammed her hips down hard upon him. He pressed up as hard as he could to her, letting loose with a powerful spray of his seed. His thick semen filled her wanting womb, providing much desired relief to the bunny as she milked him for all he had. The young feline seemed to be especially productive, easily filling her womb, with copious amounts of seed spilling forth down between them into his lap, eventually coating Meryle's as well as she continued to straddle and ride him, even as her climax was wearing down.

They remained in orgasmic bliss for minutes, both of their bodies having desired each other more than either had realized. When she finally came down, Meryle practically collapsed on top of the kitten, laying on top of him, murring loudly. She licked his cheek affectionately, leaving his shaft inside of her for as long as she could as she rested on top of her lover. Ein panted hard, his young body now completely spent for the moment. He hugged the bunny who laid on him, kissing her in return as he purred, basking in the afterglow.

"Hehe... I hope that I did a good job for you Meryle," he said softly as he closed his eyes. His first sexual experience had taken a lot out of him, and he was satisfied enough to lay with Meryle now, letting her small frame tremble against his as she rested.

Meryle replied to him with a deeply satisfied tone. "Hee, you did great kitten. I'm gonna make sure you help me next time too."

They both drifted off to sleep soon after that. Meryle rolled off of him at some point, causing Ein to wrap around her, pressing his hips to her rear as he held her tightly to him. The couple slept for several hours in the wake of their intense mating.

Ein awoke eventually, surprised at first to wake up to the young rabbit wrapped in his arms. It had all seemed like a wonderful dream to him, but waking up with the warm girl hugged tightly to him made him immensely happy. For the first time in a long time, he was no longer alone in this house, and he wanted it to stay that way. Maybe he'd talk to her about staying here every night with him. For now though, he was happy enough to enjoy that she was with him now, eagerly looking forward to what she would do with him when she finally came to.

Meryle awoke a little while later. Ein was still laying next to her as she turned around to face him. She smiled to him and gave him an affectionate lick on the cheek. With a blush, he licked her back, smiling to her as he poked her tummy.

"Hehe... that was fun." Ein said as he playfully tickled at the little bunny next to him. She squirmed around then rolled on top of him, pinning the kitten underneath of him. Ein smirked up to the bunny on top of him, then laughed out loudly.

"Hee, looks like I'm on top again." She said as he puffed out her chest proudly. Ein twisted about underneath of her and slipped out from under her. He then gave her rear a playful squeeze before opening the door to his room, exiting swiftly, inviting the bunny to chase him.

The two friends rushed to the back yard, Meryle pouncing Ein and pinning him in the grass. They tumbled around, wrestling in the back yard as they always had. As they tired each other out, they both laid on the lawn, Meryle on top as always, bathed in the orange glow of the evening sun as it hung down low in the sky.