The Festival (With Artwork)

Story by Macabre Dragon on SoFurry

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Artist: dmatrix0 / Terry

Writer: Samael (ME!)

Proofreader: Virion

Samael (Big Black Dragon): Samael (ME!)

Virion (Anthro Dragon): Virion

Saying that this story has taken a looooooong time to finish and publish is not doing the length of time justice. This is the longest SOLO story I've written at about 70 pages long, and tons of effort went into editing / making small changes, not to mention the artwork we got along with it (Big thank you to Dmatrix for that lovely piece).

'The Festival' takes places in a busy desert town, where every once in a while... a certain event occurs that brings dragons down from their lairs to participate in some sexy pairings with a lucky / unlucky volunteer. In this case, Virion is the volunteer and well... I'll let you read the rest. ;)

The story features so much sex that it's difficult to name everything that happens. :P There's ton of gay and straight pairing with several different acts occurring, so that's all you need to know.

Also, is any of you are interested in a different download / read link, here's a link to a google docs document:

Google Docs: Clicky Click Here!

Hope you enjoy the story! Don't be shy to leave a comment, fave, and vote to let me know what you think. <3

The Festival

By Macabre Dragon

The sun beat heavily down upon the brash sands of the fiery desert. In miles for every direction there was no shelter from the blistering heat, leaving only the rocks and dry air to accompany any travellers along its broad length. There was no movement among the hissing dunes to announce the presence of life other than a light breeze that scattered wisps of dust along the ground. To some, such desolation would be empty and vast.

For Virion however, it was heaven.

Although the desert was large and overbearing, he had managed to find a pleasant oasis to relax and recuperate his strength. The area consisted of a large, cool pool of water with several palm trees lining the edge, constructing a scene very much like a tropical paradise. The light coating of dust along his white and orange scales was quickly washed away as he dipped his body into the water's comforting depths. It was true that there was supposedly nothing in every direction for miles; however, the speed at which an anthro dragon like himself could make flight made such distances hardly a barrier to a proud creature like himself. And besides, he liked the heat.

Sitting on the edge of the pool, Virion leaned back and placed his arms behind him in the sand. With a small smile he looked left and studied his wing, following its orange membranes down to the corded muscle that met with his shoulder. He truly loved how the bright light made his scales shine: how the sun danced across the white scales of his arms, making them sparkle with a vibrant, beautiful energy that glistened along the orange scales of his torso. His lengthy tail flicked across the water with happiness as he paused to enjoy the beneficial alienation. With nothing but the soft sounds of palms and sand shifting along the wind, it was everything he needed to give himself a nice, pleasant break from his travels.

As he looked down once again however, Virion raised his brow as he suddenly noticed the small layer of dust and grime covering his skin. Although the sun could make him shine there was no hiding the signs of a long day's flight.

With a small sigh, Virion submerged himself in the water up to his neck. After a few moments he closed his eyes and spread his wings across the pool, floating peacefully as he thought about what to do next. He took in a deep breath that filled his lungs with air. The air sacs in his chest cavity swelled as well, a feature of most dragons located just underneath the lungs that made flying (and as a consequence, swimming), hardly any effort at all. As a result his torso was slightly longer than the average anthropomorphic creature to account for both his air sacs and the musculature of his wings.

Now that he was floating without having to move a muscle, Virion was able to think. He'd spent a good portion of the day flying across this expansive desert with only a mild knowledge of where he was heading.

For some it would be foolish to attempt such a journey, but Virion was prepared. He knew his strengths and weaknesses, and how long he would be able to travel before he would be forced to turn around if he didn't find somewhere he could call home for the next few months. A dragon like himself could never remain stationary for very long. He'd met a number of friendly creatures and grown fond of many of the places he'd once called home. After so long however, he couldn't help but move on. The mention of sprawling desert towns with neighbouring dragons had been more than enough to send him on his next journey. If there were new dragons to meet, he would be more than pleased to make their acquaintance.

Taking in a small breath, Virion dived down into the water. With a powerful surge of his wings and limbs he propelled himself down into the sparkling pool, reaching the bottom with a single push. The cool depths completely surrounded him as he explored with a curious fascination. The sunlight streaming down in the shallow water lit up the bottom with pleasant light. Each feature was plain to the dragon as his slit pupils darted to take in every patch of reeds or bulk of sand. On the other end of the pool he spotted a dip ending in a small, dark crevice, possibly leading to an underground river or some other source of water that was feeding the oasis. Deciding to stay away from it, he swam around to a nearby patch of reeds and raked his claws along the tips, blowing bubbles as he easily moved through the unfamiliar vegetation.

As unprepared as he was for not being alone in the pool Virion let out a grunt of surprise when a rather large fish suddenly darted out in front of him, scared out of hiding by the shadow of his passage. Recovering instantly, he let out a snarl (along with a small cloud of bubbles), before propelling himself towards the fish with a single stroke of his powerful arms. His muscular body streaked through the water with amazing speed. Opening his jaws he snapped at the fish, which quickly dodged his teeth and darted around to the side.

A small smile stretched across his lips at the fish's deadly mistake.

With a twist of his body, Virion snapped his tail out and snagged the fish in its coils, squeezing it tightly with a triumphant nod before allowing himself to slowly float back up to the surface. With a fish this size he would be able to make it twice as far across the desert as before. If there were any desert towns of note within the area, he would find them for sure.

As he broke the surface Virion licked his lips and brought the fish out of the water, hovering his tasty meal just above his head. Opening his maw wide and curling his tongue around the doomed creature, he allowed the fish to drop down into his throat where he immediately began gulping it down. After two or three swallows, the dragon let out a sigh and closed his eyes as his meal slowly descended into his gut. Such incredible luck was uncanny to such a harsh, unforgivable environment, yet he wasn't complaining.

Letting out a loud burp, Virion turned and started heading towards the shore when he felt a small tickling at the back of his throat. Pausing with curiosity, he pursed his lips and brought his claws up to feel at his lips, only to grunt in surprise as he found a small string leaving the interior of his maw.

Confused, Virion opened his mouth with the intention of getting the line out only to suddenly cough as it tugged at the back of his neck. Snapping his jaws shut, he held the string tightly, forgetting about attempting such a thing before he was sure what was going on.

It was at that moment that Virion raised his eyes to find an otter with a fishing rod, sitting with a terrified expression on the bank.

The two creatures stared at each other for a long time, motionless in their surprise at finding each other. For Virion, his shock derived from the suddenness of the otter's arrival. He considered himself an apt predator with sensitive hearing and exceptional eyesight that could spot a threat from miles away. Although being underwater clearly hampered his abilities, it was no excuse to allow something to sneak up on him, even if it was a harmless otter. He would have to make sure he was more careful in the future.

With a small sigh, Virion held his throat steady and did his best to look up at the newcomer with a friendly grin. He was about to speak, but it immediately became clear that the otter wasn't going to be able to calm down with the same amount of grace.

"DRAGON!" The otter shouted, leaping up and dropping the fishing rod onto the ground. His little paws kicked up sand frantically as he backpedalled away on all fours in terror. After a few awkward shambles in the dipping sand he turned and began crawling as fast as he could go, turning towards some of the brush lining the oasis. In the span of a few moments he shot into the bushes, his heavy rudder slipping into the greens with a loud rustle and leaving the ferocious dragon floating in the pool with the fishing line still in his mouth.

"N-no, wait! I wo--" Virion began, trying to calm the frightened creature down before the line tugged at his mouth. The dropping rod put a small amount of pressure on the sensitive tissue of his throat, caused him to gag a little bit before he let out a soft growl and swam towards the shore. He was used to receiving such a reaction occasionally but he could hardly diffuse the situation with a fishing line tickling his neck.

Pulling himself out of the water and shaking himself off, the tall anthro dragon picked up the fishing rod in his claws and experimentally held it out in front of him. He studied it for a few moments before gently pulling on the line, suppressing a cough as the line once again tugged on his throat. Although he wanted nothing more than to simply yank it out he knew that it was a bad idea. For the moment, the hook was safely buried in the fish, and thankfully not causing him any sort of pain or problems. He needed to find a delicate way to remove it.

"Excuse me, otter?" Virion called out. "Does this line have a hook on it?" He knew it was an unlikely hope that the line was harmless, yet he didn't want to waste time working it out if he was worrying for nothing. Also, he needed to find a way to communicate with and convince his new visitor that he meant no harm.

"Excuse me?" Virion repeated. "Could you come out? I could use some company."

There was a long pause before the otter finally answered. "There's a hook on the line."

Virion let out a small huff of annoyance. "Thank you," he said, right before setting his mind to the task at hand once again. Ripping the line from him was out of the question now. After a few seconds of thought, there was only one answer that seemed liable to solve his problem: he needed to get the fish out the same way it got in.

Opening his mouth wide while keeping his paws on the line, Virion opened up his throat and pulled the fish back up using a combination of his tugs and expert squeezes of his powerful neck muscles. For a predator like himself it was a simple task, yet he had to be careful of the hook that was still buried in his prey. Pausing for a moment and choking periodically, he slowly pulled the line out from his neck, using his arms to pull the fish along his esophagus the rest of the way until the fish's head was peeking out from the back of his gaping maw.

It was at that moment that, as if sensing a second chance at life, the fish began to wriggle.

Virion choked once again, his eyes going wide as his meal began to thrash around in his throat. With a gurgling growl he horked the fish up into the air, curling his tail around as he did to catch the frantic creature in his tail once again. His white coils tightened around his prize tightly, making a wet squelching noise as the slimy mixture of bodily fluids coating its scales dipped down to moisten the sands.

"Finally!" Virion breathed, a sense of relief flooding through his body. With the tickle in his throat completely gone, he looked up at the fish with a sense of triumph. Bringing the fish low, he carefully pulled the hook from its lip before gobbling it down once more, its little fins shaking with renewed dismay as it was reintroduced to the dragon's stomach for the last time.

With another burp, Virion walked towards the bushes, paused a few feet away to pick at his fangs and search carefully for any remnants of the fishing line. Finding none, he nodded towards the newcomer's hiding place. "Well, you caught me," he said with a chuckle. "Why don't you come out and claim your prize?"

Nothing but silence answered his remark. Virion swished his tail in mild annoyance.

"I won't hurt you otter, I just want to talk," Virion continued, trying to make his voice sound calm and relaxed. "We both know you aren't exactly 'hidden' right now."

Again, there was nothing but silence.

Letting out a huff of frustration, Virion tried once more to soothe the otter's nerves. "I'm Virion, what's your name?" He said, only to once again be met with a long pause of silence.

When the otter didn't answer him again, Virion let out a soft sigh and was about to turn away when he heard a rustling in the bushes behind him. When he turned around again, the otter was standing in front of him, nervously holding its paws together in front of his little tummy.

"I'm Alice," the otter said, nodding her head with a nervous tilt of her head. Other than her sleek brown fur, she was wearing a set of baggy, teal pants with beige straps hooking over each shoulder, and a small khaki fishing hat on top of her head. A string looped down from each side of the hat under her chin which was tied rather tightly, making the hat bob up and down when she spoke.

Taking note of her timid nature, Virion remained where he was for now. "My name is Virion," he replied with a bow. "Sorry for startling you like that; I really wasn't expecting anybody else to be around, this place being in the middle of the desert and all."

"That's ok," she replied with a little squeak, swallowing and blushing at her little noise.

Smirking at that, Virion slid his tail backwards to pick up the fishing rod, placing it in his paws. "That was quite the catch you had back there," he said with a small chuckle. "I'll bet you've never caught something as big or ferocious as me." He held out the rod for a moment to give it back, but hesitated when he was the little otteress took a step back.

"So, what are you doing all the way out here, are you lost?" He asked, hoping that he wasn't being too forward.

"No, I'm not lost," Alice said, twirling her hat-string around in one of her claws. "I was... just helping..." She trailed off after a moment, biting her lip.

Assuming she was simply unsure of whether to trust him yet or not, Virion gave her a smile, doing his best to not show his fangs and scare her. "Well, you've got nothing to be scared of from me Alice; I'm simply a travelling dragon trying to find his way across the desert for something new." Turning away, he made his way back to the water's edge and down to the otter's things.

Holding the fishing rod out in front of him, Virion bent down and grabbed a small piece of bait from the tin tackle box left by Alice in her escape. The otter watched him curiously as he worked, fumbling slightly with hooking the worm onto the metal barb. Having never needed a fishing rod to catch his meal, (and the rod being much smaller than the dragon would need), he had a small amount of trouble succeeding before he managed to press the worm down onto the point with one of his claws.

Letting out a small huff Virion sat down next to the bank, his tail trailing out behind him as he hummed a soft tune.

"What are you doing?" Alice asked, walking up to him and standing only a few feet away.

"Why, catching you a fish of course! I did steal this one from you after all," he replied with a smile, pointing down at his belly. "It's only fair that I get another one for you."

Swishing his tail in the sand, Virion looked down at the rod for a moment, studying it for a brief moment before extending the line and dropping it into the water. Placing his footpaws gently in the pool, he leaned back and held the wooden handle in his claws. "I wouldn't have expected there to be any fish in here," he said. "Do you know why there's some here?"

Alice walked down to the pool as well, keeping her nervous gaze fixed on the dragon before she sat down as well, placing her footpaws into the water. "My father says it comes from the mountains," she responded. "An underground river runs down through this side of the desert and feeds into this pool, which is why it's so cool. Sometimes fish get trapped in here." She let out a soft sigh and looked over at him. "It makes for easy food."

"So I see," Virion said with a smile, looking back towards the line as it bobbed up and down in the water. "How did you learn about this place?"

"My family's known about it for a while now. We like to keep it a secret from the rest so that nobody else starts fishing here."

"Well, your secret is safe with me," Virion said. After that, he detected a hint of a smile cross the young otter's lips. He didn't know how old she was, yet it was clear that she below a reasonable age to be out wandering alone. He hope that she'd merely slipped out on her own, else he was going to have a few cross words with whoever this 'father' was, but until then he was merely glad to be keeping her company.

After a few moments Alice said, "You aren't very good at that you know."

Virion gave her a confused look. "Good at what?"

"You aren't moving the line at all, nor are you reeling it in and casting it back out," she stated flatly. "Nothing's going to bite if you don't make the fishies see a moving bait."

"Well excuse me miss," Virion said. "I don't normally catch fish this way, I just dip my tail in and snatch them up when they swim by."

"Well then why don't you do it that way?"

"Because I'm trying to learn."

"What's the point of learning something new if you already have a big long tail like that?"

"Because it's..." Virion stopped before he repeated himself and sighed. He didn't really need to know how, it was just a good way to bond and develop some trust. He grumbled for a bit before responding. "Because I want to," he said, pausing for a moment afterwards. "Perhaps you could show me?"

After a few moments of eyeing the dragon wearily, Alice came to a decision. She got onto her feet and made her way over to the anthro dragon, sitting down next to him with little fear before reaching over and snatching the fishing rod from his grasp. "Ok, now, you did alright for the first bit, but you want to cast the line out and slowly reel it back in," she said. "Like this!"

As the little otteress showed him what to do, Virion couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. The situation was mildly amusing, as his companion couldn't have been more than one sixth of his size, and even that was being generous. He was around seven feet tall and nicely toned with muscle, whereas Alice could barely hope to achieve three, by his best guess. The amount of courage she was displaying already in teaching him to fish was impressive.

"Tell me Alice," Virion began, scratching the side of his neck with his claws. "Why were you so frightened of me before? When I popped out of the water?"

Alice stared up at him with a small hint of nervousness again while her little paws reeled in the line. "Father told me that dragons are dangerous," she said. "And so have the other adults in my village. I'm not allowed to go outside without someone watching me, at least until I'm a lot bigger, or so they say." She mumbled a bit under her breath in frustration.

"Well, not all of us are so bad," Virion replied, giving a small smile. "Why do they say that we're dangerous?"

"Because sometimes big dragons swoop down from the sky and... well... have their way with us," she said, seemingly unaware of the abrupt shift in the conversation she'd caused, coupled with the surprised look on Virion's face. "But the festival will fix all of that, which is why I can be out here."

Virion stared down at her with shock, his mind still reeling at the fact that this little otteress even knew about the sexual pursuits of dragons. Sure, it wasn't unheard of for some of the more dominant creatures of their kind to exert their way, especially because they were the most powerful creatures on earth, but for Alice to know about it already...

"Mm, you look like you would be a nice participant," Alice said, looking down between Virion's legs. "How many do you have down there anyway?" She began to lean over, gazing at his junk with curiosity.

"Whoah now, hey!" Virion said, lifting up his leg to block the view with his thigh. The level of knowledge Alice was displaying regarding such subjects was quite unnerving, and he had no interest in her whatsoever. "W-what festival are you talking about?" He asked, trying to change the subject.

Alice shrugged and went back to fishing. "Oh, it's an idea my village came up with a long time ago," she said. "Since the dragons were being such pests we decided to hold a festival for them, one where they could come down and have sex with a willing participant for as long as they wanted while the rest of us either gathered food or came to watch."

"O-oh.... I see..." Virion said, his voice level as he thought about the implications of what the otteress was saying. A festival where a bunch of dragons have fun with someone huh? That sounds like a good place for me... He thought. It was understandable then how Alice knew so much about the sexual exploits of dragons: such knowledge was important in understanding the dangers.

"And can anyone be a participant?" Virion asked.

"Just about everyone, but there's not a whole lot of us that want to," Alice replied. "For the ones that do however, they usually put on an amazing show." She continued, a dreamy look on her face. "And afterwards, they get to pick the dragon they like best to go live with them." Letting out a soft sigh, Alice didn't even notice when the line began to bob up and down, tugging on her soft grip.

Virion reached out and grabbed onto the fishing rod, contemplating the otteress' words. Alice wasn't wrong: it did sound like quite the opportunity. Although the village sounded like a good place to settle for a while, if he could manage to find another dragon that would be interested in him...

He sighed in much the same way Alice did thinking about what that was like.

With a quick pull, Virion lifted the line out of the water to reveal a large fish hooked onto the end. With a heave he tossed the fish into the air and snapped his tail around, coiling it around and ensnaring the fish.

Alice looked up in surprise before letting out a small giggle. "Well, that's one way to do it."

Looking over with a smile, Virion lowered the fish onto the bank, squeezing it hard to keep it still for Alice to take home. " you think you me your village?" He asked. "I think I would like to volunteer."

The otteress gave him a knowing smile before gently setting the fishing rod aside and grabbing the palm of his right hand in her two little paws. "It would be my pleasure, dragon," she said.

Part 2: Ashen Peaks

The journey to Ashen Peaks took little less than a few hours with Alice leading the way. It was a small desert town, with a reasonable amount of critters and striking desert mountains in the distance. Homes and small farms where the odd fertile patch of soil could be found decorated the border while a town square was positioned directly in the middle.

When Virion arrived a few days ago, they'd already begun setting up the festival that Alice had mentioned. Although some looks of fear were cast in his direction, the sure presence of Alice helped calm any sort of hostility the fearsome looking anthro dragon might've projected; however, he tried to smile at everyone he passed, keeping his fangs hidden as not to scare or frighten anyone off.

When they reached the center, it became clear that the town was preparing for something. The once dusty, trodden center of town was slowly being cleared and swept away while the wooden stalls and shops were either closed, boarded up, or took their business elsewhere. After a small amount of discussion, Alice's word was verified: there was indeed going to be a festival.

It didn't take long for word to spread of Virion's arrival. Many of the townsfolk even had the nerve to tell him to leave and come back later, thinking he was one of the dragons who'd arrived to fuck the volunteer. After the initial confusion however, the dragon was able to make it clear that he wasn't one of the local beasts, and that he wanted to be the volunteer. Although shock was the initial reaction many took to such a suggestion, (having never received a volunteer of such willingness or nature), Virion's presence was soon met with hospitality and joy and his proposition was graciously accepted. After all, he did fit the role perfectly. And well...

Virion never really had much difficulty when it came to fucking dragons.

The seven foot male was an anthro dragon himself. He was standing alone backstage, the curtain drawn and muting the animated conversations of people standing outside, their excitement and fear building as the festival's start grew closer with each passing moment. There was a table of assorted food and meat arranged on oval, silver trays behind him: their contents demonstrating the village's continued unfamiliarity with dragons and their needs. Even if he was slightly smaller than the ferals in the surrounding area, there was no need for each slab of steak to be cut into little, bite-sized morsels not much bigger than an ice cube. He had fangs for a reason.

This didn't bother Virion much though - he wasn't that hungry anyway, not while he was preparing himself for what was to come.

Raising a paw to his head, Virion ran a few of his claws back along the hardened spines along his head and down his back. Two, pointed and curved horns of the same color jutted out from the top of his head to each side of his paw as he did. An impressive pair of orange wings sprouted from his back to each side of these spikes, which now rested in a relaxed position as he did his best to remain calm before his performance began. The rest of his body was once a bright hue of pure white, although most of the color had now faded slightly, leaving him with pale, white scales around his back, torso, face, and legs that blended in darkly with the shadows cast by the thick curtains in front of him.

For ceremonial purposes, Virion was wearing a wide, wool robe that covered his body down to his knees. Its color was a deep black, with no patterns or decorations to speak of save for a thin ribbon of grey that circled around his collarbone. He'd irked at it when he first saw it, black having never been a particularly enticing color to him, though he wore it regardless. He would be able to shed it soon anyway.

Virion tapped his orange claws against the wooden flooring and swished his tail impatiently. The impressive appendage flicked out and brushed against the curtain before curling around and knocking over the table behind him, sending the assorted food and tin trays scattering across the wooden floorboards. He jumped back slightly and rolled his eyes, grumbling loudly at the mistake. The conversations outside faded to silence at the noise for several long seconds before picking up again, this time with less excitement and more fear and concern for what he could be doing.

The anthro dragon sighed and closed his eyes, trying to keep his tail from moving too much. It was one of his most prominent features, as most anthros like himself sprouted a tail that about as long as their body, or perhaps just a bit over. His tail however, was over twenty feet long: well over what any other dragon his size could possibly manage. Although many might assume that such a large appendage would be difficult to control, the control and skill his displayed when his tail was in action was usually done much to the envy of other beasts that were stuck with much smaller, less powerful muscles protruding from their rears. Usually.

Despite this control, there were bound to be some accidents. The audience probably thought he was either nervous or scared now, having heard the table fall to the ground. They probably assumed he'd flipped it over in a rage, or was at the very least clumsy and timid with fear - neither option was the case. Although in a few moments the odds were likely that he would be in the company of ten horny dragons at the very least, he was more than ready to meet their every need. Feral dragons didn't scare him.

The villagers however, were terrified of the fearsome beasts. After some inquiry and discussion, Virion was able to learn of the town and its surrounding area, and some more detailed reasons as to why they held the festival to tame the horny creatures.

Living as close to the mountains as they did, the town of Ashen Peaks used to do very little other than sit and cower when a dragon came sauntering along. As weak and cowardly as they were, the various anthros and humans that made up the illogically placed town lived in a continuous fear. They went about their daily chores and duties distracted, their eyes always wandering upwards to check the skies lest the dark shadow of a dragon descend upon them.

Ashen Peaks had always been able to prosper, despite being close to so much danger and living off a scant amount of resources. Luckily, the town found itself at a crossroads of trading routes winding down from the cold mountains to the north and the hot, tropical forests to the south. There was only one safe passage through the boiling desert that just happened to be through their town, making it the ideal place for merchants and caravans to arrive and trade for any necessities that life may require.

Despite the town being quite secure however, there was still the issue of wild dragons. The massive reptiles were a constant and ever-looming threat over Ashen Peaks and the surrounding area. It wasn't uncommon to hear that a caravan had been attacked, or some lone traveller to be carried off and never seen again.

Although many hearing reports of dragon attacks would assume that the beasts ate their captors, this was not always the case. Being eaten was always a possibility of course. If you wandered too far into the mountain range or lingered too far in an open field, you were likely to be set upon by a dragon within a few hours; however, ending up in the belly of one was a rare occasion.

There was simply no reason for a dragon to eat the townsfolk when there was a huge variety of prey within the streams and forests of their mountain home: prey that was much easier to catch than a timid human or anthro that bolted at the first sign of trouble. Wild goats, sheep, bison, cows, and fish were just a small portion of the numerous species of edible creatures populating the area. These animals were more than substantial for the population of dragons to feast upon, and it was only in rare circumstances that a dragon would be seen swooping down to swallow an unfortunate person whole.

There was in fact, a far more likely scenario that would occur if a beast were to catch you out in the open...

Nobody remembers when it started happening with alarming frequency, but the dragons were by no means dumb beasts. They were more of a community than a disorganized herd of reptiles. If one discovered a good source of food or a pleasant place to rest, the rest of them were soon to hear about it, and it wouldn't be long before a good number of dragons descended to partake in the shared resources that were open to them all. This wasn't the typical behaviour of most dragons, as many were solitary creatures with little interest in one another unless the interaction benefitted themselves in some way.

That being said, it shouldn't come as a surprise that when one dragon discovered that the villagers could offer them sexual release that the rest of them soon found out as well. More often than not, if a dragon descended and caught you out in the open, you would be given two choices: either become its meal, or let it fuck you. Given the finality of one of the two options, it was quite clear to every victim the choice that had to be made. Whether you were male or female, it became a common site during the dragon's breeding season to see one or two poor villagers coming back from the fields with their fur drenched in cum and walking with a rather noticeable limp.

It wasn't too long before the threat of being fucked by a dragon began to hinder the town's everyday life. Ashen Peaks survived through the resources brought by travelling creatures. Every merchant that didn't make it to the town hurt the town's prosperity. Not only that, but if it became common knowledge that most people would be taken or violated mid-journey nobody would be willing to make the trip. Or, the effort to establish a second path away from the dragons would be established.

These unfortunate circumstances, (unfortunate for some), went on for several years before a rather obvious solution was proposed. The uncertainty of being violated by a dragon with each step outdoors was terrifying to some, and it soon became clear that if the beasts' desires could be directed towards a recipient that was more willing, the rest of the villagers could get their work done without any fear.

After a long week of thought and meeting on how to do just such a thing, it was eventually proposed that they village hold a day-long festival twice each year during the periods when the neighbouring dragons started feeling frisky. For the event, a single villager would be tasked with servicing each of the dragons that came to their home, which would hopefully spare the rest of them from being violated against their will. For the entire day they would be forced to welcome the visiting beasts and give them whatever pleasures they desired, regardless of gender, position and ferocity. It was viewed as a duty to the rest of the village to give the horny reptiles what they wanted, and a great honor to ensure that the rest of them were protected from committing such deeds. At least, that's what the thought process behind it was at first... but it wasn't long before that too, turned out to be completely different than what was expected.

As it turned out, the creature that ended up servicing the dragons was never forced to do it, but was rather... a volunteer. Although many thought that they would have to make somebody do it, for every festival there seemed to be no shortage of eager participants, wanting to have the opportunity the be fucked mercilessly by a multitude of giant reptiles. For every timid creature, there was always a delighted, eager participant to take their place. For some it was madness to even consider that someone would actually want it to happen to them, but nobody seemed to be complaining about it, and the arrangement was pleasing for all.

It was for that same reason that Virion was standing where he was, getting ready to walk out towards the multitudes of people gathered outside.

The anthro dragon turned his head as a light thump sounded on the other side of the curtain, followed by a frantic scraping of claws and a light exhale of breath as something scampered up onto the stage. Rolling his eyes and taking in a deep breath, he paused and waited motionless in the shadows as a mouse came crawling through the curtains to meet him, pushing awkwardly at the heavy fabric before standing up and looking up at him with a small look of fear.

"H-Hello sir," the mouse said in a timid fashion, looking as if he were about to bolt at any moment. "How are you? I hope the refreshments are to... " he trailed off as he looked at the scattered mess of silver trays, meat, and fruit piled around the back of the stage. "... your satisfaction," he finished with a gulp, looking back up to meet the anthro dragon's eyes.

Virion sighed. Although the mouse's voice was high and squeaky, as expected, there was a note of fear contained within it, as if he was going to attack the little creature for disturbing him. Although he had no desire to frighten the tiny creature for the moment, the destruction he'd wrought with his tail probably gave off the wrong impression. He could've reassured the mouse it was an accident, but he wasn't about to admit being clumsy. "Everything is well, thank you," he replied in a much deeper voice, which he tried to keep as soothing as possible. "What's your name?"

"Mattim," the mouse replied in a quiet voice, his eyes still fixing on the fallen trays. "And yours?"

"Virion," the dragon replied, grinning as he curled his tail around to grip the mouse's paw and squeeze lightly. His companion gave a small yelp of surprise at the motion and pulled away quickly, giving him an amused satisfaction as he whipped his impressive appendage back behind him. "Pleased to meet you."

Mattim gave a nervous swallow and was breathing hard when he pulled his paw back and massaged it gingerly. The dragon hadn't hurt him, but he was completely unprepared for the suddenness of being exposed to the newcomer's touch. "Um... y-yes, pleased to me you as well," he managed to stammer. "So, everything is alright back here?" He gave another nervous swallow as his voice cracked at the end.

Virion grinned, showing off his teeth and furthering the mouse's unease without meaning to. "Why yes, everything is alright, though I would've preferred food with a little more substance," he said. "Do you not have anything a little bigger than these bite-sized appetizers? A big fish perhaps?" He asked, licking his lips.

The mouse took a step back before replying, saying, "M-maybe we do, I could run and go check if you want."

Virion let out a low laugh. "Oh no, not right now, but perhaps after if none of those stubborn ferals decide to take me, though I'm think that most assuredly won't be the case," he said, lifting his lips and displaying his curved fangs even more as he gave the mouse a confident wink. "Any word on the dragons?"

The mouse shook his head. "Not yet, but they should be arriving shortly," he replied, gaining slightly more confidence and taking a frightened step towards a fallen piece of fruit. "They wouldn't miss a chance like this, not when we've spread word that the volunteer this time is going to be a creature like them."

"Like them?" Virion said, raising his brow.

Mattim hastily stepped back. "Well yes, you know... like, dragon-like?" He stated timidly, almost as if he was asking a question rather than stating a fact. "I don't mean to be offensive, I was just..." He paused. "Sorry, I'll go now. I'll come back when the dragons have arrived."

The mouse made as if to turn away before Virion let out a small chuckle and extended his tail once more, lightly coiling it around Mattim's arm and pulling him lightly back to face him. "Don't be so easily scared," he said. "I'm not about to hurt you when you've done nothing wrong." The anthro dragon released the mouse and walked over to the curtain, pulling it aside with his claws and taking a quick peek outside.

Virion found himself looking out at a wide, expansive marketplace. Already many of the shops were being packed away and moved to make way for the larger visitors they were expecting at any moment. Although many of the creatures in the square were working on preparations, he found the vast majority of creatures to be gathering in a timid circle around the center of the square. Everywhere he looked, the anthro dragon spotted a nervous gaze eyeing the skies above with apprehension.

Despite the urge to witness a festival that had hosted the creatures annually for several years, it seemed that many were still afraid of what the dragons might do.

Closing the curtains once more, Virion turned and idly coiled his tail around some of the fruit that littered the ground, placing it messily back on one of the trays before nimbly curling his impressive appendage around it and lifting it over to the Mattim, holding it steady for the mouse to take his pick. "How much longer do you suppose it will be?" He asked before adjusting the dark robe covering him and moving back into the center of the room.

Calming down a little, Mattim took a cantaloupe slice from the tray and began nibbling on it. "It's hard to say," he said with a little more confidence, swallowing once before continuing with his tiny meal. "You know dragons: you spread word that there's going to be a large, anthro dragon volunteering to be their sexual partner for the entire day and yet still they show up only when the feel like it." He finished the slice and gulped again before moving on to another. "It's rather annoying really, how unexpected they can be."

Virion raised his brow once more and took the tray away, setting it down on the floor near the upturned table. "What do you mean by that? Do you think all dragons are annoying?" He asked.

Mattim paused in his chewing and swallowed, nervous once more. "I-I didn't mean to offend you, I just meant... um, that the dragons that are around our town are quite sneaky and - " He coughed lightly to clear his throat. "...and can surprise you sometimes. Our people have been - "

Virion chuckled again and held up his paw, saying, "I'll just stop you right there, there's no need to worry." He sniggered one more time before shaking his head as he began pacing around the room. "You are way too easy to mess with."

The mouse tried to let out a nervous little laugh, which ended up being more of a cough before he began speaking. "S-sometimes I can be, sir," He agreed feebly. There was a moment after where he seemed to want to continue, but he trailed off and remained silent, standing awkwardly in the darkened room up against the wall.

Coming to a stop, Virion looked over and raised his brow. "Are you alright?"

"Y-yes sir, just, standing here," the mouse replied.

Virion snorted and returned to pacing. He'd gotten used to such fragile creatures giving him space when he was around, but it was simply uncanny to continue with that fear when he had already assured his visitor that he wasn't going to do anything to him. "Why are you so frightened, little mouse?" He asked. "I'm not one of those big ferals that terrorize your village and besides, I've got food, and more company then I'm going to be able to deal with in a few short moments here."

Mattim looked up at that and nodded, trying his best to act cheerful and giving the large dragon a small smile. "Of course, I realize all this but um... it's hard for me," he said.

Virion snorted at that and let out sigh, arching his back and extending his vibrant, orange wings in a long, bored stretch. "Well, I suppose I expected most of you to be rather cowardly," he said, snapping his jaws shut as he finished with the motion. "Else you wouldn't be needing me."

"Yes, very good sir," Mattim replied, simply. The mouse remained where he was and gave a brief nod, the snap of Virion's jaws clearly making him all the more uneasy.

Instead of reacting to this, Virion simply rolled his eyes and tapped the claws of his footpaw on the wooden floor. He'd tried to be kind to his latest companion, but it seemed like there was nothing he could do to make the mouse more talkative. There was simply too much fear in the little fellow to break through his fearful shell. Then again, not everyone was able to see feral dragons in the same way that he did: as massive, sexual partners that were in every the perfect match for an anthro like himself.

There was simply nothing more rewarding than having some fun with one of those powerful beasts. Although he was humanoid in his proportions, Virion was still a dragon, and he couldn't help but view the much larger creatures as simply more options for him to sate his needs.

Although this is what he wanted, his dominance could only last for so long before the weak dragons he was forced to couple with became boring. When word had reached his ears that a village up north was looking for volunteers to help 'tame' their dragon problem, he was more than willing to help. He hoped that the harsher climate up north and the good selection of beasts that would soon be arriving would present him with a dominant creature that would be of a much more exciting company.

With this thought in mind, Virion went back to the curtain and peaked out, his tail twitching in anticipation. "How much longer do you think they'll be?" He asked, irritation creeping into his tone now.

"Just a short while longer, you'll see," Mattim said, making his way over to the back to pick up some more fruit and begin munching once again, never taking his eyes of the anthro dragon in front of him. "They always come eventually..." he paused, holding a half-eaten watermelon slice in his mouth. "You never see them coming," he whispered, almost to himself.

Frowning, Virion looked back, fixing his gaze on the little scared mouse that was eating his food when a thought occurred to him. "Mattim, why did you come back here to see me exactly?" He asked.

Mattim paused, looking up. "Why, to come and let you know that the dragons would be arriving soon sir," he stated, swallowing and letting out a small burp. "We couldn't let you simply wait back here by yourself."

Virion snorted and raised his brow. "You all seemed quite fine with letting me hang about here by myself for most of the day..." He paused a moment, thinking it over. "Mattim," he continued after a few moments. "Have you ever been caught unawares by one of these dragons?"

Mattim remained perfectly still at those words, raising his head fearfully and almost sinking back into the shadows. "Yes," he answered.

"How many times?" Virion asked.

The mouse swallowed once more before shuddering and whispering, "Five times now."

Virion's eyes widened at that remark. This little mouse had been caught by a dragon five times? Now he understood why the mouse was huddling in the back of the stage, seeking shelter from the possibility of attack as nearly every dragon in the mountains were about to descend on the village.

It was at that moment that there was an earth-shattering roar from outside the curtains, rattling the floorboards and forcing a small squeak from Mattim as he scampered backwards and pressed himself against the back wall of the tiny enclosure. With a small, excited bounce, Virion jumped towards the front of the stage and peeked his head through the curtains, his tail swinging excitedly as he spotted the a few large shadows dropping down the cleared out space at the center of the gathering.

Before he moved out to greet the new arrivals, Virion turned his head and looked back at the whimpering mouse, fixing him with a smile. "So, five times you were violated by a dragon you say?"

The mouse looked up and gave a fearful whimper, nodding his head.

Virion's grin broadened. "Lucky you," the anthro dragon said, right before pulling aside the curtain and walking outside.

Virion had to pause and blink for a few moments as his eyes readjusted to the bright light outside. The gloom of his quarters behind the stage had been overpowering, even for a creature like him. Baring his fangs in a snarl, he raised his paw to block the sun for a few moments before he cracked his eyelids open to survey the scene in front of him.

At the sight, his expression lit up with a smile.

Laid out in front of him was a long, brown carpet. The carpet wasn't exactly worthy of a dragon like himself, but he found it hard to complain when he found the rest of the scenery so appealing. The villagers had gathered to each side to watch the show, lining up to each side of the pathway which led to a grand, circular clearing set in the middle of the town square. A small crowd had gathered to each side of the clearing in front of the sandy desert buildings, while some stood in the windows or on rooftops to get a better view. The efforts of the setup the previous day had left a smooth, clean patch of ground for which the festival's main activity would take place.

Casting his gaze beyond the ground towards the side of the market, Virion saw what had been the source of that tremendous roar he heard from inside his quarters: five feral dragons had gathered to partake in the festivities. Each one had similar proportions, standing at about twenty feet high and thirty or so feet in length. Three of the handsome creatures were male, with two of them having green scales and the third with red, while the last two were female with scales of blue and a bright, vibrant purple. The red and blue dragon were standing proudly at the front of the arrangement with the clear intention of going first, not caring a single wit about the squalling and mild scuffling going on behind them as the remaining beasts fought for the next place in line. All of the fighting stopped however, as the anthro dragon stepped down from the stage onto the carpet and began making his way towards the center.

Virion strode forwards with a confident expression on his face, eyeing the villagers with a smugness that exemplified both his elevated status and his growing excitement. His black cloak pressed against his body as he walked, and his lips curved upwards into a smile. It was no surprise for him to receive such a reaction when people saw him, seeing as how many of them simple creatures that never ventured to other parts of the world. Spreading his wings wide as he moved, the audience stared back at him with a mixture of fear and awe. It was highly likely that most of them had never witnessed the physicality of a strong, tall creature like himself before. It was rare that a volunteer would carry the strength required to satisfy several dragons in succession, yet he was going to be that exception. The villagers were in for the show of their life. They just didn't know it yet.

Virion strode into the center of the market, his claws raking at the dusty ground to stand directly in the center and eye the dragons in front of them. Each of the large creatures stood completely still, regarding him with a sense of eager curiosity. The three reptiles at the back of the line poked their noses around the front of the line, sniffing inquisitively before the two lead dragons gave a low growl of warning that quickly sent them reeling backwards to their places. He couldn't help but smile at that. The first few dragons were surely going to be the most fun, and almost the most dominant. If he could put those beasts in their place, the rest would definitely follow.

Virion swished his tail around behind him, making sure to keep his wings fully extended as he stood proudly in front of the lead dragon. The red male looked down with an inquisitive expression.

"Well, at least you look a little more impressive than last year's volunteer," the dragon said, sniffing at Virion curiously. "The previous festivals didn't have a creature as enticing as you."

"I don't doubt that." Virion replied, giving the lead dragon a wink as he remained almost perfectly still. He didn't want to reveal his intimate bits quite yet. He kept his black cloak wrapped around the lower parts of his body to keep his crotch hidden, for now.

The only answer Virion received from the dragon was a small smile before the sound of tiny claws skittering through the dirt sounded behind him. He turned his head idly to find a mouse walking towards him. The creature was similar in proportions to Mattim, although this one looked more wizened and hobbled along with a limp that was more likely due to age rather than getting violated by a dragon.

"Welcome noble dragons," the mouse said with a small bow. "We're pleased that so many of you have decided to come." He paused for a moment, gesturing at Virion with a flick of his claws. "Virion has volunteered of his own accord to be the one to service you for the remainder of the festival. As you can see, he is one of your own, and should be more than equipped and willing to ensure that all of your needs are met without question."

At that the purple, female dragon near the back poked her head out and huffed. "Properly equipped?" She said. "We haven't even seen what he looks like under that silly fabric you have covering him. Take it off and we'll be the judge of that." Some of the other dragons nodded in agreement as the old mouse held up his paws and did his best to reassure them, though it was mostly unnoticed by the large reptiles as some of them began adding their own complaints regarding the cloak.

It was a raucous affair, with so many dragons speaking at once. Although the red dragon seemed to be in charge, he did little to calm the others save to snarl or admit that he too thought the cloak was unnecessary. Some of the closest onlookers began to inch away in fear from the talkative beasts with fear.

Virion sighed, rolling his eyes at the stubborn beasts. For a village that had a lot of interactions with dragons, they still didn't seem to understand how to behave around them very well. All dragons were the same: you simply had to show a bit of dominance and respect and curiosity was sure to follow. If you backed away and showed fear you might as well pour some sauce over your head to make yourself more tasty on the way down.

Taking a step forwards, Virion lightly pushed the mouse aside and spread his wings wide. Baring his fangs in a ferocious snarl, he let a low growl resound deep within his chest before opening his maw wide and letting out a terrifyingly loud roar, silencing the dragons in front of them. The red dragon flinched from the outburst, and several members of the crowd jumped in surprise as the shocking sound hit them from a place they didn't expect.

"All of you be QUIET," Virion growled, his eyes flashing with heat and annoyance. "You'll get a look at me when I say you can, and not a second sooner. Quit arguing like the pathetic lizards you are, and STOP talking about me as if I'm not even here." His tail swished back and forth, dragging across the wooden stage in a furious display of both strength and flexibility. He closed his eyes and took a few deeps breaths to calm himself before glaring up at them again. "If you want to see what I look like, all you have to do is ask."

The dragons stared at Virion in silence for a long minute. There was an awkward shuffling of scales as the green males at the back of the line kneaded the ground with their claws, while the red dragon simply stared with a blank, stunned expression. Apparently such beasts were unused to be treated as such. Although he'd been expecting them to shut up, he hadn't expected them to remain quiet for so long afterwards. The anthro dragon smiled up at them and chuckled, amused by their goofy expressions and how simple it had been to make them uneasy.

With a small, nervous squeak the old mouse quickly wobbled away and back into the small crowd of creatures. His claws made tiny tapping sounds in the dust as he left, lending a frantic sound to the panicked movements of his flight. It was probably for the best that he left however: a potential fight between dragons was no place for a mouse to be.

There ended up being no conflict however, as the purple dragon grumbled. "I suppose he does look promising," she said. "That is quite a nice tail. I wonder if -"

"Yes, it is nice isn't it?" The red dragon stated, cutting off the female with a snap of his jaws before huffing down at Virion and blowing a cloud out of his nostrils. "I was right to assume that you were unique: I've never had a creature yell at me in such a fashion." He extended his claws and pressed them into the ground before lifting himself a little higher to give Virion a cautious look. "We've never seen a creature like you before. You look promising, as we've said, but do you really expect to be able to handle proper dragons like ourselves?"

Virion held his smile, flicking his long tail up at the red dragon's chin to make the beast warble in surprise once again. "If this is how 'proper' dragons handle themselves then it's a sad day indeed," he said, winking up at the taller beast. "But yes, I expect I'll be able to handle you all. As long as you don't whine and complain like the female in the back there, we shouldn't have a problem."

There was a low growl from the back before the red silenced it with a snarl. "I don't think we'll have a problem with that," he continued, idly licking his claws with his long, fleshy tongue. "Though I don't usually make this effort with creatures I'm about to mate with, I suppose since we know your name, Virion, and that you've managed to pique both my curiosity and respect, I shall give myself a proper introduction."

Giving a small bow, the red dragon brought himself low to the stage and held his muzzle directly in front of Virion. "My name is Ruvell," he said. "Pleased to meet your acquaintance."

Virion studied Ruvell after the brief introduction. The dragon remained quite still as he looked him over and brought his claws paw forwards to rest on the bridge of his nose. From this close, the dragon's head was about as large as Virion's torso. The scales on Ruvell's lips and the bottom of his neck and jaws were soft to the touch, whereas the bridge of his nose was tough, sharp, and decorated with small spikes that aligned themselves from his nostrils all the way down to his back.

He was an impressive specimen to be sure, and Virion began to feel excitement well up inside his breast. He couldn't wait to see the rest of him.

"Mm, that's a nice name for a such a powerful beast," Virion replied, evoking a small growl of delight from the larger dragon. "And what about these fine creatures behind you?"

One of the green, male dragons at the back poked his head around and was about to speak before Ruvell silenced him with a growl and a swish of his tail. "You'll be introduced to them in time," he said. "All of these dragons you see gathered are fine creatures indeed, but they will wait their turn to speak and give their leader the respect he deserves." Ruvell punctuated this comment with another snap of his jaws.

Virion raised his brow at the display of dominance. Apparently Ruvell had been lenient in allowing comments from the other dragons before. Now however, the red beast wasn't putting up with it any longer. On first glance he didn't expect there to be such a hierarchy, but the other dragons did look comparatively weak. All of them were much smaller, and Ruvell looked more than confident enough in his position. He wouldn't be at all surprised if the lead dragon was an exceptional fighter as well.

Although Virion was the smallest of them all, he knew a few tricks in getting the larger creatures to see him as a threat. It was clear from the dragons' earlier reaction that all he needed was confidence and a quick tongue to ensure his status at the head of this gathering.

Virion folded his wings behind him. "I see," he replied. "Well, once they're done hiding behind your Ruvell, I'm sure they'll be brave enough to speak with me." Ignoring the darkened looks he received from the dragons in the back, he took a step closer the lead dragon, looking him up and down with a disdainful look.

"Is this every single dragon from the mountains?" Virion asked.

Ruvell raised his brow. "Well... no, it isn't," he replied. "These are just the dragons under my wing."

"Under your wing?" Virion replied with a small chuckle.

"It's an expression in these parts," Ruvell said with a small huff and shuffling in annoyance. "It simply means that this is my clan and I am their leader."

"Oh I understood that bit, I was just... thinking about what you said. So what you're telling is that there's a good deal of dragons around here, but your group is the only one that showed up?"

Ruvell kneaded the stage with his claws, making a loud scratching noise as he pondered the question. "Well no, there's only two clans other than my own so I wouldn't say a 'good deal' per say..."

"Mm, I see," Virion said, cutting off the red dragon before he had a chance to ramble further. "So tell me: why do you think your clan is the only one to show up, while the rest of the dragons seem content to sit in their caves and not bother, hm?"

Ruvell snorted and gave a dismissive shake of his head. "I have no interest in what the other clans are doing," he said. "If they wish to simply lie around and get fat for the rest of their days then that's fine with me."

"Mm, are you sure?"

The dragon looked down with a confused expression. "What do you mean?"

"Surely you must know something about the other clans, and why you're the only one to show up," Virion replied. "I may be new to this area, but I also know that dragons... interact with one another quite often. I wouldn't normally press, but to be honest with you I was expecting more dragons than just yourselves."

"Umm... excuse me, Mr. Virion!" A voice from the side called. Confused at having been interrupted the anthro dragon turned to find Mattim, the mouse from before, skittering across the stage towards him.

Although he was annoyed at being distracted from the speaking to the dragons, Virion smiled as the mouse ran up to him. He noticed that the mouse was taking a wide berth of the feral dragons, walking along the outside of the square before moving forwards once he was between the frightened mouse and the dragons. It was odd to be so scared of the large reptiles when they obviously meant no harm, but he supposed that Mattim was used to the beasts attacking for no reason.

Virion cast a nervous glance back at the dragons. He would protect Mattim if the dragons did anything.

"Virion," Mattim said, breathing lightly from the mild effort of running across the stage.

"What is it mouse, can't you see that I'm busy?" Virion replied, gesturing towards the group of dragons that were now leaning forwards with curiosity at the newcomer.

Mattim cast a nervous glance at the dragons before leaning forwards and whispering into Virion's ear. "This is the most dragons we've ever had." he said.

"The most dragons you've ever had?" Virion said with a dubious tone. "What's even the point if you only satisfy half of them and leave the rest to continue raping you?"

"Most of them never come, but at least this protects us from a few of them." Mattim replied, bowing his head. "This is the only way."

Virion stood motionless for a moment, stunned that the mouse would be so open with him in light of him being his village's volunteer, especially in front of the entire village. He'd expected this festival to be a concrete answer to the village people's problems, but it seemed that even then there was nothing stopping the rest of the dragons from taking advantage.

Curling his tail around the mouse's shoulders, Virion spoke softly to him. "Are the other clans responsible for the majority of the attacks?" He asked.

"Yes sir," Mattim replied, conscious of the dragon's tail.

"And this clan that's here now, are any of the dragons here responsible for violating you?"

The mouse paused for a moment in awkward silence, peaking around Virion to cast a quick, nervous glance at the assembled beasts before replying. "No Virion, the one that's gotten me three times is a black dragon, and much larger than these ones."

With a small nod, Virion ushered the mouse off the stage with a firm push of his tail before turning around to face Ruvell once again.

"I want one of you to go and get one of the other dragon clans and bring them here," Virion said.

Ruvell snickered down at the anthro as the rest of his clan chuckled at the remark. "Ya, we're not doing that my little friend," he said. "There's enough dragons here as it is; I would hate for you to get more spoilt before any of my loyal beasts get to you."

Virion growled up at him, baring his fangs. "I thought you said you didn't know anything about the other clans?"

Narrowing his eyes, Ruvell growled and sniffed down at the anthro. "I'm getting tired of these delays," he said. "I want to fuck you now."

"You will, in a moment," Virion replied with an equally ferocious snarl. "But not until my demand is met. If you agree to this, I will come and live with you Ruvell. I will be yours."

There was a small gasp from the onlookers as Virion finished speaking. All signs of hostility vanished immediately from Ruvell's eyes before the red beast moved back a pace, tilting his head curiously with a hint of amusement. "Really now..? You would be my little fucktoy whenever I please? How very interesting," he said, smugness radiating on his features. "How do I know you won't try and escape?"

"You have my word," Virion said. "I won't try and leave you, but only if you manage to get another one of the clans to show up. If you don't do that, I won't give you anything."

There was a long pause as the Ruvell contemplated the arrangement. His face twisted in thought for several long moments before he flicked his tail and turned his head. "Quip, would you please go and ask Hellsvir if his clan would be interested in joining us?"

The green dragon at the very back poked his head around and let out a small whine. "B-but Ruvell--" He began.

"You'll get your turn with him soon enough," Ruvell replied, licking his lips. "And you if you do what I ask right now instead of complaining, you'll be able to fuck him whenever you wish."

Virion watched in silence as the two dragons spoke. There was no doubt in his mind that the beasts would see the value behind his proposition. He hadn't expected to commit himself as such, but sometimes drastic actions were needed, especially in the pursuit of finding more eager dragons to screw.

"Very well Virion, we shall play your little game for now," Ruvell said as Quip leapt up into the air and darted away towards the mountains with all speed. "However, I do believe it's time to have our fun. With so many dragons coming our way it would be a shame to not have started by the time they get here."

"You don't think we should wait?" Virion asked with a smile and a sway of his hips.

Ruvell smiled back. "No, I don't. Take that cloak off."

"I'm not so sure..." Virion said, much to the annoyance of the larger dragon. "I think you should show me a little more of yourself first."

Ruvell snorted down at the anthro dragon. "Speak for yourself," he said. "You've seen more of me than I have of you, with that silly cloak on. Why don't you take that off and show us what you have under there? My patience is wearing thin."

"Mm, are you sure that's what you want?" Virion replied. "I was thinking about teasing you a few minutes longer..." His voice dropped to a low purr at his last remark before he slowly allowed the cloak to drop, the black fabric floating down to his lower waist.

A small whine escaped Ruvell as the dragon began to scratch at the wooden stage with his claws. "No, I want to see what's under there now," he said, very nearly begging as desperation entered his tone.

"I still think you ought to show me your cock first.", Virion responded, barely stifling a chuckle.

Ruvell bared his fangs, saying, "show me right now."

"Can I get a please?"

It was at that moment that the blue, female dragon cleared her throat, attracting the attention of the other two quarrelling reptiles. Walking around Ruvell, she placed her two front paws on the stage as well, gripping it with her claws before bringing her muzzle down to Virion as well. Her mouth was more narrow than Ruvell's while her scales were a little smaller and smoother along the ridges of her jawline and the slope of her brow.

"Virion, we've all come here to see you," the blue dragon said, with a little more calm patience than her eager companion. "Please, throw away that cloak and lets begin. We're all eager to get started." Ruvell growled something incomprehensible into her ear, which earned him a look of annoyance and a small snapping of jaws before things were settled. She waited for Virion's answer with a serene calmness, which was a rare quality even in female dragons.

"I think I very well might grant your request," Virion said, studying the female with interest as all thoughts of messing with Ruvell vanished from his mind, (for the moment). "What is your name my dear?"

The female made a low retching sound in her throat. "Please don't call me dear, I hate that," she said. "Call me Saphron."

"Mm, well I'm pleased to see that at least one of you has a measure of decency and manner, Saphron," Virion replied with a small tilt of his head. "I agree: I have been wearing this cloak for quite some time. Even for a dragon like me, in this heat it's suicidal. Let's get this off shall we?"

With that, Virion allowed the cloak to drop to the ground before flicking it aside with his footpaw. Spreading his wings wide and widening his stance, he allowed the dragons to stare at his most intimate areas. As they studied him they emitted low hums of approval, coupled with the odd growl of need that sounded more like machinery grinding and echoing in the their large, cavernous chests.

Virion himself couldn't help but feel himself growing excited and aroused. Although he was used to such reactions due to some of his more... unique features, he'd never had so many dragons studying him at once.

The bright, plated orange scales of Virion's belly narrowed along his muscled abs, leading down to a plump, white-scaled sheath. The puffed, pink opening of his pouch glistened in the bright sunlight, showing the beginnings of arousal but no hint of what was inside just yet.

Smiling back at his giant voyeurs, Virion slowly dropped his paw down and rubbed at the side of his sheath. The mound of flesh swelled and moved at his touch, teasing the horny dragons as they stared with unparalleled interest. Letting out a small moan himself, he slowly slid his paw down and hooked a claw delicately under his legs to bring forth his set of four, scaled testicles hanging just underneath.

There were some murmurs of shock from the crowd along with snarls of surprise from the gathered dragons as they noticed this particular feature. Ruvell's claws raked energetically across the ground as the red dragon licked his lips, seemingly ready to spring forth at any moment to claim his prize. Saphron and the second female dragon near the back turned to each other, their feminine eyes glistening as they whispered and stared at the anthro dragon with a smile.

Although Virion couldn't hear much of what they were saying, the deep voices of the two creatures allowed him to pick out a single word: 'hatchlings.'

"Mm... I wasn't expecting you to have those," Ruvell purred. "I think you're going to be a very valuable pet after all, Virion." Slowly, he began to prowl forwards hunched low to the ground as his tail flicked back and forth.

Virion stared at the approaching dragon with a smile, his paw never leaving his loins. "I was about to say the same to you dragon."

Ruvell let out a small laugh before bringing his muzzle forwards and inhaling the anthro dragon's scent. "We'll see about that Virion. But for now let's begin," he said. "You've teased us long enough."

Placing his paw on the dragon's nose, Virion slowly walked around and dragged his claws delicately across the beast's scales. The feral beast purred at his touch as he slowly walked around Ruvell's magnificent body, studying it closely for the first time. Powerful muscles ripped and flexed along his flank as he dragged his claw along, stopping only briefly to duck under a lowered wing before proceeding. After giving the red dragon's side a lick, Virion curled his tail around and slid it between the dragon's legs, exploring only for a moment before he felt a warm, wet vent nestled just above the base of the creature's tail.

"What do we have here?" Virion growled, continuing to rub his strong tail in slow, repetitive circles as Ruvell keened with pleasure. Although the red dragon had clearly expected to be in charge, he knew the weaknesses of his own kind, and also how talented he was with his tail.

"I do believe it's your turn to show me what you have hiding under there," Virion stated with a small smile. "Why don't you show me what you have to offer, seeing as how we're going to be spending so much time together, hm?"

With a growl of lust, Ruvell obeyed the anthro dragon's command. He padded forwards into the center of the market with a smirk on his face. Virion's tail dragged sensuously over his scales as he moved before slipping off the end of his tail with a dry rasp. Once he was directly in the centre the red dragon turned and looked at Virion with a lustful grin before licking his lips and giving his haunches a slow, teasing wiggle. Slowly he bent down and hiked his tail into the air, spreading his hind legs wide to give Virion and the surrounding crowd their first good look at his intimate bits.

Virion made a small noise in his throat as he regarded the dragon's hindquarters. The underside of Ruvell's tail was a lighter shade of red, an almost white color of smaller, softer-looking scales that stretched all the way down to the beast's crotch and smooth belly. At the base of the feral dragon's tail was a fleshy, pink tailhole about the size of Virion's paw that flexed eagerly with his approach.

"Like what you see?" Ruvell said, his words rumbling deep within his chest.

"Yes I do..." Virion replied, regaining some of his composure with a heavy sigh. "You certainly are a powerful, sexy looking beast."

As Virion continued to move forwards, a powerful, reptilian musk began to penetrate his senses. Inhaling the stench deeply he continued forwards with a bounce in his step. His tail swished from side to side in his excitement as he drew nearer, the whole crowed holding their breath in anticipation while he did the exact opposite. As he got closer, the red dragon grinned harder and hiked his hindquarters up as far as they would go. Ruvell's massive thighs flexed with power as he watched that thick tail sway over his head, which also allowed him to catch a glimpse of the pink, moist lips of the dragon's vent.

With one more step he found himself standing directly in front of the dragon's taint. The spicy smell of Ruvell's draconic sex permeated the air and screamed in his nostrils with a strength that made him cough lightly and his eyes water, despite his superior tolerance to such things. As he placed a clawed paw on the dragon's right thigh, he thought about how difficult it must've been for one of those smaller, weaker creatures in the town to please such a mighty feral.

He was shaken from such thoughts when the dragon's tail brushed against his muzzle.

"Go on now, don't be shy," Ruvell said, smiling back at the anthro dragon with a brilliant display of his curved fangs. "I was under the impression that you knew what you were doing, and that I wouldn't have to order you around."

Virion matched the dragon's grin before slowly rubbing at the dragon's tailhole with his paw, eliciting a moan from the larger creature. Ruvell's flesh felt hot and moist underneath his touch as that tailhole squeezed and flexed against the scales of his palm. "Now now, there's no need for complaints," he replied. "especially when we're just getting started and I already have you moaning like the needy little beast you are."

Ruvell let out a sharp growl at that before he once again let out a moan, his claws raking in the dirt as Virion's tongue pressed against his taint.

"Do you have any more objections?" Virion said, purring long and low as he slurped his tongue back into his mouth. Swallowing the reptile's taste, he quickly gave the dragon's pucker a kiss, reaching downwards to gently press his paw into the beast's vent. "Good... now we can--"

He was cut off abruptly as a loud horn sounded somewhere in the square, blasting throughout the clearing and snapping both creature's from their trance. He'd completely forgotten about the surrounding crowd up until that point.

It was then that the old mouse's voice sounded from somewhere behind him in the market square. "The festival has begun!" He shouted, igniting a roaring cry of delight from those gathered as the clapped and cheered the dragons on. The silence of the square that had once been provided out of a mix of fear and respect for dragons had now completely disappeared.

Virion had been unaware of how the festival worked, but his assumption that it began when the dragons arrived had apparently been false.

Apparently, someone had to touch a dragon's ass.

With renewed energy derived from the crowd's enthusiasm, Virion got to work. He hugged himself tightly against the dragon's rump and squeezed, feeling the raw power flow through the subtle movements of the beast's hindquarters. He purred audibly before bending down once again, sticking his muzzle directly under Ruvell's thick tail and inhaling the potent musk that hung in the air with an almost palpable heat. Although he'd never expected to have so many eyes on him pleasing a dragon, Virion only felt himself more invigorated with such an audience.

With a pleased moan, Ruvell widened his stance and hiked his tail up even more so the anthro dragon could service him better. His heavy claws kneaded the ground with anticipation at the skilled treatment he was about to receive. Out of all the previous festivals he'd been to, none of the participants had ever been this eager or un-phased by the power of his musk. There was simply no alternate to a dragon when it came to sexual delights.

Virion chuckled as he dipped his head lower and gave the dragon's tailhole another kiss. "Moaning so much already? But we haven't even started," he said, bringing his paw back down to rub at the beast's vent. The moist lips parted and slipped gently around the scales of his palm as he pushed his digits inside and teased the fleshy walls with his claws. The dragon's entrance squeezed his paw as it throbbed eagerly and leaked with slimy, reptilian sexual juices. He moved his paw back and forth in a slow, continuous pattern before pressing his muzzle forwards and licking at the beast's anus, sliding his rough tongue along the smooth flesh in a circular fashion that made Ruvell shake and moan all the more.

It didn't take long for the pressure on Virion's paw to increase as the anthro dragon continued with his treatment. He began to feel the fleshy nub of Ruvell's cock swelling and pushing into the middle of his palm, soaking his scales in an onset of fresh, sexual fluids that dripped downwards to wet the dusty ground. Smiling at the speed of his success he did his best to cup his paw around the tip of the dragon's cock and squeeze as it emerged. He could feel Ruvell's urethra winking against the scales of his hand as it pulsed and steadily grew within his grip.

Without wasting any more time, Virion pressed his lips into the dragon's pucker and began sliding his tongue inside. His lengthy appendage slipped inside with little resistance and immediately began pressing against the sides of the beast's inner walls. The spicy flavour of reptilian musk began to tickle the surface of his tongue immediately, lathering against the surface of his undulating muscle in a thin layer of slime.

As he slipped his tongue in and out of the dragon's tailhole, Virion couldn't help but let out a heavy sigh. In all his travelling and searching, he'd never thought to find himself in such a perfect predicament.

Wringing his tongue along the rim of the dragon's anus one last time, Virion slurped the dragon's taste into his mouth and swallowed. He let out a smooth purr as the spicy flavour warmed the back of his throat and tingled along the outside of his lips. After a few moment he opened his eyes and grinned as he found himself staring into the wet, glistening flesh of the beast's anus, which was now completely covered in thick saliva. Hugging himself closer and pressing his toned body against Ruvell's haunches, he gave the feral dragon's cock one more squeeze, growling with delight as the massive rod poked free of its confines. Although he couldn't see the dragon's cock in its entirety quite yet, as he ran his paw up and down the ribbed edges of that giant, throbbing length, Virion knew it was going to be one of the largest he'd ever seen.

"You are... very good," Ruvell said after a moment's paused, whining affectionately and allowing his haunches to sway back and forth as his front dropped to the ground in a submissive posture. The red dragon yawned with bliss and drooled involuntarily, adding to the thick pools of mixed fluids already staining the ground. "I knew you were going to be the best we've had."

"Oh really?" Virion replied with a chuckle. "Because I thought that you suggested the exact opposite before we began." He gave the dragon's cock one more squeeze before crouching down and peering at it with curiosity. It was colored a dark, veiny blue with fleshy spines lining each side of its impressive girth. An outline of spotted purple dots decorated the base, while the tip flared outwards with each pulse and drooled with the beginnings of the dragon's seed. The beast's maleness hung heavily between its legs, the weight of it apparent as it throbbed animatedly with each heartbeat resounding deep within Ruvell's chest.

With a smile, Virion gave the dragon's tail one more hug before tickling the inside of his partner's thigh. "Why don't you flip onto your back my needy little dragon, and I'll show you what else I can do," he said.

"Or, how about you get on all fours and bend over for me little dragon," Ruvell said, looking back with a snarl on his face. "You're here to please us so you better do as I--"

The dragon's retort was lost in rumbling moan as Virion dragged his tongue across Ruvell's taint once again. "Oh, but I am pleasing you," he said, chuckling to himself. "And believe me when I say that this is just a tiny sample of the pleasure I can give you." He purred deeply at that remark and teased him partner with another firm squeeze on the shaft before sliding the scales of his palm up and down. "Roll over, now."

Virion growled and twisted his tail around the dragon's ankle after issuing his command. Ducking to avoid his partner's tail as it flicked over to the side, he pushed on the left side of Ruvell's haunches and pulled his tail simultaneously in an effective maneuver to tip the beast over. Although he was certain it would've been more of a battle if the dragon had resisted, it seemed that Ruvell was ready to obey his wishes.

With a small snarl, Ruvell flipped over onto his side before pushing himself flat onto his back. His heavy tail swished along the ground and kicked up dust as he snarled down at the anthro dragon. "If I don't like this I'm flipping you over and fucking you," he said.

Chuckling at the comment, Virion sauntered up to the middle of the dragon's tail and lifted his leg over it, stepping down on the other side and settling down before sliding himself the rest of the way up. His quad testicles rubbed powerfully along the lightly-colored base of the beast's appendage as he moved.

"There'll be no need for that, I assure you," Virion purred, moving his way up to the dragon's crotch. He had no intention of letting any dragon fuck him just yet. Despite Ruvell's leadership and supposed domination of the other ferals with him he really wasn't as assertive as he would've liked. As soon as Virion tickled his partner in the right way, the horny beast turned to putty in his paws.

And, he had to admit, his dragon looked rather adorable with its legs spread and its toes curling in the air as he approached.

"You'll never have felt anything quite like this in your lifetime, I guarantee it," Virion said, winking at Ruvell before climbing onto the wide expanse of the dragon's crotch. "Just sit back, relax, and try not to hit our audience when you cum."

He let out a small snicker at his remark, casting his gaze around the square one last time before he concentrated on pleasing his dragon. He saw a mixture of expressions from the gathered creatures: surprise, arousal, embarrassment, and nervousness; yet not a single one of them showed any signs of negativity or disgust at the action he was about to commit. Some of the males and even the females, Virion noticed, were touching themselves underneath the fabric of their clothes as they watched. It seemed that not all of them were against the sight of a dragon in submission. In fact, he wouldn't be surprised if the lot of them could smell the wonderful stench Ruvell was giving off: that dry, heavy reptilian musk wafting up from that hot pillar of flesh that now lay drooped across his leg.

Speaking of which...

Virion slid himself forwards, straddling the dragon's haunches with his hips before pulling the beast's cock towards him with an eager snarl. Ruvell's cock throbbed hungrily against his chest as he hugged it, spitting up a small stream of warm cum that he immediately dragged his tongue across, tasting the salty warmth and swallowing it down with a moan to match the heavy growl reverberating in his partner's chest.

Moving himself into a kneeling position, Virion shifted himself forwards and pressed his own cock into that heavenly shaft, rubbing the underside of his purple length across the beast's fleshy, slimy spines as it emerged. He inhaled deeply, breathing in the heady musk of Ruvell's most intimate regions. Completely forgetting about everyone watching, his head began grow numb and dizzy as he felt himself wash away in sea of sexual euphoria.

Curling his long, skilled tail around behind him, he wound it around the base of Ruvell's own a few times before slipping the tip of his muscled appendage down to press lightly at the dragon's tailhole. The tip of his tail flicked against the smooth flesh in a teasing fashion, eliciting a needful growl from the feral beasts throat.

Ruvell stared down at the anthro dragon with wide eyes, breathing heavily as he watched the show at his crotch unfold. When Virion had told him that it would be nothing he'd experienced before, he'd been skeptical at first. Surely this little creature could have nothing new to offer him. Now however, as he stared down at watched that lovely tail squeeze his own he felt a tingling warmth begin to slow up the length of his spine, starting at the base of his tail before spreading to the tips of his toes and all the way up to the horns on his head. His grunt was almost a whine as he felt the tip of Virion's tail prod at the entrance to his tailhole. He needed that thick tail inside of him. He didn't think it was possible of any creature to do this to him, but he would beg if needed to in order to get that strong anthro's appendage inside him quicker.

Begging wasn't necessary however, as it was only a few seconds later that his wishes were answered.

Virion let out a low, happy purr as he slowly pushed his tail into the dragon's rear. Due to their size difference there was little resistance as he slid it inside. The smooth, warm flesh of Ruvell's entrance parted around his scales before squeezing and clamping down on the intruding length, halting its progress momentarily before continuing onwards with a wet slurping sound.

As he worked his tail in deeper, he moaned and pressed his cock hard against the big dragon's shaft, grinding himself against the massive maleness and humping it as it throbbed between his thighs. Dropping down onto all fours, he immediately began pushing himself into it with as much strength as he could muster, frotting with the giant creature as his slimy dick pulsed between his legs and continued to drool with cum. The dragon's length felt like a hot, moving log between his thighs: like a living creature with a mind of its own. It took all of his weight to keep the bouncing shaft from slipping away. With a snarl, he curled his tail around the dragon even tighter before pushing more of his strong appendage inside, being sure to flick and undulate his length inside the rolling, clenching depths of the ferals' bowels.

Ruvell growled and arched his back as he felt that divine tail sink deep into his tailhole. He closed his eyes and leaned backwards, enjoying every second of the skilled treatment he was receiving between his legs. The weight on his cock, combined with the comparatively small pressure of the anthro's dick was surprisingly arousing. He'd forgotten completely about the hundreds of eyes watching him, even those of his own clan, who'd never regarded him in such a situation before since he'd formed them under his wing.

There was nothing to worry about however: they were enjoying the show as much as he was.

Squeezing the dragon's dick tightly between his legs, Virion began to slide his tail in and out of his partner's tailhole. He began with a slow, measured flexing of his appendage, making sure that he rubbed against Ruvell's sensitive walls with as much strength as he could muster. Occasionally he would thrust it in as far as he could and pause, holding himself steady while he flicked the tip of his tail at the little nub buried deep with the horny feral's bowels.

He had to hug himself into the dragon's crotch as he twisted his tail around to keep himself from being bucked off. Ruvell's chest was heaving with exertion now and breathing heavily under the weight of a mounting orgasm. As Virion began to slide his tail in and out at a rapid pace, he knew it wouldn't be much longer before the dragon came. He was growing dangerously close to spurting as well.

A swelling, tingling warmth soon began to gather at the base of Virion's cock. The anthro dragon growled and humped himself firmly into Ruvell's cock, smearing his balls across the sexual fluids and heated slime pooling within the creature's steaming vent. He could feel the big beast's orgasm approaching along with his, hinted in a low, gurgling rumble directly beneath his hips that signaled the churning of gallons upon gallons of cum swirling within those internal testicles.

Knowing they were both moments away from the brink, Virion began to pump his tail in and out of the dragon's anus with as much speed as he could muster. The smooth scales of his appendage slicked up and down at an alarming rate, swirling and pressing against Ruvell's walls as he squeezed and clenched around it with growing power. Wet fluids coated the scales of his tail, along with the underside of his legs and crotch. Although his own length began to drool with the beginnings of his ejaculation, his seed was lost amidst the flood of spunk that was slowly drooling down the dragon's shaft. With the added warmth, the throbbing cock pressing against his own, and his tail buried deep inside the massive dragon, Virion came.

After a few moments, Ruvell joined him as well.

As soon as he felt the anthro dragon tense up and spurt hot seed along the length of his shaft, Ruvell roared and pushed his haunches into the air with his hind legs. His cry of ecstasy rocked the marketplace and the entire surrounding area with a horrible, guttural noise as he came. Reptilian semen blasted out from his throbbing length, smacking Virion under the chin before shooting upwards to coat his muzzle and some of the audience in the viscous weight of his jizz.

Even when he was lost in the throes of his orgasm, Ruvell could feel Virion's seed splattering against his member. The anthro's semen matted heavily over the entirety of his crotch, soaking his groin-scales and his sheath in a wet, liquid embrace that was quite impressive. Although he knew this participant would be able to produce a lot, he hadn't expected it to be quite so much. Those four, beautiful testicles were more than just for show, he now realized. They contained as much as spunk as any other male dragon in their prime.

As his ejaculation slowly petered down into nothing, Ruvell allowed himself a soft smile and sunk back down into the dusty ground. He was impressed.

Virion remained upright on the dragon for a long while as his orgasm continued. His limbs tensed with each shot of cum from his purple cock while his muscles flowed underneath his white and orange scales. His breath came in ragged, pleasured gasps even as his moment of bliss slowly began to wind down into nothing. After a few minutes, he collapsed in the puddles of cum pooling within the dragon's steaming groin to lay atop the beast's member. He could feel that giant pillar lightly throbbing against his face even now, after it'd been spent.

In that moment of relaxation, Virion slowly lifted his head and stared up at the massive dragon with a smile, watching as Ruvell's chest heaved up and down in front of him in the aftermath of their shared ejaculation. It'd felt like ages since he'd been able to please a dragon of that size. Now that he had however, there was no comparison to the amount of satisfaction and joy he felt in that very moment.

With a small sigh, Virion pushed himself back into a sitting position. Thick gobs of semen clung to his chest and began slowly drooling down to his thighs as he sat, causing him to emit a contented purr before speaking. "I thought I told you NOT to hit the audience with your cum," he said.

With a small grunt of alarm, Ruvell lifted his head off the dusty ground and looked towards the edge of the marketplace. Directly behind him, several of the audience members were completely coated in a layer of his jizz, still steaming with heat in the midday sun. Two wolves, a mouse, and one female fox had all been hit with the reptile's ejaculation.

Although one of the wolves didn't seem too impressed to have his experience disrupted in such a manner, the rest of them revelled in the blessing they'd been given. While the mouse continued to stare at Ruvell, seemingly star-struck, the wolf immediately took the opportunity to hop over to the female fox and kiss her passionately, smearing the freshly shot semen between their conjoined bodies. Shortly afterwards, the wolf pushed her to the ground and the pair disappeared beneath a gathering of horny creatures to watch the action.

"Hmph, looks like we better get a move on," Virion said, smiling and twitching his tail inside the dragon's rump. "They're stealing the show from us."

With a small, pleasured growl, Ruvell nodded in affirmation. "Yes, but I will expect a second go with you once we're done," he said, trying to keep his composure as the anthro's broad tail slowly pulled out of his tailhole, rubbing his sensitive walls one last time. "Don't spend yourself entirely."

"I never do," Virion chortled, stepping away and giving the large dragon a small smack on the haunches as it walked away. Although it seemed Ruvell might've turned and snapped at him for it, the red beast simply smirked and continued walking to the edge of the market. Several of the creatures watching the fox and the wolf fuck darted out of his way to allow him space. Apparently the dragon was just as interested in watching the show as well, especially since it was his load that got them all going.

Breathing lightly, Virion looked up and watched with a big smile as Saphron walked forwards. The blue dragoness gave him a small nod before casting an annoyed look at Ruvell.

"It seems after all that, he still isn't satisfied," Saphron chittered, her serpentine tongue running along her fangs in distaste. "I find it a common problem at home as well..." Those last words were uttered loud enough for most of the surrounding creatures to hear, including Ruvell, who turned with a small snarl before redirecting his attention to the wet sounds of sex coming from his front.

Sighing, Saphron redirected her attention to Virion. "That however, is not your fault. You did a wonderful job," she said, smiling at him before her voice dropped to a low purr. "I hope you can do the same for me."

"Heh, I'm sure I can my d--Saphron," Virion said, quickly correcting himself and coughing lightly as the female narrowed her eyes. "In fact, I would be willing to bet that I can get even deeper with my tail inside you..." He smiled at her then, dragging his claw down the scales of his belly to smear some of the leftover cum over his spent, drooping member.

Saphron gave a small snort. "Oh no, I don't want you to stick that thing in me," she said.

Virion raised his brow. "This 'thing' is my most proud feature, dragon," he said, perhaps a little more heatedly than he expected. "And besides, you suggested it."

"I did no such thing."

"Yes you did."

"No, I simply wanted you to have the same vigour as you did with Ruvell, not commit the same act little dragon," she replied with a huff, clearly growing frustrated.

"But you said--ach, nevermind," Virion said after a moment of thought. Some misunderstandings were always to be expected with dragons in different places of the world. Either the female didn't understand what she insinuated or was simply messing with him, but it didn't matter. He needed to get along with her and give a good show, else he could risk the rest of the dragons growing restless with him and leaving. "Sorry then, Saphron," he continued, adopting a light, happy tone once again. "What would you like me to do?"

Nodding with affirmation, Saphron tilted her head for a moment in thought before speaking. "I want you to impregnate me," she said.

A hushed whisper fell over the audience as the female dragon spoke her demand. Virion paused as well for a few moments, just before bursting out with a small chuckle. "You want me to what?"

"To impregnate me: to give me hatchlings," Saphron continued, her tail thumping the ground in excitement. "I was unsure if you would be able to or not, but with that much semen you could flood my womb with more than enough..." She closed her eyes and purred deep within her throat at the thought. "Besides, I believe having some anthro dragons around would be good, if that is what results."

With another small laugh, Virion nodded and smiled. "Of course I can," he said, his tail swinging back and forth in excitement himself and whipping some of the remaining anal juices and cum towards the surrounding audience members. He'd never expected to be given such an honor.

"Wonderful..." Saphron purred, bringing her broad muzzle in close to given Virion's semen-coated chest a long, warm kiss. When she pulled back, her scaled lips were covered in cum, yet she didn't seem to care. "How do you want me?" She said, smiling at her offer before licking her lips and swallowing.

"Mm... why don't you get on your back and spread those beautiful legs of yours?" Virion said. "I want to see what I'm getting myself into."

The female dragon let out a rough chuckle at that before slowly turning her massive frame. Her muscles legs flexed as she moved herself into position, giving Virion a good look at her flank before turning completely around, her haunches facing him. She kept her tail down for the moment and looked back with a calm, lustful gaze. "Are you sure you wouldn't want me like this instead?" She purred, slowly moving her haunches back and forth, her tail remaining where it was.

Virion couldn't help but growl with pleasure at the female's suggestion. "I suppose that would be a little better, and give our audience a better show," he said, noting the excited looks on many of the crowd members as the feral dragon crouched low to the ground. "Are you sure you want it to be this way?" Although he already knew what the answer was going to be, he thought he'd offer the question regardless. He wanted nothing more than to rut this female like the horny feral she was, but in offering an alternative he only wished to be respectful. One could still be dominant while retaining a degree of respect for his partner.

"More than you know," Saphron replied, giving her massive haunches a teasing wiggle. "You may think you're in charge here little Virion, but this festival is all about us dragons getting what we want." With that, she slowly lifted up her tail, revealing a pink, puffed slit that was wet and dripping with arousal. "And what I want is for a strong anthro like yourself to fuck me from behind and rut me as hard as he can. I want you to cum deep into my womb and make me gravid with your young. Show me that you can make me keen and beg for your seed and I know that four months from now I'll have a clutch of hatchlings that can walk on two legs like you." She slowly licked her lips as she looked back at him. "And maybe even four testicles."

"Ah, so that's your deceitful plan is it?" Virion chuckled, sauntering up to the beast with growing excitement. "I must say, I do like that idea... very much..."

As he approached Saphron's rear, Virion found himself swimming in a heavy aroma of dragonic musk once again, this one somehow lighter and sweeter beyond the pungent flavour of sexual fluids high in the air. Her vent hovered in front of his vision, supported by a pair of smooth, strong legs with blue scales that shined enticingly in the desert sunlight.

Bringing both of his paws forwards, he placed them to each side of the dragon's haunches and squeezed gently before bringing his muzzle forwards and inhaling long and deep. Once more, the pleasant stench of the dragon's cunt filled his head. The heady smell of sweet, reptilian sexual juices screamed in his nostrils and filled his head, making him numb with ecstasy. He felt his cock quickly begin to throb with arousal, blood flowing to his rod as it began to swell again.

"Oh... my dear, you smell wonderful," Virion cooed, rubbing the soft scales of her rump with his paws. Gingerly, he stuck out his tongue and slowly licked around the lips of her pussy, sliding his rough appendage up her sensitive opening and murring as the salty tang of feminine juices filled his mouth. "And taste wonderful as well..."

Ignoring the fact that the anthro called her 'dear' once again, Saphron lifted her tail higher and growled deep within her chest with pleasure at Virion's touch. "You're not the first male to tell me as such," she said, slowly bringing her gaze to the front and lowering her haunches even more. "But I'm not one of those precious male dragons you seem to be so adept at pleasing, and this time you're not going to be using your tail. Are you sure you're up for it?" As she spoke her haunches swayed from side to side and she cast another quick glance backwards, smirking at the smaller dragon.

Virion answered with a smirk of his own before pushing her haunches down a little more and pressing his body against her backside. "I'm more than used to pleasing large females such as yourself without the help of my tail," he said. "Though I can't make any promises that it won't get involved at some point. Could you bend your hind legs a little more Saphron? Just a little more... yes, that's it," he purred, widening his stance as the dragoness' cuntlips met with the tip of his cock, her muscular legs straining with effort.

"Mm, good, now fuck me Virion," Saphron growled. "And don't you dare pull out for even a second."

The audience held their breath as one as Virion slowly began to ease his hips forwards, inserting his thick, purple length deep into the female's slit. Despite the feral's size, he found that his maleness was more than enough to spread the dragoness wide. He gritted his fangs and closed his eyes as the silky warmth of her reptilian entrance squeezed the ridges of his shaft, pulsing and throbbing in answer to the continuous drag of his dick over her sensitive walls.

"Oh Virion..." Saphron purred, her body rumbling with delight as she felt her hindquarters grow weak with a wave of pleasure. "You feel lovely." Her claws knead the ground in delight before she flagged her tail a few times, flexing the muscles in her haunches to squeeze and clench at the thick cock inside her.

Virion let out a sudden growl of bliss as the dragoness motions. He could see her vent squeezing at his length, making wet squelching noises that were audible to the nearest audience members surrounding him. Lifting up his arm and digging his claws into the sides of Saphron's tail, he slowly pulled his hips back and began pumping himself against the feral's backside, thrusting himself inside in steady, powerful humps.

Saphron's cunt continued to throb around his intruding length as Virion pounded himself against her, his heavy testicles smacking into the underside of her scaled belly. Her soft vent winked with each downward thrust before his very eyes, squeezing and milking his cock for all it was worth. His breath came in quick, desperate pants as he found his arousal growing, slowly building up in the form of a pleasant, tingling warmth that shot from the base of his shaft to the tip of his tail.

"Yes... mmm... Virion... harder," Saphron grunted, her words heaving out from between her ragged gasping. As pleased as she was to have a proud male filling her once again, she was used to much more power. It was a shame the anthro couldn't hunch over her and dig his teeth into the back of her neck, yet she could still feel his pointed claws digging into the underside of her tail. It was an odd sensation, but one that made her shiver with delight nonetheless. Her one hope was that Virion would be ferocious enough to make up for their difference in size. After a few moments of doubt however, her wishes came true.

As he slowly continued to pump himself inside her, Virion felt a low, rising snarl develop in the base of his throat. The warmth and power of the needy female in front of his overwhelmed his senses. The scent of her arousal sent his head spinning with lust and an instinctual desire for release, making him forget any notion of holding back. Giving into his primal needs, he obeyed Saphron's desires and threw himself against the feral's haunches. With a ferocious growl he dragged his claws along her tail and bit into the soft flesh at the underside of her muscular appendage, drawing a small trickles of blood that dripped down her light blue scales. His strength was enough to make the dragoness fall down further onto her front, bending her body low while he lifted at her crotch, keeping her hindquarters hoisted in the air for him to continue pounding away with his renewed ferocity. Eventually his partner regained her composure, gripping her claws into the ground with a growl in return and clearly enjoying every moment of her savage treatment.

Virion only vaguely hear the crowd cheering him on as he grew closer and closer to his peak. The dragoness' hot cunt rippled around his length as steaming, sexual juices leaked from her most intimate depths. A pool of sticky emissions began to form at his feet, moistening his legs and footpaws in the sweet musk of his eager bitch. His breath left him in straining gasps as his tongue lolled out from the side of his mouth in bliss. Thrusting inside of her with a growl, he paused for a moment with his shaft completely buried, shuddering as he felt her muscular walls twitching and squeezing at his rigid cock. Her silky depths frothed with a mixture of her warm fluids and his own leaking precum, covering his dick in liquid heat as those heavy folds caressed and massaged him with a strength and power no other female could possess.

Pulling back and humping quickly and ferociously, it was only a few more moments before Virion pushed himself against the feral with a final snarl, biting down into her tail once more as his ejaculation finally struck.

Humping into her soft flesh with as much force as he could muster, Virion let out a muffled roar as his cock throbbed deep within the folds of her cunt. His first rope of seed erupted from the tip of his cock like a cannon blast, splashing into the dragoness' depths with enough force to make Saphron whine and mewl with delight.

It wasn't long afterwards that the Saphron began to quiver and shake underneath her anthro, raking the ground with her claws in her final moments of bliss before she too felt herself dive into the depths of a powerful orgasm. She let out a roar and arched her back, hiking her tail high above her head and pushing back against Virion in a majestic pose of overwhelming pleasure. Her cuntlips winked as her interior rippled and tensed along with each rope of hot seed that shot inside her. The contents of those four testicles poured into her, filling her up and pooling in the deepest recesses of her cunt before trickling down into her womb. Continuing to shake with uncontrollable delight, she dropped her roar down to a purr and concentrated on flexing her haunches at the right moments, sucking Virion's seed deep into her sauna-like birthing chamber.

Her cunt squeezed and gulped at the life-giving fluids, sucking on the anthro's length for several long minutes until both of them eventually relaxed, breathing heavily in the aftermath of their twin ejaculations.

Releasing the dragoness' tail from his jaws, Virion leaned forward and relaxed against her, licking some of the blood from her scales. "And that, my dear, was more than enough to give you what you want," he said, smiling as seed began to trickle from her cuntlips to join the slimy sexual juices littering the ground at his feet.

Saphron took in a deep breath before responding, her entire body shaking. "I didn't think you would be able to get THAT deep," she heaved, looking back at him with a smile. "I can feel your seed inside me... feel it pooling inside my womb..." She closed her eyes and purred for a moment, her entire body vibrating against Virion as he hugged the base of her tail. "You're the best this festival has ever had."

"I'm sure I am," Virion answered, running his tongue along the base of her tail before slowly back up and pulling out. His purple cock glistened with bodily moisture in the aftermath of his sex. He watched in fascination as the dragon's cunt stood gaping for a few moments, showcasing her pink, drooling insides before slowly closing with a wet squelch.

Curving her head around, Saphron turned her massive body and slowly brought her muzzle down to kiss Virion lightly on the lips. "Thank you my dear," she said, giving him a wink before turning and making her way back to the other dragons.

Casting his gaze around at the audience members lining the square, Virion's eyes went wide as he noticed that Ruvell, his first dragon, had now gotten involved with some of the creatures in the crowd. The feral beast was on his back, allowing several of the audience members including two wolves, an otter, a lizard, and one fox to clamber over his hindquarters, stroking at his engorged shaft and teasing his tailhole with their rough, pressing tongues. He never considered that a dragon seeking to be a dominant member of a clan would allow himself to be subjected in such a manner, but he supposed this was a festival dedicated to their pleasure. The audience members must've felt extremely lucky to be granted such an honor, although the ones shying away in fear might've had a different opinion.

Virion returned his gaze to the line of dragons, noting that most of them weren't even looking at him anymore, but rather staring at the grouping of horny reptiles and mammals intertwined on the ground. Much to his surprise, he noticed that several of the audience members had definitely been enjoying the show.

Cumstains and small puddles of semen on the ground littered the area in front of most of the occupants in the square. Although some of them were staying out of the more sexual activities taking place, many of the critters that came to watch were slowly becoming active participants either by themselves, or by coupling off with one another.

_Is this how this festival normally goes, or am I just that good?_Virion thought to himself, sniffing the air as the scent of bestial sex assaulted his sinuses. The market square was growing heavier with musk with each passing second, and the dragons were starting to take notice, some of them even showing signs of arousal before they even had their turn with him.

"Alright, who's next?" Virion said, smiling as the dragon's turned back towards him as one. The lead dragon was about to make his way forwards when suddenly a large shadow flew overhead.

Everyone stopped what they were doing as an earth-shattering roar sounded from overhead, followed immediately by a long, dark shadow streaking across the market. Nearly everyone looked up at the new dragon as he flew over them, including Virion, who raised a paw to his head to block out the sun and get a good look.

The new dragon was a little bit larger than the rest he had seen, and covered completely in dark, glittering scales along the flanks and back while a lighter shade of grey decorated the underside of his belly. The beast looked down at Virion for a moment, studying him with a set of red eyes before smirking and winding down, landing heavily in the center of the market.

The black dragon's legs flexed with the impact, his muscular body shaking the ground before he folded his wings and studied the anthro dragon in front of him, seemingly paying no attention to the audience members or the dragons behind him.

"When I heard that they'd actually managed to get a dragon to be this year's volunteer I didn't believe them," the black dragon began, his fangs showing in a wicked smile. "But I suppose sometimes the rumors are true. What's your name?"

Virion was about to answer when Ruvell stuck his head up from the side of the market, lifting his head from the crowd of anthros servicing him.

"Hey! You there! What is the meaning of this?" Ruvell growled, shooing the audience away and rolling onto his feet. "There's a line you know, fall back and let my clan have their turn first."

"Oh is there now?" The black dragon replied, looking back at the gathered dragons with a tone of mock concern. "Forgive me if I didn't notice them with this handsome little thing in front of me." He grinned at Ruvell, baring his fangs before casting his piercing gaze back to Virion. "You have a very lovely tail."

Virion stared thoughtfully up at the newcomer, his eyes narrowed with suspicion. "Thank you, I guess," he said. "Did you come from the mountains as well?"

The black dragon nodded vigorously. "Why yes, yes I did. I've been there a few days now, and let me just say that the dragons there are VERY accommodating." His grin broadened when he finished speaking, his tone carrying a hint of amusement.

Ruvell growled deep within his chest and rose out of the crowd, taking a few steps forwards to confront the new dragon. Virion took a cautious step backwards and motioned slowly for the crowd to do the same. Although some of them listened and kept their distance, most of them were wholly distracted by the event and didn't move a muscle.

"We don't approve of such changes in power here in the mountains," Ruvell growled, baring his fangs. "If you seek to become a clan leader you have to be from around here. I've never seen you before."

The pleased smile that the black dragon had plastered across his face since he arrived suddenly vanished, replaced by a blank stare. His red eyes began to glow ominously, holding a sinister quality even in the bright light of the desert sun. "I know very well how things operate in these parts, thank you," he said replied, his once happy voice a deep, menacing rumble. "You wouldn't be the first to explain to me you idiotic laws and customs. Why don't you ask the others how their challenges went when they arrive? Hellsvir and the rest of my clan should be arriving shortly."

Virion smirked as he watched Ruvell back down and sit with an annoyed huff. He knew from experience it was easy to boss the dragon around, yet he gained some satisfaction from watching the black dragon manage it in a matter of seconds. The new arrival certainly was an impressive specimen. As the new participant turned to address the other dragons in Ruvell's clan, Virion took the time to study him.

The black dragon was was taller than all the other ferals by a good few feet. His toned muscles were evident underneath his set of smooth black scales, which glittered beautifully in the sunlight as the powerful creature moved. Despite being larger, he also seemed to carry a predatory ease of movement: able to convey a relaxed posture yet seemingly able to spring forth and attack with amazing agility at any moment. It was difficult to describe, but Virion had never seen such a grace in any dragon that size before.

Before he was the center of attention once more, Virion looked over to gauge the spirit of the crowd. All of them were paying attention, a little more relaxed now that the two dragons no longer looked like they were at each other's throats. They were no longer aroused, but that would surely come later. There were a good number of horny beasts around; he would have to treat one of them eventually.

As the black dragon turned back around to look at him once more, Virion smiled and felt a low purr rise in his throat that he quickly silenced.

"And now that that's settled, we can speak without interruption," the newcomer said, smirking and sitting back on his haunches casually in front of the anthro. "My name is Samael, and it's a pleasure to meet you," he said, bowing respectfully with a small gleam of delight in his eye. "And you are?"

'I'm Virion, pleased to meet you as well," came the reply a moment later. The anthro dragon swept his tail over to the side, making sure his impressive appendage was visible as the larger dragon studied him. The motion had the desired effect, as Samael's red eyes went wide with surprise as they swept the entirety of his length.

"In all my years of travel I've never met an anthro dragon with the same impressive features as yourself," Samael said, bending his head low to flick his tongue and sniff with curiosity. "How did you come to have a tail such as that?"

Virion smiled and curled his tail around himself a couple times before lifting it to his paws, holding it in front of him with a sense of reverence. "I've had it since I was born," he said, "and I don't think I did anything particularly special to acquire it."

The black dragon settled down on all fours, leaning in close with genuine curiosity. "Are you sure it wasn't some sort of spell or incantation?" He continued. "I would love to have a long tail like that. I think you've even got me beat in length!"

Virion laughed and smacked the nosy dragon's snout away. "Yes, I'm very sure. I didn't do anything out of the ordinary to get it," he said, unwinding himself and swishing his tail over to the side once more. "And what about you? I've had experience with travel before and I've never come across a dragon as large as you."

Samael's eyes narrowed. "You calling me fat?"

"And what if I am?" Virion retorted, narrowing his eyes as well.

A hush fell over most of the gathered creatures at the anthro's words. There was a prolonged silence between the two dragons as they stared at each other. Other than the odd twitch of a tail, they each remained motionless, staring at each other as if ready to spring. Then, after what seemed like nearly a minute, a smirk came across Samael's muzzle, right before letting out a deep, booming laugh.

"I think I'm starting to like you," Samael said, continuing to chuckle as he spoke. "Even after you saw what I can do to other dragons you still have the nerve to talk back." He smiled and brought his chin down to rest on his paws. "It seems you have even more special features beyond your physicality."

"Thank you for noticing," Virion replied with a wicked grin, flicking his long tail at the dragon's snout. "So far you just seem like a regular old reptile to me, and you still haven't answered my question."

This time it was Samael's turn to grin before responding. "Is that so?" He said. "Well you can hardly blame me for not wishing to answer some rude little dragon's demands, especially when said dragon wants to know how I got fat."

"Alright, how did you get so tall and... in shape then?" Virion answered.

"Ah, well thank you for noticing," Samael purred, lifting his head and puffing out his chest a bit. "I can assure you that I didn't do anything special to maintain my appearance either, other than a lifetime of travel, never living in one spot for too long, and a nice healthy diet."

"Same as me I suppose," Virion answered, relaxing somewhat in the large dragon's gaze. For a creature that exuded such an air of dominance and control, he did seem rather friendly and cheerful when involved in a conversation, and wasn't opposed to any sort of friendly jibes or banter. "What do you normally eat?"

"Oh anything that looks tasty really."

"That would definitely make anyone large."

"Within reason," Samael quickly retorted, that same, amused smile coming across his features. "Travelling keeps me aware and strong, which allows me to eat whenever it suits me or whenever I need to." The dragon licked his lips. "Unless it's a human, I could eat those tasty little things any time of the day."

"Humans?" Virion answered with an amused chuckle. "Well you really don't see many of those around, they mostly live down to the - " He paused for a moment as his eyes swept the crowd, just in time to notice a lone human amidst the gathered furs slowly make his way towards the back before slipping away. " - to the south," he finished. "And I'm afraid I don't share your views on that. I like fish... and oh! Beef jerky, that's good stuff."

"Mm, I share your love of that as well, but it's a shame you don't like eating humans," Samael said. "I suppose you are rather small to be doing that however."

"Just a bit," Virion said, baring his fangs in a smile and looking over at the crowd once more. Some of the furs listening in on the conversation seemed to be growing slightly disturbed from the direction it was heading. He wasn't bothered himself, but it was understandable how they could grow nervous when a gigantic dragon began talking about its eating habits in front of a town plagued by dragons... well, eating them occasionally.

"You mentioned that you took over a clan?" Virion posed, hoping to change the subject.

Samael chuckled before answering, a sound much like a small avalanche of rocks falling down a hillside. "Not so much 'took over' as commandeered for a while. As I said, I could never stay in one spot for too long, and I doubt my newly found clan members would wish to leave their comfortable home when I decide to leave them be."

"So... you knew that you didn't want to stay, yet you took over their leadership anyway?" Virion asked.


"And you took down their leader, Hellsvir, to do it?"

"Took him down, claimed him, and accepted him back in as my second in command," Samael said with a happy nod. "They were quite hostile at first, nothing I wasn't expecting from a strange clan I'd just met; however, after I proved my worth to them they were much more accommodating, as I mentioned."

When he finished speaking, Samael lifted his head towards the sky. "Ah, and there they are now."

Virion looked up as a distant roar filled the marketplace. Lifting a paw to block the sun, he stared in awe as a new clan of around four dragons appeared in the sky, wheeling down gracefully into the clearing. Some of them moved behind the already gathered dragon's of Ruvell's clan due to the lack of space, but two of the dragons landed next to Samael.

Quip and Ruvell quickly retreated back to the line of their clan, watching the new arrivals with a wary eye.

The dragon to Samael's right was a small red dragon with two curved horns jutting out from his head and encircling his jaw. He seemed to have a permanent smile transfixed to his face, and stared up at Samael with an adoring quality that Virion almost found... disturbing.

To Samael's left, the dragon was much more impressive. His bright green scales shone powerful in the sunlight as his head turned to survey the gathered crowd. Scars decorated his face while two horns jutted vertically out of his head, one of them broken near the tip. He had a tuft of green ruff under his chin, and his expression seemed to be permanently fixed in a displeased snarl.

Virion suspected that this was Hellsvir. The dragon was almost as tall as Samael.

Samael turned to the green dragon on his left. "Welcome Hellsvir, I'm glad you managed to find us," he said with a grin. "Took you long enough though."

"Of course I found you, Samael," Hellsvir answered with a snap of his jaw. "I've been around these parts longer than you, and did you really think I couldn't - "

"Calm yourself Hellsvir," Samael interjected with a smile, placing a claw under the tuft on the dragon's chin. "I was only poking fun, I have no doubt of your abilities." His claws suddenly wrapped around the beat's chin, digging into those green scales. "And don't forget to call me master, or I'll have you again in front of all these creatures."

Hellsvir grumbled and stretched his jaw-muscles when Samael released him. "Yes, master," he said, giving a small bow of respect before glaring over at the crowd. The front row of furs took a step back at his fearsome gaze.

"I would never ever forget to call you master, master!" The little red dragon to his side peeped up, smiling up at Samael with a happy grin. "Would you like a blowjob? I can give you one of those. Everyone tells me I'm the best at it. I can swallow nearly anything whole so I'm very good taking big, impressive things into my mouth, especially ones as big and handsome as your - "

This time it was the red dragon Samael closed his claws around, holding its tiny muzzle shut with his paw. "I appreciate the offer Twig, but I can get whatever I want from you anytime I wish," he said, looking up and giving Virion a lustful glare. "I have a much more handsome dragon in mind."

Virion grinned up at the larger dragon, his tail swishing and kicking up dust behind him.

Twig looked slightly defeated at the answer. "But... what should we do then?" He asked. "I thought you wanted us all to come here for some fun."

"I do, and you will!" Samael responded, releasing the little dragon's snout. "Look at all the lovely creatures around us, watching the show with their paws beneath their robes stroking themselves off." He turned in a single graceful movement and walking around Hellsvir, his red eyes scanning the crowd. "Who here wants to have some fun with a dragon, hm?"

The entire crowd fell deadly silent at the dragon's question. Nobody dared move a muscle under Samael's intimidating gaze. Despite the supposed sincerity of the beast's request, nobody was sure what would happen if they suddenly spoke out, a fear that made every gathered creature freeze with uncertainty. After a few moments, the black dragon let out a huff of displeasure.

"Oh come now, nobody?" Samael growled, his muzzle scrunching with annoyance. "Surely you're not all here to just watch are you?"

"The festival usually only has one volunteer as I understand it," Virion said, drawing Samael's attention. "I was to be the lone dragon pleasing everyone, and nobody else was to take part."

Samael raised his brow. "Oh really? You were prepared to take every dragon here without anyone else helping or even taking a break?" At Virion's confident nod, he couldn't help but break into a wide, excited grin. "Oh... I'm going to like you very much," he said, a deep purr sounding within his cavernous chest.

Although he couldn't understand how, Samael concluded that Virion was equally as dominant as him in every single way. The anthro dragon was quite a bit smaller than any of the dragon's in his new clan, yet held himself with a higher confidence than any of them. He didn't value weakness in anybody. He found it a bore to listen to complaints or to watch a proud dragon cower underneath his unfaltering gaze. This one however, hadn't balked from his advances in the least. For one brief moment, he almost thought about abandoning this entire festival and taking Virion away: to separate themselves from these other foolish creatures and be somewhere they could converse in peace.

His thoughts were interrupted however, when Ruvell loudly cleared his throat.

"Yes yes, only one volunteer, and also a line..." Ruvell drawled sarcastically, gesturing at the assembled dragons with his wing. "My clan was here first, and we get to have our turn with the little anthro before you do Samael." The red dragon let out a pleased huff and nodded several times, his muzzle lifting in a satisfied smile.

"A line?" Samael took one glance at where Ruvell was gesturing towards the assembled dragons before bursting out laughing, his deep, guttural chuckles startling many in the near vicinity who were unprepared for such an outburst.

"Oh my! Oh oh..." Samael breathed, trying hard to contain his mirth. "These little furs certainly do have you ferocious beasties under their thumb don't they? Ah ha! Why this is the most boring festival I've ever had the displeasure of crashing. Why are we waiting in LINES to have sex?" His laughter went on for several moments, a sound much like the booming of thunder to resonate around the square. Awkwardly, some of the dragons in his clan began to join in, adding their bestial guffaws to the mix before Samael suddenly rounded on all of them, cutting the laughter short.

"If the audience won't come to us then we'll go to them," Samael growled, flicking his tail with impatience. "I've had enough of these 'lines' and the 'order' of this festival. No dragon should have to wait for just one volunteer." With a small huff he turned his head and cast his gaze along the assembled furs, who now began to look up at him in a reserved sort of reverence. "I'm going to change this for the better," he purred, giving everyone a lustful grin before prowling back to Virion, his haunches swaying teasingly.

"So... my little Virion," Samael purred, "Do you think you'll be able to take a proper dragon this time?"

Virion smiled before speaking. "Is that what you think you are Samael? A proper dragon?" He teased. "I'm sorry to say that you might be bolstering your own ego a little too much there. I've seen dragons that are bigger and much nicer than you." The last addition to his reply was partly a lie: Virion hadn't seen any dragons that were bigger than this monster in front of him; however, he had a good idea of what was coming next. He wanted to be sure that this dragon didn't hold back.

"Mm, I was definitely right about saying I would like you," Samael said, inching his ways towards the anthro dragon. "I wonder if you'll be so confident when I'm fucking you however... have you ever taken a dragon as big as me before?"

"Oh, I'm sure you're not the biggest I've handled," Virion smirked, standing his ground as the big dragon loomed over him, staring down with a set of radiant red eyes. "Maybe not even the biggest today."

"Now that's no fair," Samael purred, dropping down low to open his mouth and give the anthro a slow, dragging lick across the chest. "You haven't even seen me yet."

Virion huffed at the touch of Samael's tongue. The muscular appendage smacked into him and pushed him back a few steps, leaving a wet trail of saliva on his scales and a pleasant, tingling warmth of excitement spreading through his body. "That's just an assumption..." he growled, his excitement and arousal slowly growing. "Why don't you prove me wrong?"

"Only if you ask me little dragon," Samael responded with a smile. "I want to hear you beg for it."

Virion folded his arms with a huff. "Well, that's not happening, so either roll over and spread your legs like a good little dragon or get to the back of the line."

"There is no line anymore," Samael said with a grin. "But I suppose I didn't expect you to obey my wishes. Perhaps instead I could suggest something more agreeable?"

Virion tilted his head. "I'm listening."

Samael moved his head forwards, giving the anthro a little kiss with a giant set of scaled lips on the tip of his snout before leaning in close and whispering as quiet as he could manage into Virion's ear: "Let's give these creatures a show they won't forget," he purred, a sound like grating rocks so close to his partner's cheek. "I want all of them to be so horny from watching us that they won't be able to resist picking the nearest dragon and pleasing them with every ounce of strength in their little bodies." He lifted his head back with a smile, watching as Virion thought it through.

"I think I could manage that," Virion responded, giving Samael a grin to match. The dragons and surrounding crowd members began to murmur, wondering what could've passed between the two of them.

With a smile, Samael pushed himself back into a sitting position with a smooth flexing of muscles. Settling down, he pressed his haunches flat into the ground and opened up his legs, revealing his most intimate regions to the anthro in front of him. "In that case, I'll be more than happy to show you," Samael breathed.

Virion couldn't help but let out a small mewl of excitement as he found himself staring at his second set of massive dragon loins for the day. As he suspected, Samael's loins were quite a bit larger than Ruvell's, though there was something different and much more impressive about them...

Samael's junk consisted of a thick, heavy set of testicles, each one about the size of a melon, while a fleshy, scaled sheath drooped low just above. Although the beast had appeared completely black, he discovered that the scales on his underbelly were a lighter shade of grey. They began at the top of his neck and trailed down to the middle of his tail. Even in the dragon's relaxed position, Virion could see the creature's smooth muscles flexing underneath his skin. As he began to walked forwards, Samael purred deep in his chest, a low rumble that nearly made his legs turn to jelly with excitement.

"Is this really the pitiful, shrivelled thing you expected me to be impressed by?" Virion said with a smile, his heavy breathing and flicking tail giving away his true thoughts on what he thought of the dragon's massive junk. As he stepped closer, only a couple feet away now, he could already smell the heady, spicy aroma of the male's musk: a dry, reptilian odour that made his head swim with renewed sexual appetites.

A growl of amusement sounded in Samael's chest before the black dragon placed a paw on the anthro's back, pulling him forwards between his muscled thighs. "You're quite mean for someone so obviously awestruck," he said with a chuckle before lifting his paw, allowing his little partner to proceed. "Go ahead and touch or lick anything you want; prove to me that your interesting features are more than just for show."

With a small shudder he hoped that nobody noticed, Virion reached upwards with a paw and placed it on the lower part of the dragon's belly. Sliding down those handsome scales, he moved downwards, noting how the texture of Samael's skin got smoother and softer the closer he got to the beast's more intimate regions. As he touched the tip of the dragon's sheath, Samael let out a purr of delight. Smiling, Virion began to rub at the fleshy sheath in front of him before dropping into a crouch and leaning forwards, hugging himself against his partner's loins.

This time it was Virion's turn to purr as he felt the feral's maleness throb underneath the spongy layer of flesh separating them. He rubbed his cheek along the sides of Samael's sheath with a happy murr before lifting his chin and extending his tongue to lick along the rim of the beast's musky opening. Heat and sexual fluids oozed from the elastic opening at his stimulations, slowly drooling downwards along his chest to mat along the orange scales of his belly. The viscous slime and sour liquids made squelching noises as he began to move himself up and down, thrusting himself into the dragon's crotch with uncontrollable need.

"Oohhh... ahh... that's a good start," Samael breathed, his muzzle twisting with pleasure. "But you can be a little stronger than that can you not?" In truth he wasn't displeased with the treatment he was receiving at all, yet like his partner, he knew there was no better way to persuade a dragon to become more ferocious than to poke fun at some sort of inadequacy.

Samael nearly roared with passion when he suddenly felt a powerful squeeze on his sheath as Virion hugged him with impressive strength. He didn't think it possible that Virion could be that strong, but there was no arguing against the jolt of pleasure that shot through his loins. The tip of his red cock slid out from the opening of his sheath in a fresh rush of sexual fluids from deep within his fleshy pouch.

"What was that my dragon?" Virion teased, throwing himself against the feral's crotch with a growl and pressing into the beast with as much power as he could muster. "I couldn't hear you through that tiny, feminine roar." He smiled as Samael hunched low over top of him, clearly overwhelmed by the surge of pleasure that passed through his powerful body. The dragon's front legs were planted on the ground him as that massive, cavernous chest heaved in and out in deep, ragged breaths just above his horned head.

"I thought you said the crowd needed to see what we were doing..." Virion purred, right before jumping and poking Samael's belly with his pointed horns. His partner let out a surprised snarl and leapt back up once more, leaning back on his haunches and widening his stance. "That's much better," the anthro said, punctuating his remark with a laugh that was shared by quite a few of the surrounding crowd that had seen what he'd done.

Samael silence that crowd with a growl before looking down at Virion with a menacing stare. "Do that again and I'll -"

"Oh hush," Virion interrupted, dropping his paws down lower to begin rubbing at Samael's scaled testicles. "It didn't even leave a mark. I thought you said you were a big, strong dragon..."

The black dragon relaxed at Virion's touch, growling with happiness once again as he felt the anthro's paws slide down his sensitive testicles. Flexing his hind legs, he raised his hindquarter off the ground a little ways, allowing his scaled sac to hover in the air in front of his partner's face.

"Even big dragons don't enjoy being stabbed you little monster," Samael growled, a smile growing on his face despite how angry he was trying to make himself sound.

"You weren't supposed to enjoy it you big goof," Virion chided, breathing in the dragon's musk once more. He looked up as he crouched between the large beast's legs, shuddering as he took in the pleasant sight directly above him. "Although this... I think you will like," he continued, right before slowly standing up and placing his paws underneath the dragon's hefty testicles and lifting, kneading those musky orbs with his digits.

"I'm still going to punish you for that later," Samael managed to breathe between the passionate rumbles echoing from his throat. "You can't just... just..." Anything he was about to say was lost as his balls were rubbed by the anthro's inquisitive paws, those little claws digging into his malleable scales in all the right places. His cock continued to throb and swell, pushing out from his sheath in a glistening, red pillar of flesh for all to see.

"That's it Samael, no more talking," Virion purred, pressing his muzzle into the dragon's warm sac. He breathed in the beast's potent musk, the heavy smell of reptilian sex and slime filling his nostrils with a strength greater than anything he'd ever experienced. He pushed his face into those folds of flesh even more, inhaling as deeply as he could and huffing hot air across the smooth scales under his touch. A shivering power and heat spread through his form as he did, brought forth by the aromas and blissful sensations overwhelming his mind, coupled with the pleased keens of the impressive beast above him.

Unable to resist any longer, Virion extended his tongue and pressed it into the dragon's balls. He growled with pleasure and the folds of scales pushed inwards at his strong appendage before squeezing it gently, wrapping around his questing muscle with a life of their own. He could feel the beast's cum churning around his sensitive length, announcing the large dragon's growing arousal and need for release. Pressing his lips against those supple scales, he ran his purple tongue along the entire surface and did his best to reach as much as he could. He pressed his maw into Samael's testicles even harder, pushing his lips and the digging lightly with the tips of his curved fangs.

Samael flinched at Virion's fangs before rumbling with contentment and closing his eyes, enjoying every second of the anthro's stimulations. His wings opened slightly out of reflex while his tail flicked across the ground with excitement. With his cock already halfway out of its sheath, he didn't know how long he was going to be able to resist his urges.

"Definitely more than just good looking, but talented as well," Samael mumbled, his eyes glazed with lust as he slowly opened them and looked back at the other dragons gathered in the square. He smiled as he regarded the sight in front of him.

Somewhere in the middle of Virion's treatments, Hellsvir had taken it upon himself to mount the little red dragon beside him. Twig was huffing and whining with pleasure as the large beast fucking him, his tail hiked up along his back as his mouth hung open and his tongue lolled from his mouth in bliss. His cock was swaying back and forth between his hind legs and leaking in an almost steady stream of cum as his tailhole was abused.

"Enjoying the show?" Samael growled with a smirk.

"Oh yes Samael... yes!" Twig panted between each downward thrust of the large dragon nailing him. "You two were... simply too... sexy to not have some... fun!" He continued before letting out a shaking mewl and dropping forwards, hiking his hindquarters high for Hellsvir to keep pounding away. Every now and then a flash of red flesh appeared underneath Twig's tail before disappearing deep into his rear. Hellsvir did little more than narrow his eyes up at Samael before continuing to growl with dominance as he had his way with perhaps the most submissive dragon in the market.

Things are going better than expected, Samael thought, as he cast his gaze around at the audience. Already some of the other dragons who'd been waiting for a long while were beginning to eye each other, looking to follow Hellsvir's example. Even some of the audience members were moving forwards with less fear, the words of his offer still ringing in their ears as some of them realized that having some fun with a dragon was a close possibility.

His train of thought was broken however, when he felt a quick, pressing lick slide up the length of his shaft.

A involuntary grunt of surprise escaped Samael as Virion's lick travelled up the base of his cock. His hind legs buckled and he nearly fell over, yet he was able to dig his claws into the ground and right himself before he tipped over, his muscles flexing to keep his massive frame from crashing to the ground. The anthro's tongue had run along the tips of his fleshy spines: the most sensitive area of his massive length.

"Oh, did I catch you off guard with that? I'm sorry..." Virion said, his voice layered with mock concern. He licked his lips as the dragon's cock-slime tickled the taste buds on his tongue.

Samael's cock was quite a bit more interesting than he imagined. It was big to be sure, but there were a number of features that made it stand out from Ruvell, the dragon he'd served earlier. A long set of fleshy spines decorated the underside, trailing down to the base of the shaft. The glistening flesh was noticeably slimier, a messy feature that Virion adored as he ran his paws up and down its length. The entirety of the length was surprisingly thick, as Virion was just barely able to wrap his paws around it, with a tapered tip and a wide, urethra drooling with precum at the top.

"I just couldn't resist a little taste," Virion continued, the dragon's sexual fluids still lingering on his tongue as he slipped his purple tongue out once more to lap up some cum. "Do you think you'll be able to handle some more, or should you lie down?"

Samael growled deep in his throat. "I can handle myself you little scamp, but if you don't keep going I might put you on YOUR back," he said, mewling and humping involuntarily as the anthro dragged a claw up his length.

"Sure Samael, whatever you say," Virion said with a drawl of sarcasm. "Let's not be mean to the dragon with his paws around you pride and joy, hm? Don't you worry, I'll have you mewling with happiness soon enough."

"You're the one who's being mean," Samael managed to reply before hissing as Virion's tongue slowly began to slide up the length of his cock. Holding himself as still as possible, Samael closed his eyes and let a smooth, continuous purr roll from his chest as the anthro continued to lick him, that talented tongue massaging and touching him in all the right places. His cock throbbed with need in his partner's grip, leaking with more and more precum as his pleasure steadily grew. Just a he thought he was managing a good measure of control over his bliss however, he let out a sharp gasp and nearly fell again as Virion slurped his cock inside that tiny, beautiful mouth and began sucking at the top of his shaft.

"In all my years... I've never felt something quite like that before," Samael drawled as his claws kneaded the ground. "Take more inside, right now." His voice became a low, weak keen as the anthro continued to suckle on his drooling cocktip.

Virion didn't mind the hot liquids leaking into his mouth at all. As he expected, the feral's spunk was much hotter and thicker than the breeding fluids of any other creature he'd been with. It layered upon his tongue with a thick, steaming quality that tasted of heady reptilian musk and a hint of saltiness. Despite Samael's wishes he had no intention of going further for now. He was content with just teasing the dragon's tip. He would engulf the proud maleness in a moment but as this point he was going to enjoy making the powerful creature whine.

Samael shuddered at the anthro's tongue began circling his urethra, rubbing and massaging his sensitive opening with a deliberate slowness. He began to thrust forwards involuntarily, growling as that maw on his cocktip backed up with his movements and prevented from thrusting in the rest of the way. The muscles in his torso and haunches flexed with need as he moved. Already he could feel his first orgasm welling up within him, his semen gathering in a hot, tingling mass of fluid at the base of his shaft.

"More Virion, take me in more," Samael grated, his fangs clenching together in a twisted grimace of pleasure. "I'm going to cum soon, you better...ahhh..." The dragon's words were soon lost amidst a heavy sigh as Virion slid his mouth forwards along his dick. The anthro's mouth widened around his length, taking it all inside before closing around it, sealing his massive shaft in an undulating sleeve of flesh.

Virion swallowed around the encroaching length a few times, a smile crossing his lips as the big feral above him shook with delight at the motions of his throat. After taking Samael's cock all the way into his mouth, he found that he had to take a good portion of the tip down into his neck to fit it all, making a small bulge in his scales. When he swallowed his moist, throat-tissue squeezed and massaged along the beast's tapered tip, emitting another pleased keen from the once strong reptile that had now turned to putty in his paws. He place a paw up to the dragon's middle, more to steady himself than anything else before he began to bob his head back and forth along his partner's handsome length.

"Oh gods... harder," Samael purred, hunching down over his partner and hiking his backside into the air. His legs strained visibly as he moved into a better position, his front coming down and resting on the dusty ground as he lifted his tail and began to thrust downwards, lightly enough to not make it uncomfortable for the anthro at his crotch. His tail remained high in the air as he moved, his hot breath kicking up clouds of dust as he huffed down into the ground. He closed his eyes, drooling from his open mouth as Virion's maw squeezed and dragged along his dick.

Virion couldn't help but moan along with his partner as the dragon's flesh throbbed and twitched inside his mouth. The fleshy spines along the base of the creature's shaft tickled the surface of his tongue as he undulated along the smooth flesh. He noticed immediately that the texture of these spines was a little harder than the spongy, slimy skin of the shaft itself, yet still malleable under the firm press of his inquisitive muscle. They pushed back against his appendage as he continued to suck the dragon's cock. Every now and then he would pause, allowing the reptile's semen to pool in a hot mass at the back of his throat before gulping it down. It was after the third one of these pauses, when he began bobbing his head back and forth once more, that the dragon's orgasm caught him completely by surprise.

Samael moaned deep within his throat. A sharp, tingling sensation began to fill his loins and wash through the rest of his body, turning his limbs to jelly. His eyes glazed over with lust as he held his breath for a final moment. Then, with a guttural, earth-shaking roar, he arched his back and opened his maw, letting out a frightfully loud roar that penetrated every inch of the surrounding town and made the gathered crowd jump at its sheer volume.

As Samael thrust forwards, his balls began to empty into Virion's neck. His first cumshot blasted into the anthro's maw with unbelievable strength, immediately filling the pocket of flesh enveloping his tip. Although his partner was able to take the first, his second shot smacked into the pool left by the first, causing some of his sexual fluids to leak down Virion's neck and jaws. Soon after the start of his release, he began to feel the encasing flesh around his cock undulate and squeeze, gulping down his gift with a detectable eagerness. Paying little mind to anything but his own pleasure, Samael placed a claw around the back of his partner's head, growling with lust as he rode out the length of his orgasm, his tail flagging behind him with each pulse of his massive dick.

With a snarl, Virion began swallowing around the tip of Samael's dick. He shook with pleasure as the dragon's hot seed began to flow down his neck in a torrent of viscous, liquid warmth. He was disappointed that he allowed some to spill from his jaws, but he wasn't complaining. It felt wonderful on his scales. Besides, it was Samael's fault for not warning him of the impending ejaculation.

For nearly a minute, Virion continued to gulp down the dragon's emissions. Bringing both of his paws down, he gripped the base of the dragon's cock, while the other reached downwards to cup his partner's draining balls. He purred as he felt that massive log of meat pulsing within his grip. He could feel the musky liquid flowing along the cum-delivering vein at its base, flowing just above the scales of his palm with palpable warmth. He could also feel the dragon's balls churning under the grip of his other paw, slowly emptying themselves for that long minute before calming as Samael's orgasm came to a close.

Licking around the feral's urethra, Virion slurped the last strands of cum away from the impressive shaft before pulling away and licking his lips. Gently he lifted himself upwards, poking his partner's tummy once more with the points of his horns.

"Ow!" Samael said, snapping out of his blissful afterglow and pushing himself back to sit on his haunches to look down at the anthro. "You little pest! What was that for?"

"For not warning me when you were going to spurt, goof dragon," Virion huffed, looking up at Samael with derision. "I would've gotten all of your cum if you had told me."

A grin came across the black dragon's face as Samael backed up a bit, lowering himself onto all fours before dropping his muzzle down to Virion's level. "Aw, but you look so much better when you miss a bit," he rumbled, extending his tongue and licking the anthro's semen-covered neck.

Virion closed his eyes and lifted his paw to caress the tongue as it dragged across his scales. "I suppose I can't be too mad at you, this feels nice," he replied, growling happily as the appendage lapped up the cum. "But I think you're licking a little too low, silly derg." He pushed the tongue upwards and tilted his head down, dragging his own purple muscle across the slimy length.

At the anthro's urging, Samael's head moved in with pursed lips and pressed into Virion's own. With a mix of delighted purrs, the two dragons met in a kiss, their tongue moving around in each other's mouths with an equally inquisitive energy.

Although Samael hadn't expected to kiss his smaller partner, he had to admit he enjoying every second of it. His eyes went wide with surprise for a few moments, before he closed them and rumbled with delight. His wide, thick tongue took up most of the space in Virion's mouth, yet still the anthro was able to maneuver around and slide that slim, purple appendage up to the roof of his maw.

To his continued surprise, Samael found that a good portion of his semen remained pooled at the back of Virion's throat. Whether by the anthro's planning or not, his own hot semen began to coat the tip of his tongue, working its way backwards and mixing in with the slimy saliva already dancing between their intertwined flesh.

With a sigh, Samael sat down and relaxed, easing himself into the kiss and losing himself in the moment. He gently curled his claws around Virion and purred with content. He felt his partner press against him with greater enthusiasm, that small, purple tongue sliding across his own. They toyed with the remaining cum, each of them fighting to push the rest of the viscous liquid down each other's throats. The action alone was arousing enough to keep Samael hard. His member continued to throb gently between his legs, drooling precum onto the market floor.

Huffing once last time against the large feral's snout, Virion pulled back and broke the kiss. He pushed against Samael's lips, lightly urging his partner to stop as his tongue slipped from that large, encasing maw.

"Mm, I didn't know you could be such a romantic," Virion replied, smiling as he licked his lips. "I thought you ferals weren't capable of such thoughts."

Samael licked his lips and raised his brow. "You calling me stupid?" He asked with a sarcastic smirk.

"You know the answer to that, goof," Virion chided, smiling up at the black beast before idly turning his head a particularly loud grunt reached his ears. "Well, it looks like that was more than enough to get the others going."

"Hm?" Samael said, lifting his head before grunting with surprise, his eyes going wide as they surveyed the scene around him.

In every corner and inch of the square surrounding him, Samael was amazed to see that there wasn't a single creature not involved in a sexual act of some kind. All of the dragons behind him had paired off with each other, the various males and females taking to their assigned roles as bottom or top before rutting each other with a fierce savagery. All bounds of kinship separating the two present clans had evaporated in the urge to mate, as he saw many of his own clan breeding with the other dragons that had arrived before.

From the amount of noise the mating dragons were making, he couldn't believe that he didn't pick up on the raucous before. It was almost as if he'd been torn from a dream that involved only him and Virion to once again be treated to the reality of those around him. Nobody could've missed such a variety of noises and smells, though in hindsight, it probably wasn't that surprising. His blowjob had been so divine and wonderful, he didn't think it was that horrible to have missed such an event at first. Besides, it had been Virion's oral prowess that had set the horny ferals on each other.

With a smile, Samael continued to watch the show, his tail twitching with delight.

Twig of course, had immediately found another, dominant dragon to please. The little red was bending hunched over between two males from the other clan, his tail hiked high into the air and his maw wide open as he was fucked from both ends.

Hellsvir had paired up with Saphron, the female dragon that Virion had fucked at the start. The dominant male had mounted her from behind, pounding his meat inside her while the female panted and whined with need, her eyes glazed over with lust. Apparently Saphron wasn't too concerned with receiving Virion's young, as much as she was with simply improving her chances.

Some of the other dragons however, weren't mating with their own kind, but rather seeking their pleasure from the many eager audience members willing to lend a hand. It seemed that several had taken it upon themselves to accept Samael's offer from before after witnessing the sheer pleasure that the large beasts could offer. Several of the dragons had sprawled in front of the audience, allowing as many who were silly or dared to find space between their massive legs to begin licking or stroking any sort of flesh they could get their paws on. One of the bronze dragons from Samael's own clan was resting close by on his side, legs held high in the air while two otters rubbed at his sheath and slurped at his cock while two mice were at his tailhole, licking at the ebony ring of flesh.

The whole square had descended into one, giant orgy of creatures. The anthros that had once been mere observers now turned to participants as they each follow the example of the dragons and choose a random partner to fuck. Everywhere around Samael and Virion the townspeople were rolling on the marketplace ground, thrusting and humping into one another in the largest display of sexual acts that either had seen in their long lives. The smell of sexual fluids and musk was permeating in the air with a detectable warmth that stung the nostrils. It was safe to say that when the day was done, not a single one of the creatures in the square, anthro or feral alike, was going to leave dissatisfied.

"So... I think our interactions had the desired effect," Virion said with a chuckle, leaning in close to Samael.

"One can only watch a dragon mating for so long, before the urge to join them becomes a force that overwhelms all other thoughts," Samael said, turning back to Virion with a wink. "Even where their safety is concerned."

Virion laughed again, putting his hands on his hips. "If I didn't know any better I would almost call that wisdom," he said, flicking his tail playfully under the dragon's chin.

"I'm wiser than you might think little dragon," Samael replied, snorting and tilting his head as the anthro's tail smacked into his chin. "But it's easy to come to that conclusion when witnessing... well, that." The black dragon gestured towards the moaning mob to exemplify his point.

"Well, what does it mean when two dragons watch a giant crowd of furs fucking each other all around them?" Virion posed, a suggestive grin coming across his face.

Samael rumbled deep within his throat, licking his lips as he lifted his hindquarters into a playful, pouncing position. "I think you know exactly what it means my little dragon," he said, his tail flicking from side to side as his still-erect cock bobbed between his hind legs.

"What do you mean, 'your' dragon," Virion chided, crossing his arms and standing comfortably in front of his gleeful partner. "I'm not your property Samael, though I was thinking about making you my pet." The anthro snickered and winked. "I think I could find a nice collar to fit around that big neck of yours."

A low growl sounded in Samael's throat as the black dragon prowled forwards. "Me? A pet? I don't think so Virion, that doesn't suit me at all," he said, baring his fangs. "No, I think you would be much more suited to belong to me. You are much smaller and fragile after all; it looks like you could use a big, strong dragon like me to protect you."

Virion paused at that, reaching up to touch a claw to his chin as he pondered the dragon's words. After a moment however, he suddenly twisted, his long tail lashing out to coil around Samael's right paw. The black dragon only had a moment to look down in confusion before Virion pulled, yanking the feral's massive paw out from under him. In any other position it would've been a simple matter of re-adjusting balance, but in his crouch Samael could do nothing.

With an awkward grunt, Samael flopped and smacked his head into the market floor. He moaned for a few moments from the impact before shaking himself and looking up with a menacing glare. Snarling with annoyance, he pulled his paw back with the hopes of yanking the troublesome anthro forwards.

Virion uncoiled his tail just in time to avoid the full force of the dragon's pull; however, the strength of the feral's tug sent him twisting forwards with a surprised yelp. He tucked his wings to his sides and rolled with the motion, tumbling sideways along the ground before righting himself and coming into a crouch. When he looked up, the black dragon was looking directly down at him, a displeased look etched across those scaled features while those red eyes glowed with frustration.

"And, might I ask what that was for?" Samael posed, his voice low and dangerous.

"Just proving a point, you clumsy beast," Virion said, smiling up at his partner before whipping his tail back around behind himself. "As much as I like you Samael, and as much as I enjoyed sucking your cock..." He licked his lips at that, growing more confident as Samael's harsh gaze relaxed. "You can't order me about as you see fit, silly dragon. Ask me if you want something and I will consider it."

Samael paused for a few moments, looking down at the anthro with a newfound respect. It was one thing to show strength and dominance when required, and it quite another to demonstrate it by being forceful with a creature much larger than yourself.

"I didn't know how right I was when I said there was something special about you," Samael said, his tone softening. "Full-grown dragons don't even dare touch me in a confrontation; well, most of them anyway," he said. "Yet here you are, a tiny anthro, continuing to annoy me despite your size."

"Only because I have to Samael," Virion said with a chuckle. "Else how would you learn?"

Despite the teasing, Samael found himself smiling. "Very well Virion, I suppose I will honor your request, and proceed in a manner that you would enjoy," he said, bringing his head down to nuzzle the anthro with his snout. "So, would you like to fuck?"

"I thought you'd never ask," Virion replied, licking at the dragon's nose with a happy smirk. "So, are you going to bend over like a good little dragon, or would you prefer to lie on your back?"

Samael shook his head and chuckled. "I was just about to ask you that same thing," he said, before suddenly moving forwards and nudging Virion backwards with his snout.

The impact wasn't hard by any means, yet Virion allowed himself to fall backwards. Sprawling out on the ground with his wings flat on the ground to each side, he held his breath as Samael loomed forwards, looking down at his naked form with radiant lust.

"I don't think I've told you before, but you're amazingly sexy," Samael purred, hunching down low and poking his muzzle between Virion's legs to inhale the anthro's potent musk. A strong, heady reptilian odour filled his nostrils, making him growl with delight before his partner responded.

"I think you may've insinuated it once or twice, but it's nice to hear you say it," Virion replied, shuddering as hot breath washed across his scaled loins. His breathing quickened as the large beast settled over top of him, the base of Samael's neck resting at his footpaws while the dragon's arms stretched to each side. "Oh my..."

Samael grinned at the anthro's reaction. Cracking open his jaws he allowed more hot air to come trickling out of his maw, bathing Virion's crotch in the raw heat and palpable moisture of his carnivorous breath. Then, with a delicate, teasing motion, he extended his tongue and slowly began licking the anthro's sac.

Virion moaned and shifted on the ground as the dragon lapped at his balls. His four, weighty testicles bounced under his partner's firm stimulations. The heavy appendage pressed and slid against him with the perfect mixture of smooth, sticky saliva and rough muscle. His flesh moved pleasantly underneath the dragon's explorations, bending under the blissful undulations while becoming warm and slick with more and more viscous drool as time moved on. He couldn't remember the last time, if any, that a creature this size had licked him in such an intimate way: the perfect blend of firmness and slow, curious discovery.

"Harder Samael," Virion purred, squeezing with his thighs and laying his paws on the tip of the dragon's snout. His tail coiled around Samael's left forelimb, snapping and curling around in an almost involuntary effort. "Don't make me trip you up again," he joked.

Samael paused for a moment, narrowing his eyes on his partner before a playful grin came across his fearsome gaze. He huffed in response to the anthro's request before pressing downwards, pushing his lips into the Virion's crotch, and slurping up those quad testicles into his mouth. Although his maw was quite large and it was impossible to get them completely inside, he used his lips to toy with them as best he could, being gentle and careful with such precious cargo under his care.

A low purr sounded in Samael's throat as the black dragon continued to drag his tongue along the anthro's balls. Those lovely orbs leaked a heady flavour of musk onto his tongue, and he found that he loved the smooth, scaled texture of his partner's package. It warmed the interior of his mouth, leaving his flesh tingling with a pleasant tang before he would swallow it down and start over once more. He blew hot air into Virion's crotch and grinned as those strong thighs squeezed his muzzle once more. His little dragon was enjoying every second of it, if his growing cock and shuddering form were any indication.

Slowly, Samael allowed the anthro's weighty package to drop from his mouth, sliding out from his pursed lips to land with a wet smack back at the base of Virion's thick tail.

"You taste wonderful," Samael purred, licking his lips and lifting his muzzle ever-so-slightly. "Just as any dragon should. Let's see if the same is true for this part of you, hm?"

Virion didn't respond as the feral smiled at him, those bright red eyes flashing with amusement before the black dragon's maw parted again. He felt a warm rush of hot air before Samael's thick tongue drooled out and gently pressed into his taint. A massive shiver arced up the length of his body, starting from the base of his loins all the way up to the top of his spine. With a playful growl, Virion opened his legs wider and lifted his tail as best he could, pushing it against the ground to give his partner as much access to his tailhole as possible.

The large feral remained teasingly still for several long moments. Virion began to breathe heavily with lust as that large, undulating tongue remained still against his sensitive opening, lightly touching his smooth, purple flesh. He bared his fangs in annoyance, which was answered by a loving smirk from the larger reptile. Just as he was about to voice his complaints, Samael's tongue began to move, slurping around his anus in slow, powerful circles that tickled and warmed his sensitive rear, coating every inch of his loins in more of that viscous, hot saliva. With a sigh, Virion settled back and laid his head against the ground, his horns digging into the dirt as he gasped and reeled with every blissful touch.

"Oh Samael, that feels so nice," Virion breathed. The wet sounds of sex and cries of pleasure all around him were drowned out as he lost himself in the larger dragon's treatments. As he closed his eyes, he could feel that heavy, powerful tongue swirling around the base of his tail. Samael's hot muscle pressed into his taint, warming his sensitive rear while simultaneously planting layer after layer of slimy saliva over his opening. After a moment he felt a heavy paw on his chest, weighing him down to keep him from squirming too much. His cock grew steadily from his sheath, the golden piercings on the tip of his pouch being pushed downwards by the swelling, purple length. If he could lay forever in his partner's embrace, with that massive tongue continuously sliding across his tailhole, he would do it. He'd never been so relaxed or felt so much pleasure in his life.

Samael paused for a moment, slurping his tongue back into his mouth and huffing warm breath against the anthro's loins. "My suspicions were right it seems, you do taste just as nice down here," Samael growled, his tone growing more excited. "I hope you're ready for me." He offered a smirk before teasingly licking his lips and moving his lips back down, kissing underneath Virion's tail before extending his tongue and pushing the tip of his appendage inside.

A sharp gasp left Virion's muzzle at that. The anthro dragon gritted his fangs together, growling and squirming within the black dragon's paw. The thick muscle pushed into his tailhole, wriggling the whole way to force itself inside. Although he did his best to relax and let the tongue maneuver it's way inside, he couldn't help but clench down and gasp occasionally, halting the appendage's progress with a squeeze of his anal muscles and a snarl from his throat.

"If this isn't ready I don't know what is Samael," Virion said with a grin, his words coming through a series of ragged breaths as he worked to keep his composure. As the large dragon wriggled his tongue around inside, he found a warm, tingling sensation washing through his body. His tail squeezed particularly hard around Samael's foreleg. He didn't know how long he would be able to last once the big beast was inside him.

Samael looked up at that, closing his mouth for the last time. "You would think so, but I've had much bigger dragons than you Virion," he purred, lifting his paw to step forward and bring his haunches down. His erect cock still hung heavily between his hind legs, its red length pulsing and drooling with need. "Some of them, shall we say... weren't quite ready?" He finished with a chuckle.

Virion smiled and slowly began to unwrap his tail from the dragon's forelimb, snaking it down stealthily between Samael's hind legs. "Those dragons weren't anything like me," he replied. "As you said already, I'm nothing like anyone you've been with before." With a devious smile, his tail snapped around the black feral's erect cock, squeezing and evoking a shuddering cry of bliss from his partner. "I believe the exact word you used was... unique?"

Samael hunched low and purred, his haunches bucking slowly as that powerful tail gripped his heavy length. His claws knead the ground and his muscles tensed beneath his charcoal scales. It took quite a bit of effort, but after a few moments he walked his hindquarters forwards, finding that he didn't have to aim his shaft at all. The anthro's tail was doing it for him.

"We'll see about that," Samael uttered, gritting his fangs and snarling as he felt the tip of his cock hit the entrance to Virion's tailhole. It was a light tease, and he didn't sound as confident as he desired.

"Yes you will Sama..." Virion purred, licking his lips and using his legs to hoist his waist into the air. Using his tail, he guided the large feral's cock towards its mark. He let out a sigh as he felt the fleshy spire press against his opening. A small amout of precum drooled out from the luscious tip, mixing in with the saliva already wetting his rear.

With a deep breath, Virion uncoiled his tail slowly, allowing his partner to do the rest. He closed his eyes and nearly let out a whine of need before stopping himself. Lifting his tail a little more, he moved his hips back and forth. He was a mere, few moments away from having Samael inside him.

For a moment Samael lifted his brow, contemplating the odd nickname he was given before shrugging it off. Gently, he began to lower his haunches, his cock bending against the anthro's rear as he struggled to force himself inside. He lifted a paw once more onto Virion's chest, doing his best to hold his partner in place. After a few more seconds of wriggling his hindquarters he let out a smooth sigh as Virion's tight opening wrapped around the head of his cock, spreading wide and swallowing the first few inches of his thick length.

A rumble sounded in Samael's throat. The black dragon paused where he was for a moment, focusing on the strong, tight pulsing of flesh at the tip of his length. He could feel the slimy texture of his saliva, acting as a lubricant and making wet, squelching noises around the head of his cock. As his partner continued to squirm gently under his paw, he slowly began to push forward and slide his shaft the rest of the way inside.

Virion hissed with mild pain as the large dragon pushed forward into him. As much as he had assured Samael, the dragon was quite a bit bigger than anything he'd taken before. Relaxing his muscles, he simply allowed the feral to continue wriggling inside him at a slow, delicate pace. A throbbing pain arced up his spine from the base of his tail. Mixed in with his mild discomfort however, there was a powerful sense of pleasure as well.

Breath came in a series of ragged gasps as Virion did his best to take all of the black dragon inside. After what seemed like minutes of feeling that thick length slip deeper and deeper, with Samael moving his haunches from side to side in his effort to wriggle it past the clenching of his muscles, both parties simultaneously let out a pleased sigh as the soft scales of the feral's groin met with his backside. He could feel the dragon's testicles matted warmly against him. The size of the impressive beast allowed him to feel the hot, churning liquids inside, a frothy mixture he'd had the pleasure of tasting before that would soon be pumping inside him with the greatest quantity he'd ever taken.

"Mm... Sama," Virion breathed, wincing as the dragon's cock rubbed and pushed at his most intimate depths.

"Not too much for you I hope," Samael uttered, looking down between his legs. Although his tone carried a hint of teasing, if Virion would've looked up and met the gaze of the larger creature he would've seen a hint of concern.

Virion let out a grunt of annoyance. His tail whipped forwards and curled around Samael's hindleg, squeezing it hard before he lifted his legs and planted his footpaws on his partner's scaled thighs, his claws digging into the armoured skin. The movement made him grunt with slight pain, yet he held strong. "Of course it isn't, silly dragon," he snarled. "Keep going or find another dragon to properly mount me. There's bound to be one in the square more competent than you."

A small laugh escaped Samael at that, which quickly turned into a low moan as he slowly began to ease his haunches backwards, pulling his length out. "Oh I think we both know that's not true, Virion," he hissed, his massive body trembling as he found the head of his cock being squeezed by the anthro's tunnel once more. "Now, no more talking, but feel free to compliment me like a good little toy throughout the whole thing," he finished with a playful huff before pushing himself forwards once more.

Immediately Samael slid himself backwards, working his hindquarters into a rhythm as he finally began thrusting inside his smaller partner. The muscles along his flank tensed and flexed as he humped the lucky creature underneath him. His cock slid in and out at a steady pace, its passage made easier by the slick saliva covering the anthro's rear. Heavy, wet sounds accompanied the mating pair as his cock pushed inside the wet entrance, the massive pillar squelching deep into the tight tailhole as it pushed the rippling anal muscles aside.

Although Virion tried to offer a retort, it came out as more a wheezing gasp as Samael eased his haunches forwards once more. Grunting from the sudden intrusion, he dug his footpaws into those massive thighs with greater strength as his tail tightened with as much power as he could muster. With a wordless expression of bliss he held Samael's paw tightly against his chest. Its heavy weight was soothing as it held him in place. Little effort was needed on his part to remain in place. The scales of the feral's palm were rough, yet the grip was gentle and careful, leaving him to enjoy every pleasurable sensation.

As the dragon moved above him, Virion could feel every inch of Samael's slimy length sliding along his sensitive anal walls. He gasped with delight as the ribbed underside rubbed along the base of his tunnel, running along his undulating walls and massaging the purple flesh with its passage.

"Oh my... you feel wonderful my little dragon," Samael gasped, his claws digging hard into the ground with every forward push of his haunches. Hot breath hissed from his half-open mouth as he bent low and fucked the anthro beneath him. His sensitive nose began to pick up the familiar scent of arousal emanating from his partner. Despite the copious amount of sex occurring all around them, it was easy to pick out the familiar musk of his eager partner.

Samael's tail swung deftly through the air as the black dragon continued to claim his volunteer. His massive, powerful body flexed and moved in quick, fluid motions now as the rhythm of his thrusting began to increase. His red pillar of flesh would be visible between his legs for only a moment before it would sink back underneath Virion's lifted tail, disappearing into the wide gaping tunnel. Hot precum began to leak from the tip of his cock, mixing with the saliva layering his rear to create a slimy lubricant that only served to make the process easier and allow each of the reptiles' pleasure to heighten.

As he felt a particularly large wave of pleasure course through his shaking form, Samael rumbled happy and bent down low, hilting into his partner with a series of quick thrusts. It wasn't going to be long before he came.

"Sama...Samael..." Virion breathed, looking up at the dragon with desperate eyes.

For a moment, Samael slowed the pace of his fucking, looking down with mild annoyance. "Yes?"

Virion smirked up at him before his tail uncoiled from the feral's leg and slowly moved upwards, caressing those scaled orbs hanging just beneath the pulsing shaft inside him. "Is this how you normally screw other dragons? I thought you said you were strong," he said, teasingly rubbing Samael's balls with his muscular appendage before curling it around and giving them a light squeeze. The black reptile shuddered visibly above him, and he soon found himself staring into a pair of red, lustful eyes. "Surely you can do better than this?"

Samael only managed an unintelligible growl in response. The combination of the anthro's tight grip around his testicles and the buildup of his impending orgasm was enough to make him at a loss for words. He did however, feel a surge of energy at his partner's teasing words.

With a single deep breath, Samael shuddered and hunched down low over his volunteer. His expression took on a sinister quality then, as he stared down with a renewed sense of mischief and mercilessness. The shadows around his black scales seemed to deepen before he cracked his jaws open and rumbled menacingly.

"As you wish," Samael growled, right before lifting his paw and reaching down with a pair of open jaws. He clamped down on Virion's shoulder with his powerful fangs, not biting hard enough to do any damage, but enough to press into the reptile's skin and hold him in place. Bending his body awkwardly with the new position, he took a few steps backwards with his hind legs to stretch out his hindquarters before lowering them to a more comfortable stance. After a few moments and a particularly loud snarl as his partner's tail tightened around his testicles once more, Samael began to rut the anthro dragon with as much strength as he could muster. The muscles along his flank and the tendons in his legs stood out as he fucked Virion, pounding his thick, draconic cock as deep as he could manage.

A sharp cry of pain and delight left Virion as the black dragon suddenly bit down on him. It was clear from the start that it wasn't as hard as the beast could manage, but it had the desired effect nonetheless. With a passionate snarl of his own, he reached up and dug his claws into the sides of the reptile's snout while simultaneously squeezing with his coiled tail.

As Samael's cock plunged into his rear, Virion felt an accompanying spike of pleasure with each and every thrust. The once muted sounds of sex now reached his ears with an astounding quality. The heavy smells and heat of the eager monster above him overwhelmed every inch of his senses. The palpable warmth of reptilian sex riddled the air and screamed in his nostrils as more and more of him was filled by the encroaching, pulsing length. He felt a liquid heat begin to slowly sink into him, brought forth by the steady trickle of fluids leading up from the very package he was milking with his muscular appendage.

"Oh Sama, I'm... " Virion managed to moan before his words turned to an inaudible hiss. Arching his back and pressing back into the dragon's humps, he clenched down on Samael's length and let out a ferocious cry as his purple cock blasted cum into the air. His first shot smack into the feral's bellyscales, splattering against the grey underside with enough force to send drops whipping out to the sides. His legs shuddered and wobbled as he held himself up, his entire body exploding with ecstasy as he continued to feel that massive member sliding in and out of his sensitive insides. With a roar of passion he leaned over to the side and bit down on Samael's paw, just as his partner let out a roar as well and pushed forwards. It wasn't long after that Virion felt the giant cock inside him begin to throb and pound with orgasmic energy, and immediately begin to fill him with torrent and torrents of reptilian seed.

Lifting his head to the sky, Samael opened his mouth in an earth-shattering roar as he came. The anthro's tail had tightened unbearable around his testicles for his last few, powerful thrusts. As soon as he felt his partner cum and clamp down, he didn't last much longer.

With a powerful push of his haunches, Samael braced himself for what was perhaps one of the most powerful orgasms of his life. His thick cock began to throb and shoot gallons of hot semen into Virion's tailhole, its entire length rippling and undulating as his fluids travelled along the cum-delivering vein at its base. His cocktip flared with life, struggling against the strong anal muscles that pushed back down against it in an ongoing massage that sent shivers up both creatures' spines.

Eventually, Samael's roar quieted to a low, pleased mewl as semen continued to flow from his length. He lost count of how long he'd been cumming, yet still his ejaculation went on. As he hunched back down, he risked a few more light humps, evoking a growling response from his partner as those small jaws pinched into his scales, drawing blood.

As the minutes passed, Samael's breathing became harsh and ragged. His massive form slumped low over his volunteer, growing heavy with fatigue in the aftermath of his ferocious pairing. His haunches dropped down and settled on the back of his legs. Slowly, his neck curved downwards and the rest of his body quickly followed suit. With his cock still buried in the anthro's rear, he opened his eyes and looked down, finding Virion in the last grip of his own orgasm, his smaller eyes clenched shut while his jaws continued to bite down the black dragon's paw.

"You weren't lying when you said you could take it," Samael breathed, his voice sounding content, yet exhausted.

Virion opened his eyes at the dragon's words, his muzzle breaking into a smile despite the overwhelming pleasure still washing through his form as Samael's cock continued to pulse within him. "And I'm certainly glad you weren't too much of a pansy to give it to me," he replied, giving the bloodied scales on the feral's paw a small lick where he'd bitten down.

Samael return a smile of his own. "I like you little dragon," he purred. "I really like you..." He kept his haunches low as he wiggled them about in a tease, his length still pulsing inside the anthro's rear and drooling with its last bits of cum.

"I like you too Samael," Virion moaned. "When you do what you're told that is..."

"I think it might be for another reason," Samael replied with a smirk. His tail flicked slowly from side to side, doing his best not to move as his over-sensitive cock was squeezed and rubbed. Despite his caution, he couldn't help but let out a whine at the continued stimulation.

"Perhaps," Virion said, baring his fangs as he clenched down one more time.

A soft grunt left Samael before he replied. "So, do you think if I pull out slowly... you'll be able to walk afterwards?" He leaned down slowly and gave the anthro a soft lick on the face, his long tongue stretching out from parted jaws to lap wetly at Virion's forehead and horns.

"Oh, I'm sure I'll be fine, but I wouldn't really count on everyone else managing the same."

"Oh? What do you..." As Samael lifted his head, sudden comprehension came across his face as he regarded the messy scene around him.

It seemed that most of the creatures and dragons in the square were in the same predicament as Samael and his partner. The entire group of dragons lay collapsed in a pile behind him, the odd pairings and groupings of horny reptiles sprawling across each other in a dishevelled, cum-stained mess of multi-colored scales and limbs. For each dragon, there were about two or three groups of smaller anthro furs as well, each of them basking in the afterglow of their rigorous sex. The ones who finished inside were cleaner for the moment, yet some of them were actually buried in the sexual emissions of the much larger creatures surrounding them.

"Well, I would call that 'mission accomplished,' Samael chortled, giving the anthro a pleased look. Very slowly, the dragon began to pull back, placing his paw on Virion's chest as he tugged his member free. His cock popped out of the smaller reptile's tailhole with a wet, squelching noise that caused a few of the surrounding spectators-turned-participants to lift their heads and watch.

Virion groaned as the dragon's length left him. Warm semen flowed from his gaping rear for a few moments before his muscles relaxed and trapped the escaping liquid. Although he felt a good amount of liquid heat trickling down the base of his tail in the aftermath, he could still feel the majority sloshing around inside him, pooling in his most intimate areas to continue giving him a pleasant, tingling sensation in his gut.

"All teasing aside, that was the best rut I've had in a very long while Sama," Virion purred, looking up at the black dragon with adoration.

"Well, then all teasing aside, that makes me very glad," Samael replied with a smile as he delicately sat back on his haunches. His member continued to throb gently between his hind legs as it retracted back into his sheath, with small beads of cum still drooling from its tip. "And I have to ask... why are you not saying my full name?"

Virion chuckled. "Why, do you not like your little pet-name?"

"What do you mean by that?" Samael said, his eyes narrowing. "I think the name is fine, but I hardly think it qualifies as a 'pet' reference or whatever you called it."

"I think it's adorable," Virion replied.

Samael let out a soft growl. "Well, call me it if you want. I do enjoy your company immensely, but I am not your pet."

"Whatever you say Sama."

With a grunt of frustration, Samael shook his head and muttered something before lifting his head and sniffing the air. He looked around some more, casting a fleeting look at his surroundings before fixing a thoughtful gaze on his partner. "Say, would you like to come with me? I've had enough of this place."

Virion chuckled. "Go with you? Where? Don't you have a clan here you need to take care of?" He replied, slowly pushing himself up onto his feet. He felt a small surge of dizziness as he righted himself, using his tail to push himself upright in correction before he was finally able to stand.

"I've had enough of these dragons, I want you."

"Weren't you only their leader for a day or t-"

"I said I've had enough," Samael interjected with a stubborn snort. "Hellsvir can have his clan back, as long as I can have you."

"Oh my... Sama, I'm flattered," Virion purred.

Samael smiled. "Is that a yes then?"

"Well... I think so..." Virion replied, his thoughts racing. He'd never felt closer to another dragon than he did in this moment. He was experienced in the sexuality of his kind sure, but it was the first time in his long life that was felt a mild pain from the thought of not giving himself the opportunity to enjoy the company of Samael some more.

Virion looked up to find the black dragon looking at him with a face full of concern.

"Well, do you want to come with me?" Samael asked again. He did his best to remain tough, but there was a hint of worry in his tone that he couldn't hide.

"Hrmm..I'd love that," Virion replied, the words leaving his mouth almost involuntarily. As he watched the big dragon's expression morph into one of glee, he couldn't help but let out a small laugh of happiness himself. Although it was a quite the monumental decision to come to in a such a brief amount of time, he felt no regret. His partner seemed to exemplify and air of toughness and the usual, dragony bravado that came paired with the larger of their kind, yet he also had a kind, excitable soul. This observation became quite clear in how the black dragon reacted.

"Oh yes! That's wonderful news," Samael said, his head streaking forwards to give the anthro a lick before retracting, his entire body shaking with excitement. "We can go exploring, find different areas, meet new people, eat humans, maybe try some new things..." He finished, a playful glow in his red eyes.

"I'd enjoy that, Sama," Virion replied, his paw wiping some of the dragon's saliva from his face. "However, about your whole plan..."

"Yes, what is it?"

"I would like you to come live with me instead," Virion answered. "At least for the start. I have a very nice cave that I haven't seen in a long time and I'd be honoured if you would like to come share it with me."

"A cave you say..." Samael murred, his face twisting in thought. "I don't know... do you not want to explore a bit more? Perhaps we could go fly somewhere else first and then go back to your cave?"

Virion gave it a moment's thought before he nodded. "Sure, why not?" he replied, unable to keep a mixture of amusement and excitement from his tone. "Where do you think we should go first?"

"Well, we do need to clean ourselves off for starters," Samael said with a confident nod. "Do you want me to give you a lift to the nearest pool?"

"I think I might need it..." Virion said, looking down at the swell in his belly as he walked forwards a few paces. "I'm sure I could manage a flight, but it would be very kind of you to give me a ride, I mean, different from the one I've had already."

Samael chuckled and walked forwards, licking his lips as he did. "Oh, I think you're going to appreciate this ride," he purred. "I haven't done this to another dragon in quite some time, but it'll be much faster than waiting for you."

"I can fly faster than you," Virion said, narrowing his eyes. "But what are you talking about? Have you not carried any other, smaller creatures on your back before?"

With a grin that showcased all of his white, pointed fangs, Samael said, "Oh, but I'm not going to carry you on my back."

"What do you--" Virion paused as the black dragon's jaws parted in front of him, revealing a dark, glistening maw of red flesh lined with white fangs. With a roll of his eyes, he crossed his arms and faced the fearsome sight with a sigh. "Well, if you must, but let me out soon or I'll claw my way ou-"

Before the anthro had a chance to finish, Samael lowered his jaws and closed them around his partner with a wet, muffled thump. He carefully lifted the Virion up, with only the little dragon's long tail sticking out from his pair of black, scaled lips.

With a tilt of his head, Samael slurped Virion's tail in the rest of the way and swallowed, gulping the reptile down. Although it was a difficult task, after a few more swallowed the anthro became nothing more than a slow-moving bulge in the feral's neck that soon disappeared into the fleshy expanse of his belly.

With a loud belch, Samael gave many of the stunned onlookers one last wink before taking off, his leathery wings carrying him towards the nearest pool of water where he and his partner could wash the semen and digestive juices off of them.

For a few long moments the market was silent. Only the sounds of heavy breathing and satisfied murrs of the sleeping dragons could be heard. Then, Ruvell lifted his head, his shifting of weight casting the gathered anthros off of his crotch with a yelp. "Hey, where did my dragon go?"


"So, this is your cave?" Samael mused, staring at the large, dark opening in front of him. Virion stood on the ground to his right, gently wiping the drool and slime from his scales.

"Yes, yes it is Sama," The white dragon responded, grimacing as he shook himself. "You know, I'm not sure what the point of that stop at the pond to clean ourselves was if you were just going to swallow me again. Now I need to find another stream to wash myself in."

"Are you sure? I think the look and smell suits you just fine," Samael responded with a smirk. His tail twitched with amusement behind him. The cave really looked quite nice, and in an environment that looked much better than his own he had to admit. The cave was located in the side of a large cliffside, with stalagmites decorating the ceiling and a smooth floor of stone leading into the darkened depths beyond. The surrounding area was populated by a dense forest of evergreens, with a strong, flowing river about fifty meters from the cave entrance and down a small embankment.

With the sun beating down on the black scales of his back, Samael hummed pleasantly and closed his eyes for a moment. It was a wonderful looking home. From the carved walls and carefully smoothed floor, he could only imagine how much care Virion had taken in making his home quite lovely. It would certainly be a nice, peaceful place for them to spend a few months together.

Samael smirked down at the white dragon. His companion was right of course: there was no reason to clean themselves when travelling in such a manner, but he couldn't help himself. Virion was the only creature he'd met in a long while that he could carry in his belly without harm, at least for a little while. The smaller dragon was tasty, and he found it quite amusing to tease his companion with such antics.

Besides, even if it was meant to simply annoy on some occasions, Samael found it an incredibly intimate act. The fact that Virion put up no fight (most of the time), was a sign of trust that only strengthened their growing relationship. Despite the white dragon's complaints, he could see the tiny smile on stretched across his face. His companion was enjoying it as much as he was.

"Yes I'm sure," Virion said with a sigh before turning and walking behind the feral. He jumped over Samael's twitching tail with a nimble leap and made his way down the embankment towards the river. "Come on; let's give ourselves one more wash before we go inside. I don't want to track slime onto the carpet."

"A carpet?" Samael exclaimed with excitement before follow Virion down to the river. "Oh my, you really went all out on that place didn't you? How did you manage to find a carpet?"

"From humans of course, silly," Virion said, jumping into the river with a splash before turning to eye the black feral with mild annoyance. "If you hadn't made me so dirty we'd already be inside looking at it I'm sure."

"Oh, we'll look at it soon enough," Samael chuckled, slowly following suit and dropping into the river with a satisfied sigh. Slowly, he lay down on his belly, settling into the flowing water like a large, black rock. The water streamed to each side of his massive body as he purred with contentment at the sensation. "You don't seem to do much complaining when you're inside my belly. Maybe I should just keep you in there."

Virion gave the dragon an incredulous look. "How about no?" He said, with a small smile. "We both know that I couldn't spend too much time in there. Besides, wouldn't you rather eat something else?"

"Oh, I'm not so sure about that, you are quite tasty," Samael purred, licking his lips. "Maybe I should just eat you and take your cave. It looks rather nice."

"You could always try Sama, but we both know you're too much of a sissy dragon to take me. I would certainly win, and then I could eat you!"

Samael raised his brow. "Eat me? But you're so small! You couldn't manage it."

Virion shrugged. "There's always tail-kebabs."

"You would never!" Samael exclaimed, curling his tail into his body. "I love my tail."

"Mhmm, and so would I," Virion said, looking at the black dragon's long appendage and licking his lips. "Maybe with a little bit of hot sauce... that would certainly be tasty."

Samael let out a little growl, which was quickly answered by a chuckle from the white dragon. He held onto a mean, menacing stare for as long as he could before rolling his eyes and dipping his muzzle into the water. He drank from the stream, gulping the water down before licking his lips and staring out in the forest.

Virion continued to bathe, dropping his body into the river and rubbing at himself before surfacing once more, his scales shining brightly in the sunlight.

"I'm just joking you know, I would never eat your tail," Virion said, walking up to press himself lightly against Samael's flank.

Samael purred in return, curling his tail to hug the anthro gently against him as the river flowed to each side of them. "I know, but I wouldn't blame you if you did," he said with a grin. "Believe me, I know how tasty dragons can be. I'm sure my tail would be scrumptious."

Virion answered the feral's remark with a smirk before turning his muzzle to nibble lightly at the tail hugging him. The scaled appendage wiggled lightly in his mouth. He suckled on the tip gently, digging his pointed fangs lightly into the hardened scales before allowing it to slide from his maw and back into the river.

"My goodness, you're right," Virion said. "Your tail really is tasty."

"It's not the only appendage that's tasty either," Samael said, nuzzling the smaller dragon with his snout. His companion looked up and their eyes met for the briefest of moments before a similar, lustful grin spread across both of their scaled muzzles.

"I have a feeling that we're going to get that carpet rather dirty regardless of how clean we are," Samael mused.

"Oh no, I don't think so," Virion replied, rubbing the water against his arms and swishing his tail through the water. "That's what the bed is going to be for."

"The bed?"

"Yes, the bed," Virion answered, rolling his eyes.

"Oh my... a real bed?" Samael said, his eyes widening with delight. He'd never had an actual bed before, having always preferred a nice, solid piece of ground to rest his tired body, but the thought of one appealed to him greatly. "No wonder you're a sissy dragon," he said with a small chuckle.

"Oh hush, you're going to like it I'm sure. Just because you're too lazy to make a proper home doesn't mean the rest of us have to live like you."

"That's what all the sissy dragons say."

"Yep, that's it, I'm roasting your tail for lunch the first opportunity I get," Virion answered with a playful growl, standing up abruptly to give the big dragon a kiss on his snout before dropping back into the water to continue washing.

Samael let out a devilish smirk before standing up in the water and striding over to the side of the bank. He shook himself and wiggled his tail lightly to dry himself before looking back. "So, Virion... about what you said earlier, regarding cleaning ourselves only to get dirty straight away again..."

Virion looked up and froze, his breathing quickening as he looked at the backside of the magnificent dragon in front of him. The black feral was standing on the bank with his tail slightly raised, his wide muzzle looking back with a lustful expression as he showed of his most intimate areas.

"I think I should show you the cave first, horny dragon," Virion said, walking out of the river himself to go stand by the black dragon's flank. "Then we can have our fun once again." He smiled and gave Samael a pat on the side, which only earned him a snort of derision as the beast flicked his tail back down.

"Alright, fine, but we're going to have sex after," Samael added with a huff before both dragons began padding slowly back to their new home. "And I'm going to be on top again."

"Suuurre Sama, whatever you say," Virion answered.

The End

The Last Day of Patrol

* * * It was a calm evening in the town of Mayene. The sun was just barely dropping past the line of trees to the south while lingering farmers tended to the crops outside the gate. Most of the townsfolk had left long ago, but the few stragglers felt...

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The New Master

** **** A New Master** ** ** _By Macabre Dragon_ _----_ As the two massive huskies stood over him and looked down with grins of satisfaction, Paul found that felt rather calm beneath their menacing stares. Although he had several reasons to panic...

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Expendable: Pleasing Royalty

\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* \*\<Earth-date: July 22nd, 3104; Syra: 398 Solar Days.\> \*\<Time: 11:24am\> \*\<Cameras in Operation: Forest 1 - 45, Aerial 1 - 36\> \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* _Syra is no Place for Foxes_ ...

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