Tale of Infinity: A Theft Gone Awry

Story by Only Human on SoFurry

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~Episode 2 (Ending A): A Theft Gone Awry~

The lion's tail hopped about, batting lightly against Rindel's thighs.

Thorpe shut his eyes tight. He swallowed.

"Oh, come now," the tortoise derided him. He combed his claws over the smooth fur on the lion's side before giving his impaled arse a hearty squeeze. "Losing can be fun, you know."

Before Rindel could taunt any further, Thorpe took him up on his offer.

The lion placed a palm on either side of the reptile's face, and kissed him. The lion's tongue worked deep inside, tasting the spices and wine he had once admired.

"Oh-mm, tha's mouh like it..." Rindel said, struggling past a filled maw. He had expected a light, embarrassed peck of a kiss, not anything like this.

The slovenly, passionate abandon of it all quickly brought everything else to a complete stop. Rindel wrapped his arms around Thorpe's torso in a tender embrace, like he would give to a submissive lover. He closed his eyes.

That's when Thorpe brought his thumbs over the tortoise's nostrils.

It took Rindel a few seconds to fully realize what had happened. His mouth and nose were both blocked; the next time he inhaled, he could feel it. He couldn't breathe. His eyes darted open.

Their mouths had conjoined at an angle, meaning Rindel could only see Thorpe's eyes at the corner of his vision. The gleam in the lion's gaze sent a chill through both of them. It was the vindicated arrogance of a cutthroat who had just gained the upper hand.

Rindel immediately fought back. He clamped his hands around Thorpe's wrists and tried to pull them to the sides. No luck.

While the tortoise possessed greater overall mass, Thorpe's pectorals possessed greater strength than Rindel's latissimus dorsi.

In less than thirty seconds, he started to feel the strain on his lungs. His movements became jagged, chaotic. He felt hot breath shoot from Thorpe's nostrils and wash over his cheek. Rindel really wanted to breathe.

This was Thorpe's opportunity. It had been worth the bet. Worth the risk.

The lion dug a foot into the mattress, then thrust his hips high into the air. The reptile was off-balance, having lost his composure. Even then, Thorpe barely possessed enough strength to turn the gigantic beast over, but he succeeded.

Their combined weight was enough to cause the bed to rock as they rolled into place, but Thorpe was in place, on top.

At long last, he had taken control, and his first order of business was to get a massive, twitching cock out of his arse.

Thorpe leaned forward, pressing all of his weight onto Rindel's trembling head. The lion curled his hips upward. His abs clutched under the strain, but they didn't fail. Immediately, he felt a good handful of inches slide out of his sphincter, but he was still penetrated. Rindel had fucked him deep.

With only a couple inches to go, Thorpe took his hands off of Rindel, allowing the old beast to breathe. Thorpe rose to his feet, planted a hand on Rindel's hard, plated chest, and vaulted backward, onto the slaver's clenched thighs. With little effort, he pried the tortoise's legs apart.

However, he wasn't ready to penetrate. Not yet. The lion was indeed fully erect, but dry. Taking advantage of his feline flexibility, he dropped onto his rear, grabbed hold of his knees, and bent downward, sinking his entire length into his own mouth.

The taste of his own precum was off-putting, but with one thrust, one swallow, and one lick, Thorpe pulled free, his cock now slick and shiny with his own saliva.

Rindel had barely moved, now a gasping, exhausted mess. His superior weight had been the reptile's biggest strength as well as his fatal flaw. Now, he almost certainly couldn't get off of his back, not in his current state.

With his preparations complete, Thorpe stood over the disadvantaged Host, prodded his cock at the tortoise's tiny, stubby tail, then started to spear the old beast's puckered hole.

Having only forced his head inside, it was already the tightest, toughest thing that Thorpe had ever shoved his cock into. He could only imagine the seething, burning pain he was inflicting. The next thrust buried half of his length into Rindel's anus, which derived an uncontrolled shriek from the pit of the slaver's guts.

Rindel immediately lifted his hands and grabbed onto the headboard, trying his best to roll onto his front. It wasn't going to happen. The tortoise threw his head back, furious and suffering. As soon as the he had taken a deep enough breath, he immediately voiced his disdain.

"Cheating! Foul play!"

"Wrong!" Thorpe bellowed in an ecstatic rage. With one last thrust, he forced his way inside completely, balls slapping against reptilian tail. "No striking," the lion grunted. He argued with words and action, making a new point with each lunge. "No blood, no pain. I did none of those things. Now be a good Host and lose."

Rindel had no response. No witty retort. All he could do was struggle and hate.

Once they had settled into a one-sided rhythm, Thorpe had a problem, almost immediately. His being manipulated by Rindel had used up a great deal of the lion's energy. He could already feel himself starting to fatigue. Even worse, it seemed that Rindel was receiving very little pleasure from being impaled. The reptile had likely not been penetrated in years, or perhaps decades.

He's not going to climax just from me fucking him, Thorpe thought, snaking an arm over Rindel's thigh and caressing one of the tortoise's abused buttocks. I need to switch it up.

As always, yet another idea wormed its way to the front of Thorpe's mind. He struggled with it for a moment, then relented. It would work. Without a doubt, he would win.

He still cringed at the thought of it. It made him feel... slutty.

Rindel had only one plan. As the younger, healthier, more energetic lion continued to ream his arse, the Host had one last contingency.

I'll wait for the kitten to lose steam. That's when I'll regain my footing. That's when I'll make him wish he'd never been born.

A pained grin creeped across his face. He might not have been on top at the moment, but he still could easily win.

And then, Rindel felt a tongue on his cock.

He gasped, then looked down.

"Oh, you dirty little bitch, you..."

Kensin Thorpe may have had the muscles of a conqueror, but he still had flexibility to spare. It only made sense.

If he was limber enough to suck on his own cock, he was easily able to fellate the male he was penetrating.

The lion stood, hunched over, hammering his hips and swallowing cock with equal fervor. With shocking ease, Thorpe's lips met Rindel's groin, where he quickly felt the reptile's hands twist his ears.

"Stop that!" Rindel demanded, although it almost sounded like begging. He knew he was going to lose. "Enough!"

Thorpe simpered around Rindel's cock. His hot breath continued to beat against the reptile's abdomen. The lion then pursed his lips, securing himself halfway down Rindel's length, before darting his tongue out and briefly tasting the tortoise's sac.

It was enough to bring the Host into falsetto range.

He was close. Now was the time to end it.

With renewed vigor, Thorpe pulled free and stood upright. A line of spittle trailed from his lips as he batted at Rindel's slick member. Without bothering to wipe his muzzle, he charged forward, driving Rindel into the headboard.

The tortoise had already lost. All that remained was for the lion to win.

"Remember," Thorpe grunted through clenched, seething teeth. "You wanted this."

Rindel's hands darted toward his cock, hoping to pinch at the tip and preventing any seed from escaping, but Thorpe grabbed his wrists and held them to his chest. What followed made a mess on both of them.

The tortoise's eyes clamped shut and his jaw opened, stiff. He tried to disregard every string of cum that struck the underside of his chin or shot across his chest and throat. A few strands stuck into Thorpe's mane, tangled so deep, it would take hours to scrape out manually.

Rindel turned his face away, refusing to look the lion in the eye. All of his strength and will soon fell away, leaving his arms and legs limp.

Thorpe pulled out with an uneven, unpracticed sawing motion. Once he set foot on the floor, he instantly regained his poised, proud demeanor.

Thorpe walked around the edge of the bed, and grabbed one of the two buckets next to the nightstand. One bucket was filled to the brim with water, for cleaning; and the other was empty, for waste. Thorpe grabbed the bucket of water, and hastily took in a mouthful.

The water was fit to drink, but it served another purpose. As the water started to drain, dozens of runic symbols lit up along the sides and bottom of the bucket, charging the water full of ancient, crackling energy.

The energy leapt from the water to the walls and roof of his mouth, to his tongue, and to his teeth. The pail had been charmed so that any water poured from it would disinfect anything that it touched, cleaning it to perfection.

Within seconds, the water cleansed the filth from the lion's mouth, which he then spit into the empty bucket. He then rinsed his mouth again.

After his mouth was clean, he upturned the bucket on his head, and the water quickly went to work, seeping past his pelt, past his skin, and even into his muscles, physically removing anything that wasn't a part of him.

In all honesty, Thorpe loved the feeling of it. It caused his muscles to twitch as they were stimulated by small sparks of electricity, stimulating every nerve that it touched. The water ran over every curve, line, and crevice of his tired, dirtied form, forming a pasty, sordid puddle at his feet.

Thorpe then lifted the empty bucket to his mouth, and spoke runewords to it.

"Olbvian'e Anko." It meant 'Fill Anew'.

The bucket reverberated at his words, using the same power in those runes to separate the spent water from the grime on the floor and in the waste bucket, before pulling the purified water back in, with a gushing torrent.

Thorpe showered himself half a dozen times, reusing the same four liters of water to clean himself to perfection.

By the time he was done, Thorpe was completely clean, dry, and the bucket had lost its charge. Now the water inside was normal, and wouldn't refill again.

"Don't feel bad." Thorpe smoldered, victorious but still bitter. He dropped the bucket onto the floor, letting the contents spill. "If you can't handle someone like me, then you couldn't handle a boy whore."

Rindel didn't respond. He merely turned to glare at Thorpe, eyes alight with a passionate hate.

The lion calmly reclaimed his clothing, slipping into his loincloth, but not wasting any time threading his arms through his vest, or weaving his rune back into place.

"Now if you'll excuse me," Thorpe gloated as he backed toward the door, delicately scratching at something under his loincloth. "I'll be seeing to your Lady."

"Fuck you!" Rindel bellowed, too exhausted to even sit up. "A plague on your life, cat! May you never know peace!"

"I never did." The lion exited, then slammed the door shut behind him.

Aurore didn't wait long once Thorpe had started his duel with Rindel. Although she did watch for a minute or two, through a crack in the door. She had left once her master had put the feline on his shoulders and started pounding the poor kitty's rump like a hammer pounds a nail.

Whether or not Thorpe would find a way to win, when he left that room, he would be ruined with exhaustion.

In the meantime, however, Aurore set out to prepare. She was going to steal Thorpe's rune.

The plan was simple, and very little could go wrong.

As subtly as she could, Aurore left the hall and returned to the workers' stables. Only two or three whores were inside, either resting in shifts or keeping each other company, or both. Whoever they were, they were recuperating in a distant stall. Aurore could barely hear them, let alone see them.

However, as she raided the herb cabinet, she managed to overhear part of a conversation.

"That lion sure is something, isn't he?"

"I know. Rugged, yet pretty. I'd bet he fucks hard, too."

"He hasn't had a thing to eat or drink, though. Odd."

Aurore jumped into the conversation a little later than she would have liked. However, she did have something to say that amused her.

"I wouldn't know about how hard he fucks," the coyote chuckled. "But he's getting fucked pretty hard." Aurore spoke with a cruel smirk, just as she had grabbed a handful of torpor herbs and started tucking them into the lining of her collar. "Last I checked, Master was dominating him in a battle-of-the-bed."

"And he _agreed_to it?" One of the other whores poked her head out of the stall. It was Kalina, the newcomer, a lynx who Aurore had rarely spoken with. Busty, with wide hips. Comely, but not as muscular as Aurore. "Master has the biggest cock I've ever seen. Does that lion even want to survive?"

"I'll take that as a compliment," Aurore said, scratching at her own breast with a little too much confidence. "It was I who convinced him to accept it."

Kalina produced a sound that was half-scoff, half-laugh. "You are one tricky bitch." The lynx then paused, squinting at the leaves in Aurore's hands. "What do you need the herbs for?"

"Oh," Aurore stumbled, coming up with a quick lie. "One of the mercs dropped some glass and cut himself on it." She brandished the leaf between her fingers. "This ought to staunch the bleeding."

With her curiosity satisfied, Kalina shrugged and went back to her pile of hay to lie down. After all, her legs had been shaking...

The first phase of Aurore's plan was complete, no trouble. The herbs she had acquired had nothing to do with healing. Torpor leaves did one thing and one thing only: they sedated anyone stupid enough to consume them. It was the perfect way to peacefully get rid of a problematic customer. Strong, too. Even a small dose would put even the sturdiest of elephants into a drooling stupor for at least four days.

She could slip them into a drink and find some time alone with the lion, she could put him well out of action.

Once Thorpe was unconscious, Aurore would take his rune, and use it to enchant one of the stolen gemstones in her secret stash. The coyote was sure she could make a clearstone shine just as bright as the rune, perhaps brighter.

None of Thorpe's men seemed rather bright. Once morning came around, she would explain that the lion had merely had a little too much to drink before falling over and striking his head on her bedpost. He would be promptly carried back to his caravan, fake rune tied to his wrist.

A few days later, the lion would come to his senses, leagues down the road, only to find that his massively-expensive rune had been replaced.

Aurore, Carmen, and Tieli would be long gone by the time he would return.

The coyote's tail wagged ferociously, batting against either hip more than twice as fast as the beat of her heart. Without an inkling of shame, she was proud of her little scheme. There was only one obstacle: Thorpe apparently had no plans to drink anything given to him while in the brothel. Perhaps she could convince him to imbibe, just once.

It would be all she would need.

By the time she had returned to the main hall, the rampant fucking had largely died down, settling down to mere feasting, drinking, and empty promises to start fucking again.

The duel was nearing its conclusion. As she passed by the door, Aurore heard a voice break into falsetto range.

Someone was about to lose.

It didn't take long. Aurore had just slipped behind the bar and had filled a mug with ale just as Kensin Thorpe emerged, only clothed about the groin. As he rounded the corner, he walked right past Aurore, but he still looked about the hall, nonchalantly trying to find her. She immediately noticed his rune dangling from his fist, hanging by the leather straps.

He didn't even tie it back on. That'll make it even easier to grab.

Aurore quickly made a fan of torpor leaves, dipped them into the drink, and then proceeded to announce her presence in the most inviting way possible. She softly, coquettishly leaned on the lion's free arm, rubbing her breasts against his forearm.

He acknowledged her with a chuckle.

"I take it that you won," Aurore toyed.

Thorpe didn't answer. Instead, he pointed at the drink in her hand. "Is that for me?"

"It's for the winner."

"That'd be me."

"Well, then..." The coyote shrugged with a giggle, then lifted the cup to his muzzle, expecting him to drink from her very hands.

Thorpe paused. His eyes squinted at the drink, then back at her. The skepticism in his calculating glare caused Aurore's heart to catch in her chest.

However, her concern was alleviated when he snatched it out of her grasp and chugged the ale down to the last drop, all in one breath.

"Someone's parched."

"I worked hard today."

Thorpe then threw the mug in total disregard, took Aurore under his arm, and swept her away to the nearest empty room.

"I'm busy for the rest of the evening," the lion declared to anyone who could hear. He strode proudly toward an ajar door beneath the balcony, prodded the door open with his foot, set the coyote down, and gave her a slap on the arse hard enough to shove her stumbling onto the waiting bed. He turned around and shouted back into the rowdy, noisy hall with a blistering, excited color in his voice. "Interrupt us and you're dead!"

Thorpe slammed the door shut in a way he had wanted to do for the last hour.

"That took a while," Aurore sighed. She set herself down on her back and spread her legs, cradling a breast with squeezing fingers.

"Only because you delayed it," Thorpe quipped, tossing his vest and rune onto the nightstand. "Anything else you wish to add?"

"Oh, definitely not," she falsely beckoned him. "I have nothing left to throw in your way."

"Well, at-fucking-last," the lion groaned as he mounted the bed, ready to mount her. With a majestic stride, he crawled over top of her, his mane arcing down toward her like rain frozen in place. "Just a fair warning though. You can't take all of me."

"We'll just have to see."

"Perhaps." The lion grinned, but before he could make good on his promise, his entire body gave a massive jolt. His face shifted to one of active confusion. "Hold that thought."

Immediately, Thorpe dropped his body obliquely, so that his head hung cleanly over the side of the bed. He reached down, grabbed the waste bucket, held it beneath his muzzle, and vomited. Twice.

He had absolutely nothing in his stomach, only the ale that he had just accepted from her. He wretched two more times before dropping the bucket, then bringing his eyes to hers.

"Can't hold your liquor?" she taunted.

"What did you do?"

"In all seriousness. Are you well?"

The lion's eyes flashed shut, like he were flinching. He then shook his head, as though he were clearing away the cobwebs.

"Why wouldn't I be?" His voice was cold. Angry.

His wit remained. His playfulness had just gone far, far away.

Something was wrong. By this time, he wouldn't necessarily be unconscious, but his words would start slurring. His mind would slow. No such luck.

Had he really purged his stomach before the torpor could take effect?

If so, then Aurore's plan had just fallen apart like shredded mist.

"Tell me," Thorpe's voice shimmered with rage as he grabbed onto Aurore's breast, a little too tight for her comfort. "Could there be a more enjoyable way to subdue you after you tried to kill me?"

"W-wait," Aurore stammered, trying helplessly to push the lion to arms-length, just so she could explain her intent. "I wasn't going to k--"

"Be silent," Thorpe ordered. He pressed his entire weight on top of her, tearing feverishly at his loincloth as he pinned her down. "First, we are going to exhaust you, so you cannot run away. Then, we will take you to your master, and discuss what to do with you."

A tattered loincloth was thrown to the floor. Something hot and thick slapped against her thigh.

Aurore's ears pinned back. Her whole body tremored vigorously as the lion took control. In the cruelest of ways, this was exactly what she had asked for. 'Punishment' seemed like a fitting description now.

The coyote looked down, hoping to at least see the member that was bound to claim her, but even that was no use. Their bodies were pressed together too tightly. Even as she looked down, the lion caught her snout between his thumb and forefinger, forcing her chin to rise.

"Eyes up, girl."

A shaky exhale rattled the coyote's throat, even more so once Thorpe graced over it with his tongue, chilling her far greater than the fiercest bite could ever manage.

The lion leaned into her, using even more of his weight to hold her down. His arms locked down around her back, with his hands gently, firmly holding her rump. He pinned her hips to his abdominals, just as his tip slowly probed against her clitoris.

She started panting, her pulse pounding in her ears.

She looked like she was dying. He looked like he was stretching.

"Relax, girl," he growled. "Give it to me."

Aurore set her palms to the sheets and took them into her fists, tightly. As she tightened her grip, she opened everything else, though it was irrelevant. She lifted her head to kiss him; he pulled away, using the added angle to penetrate her.

It felt as though his cock bludgeoned its way in, slowly wedging into her flesh.

Thorpe coughed, shifted, then forced another inch.

"Haaahhh..." A voice acted of its own accord. Aurore buried her snout into the lion's chest, taking in the earthy, dry scent.

"Relax," he gently scolded her.

"I--ah!" Aurore gasped. He had begun to slide in at a quicker, more consistent pace. She blushed. "I am relaxed."

The lion paused, staring incredulously down at the canine. He scoffed through his nostrils. "Incredible."

And that was the start, when he started fucking her.

Aurore gasped, then moaned. With the calm rhythm of a lapping tide, Thorpe slid into her, partaking in her body, scrutinizing her like a trainer would a pupil.

He glared down at her, no emotion, just commitment. She had no way to notice. Her eyes were closed. Not tightly, but gently, as if she were dreaming. Her back arched each time the lion pushed deeper.

"Please," her words formed themselves. Her dignity was overwhelmed. "Don't stop."

"We've barely started."

Thorpe set the pace like he was the only one involved. Slow, but brazen, and steadily growing faster. Soon enough, his chest finally met hers.

How fucking big is he?

Before long, Thorpe met the greatest opposition of all, an obstacle he refused to cross. His glans burgeoned against the back-most wall.

He had found her cervix. Her limit.

"Hmph," he snorted with contempt. "I imagined as such." Thorpe ran his fingertips around Aurore's ear, pressing a palm to her cheek. "If you could take all of me, I would buy you on the spot, no matter the cost."

With nothing left to say, at long last, he began.

Although she was unready and unprepared, Aurore's body was more than willing to receive such forceful treatment. Her cunt slavered and clenched around the invading member, leaving an uneven, stringy coat of bubbling lubrication. There was no resistance, in any conceivable way.

Once the lion had started to plateau, he had reached a tempo powerful enough to make the coyote's tits bounce at each acute, sopping plunge. She was starting to grit her teeth now, chin tucked into her chest. At this point, Thorpe cared little where she was looking. It didn't matter.

She knew where she was.

Aurore may have had experience, but Thorpe had decades more, and he used his substantial skill to guide them both to a mutual climax. Power wasn't everything, but it opened countless rare, exciting possibilities.

With nothing stable to hold onto, Aurore bit deeply into Thorpe's mane, her legs trying to wrap cleanly around his waist. His trunk was so wide, she could barely touch the soles of her feet together behind his back.

The lion arced his body backward in a long, showy curve, placing more of his body onto Aurore. She took him in. She was ready.

Thorpe put a distinct slack in his timing, giving himself the opportunity to place his mate into a more recipient pose, as well as more degrading.

He lifted her right leg, balancing her foot atop his left shoulder, then hooked her left knee around one of his spreading thighs. The stance opened her wide, ready to take his seed.

"Haaahhh... oooouuuuhhhh..." Aurore groaned in a way that reverberated from deep inside her chest. Her muzzle slowly slid open, not under her control.

Thorpe's movements changed in their nature. Instead of short lunging, smooth and strong, he started to buck with the muscles in his powerful rump. There was a tension to his movements, the same kind of tension that gripped Aurore's own, shuddering form. The kind of tension in a mighty tree branch that was about to buckle and snap.

Aurore was made to cum first. Thorpe was less than ten thrusts behind.

Their climax was silent, but it crashed against the walls of her mind. It expanded her very perception, making her consciousness feel too broad to be contained.

Thorpe kept thrusting throughout his release; every handful of jagged jabs triggered a new string of potent cum, jetting straight into the coyote's waiting womb.

For the first time, Thorpe started panting. His muzzle opened, showing he had been drooling. He stooped forward and started to lick her. His rough, strong tongue padded over her face, as if her were grooming her.

This was their need, realized and fulfilled all at once.

Shortly after his orgasms died down, the lion stopped, lifted the coyote's thighs, and pinned her knees to the bed as he pulled out of her. In two or three uneven tugs, he was free. The effort nearly got the two of them started again. The desire was there.

As soon as Aurore's senses returned to her, she looked around, quickly finding Thorpe sitting on the edge of the bed. Instinctively, she covered her vulva with her hand, aghast, yet morbidly curious at how greatly he had filled her. It was... impressive. Cum seeped out quickly between her fingers for a great deal of time, not once slowing.

"You were right about lions," Thorpe spoke softly, not even looking at her. He was staring at the floor. "Weeks upon weeks at a time. That's the norm. I doubt you can handle such an experience. Not yet, anyway."

The lion blindly reached back and gently held her foot, scratching at the sole in an oddly possessive way.

"Worry not," he continued. "We'll work on it."

Aurore sat up as straight as she could, blood surging in a cold panic. "How do you mean?"

Thorpe turned his eyes toward her, calm, yet unflinching.

"I've decided to buy you."

Well, it looks like we're starting to get to the main course of this story. It'll be a long-runner, so there's gonna be a LOT of this, moving forward.

I really enjoyed writing this one. Aurore's a feisty one. Thing is, so is Thorpe.

Next time, things get really heavy...

Rate, fave, and comment on the characters! Some pretty big changes have already been made thanks to your awesome input!

I await your reaction.