Caged Prey

Story by Searska_GreyRaven on SoFurry

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A vampire finds a lone werewolf, and decides to add to her harem.

Caged Prey

© Searska GreyRaven

Most people don't think themselves evil. At the end of the day most people believe, or at least want to believe that they did the right thing.

Not me. I know what I am.

I glanced up at the moon, thick, full, leering down at me. The edges of my lips curled upward as a shiver of anticipation slid down my spine. Tonight was the night. Tonight that werewolf on my turf learned what it meant to challenge a vampire for territory.

I inhaled the warm ocean air. There was more than sea spray on the wind. Blood and magic, a vampire's aphrodisiac. With the slightest exertion of will, my form shifted into that of an anthro wolf. Silver fur covered my human frame, and a luxurious grey tail swished behind me. I couldn't see them, but I knew my eyes flashed bright like a living wolf's. Except a living wolf's eyes flare with gold-green glow. Mine are blood red.

By the time that werewolf saw my eyes, it would be too late.

I shivered, my loins aching with lust. It had been far too long since I'd had a new puppy to play with. I took a deep breath, tilted my head back, and howled. I raised my voice to the night, singing my claim over all within the sound of my voice and daring any who think they could wrest it from my grip to bring themselves before me. Come out, come out, wherever you are, little werewolf.

The sound of my voice echoed across the buildings of the city, and after a moment I heard the response from the werewolf I was seeking. His howl was a primal thing, a roar of rage and challenge. He was coming, coming to drive me out or end me! The threat made me chuckle. That any werewolf could get the better of me!

Bring it, little wolf. I am very, very thirsty.

He came on padded footfalls into the city park, skirting the edges and trying to get a feel for his prey. I saw him, no matter how stealthy he tried to be. I would always be able to see him, I built this city. Anything that treads its roads resonates in my mind as if the streets were threads of a spider's web.

He was alone. All alone. My smile transformed into a shark-like grin. Lone wolves, always so cocksure and arrogant. But get them on a leash and they beg like any other dog.

"All alone. Have you no pack?" I laughed, turning toward his ill-hidden form.

" can see me?" He stammered.

"Of course I can see you, wolf. This is my city," I said scornfully. I approached him, swishing my own tail from side to side with slow, luxuriant passes.

"I...well, I didn't know you were a..." He swallowed. Such a young thing, so very very young. He didn't look much older than his twentieth winter.

"That I was a...what?" I said, dropping my voice an octave. I circled the young wolf, and let the moon flash in my eyes.

He saw it, and snarled. He tried to recoil, but the innocent wolf had caught my gaze. He froze, growling, and couldn't break away.

"Vampire." He spat the word like a curse. It made me laugh.

"Foolish wolf, you challenged a vampire in her own city, and have found that you are not even strong enough to break my gaze. Come, wolf," I ordered. The werewolf struggled, his muscles bunching and straining under his skin, but he couldn't deny my request. Slowly, haltingly, he knelt at my feet, eyes still locked to mine.

I knelt and pinched his lower jaw between my fingertips. "I have a pack of your kind now, little wolf. Four big, strong male wolves who heel like dogs at the crook of my finger. And now, I shall have five."

The werewolf whimpered, tried to break my grasp. But as delicate as my touch was, he couldn't.

"Come now, you don't even have the strength to break a two-finger hold on your chin?" I laughed, and reversed my transformation. I stood before the kneeling wolf, wearing nothing but a black skirt and a halter top. I licked my fangs, drinking in the wolf's fear like wine.

I snatched up a handful of the pelt behind his neck and yanked it back. The wolf yelped, kicking out with his feet, but to no avail. Quick as a viper, I latched onto his throat, hilting my fangs to their limit in his tender flesh.

The wolf made a high-pitched shriek of pain and surprise before melting into a furry puddle in my arms. He whined plaintively, and I tightened my grasp. Warm blood flowed down my throat. Thick, coppery, slick and intoxicating. I drank, but not too deeply. I needed this wolf alive. I took another mouthful before I flicked the tip of my tongue across the twin punctures, my saliva congealing and sealing the wound.

"Come, wolf," I ordered. He looked up at me with glassy eyes and slowly got to his feet. He followed as if in a trance, not taking his eyes off me.

I laughed to know I had such power over another creature. To know that not only had this worked once, but several times over. Werewolves never learn.

I led the beast to my haven and pointed to an iron cage. "Inside, my wolf," I said, and he crawled in without question. With the delighted glee of a child with a new toy, I closed the door and locked it.

The sound of a latch locking into place startled my new pet from his trance, and he blinked rapidly.

"What...where...?" He looked at me, warm golden eyes wide with dawning terror.

"Welcome home, my new wolf," I said, grinning wickedly.

"It...this isn' can't do this!" He snarled, grasping the bars and rattling them.

"Yes pet, I can. Now, give me your paw," I demanded.

"No, I'll never--"

But sticking out from between the bars was his right paw. I seized it and sank my fangs into the wolf again. He snarled, groaned, and collapsed. The only thing holding him up with my grip on his arm.

I withdrew, sealing over the marks. "Yes, wolf, you will. You no longer have any say in the matter. Now, on your knees," I orderd. With a strained whimper, he did as he was told.

"Ah, have I broken you already? Surely you can challenge me even just a little, my new wolf. For if I have bent your will so quickly, perhaps I should allow my other wolves to play with you!"

"You'll never break me, vampire," The wolfling growled defiantly, "You may control my body, but I still have my--"

"Your...what? Your will?" I laughed. "If you think so, wolf. Fenrir!" I called. Within moments, a large black werewolf with a spiked collar trotted into the room on all fours. He whimpered and licked my palm, ears laid back in submission.

"Have you been a good boy today, my Fenrir?" I said, scratching him behind the ears. He whined and nodded. I glanced between his legs, and smiled with satisfaction at the chastity harness strapped tightly around his pride. He looked at the new wolf in the cage, and the red tip of his cock peeked from his sheath. It didn't get far before reaching the end of the iron rings, preventing him from achieving a full erection. There was no worse torment for a werewolf on the nights of the full moon. Denied release, a werewolf would do anything, anything, just to feel his wolfhood buried in warm, giving flesh.

My new wolf paled beneath his fur. " you can't!" He shook his head and pressed himself into the corner of his cage, as far away from Fenrir as he could get.

"I said, wolf, on your knees!" I said, voice cold and level. The wolf was back in position, and I smiled wickedly.

"Bring that wolf butt against the bars," I said.

He whimpered and fought me, I could feel him fighting! Such willpower in the face of what he feared most! But it was pointless. He could fight as hard as he wished, and in the end he would still be kneeling before me, his backside pressed to the bars like a bitch in heat.

I gestured to Fenrir, and he rolled onto his back. His pink tongue lolled from his lips as he panted eagerly.

"Ah, my good Fenrir, you know what a treat you are going to be given. He's an innocent. Such sweet, sweet innocent blood," I unclasped the complicated lock around his middle, releasing his wolfish member, and pointed to my trembling new wolf.

"Mount him, Fenrir. Fill him, knot him, and when you are satisfied bring the other three in for their turn. But do not give him a release. I want his cock as stiff as his fur will be after you've drenched him."

"Yes, Mistress." Fenrir lisped. Without hesitation, he approached the new wolf.

"No, no! Mother Moon, don't--" His words became in inarticulate howl as Fenrir began to rub himself against the wolf's tight opening. I sent my will into my pet's bodies, feeling the sense of degradation from the new wolf at being turning into a fuck toy and feeling Fenrir's mounting lust as he thrust against the protesting prisoner.

<He was so warm, his fur so very soft. He pressed into the young male's thighs, moaning as the silken fur stuck to the clear fluid dripping from his tip-->

<He felt the tip matting his fur with pre and shuddered. He struggled, desperately trying to force his muscles to respond, but nothing worked. He still knelt, still felt the attentions of this profane catspaw of the vampire as it lubricated his clenched anus with more dripping fluid-->

<It wouldn't be long, the pre would do its job. No werewolf could resist the scent of sex and lust. In moments, he would go from a rigid block of fur to a squealing, wriggling bundle of pleasure...>

<He moaned, and suddenly his body began to respond to the ministrations of the other wolf. His cock lengthened, encouraged by the wolf's rough pads caressing his length. He panted, and found he could move again! But...he didn't want to. He wanted this male to continue, to stroke him to orgasm, to-->

<He was ready. With a bray of joy, he gripped the wolf's hips and forced himself inside. The ring of flesh protested, but was no match of a wolf's lubricating juices or a male's frenzied lust. Fenrir thrust in and out, harder and harder, and all the while the pup beneath him squirmed, moaned, whimpered. He felt him shift his weight, and the new wolf was stroking himself-->

<A voice whispered through his mind, "You will not orgasm. You will bring yourself to just that point, but you will not come. Until I say you may, not matter how much lust burns in your veins, you cannot come." His paw sped up, just as the wolf mounting him began to pound into him with more urgency. He tried, but he couldn't close, but it just wasn't...>

<He howled in conquest as his knot filled the wolf, hilting himself and thrusting as hard and fast as he could. Werewolf cum dripped down the new wolf's thighs and pooled around his paws, and Fenrir took a pawful and slathered it across the new wolf's chest. The new wolf squirmed and begged, but Mistress was not going to let him off so easily...>

I watched all night, one after another they took him and slathered their seed across his back, along his tail, and across his muzzle. Axel, my red beauty, and Buck my silver pet, took my new pet from both sides, and the new wolf suckled Axel's shaft as if he had been born to do it. My new wolf was so filled with lust he should have creamed himself several times over. He moaned piteously as his own paw continued to stroke his shaft to the edge, but his body betrayed him again and again. His howls of frustration were such music to my ears! Clear precum fell like rain from the tip of him and coated his forepaws.

He begged me after the first hour to let him come. He'd do anything, anything! Just please, let me come. But if he could still speak human words, he was not yet broken enough to be allowed a release. My werewolves know better than to speak around me unless spoken to first. Finally, he gave up words as the need became too intense and simply whined, howled, and moaned.

When the last of my wolves was spent, I allowed him a release. He screamed, his seed spurting so strongly, it was like an arterial burst. The last of my wolves, a large white brute with blue eyes whom I had named London, grinned happily from his position atop the new male. His tongue lolled from between his white fangs, and he whimpered thankfully in my direction. I smiled and knelt next to the cage holding my new pet.

"You're mine, wolf. Your pleasure and your body are mine to control. You gained a reprieve, pet, the sun is rising. But tomorrow, I shall take my own pleasure with you."

My new wolf whined. He panted heavily, sides heaving for air. He gave me That Look, the one I saw on all my wolves' faces just after I caught them. Longing, fear, hope...submission. I sighed happily as I locked a harness around his retreating shaft, and adjusted the ones on my other wolves.

And as just before I sent my new pet to his kennel for the day, I locked a collar of silver around his throat, binding him in his werewolf form. Unless the collar was removed, he was unable to shift to human form, and only human fingers could open the locks on his throat and loins.

I gave his balls a playful stroke and, with the sound of his despairing whimper still echoing in my ears, I went to my coffin to sleep the day away.