Lars, Pokemon Anal Trainer Part II

Story by Ceeb on SoFurry

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#7 of Pokemon

Second Pokemon Quickie for FA: mrmaxwell featuring Lars the red panda again. Part one isn't necessary reading, but you may still enjoy it!

This time around, lush Lars house-sits for an alleged friend, but as the night goes on and he gets progressively more drunk and horny, Lars decides to make use of his friend's timid Krookodile for some much-needed relief. Trouble is, the poor thing doesn't want it. Not that Lars cares...

Thumbnail background is from Pokemon Black/White, dumped by Solink for The Spriters Resource.

Writing (C) me

Lars (C) FA: mrmaxwell

Krookodile and Pokemon (C) Nintendo

Lars wasn't particularly friendly with any of his drinking pals. They were at best worth a quick fuck and at worst someone to get an awkward handjob from during a movie. Some of them were Pokemon trainers, but only in a thin sense, for most of the trainers he associated with were lewd fellows like himself. Fucking Pokemon was akin to bestiality but that didn't deter Lars. Some of the best sex he had was at the paws, hands and other extremities of the assorted creatures his drinking buddies kept as partners. Lars himself had even once enjoyed a musky romp with a wild Pangoro in the woods. Fucking Pokemon was nothing new to him.

This particular buddy was one Lars considered cutting out of his life. He had been a good lay at one point with an affinity for rimming, but now he had a girlfriend and he renounced his faggoty ways. The alcoholic red panda stuck around under the pretense of being a true friend and he lured the fellow away from his girl just once. Never again, and due to that, Lars considered him a total loss.

What Lars had hoped would be a night of shitty movies and ham-handed attempts to get laid was truncated when his friend received a text. The panda would never know exactly what it said but the friend insisted, and urgently, that he needed to go see his girlfriend and asked if Lars could tend the house. "You can drink whatever you want, help yourself to the fridge," he said despondently. "I really need to go, she needs me."

As near as he could tell, Lars had no choice in the matter, but he didn't mind. He cracked open a cold one and made himself an exorbitant sandwich using most of his friend's lunch meat in the process. When his snack was through and his buzz was on in full force, Lars wandered into his the bedroom to grind his sweaty ass on his pillow, leaving a musky memento which might bring him back around. Instead of that, he was distracted by the Pokeball on the dresser.

"Didn't know you were a trainer," he murmured. With a sloppy toss, he summoned forth the Pokemon inside. It was revealed then to be a Krookodile, a squat red and white beast with black stripes, a long, mischievous-looking snout and dark eyes to match. It looked cautiously at Lars.

"Well, aren't you kinda cute," the red panda blurted. "Whatever the fuck you are." And then, bored with this new development, Lars shed his pants and boxers too. The Krookodile observed warily as Lars climbed up onto the bed and wriggled his fat, jiggly ass down on the pillow. Lars did so quite contentedly and with an impish smile on his face. "Tell your master to breathe in real deep when he puts his head on this," Lars sneered at the Pokemon.

The Krookodile seemed not to know what to think of the obnoxious panda. They had never met before. It climbed up onto the bed and knelt near bottomless Lars, balancing on its knees and tail.

Lurid thoughts plagued Lars. He developed a shameful taste for nailing Pokemon not long after that Pangoro had its way with him. He stroked his thick, black cock to stiffen it up and beckoned the Krookodile near. Though tentative in the way it moved, the Pokemon sniffed Lars' penis and then dragged its tongue across the swollen flesh. Lars moaned softly and patted the creature's cold head.

Lars stroked himself and the Krookodile lapped at his tip gingerly. A bead of pre was its reward and it licked the musky liquid off. "Hey, if you like licking things..." murmured Lars as he flopped off of the sweat-stained pillow. He put his fat ass in the air and hiked his banded tail high. Because that seemed not to be an explicit enough invitation, he pulled his cheeks apart and bared his musky asshole.

Quite timidly, the Krookodile pushed its nose into Lars' tail hole. It first sniffed and then he began licking. As it did so, Lars moaned and lazily masturbated. His tail swayed side to side and he felt he might not take long at all. Eager for more, he shoved his ass back. That, however, seemed to spook the Pokemon which pulled away and lay on the bed, looking sullen.

The red panda looked back at the Krookodile and grumbled. "Hey, we aren't done here. Keep licking," he demanded with a demonstrative spank on his ass. But the Pokemon didn't budge, and Lars wasn't getting any less horny. He reached for the Krookodile but the Pokemon squirmed away with an uneasy noise. Lars then lunged on it and forced the Pokemon onto its belly. It spoke volumes of the poor creature's good training that it dared not to defy Lars when it could have easily maimed, even killed him with its jaws. That wasn't to say it made the red panda's job easy, but it did virtually nothing to stop him.

Lars found the Krookodile's anal vent with a bit of exploratory probing. Despite seeming not to understand, the Pokemon emitted an uncomfortable whine which worsened as the panda worked his meat inside. Lars' cock was slick with pre but that was of little comfort to a dumb Pokemon with a virginal, dry ass. In fearful deference to the red panda, the Krookodile did not struggle.

"Oh, that's weird, it's so fucked-up to put my dick in something cold," Lars muttered, but the feeling clearly didn't make him uncomfortable enough to stop. He ground it in balls-deep with no consideration for the beast's well-being and he ignored the helpless sounds it made. As if to compound the Krookodile's misery, Lars let his lazy, drunk body go slack over the Pokemon, pinning it to the bed. In line with being such a layabout, Lars was sloppy and careless in his use of the Krookodile's ass. He gave it to the poor creature haphazardly, never going back in at quite the same angle twice, therefore gouging the Pokemon wider and harder every time.

It occurred to Lars that what he was doing was amoral and cruel but a lush such as Lars only thought to drown his empathy in more beer, but only after he got his rocks off, of course. Eager to get the rape over with so he could raid his friend's fridge again, Lars brought his hips down harder and faster but still with that slapdash elan so common with drunk fucks. His big balls swung down and batted the Pokemon's genital slit, whatever it may have held. He had no clue what gender the thing was. Even if it had a pussy, he was still partial to fucking it in its ass.

"Mmm, hey now," he grunted, "you'd better not tell your trainer what happened here." Lars giggled impishly and swished his big tail around. He kept on humping and grunting, pushing his cock deep inside of that reamed anal vent. Its chilly walls milked his cock however involuntarily and he spilled slippery pre into the beast.

Lars was tingly from the buzz and his orgasm felt far-off. He ground away at the Pokemon's hind-end, wondering if the poor thing was dead for the way it was simply taking it. He couldn't tell from the creature's temperature. When he heard a whine, however, he beamed. "Oh, you're alive. Good." He pushed himself up to his all fours and the Krookodile tried to move at last, but Lars gripped its shoulders and matter-of-factly said, "Nope, not done yet."

The panda licked his lips and bore down. He needed more beer and perhaps more food, too, and in a way he thought of getting his rocks off as a chore which needed to be addressed first. He bit his lip and smacked his hips against that soft hide, fucking it well past the half-hour mark and thinking little of the consequences. It never crossed his mind that his friend might show up. He just kept after it.

Finally the drunk panda shuddered and groaned. He bucked in a few more times and his balls pulled up into his loins. It was a biological urge which made him bury his cock and leave it there, and then he came, shooting many ropes of sticky spunk into the pitiful creature. Lars haggardly sighed and yanked his cock out, popping it loose of the Krookodile's anal vent. It yelped but laid quite still as it leaked the red panda's mess.

Lars abandoned it and walked pantsless through the house, his cock still drizzling the last of its mess. He raided the fridge for another beer and ate a microwaved burrito which turned out to be cold in the middle. Too buzzed to care and still in afterglow, Lars ate it anyway. He came back to find the Krookodile cowering in the corner. A little pang of guilt gnawed at him and he let the Pokemon be.

The red panda played his friend's video games, still without pants, rubbing his sweaty ass cheeks on the couch too. It came to be 1 AM and he was getting tired. Lars wondered if his friend's girl was maybe in the hospital, but he was too disinterested to care. Sleepily and slovenly, Lars took to the bedroom and flopped onto the distressed sheets. He was just about to let drunk sleep take him away when he caught sight of the trembling Krookodile hiding in the doorway to the en suite bathroom. Lars got up to take a piss, and on the way back he dragged the Pokemon up into the bed and pushed it onto its belly again.