First Times & Heat Rhymes Part One: Commision from Amethyst Mare

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#3 of Story commissions

Set in 1930, 15 years after the first commission with Amethyst Mare "Vampiric Activity".

First Times & Heat Rhymes

Written by Amethyst Mare (Arian Mable) for Duncan 213

Part One

Still and quiet, the grey wolf embraced the night.

She perched upon a flat rock beside the river, hind paws dangling over the edge to dip her bare toes in the water. Her sandals sat on the rock beside - a bold style choice for a young lady of her time - within her reach if needed. Staring down into the water, she swept her hair over her shoulders, letting it fall in a shimmering, black curtain down her back. Lined with willow trees, the trickle and burble of the river was soothing to her twitching ears and she relaxed as the minutes dripped by, leaning back on her paws to cast her gaze towards the star spangled sky.

So much bright...

Had she been rash in her choice? The wolf shook her head, trouble gleaming in her eyes. It had been a simple enough thing to accept an invitation. It could even be said to be impolite to ignore an invitation from a good friend without fair reason, especially for a young lady. Yet she questioned her choice. She blinked slowly, trying to make sense of the repetitive action, the physical sense of being. Whereas she had pursued the quest of knowledge in her young life, traveling to countries on the nearest continent to her home soil, England, it was not an interest in yet another summer study retreat that made her toes curl impatiently.

She blushed, raising a paw to her cheek to feel the heat seeping through fur, invisible to all but touch.

No: hers was a far sweeter concern.

A bush rustled and she sat up, tail stiff and ears pricked to catch the faintest noise on the breeze. The bush - a small, green shrub of approximately waist height - shivered with mirth, a chuckle bursting forth. Knowing 'it' had been caught, the culprit of mischief himself leapt from it, leaves and twigs tangled in his mop of brown hair, a mangled tuft atop his head.

The wolf shook her head, heartbeat returning to something akin to a normal pace. Though she could never be truly relaxed around this bat, oh no.

"Hans," she murmured. "You followed me from the house."

"I would not have followed you from any other location, my dear."

Too quick for her.

He bowed with a flourish, sweeping a winged arm across his stomach in the most gentlemanly pose he could muster. Against her will, the wolf giggled, the sound loud under the cover of darkness. Yet there was no one near enough to hear them; even the lights of Hans' brother's house were snuffed out in the distance, candles and lamps quieted as the household slumbered. Only the youngsters were awake to cause trouble this night.

The wolf paused, wanting to say more, but was unable to stop greedily drinking in the bat's form with her eyes. Garbed in a thick coat, his flannel sleeping trousers fell to his ankles, boots unlaced and messy. She flushed at the thought that he had not even wanted to wait to tie his laces before following her outside. She had made sure he had seen her leave, after all and his haste pleased her.

His leathery wings creaked as he stood up tall, brown fur bristling along the line of his short muzzle, which was tipped with a flat nose.

"What has possessed you to come out here on your own, Bethany?" Hans frowned, shrugging off his father's overcoat. "You shall catch your death."

"I do not feel the cold, you know this, Hans. And I was not the one hiding in a bush. Could you not find a more suitable hiding place? We are no longer pups, after all."

"Bethany." His eyes were stern as he held out his coat to her, offering it in one paw. "Please. I will not see you chilled."

She sighed and took the offered coat, rising to her hind paws on order to put it on.Hans stood and inch or two taller then her, otherwise matching the charming female perfectly in height. Clad in a simple nightshirt, he shivered, short fur fluffing up as he strove not to show Beth that he was indeed cold. The wolf's lips twisted and she faced the fleeting thought of wrapping her arms around him, pulling him close so that he could share the natural heat of her body.

The cold never bothered me anyway...

She crossed her arms over her chest, pressing the thin night shirt close to her fur.

"You can call me Beth, Hans. You are always so formal with me. Why is that?"

"My..." He rubbed his shoulder, fingers dancing away an itch. "You are direct tonight...Beth. There is something different about you. I shall be damned if I can put my finger upon it though."

Beth turned her muzzle away, hiding a smile. She did not want Hans to think she was laughing at him, the way he still ever so slightly mixed up his words. A German accent was difficult to hide but his skill in speaking English was incomparable to any other English second language speaker she had come across thus far. It never ceased to amuse her and made something in her heat flutter like the wings of a trapped butterfly.

The bat stepped closer. Beth imagined she could sense the beat of his heart, tap-tapping like a drum as it pumped his life blood through his veins. Her mouth watered and blinked, chasing away the notion with scowl. No, not that. It was not proper for the moment. Mother had said so. She would not say anything serious without rhyme or reason to her cautions.

"Will you not return to the house with me?" Hans folded his wings in front of his body, blocking out the worst of the nippy breeze. "For the summer months, it is not pleasant here."

"If you are cold, why did you give me your coat?"

Beth's eyes twinkled and he parted his lips to give a smart answer in reply, only the catching on to her ploy.

"Bethany." He shook his head, exaggerating the motion. "You are wicked."

"Am I?"

Beth licked her lips and placed one paw over his heart, claws pricking into the fabric of his shirt just hard enough so that he trembled at the sensation. He was not born of the predator species she was, his ancestors hunting smaller prey under the cloak of the night. The wolfess leaned in close, close enough so that their noses almost touched, though not quite. He swayed, mesmerised.

"You have not seen anything yet, my Hans."

His eyes clouded with confusion and he tilted his head to the side; Beth near melted.



"Yet," she confirmed, pressing her lips to his in a kiss.

He stiffened, her boldness catching him off guard, and she seized her chance, wrapping her arms around his neck to hold his muzzle to hers. Tilting her head to the side, she flicked her long, canine tongue over his lips, enticing him to part them, and he welcomed her tongue inside. She deepened the kiss, fiery need rising in her loins so that it was all she could do not to whimper and grind her hips against him. Was this what it was like to be in heat? No, she was not in heat, she was too young. All she felt was raw lust. And she loved it.

Moaning softly into the kiss, Beth curled her fingers into Hans' short fur, tail wagging as his leathery wings wrapped around her, moving without conscious thought from the bat in question. His body knew what to do but, alas, the young male fumbled in his touch, moving his paws restlessly as if he knew not where to place them.

Blushing crimson, Hans pulled away and held up his paws, angling his body away from Beth. He stared her down reproachfully, a wounded edge to his rigid stance.

"Bethany, we should not be doing this!"

Her eyes narrowed.

"Why should we not?" She crossed her arms over her chest and glared. "Do you not want me, Hans? Have your sidelong looks and so accidental caresses been for naught?"

"Of course not! I desire you more then anything in the world. I would do anything to taste you on my lips again, Beth, only..." He bit his lip, looking down at his twisting paws. "I have never...been with a female. I do not know what to do."

"Oh..Is that all that concerns you?" She chuckled, resting a paw on his form. "Please, Hans, I have never been with a male. We are on even ground in this matter."

He fiddled with his wings, his tuck of a tail pressing down over his rump, little protection that it was.

"In this matter?" He muttered at last, unwilling to raise his voice a whisper.

"Of course, I best you intellectually."

He smiled at that, brightness returning to his eyes.

"It is not proper to lay with you, Bethany," he said, interlacing his fingers as her face fell, darkening. "I would much rather do things in the proper way, as we should. I care for you so much. You are important-"

Her lips crashed into his and he squeaked, protests muffled by her ferocity. Her paw boldly dropped to the bulge in his night trousers that he so desperately tried to hide and squeezed, thrilled by the thickness she found: clear evidence that he desired her like no other. Hans whined, a high pitched keen of longer, and ran his paws wonderingly down her back, exploring the curve of her body for the vary first time. Beth savoured every second, arching into his touch like a domestic feline being petted.

Bearing the bat down to the grass, Beth laid him gently upon his back and straddled his hips, paws on his chest as, panting, they broke the kiss, sharing breath. Their chest heaved and Beth groaned, squeezing her thighs around the male's narrower hips, his hardness grinding beneath her night skirt.

"Tell me that you do not want me," she breathed, "and I shall walk away. I will never speak of this moment again."

"I cannot..."

"Then we have no reason to hold ourselves back, my sweet Hans."

She fiddled with the buttons on his shirt, tongue sticking out the corner of her mouth as she fought to reveal him. It would be cold, she was sure of it, but she had to see him, she Simply had to. The buttons to her cool paws and she parted the fabric breathlessly, tail wagging gently to and fro like the pendulum of a clock.

He whimpered as her fingers grazed over his black nipples, perking them up into peaks in the cool snap of air. Curious, she dropped her muzzle to one, giving it a tentative lick much as one would if they were tasting an unfamiliar food. Hans curled his paws into fists and moaned, encouraging her to try again. Playing each nipple with her tongue, she discovered his sensitivity, paws simultaneously struggling to tug down his trousers, which were held only at the waist by a fabric tie.

Doing away with modesty, Beth untied the cloth and flung it aside to the grass, polling down Hans' night trousers along with his undergarments, tangled in a pile of fabric. It made it difficult to admire him. Sitting up, Hans traced his fingertips down Beth's side, breath coming in short, sharp pants as he slowly raised her shirt, asking the unspoken question: may I?

In answer, she lifted her arms over her head, allowing him to remove her night shirt with the solftest of touches. Her breasts hung prettily in the moonlight, pulled down into light teardrops from their own weight, full and heavy as she blossomed. Hans bit his lip and swallowed a moan, raising a tentative paw to caress one, touch fumbling in its gentleness. Beth squirmed and arched into him, tail sweeping a path over his legs.

But the young wolfess was too impatient to waste time on touches when her loins burned. Standing up, she ripped her skirt from her legs, hopping on one hind paw with a curse as she struggled to disentangle it from her legs. Hans raised a paw, half-moving to help, before dropping back on the damp grass with a laugh, paws behind his head.

"And what has entertained you so?" She huffed, throwing the skirt forcefully at his head.

He snuffled, his world grey underneath a cloak of cloth, and he yanked it from his face, muzzle wrinkled in a cheerful bat grin.

"You look..."

He trailed off, words failing him as Beth stood naked before him. Her paws on her hips, fire flared in her eyes and she tapped a hind paw upon the ground, grey fur melding seamlessly to white where it came to her underbelly. She flicked her hair back over her shoulder and crossed her arms over her bosom as if suddenly self-conscious of her nudity, though her eyes never left the bat's face. Slowly, she licked her lips, showing off a gleam of white fangs, jaws strong enough to clamp shut around a fur's throat and suck out their life blood in a single serving. Hans shivered. She was a force of nature to be reckoned with.

He wondered if he cold survive the rising tide.

Bethany stalked up to him, not giving him any choice in the matter. Dropping to her knees, she ran a paw down the soft fur of his chest, feeling his developing muscles with a murmur of appreciation. The wag returned to her tail and the bat relaxed, enjoying the caress and resisting the urge to cross his legs as his body responded, cock rising and hardening into a breeding spire. This did not escape Beth's attention and she stroked his shaft tentatively with the palm of her paw, easing up and down the length until Hans gritted his teeth, instinct electrifying his veins.

"Does it feel good, my sweet?"

If she had been a feline, Bethany would have purred. Emboldened by his reaction, she wrapped both paws around his length, pumping and stroking like she had heard felt pleasurable, though her stimulation was far from seamless. The first time was always a learning experience, so it was said, only she was taking her first time long before they had confessed to any of theirs. Beth smiled, confident in herself even if her paws trembled. If she had Hans, what else did she have to worry about? The bat wanted her and that was all that mattered in the moment.

Casting him a sly wink, the wolf dipped her muzzle, playing her tongue experimentally over the head of his cock. Hans tensed and groaned deep in his throat, arms splayed out against the ground. Beth could have clapped her paws in delight. She repeated the motion, using her long canine tongue to lather the bat's length in saliva, the first drop of lubrication for what they both knew was to come, the losing of their virginities. Holding his length up and away from his body, she made sure that no spot was left untouched and every sensitive nuance until the bat was no more then a quivering heap of muscle.

"Beth, please," he begged. "Do not make me wait. I have wanted you for so long. Please do not stop..."

"All in good time, my dear Hans."

The wolf smirked, lips pulling up at the corner, and withdrew, paws exploring his balls with unduly careful fingertips; she knew how it was to hurt males in that area ll too well. Rolling his lightly furred orbs between her fingers and thumb, Beth wriggled her hips, need rising in the pit of her stomach. It was fun to play but she needed more, oh so much more. She shifted up alongside the bat, one paw stroking his chest as the other explored his balls and shaft. Beth moved, Hans lifted his head, blinking through a daze of lust.

"Bethany...Beth, What are you doing?"

She smiled, secrecy in her eyes as she tilted her muzzle down coyly, peering at him through her eyelashes. The look made his heart skip a beat and his cock throbbing, pulsing clear pre-cum on the tip of his shaft.

"I will make you feel good, Hans," she promised. "Quiet, Just...relax. This will feel good. I know what I want to do."

Nuzzling down the length of his body, from chest to lower abdomen, Beth turned so that she straddled him again, facing his uncurling toes. Her back arched as she extended her body on to all fours, tail lifted invitingly to give Hans the perfect view of her pink, untouched sex, clitoris just peeking out from under it's protective hood. He gulped and lifted in paws to her hips, scratching through her fur so that she rumbled with pleasure, dipping her muzzle to his cock once more while his confidence grew.

This time, she steadied his dick with one paw and parted her lips, taking the head between them completely. He jerked - she grazed him with a tooth - and mumbled an apology, slowly letting her muzzle sink lower and lower, ideally shaped for the act she had in mind. Her short claws dug into his thighs as she took his smooth cock almost completely into her muzzle, a couple of inches remaining outside. Though she squinted, she could not quite see how much more she had to take in the low light and grumbled, bobbing her muzzle in a slow, steady rhythm, setting her own pace as she learned. Her tongue squeezed up against the underside of his cock and the bat squirmed, paws moving from his body to the grass and up to her side, running down the length of her torso, all he could reach. There was nothing he would do to halt the moment.

Staring up at her pussy, Hans groaned, drawing her rump down to his muzzle. Moisture glistened upon her folds as he panted heavily, instinct overcoming shyness to lap over the puffy flesh. His partner twisted in his gasp and he took this to mean that enjoyed his attentions, dipping his tongue inside her cunny to taste deeper of her essence. Moaning around a mouthful of cock, Beth arched her back, leaning heavily on her elbows to thrust back back at Hans' eager tongue, her body understanding the act far better then she. The tongue was a tease and she so desired with a hot, throbbing shaft, cum spilling inside her. It reminded her of what was to come and the wolf struggled to concentrate on keeping her lips pressed around the bat's cock in a tight 'O', rather then allowing her teeth to come into contact with his sensitive skin again. Blood pulsed just below the surface and she felt that old, familiar ache in her stomach, bidding her to bite and bite, to taste...

But that was a heritage she had no manner to acknowledge as yet. Shaking off the primitive, vampiric urge, Beth worked over his cock with a groan, tail flipping from side to side as he pleased her as well as he could. The steady laps of his tongue her hips jerk, more and more feminine arousal soaking her pussy and the softer fur around it, copious amounts dripping down her thighs. She had no idea that it was possible to become so wet and aroused! What was the bat doing to her? She shuddered. Hans even chanced a few cheeky swipes of his tongue over the pucker under her tail, making the muscle clench and release in a strange, illicit pleasure. She shuddered and sat up, a string of saliva briefly connecting her lips to his cock as she pulled away. Was that supposed to feel so good?

The bat almost did not notice her retreat, so focused was he upon her sweet nectar. As if starved of food and drained of water for mouths on end, he flicked his tongue over her clit and drove it between her pussy lips with small grunts, one paw tugging at skin to pull back the hood covering her clit. Beth panted heavily and rocked her hips in time with the bold assault, need rising to a crescendo. She had to have him.

"Hans..." She caught his attention, looking back over her shoulder with piercing eyes that shone through the darkness. "Take me."

Her tone left no question in the air between them. Beth took the initiative and, though it was difficult to pull away from the whimpering bat, lay back on the ground with her legs spread invitingly. Seeing Hans unable to tear his gaze away, she wickedly pulled her legs back with her paws, bending at the knee and displaying her tight little sex.

He crawled over her and pressed his lips to hers, lining up his cock with one paw as he balanced, fearful of dropping his weight on to the female he perceived as more delicate then he. The head of his cock bumped into her thighs and he growled, the sound making Beth's eyes go wide, pressing against the wrong part of her folds before finally nudging just the head inside. She hissed through her teeth and her head fell back to expose the creamy white of throat to Hans, who adored it with kisses, easing in deeper.

Whining, Beth arched up into him, the tingling edge of pain swiftly fading, replaced by a steady stretch after her virginity was taken. The mixture of his saliva and her juices made his entry gentler and he murmured soft words to her-indecipherable beside her heady pants-as he slipped the full length into her tight passage.

"My sweet Bethany..."

She wrapped her legs around his waist and locked her gaze with his, arms around his neck. The wolf clung on to him as if she would be swept away if she did not anchor herself. Her limbs squeezed around the bat and moaned as he thrust, rolling his hips and becoming more confident with every stroke, though they were far from smooth. Her heels dug into his back and he winced, ignoring the edge to mate with his sweetheart as she desired, as he desired. Propping himself up on his paws on either side of the female's head, Hans' forehead dampened with sweat, drops beading and instantly soaking into the fur.

Rocking into her, he huffed, breath coming with greater difficulty. No one had ever told him that sex required so much energy! And his wolfess was insatiable, digging her fingers into his shoulders and whining for more, demanding more. Would he be able to sate her? Hans shivered: he would have the most wonderful time finding out either way, he was sure of it.

Each stroke brought him closer to climax, however, and the bat shook his head, striving to held off. Catching Beth off guard, he pulled out and rose to his knees, holding out his paws to pull her up to him. She took his paws uncertainly, allowing him to pull her to her knees, and conveyed what words could not and Hans' heart soared. Beth growled, pushing her muzzle up to his, forcing him to give attention that he gladly supplied, paws rubbing her breasts.

"Come here," he squeezed a breast. "May we try something else?"

"If you so insist," Beth answered with a further rumble, teeth catching his neck in a love bite. "What did you have in mind, my sweet bat? You would not keep a lady waiting now, would you?"


Hans took up position much the same as Beth had, slipping down to his back on the grass. Opening his arms, he beckoned the wolf in closer with the promise of sweet caresses. Her need burned so fiercely that she could not resist even if she had will to. He pulled her over him, helping her to straddle his body, and spread her thighs wide, rubbing the flat of his paw over her pussy.

"Easy," she breathed. "I'm so tight for you, it is such a stretch, Hans. I am unsure if I can take you in this way."

"We shall take it slowly, Beth, I promise. I hear that this feels good for female furs." He paused. "I hope I can make you feel as good as you make me feel."

She nodded, blushing beneath her fur. She was too young to understand the capabilities of her body and had only heard of females being mounted by males so far in her young life. Being on top was a foreign idea and one that made her thrum with excitement, fire racing through her body, fingertips tingling at the brush of Hans' fur. Kneeling with her hips above Hans' crotch, she lowered them carefully, allowing her partner to position his cock. The angle was more difficult then missionary and the rounded tip scraped roughly over Beth's folds several times, Hans mumbling apologies in his native tongue. Eventually, however, Beth adjusted the angle of her hips, leaning further forward over Hans' body to allow him to push in, hips easing up as she slid down, folds enveloping his thick shaft.

The bat's length slipped in deep, stimulating a patch of nerves within Beth's passage that she had not known existed: it was a night for new experiences. The wolfess panted like a bitch in heat and rocked her hips with a low moan, paws curling into the thicker fur of Hans' chest, pushing herself off his body as she used him for support. The bat was more then willing for her to direct the motion, paws sliding up and down, from her waist to her hips and back again. It was a fight against nature to hold back the bat was irrevocably thrust towards climax with the rise and fall of her hips, a hypnotic sway and grind that made him writhe helplessly. It felt right to be pinned beneath his wolf, her strong thighs gripping his body.

Beth yipped, uncaring of who heard. She ground her hips down, hilting Hans within her and yelped as he struck a particularly sensitive spot inside, what she would later lean from texts and talk was a 'G-spot'. It was not something commonly known for well mannered ladies but Beth was one to learn and she knew that it felt good. Arching for the deepest penetration possible, Beth whimpered like a pup, roaring orgasm teetering a hair's breath away, almost within reach.

"Hans!" She cried out, teeth digging into her lip for the sweet, metallic taste of blood. "I'm so close-please don't stop! My Hans!"

The bat could not answer and thrust up, planting his hind paws flat on the ground to buck roughly into the canine. That did it for Beth; she threw her head back and howled to the stars above as she hit the explosive climax of her life, the taste of blood in her muzzle. Her muscles jerked and she dug her claws into Hans' chest, chest heaving without breath as she struggled to gasp in breath that would not come. Her pussy clenched and rippled around his cock, turning her already tight, hot passage into something even more erotic, enough to rock Hans past the point of no return. He climaxed more quietly then Beth, spilling cum into her no longer virgin pussy and collapsing on the grass, his strength abruptly leaving him.

Beth, however, was far from done as orgasm dipped, returning her to her senses with a slippery rod of flesh deep in her cunt, softer now. The wolf shuddered and, calling every last reserve of her muscles, staggered to her hind paws, letting Hans' softening cock slide from her pussy. Excited and far from sated, her bosom heaved as she grinned at Hans, his eyes wide and curious.

He pushed himself up on one arm as she walked away, whining softly as he feared she was leaving him so soon. Had he done something wrong? But no sooner had his lips parted to ask the question then he realised exactly what Beth was doing, his sweet, sultry, seductive wolfess. Bethany leaned into a sturdy pine, wrapping both arms around the trunk and arched her back, thrusting her rump out in open invitation.

Looking back over her shoulder, she whined plaintively, wriggling her backside with her tail held high, her flushed, dripping folds as potent as a siren's call.

"Take me again."