
Story by Onyx Tanuki on SoFurry

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"You'd better pick up the pace, boy," the larger of the two orcs chided, lightly kicking his captive's heels in an effort to make him walk faster.

"My name's not 'boy,'" the rope-bound lagomorph answered scornfully, trying to hang onto his pride as a soldier despite being captured. "It's Haku."

The green-skinned barbarian roughly shoved Haku forward, making him collide with the brown orc leading them through this dense portion of the wood. The latter made no response aside from a push back in return. "Whatever. Just move your ass. We could've just killed you right where we found you and saved ourselves the effort of dragging you around."

It was the truth. To the Moonslive Orcs, trespassing in their forest was a crime that was punishable by death. But the bunny figured he'd be just small enough and quick enough that he could accept the request to spy on them. The lithe hunter had greatly misjudged his enemies, however, and he hadn't even been aware of their presence until he felt the force of the smaller orc's maul against the back of his skull. So here he was, being taken to the Moonslive camp to be judged, mumbling curses the whole way.

It was no surprise Haku's commander had chosen him for the covert operation. He was probably the most physically imposing amongst the Tallear tribe. His torso was cut through with lithe muscle that gave shape to the leather tunic worn over it. His arms had the strength to wield a bastard sword as if it was one of the lightweight daggers the less experienced of his troop carried. His legs, draped with loose breaches tucked into polished silver grieves, gave him speed unparalleled. His mocha fur closely matched the fallen dead leaves, giving him natural camouflage.

And yet, next to these giant demihumans, the bunny seemed frail and diminutive. His arms were not budging against the knots binding them together despite his efforts to wiggle free, and his sword was equally useless to him when it now sat at the hip of the orc behind him. His fur didn't help him blend in as well as the dull browns and greens which pigmented the Moonslives' flesh. Agile legs weren't as much so when they got caught in snares and tripwires that served to slow one down. Haku never would have stood a chance.

Within a few more miles, the dense shrubs and tightly-packed tree trunks finally began to thin out, opening up to a small grotto. "Hold up, Flennet," the green orc commanded, prompting his companion to halt, once more making Haku's face crash into rusty chainmail as he failed to anticipate the stop. "The sun'll be setting within the hour, and base camp's half a day away. Better rest up while we have the chance." The as-yet-unnamed Moonslive dropped his backback onto the ground, holding onto the hare's bound forearms as Flennet began setting up camp. "And you..."

Haku suddenly felt his body lifted off the ground by the rope tied about him, and flailed violently around as he was hung by the arms on a branch of a nearby tree. "H-hey! Put me down, asshole!" he hissed, but his demands were ignored. He continued to writhe and shout obscenities and insults at the orc. That is, until a blood-spattered dirk was swiftly produced and he felt its cold tip pressed to the nape of his neck.

The Moonslive grinned maliciously, then slowly drew the blade down, applying enough force that it easily scored a line through the hare's tunic and threatened to do the same to the flesh beneath it. Their eyes stayed transfixed on one another's, Haku's suddenly wide with fear and the orc's sparkling in sadistic delight, while the knife slid down the Tallear's body, not stopping until the edge rested at his belt buckle. "I thought that'd shut ya up," the orc chuckled, making the small blade vanish with the flick of his wrist into the scabbard at his hip. "Any more temper tantrums and I'll cut your belly open just like I did to that hide. Clear?"

Haku gasped a few times, not realizing he'd been holding his breath. He hadn't quite grasped until now that these two barbarians actually held his life in their dirty, thick-fingered hands. His tongue was feeling numb, his spine trembled, and he could barely fight back the urge to piss himself in fright. His eyes still wide from fear and sweat forming on his brow despite the sudden chill of autumn air on his now-bared chest, he slowly nodded. "C-clear." It was obvious now that he wouldn't survive the night if he didn't put his prideful nature aside until he could find an escape.

While he watched the two setting up their tent, Haku really got his first chance to examine the two beasts he'd been captured by, and it was pretty easy to see how little of a chance he would have stood against them even if he'd picked up on them stalking him. Flennet was a lightweight as orcs go, but even he made the Tallear feel feeble. What he'd previously thought a chainmail shirt was more of a vest affixed to a tough canvas, dangling over what was otherwise bare mud-hued flesh that rippled with more muscle than any Tallear could dream of acquiring. And yet, despite the bulk, it didn't look unwieldy on him. Below that was a pair of canvas breeches that were cut off below the knee, and about his neck was a thick red scarf, completely covering his throat. Short, shaggy red hair covered his scalp, the only long part being braided facial hair coming from each corner of his mandible where his sideburns ended.

The green orc seemed to be his commander, because it was he who did the talking while Flennet remained mostly silent throughout. This larger male had far less of his emerald skin exposed than the other, but the fact that he topped his companion in terms of muscle tone was still quite obvious. His chest was obscured by a well-worn breastplate that bore the dents of battle and so encrusted with blood of enemies that one could only guess at what kind of metal it was made of. He had gauntlets, boots, and a tasset that matched the chest armor in wear, and covering his legs and abdomen was a deep blue pair of trousers and undershirt. The only flesh that could be seen was that of his arms and from his neck up. He was completely bald, with a black tribal tattoo covering the left side of his head from scalp to cheekbone.

Haku found himself curious about his captors. He was scared shitless, sure, but he figured the more he knew about them, the more chance he'd have to pick a weakness out and exploit it to escape. Not to mention being civil would ensure the green Moonslive didn't eviscerate him. "May I at least ask the name of my captor?" he inquired, a hint of sarcasm still sneaking into his voice despite efforts to restrain it.

"Shank," the emerald orc answered matter-of-factly. "And he's Flennet."

"He can't answer for himself?"

"He's mute. His vocal chords were severed when he was a teenager by one of your tribesmen, boy. Show him." At Shank's command, the brown orc dropped the firewood he'd been collecting and walked over to the bunny, pulling the scarf down from his neck to show a thick, gnarly scar streaking across his throat.

The hare recoiled a bit in disgust, though not sure whether it was a reaction to the ugliness of the scar itself or the knowledge that one of his people had caused it. "Surely it was an accident. No Tallear would do something so-"

"He was kidnapped, boy. Kidnapped and tortured for information." Shank spoke slowly and clearly, through gritting teeth.

"I... see." Haku looked at the ground. When this was all over, he'd be sure to ask his commander if he knew about this. It was one thing to pry information from an enemy, but resorting to such vile measures was inexcusable. Surely the orc had to be lying to him, and yet the scar that he'd seen could not have been made unintentionally. "But you need not hold it against me."

Shank grinned slightly, his red eyes sparkling with a hint of kindness that pierced through the maliciousness Haku had seen. "If I did, do you think you'd be alive right now?" The Tallear didn't have to answer that.

A clap caught the attention of both orc and hare, the Moonslive knowing it to be Flennet's way to say he'd prepared the campfire. It was but a few orange threads flickering up from the timber for the moment, but once the softer, fibrous brush caught, it'd become a healthy nest of flames. "C'mon, Flennet, let's find some grub," the green beast declared, patting his mute companion on the back while drawing his bloodied dirk.

"H-hey... hey! At least let me sit on the ground!" Haku shouted after them as they went off to hunt, but his cries were ignored. Wisely so, since he likely would have bolted the moment they were out of sight. He growled to himself, resigned to dangling from this tree branch the rest of the evening. "Well, shit."

"Wake up, boy." For a second, Haku thought the remnants of a bad dream were haunting his slowly waking mind, but a light jab to the gut sent that idea out of his head. It was a surprise to the hare that he could have fallen asleep in the position he was in, but somehow he had. Night was already starting to fall, but the sky was clear and the moon bright, providing an additional source of light besides the roaring campfire that cast a slight orange glow on the surroundings. "Time to eat."

"Can't I at least get down? I... can't even feel my arms..." Flennet answered by striking the branch with his maul and breaking it, sending the Tallear tumbling. "Gha... fuck, that hurt!"

"Just shut up and eat," Shank said, digging through his own food messily.

"How!?" His ears dropped when he saw Flennet return from the fire with a plate of roasted boar meat in hand. "I'm not eating that shit, I'm a vegetarian."

"Not tonight, you're not." Before Haku could protest the green Moonslive, he found meat being shoved into his mouth, and reluctantly he chewed and swallowed it. It wasn't bad, actually. He accepted the rest with a little less need for force, and as he swallowed the last bite, he noticed Shank fetching a few flasks from his backpack.

"H-hey. Can I get some water?" With a chuckle, the green orc brought one of the vials to the hare's lips and tilted it up. "M... mph!" He nearly sprayed the fluid all over Shank's face. "What the fuck is that!?"

"What? Never had orcish mead before, boy?" the Moonslive chuckled, downing some of the fluid from the flask himself.


"Heheh... it'll taste better with the next drink."

"Ah, fuck..." He suddenly found his head gripped by Flennet and tilted up as another flask was emptied into his throat, then a third, and a fourth. He tried to keep it from going down, but between flasks, the brown Moonslive's hand covered his mouth tight, forcing the bunny to swallow or choke. Finally, after a fifth container of the potent drink, his head was released, and he coughed and sputtered. "Gha, what the fuck!?" The green orc was laughing heartily, while his companion's chest rose and fell in a soundless chuckle. Haku felt lightheaded already, his eyesight getting blurry. "Sh-shit... d-dizzy... poison..."

"What's the matter, boy, never gotten shitfaced before?" Shank laughed again, rubbing the space between Haku's ears with a friendliness that conflicted with the Tallear's status as their prisoner. "That's not poison, it's just alcohol." His demeanor told the hare that the orc was drunk already, and the slight stumbling of Flennet told that he too was feeling the effects.

"W-whoa... why did you... ugh... damn it, stand still!"

"Heheh... check it out, Flennet, boy's a lightweight." The mud-hued barbarian grinned, walking dizzily over to the hare. "Can't take your mead, can ya?"

Haku's head felt as if it was trapped in some type of fluid, hovering a few feet over his body. Not only did he not eat meat, but he didn't drink alcohol, either. He was a bit surprised that he could retain any memory, but he could. He was beginning to shiver, and yet a cold sweat was starting to drip from his brow.

Both orcs wore twisted smiles now. When had they chosen to sit next to him? Was there always a tree behind him? He looked down to see Flennet's hand go over his chest, pulling part of his slashed-open shirt aside. "Whuddya... d-doin'?" he slurred, his instinct to jolt away from the touch being suppressed by his bound state. "Wh-wha..."

"Looks like he wants ya, boy." Haku didn't have time to look in Shank's direction before the other orc's lips met his chest, making him shiver in undesired pleasure at the tongue and teeth suddenly accosting his nipple.

"Stop... d-doin' that..." he pleaded weakly, but he was ignored. He didn't know whether he wanted this to happen or not. Probably not. But what could he do about it? Briefly, his mind tried to define what was happening as rape, but the alcohol's influence apparently awakened some suppressed libido. He slowly tried to wiggle away, but only backed up more against the tree. "Geddaway... I'm a vir... vir... virgin..." he slurred, but despite himself, he was starting to feel a tingle in his loins. "Nah... dunget... h-hard... dungethard..."

"Oh, would you look at that?" Shank's eyes focused on Haku's growing bulge. "He likes having his tittes sucked." His own face descended onto the other side of the hare's chest, and he began suckling the small man's right teat with as much vigor as his brown-skinned companion was the left. His large hand went directly to the tent in Haku's breeches, fondling it roughly.

The little bit of remaining sobriety in the hare's head begged his body to stop reacting like it was to his captors. If it wasn't for that damned orcish mead, he wouldn't be enjoying this so much. At least he didn't think he would. In one last effort to escape the ecstasy, he tried to scream, but it only came out as a throaty moan.

Haku's amber eyes, glazed over with drunkenness, fixated on Shank's hand, watching it pull at the laces keeping the front of the hare's trousers together, then reaching in to tug out a throbbing erection that the Tallear hadn't wanted. Slowly, he rolled the loose flesh upward, then down, smiling at the deep grunt the bunny made and watching a small drop of precum come up from the tip. He rubbed a finger over it, then immediately shoved it into Haku's mouth, forcing the drunken spy to taste himself. "Like how that tastes, Haku?"

The hare blushed hard, realizing that he did like it. Slowly, his head nodded, and Shank rose to his feet. From here, Haku could see the orc's pants tented, the blue fabric stained with a rather large dark spot. Suddenly he felt incredibly thirsty. His stomach was full of pork and mead, but his mouth was watering like he'd been starving for weeks, and that stain was the first sustenance he'd seen.

"Good..." He hooked both thumbs into the front of the trousers and tugged them down under his balls, and what Haku saw made his mouth drop open in shock. The hare was well-hung for members of his tribe, with a rather impressive six inches of bunny meat that now was lying erect on his belly, but he was dwarfed by this monster. The twitching green shaft couldn't be less than nine inches long, uncut, the ruby-red glans peeking out from loose foreskin. A web of sticky precum clung from it to the front of Shank's pants, only breaking as he moved in front of the bunny, an action that made his behemoth prick wobble and throw the threads off. The Tallear didn't even realize he'd been gawking with his mouth agape until he saw the organ approach and felt the head of it slide against his tongue. Immediately he tried to push his head back, but Shank already had it braced in one hand, and the salty juice dripping so readily from the fat member drew him in again, making him want more.

He barely could feel the removal of Flennet's lips from his nipple, but he sure as hell felt the fingers that slid against his virgin hole, rubbing sweat and precum onto it. His hips squirmed, but the brown Moonslive took it as a signal to pierce him, which he did gently. Even a single digit was nearly enough to make Haku shout in pain, but as it began pumping into him, he came to realize that the pain was giving way to the most wonderful sensation of ecstasy he'd ever felt. Unconsciously, he tightened his lips over the cock being rubbed on his tongue and began sucking on it.

"Mmm... that's right, Haku..." Shank lightly growled, rolling his hips, sliding his dick back and forth into a mouth made willing though the effects of inebriation. "Suck it... just like that, bitch..."

Bitch. That word reverberated in Haku's drunken mind. Was that what he was? These orcs' bitch? A deep moan answered his own question with a resounding yes as Frennet worked a second finger in, pumping at him slowly and rubbing at some amazingly sensitive spot the hare had never felt stimulated before. Oh yeah, he was their bitch, alright. He was their bitch, and it felt amazing.

He tried to peer past Shank's hips, trying to see what Flennet was up to, and noticed the brown orc had shed his own breeches, leaving them wrapped around his ankles, and was stroking his own cock with his free hand. The hare was mesmerized... it was like Shank's in every way, except a little thinner and brown. The mute looked back at him, smiling widely, then pulled his fingers free, following by tugging the hare's pants off and tossing them aside. Adjusting himself to kneel between Haku's thighs, he hoisted the bunny's pelvis up in both hands and drove his penis right in, the hole giving way easily after the teasing it had gotten, but still instinctively flexing in an unsuccessful attempt to push the invader out. The Tallear's legs clamped around Flennet's hips, giving him the perfect angle to start fucking him slowly, deeply. Haku could feel every vein that covered that brown length rubbing his wet insides, stealing his virginity, and he was loving it. He groaned as if he'd asked for it, as if he'd begged for it, and finally was getting it.

"Oh fuck... fuck yeah... that's a good little bitch. You like my buddy's hot dick pounding your guts in, don't you? You like feeling my shaft throbbing on your tongue, bitch? Yeah... ahn... w-woah, shit!" Shank suddenly gasped and drove his hips forward, his prick burying itself in the drunk hare's throat, making the other gag a few times before he adjusted to the thickness of it and the feeling of it thrusting back and forth. Although he couldn't see what was happening with his eyes watering from gagging and his view obscured by a patch of silky black pubes, he could barely make out brown fingers on either side of the green Moonslive's hips, and could only guess that Flennet's tongue was well at work inside the larger orc's asshole.

Suddenly, he felt a massive throb against his tongue, and despite his efforts to strain forward and reclaim it, Shank's dick slid free of his mouth. He could hear the emerald orc's breath deepen swiftly, and saw one of the large hands reappear from the back of his head to grip the spasming shaft. Shank pumped a few times, hunched over and supporting his weight against the tree behind Haku's head, the tip of his shaft tantalizingly close to Haku's lips. "Uhn..." he grunted softly, and a creamy ivory missile exploded from his cockhead, striking the hare's cheek dangerously close to his eye. It was followed by several more shots that splattered onto the Tallear's face and into his gasping mouth.

He became aware of heat filling him from behind, and could just make out Flennet's face twisting in orgasm as the brown orc withdrew his lips from his companion's asshole and came forcefully into Haku, pumping his guts full of orcish seed. He was marked now. Filled with orc cum, covered in orc cum, he was now, officially, their bitch. Something felt... incomplete though. Even as Shank stepped away from the lagomorph and Flennet tugged his softening cock out of his ass, he felt like something was forgotten.

Then it hit him. "H-haven't... cum yet..." he sputtered, feeling the semen on his face dripping down into his mouth whenever it opened.

"So?" Shank chuckled, watching the exasperated hare, still drunk, horny, and iced like a cupcake, writhing in his binds, trying to either free a hand to stroke off with or at least spin around so he could hump the ground. "Pathetic little bitch. Flennet, you think he deserves to cum?" The brown orc, still catching his breath, put a finger to his chin in thought, shot Haku a sly grin, then suddenly reach for the bunny's dick and pumped at it a few times.

"H-h-hooooo... uhnn... fuck... f-fuck!" Haku's hips thrust right up into the mute's hand, and he closed his eyes as he unleashed what had to be the most powerful orgasm he'd ever had, sending seed streaking across his mocha-furred chest and belly. "Uhhhhnnn... uhn... oh fuck... thank you... thank you..." As soon as afterglow set in, his mind shut down, succumbing to the force-fed mead fully and sending him into a blissful sleep. He could pick up the green orc's voice in his last moments of consciousness, holding a one-sided conversation with the other as to whether or not they should have raped the Tallear, or if he might make a good sex toy for them, and his thoughts drifted to sexual fantasies as he imagined what it might feel like to be fucked while he's sober. Maybe he'd enjoy it, maybe he wouldn't.

It didn't matter now either way. After all, he was their bitch.

Fair Play

"A-ah! Uhhhhnnnn..." Once again, a jet of cum leaped from Giovanni's member, splattering messily against his chin, then a second came to land on his chest. Gripping his Luvdisc-print sheets, he rode out yet another waking orgasm. He'd had to...

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"It's so beautiful..." the shadowed figure thought to himself as he watched the sun rising over the water. He always loved the way the light shimmered off the waves as they broke against the threshold of his cavernous hideout. Surely... he... would...

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Part 3 - Hunger

_Disclaimer: This story contains themes of a sexual and homoerotic nature, and is not intended of audiences of under eighteen. This story is a collaboration between myself (Onyx Tanuki) and Royal Sovereign._ * * * "So exactly how long...

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