
Story by Onyx Tanuki on SoFurry

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#1 of Retribution and Atonement

"It's so beautiful..." the shadowed figure thought to himself as he watched the sun rising over the water. He always loved the way the light shimmered off the waves as they broke against the threshold of his cavernous hideout. Surely... he... would never think to look so close to where he lived for the creature that so often eluded him, and that he so desired the limitless power of.

A small Natu likely on her way to dig a worm up for breakfast from the nearby forest flew close to the alien creature, who extended a lavender finger, giving the bird a makeshift perch. "Good morning, little one..." his mind echoed out, his words psychically filling the avian's tiny brain, as he tilted his head slightly and smiled.

"Hey, how'd you do that?" The green chick eyed her perch curiously as she chirped, unsure how that voice entered her head from a mouth which didn't open. Her words came out simply as a repetition of her own species' given name, but they were clearly understood by the telepath she was sitting upon.

A soft chuckle came from the purple being, this time letting his voice be heard outside of the bird's mind, if only for a moment. "I'm a Psychic, just like you, little one. I am using my powers to speak into your mind."

"Oh." The Natu hopped up the being's hand, up to his wrist. "I'm Tatsy. Who are you?"

"I don't have a real name... but I've been called Mewtwo by many, so you can call me that too."

"Oh, okay. Nice to meet you, Mewtwo."

Before another word could be exchanged between the two Pokemon, the sound of a helicopter cut through the air, weaving in and out of the mountain ranges leading to the psychic's cave. Most would simply dismiss it, but the sound was all-too-familiar to Mewtwo. He gazed up at the aircraft, and his eyes shot open when he saw the bright red "R" emblazoned on its side. "Tatsy, fly away! Quickly!" he commanded, and the spooked bird did as she was told, ready to warn her brethren of the impending danger.

Yes, he'd seen this chopper before. Using his mind's eye, Mewtwo gazed into the cockpit, and there was no mistaking it. That gold-hued business suit, accented by a green vest and red tie. Those evil eyes, black as midnight. That horrid smirk that displayed a mixture of confidence and arrogance. "Giovanni..." He growled in frustration. He thought he'd be safe here... he thought he'd never have to see that smug face again...

"It's been a while, clone!" the Team Rocket leader shouted from his chopper, standing on a landing rail as the craft descended to just a few inches above the water's surface. "So, you've been so close to me this whole time... to think, I could have simply snatched you up any time I pleased." The violet pokemon's eyes took an unearthly glow, but the threatening glare didn't make Giovanni's confident smirk shrink in the slightest. "I wouldn't bother using your powers, Mewtwo. I think you'll find it rather ineffective."

Not listening to the man, Mewtwo concentrated his psychic energy before him and fired a concussive blast toward the chopper, only to see it dissipate mere inches in front of Giovanni. "Wh-what!?" He fired wave after wave of psychic energy, but each attack vanished just as the first had.

"Yes, that's right," his target taunted, his hands resting casually in his pockets as he watched the ethereal blasts melt before him. "Just keep tiring yourself out, it'll only make you easier to capture."

"H-how are you doing this!?" Mewtwo's brain screamed out.

Giovanni simply stood proudly as the attacks were deflected. "It's quite simple, really. This barrier around my helicopter is made from the very essence of Dark energy. Let me tell you, it was difficult to harvest so much power. Especially with all the Mightyenas dying just before I could drain the last bit of Darkness from them..." The psychic raged at him, launching a massive ray of white energy, furious at the human for taking the lives of so many pokemon for such a selfish desire, but once again, the attack merely warped around the energy shield and flew harmlessly into the sky.

"Oh, did that piss you off? Heheheh..." Giovanni chuckled darkly as he watched the tired beast panting from his assault, the glow of his eyes flickering and fading. "Well, you look weak enough..." Stepping back into the cockpit, the Rocket leader pulled a lever, and a large metallic claw sprouted from the bottom of the helicopter. Its cold steel fingers wrapped around Mewtwo's spent body, seizing him, and just for good measure, sending pulses of electricity through him to keep him unconscious... or at least in too much pain to do anything. Cackling triumphantly, the man began to pilot his aircraft back to Viridian.

Meanwhile, a slight smile crossed over Mewtwo's face as he was carried across the sky. His plan had worked to perfection...

"M-Mr. Giovanni, sir?" A meek scientist entered into Giovanni's office, holding a folder. "You requested the research files on our subject?"

"Yes," the silhouette said, his chair facing away from the doorway as he gently stroked his Persian's head. "Please leave them on my desk, and go back about your business."

"Y-y-yes, sir..." The frail man placed the folder upon the green felt and took his leave, somewhat relieved that he didn't have to face the man he so feared.

Giovanni turned around as he heard the door click closed, and began to go through the files he was presented. It'd been almost a week since Mewtwo's capture, and something had been plaguing him; how was the clone so easily caught? Surely, he hadn't become weaker in the time that had passed since he'd last had the creature in his clutches. If anything, the cat-like clone should have gained power.

Test after test that had been conducted on him seemed to confirm exactly that; Mewtwo was stronger. Running a hand through his brown locks as he poured over paper after paper, Giovanni tried to find something - anything - that would indicate what had given Mewtwo such a great weakness. Nothing was making sense. Sure, he probably should just let it go, but the man had a nagging suspicion that something wasn't right.

After a few hours, Giovanni had had enough. He tugged at the tight knot of his tie, loosening it somewhat, and leaned back in his chair. "I... just don't understand..." he sighed, gazing over at the feline he'd been petting earlier, who only purred and rubbed his thigh in response. "There's only one way I'm going to solve this mystery... I'll need to speak to the wretched clone myself."

"Exactly how many blood samples are you planning to take?" Mewtwo grumbled from the table he was being restrained on. He got no answer from the lab technicians hovering over him, save from a sharp pain in the fold of his elbow as yet another syringe was plunged into his vein. "And what are these tests for?" Again, no answer. Tapping the vial that was now filled with the beast's blood, the scientist plopped it into a tray and walked off to have it tested once more.

"S-sir, what are you doing here!?" The quivering voice caught the Pokemon's attention, and he craned his neck up to see the man he so despised. Finally.

"I would like to speak with the clone... privately." Giovanni's tone didn't hold the same confidence that it normally did. He sounded... unsure.

The lab assistant waved his hands, trying to dissuade his boss. "Th-that's probably not a good idea, sir. We don't yet know what made him so easy to detain-"

"I said..." The Rocket leader snarled, "I want to speak to him privately." After a short pause, the scientist nodded and left the laboratory to process the most recent sample. "Ah, good. Finally alone." Sleek black dress shoes clopped their way across the black marble floor over to a control panel resting on the stainless steel wall. Hitting a black switch caused a Dark barrier like the one Giovanni had used on his helicopter surround Mewtwo. Then he pulled a red lever, and the table that the violet Pokemon was bound to tilted to a nearly vertical position. The man turned to face Mewtwo, glaring at him, hands in his pockets. "Okay, now tell me. How the hell did I capture you?"

Mewtwo closed his eyes, sighing. "If I recall correctly, you sent out a metal claw to grab hold of-"

"I know that!" Giovanni shouted, his teeth bared in an angry sneer. "How did you become so weak, and yet every test you've undergone says otherwise!?"

"...do you really want to know, Giovanni?" The cat-like creature's question was answered by a cold glare. "Fine then..." Mewtwo opened his eyes, which were now glowing with Psychic energy. "I can't believe you'd fall for a ploy so obvious..."

Giovanni cocked his head confidently. "You fool, didn't you even notice the Dark barrier now surrounding y-" His arrogant smirk fell off his face, though, when he saw the shield crumble before the Pokemon's mighty powers, much unlike before. It was becoming clear... Mewtwo had let himself be captured. "B-but... why!?"

"How else was I going to get you alone, to exact my revenge?" The bindings about the beast's limbs disintegrated, and he hovered before the dumbfounded Rocket. Now it was his turn to wear the evil grin Giovanni normally did. "All I had to do was make my attacks disperse when they touched the Dark barrier. And you actually believed that I couldn't break something so weak just because of supposed 'type advantages.'"

"You... YOU!!!" The suit-clad man reared his fist back, ready to punch the feline, but to his horror, his body froze in position, his limbs seeming to rebel against him. Suddenly, he was floating in the air, his arms and legs held tightly by an unseen force. "What the... fuck!" He gritted his teeth and hissed at the Pokemon, "What do you plan to do, kill me!?"

"Oh, I have no intention of killing you. That'd be no fun," Mewtwo chuckled. "I have... other plans for you, Giovanni."

"Other plans...?" Feeling a faint pressure against his chest, the Rocket looked down to see the buttons of his double-breasted suitcoat unfasten, then those of the green vest underneath. "What in the..." By the time he saw his tie unfasten, it was clearer what was going on. As his shirt fell open and the cold air of the laboratory fell upon his muscled chest, the feeling of helplessness was beginning to sink in. "N-no... no! Stop it! I command you!" he shouted, struggling in vain against the telekinetic bonds holding him suspended.

"You command me?" the Psychic laughed. "You have no control over me. Besides, you wanted to feel my awesome power first-hand, didn't you? Well, now you can..."

Giovanni's heart raced has he felt his belt being unbuckled, and heard the zip of his fly being opened. This was not happening. He was not about to be raped by a fucking animal. He winced, growling like a cougar caught in a bear trap as the elastic of his boxers floated away from his stomach and down underneath his scrotum, and the cool sensation of air touching his chest before now gathered about his genitals.

"Well, well. Quite impressive for a human," Mewtwo teased.

"Fuck you," the Rocket leader spat. His eyes seared into the monster that he'd created with all the hate he could muster. But before he could form another thought, he could feel... touching. Squeezing. Stroking. He looked down his exposed form to see the flesh of his cock moving on its own, the foreskin of his uncut member gliding back and forth over his head. "N-ngghhh... n-no... s-stop it..." He tried to harden his resolve, to prevent himself from succumbing to the Psychic's strange actions, but the only thing that was hardening was his dick, which soon stood at its full nine-inch length. "Wh... aahhnnn... wh-why?" He didn't want to feel this. He didn't want to have so much pleasure running rampant through his body. Not when it was this beast causing it. Once more he struggled against his psychokinetic bonds, but was held tight. "Please stop..." Gasping for air, Giovanni groaned, unable to take his eyes off his penis as the skin kept sliding up and down.

Mewtwo responded with a dark chuckle. "Why should I? It looks like you're rather enjoying this... tell me, do you like how it feels?"

And the Psychic was dead on. The longer the telekinetic masturbation lasted, the more Giovanni felt his will slip away. "No, I... I..." He bit his lip and grunted as he watched precum beginning to form a clear bead at the tip of his glans. "...y-yes... yes, I do..." Damn it, why did he say that!? He cursed himself for admitting it, but it was the truth.

With a twisted smile, the Pokemon brought a hand up, palm facing upward. "Good... then you'll love how this feels." He fist slowly closed, and as it did, Giovanni felt a pressure deep inside him. An intense squeezing pressure focused on his prostate.

"O-oh... m-my fucking... God! Wh-what are you doing to me!?" Slick, hot pre drooled from his shaft from the incredible massaging his prostate was getting. He didn't even know that such levels of sexual arousal existed before now. Every inch of his skin dripped with sweat and every nerve sang with ecstasy as the man fought a losing battle against the inevitable. "S-stop... please, b-before-"

"Before what?" the violet terror said with a sadistic grin plastered across his alien face.

Giovanni's eyes clamped shut, and his jaw clenched tightly as Mewtwo increased his efforts tenfold. "Nnnnggghhh..." He growled through his grinding teeth. His muscles tightened as his hips began to thrust forward of their own accord. He tried to remind himself that he didn't want this, but he no longer believed himself. He didn't know if it was Mewtwo controlling his mind or if some perverted desire was awakened in him, but he wanted this. He needed this. "F... fuh... fuck... FFFUUUUUCCCKKKK!!!" One final thrust into the air sent a hot jet of seed flying... then another, and another. For a few seconds, Giovanni forgot all about who was doing this to him and why, and simply enjoyed what was one of the most intense and productive orgasms he'd ever experienced.

As his climax abated, he opened his eyes, only to see the semen he'd just had milked from him floating before him. For a split second he wondered why the clone wouldn't just let it splatter onto the floor, but a tugging pressure on his jaw quickly answered this. Struggle as he might to keep his jaw clenched, he felt his lips and teeth part, and the levitating cum slowly began drizzling into his maw. "Good boy... drink it all down," he heard Mewtwo command, and he had no choice but to obey. Besides, despite the bitter flavor and thick, slimy texture... he liked it. He didn't want to, but he liked it. Mewtwo's psychokinetic grip on his jaw loosened, but he let his jaw still hang open until he felt the last drop of semen land on his tongue, at which point he closed his mouth and swallowed down the whole load.

Giovanni opened his eyes, giving the Psychic a defeated look. "So that's it then...? Your revenge is to make me eat my own cum?" Suddenly, his entire body fell to the cold floor. Finally, he was free from the monster's grasp... so why did he not want to run? Looking back up, he could see the creature hovering over him.

"Don't think you're done, Giovanni."

What could the Mewtwo do to him now!? He was already confused about the event he'd just endured, unsure whether he was right to have enjoyed it so much. He looked up to the Pokemon, and the strangest sense of need washing over him. The man's mind flooded with images... images of the cat-like Psychic fucking him, cumming in his mouth, eating his asshole out. Images Giovanni should have been disgusted by, but instead found himself turned on by. Was Mewtwo putting them there, or was the man fabricating them himself? "What do you want me to do?"

The alien form crossed his arms, landing on the ground. "What would you like to do?"

Slowly, the fallen Rocket leader crawled on hands and knees toward the Pokemon. He wanted to strangle him. He approached Mewtwo and rose up to a kneeling position. He wanted to torture him. His hands landed on the creature's hips, digging into his violet fur. He wanted to kill him. He licked his lips, staring up at the Psychic hungrily. He wanted to pleasure him.

Giovanni's eyes fell to meet the Pokemon's groin, and as if on cue, a slender pink rod began to push its way through his protective slit, until the seven-inch alien organ was fully exposed. "Do as you will..." Mewtwo urged, and within moments, Giovanni's lips wrapped around the tip, his tongue playing with the Pokemon's pisshole. Mewtwo grinned, and began gently petting the man's hair. "Yes... excellent." The Rocket's head sank down, accepting as much of that hot meat into his throat as he could without gagging before sliding back up.

He closed his eyes, taking in the erotic scent of the clone's arousal. He couldn't believe how much he enjoyed being forced to... no, being allowed to suck Mewtwo's dick. He worked at a feverish pace, breathing hard and fast as his own member leaped to attention once more and throbbed needfully in the air. He felt a splash of warmth against his tongue... his first taste of precum. The sweetness of it just drove him to suck harder and faster. "You're good at this," Mewtwo's voice echoed into his mind. "This can't be your first time giving head... I'm already so close..." Suddenly, the feline's grip on Giovanni's hair tightened and he pulled him back. Giovanni's lips barely left the Pokemon's shaft before the organ jolted and sent several thick ropes of cum across the man's face, drenching it in white that dripped messily from his nose and chin and onto his chest. "Good... heheh... I think I'll keep you, Giovanni."

"Keep... me...?" The Rocket leader gazed up curiously. "What do you mean?"

"You're mine now, Giovanni. I now control you... I am your master."

"Y-you... master..." All resistance was gone. He was broken, defeated, humiliated. A once proud man, now a cum-covered cock-sucker. And he had no problem with that. "Yes... Mewtwo, you're my master..."

"Good. Now, let's take care of that..." Once more the flesh of Giovanni's cock began sliding back and forth on its own...

"G-gha... fuck!" Giovanni's eyes sprung open just as he felt his dick lurch up, sending a few thick ropes of semen across his chest. "H-h-haaa..." After the few moments that his sudden emission had him stunned, he managed to get his bearings. The darkened window, covered by simple white drapes, through which he could see the horizon slowly giving birth to the sun. The wooden table stand with a Snorlax-shaped alarm clock with "4:52 A" displayed in analog across the belly. The bed beneath him, the covers having long been thrown off, leaving only a sheet printed with little Luvdiscs. His Persian sleeping just by his legs, blissfully unaware of being so close to having been plastered in his master's cum. And Giovanni himself, clad in only a pair of plain white boxers, his organ poking out through the front and sputtering its last few driblets of semen into the sparse hair below his navel.

Slowly, he got off the lumpy mattress and wiped his clammy hands over his face. This was the third time this week that he'd had that dream, and the second time he woke up cumming because of it. He slowly ambled toward the small bathroom, bent over the sink and gazed at himself in the mirror. "Why? Why do I keep having that dream!?" he asked himself. "What could it mean?" Sighing, he grabbed a towel to wipe himself clean, but froze as he watched the sticky fluid gently roll down his abdomen. Maybe... maybe it wouldn't taste so bad...

A shadowed figure watched the sun rising over the water. He always loved the way the light shimmered off the waves as they broke against the threshold of his cavernous hideout. As he studied the rippling waters below, a tiny Natu flew close to him, landing on his extended finger. "Good morning, Mewtwo. How's that plan of yours going?"

"Excellent, Tatsy," the cat-like Psychic told her with a soft chuckle. "I've already sent him the dream three nights in a row." A proud, satisfied smirk stretched over his face. "Heh... that'll teach him to experiment on Dark types to try making a shield to capture me." He quirked his head to the side, his eyes reading of a little guilt. "You don't think... it's wrong, making him have wet dreams about me, do you?"

"Of course not!" Tatsy cheerily chirped. "You should see how fat those Hypno are getting off of him, too!" With that, the Natu took flight once again. "See you later, Mewtwo!"

"Goodbye, Tatsy..." Mewtwo's eyes once more returned to sunrise, watching the colors of the sky change from midnight black to orange to pink to pale blue. "It's so beautiful..."

Part 3 - Hunger

_Disclaimer: This story contains themes of a sexual and homoerotic nature, and is not intended of audiences of under eighteen. This story is a collaboration between myself (Onyx Tanuki) and Royal Sovereign._ * * * "So exactly how long...

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Part 2 - Respite

_First, a disclaimer: This story contains themes of a sexual and homoerotic nature, and is not intended of audiences of under eighteen. Also, while they will be included in later installments in this series, this one does not have any furries....

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Part 1 - Departure

_First, a disclaimer: This story contains themes of a sexual and homoerotic nature, and is not intended of audiences of under eighteen. Also, while they will be included in later installments in this series, this one does not have any furries....

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