The Beastmaker's Palace

Story by BlakeTheDrake on SoFurry

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#6 of Tales of The Beastmaker

The war is over, and peace now reigns over the land. The entire continent bows to the might of The Beastmaker, who now finds herself at the head of an empire that hasn't seen its like since the Age of Gods. Of course, an empire like that needs a suitable Palace to serve as its center of government... and a ruler like Sayn needs a suitable Seraglio in its heart, to house her growing harem. As old friends and new faces alike are drawn to this hedonistic center of power, and however dry her days of politics and lawmaking might be, her nights should be wet enough to compensate...

Thanks again to runningthroughgrass for proofreading and help with characterization.

The Beastmaker's Palace

The white towers rose from the plains like slender trees, their soaring profile reflected in the clear waters of the bay. It was a masterpiece of architecture, beautiful even in its infancy - for the great marble palace was still far from completed. Despite a massive and constant influx of materials and manpower from across the continent, the sprawling palace-complex was estimated to require at least another ten years to complete in its entirety. The entire area was a buzzing hive of activity, with barges and trains of pack-animals alike bringing in supplies and fresh workers on a daily basis.

A small city was already springing up around the previously-isolated site - tents and covered wagons at first, but many of the more enterprising types were setting down roots, building houses and shops a respectful distance from the walls of the palace, providing goods and services for the thousands of people working there - and the thousands more who simply visited the site briefly, as tourists or pilgrims. Even they, however, tended to join the large crews of volunteer workers, if only for a few days - just so they could tell their grandchildren one day that they helped build the Palace of The Beastmaker.

With the area so full of life and activity, it was hard to imagine that only a year ago, it had been a blasted, corpse-strewn battlefield. That the clear blue waters of the bay had turned red with the blood of the fallen for three days and nights. The nearby castle that had once housed the headquarters of the now-defunct Northern Alliance forces, had already been leveled - its bricks and mortar used to build the foundations of the grand palace. The Beastmaker herself had chosen the site, as a symbolic gesture - a reminder that beauty and life can grow from even the most devastated land.

The palace, despite still being far from complete, was already in use - the central area, which would be the inner court when the whole complex was finished, had been erected in record time, and already served as the home of the woman half the continent worshiped as a goddess, and the rest revered as a great unifier and leader. Her personal chambers were built up against a large open courtyard - bordering on a small park - filled with plants and trees, growing around a large central pond with a tall, sculpted fountain in the center. Also adjoining said courtyard were the personal chambers of The Beastmaker's Consorts, which explained why this area of the still-unfinished palace was already known as 'The Seraglio'.

Each of the chambers was personalized to its inhabitant, and several remained empty in expectation of more beings yet to join. One chamber had its walls covered in hides and furs, lit by barbaric braziers, and furnished only with a handful of backless chairs - invoking the style and heritage of the Centaurs of the Great Plains. Another was open and airy, with large windows to ensure plenty of natural light, dominated by a 'nest' of velvet pillows - an attempt at recreating the natural mountaintop habitat of the noble Griffons with man-made materials. Directly next to The Beastmaker's own chambers, meanwhile, was a room filled with books, globes and instruments of study - texts on religion and ethics, on magic and alchemy, gathered or donated from across the continent. A dizzying variety of potted plants grew amongst the bookshelves and reading-tables, lending an aura of vibrancy and light to what would otherwise have been a rather dusty library... as befitted the Kirin, who are, after all, beings of life as much as wisdom.

Two other chambers were currently being modified by crews of workmen, overseen by sharp-eyed decorators and architects, eager to prove themselves by providing the favored consorts of The Beastmaker with suitable quarters. They were particularly eager to erase a recent fiasco from memory by replacing it with a success - or at least show their ability to make the best of it. They had, after all, done their level best to prepare the perfect quarters for the newly-minted Beastkin Consort, and on hearing that she was of the Otterkin, they had sought to make the chambers as 'homey' as possible. Potted fir-trees had been liberally scattered throughout the chamber, beds of magically-preserved moss had been prepared, and an artificial stream had been run from the central pond into the chambers, providing a constantly-flowing miniature river.

However, when the Otterkin had arrived, she'd almost literally turned up her nose at the arrangement, dryly informing the decorator that she'd been looking forwards to getting AWAY from the rather primitive conditions of her home, and getting a taste of what human civilization had to offer. Rather than try to rapidly redecorate the chambers set aside for her - considering the extent of the modifications - they'd elected to just grab one of the remaining empty chambers, and fill it up with as much old-school opulence as they could lay their hands on in a hurry. Which was quite a lot - most of it was 'runoff' from The Beastmaker's personal chambers, things that had been donated for that purpose but ultimately discarded to prevent from making her rooms too cluttered. Gilded furniture, pillows and drapes in Cardinal Red and Royal Purple, and a huge, four-poster bed with red-and-gold coverings. They even managed to supply the perfect artwork, in the form of several donated oil-paintings depicting Beastkin in their natural surroundings - donated by an artist who'd been obsessed with the 'Noble Savages' since long before The Beastmaker came along and made that attitude laudable.

Even as they were finishing that setup, however, they were also busy making additional modifications to what had originally been the Beastkin Consort's room - by adding more water. A new Consort was on the way, and this time, they felt reasonably confident that they knew what kind of style to aim for: Water, lots and lots of water. After all, there was no real way for the Merfolk Consort to rid herself of HER original environment... for some rather solid, biological reasons.


Sayn groaned as another orgasm rolled through her sore body, making her limbs twitch as she instinctively struggled against the hand-woven white ropes that were tying her down so very tightly. The long, agile tongue was seemingly everywhere at once, and apparently tireless to boot. When it wasn't pushing into her sopping-wet pussy, licking up her amply-flowing juices, it was caressing her sphincter and darting into the center of it. Or teasing her urethra, or wedging itself between her clitoral hood and the tiny nub of nerve-filled tissue it was supposed to protect. Or encircling one of her rock-hard nipples while long, powerful fingers pushed into her pussy instead.

Every now and then, her moaning and panting would be silenced as a muzzle covered her mouth, soft lips caressing her own as the tongue slipped inside, giving her a taste of her own juices. She eagerly returned the favor, letting her own tongue play across the small but sharp fangs that lined the muzzle. An aromatic scent filled her nostrils, one that brought to mind cold lakes and wild flowers, tall trees and sheer cliffs. This scent was redoubled when a brown-furred crotch blotted out her entire field of view and a tight, pink slit was lowered down over her mouth.

No orders were given or needed - as soon as the aromatic pussy came within reach of her tongue, she eagerly began to lick it, digging her tongue in between the moist folds of the outer labia. The position left the tight, dark-brown hole beneath the thick, muscular tail resting neatly against her nose, adding the smell of - oddly enough - freshly-mown hay to the sensory overload she was experiencing. Slender but powerful thighs encircled her head, tight as a vise, leaving her with no choice but to continue licking, continue breathing the thick smell of her partner's body, even as her own was wracked with pleasure.

She lost herself in the sea of sensation for what seemed like hours, but eventually, she found herself floating back to full consciousness, pushing through the fog of pleasure. Her body ached from being restrained for so long, her pussy - and, to a lesser degree, ass - were sore from wear, and she was still out of breath. She was still tied up, too, the ropes tight around her body - and a pair of fingers were still moving lazily in and out of her pussy, taking advantage of her tied-up legs being unable to close. Steadying her breath, she looked to the side to see her Otterkin lover, propping her head up on one hand with a broad, feral smile while the other continued its relaxed labor between her thighs.

"So, I trust I've distinguished myself a bit more than last time?" The Otterkin's voice was sultry and sleepy, and just a bit hoarse from her own screams of climax. Sayn grinned back at her, arching her back slightly as the still-moving fingers rubbed over a sensitive spot. "I'd say so, yeah... makes me feel sad that I didn't give you a chance to show the full extent of your skill the first time we met. Guess I was in a bit of a hurry. Hell, I didn't even bother learning anyone's name back then... Lutra." Lutra giggled in response, the whiskers lining her cute little black nose bouncing around in response. "Yeah, I gathered as much. I'm guessing that's also why you didn't immediately react when I told you that Mrressi passed her ropes on to me before I left."

Sayn laughed, letting her head fall back on the pillows again. "Well, I think I've reacted by now. Mrressi was the one who first taught me the pleasure that a bit of rope can bring, after all... finding out that she'd taught you how to do the same? That just made my day. Not that I wasn't glad to see you again anyway!" The last bit was hurriedly added, but Lutra just giggled again, clearly not offended. "Hey, I'm just glad you accepted me. I didn't figure I'd left much of an impression on you that night... but y'know, it left a BIG impression on me. I was practically a virgin going into it, but I came out knowing all kinds of knew things about myself. 's why I was the first to jump at the call when word came down you were looking for a Beastkin 'representative'. Well, Mrressi might've been the first, really, but she's got responsibilities nowadays, and she reluctantly decided that those came first."

Nodding, Sayn recalled the night she'd spent with the sleek, powerful Tigerkin - it hadn't just been the first time she'd been tied up, it had been the first time she'd been overtly DOMINATED. That night had left an indelible impression on her sexual identity - maybe even more so than the lust-fueled orgy that had come a few days later, where she'd sampled the sexuality of a dozen Beastkin all at once... including the gorgeous Otterkin lying next to her right now. Something Lutra had said stuck in the back of her head, though, and she lifted it from the pillows again. "Wait, you said you were 'practically a virgin' before that night? You seemed to get into the mood easily enough. And what's 'practically' mean, exactly?"

The girl blushed, color showing slightly through the light-brown fur covering her face. "Well, I only had one lover before that - a human woman. Stumbled on her bathing while I was swimming around, chasing fish. We were... close, for a while, before her parents found out and flipped their lids, practically locking her up to keep me from seeing her. I didn't want to give the humans an excuse to wipe out my clan - well, you know how things were, back then - so I backed off. And that's really the extent of my sexual experiences before you invited me to join an orgy." The fingers in Sayn's pussy were moving faster, more insistently now, as Lutra recalled that hot, sweaty night.

"That was... a revelation. I lost my physical virginity there, too... can't even clearly recall whom to. Probably Sirkh, the Ratkin. I remember him being all over me practically from the start. Anyway, after that, I not only knew that I was bisexual, I also knew I preferred my men BIG... after sampling the Horsekin and Oxkin, you know. And I knew I liked having more than one partner around. So yeah - hearing that you were dropping the whole 'only one Consort' restriction and setting up a proper Harem, how could I NOT jump at the opportunity?" She hesitated - her fingers included - and looked somewhat shamefacedly at Sayn. "I... guess I never asked you. Are you okay with me... getting to know the male members of your harem?"

Sayn snickered, and wiggled her groin to prompt Lutra to start moving her fingers again. "Oh, sure. It would be kind of hypocritical of me to say anything else, wouldn't it? Actually, it would probably be a good thing - K'teshi and Achidias are both young, virile men. They've got needs, you know? And between having a still-growing harem and a bunch of boring duties as the new de facto Empress of the World, I can't spend as much time seeing to them as I ought to. So, hey - enjoy them! I know I do."

"Thanks... it's something to look forwards to." Lutra grinned back at her, licking her lips, and for a time they just laid there in silence - except for the wet sound of the long, slim fingers still moving in Sayn's pussy. It was her who finally broke the silence. "So, you keep tabs on anyone else from that night? I mean, I know about Mrressi working as the Minister of Human Affairs for the new Beastkin Nation and all, but other than that?" The Otterkin quickly nodded, smiling fondly as she thought of the odd group of friends she'd made during the orgy.

"Oh, sure. I know what most of them are up to these days... 'twas easy enough to keep track of them, what with working as Mrressi's assistant. Garou the Wolfkin, for example, is his tribe's representative in the National Council. He's got a human mistress too - very openly. The fact that what used to make him an outcast now makes him an 'enlightened progressive' never stops amusing him. He even brings her with him to meetings - stops just short of banging her in the middle of the Council Hall, though there are rumors he sometimes lets her give him head under the table if the meetings turn boring." Sayn laughed out loud at the mental image, but the mirth declined somewhat as Lutra sighed and continued down the list.

"Well, other than that... Siwell, the Foxkin, is doing all right. Got married recently, to a human woman who emigrated to his tribe. They seem happy together. The rest, though... not so much. The Horsekin, the Oxkin and the Boarkin, they've opened a brothel together, at one of the big trading-posts on the border of the human lands. Since you made interspecies relationships fashionable, we get a lot of curious tourists, you know? Women and men who want to sample the 'local flavor'. Being your former lovers gets them a lot of extra attention, and they're using it to make quite a bit of coin."

Sayn grimaced, not sure what to think about that. They weren't hurting anyone - except, perhaps, themselves - and they probably made a lot of people happy. But she would've liked to hear of them aspiring to a bit more than just feeding their human-fetish every day while getting paid for the privilege. Lutra, meanwhile, continued down the list. "All the rest... they moved to human lands. Well, including me, I guess. Most of them are now 'companions' for big-name nobles or merchants. It's the new fashion. Everyone who wants to do any kind of business or diplomacy with the Southern City-States, where your new 'Church' is real influential, have acquired Beastkin consorts to show how 'enlightened' they are, and to distract everyone from all the crap they used to do to us before."

With a sigh, Lutra withdrew her sticky fingers from between Sayn's legs, and started to undo the ropes. She could see why - the mood had soured, for quite obvious reasons. "Well, I guess it's really not too different from MY new career, but... I know you really care. You like Beastkin, and Centaurs, and Griffins - just as much as you like people. Maybe more. And even though this is called a Harem, I'm not here as some kind of expensive sex-toy, and neither are any of the others. We're... advisers. Representatives. Stuff like that. Right?" Sayn nodded as she pushed herself up in the bed, rubbing her sore arms and wrists now that the ropes were off. "Yeah. Everyone's looking to me to make all the big decisions, stuff that affects everybody... not just humans. I need someone here who understands what it means to be a Beastkin. What they want and need. Having some good friends around I can have lots of mind-blowing sex with, that's basically just a fringe benefit."

Lutra grinned and nodded. "Yeah, that's the impression I got too. But these other nobles, particularly in the western territories, they're not like that. They just want showpieces. Well, they always had lots of mistresses and consorts there, I know... probably because of all that 'arranged marriage' stuff humans use. Now they get to show them off instead of having to hide them, though - as long as they've got fur. Or, y'know, scales. That's nothing new either, of course. Many of the Beastkin that were enslaved before were kept as 'servants' in noble houses... but at least now they get paid fairly for it, I guess."

Propping herself up against the thick, fluffy pillows of her enormous (and extremely sturdy) bed, Sayn grabbed the Otterkin and pulled her into a hug, feeling the girl's sadness and annoyance keenly, and wanting to comfort her. "I guess. So what's bothering you so much?" The question was posed lightly, but she was completely awake and focused by now. These kinds of questions were exactly why she needed a Beastkin by her side. Lutra sighed and snuggled up to her side, working her way into the embrace before answering.

"Well... there's a lot of Beastkin in the human cities by now. A lot of former slaves who don't feel like they've got anything to go back to, and are just doing the same thing they did before while getting paid for it. And a lot of others who are flocking to human lands for the convenience of it. Soft beds. Waterproof roofs. Running water. Food you can just go buy at the market instead of having to hunt it down or forage for it. They're just looking for an easy life, and a lot of them wind up selling their bodies to nobles and merchants who are just looking for a furry accessory. Most of 'em probably don't even like humans that way. They're just... turning it into a job, I guess. Nobody's getting hurt. Everyone gets exactly what they want - whether that's room and board or improved social status. But it still makes me sad, somehow. Like it cheapens what it is to be Beastkin."

Sayn grimaced again and kissed the crown of Lutra's fur-covered head. "Sorry about that... I just wanted people to start treating you decently. Hadn't occurred to me that it would just get you turned into fashion-accessories. I dunno if there's really anything I can do about it either..." Lutra looked up at her with her large, dark eyes - and then smiled, blushing. "No... don't say that. I'm sorry about moaning to you like that. You've already done more than anyone else ever has for my people. Compared to how it used to be - entire clans wiped out, their lands stolen, their children enslaved - what we've got now is paradise. So what if some of my kin are taking that as an excuse to jump for the easy path - that's their choice. It's a brave new world, now, thanks to you - and we'll all have to decide what that means for ourselves."

The hug-and-snuggle session this warmhearted statement brought on was, unfortunately, interrupted by a sharp rap on the door. Sayn glanced up, sighed and spoke the command-word that opened her chamber's door - assuming it was spoken in her exact voice. She knew who it was just from the rapping sound - it was too sharp to be made by human knuckles, after all, and coming from too low down. Sure enough, slipping through the half-open door was her Seneschal, Cybra - a being that had once been the most cynical, selfish part of herself, but had since taken on a life of his own.

"I do hope I'm not interrupting anything..." he said dryly as his hooves clopped across the polished hardwood floor towards the big bed that dominated the center of her chambers. She sighed in reply. "Would you have stayed away if you'd known I was in bed with one of my Consorts?" He snorted derisively, rolling his painted-pebble eyes. "Of course not. If I hesitated to interrupt you just because you were busy sexing it up, I'd NEVER get to talk to you." She rolled her eyes right back at him, having seen the reply coming a mile away. Cybra had become more independent and less like a walking piece of her mind in the last year, but he was still quite predictable to someone who'd known him for as long as she had.

"Fine, so what are you interrupting me FOR?" She propped herself up a bit further on the pillows, trying to get comfortable. This, she figured, might take a while. Cybra, meanwhile, jumped up on the bed and settled down at the foot of it... there was more than enough room for him, after all. "Well, for your daily information-update, of course - I figured you'd want a minute to digest it before heading off to welcome the Merfolk emissary. She's down at the bay already, getting barreled." Instinctively, she glanced out the large, gold-rimmed windows of her room, gauging the time from the position of the sun. Had she really spent that much time carousing with Lutra? Well, it HAD been their first proper session since the cute otter-girl had joined the harem. Then she guiltily looked over at the highly elaborate mechanical clock standing in one corner of her chambers. A gift from a brilliant engineer, more accurate than any sundial or hourglass - but she kept forgetting to look at it. Old habits died hard.

Bracing herself, she leaned back in her pillows and hugged Lutra tighter. "All right, then - lay it on me." Cybra laid it on her. Much of the 'news' was nothing of the sort, just more reminders of the problematic corners of the Status Quo. The nomads of the Great Plains were still refusing to deal or trade with anyone, and had displayed outright hostility towards emissaries and messengers. As far as THEY were concerned, she was still just a monster, and her effective rulership over the continent just made them want to isolate themselves more. Several more pilgrims had gone missing after traveling to remote mountains in the hopes of encountering a dragon. A couple of the underground rebel groups who were opposing her on some kind of political, moral or religious grounds had done or said something somewhere. Nothing major, just 'encouraging rebellion' by saying mean things about her, and nailing up the occasional obscene poster.

"And finally, it seems like the First Church of You has a new gospel..." he finished, making her ears perk up for the first time. She'd kept a close eye on the development and actions of 'her' church, after accepting that she couldn't STOP it from spreading, and she was still ready to jump in the moment they started doing or promoting something she couldn't accept. "Oh? What is it this time, then?" In addition to possible political implications, she was also just plain old curious. The church did some interesting things from time to time, and she'd heard some very amusing (and occasionally arousing) stories about their sermons - especially the way they usually ended by 'Preaching the Gospel of Love'.

Cybra shrugged, making the wool on his back ripple. "Eh, they're taking your recent request to the Southern City-States that they not expend more on supplying your little construction-project here than they do on aiding the Northern territories, as a divine statement on the importance of charity, is all. Their new official rule is to spend at least half of everything they get in donations on charity, locally or abroad." She nodded, smiling slightly. Yet another rule she could get behind. The original pronouncement had been more specific than general - literally everyone was pitching in to help build her Palace, which was great, but she'd gotten worried that some of the big noble families and merchant guilds were regarding their 'donations' as some kind of competition, showing up their rivals by sending more than them. She'd figured that telling them not to give more to her than to the needy in the Northern lands would curtail the excess somewhat, and it had. This was merely a fortuitous side-effect.

Lutra suddenly giggled next to her. "Oh, hey, that reminds me! I didn't tell you - Ssinizz, the Lizardkin girl from back then? She went to human lands like the others, but she didn't wind up as some noble's concubine. She joined one of your churches instead - they were so impressed when they found out she'd been with you, they made her the preacher. Apparently, she'd doing quite a good job of it, too - and she particularly enjoys preaching the... ahem... 'Gospel of Love'." Sayn rolled her eyes at the inevitable snicker that followed that statement. She was used to hearing that from Cybra, and apparently, she now had someone else around who could riff about that.

The Book of The Beastmaster, which her church regarded as holy script despite nobody (herself included) knowing who WROTE the damn thing, put special emphasis on the way she 'loved all beings equally'. While her tastes had, indeed, made interspecies romances universally acceptable and even fashionable in some places, the Church raised that to a fanatical level. They saw the exploration of sexuality, particularly with nonhumans, as a shortcut to being more like her, and indulged whenever they could. Unsurprisingly, the congregations tended to attract the growing number of nonhumans settling down in human cities, which made things easier for them. 'The Gospel of Love' thus referred to the tail-end of the weekly sermons, where the congregation - encouraged to 'spread their Love to all living things' - descended into an orgy, mostly centered around their nonhuman members.

And while most of those who wanted to show off their 'enlightenment' stuck to courting Beastkin, the 'faithful' of her church saw it as a badge of honor to have sampled as many species as possible. They merely saw Centaurs and Griffons as being... challenges. Many even went on pilgrimages to Griffon and Centaur lands, hoping to 'soak up' the culture. The Centaurs eagerly cooperated - the Griffons somewhat less so. The REALLY ambitious ones would head for the secluded bastions of dragonkind, and few of those returned. The Merfolk, meanwhile, were mostly ignored in these pursuits - whether due to the purely logistic difficulties involved, or because SHE hadn't taken any lovers amongst them. If it was the later... well, that might be about to change.

With that thought, she disentangled herself from Lutra's limbs and scooted out of bed with a slight sigh. The damn thing was so sinfully comfortable, she had a hard enough time getting out of it even when there WASN'T a pretty girl with a tireless tongue sharing it with her. But she had duties to see to - and feelings to sort out. The Merfolk emissary was coming. She'd had a couple of diplomatic meetings with the Merfolk before, at the water's edge down by the bay, so they weren't entirely foreign to her, but this was... different. She wasn't sure what to do, besides trying to look her best, and so she continued to turn the situation over in her mind as she climbed into a dress that - by design - just SCREAMED 'Commanding Majesty'.

The Merfolk had a reputation... specifically, their women. Mermaids were known to be playful creatures, and were (in)famous for seducing human sailors. Stories of them drowning and/or eating said sailors were largely bunk - just one more part of the fear and hatred humanity had held for other species before she took power and made that attitude unpopular. There'd been a small number of drowning-deaths associated with mermaids, but all had been likely accidents. Enough said, hearing of their beauty, grace and playful nature had made her desire to meet one for a long time - back when she'd planned to recruit the help of the Merfolk to fight Lorrack the Black's sea-power, she'd been hoping to court a mermaid or two while she was amongst them - but the appearance of the Leviathan had put a stop to that plan before it even got started.

And now, a mermaid was more or less being delivered to her door. Not just any mermaid, either - but the princess of the clan that claimed the Great Bay as their territory, one of the biggest and by far the most human-friendly around. The thought made her... uncomfortable. She'd met Korlin, K'teshi and Lutra while she (or rather, Cybra) was on the prowl for a Consort, and Achidias while she was negotiating with the Centaurs. Getting to know them that way, and then inviting them because she wanted to spend more time with them, that was how she liked to do it... but word of her Harem, and how it contained representatives of most of the sentient beings of the continent, had spread. The Merfolk were important trading-partners, and would soon become even more so if she wanted to fulfill her promise to ship most of the Centaur race to the Southern Continent... so when they politely requested that their princess be allowed to join The Beastmaker's Harem, she really couldn't say no without devastating political repercussions.

This, of course, gave rise to some intensely conflicting emotions. On one hand, she was eager to meet a mermaid in a... private setting at last. She wanted to see how true the stories about them were. But she didn't like the fact that political expediency could FORCE her to take someone she'd never met before into her Harem... and she was worried about whether the princess had actually agreed to it, and if so, whether it was simply out of... political expediency. She also had no idea how to approach the girl. The whole thing was a powder-keg of awkwardness waiting to go off. The fact that her guest would be arriving in a barrel of seawater just increased the number of things that could potentially go wrong exponentially.

Fifteen minutes later, she was standing in front of the still-incomplete main gates of her palace, surrounded by the entourage of courtiers, bureaucrats and bodyguards that seemed to materialize around her whenever she stepped outside the Seraglio, looking at the oncoming Merfolk envoys. Well, there was just the ONE merperson, really - poised in a barrel of seawater atop a cart - while the escort consisted of merchanteer sailors and guards from the Mark'ain Family of Mosvaruch. The group was known for their close economic and diplomatic ties with the Merfolk clan living in the bay, and regularly provided the Merfolk with any 'landlubbers' they might need for various duties.

She largely ignored the escorts - leaving the introductory drivel and exchange of pleasantries to the people on both sides who thrived on such fluff - and focused on the mermaid. She was sitting (if that was the right word) in the barrel with her arms resting on the rim, looking around at the crowd with large, curious eyes. There was no sign of reluctance, fear or discomfort on her face, which eased Sayn's worries tremendously... but she wasn't completely confident in her ability to read a fishwoman's face. There were, after all, various distracting details.

The popular image of mermaids as having the upper body of a beautiful woman, sharply contrasted with a fish-like lower body, was somewhat of an oversimplification after all. Even the upper body of a mermaid was clearly nonhuman, and it was worth keeping in mind the fact that most of the men who fell for their charms were sailors... long-bereft of female company. Large gills lined their ribs, for starters, edged by gleaming scales - invisible beneath the edge of the barrel in this case, but Sayn knew they were there, weaving as they sucked what little air there was in the barrel's water out of it. Merfolk could, fortunately, breathe air with their human mouths as easily as anyone, but their fishy lower halves and their gills in particular tended to dry out dangerously quickly if they left the water. It was also, apparently, quite uncomfortable to not have the buoyancy of water supporting the hefty weight of said tails.

The outside of her lower arms had a large patch of sapphire-blue scales covering them, with a slender, blunt-ended fin attached to it. Patches of pale-blue skin were strung between her fingers, turning her hands effectively into flippers. Her ears were long and pointy, with an outer edge of scales that phased into thin, flexible fin-material. The rest of her face, however, was human... except for the exotic pattern of gleaming, silvery scales pockmarking it. These, she knew, were highly individual - the facial scale-patterns were how Merfolk recognized each other more than anything, due to the shiny patches reflecting even the vague light of the depths. In many cases, the scattered scales also made the faces... less than attractive to humans, but this princess had lucked out. In her case, they formed a semicircular line along her brow and down around her eye-hollows, drawing attention to the dark-blue orbs within - and the spark of curiosity and intelligence burning in them.

Finally, streaming out behind her to pool on the water's surface was several yards of pure-white hair - a somewhat uncommon hair-color amongst their kind, as she understood it, which mostly popped up in old and noble families. Various shades of green or blue were the norm. To human eyes, the white hair made the girl look a bit older than she probably was, but a closer look at the softness of her face and her narrow shoulders suggested that she was no older than Sayn - if not a bit younger. The nervousness she'd felt earlier came fluttering back into her stomach - the mermaid was certainly pretty, but the whole situation made her wince. She'd seduced before, and BEEN seduced before, but having a pretty girl just handed over to her as a lover? What was she supposed to think of THAT?

She pushed the nervousness aside as the introductory speeches ended, and stepped forwards when she was supposed to. The opulent dress she was wearing swished pleasantly as she walked across the flagstones, and she could feel all eyes on her - a sensation she was fast getting used to. The mermaid focused on her too, and grabbed the rim of her barrel to pull herself up, just so she could do a proper bow from the waist. Unsurprisingly, this exposed a hefty pair of milky-white breasts - the Merfolk had no use whatsoever for clothing, and the stereotype of their women having really, really big tits was actually quite accurate. It took Sayn a moment to tear her eyes off the dangling, dripping-wet orbs and make eye-contact with the mermaid, whose eyes were twinkling with equal parts recognition and amusement.

"I am honored to be in your presence, noble Beastmaker. I am Aishee, Princess of the Great Bay Tribe. I hope to prove a satisfactory Consort to you." The words were proper and officious, complete with appropriately downcast eyes at the end - clearly, the girl had spent enough time dealing with human politics to know all the right signals. But the twinkling look of amusement in those deep, dark eyes stuck with Sayn, and made the butterflies in her belly evaporate. She returned the bow with a short head-nod - the strongest gesture of respect she could get away with without shocking her worshipers - and smiled warmly. "I am confident that you will, and look forwards to taking your counsel on matters pertaining to your people. Indeed, I am glad to finally welcome a representative of the Merfolk into my inner circle - the people of the endless seas have been valued friends and trading-partners to us land-dwellers for a long time, and I intend to strengthen those bonds further in the future..." The speech was fairly long-winded, and mostly for the benefit of the merchant representatives present - it was important to them that she officially supported the relations they'd long had with the Merfolk. Public speaking was another thing she'd gotten used to lately, but she found it hard to focus this time... what with Aishee keeping her heaving bosom in full view the whole time.

Eventually, blessedly, the long-winded speeches (hers was neither the last nor the longest) and obligatory handshaking came to an end. The detachment of hired soldiers from the harbor marched off again, along with the merchant representatives who would now be either heading home, or back to their Merfolk allies to report on the successful ceremony. Meanwhile, her own guards dutifully rolled the wooden cart holding Aishee's barrel through the half-finished halls of her palace and into the Seraglio. The other residents - K'teshi, Achidias, Lutra and - of course - Korlin, had stepped out of their chambers to curiously watch the arrival of their new neighbor. Used to be, Korlin had stood at her shoulder at every officious occasion, but Sayn had been trying to prove to herself that she could manage on her own lately, and Korlin had been happy to support her in this.

Aishee's eyes shone when she saw the large pond in the center of the courtyard, with the fountain in the middle painting rainbows in the air as a misting spray of water shot from its top. As soon as the barrel reached the edge of the pond, she grabbed the edges of the water-filled container, lowered herself all the way into it... and then shot out with explosive speed, splashing water everywhere as her thick, muscular tail propelled her in a ballistic arc that terminated in the deep end of the pond. Her tail, like the traces of scale elsewhere on her body, was sapphire-blue and rippled with muscle, terminating in a large, diamond-shaped tail-fin. Other, smaller fins lined the sides of it, for finer steering - and as soon as she hit the water, she was darting through it with blinding speed.

The guards who had brought in the barrel - now soaked with seawater and grumbling under their breath - removed the cart again, leaving the residents of the Seraglio alone. A round of introductions soon rippled along the edge of the pond as Aishee rose to the surface and shook hands (and, in K'teshi's case, talons) with the other members of the harem. Sayn felt a touch embarrassed at how easily everyone else seemed to be handling the sudden addition of another person to their rather intimate little circle, and it seemed like the ever-empathic Korlin had noticed as much. As soon as the basic introductions were done, she subtly herded the others away, leaving Sayn to show Aishee to her chambers by herself, leaving the two of them with some time alone.

Of course, there wasn't really much need for a guide - a single canal ran from the pond, under several elegantly-arching bridges, and then under the wall and into one of the chambers. The workmen and designers who'd been remodeling it had cleared out basically minutes before Aishee's retinue had arrived, but the room hardly looked rushed - in fact, Sayn was somewhat taken aback when she stepped through the door. She had expected a room-sized swimming-pool, more or less, but what she instead saw was a small mountain of recessed pools, reaching nearly to the ceiling. The walls of the pools were artfully decorated to resemble natural rock, and several small waterfalls connected the pool as they poured into the canal Aishee had arrived by. She laughed with delight - a sound that seemed to reverberate off the hard walls like the jangling of silver bells - and jumped from pool to pool with dizzying agility.

A couple of the pools weren't connected to the main water-system. One of these was magically heated to tropical temperatures - which Aishee found VERY pleasant - while another was chilled by the same process. A third, meanwhile, contained salty seawater, in case Aishee got tired of the freshwater pond. "Very sweet of them..." the mermaid commented after sampling it, smiling broadly. "It IS kind of homey... but I generally prefer freshwater. It's... sweeter. Clearer. And I don't need to worry about salt-encrustations on my gills! The only reason most of my people live in the sea instead of up in the rivers and lakes is that the hunting's way easier. Better to take down a whale that'll feed the whole tribe for a week, than spend all day chasing little fishies. And I don't figure feeding will be a problem around here."

Aishee had turned out to be quite the garrulous soul, and as Sayn watched her frolic amongst the pools and waterfalls of her new chambers, she started to feel at ease. On the other hand, it was proving difficult to get a word in edgewise. However, she saw her chance when the mermaid commented on the convenience of the canal running from the large outdoor pond to her water-filled chambers. "You know about the underground canal your people are digging up here, right?" She threw it in casually, and Aishee eagerly nodded. "Yeah! It's gonna take the stonecarvers a while to get here - the bedrock's pretty solid, I hear - but it's gonna be so neat when they finish it! I'll be able to just swim right down from the pond, and reach the bay by that route! And then swim right back up again! I'm really surprised you suggested it, though. Seems like kind of a security-hole for your whole palace, doesn't it?"

Sayn shrugged, sitting down at the rim of the pool Aishee was currently floating in. "Not really. We'll be putting some spells on the tunnel so only you will be able to pass through it, of course, but even that is mostly just to help my guards sleep soundly at night. I trust the Merfolk, and your father - and he promised to keep the tunnel's exit secret and hidden. That's the best kind of security, if you ask me." She wasn't paying too much attention to security-concerns at the moment, though. Aishee was laying on her back in the shallow end of the pool, her arms draped up along the edge next to Sayn, her hair fanning out in the water around her... and her breasts bobbing gently up and down in the water. Underneath the shimmering surface, she could also clearly see the mermaid's lower body - and the edge where pale flesh and sapphire scales met.

It was a thick rim of something resembling hardened skin, going around her waist - but at the front, it plunged into a V-shape, quite clearly revealing a perfectly human-like vagina at the bottom of the gap. If Aishee had noticed the intent way Sayn was studying her body, she'd given no sign of it, but she still tried to rein herself in a bit. There was still an important subject to bring up, and the matter of the canal gave her a useful inroad into it. "Besides, that canal is necessary - without it, you'd effectively be a prisoner here, unable to leave without someone lending you a barrel or whatnot. And even though people call this my 'Seraglio', I have no intention of keeping anyone imprisoned here."

She carefully laid her hand over the mermaid's wet hand, looking down into those deep, dark eyes she'd at first assumed were just black, but then realized were just a particularly dark shade of blue. "I want to make it clear... regardless of anything else, I will value you as a source of advice and as an emissary to and from your people. The title of 'Consort' needs not be taken literally." The hand underneath hers stiffened, and the dark-blue eyes averted themselves as Aishee looked down her body. Her previously-energetic voice sounded rather downcast when she spoke up. "Oh... yes, of course. I understand perfectly. With all these beautiful beings around, including a Kirin, there's no reason why you should take the same road as a desperate sailor. I take no offense - I am well aware that there are many features of our bodies that humans find unattractive or disturbing."

Sayn almost flinched away from the obviously depressed tone of the mermaid's otherwise beautiful voice, her mind rapidly shifting gears in response to the attitude Aishee was now displaying. Jumping to her feet, she started to pull the shoulder-straps of her dress down her arms as she spoke rapidly. "No... I don't think you understand. Certainly not perfectly." She could feel the mermaid's deep-blue eyes on her back as she slowly slipped out of the ludicrously complicated dress. The tension in the air ratcheted up another notch. "I wanted to make sure you didn't feel some obligation to humor me sexually for the sake of your people, or your family. We just met, after all. For all I know, you could've been pushed into accepting this position by political necessity. However..."

She turned around, naked now, and saw Aishee's eyes immediately gravitate towards her own chest, grinning in recognition at that look. Compared to the bodacious mermaid, she felt downright flat-chested, but it didn't seem like Aishee minded. With a quick two-step run-up, she slipped over the edge of the pool and into the water next to her, shivering slightly as the cool water washed over her. This wasn't the magically-heated pool, after all, so it would be generous to call the temperature 'lukewarm'. "I get the feeling, at this point, that this is NOT the case. Which means I can tell you that I've fantasized about mermaids for a long time. I meant to visit your people last year, and had been looking forwards to maybe getting to know a girl like you better... but I got sidetracked by a Leviathan. You know how it is."

Aishee giggled, the smile returning to her lips and eyes as the sudden bout of depression vanished like mist before the morning sun. "Not... specifically. But I'm glad to hear it. Neither my father nor anyone else has pressured me into taking this role. I'm not sure if you know this, but I have eleven sisters, and more brothers yet. Being a 'princess' of a tribe of Merfolk doesn't mean as much as it would amongst humans... my people tend not to say that too loudly, since we've noticed that negotiating with a member of Merfolk royalty tends to make humans cough up better deals. My father asked for a volunteer from amongst me and my siblings, and several jumped at the opportunity. He picked me out of them because he knew I'd enjoy EVERY aspect of the appointment, not just the political power and influence that comes with it."

Sayn leaned back against the wall of the pool, her hand caressing Aishee's again, smiling. The chill was beginning to leave her body as it adjusted to the temperature of the pool, and her own level of comfort was also going up rapidly. Her problem, from the start, was that she didn't KNOW Aishee - and that problem was now being handled via the simple expediency of GETTING to know her. "Oh, so he knew that, did he?" She asked playfully, prodding the well-stacked mermaid to continue her story. A blush crept up her pale-skinned cheeks, and a smile creased her full lips again, but before she could continue, Sayn reached out her hand to run it down those cheeks in a gentle caress.

"I want to hear about that, but... before that, I wanted to ask you to stop hiding your smile like that. I already told you, I like mermaids. I like the ways you are different from me as much as the ways in which you are similar. So you don't need to keep your lips wrapped around your teeth so tightly when you're around me." The pretty face, decorated with spots of gleaming scale, froze for a moment. Then her mouth opened in a broad, genuine smile that showed off two neat rows of small, yet razor-sharp fangs. Merfolk WERE omnivores, same as humans, but fish and whale-meat were the bulk of their diet, and their teeth reflected this. Those lines of fangs, contained within an otherwise-human set of lips, gave a lot of people the heebie-jeebies, which was why Merfolk were usually careful not to show them off in mixed company. Sayn, however, just found herself wondering what it would feel like to run her tongue over those pearly-white triangles.

The muscles of Aishee's face were twitching, as if reluctant to discard the expression she'd likely been taught from a young age was the proper one to display around humans. But she kept up her smile, and as her eyes searched Sayn's face for signs of revulsion or fear and found none, the twitches receded. Then she nodded. "All right. Just remind me if you see me hiding them again. Old habits die hard sometimes." With a sigh, she leaned further back in the pool, slouching in a way that just made her mountainous breasts even more pronounced. "Anyway... yeah, my father knew that I liked humans. It's no big secret, nor any particular shame, particularly amongst girls. Most women want to at least have a try at it with a human man, you know? For the variety. And if that helps to... 'build amicable relations' between our people, so much the better, as far as my father's concerned."

The blush returned to her cheeks with reinforcements as she, somewhat haltingly, continued. "Now, the rest of it... I don't think he knows. Maybe suspects. It's... not something I've ever really talked to anyone about. Until now." Sayn shifted her body closer, licking her lips as she sensed a really good story incoming. "What 'rest of it'?" Aishee looked at the ceiling, away from Sayn's increasingly heated eyes, but her arousal was obvious from the way her nipples were rising and hardening atop the twin peaks of Mt. Mermaid. A quick glance further down also showed a pair of delicately-shaped labia slowly swelling below the crystal-clear surface of the water.

"Well... when I was younger, my father told me that I should go and swim to the shores, to watch humans work and interact in their cities and villages and harbors. It's a common thing to do, particularly for high-born Merfolk - we need to be comfortable enough with humans that we can interact with them easily during trade. I guess I just had unusual luck in that, when I went to the shore, the first humans I saw were a young couple having sex in a secluded cove by the seaside." Sayn giggled as she moved in closer, pushing her naked body up against Aishee's, feeling the smooth scales of her tail against her own legs. "Oh, that's quite a first impression, isn't it?"

The mermaid nodded, returning the giggle as she casually draped one arm over Sayn's shoulders. "Oh, it definitely was. Left a real impression on me. Afterwards, I couldn't stop looking at humans in a... sexual way. The way they all wear clothes most of the time was such a tease, made me so frustrated... but I soon figured out where to look. Secluded coves like the first, sure, but also up the river and at the edge of some of the smaller lakes. And anytime I spotted a small leisure-boat leaving a harbor with a man and a woman in it, I followed it. Usually paid off."

Sayn's grin grew wider as she ever-so-casually let her hand slide down to the edge of Aishee's tail, her fingers lightly caressing the swollen pussy at the bottom of the V. "Oh, so you like to watch, eh?" The mermaid's body stiffened for a split second at the touch, then grew soft and subtle again, and she felt the tail rise slightly in the water - pushing back against her fingers. "Y... yeah. I do. One of my older sisters had taught me about masturbation, but... it never felt as good as it did when I was watching a pair of humans go at it. At least, not 'till YOU moved in here."

Responding to Aishee's eager body, Sayn let her fingers plunge into the gap between the labia, sliding easily into the orifice beneath. She moved with practiced ease, counting on the sensitive spots being in the same places as they would be on a human woman, and based on the catch in Aishee's voice as she continued, she wasn't wrong. "Mmmm... you know that your Church set up shop near the bay's coast, right? Pretty much as soon as you declared that you'd build your palace here. It was just a big tent at first, but they're building a proper church now - and it's right down to the water's edge. I hear some of the Churches kind of forget us Merfolk, since being friendly with us isn't as new and exotic as what you've been up to, but I suspect that'll change now... anyway, THAT Church never forgot us. They wanted to be accessible to us. Aaaand... I kind of took advantage of that."

She was biting her lip gently, now, the sharp fangs making little indentations along their soft curve. Sayn was tempted to cover those lips with her own, but the story was getting good, and she didn't want to interrupt it. So she settled for leaning forwards and beginning to suck and gently bite at one of those tremendous tits that had been hypnotizing her for so long, now. Aishee's voice, unsurprisingly, sounded even breathier as she continued. "I... came there to watch... every time they had their sermons. You know... the Gospel of Love thing... right? That's when I found out, it wasn't just humans... watching Beastkin, and Centaurs, and Griffons... it made me hot too. Even... more so... mmphh..."

Her tail was moving insistently now, and Sayn was answering it - thrusting her fingers into the sopping pussy at its edge, right down to the root. "A... few days ago... I watched a Centaur mount a Griffon hen for the first... time... ahn! Ahh... and a human man was sitting underneath her at the same time, just playing with... uuuuhhh... with her clit and rubbing her belly and stuff. And there was a Wolfkin bitch giving him head while on all fours, and a human woman was behind her, licking her pussy and tailhole... while a Horsekin pounded HER from behind... AH! Oh GOD! And... I just kept cumming and cumming and cumming while I watched them all, like I couldn't... OOOOHHH!"

Aishee's body convulsed in orgasm, her tail thrashing the water frothy. Sayn's skillful fingers and tongue, combined with the lurid memories, had pushed her over the edge. Since the story was apparently over now, Sayn saw no more reason to restrain herself, and abandoned the heavy, bouncing weight of the mermaid's breasts to instead pounce on her lips. Their bodies flowed together in the water, and she felt the mermaid's hands begin to roam up and down her body. The powerful tail moved between her legs, fins tickling her pussy, even as a pair of webbed fingers began to massage her sphincter.

While she might have made the first move, Aishee took control within moments. The hand that wasn't digging into her asshole gripped the back of her head tightly, locking them into the kiss, their lips sealed tightly together. She barely had time to start exploring the sharp edges of the fangs lining the mermaid's mouth, before her whole body surged forwards, pushing the both of them over and into the deep end of the pool. Suddenly, she was under water, a heavy, powerful body weighing her down, controlling her. The clean, pure water filled her nostrils and made her wide-open eyes ache - but the mouth glued to hers puffed a breath of warm, heavy air into her own.

This, then, was the infamous 'Kiss of Life' - the trick mermaids used to carouse freely with sailors and other interested parties without inadvertently drowning their partners. The soft lips against hers were her lifeline. The subtle body pressed against hers was controlling her very breath. She could feel the water wafting past her waist as the gills lining Aishee's ribs drew in water and filtered out the air, enough for herself and to share. It was a level of control and domination she'd never experienced before, and it made her whole body go soft and pliable. Her legs spread eagerly for the fingers digging into her asshole, and for the powerful, smooth tail rubbing against her pussy.

She felt the powerful motions against her right hand too - the one that had several of its fingers buried deep in the human-like pussy poised at the very top of the tail. Even as her free hand rose to grip the back of the mermaid's head, tangling her fingers in the long, white hair, she responded to those movements in kind - pushing back harder against it. With a sudden jolt, she felt the soft folds of Aishee's pussy slip over the knuckles of her remaining fingers, embracing her entire hand and wrapping itself around her slim wrist. The motion of the body pushing against her, mashing her against the floor of the pool, grew more frenzied in response, and she eagerly flexed her fingers inside, encouraging the reaction.

Sayn felt pleasantly lightheaded, and not just because of the growing pleasure radiating from her groin. The hot air she was gulping down fresh from Aishee's mouth was breathable, certainly, but probably still held less oxygen than surface-air. Bubbles exploded from her nostrils whenever she breathed it back out again, surging towards the surface like a fireworks-display, and sometimes getting caught on the floating strands of Aishee's hair. She could feel the mermaid's body tensing against her own, see the pupils dilate to make the dark eyes even darker... the throbbing pussy wrapped around her hand felt very warm compared to the cool water, and it was pulsing even faster than before.

She let herself be carried along on the orgasmic tides, losing herself in the fluttering sensation of the fin pushing into her own pussy, the thrusting fingers lodged in her ass, and the sensation of complete surrender as she took her breath from the mouth locked to her own. Their tongues were wrestling, dancing against each other, and hadn't stopped since the kiss started. It was an achingly slow, but deep and heavy orgasm, rolling up through her, making her moan into Aishee's mouth. Already lightheaded, the pleasure almost made her pass out, even as she felt the mermaid's pussy clam down vise-like on her hand, the shuddering body hungrily pushing her into the floor of the pool.

She lost track of time for a minute, or maybe longer. When she regained her senses, she realized that she was breathing fresh, cool surface-air again, her lungs eagerly sucking it down as she floated on the water's surface, completely relaxed, her limbs spread wide. Between her legs, a white-haired head was taking advantage of the easy access, wrapping her pussy in the embrace of a hot and hungry mouth. A wet, muscular tongue - just a touch rougher than a human's would be - was pushing past her lust-swollen labia, lapping up her free-flowing sexual juices. Every few seconds, something hard and sharp would run across her pussy or the sensitive, blood-filled clit above it with a feather-light touch, adding an arousing edge of danger to the otherwise enthusiastic but unskilled cunnilingus.

The next orgasm built with exquisite slowness while she simply floated there, luxuriating in the way the afterglow of the last one phased over into the fresh build-up. She simply wanted to let Aishee drink her fill. But as the pleasure mounted, maintaining the relaxed, floating poise became increasingly difficult - her muscles bunched and tightened all unbidden, and she began to sink lower in the water. Finally, when the climax itself began to rise, like a wave cresting upon the beach, she lost her pose altogether, and her groin and torso dipped... by a couple of inches, landing them on the solid stone floor. She'd been floating over the underwater rock-shelf that marked the 'shallow end' of the pool, indicating that Aishee had thought further ahead than Sayn herself.

The horny mermaid had followed the movement, too - her head now entirely below the surface, she was still licking, sucking and kissing up a storm, her strong, webbed hands wrapped around Sayn's hips to keep them steady. Already, the third orgasm was beginning to build - her pussy was getting increasingly sore and sensitive from the constant stimulation, and that always made it go faster. As the tides of pleasure rose, she gave up on trying to relax and stay calm, and instead let her hands reach down and grab Aishee's head - pulling her harder into her pussy. Her legs moved too, wrapping around the source of the pleasure, and crossing behind the mermaid's back. Normally, she tried to hold back a bit on such actions, not wanting to accidentally smother a lover with her pussy (and wouldn't THAT be a mood-breaker), but considering that her partner in this case was breathing through her ribs, she could let her impulses rule for once.

With that in mind, there was nothing left to do but arch her back and emit a high-pitched moan, savoring the familiar pleasure of the tongue-induced orgasm along with the freshness of a new lover. As the afterglow settled in, her hands and legs released their hold, and she let herself float back to the edge of the pool, draping herself along it. Aishee soon came up to the surface to join her, eyes sparkling as she licked her lips, and drifted up close to press their bodies together again - not with the fiery insistence of passionate lust, but with the languid desire of the post-orgasmic cuddle.

Sayn flexed her fingers on the pool's edge as she looked down at Aishee with a grin. "Well, that was interesting. I hadn't figured you were a virgin, but... I guess mermen are pretty well-hung?" The mermaid giggled and snuggled up to Sayn's chest with a satisfied smile. "Oh, yes... particularly near the base. Very conical. The tips are narrower, and prehensile. They're not much at all like humans." Sayn blinked rapidly, the image forming quite clearly in her head from that description. "And yet, mermaids are always courting HUMAN men?" Aishee giggled at the confusion in her voice, and nodded. "Well, yes - like the sailors like to say, it's not about the size of the ship, it's about the motion in the ocean! Human men are small enough that there's room for some actual technique and sophistication. All mermen can do is jam a girl full and then tickle her cervix with his tip." Sayn laughed out loud at THAT mental image, and hugged Aishee tighter. "All the same... maybe you could introduce me to all those brothers of yours at some point, hmm?"

Several weeks later, while Sayn was enjoying some quality-time in the courtyard garden, Cybra walked up to her and said - in his usual, matter-of-fact voice: "We need to talk about the Elves." She glared at him, understandably annoyed at the interruption. Not that she didn't understand why he was bringing the issue to her attention, mind - it was his job, after all. Something loosely resembling a government had coalesced around her, mostly made up of a ton of courtiers and bureaucrats who had swarmed into her still-unfinished palace like flies attracted to rotten meat. However, they were all - perhaps understandably - somewhat intimidated by her, and the magical wards surrounding her Seraglio prevented anyone but its residents from passing uninvited. Cybra, however - with his supreme sense of self-importance and cynical outlook of the world - had fit right in with the bureaucrats, and could come and go as he pleased.

He'd thus naturally taken on the role of a buffer between her newly-minted government and herself. He decided which issues to bring to her attention, and what to let the bureaucrats and ministers deal with themselves. He even went directly to Korlin to request aid in matters that required her unique touch - such as appointments to high office. So when he went up to her and told her they needed to discuss an issue, it meant it was something she NEEDED to address - but in this case, it was also something she didn't particularly WANT to address, and an unwelcome interruption to boot.

"Can this wait? I'm kind of in the middle of something..." she replied, rather waspishly, but he just shook his annoying little head. "I've noticed. That's why I'm here now. You can't evade me. You don't want me to bug you while you're otherwise engaged? Fine - we'll talk about this when you're done. But if you skip out... I'll have to interrupt you again next time. And the time after that. You get the picture." Then, with a swing of his long, dog-like tail, he walked off towards her chambers, presumably to wait for her there. She cursed under her breath, and heard Achidias clear his throat above her. "Ummm... you want I should leave?" Glancing up at him with annoyance she knew very well wasn't really directed at him, she ground her teeth and lowered her head again. "No. Keep going. In fact, put your back into it - see if you can fuck some of this frustration outta me."

With a shrug, the young Centaur did as he was told, and began to buck his hips again, driving his long, hard horsecock into her pussy again. The sensations radiating from the meat-stuffed orifice were entirely unaffected by her cerebral concerns, and soon she was moaning merrily again, approaching a fresh orgasm. She'd largely moved her sex-life out of her personal chambers and into the garden since Aishee had joined the group, knowing how much the mermaid delighted in watching. Even now, she was floating at the edge of the pond, watching with rapt attention as Achidias resumed plowing Sayn, her hands busy beneath the water's surface.

It wasn't as if she'd limited herself to watching, though. Her and Lutra, the Otterkin, could often be seen frolicking in the pond together, fingers and tongues darting for one another's orifices. Both of them had also put the moves on Achidias and K'teshi, and after the two males had checked with Sayn and been assured that no, the 'Consort' title did NOT imply an EXCLUSIVE relationship, they had readily agreed to some occasional no-strings-attached sex. Fortunately, neither one of them were afraid of water, and there was an underwater rock shelf at the edge of the pond that was just the right height for either one to plow the willing mermaid as she lounged on it on her back.

Sayn hadn't exactly been shy about 'entertaining' her newest guest either, and they had already established a particular kink that was sort of 'theirs' - and a sideways glance showed her that Aishee was already licking her lips in eager anticipation of it. That thought, however, was soon washed aside - just like all the rest of them - by a tidal-wave of orgasmic bliss. The resulting scream was mostly absorbed by the surrounding foliage, though whether that anti-acoustic feature was part of the courtyard's design or just a happy coincidence remained uncertain.

She remained where she was - head on the ground, ass in the air, panting like a dog - for about thirty seconds after Achidias had stepped backwards and pulled his rapidly-softening member out of her pussy. The sturdy young Centaur was as virile as ever, but these days he was dividing said virility amongst several targets, and it showed. Of course, she also had several other lovers to pick from, but... when she wanted a straightforward, uncomplicated, bone-shaking pounding, he was really the only way to go.

With a groan, she picked herself up and scooted over to the pond, sitting down right at the water's edge with her legs spread and her feet in the water. There were no words exchanged, nor any needed - Aishee immediately dove right in, covering Sayn's freshly-used pussy with her mouth. Her tongue slipped easily inside, scooping up dollops of thick, hot centaur-cum. Sayn reached down and parted her outer labia a bit further with her fingers, giving the hungry mermaid better access - her own hands being still busy below the surface. Leaning back, supporting herself on one hand, Sayn moaned in refreshed pleasure - Aishee's tongue was as enthusiastic as ever, and growing more skillful by the day. Apparently, she didn't just enjoy WATCHING sex - she also loved tasting the aftermath.

By the time Aishee lifted her head, lips flecked with cum, most of the hot load that had been pumped into Sayn earlier had been sucked out. The temptation to leap into the pool with the mermaid and lick that cum off her lips, wrapping her legs around the smooth, muscular tail, was overwhelming... but she resisted. Cybra was waiting, and she had no doubt that he'd carry through with his threat to interrupt her every time she was having sex (which was fairly frequently) if she didn't address the issue he'd come with. With a sigh, she got to her feet and brushed herself off, shrugging apologetically at the pouting mermaid before walking towards her chambers. Glancing over her shoulder, she could see Aishee swimming around the central fountain of the pond, towards where Lutra was basking in the sun, dangling one hand in the water. Well, at least Aishee wouldn't be left deprived... it just annoyed her that Lutra would now be enjoying the pleasures she'd been ready to take for her own.

None of this was calculated to improve her mood as she barged into her chambers, ignoring Cybra, who was sitting on top of her king-sized bed with a quirked eyebrow, and reaching for her overstuffed closet. Within the privacy of her Seraglio, and during the warm days of summer, she'd started going nude more often than not - clothes only got in the way when she inevitably started sidling up to one of her Consorts, after all. But whenever she was feeling angry, annoyed or worried, she'd suddenly start to feel NAKED, rather than just nude, and get dressed. Mind, not in one of those overly-elaborate (but gorgeous) dresses she wore at public appearances - rather, a simple, lightweight dress, or even tunic and hose. Simple, practical, comfortable everydaywear.

In this case, she grabbed a long, plain dress, made from thick, soft cotton and pulled it on without bothering with underwear - she was still somewhat wet after the earlier session with Achidias and Aishee, and didn't feel like having something sticking to her groin. Then, with a sigh, she sat down at her desk (which Cybra's tireless efforts ensured was largely free of paperwork), leaned back in the sinfully-comfortable, leather-coated chair. The fresh smell of the treated leather-work always calmed her a bit. Looking over at the bed, she nodded. "All right. I'm here. Let me hear what our dear friends, the Elves, have to say."

Cybra shrugged - no mean feat for a quadruped currently lying on his belly, but he made it look easy. "They've gone past nudging and hinting, and gone full official. Their ambassador has lodged a formal protest about the fact that the Elves are the only race of intelligent beings on the continent that still lack representation in your 'inner circle'. He also insinuated that you owed them for supporting you back when you first appeared on the stage, even before the Kirin threw their lot in with you." She groaned, throwing herself forwards to put her elbows on the carved-oak desk, supporting her head on her hands as she glared at Cybra. "What a load of bullshit. They're NOT the only ones unrepresented here - I don't have a Dragon-Consort either. And not only did their 'support' to me back then amount to a couple of halfway-useful presents, they're also well known for playing on EVERY horse they spot, just to hedge their bets."

He just shrugged again, dismissing her complaints. "On the first point, you may not have a dragon, but it's not for lack of trying. On the second point, that doesn't change the fact that they DID send you some nice, shiny stuff, and that you accepted it. As I recall, you even liked it quite a bit." Guiltily, she glanced towards the vanity-table where her by-now vast selection of jewelry was piled up. Mixed in with the rest of it was a delicate diadem of woven gold and platinum, studded with gleaming gemstones. It was the first 'crown' she'd worn, well before that meant anything - and it had been a gift from the Elven Conclave, their principal governing body. And... yeah, it really WAS pretty nice.

She sighed, looking back at Cybra. "Look... I've got nothing against Elves... much. I just have no interest in having one in my harem! I honestly can't think of anything LESS sexy that having one of those arrogant, stuck-up, frigid twigs walking around in my Seraglio." Cybra groaned and covered his eyes with his forehooves. "Firstly, please never let any of your adherents hear you talk like that, unless you want a genocidal pogrom on your conscience. Secondly, it was YOUR idea to combine business with pleasure and let your board of advisers also be your harem. Should've thought ahead a bit more. Now it's too late. The Elves may be few in numbers, but between their mages and their artificers, we need them on our side. What's more, even if you don't go off like that in public, just continuing to snub them could be interpreted the same way by your true believers, and there are an awful lot of people on this continent who would love a nice, neat justification to go looking for an elven village to burn down."

Sayn groaned and fell forwards, crossing her arms on the table and hiding her face between them. Cybra was right, on every point, as per usual. She didn't care much for elves, and certainly didn't find them sexy, but there was quite a few people who went a long way past that - and she REALLY didn't want the annihilation of a sentient species to be part of her legacy. There were, after all, good reasons why the elves tended to try and buy influence from anyone who assembled any kind of real power - they were terrifyingly vulnerable, and making themselves valuable to lords and kings was their main defense against being swept straight into history's dustbin by a wave of drunken peasants wielding torches and pitchforks.

Once upon a time, during the Age of the Gods, the elves has been numerous and powerful. They had dominated the continent, displacing or enslaving all other people. Supposedly, their Goddess - Sie'leal of the Sun - was the strongest of the old pantheon, so even the other gods stepped carefully around her. She'd made her people in her own image - tall, beautiful, strong and borderline immortal. They had used humans for slaves and servants, Centaurs for manual labor, and Beastkin as exotic pets. Griffons were hunted for sport... and there were even stories claiming that they'd regarded fresh mermaid as a delicacy, though she privately suspected that those, at least, were exaggerations designed to vilify the elves even further.

Their glory and dominion had ended along with the Age of the Gods. All of the people of the world had been heavily affected by the abandonment of their deities, but none more than the elves. Ever since those days - thousands upon thousands of years ago - no new elf had been born. Apparently, without the grace of their goddess, they were sterile. To make matters worse, the apparent abandonment of their gods had sparked a civil war that quickly consumed the entire race, leading to thousands of dead - each an irreplaceable soul. As their empire buckled and disintegrated, their slaves rose in roaring rebellion, tearing into their past masters.

By the time the dust settled, a mere fraction of their old numbers remained - and there was little hope for that to change anytime soon. They retreated into the deepest forests, building well-concealed settlements to hide from their vengeful slaves and started biding their time, hoping that their goddess would soon return to them. So far, they'd waited in vain. Their policy of isolation, however, eventually became threatened by the continued prosperity and spread of humanity, with even the deepest and most ancient forests facing incursions from loggers, trappers and hunters. Counting on the fact that by then, their past sins were ancient history, they'd reopened diplomatic contact with the rest of the world, taking advantage of the vast skills that their mages and craftsmen had acquired in lives spanning millenia, to make themselves too valuable to kill.

They had, however, underestimated how much people loved a good scapegoat. Everyone wanted to blame the trouble in their lives on SOMEONE other than themselves, and the elves - who had, after all, probably enslaved their great-great-great-great-grandparents - made perfect targets for this. Worse, they STILL tended to carry themselves with better-than-thou arrogance, with many of them obviously praying for their goddess to return just so they could once again show the 'lesser races' who's boss. The elves had supremely-skilled mages, possibly a match for the Kirin in some ways. Their archers were said to stretch the boundaries of the believable. Their warriors could move through a forest with no more sound than made a mouse. And yet, they were forced to hide in their concealed villages when pitchfork-wielding peasants thrashed through the trees, looking for something to destroy so they'd feel better about themselves. Each elf that died, to violence or accident (after all, neither disease nor age could touch them) was not only a significant percentage of the race as a whole, it was also one more irreplaceable soul.

Sayn had accepted the fact that she would be worshiped as a goddess primarily because it gave her a chance to put forth her own gospel - one of universal acceptance and love. But she couldn't sing the praise of unity while shutting the elves out... that would just make her a hypocrite. "Look, Sayn..." Cybra's soothing voice was coming from closer by, indicating that he'd jumped off the bed at some time during her long contemplation. "Nobody's saying you have to fuck an elf. Whoever they send as a representative would probably prefer if you didn't, too. I hear they're basically asexual these days - guess they don't see much point in getting down and dirty when nothing ever comes of it, eh? They just want a voice here, that's all." She turned her head, still resting it on her arms as she looked down on him, standing next to her desk in all his woolly glory. He grinned unpleasantly up at her. "And, hey, just think of the faces that elf is gonna be making when you go about your business right under his or her stuck-up little nose. 's not like they'll be able to COMPLAIN about it."

The mental image of some frigid elven princess watching her get pounded by Achidias or K'teshi, shock and consternation written across her overly-narrow face even as she tried not to let it show for fear of insulting the Mighty Beastmaker, made Sayn giggle. Then, with a fresh sigh, she pushed herself up in her seat again and shrugged. "Fine. Let them know that I'll be happy to welcome a representative of their choice into my Seraglio as the Elf-Consort to The Beastmaker. Tell them... tell them that it only took this long because we wanted to prepare a suitably glorious chamber for such an eminence. And get the decorators and workmen going double-time on one of the spare chambers so I don't look TOO much like a dirty liar." She tugged thoughtfully on her lower lip as Cybra nodded and trotted out the door to pass on her orders. Perhaps this was for the best - she needed to ask the famous elven mages about any insights they might have on altering the Centaur birth-rates. It seemed likely to be a subject they had studied intensively, after all...

About a month later, Sayn was once again dressed to the nines and standing at the gates of her palace to receive a new member of her Seraglio - though her mood was less butterflies and more dark clouds this time around. Marching towards her was a genuine, bonafide, no-shit Elven Princess, complete with a squad of elvish bodyguards in intricately-decorated silver armor escorting her. They all looked alike, really - a foot taller than the human average, slim and wiry, with fair skin and hair that ran the gamut from 'cornfield in summer' past 'molten gold' to 'winter sunlight upon the snowfields'. They all had fine features, narrow noses and pointy ears... and not much in the way of curves. She honestly couldn't tell if there were any women amongst the bodyguards, and even the princess only showed her femininity by virtue of wearing an elaborate, spring-green dress with golden trim, and having her hair done up in artful braids.

Thanks to her own ambassador to the Elven Conclave, she had a full biography and info-package on the girl. She was, as all elves, thousands of years old, and had been the youngest daughter of the Elven King back before the civil war. Probably had an arranged marriage with some elvish nobleman all lined up for her when everything went to hell. Her father, the king, had been one of the many casualties of the civil war, as had several brothers and sisters of hers. Her oldest brother was the currently-reigning head of the Elven Conclave, and had apparently decided to graciously donate his sister to The Beastmaker in the interest of maintaining that famous Elvish Pride. After all, it wouldn't do to provide any less than what the other races had. (Lutra, as it turned out, was actually the daughter of her tribe's chieftain - a fact Sayn hadn't realized until it came up in a random conversation.)

Considering the expression of icy disdain that those fine features were wearing, the elven princess - whose name was, apparently, Thielwen - clearly didn't want to be there anymore than Sayn wanted her there. Still, that was the game of diplomacy in a nutshell, wasn't it? And so, after several boring, long-winded speeches about friendship and cooperation and mutual respect (wherein Sayn took care to stress that elves were no less worthy of love than any other being, and that their past crimes should be left in the past, just to make her official stance clear for her rapt followers), Sayn found herself escorting Thielwen into her Seraglio, and showing her to the opulent-to-the-point-of-tastelessness chambers that had been prepared for her.

It was at this point that Sayn first started to question her own pre-judgement of the elf. She'd expected the woman to be haughty, cold and aloof, and there'd been nothing in her upturned nose, stiff demeanor and coldly-correct speeches to tell her otherwise. But now that they were alone - the Seraglio's courtyard was empty for once, the other residents apparently reluctant to meet their new neighbor - she started to see something else. Something in the set of the elf's shoulders, the look in her pale-green eyes, the way she clasped her hands in front of herself. She'd seen it often enough to recognize it even in someone who was trying hard to hide it - fear. Terror, even. The 'girl' before her was thousands of years old, but she hadn't spent that time learning magic or how to fight, or even how to stand on her own two feet. She'd spent it pampered and protected, enjoying the leisurely yet isolated existence of an elvish noble.

And now, she was all alone, surrounded by humans, beastkin, centaurs and griffons... beings she probably remembered from her childhood as obedient slaves or sporting prey. The same beings that had turned on her people and killed thousands of them during the slave uprising. Had any Elvish noble been left alone like that, without escort or bodyguards, since the fall of their empire? Most likely not. Add to that the fact that she'd just been signed up as the 'Consort' of a human woman whose sexual appetites were already legend... while she was likely close enough to being a virgin as makes no difference. Perhaps she had some stiff, formal encounters of the sexual sort in her youth, when the elves first started to realize that they couldn't bear children. Most likely, everyone had to at least give it a try, probably several times, just to be sure... not calculated to be a pleasant experience for anyone involved. And since then, in the millenia that had passed, she'd almost certainly been celibate.

When Aishee had been introduced to her, she had - somewhat awkwardly - made it clear to the girl that she had no intention of asking for more than she was willing to give. She knew that she ought to tell Thielwen the same thing, but while she was starting to feel some empathy for the elf, and didn't particularly want to make her stay there harder, she still didn't LIKE her, and felt no particular desire to make it EASIER, either. She wasn't going to hit on the elf - for several good reasons - but if the princess wanted to waste her time worrying about needing to put out on command, well, she could live with that. Maybe it would keep that twig out of her hair.

At first, it worked quite well. Thielwen stayed in her chambers for the most part, and was visibly nervous the one time Sayn called on her - to ask about elven mages and whether any of their knowledge might help the Centaurs. The answer to that question, though, was disappointing - elven wizards HAD indeed explored those forbidden realms of magic, but they were called 'forbidden' for a reason. She knew as much already - Korlin had told her that the Kirin were simply incapable of accessing or understanding such spells, since magic was an intrinsic part of their nature, and delving into such realms as were reserved for the gods went against said nature. Even though what Sayn wished to do was undeniably benevolent, the act of altering a being on such a fundamental level that it would be passed down to the next generation had been forbidden by the gods themselves - either due to jealously guarding their own power, or because of the enormous potential for abuse it presented.

Thus, when elven mages had ignored that taboo and sought to access this 'black magic', the consequences had been immediate and terrifying. The moment an elf overstepped some mental boundary, understood just a bit too much about such magics, he would immediately start aging at a sickening pace. Within seconds, the previously-immortal being would be reduced to a wizened wreck, then swiftly die, and finally turn to dust. Needless to say, it hadn't taken a lot of such incidents to convince the remaining elven mages to give up on such research.

It was not a pleasant message for Sayn to receive, and she found herself wondering how she'd manage to fulfill her promise to the Centaurs. The Centaur Race had come a long way since she first made contact with Achidias' father, Chief Parekemnon. Since the war had ended, Parekemnon had managed to pull more and more tribes into the alliance, leaving precious few stragglers still clinging to their violent ways and antiquated god. The crux of the alliance was the dual lures of salvation from their slowly-approaching extinction, and the availability of human (and other) women willing to help the Centaur stallions 'ease the pressure' in the meantime... this had seen a fair number of Centaurs drift into human cities, integrating surprisingly smoothly all things considered, and their highly-visible presence was a clear and bright mark of the new age. If she failed to provide the cure she'd promised... the alliance would fall apart. At the very least, it would be a major blow to morale amongst her other followers, and at worst it could lead to a new war. The fact that she'd technically only promised to DO HER BEST didn't change that.

Depressing though that message was, however, she sensed a deeper sadness from Thielwen when the subject first came up. The parallels were obvious, of course - the Centaurs were suffering under a birthrate too low to keep up with the fallen, while the elves suffered from a complete ABSENCE of births. And while she'd dedicated herself to aiding the Centaurs, she'd made no such promises to the elves - partially because she had no idea what the foundation of THEIR problem was, and whether there was any kind of way to solve it. Considering how much trouble she was having finding a solution for even the Centaur's significantly-less-perplexing issues, it seemed unlikely that she could do anything for the elves except protect them from the kind of violent attacks that might hurry them on their way to extinction.

But however much she had started to sympathize with Thielwen, over her isolation far from her people, or the looming fate of extinction that hung over her entire kind, it didn't really change the reasons she hadn't wanted her there in the first place. And the elf had, indeed, proven every bit as uptight and frigid as she'd suspected. The first time she'd walked out into the courtyard garden and spotted Sayn on her hands and knees with K'teshi's cock lodged up her ass and tied in place by way of his swollen knot, she'd practically collapsed on the spot, grasping at her chest as her face grew, if possible, even paler than normal. She'd then fled back to her chambers fast enough to trip several times on her ankle-length dress, without saying a word.

The other residents of the Seraglio - with the possible exception of Korlin - disliked Thielwen as much as Sayn, if not more so. Considering that their races had, according to the stories, suffered even worse under the yoke of the ancient elven empire, that probably stood to reason. None of them had said a heated word to her, let alone attacked her in any way... but once they realized that just walking in on someone having sex seemingly terrified her, the courtyard suddenly became an even-more popular place for liaisons - and the sex itself became both more frequent and more sordid. So the next time Thielwen walked in on Sayn getting sodomized by K'teshi, she was licking Lutra's wet pussy at the same time - while in the nearby pond, Aishee watched with rapt attention even as Achidias pounded her spacious pussy with a series of loud grunts.

Her resulting flight had given the five of them something to laugh about during the post-orgasmic relaxation that followed the little orgy. Later, Sayn recounted the story to Korlin during an evening chat, and finished with "It's a shame you're not into this stuff, or we could set up an even BIGGER orgy for her to stumble on." Her broad, mischievous grin, however, soon wilted on her face when she saw Korlin's expression. The Kirin sighed and shook her head. "If by 'this stuff', you mean taunting that poor girl, then you're right - I'm not 'into that'. If you're talking about casual sex with your little harem, however, you're mistaken."

Sayn's mind skipped a beat and she just stared at Korlin, who responded by leaning back in her chair and stretching erotically even as she flashed a lopsided smile. "What's wrong? You gave everyone permission to... 'spread the love' amongst themselves. There was nothing in that to suggest that I should be excluded. I told you before that we Kirin have no trouble with casual sex, purely for entertainment, between friends." She sighed and looked around her room, packed with heavy and often dusty reading-materials. "I spend a lot of time here, working. Sometimes, I just need to get away from it a bit, to clear my mind. If you haven't noticed, it's probably just because I prefer to keep it in my chambers instead of throwing orgies on the front lawn for the sake of bullying an inexperienced girl."

Sayn sputtered, finally finding her voice. "Poor, inexperienced girl, is she? She's THOUSANDS of years old! She was born in a time when the gods still walked amongst us! Heck, she's several times older than you!" But Korlin just shook her head, a stern expression on her normally soft face. "Age has little to do with it. People grow up when they're made to. If someone spends thousands of years learning magic, she becomes an awe-inspiring mage. If she spends thousands of years learning to fight, she becomes a terrifying warrior. But if she spends thousands of years as a pampered princess, protected from the sharp corners of life, with nothing expected of her... she will never even become an adult."

Korlin's words bit deep, and Sayn found herself opening and closing her mouth several times as she searched for a valid counterargument - finding none. Meanwhile, Korlin started to sport a smile every bit as mischievous as the one she'd wiped off Sayn's face earlier. Leaning forwards, she put a hand on one of Sayn's legs, and started talking in a rather more sultry tone of voice than before. "About me having sex with the others, though... you wanna know what I usually get up to?" Sayn's train of thought came to a screeching halt, and she could only nod in confusion and rising arousal, as Korlin's leaned-forward pose gave her a clear look down the cleavage.

The beautiful Kirin licked her lips, smiling even more broadly. "Well, when I'm with you, I've got my dick out maybe eight times out of ten. You like it when I'm in charge... and hey, I don't mind. But sometimes, you just wanna get your brain fucked out. You wanna get pounded from behind 'till all you can think about is cumming. Well, I don't think I need to tell YOU that..." Sayn felt the heat rise in her cheeks. Korlin rarely 'talked dirty', but when she did, it got her hot under the collar in a hurry. "So... when I need some release, it's K'teshi or Achidias I go find. Particularly Achidias... mmm... that boy has both the equipment AND the skill... and I love letting him mount me while I'm in my true form. 's like a taste of home. I think he really gets off on it too. I'm the closest thing to a Centaur mare he's ever fucked, after all."

Sayn's breathing was becoming short, her increasingly-aroused mind painting vivid pictures of the situations Korlin had just so colorfully described. Coming in close behind those were flashes of sudden inspiration - things that she could do now that she knew Korlin wasn't adverse to mixing it up with the other members of her harem. Like a double penetration! She hadn't had one of those for years, since both of her current male lovers were too bulky to be on the bottom. She'd tried it years earlier, back during her original hunt for a Consort, when she threw an orgy with a bunch of Beastkin, but never since... and she suddenly reeeaaaaally felt like it. Meanwhile, Korlin's hand was moving further up her (instinctively-spread) thighs, in tune with Sayn's rising arousal.

Then, the hand suddenly disappeared as Korlin got to her feet and unceremoniously walked around Sayn towards the door leading out into the courtyard. "Wha... where are you going?" Sayn asked desperately, her hands reaching automatically for her dripping-wet pussy. Korlin smiled sweetly over her shoulder before she answered. "Why, I'm going to go talk to Thielwen, of course. The poor girl is probably terrified, confused, and desperately unhappy with her prospects. She needs to hear a kind word from SOMEWHERE." Then, with a wave, she was gone - leaving Sayn seething in frustration and unable to really blame her.

She never found out what Korlin and Thielwen really talked about that day. She only saw the results, hours later as she laid in her bed trying to swallow her frustrations. While tempted to do so after Korlin's teasing, she'd resisted the urge to look up one of the other residents of the Seraglio for some quick release - she knew that Korlin was punishing her for being mean to the elven girl, and she didn't want to cheapen that. In fact, she'd just about resolved to not even masturbate until she could convince Korlin to forgive (and fuck) her, when she heard a rapping on her chamber-door.

Only two people ever knocked on her door, particularly this late at night - Korlin and Cybra. It wasn't Cybra - his hooves made for a very characteristic knocking sound - so Sayn immediately sat up in her bed with the arousal from earlier rising back to her face, and said the command-word that opened the door. The magically-reinforced slab of stout oak swung open, but the woman who stepped inside as soon as there was room for her, looking decidedly ill at ease, wasn't Korlin. The moonlight streaming in through her windows illuminated the visitor quite clearly, but nonetheless it took Sayn several seconds to realize that it was Thielwen.

Normally, Thielwen wore long, conservative dresses - the kind that reached the ground, with sleeves reaching right down to the elegant silk gloves she usually wore, and a neckline that started just below her chin. Not that they weren't pretty - inevitably, they were exquisitely tailored and a shade of green that nicely complemented her eyes, with golden stitching on the hems. But they weren't really Sayn's preferred style... unlike what she was wearing right now. No green, this time - instead, it was all white. In fact, it was so perfectly, gleamingly PURE white that it made the elf's otherwise pale skin seem healthier just by contrast.

Sayn's eyes panned up over her midnight visitor, starting from the feet. Elegant shoes with heels several inches high, pearly-white of course. Silk stockings, reaching to mid-thigh, and attached to a garter-belt of white brocade. There was nothing between the stockings and the belt but a carefully-trimmed little bush of golden-blond pubic-hairs. Further up, a white leather corset was wrapped around her slender waist, stopping just below her chest - somehow managing to squeeze some kind of feminine curves out of the reedy girl, lifting and showing off her perky, petite breasts. Her arms, which she was clasping tightly behind her back as if to prevent them from trying to shield the juicy bits, were covered in white gloves that reached nearly to her shoulders, in the same style as her stockings. Finally, a white lace choker inset with large pearls, wrapped around her neck, completed the look.

Sheer disbelief at seeing the prim-and-proper elf-maiden dressed that way was the first thing to reach Sayn's mind. Following close behind it was the dawning realization that Thielwen must have walked across the courtyard dressed like that (and on heels like that). Finally, an even more shocking realization... she was HOT. For the first time since the elf had joined her harem, Sayn felt attracted to her. Perhaps some of it was her frustrated libido talking, but... really, packaged that way, the tall, slim elf was actually really good looking. It also helped that the usually cold and aloft expression that she habitually wore had been replaced with downcast eyes and bright-red cheeks.

Thielwen was the first to break the enduring silence, even as she took a few more steps into the room, her high heels clicking loudly against the floor. "You... like my outfit?" Her voice, too, was different - shaky, uncertain, afraid... and yet determined. Sayn swallowed and quickly nodded. "Umm... yeah. Definitely. I had no idea elves made that kind of... clothes." Thielwen nodded and continued to walk towards Sayn's bed, her shoulders vibrating as if her arms were struggling to leap forwards and cover her exposed groin and chest. "Yes... they don't, really, anymore. It's from before... you know. Magically-reinforced fabrics, made to last. It was tailored to me - supposed to be for my wedding-night. But then the fall... well, I guess this is the closest thing to a real wedding-night I'll have."

Sayn blinked, swallowed a few more times, and then drew in a large breath before speaking up again. "I see... well, thank you for showing it to me. But you don't need to do more than that. I... really should've told you upfront, but I have no intention of pushing you into anything you're uncomfortable with. Like sex." Just the word made the exquisitely vulnerable-looking girl jump slightly, but she composed herself quickly and nodded. "I'm aware. Korlin told me as much. She also told me that you don't like elves very much... not that I needed to hear it from someone else. It's somewhat obvious, and not very surprising. Humans, in general, don't like us."

Her rising arousal momentarily dulled by a surge of anger, Sayn looked away from the vision of decadent beauty walking towards her. "Yeah, well, can you blame us? It may be ancient history for us, but it isn't for you. Heck, you probably remember a time when every human you saw was a faithful slave to your glorious empire." The clacking of heels against the floor paused, and the voice that answered was even shakier than before, choked with emotion. "Yes... yes, I remember that. I also remember believing that it was for your own good. I know that doesn't excuse it, but... have we not been punished enough already? If you really don't think so... then punish ME for the sins of my people. Do... whatever you like to me. I will accept it without protest."

The voice dragged her eyes back to the elf, gleaming white in the moonlight. She looked so incredibly vulnerable and helpless, but the determination in her eyes was real. Sayn could not help but recall what Korlin had said about people only growing up when they were forced to - perhaps Thielwen, for all her years, had finally become an adult tonight. She'd made a choice to throw herself to the wolves, in the hopes that it might help protect her people. Briefly, images of the white-clad elf-maiden flashed across her mind, showing her in various situations - bent over the edge of her bed, with red hand-marks blemishing the ivory-white skin of her buttocks. Tied down to a wooden horse with a gag in her mouth as Achidias mounted and violently pounded her. On her knees with arms tied behind her back as she orally pleased Lutra, brown-furred fingers tangled in the golden-blond hair.

She shook her head to clear it. Normally, she preferred being dominated over dominating, but something about that skinny little elf-maiden brought up the other side in her. Nonetheless, she couldn't take her up on that particular offer. She wouldn't really be a willing participant, just a willing martyr. Even if she'd genuinely hated elves, rather than just mildly disliking them, there was no way she could do something like that - it would be nothing more or less than rape.

She made another sharp intake of breath and steadied herself. "There's no need for that. You are right - punishing the elves for what their empire did thousands of years ago is both pointless and unjust. I will make sure I don't let my feelings cloud my attitude towards your people in the future. Okay?" Thielwen looked like she was about to nod - then shook her head instead, and continued walking forwards, clearly steeling herself. "Not hating us... isn't enough. You just admitted that you still feel the same way, you just won't let it affect policy. But we need an ally, not just someone who won't actively seek our destruction. And I need to convince you that at least some of what you believe about us is wrong..."

The pale, beautiful elf was right in front of the bed by now, and more details were visible. Her nipples, for starters were obviously hard and standing out from her petite chest like tiny arrows. Between her legs, her pussy was visible - perfectly-sculpted labia, with just the slightest hint of a wet gleam suggesting that the erect nipples weren't entirely down to the midnight chill in the air. "You... think of us as frigid, do you not? Sexless. Considering your own belief in spreading Love freely, I think that is a large part of what makes you negatively disposed towards us. But I'll show you otherwise. We may no longer bear children, but that does not mean we cannot enjoy the... pleasures of the flesh."

Her voice sounded like she was trying to convince herself more than Sayn, even as she started to climb up unto the bed. Sayn winced slightly, gritting her teeth as the increased proximity of a beautiful, willing woman made her libido surge high enough to challenge her logic. "That's... very nice... but you don't need to do this. The thought is appreciated, really, but your heart obviously isn't in it." She had a hard time forcing the words out, but Thielwen continued her advance, crawling across the covers on her hands and knees, her lips pouty and remarkably tasty-looking all of a sudden. "Please... just let me share your bed for tonight... I know I won't be able to compare to the level of skill you're accustomed to, but I NEED to do this... I swear I won't bother you again if you find me... unsatisfactory." The pleading voice and the slight scent of springtime flowers that seemed to emanate from the elf's long, golden hair broke down the last of Sayn's defenses at that point.

With a groan, she reached out to grab the elf's slender shoulders, and pulled her forwards into a heated kiss and a tight embrace. The lips were just as soft and tasty as she'd thought, and now that she had the elf's body against her own, she could feel that being tall and slim didn't mean she was bony. The subdued, yet feminine curves were soft and subtle under her hands. However, she could also feel the girl tensing, as if torn between sinking into Sayn's embrace and tearing herself away. The lips resting against hers parted only reluctantly for her probing tongue.

However, when her own questing fingers found the spot between Thielwen's long, slender legs, things changed rapidly. At first, the slim body on top of her jumped at the touch to her privates... but then, as Sayn's practiced fingers sunk into the little-used pussy, rubbing all the right places, a rapid change took place. The stiff, tense body melted against her, suddenly losing all reluctance. The mouth she was kissing opened wider, releasing a long-held moan into her own, even as the tongue emerged to caress her lips.

Intrigued by the reaction, Sayn dug her fingers in harder and was rewarded by another moan and an erotic hip-gyration as Thielwen pushed her pussy down over Sayn's probing fingers. If a casual fingerbanging got the elf's heart racing so quickly, she wondered, how would she react to a PROPER treatment of her honeypot? Eager to find out, she pushed her covers aside and wrestled the unresisting elf around so that she was at the bottom and Sayn was on top. Then it was just a matter of sliding herself downwards, stopping to plant a couple of kisses on the perky little titties along the way, and finally lower her head between the spread-open legs as she replaced her juice-covered fingers with her wet - and highly practiced - tongue.

Thielwen started cumming almost as soon as Sayn thrust her tongue into her increasingly-juicy pussyhole. Her body convulsed against the mattress, and her glove-clad fingers clawed at the sheets. Amused by the powerful reaction, Sayn clamped her hands down on the elf's slim upper thighs, keeping them spread and stationary as she carefully applied her by-now significant experience in the field of cunnilingus. The taste was delicious - sweet and fruity, with just a hint of salty freshness. Licking, sucking and occasionally rasping her teeth over sensitive tissue, she spent the next fifteen minutes or so applying as much stimulation as she could to the shapely orifice before her, feeling the labia swell with blood and part like a blooming flower before her intruding tongue as she did. As far as she could tell, the elf-maid never stopped climaxing at any point during that time, her moans and screams of pleasure gradually phasing from 'silvery' to 'hoarse'.

As much as she was enjoying the elf's obvious displays of pleasure, however, Sayn also had her own needs to see to. Her pussy was buzzing with need by now, the unreleased desire from Korlin's earlier teasing combining with her arousal at watching Thielwen's transformation from stuck-up twig to lust-crazed lover. Interrupting her oral treatment of the elf's juicy pussy for a moment, she quickly crawled around in the bed to cover the slender body with her own, only turned the other way around - a classic 'sixty-nine' position that left her own pussy literally dripping on Thielwen's face. "Hey, isn't it time you reciprocated a bit, hmm?" She asked tauntingly as she lowered her groin over the waiting face, and then quickly returned her own mouth to the continuing the ongoing oral treatment of the elf's tender orifice.

She felt Thielwen's silk-smooth, perfectly-shaped lips brush over her labia, followed by a tentative tongue poking in between them. The girl had obviously never tried anything like that before, and her inexperience showed despite the good example Sayn was providing. Well, the non-stop orgasms wracking the wiry body that mouth was attached to probably didn't help either. Thielwen had barely started to fade into the post-orgasmic afterglow during the earlier maneuver, but as soon as Sayn's tongue returned to its dance, the continuous stream of climaxes resumed as well.

On any other night, Thielwen's untrained, poorly-controlled, frequently-interrupted tongue wouldn't have been able to get her off at all, but with her current state of unreleased tension, she managed - albeit mainly by grinding her groin against the sharp contours of the elf-maiden's face. It took nearly half an hour, though - and she kept up her own tongue-exercise through it all. Only when the long-awaited orgasm had finished shivering its way up her spine did she dismount the elf's head, pull her head out from between the wiry thighs, and get up on her knees to take a better look at her partner.

Thielwen looked nearly catatonic. Her eyes were glazed and stared at the ceiling without really seeing it. Sexual juices covered most of her face, gleaming in the moonlight. Her lips were slightly parted, her tongue licking back and forth along them as if searching for the juicy pussy that had been in front of it until just then. Her limps were practically spreadeagled, with her fingers buried deep in the scrunched-up sheets, while her legs were parted about as far as anatomy would allow, vibrating slightly from tension. A large, wet spot was visible between her legs, and her pussy gaped slightly from sheer arousal, showing off a patch of pulsing pink that seemed like the only patch of color on the pale-skinned girl dressed all in white. It was an indescribably erotic sight.

Having an orgasm was always nice, but watching your partner shake and moan as she came was its own sort of pleasure - and Sayn had never seen anyone as... responsive as Thielwen. Licking her lips, she dove back down between those slender thighs, not bothering to clamp down on them this time - she had better things to use her hands for. A pair of fingers pulled the outer labia apart so that her tongue could reach deeper inside, and another pair pushed into the gap, moved around for a bit to pick up a good coating of pussy-juice, and then withdrew to seek a lower, tighter target. As her tongue once again dove into the leaking honeypot, those fingers began to prod at the almost-certainly virgin asshole beneath.

There were no protests from the nearly-unconscious elf as her sphincter was prodded open by first one, then two fingers. When she started to thrust them forcefully in and out of the tight orifice, in time with the rhythmic movements of her tongue, the constant wave of orgasms washing over Thielwen merely seemed to increase slightly in intensity. The hole clung to her fingers with great strength, clamping down every time another climax swept over the elf... which was seemingly several times per minute. Encouraged by the constant stream of increasingly-hoarse moans, Sayn thus continued to put her tongue - and fingers - to the task, applying every trick she'd learned in her time with Korlin and, more recently, Lutra. The orgasm she'd enjoyed earlier had swept away her fatigue, and her practiced tongue was nearly tireless.

As such, she only stopped about half an hour later, when Thielwen finally passed out. The last moan faded into something resembling a snore while her tensed limbs fell limply to the sheets, curled fingers relaxing, her rapid breathing growing deeper and firmer. Sayn lifted her juice-splattered face from between the now-relaxed thighs and looked down at the sleeping elf with a lifted eyebrow. She'd been fucked into unconsciousness herself on a number of occasions, but this was the first time she'd done it to someone else. It was a strangely satisfying feeling. With a chuckle, she settled down next to Thielwen, pulled the covers over the both of them, and snuggled up to her tall, beautiful, sexually-exhausted partner. The faint, comforting scent of the elf's leather corset lulled her to sleep...

Thielwen was still snoring when Sayn awoke, refreshed and perky, the next morning. In fact, the elf barely seemed to have moved during the night, her legs still spread invitingly wide underneath the covers. Though briefly toying with the tempting idea of giving her a wake-up tongueing, Sayn restrained herself and merely slipped quietly out of bed - obviously, the poor girl was exhausted after last night. And besides, the wake-up conversation might've been... a bit awkward. Apparently, Thielwen felt the same way, for when Sayn returned to her chambers later that day, the elf was gone - leaving nothing but a wet spot on the sheets as evidence of the previous night's events. Indeed, she didn't see her again for nearly a week.

Sayn shrugged it off and moved on. Thielwen had, after all, done what she'd set out to do - proven that elves were quite capable of being an enjoyable lay. Certainly, Sayn could tell that her own feelings concerning elves in general had shifted somewhat as a result of that intimacy. If Thielwen was too embarrassed about it to show her face for a bit, then that was fine too - Sayn certainly had no intention of bullying the girl any further. She went back to her earlier pattern of inviting her consorts into her own chambers for their occasional encounters - or took them to Aishee's water-filled home so that the voyeuristic mermaid could watch and join in as she liked.

However, when she finally DID see Thielwen again, it was in a way that made her body freeze in midstep and her eyes threaten to leap right out of their sockets. She was walking through the courtyard park when she heard the kind of slobbery, moany noises she knew meant sex, and casually glanced around the central fountain to see who was going at it with whom. SHE had stopped sexing it up at the poolside, but the rest of her harem hadn't, and she didn't feel like outright forbidding it - after all, it WAS one of Aishee's main pleasures... and sure enough, the mermaid was right there at the edge of the water, eagerly masturbating as she watched.

Thielwen was squatting there, legs widely-spread as one of her hands moved swiftly between her thighs. She was wearing the same pure-white outfit as on their first night together, and in the bright light of the noonday sun, it somehow looked less erotic and more slutty. Contributing to that image was the fact that she was squatting directly behind the broadly-grinning Achidias, her free hand fondling and massaging his pendulous ballsack, and her face buried beneath his tail. She was noisily and enthusiastically licking his wrinkled asshole, pausing only to thrust her tongue into the center as her lips encircled the slightly-bulging orifice in an intimate kiss.

Sayn had approached the couple from behind, and was well out of their field of vision - so for a while, she just stood there, frozen, and watched the elven princess make out with a Centaur's asshole. Then a whispered voice near her ear made her jump. "Quite a sight, innit?" Spinning her head around, she spotted the animalistic features of Lutra, who quickly wrapped her furry arms around Sayn's waist and grinned naughtily at her. Sensing that the Beastkin knew significantly more about what was going on than she did, she narrowed her eyes, shooting a questioning look at the otter-girl.

Lutra giggled, muffling it with one paw. "Wondering how the high-and-mighty princess wound up in that position, I take it?" Sayn just nodded, raising an eyebrow as her eyes drifted - almost of their own accord - back to the perverse sight. Lutra moved up closer, pressing her chest against Sayn's back and nestling her muzzle close enough to her ear that the whiskers brushed ticklishly over them with every movement. "Well, I guess it's mostly my fault. Nearly a week ago, that girl shows up in my chambers, wearing that outfit, asking me to teach her how to 'please a woman'. I thought it was some sort of elaborate prank - like, maybe Korlin had finally grown a sense of humor and decided to stretch her shape-shifting muscles - do I told her 'Lick my ass, and I'll think about it.' But then she actually went and did it."

Lutra's tongue flicked out to touch Sayn's ear briefly, while one strong, fur-covered hand reached down between her legs to squeeze against her pussy through the sheer fabric of the light dress she was wearing. "Well, she wasn't particularly good at it... but damn if I didn't love seeing her like that, all pushing her face into my bum. And I'm an otter of my word, so I gave her some pointers and a demonstration on proper finger-and-tongue work afterwards... and damn if she didn't cum all over the place. It's like she's constantly on a hair trigger, and there's always another arrow in the bushel. So I told Aishee about it afterwards, and SHE offered Her Elfishness some more in-depth schooling... for the same price I'd demanded."

Sayn felt herself automatically leaning back against Lutra's strong chest, spreading her legs for the insistent hand and letting her dress hike up for easier access. The sight was intensely arousing - she was no stranger to ass-licking herself, having been introduced to it by none other than Korlin a while back, and later finding to her delight that Lutra was quite happy to indulge in that particular brand of perversion too. She'd even tried doing it herself, but only to Korlin... and while she'd contemplated returning the favor to Lutra, she hadn't really thought of doing it to the boys. It seemed somehow... dirtier, whether because they were guys or because they were quadrupeds. Seeing the elf she'd previously judged as 'frigid' and 'stuck-up' indulge in it with such energy, however, made her wet.

"By the time the boys got involved, the 'pricing' had already been settled, and she's gotten much, much better at using her tongue... I think she'd pretty much forgotten why she started doing it in the first place, though. Maybe the 'lessons' were just an excuse for getting it on with us." Lutra was continuing her account even as her fingers began to push into Sayn's pussy, and the other hands started to squeeze and pinch one of her tits. "But... nhhgh... that's kind of mean, isn't it? Making her do... something like that..." Sayn was speaking under her breath, but had to struggle to keep her voice down in the face of her rising arousal. Fortunately, Thielwen seemed to be a bit too absorbed in her task to notice the faint voices behind her. Achidias, however, looked over his shoulder, spotted Sayn and Lutra, and flashed them a broad grin.

"Heh... maybe right at first, it was. But... well, I dunno if it's some kind of imprinting, what with it being one of her first sexual experiences, or if she was just inherently kinky to begin with - but she's definitely getting off on it now." Lutra's reply was a whisper, broken up by more licks and gentle bites at her ear. "It gets her all kinds of hot and wet and raring to go. I mean, just look at her..." Sayn was looking, all right - and as she did, Achidias flashed another grin over his shoulder, then swatted his tail across Thielwen's forehead. "All right, that's good enough... get down and spread your legs, and I'll give you what you need."

Thielwen seemed almost reluctant to interrupt what she was doing, and as her head pulled away, a thick string of drool connected her tongue to Achidias' freshly-cleaned asshole for several seconds before it broke. However, the sight of the centaur's massive cock swinging heavily beneath his flanks quickly drew her attention, and in a smooth movement that suggested prior practice, she dropped down to her knees and slipped forwards between his hind legs. She deliberately kept her ass elevated as she moved forwards with catlike agility, catching the dangling sausage between her bony ass-cheeks and sliding down the length of it that way. As soon as the broad cockhead slipped out of this canyon to drop down behind her, she stopped her forwards motion and lowered her face to the ground, bracing herself against the flagstones with her glove-clad hands while pulling her legs up under her and spreading them at the same time. This left her with straightened legs in a wide V, balancing on her high-heeled shoes, with her groin fully exposed.

From her rear vantage, Sayn could easily see what Lutra had been talking about... the elf was literally dripping wet, with tiny rivulets of pussy-juice marking the inside of her thighs. Her straight, picture-perfect labia were swollen with blood and slightly parted, showing every possible sign of arousal. The view was interrupted when Achidias shifted his stance, taking aim at Thielwen's pussy with practiced ease. His huge cock looked downright monstrous when compared to her slim frame and narrow waist, and Sayn's immediate reaction was that it couldn't possibly fit - not even partially.

She couldn't contain her gasp as the pair proved her wrong. A powerful thrust of Achidias' hips sent his thick rod rocketing forwards, and Thielwen's well-lubricated pussy opened easily before it. The labia parted without protest, seemingly ignoring the fact that the shaft was thicker than her ankles. As Sayn stared, astounded, it continued to slide inside, with Achidias shuffling his hooves forwards inch by inch... until her ass brushed against the coarse coat of his underbelly, and her pussy-lips touched the edge of his sheath. He'd bottomed out in her - pushing his full length inside... a feat Sayn herself could only accomplish anally. Granted, Thielwen was a solid foot-and-change taller than her, and it wasn't all in the legs... but she'd kind of assumed the extra torso-space was used for something else, like internal organs maybe.

In her current pose, Thielwen's body was angled rather sharply downwards - so while Sayn, standing behind her, could no longer see her overstretched pussy (Achidias' dangling balls were in the way), she COULD see her flat belly. Or, NORMALLY-flat belly - right now, it was showing a clearly-visible bulge running clear from her groin to her navel. It gave a rather dizzying impression of just how much meat the slim body had somehow absorbed. Lutra giggled in her ear, before licking it again. "Impressive, isn't it? You wouldn't think it was possible, but I guess it's an elf-thing. They may not be indestructible, but they're a lot closer than most, and I guess that also means that they can push themselves harder and further without fear of damaging anything. Heck, I was there the first time Achidias took her ASS, and even though he left a gaping, fist-sized hole behind, there wasn't a single drop of blood in sight anywhere. Uncanny, really."

If Lutra had planned to say anything else, it was interrupted - for as soon as Achidias began to thrust in earnest, ramming his long, hard tool repeatedly into the seemingly-fragile elf-maiden, her silvery, beautifully melodic voice rang out clearly. "Oh, yes! Stretch my cunt open with your fat cock! Pound me hard and fast! Yeeesss... make me cum 'till I pass out! Fuck me silly!" Wide-eyed with surprise, Sayn recoiled physically from the tirade, bending backwards into Lutra's embrace while the Otterkin laughed into her ear. "I taught her to do that... talk dirty, y'know. I'm pretty sure she has no idea exactly how crude some of those words are, though. Please don't tell her."

The constant stream of lewd statements and perverse requests was interrupted by orgasmic moans and pants every minute or so, and from the way Thielwen's body was convulsing, she'd probably already forgotten where she was. "Is... this her first time doing it out here?" she whispered sideways, and Lutra nodded with a giggle. "Yep. Achidias told her he wouldn't do her unless it was out by the pond where Aishee could watch, and what with K'teshi being away for the day, she was low on alternatives for getting her needs met. Once she gets an itch, she doesn't seem to care about much of anything else..."

Then Lutra dropped down to her knees, stuck her head up Sayn's dress, and lodged her muzzle between the twin orbs of her buttocks, effectively ending the conversation. The hand that had been rubbing her through the front of her dress shifted too, darting around a leg to reach for the same spot from below - now unrestricted by any intervening fabric. As a long, agile tongue pushed its way into her asshole, and a pair of slender fingers began to thrust into her sopping-wet pussy, Sayn found herself struggling to remain standing on rubbery legs, unable to restrain her moans of pleasure. Fortunately, it seemed like Thielwen was far too lost in her own pleasure to pay any attention to outside noise.

"Ah! AH! Yes, fill my womb with your thick, hot cum! Knock me up with your foal! Make me your broodmare!" The changed note of Thielwen's depraved commands coincided with Achidias' thrusts becoming shorter and sharper - and his breath doing the same. With a drawn-out groan that whistled out through his clenched teeth, he flexed his hips to fully impale the sex-crazed elf as he obeyed her request. The whole thing was clearly visible from Sayn's vantage-point - she could even see the slight broadening at the tip of the bulge on Thielwen's stomach, which indicated that his cockhead had flared. And she could CERTAINLY see the still-flat area of her belly swell and expand into a small, neat dome as the womb beyond it was filled and inflated by a torrent of sperm.

They stayed that way, immobile but for their shaking legs, for a few minutes, while Thielwen's explicit tirade faded away into a series of half-pronounced groans. Then Achidias seemingly composed himself and started to pull out, his hooves scratching across the flagstones as he backed up - until only his still-flared cockhead was left inside his elvish partner, making her labia bulge out impressively as it tugged on them from inside. "You... want it up the ass next?" he grunted. Not terribly eloquent, but then he never was the type to do much talking during sex. The question, however, was apparently just what Thielwen needed to find her voice again. "Ugh... yes! Jam your shaft all the way up my ass and pound it raw! Stretch my sphincter into a stallion-sized fuckhole!"

Her hands, previously busy digging into the ground, let go and rose up along her flanks, leaving most of her weight supported on her head. As Achidias pulled the last few inches of his cock out into the air, showing off the glistening mass of his still fully-hard tool, her white-gloved fingers arched around her flat buttocks and gripped the edges of the tiny, pale-pink hole between them. While her pussy still hung wide-open beneath, in all its pulsating, cum-stained glory, she slowly pulled her sphincter open with her fingers, forcing it to deform and gape open, letting light filter into the dank tunnel beyond. For a moment, Sayn had a clear view inside both of the elf's nether orifices - then her line of sight was blocked by Achidias' massive dick as he pushed his still-partially-flared cockhead into the waiting gap.

Once again, it looked like there was no possible way it could fit... and once again, it did. The flare slipped inside with an audible *plop*, and the shaft quickly followed as Achidias bucked his hips and danced forwards. Inch after inch disappeared between the slender elf's buttocks, and below her still-gaping pussy was deformed into something resembling a broad grin, as the top edge arched down under the pressure. The hands that had been holding open the now-filled orifice quickly abandoned their post as the shaft slid deeper, taking up their old bracing position in preparation for when it hit the bottom. As before, the once-tiny orifice somehow had enough space for the full, imposing length of the centaur's cock, with the rough edges of his sheath actually digging into her sphincter, no doubt adding another bit of intense stimulation to the experience.

As soon as he hit the bottom, Achidias began to thrust in earnest - but far from the rapid, pounding pace he'd held when he was going at her pussy, he was using long, slow strokes now. His hips moved by as much as it was possible without actually walking back and forth, creating a stroke-length that was right at the edge of the physiologically possible. Her ass was visibly pulled along with every out-stroke, the sphincter following the shaft for several inches before letting it slide - causing her already-flat buttocks to lose all definition. The in-stroke, meanwhile, ended with him grinding his hips against hers, pushing the flexible sphincter into a crater with his sheath, and making her arms shake from the exertion of holding up so much of his weight.

It was a technique Sayn had been on the receiving end of often enough to know how effective it was, so she was hardly surprised when Thielwen's sexual tirade began to break down into loose fragments. "Pound... my ass... ugh... stretch... sphincter... fuck... YES! AHH! YEeeesss... my ass... harder... make me... your bitch... ungh... please... faster... ANH!! AAAHH!" Of course, Sayn could hardly blame her for being incoherent - she doubted that she herself could've done much better in her current state, with the tongue in her ass and the fingers in her pussy rapidly pushing her towards a climax of her own. Fortunately, the half-choked orgasmic scream she emitted when she reached it was entirely lost in the stream of grunts, moans and frequently-interrupted attempts at dirty-talk coming from Achidias and Thielwen...

One of the advantages of the slow, steady pace Achidias was setting, was that it enabled him to keep going for a long, long time before cumming. The constant stream of orgasms he was sending through Thielwen's shivering body, meanwhile, quickly eroded her ability to string together syllables, much less words, in any comprehensible fashion. Her inhumanly-tough elven body, however, bore up under his assault admirably - her knees wobbled, but never gave out. Meanwhile, the inexorable, sexual gravity of the situation gradually dragged Lutra and Sayn closer, as the desire to remain unnoticed observers waned.

By the time Achidias finally came, blasting his seed into the depths of the tight, elven ass convulsing around his cock, Sayn - who had long-since discarded her dress altogether - was right next to him. Specifically, she was bent over the side of the pond, with her lower body submerged in the lukewarm water. Aishee's head was lodged between her thighs, with the talented tongue it contained merrily lapping away at her pussy. Meanwhile, Lutra was sitting in front of her, legs spread, while Sayn's tongue danced around her orifices. The recent sight of Thielwen tonguing Achidias' ass, along with the delightful rimjob she'd received herself courtesy of Lutra's bewhiskered muzzle, had pushed some of her inhibitions aside - her tongue was darting into the scrunched-up tail-hole as easily as the drooling pussy above. She still had no idea why Lutra's asshole always smelled like newly-mown hay, but she certainly wasn't complaining...

Achidias' orgasmic groan, however, made her look up from her feast - and even from her current angle of view, there was no doubt what was happening. Thielwen's belly was still showing a noticeable bump where her cum-filled womb resided - mostly thanks to her head-down-ass-up stance preventing it from escaping out of her still-gaping pussy - but as hot spunk flooded her innards, the bulge grew noticeably larger. The centaur's massive body shook above her, both from the pleasure of the orgasm and exhaustion at the long ride - lines of sweat darkened his flanks, and his legs were slightly shaky.

As soon as his climax faded, he began to back away, his cock visibly shrinking and softening even as it emerged from Thielwen's ass with a slurping sound. The removal of the thick sausage from her body apparently shook the elf out of her pleasure-trance long enough to compose a single word - a throaty, drawn-out "Moorrrrrreeee..." Achidias, however, just clicked his tongue and took a final step backwards, causing his cockhead to slip out of her ass and swing heavily downwards, leaving his hanging wet, cum-stained and soft between his hind legs. "Sorry, m'lady, but I'm a bit worn out at this point... besides, I think somebody else is waiting to talk to you." With that, he made a lighthearted salute in Sayn's direction, stepped away from Thielwen, and walked - somewhat unsteadily - towards his chambers to rest.

Thielwen groaned lustily, and her shaking legs finally collapsed under her as she fell down to her knees. Thick gulps of cum immediately spilled from her pussy and ass alike, staining the ground between her legs. The elf looked desperately around, obviously hoping to find someone else who could take over where Achidias had left off - but her movements froze when her eyes panned over Sayn, who had extricated herself from Lutra and Aishee's loving embrace and climbed out of the pond in the meantime.

Sayn grinned as she sauntered casually towards the kneeling elf. "Hey, Thielwen... I hear you've been busy since last time, huh?" The elf's mouth opened and closed a few times before she found her tongue, but she finally answered as Sayn sat down by her head. "I... the pleasure you granted me on that night... I had never imagined anything could feel so good. It blew my mind. But I know that I gave back... barely a fraction of what you gave me. I cannot abide that. I have decided to dedicate myself to mastering the sexual arts, so that one day I can pay you back in full... but I know I am still far, far from there."

Grinning broadly, Sayn shook her head while gently placing a hand on Thielwen's neck, guiding the elf's head towards her pussy. "Well, 's nice that you've found a hobby, and I'm glad to see you getting along so well with the rest of my harem... but as for your skills, why don't you let me be the judge of that?" Thielwen needed no more prompting than that, and quickly buried her head between Sayn's thighs, tongue reaching for parts that were already buzzing from Lutra and Aishee's earlier treatment, and throbbing from several orgasms.

Lutra, meanwhile, kneeled down by the rear end, and flexed her long, strong fingers. Then, placing her left hand on the small of Thielwen's back, she thrust her right at the elf's asshole - which still gaped wide-open after the lengthy pounding it had absorbed from Achidias' centaur-sized cock. The thin, sleek fur that covered the Otterkin's arms was slick with the fragrant, natural oils that kept it watertight, and slipped in easily, the sphincter stretching around the hilt of her hand with little trouble. Shifting her stance slightly, she then leaned over Thielwen's back, and rammed her arm into the tight hole right up to the elbow in one long, swift movement - pushing the elf forwards into Sayn's pussy with a groan.

The Otterkin's slim, yet muscular arm was roughly equal in size to Achidias' cock, which explained why it went in so easily - but there WERE a few key differences, starting with the powerful fingers now flexing in the depths of Thielwen's ass, tickling and massaging her in some very hard-to-reach places. The other difference manifested when Lutra pulled her arm back for another thrust - the fur, so nice and sleek going in, offered significantly more resistance in the other direction. As it brushed over the full length of Thielwen's rectum, an almighty shudder went through the elf, making her teeth chatter - it seemed as if she'd just had about half a dozen orgasms all on top of one another.

Sayn and Lutra locked eyes over the shaking elf's back, both wearing similar broad, naughty grins. Just watching the way Thielwen reacted to every stimulus was a delight. "You think they're all like this?" Lutra asked conversationally as she began to pump her forearm into the elf's ass with a powerful, regular rhythm. Sayn giggled, feeling the flickering tongue in her pussy jump and freeze with every stroke. "Bundles of sexual frustration going back millenia, just waiting to explode with the right prodding, you mean? I have no idea, but... it seems like a fruitful field of research, don't you think?"


The courtyard area around the pond, surrounded by greenery and filled with the tinkling sound of the fountain, once again became the favored place for sexual liaisons - whether a quick fuck to ease some pressure, or a carefully-choreographed orgy. Now that Thielwen was a willing and eager participant too, Korlin had no further objections to it, and even joined in from time to time. On lazy afternoons when no-one was out on a mission or busy with other work, it was not unusual to find Sayn, Lutra and Thielwen side-by side there, kneeling beneath Korlin, K'teshi and Achidias as powerful thrusts shook their bodies... all while Aishee eagerly watched from the nearby pond, furiously masturbating and licking her lips as she waited to find out whose pussy she'd get to suck a load of fresh cum out of first.

The residents of The Beastmaker's Seraglio were the council who oversaw the creation of a new world, forging alliances and friendships where before there had been only enmity and war. As the races mingled like never before, with griffons, centaurs and beastkin filtering into human cities - driven by curiosity, or the desire for a better life - frictions and conflicts inevitably occurred. It was thanks to the tireless labors of the Consorts that these conflicts never got out of hand, that the frictions were identified and handled. Later historians would laud their labors in flowery terms, but often pass rather lightly over the powerful motivational factor that the Seraglio itself provided. After all, once they had solved the problems they'd left to handle, they could return there... to once again indulge in the pleasures it held.


_ END _

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