Top Dog Condoms

Story by FakeMan on SoFurry

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Well I got a lot of interest when this idea came up in my last bout of fevered brainstorming.

So without further ado . . . Here it be!

Disclaimer - Outside of an anthropomorphic dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of an anthropomorphic dog, you'll be far too busy to read. (This is a work of pornographic fiction. Please do not read if it would be illegal for you to do so.)

Top Dog Condoms

Gas prices were low, university was out, and neither Edmond nor Terry had a job. Despite the fact that they had been going out for just over a year, they both knew that crashing at either of their family's houses for more than a month would be much like snuggling up with the inquisition, and so they had decided that this would be the year of their great American road trip.

In theory, this had meant that they were going to go on a whirlwind tour of all the famous places in America. In practice, however, it meant seeing all of the little oddball roadside attractions between New Mexico and Niagara falls. There had been the world's largest ball of twine, an emu ranch, two wax museums, and a nearly infinite number of unremarkable road-side diners.

The long asphalt frontier was a great place for them to really get to know each other, not because of its majesty, but really just because there wasn't much else to do. They didn't have the cash to stay anywhere nice, and so usually they just ended up perusing little podunk towns with literally one attraction in them. The motels in these places were cheap, and the staff was generally friendly, even if a few gave them a funny look for booking a single bed room for the two of them. If pressed to explain, most of the folk seemed satisfied if they claimed they were just brothers traveling on the cheap.

Not that they really looked anything alike. Terry was taller, a tanned lanky guy with brown hair and light grayish eyes. His beard looked a little out of place on him, but it made him seem more eccentric rather than crazy. Ed was shorter, but probably weighed a good ten pounds more than Terry. He was thick as a tree stump, and had about as much of a fashion sense. He wore loose shorts and T-shirts with odd witticisms on them that contrasted with Terry's Hawaiian shirts and tight fitting slacks.

Getting into some of the motels may have been awkward, but staying in them was a truly stupefying experience. You know how some older motels had signs that said "free cable?" It turns out there is a reason for that. Instead of wi-fi, or pay per view, or basic human entertainment, most of their rooms had an old CRT television with hissing snapping pictures filtered directly out of the airwaves. After watching pretty much every episode of the static filled version of Cosmos, there really wasn't that much left to do.

And so they found other ways to pass the nights.

"Goddammit." Ed's voice rang out from the bathroom.

"What's that?" Terry looked up from his crossword puzzle as he lay legs all akimbo on the single bed of their dim motel room. He saw Ed holding a bottle of Astroglide, and nothing else.

"We're out of condoms . . ." Edmond said like a marooned sailor just finding out that there were no more barrels of rum left.

"Oh, well that _ is _ a shame . . ." Terry said as he closed the worn newspaper that he held in front of him, scratching his beard slowly.

"Well, I mean, you could always just give me a beej . . ." Edmond shrugged with exaggerated deliberation.

"Oh, I could . . ." The lanky man rolled over on the bed, looking over his shoulder at his boyfriend. "But then I feel like this would all be a waste . . ." Slowly, he unzipped his tight white slacks, tugging them down and revealing the taut black smooth fabric hugging his shapely ass below them.

Ed bit his lip. Terry knew he had a weakness for those frilly black panties that clung around his package like high class shrink wrap. "Goddammit." He cursed again, trying to stifle his erection as he swiped his wallet off of the bedside table and walked towards the door.

Terry rolled back over, leaving his trousers down by his feet as he picked up his crossword again. "Also, we could use some ice . . ." He smiled as Ed rolled his eyes and grabbed the ice bucket on the way out, while Terry tapped his pencil against his teeth and considered a nine letter word for a plot device coined by Alfred Hitchcock.

Walking out while arranging his erection to be not quite as obvious, Ed looked towards his car. The last convenience store he remembered passing was ten minutes back down the road . . . which was far too long to wait. Even though this particular motel was pretty run of the mill, some of the ones they'd visited before had been quite skeezy. All motels had vending machines of some kind, but occasionally, there were the old fashioned metal wall dispensers that would trade two shiny quarters for ibuprofen, aspirin, the occasional unlabeled mystery drug, or rarely, even one of the rubbers that he so urgently desired at the moment.

His gamble didn't seem to pay off as he walked past the quiet blue motel doors in the warm summer night towards the buzzing set back alcove of vending machines. There was a brilliantly red Coke machine, and an old fashioned back-lit chip and candy box that had industrial looking metal wiring crossing the front. In addition was the ever-present buzzing ice machine, seeming to taunt him as his shoulders drooped. Figuring he'd save time, get the ice now, and drop it off before he drove back to the Seven Eleven, he took the lid of the white plastic bucket and held it back against the metal dispenser poking down, noisy avalanche filling it in seconds.

But as he turned around, there was a glorious aluminum revelation on the wall, an unassuming box containing the ripped cardboard inserts for Tylenol, Advil, and the glorious foil rectangle of what he so desperately sought. He looked closer . . . Top Dog? It wasn't really a brand that Ed had ever heard of before, but it wasn't any odder than naming them after a bunch of crazy war dudes that all hid inside of a giant wooden horse. He did a giddy little dance from foot to foot, fishing around in his deep pockets for change, coming up with two quarters and plunking them into the round slots with evident glee.

Pressing that metal plunger back into the old device and then jerking it out with a metallic ratcheting noise was oh so satisfying, causing a grin creep over his face as he picked up the heavy wrapped square that was produced. Printed there was Top Dog: Bring Out The Alpha In You:lubricated for your pleasure. Please change responsibly. The text wasfollowed by a stylized spiked collar motif. He shook his head and pocketed the rubber: definitely an off brand.

He practically trotted back to the room, throwing the door open and closing it behind himself, turning the lock with a satisfying click.

"That was fast . . ." Terry looked over the top of his creased newspaper with interest. "Or were you just being a real mensch and bringing back the ice first?"

"Oh I got ice alright . . ." Edmund plunked down the bucket on the table. "And then the god of fornication smiled down upon me, and lo, I was gifted with this." He reached into his pocket with a thick fingered hand, producing the silver square between his fingers as if it were a magic trick for the ages.

"Ohhhh, I guess it was fated then." Terry chuckled, laying the paper down and crawling across the bed with a suggestive wiggle of his taut black panty-clad hips.

"It's not like there's anything better to do." Ed grinned as he fell onto the bed next to his boyfriend, tussling his brown hair as he pulled himself close.

"That." Terry pulled his warm tanned body close against Ed. "Is most definitely true . . ." He trailed off as he pressed forwards, turning his head to the side as their lips met in a kiss, bodies pulling closer together as they embraced.

Edmond couldn't help but grind up against his lover as they locked lips, groaning as his erection strained under his shorts. Terry tugged up at his shirt as they pulled back, yanking it up over his head before he unbuttoned his shorts and tugged down his boxers, watching with evident need as Terry quickly unbuttoned his own shirt and tossed it off, leaving him clad in nothing but tight lacy black with his erection bulging behind the strained velour.

"You always get so restless when you've been driving all day . . ." Terry teased him as he fumbled with the foil wrapped packaged between his fingers.

"And you know what's to blame for that?" Ed tugged at the serrated edges of the thick wrapper, finally managing to tear into it.

"Does it have something to do with the fact that we haven't passed anything except wheat and alfalfa in like, three days?" He asked coyly, keeping his grayish eyes locked on Ed even as he lay back on the bed.

"No." Ed grinned as he extracted the rolled up condom, glistening with an oddly generous amount of lube. "It has to do with the beautiful man riding next to me constantly wearing these." He reached down and pulled at the edges of Terry's silky underwear. The taller man let loose a cute little shout as the elastic snapped back against his pale flesh.

"Well then, I guess I'd better take them off . . ." Terry licked his lips as he watched Ed slowly unroll the glistening condom over his pulsing member. It looked a little bit odd, almost industrial in a sense, the material at the base slightly less translucent than the rest of it, like the rubber was thicker there.

"No, please." Ed smiled down at him. "Let me . . ." He tossed the wrapper onto the bed and leaned in, grabbing Terry's tight black underwear and slowly easing it down over his hips. His cock throbbed, feeling hotter and more sensitive than he expected, urging him forwards despite his panting restraint. His fingers brushed against Terry's soft skin as he slowly dragged the thin fabric down and past his feet, tickling over his toes as he held it up in front of him, stretching the glossy material between his hands.

"Hey, be careful. Those cost a lot you know . . ." Terry chided playfully before looking down at the torn wrapper next to him. "Hmm . . . Top Dog? And where oh where did you find this?" He set the wrapper on the night stand.

"Oh, you know, from the miracle machines that cater to our every need." He laughed. "Right next to the cures for headaches or muscle pain."

"I'm pretty sure this will take care of any aches or pains you might have as well." Terry rolled over on his hands and knees on the edge of the bed, looking back over his shoulder. "Whoever made those condoms had good taste." He wriggled his rump invitingly. "I think we should follow their more _animal_advice."

"Well . . ." Edmund looked towards the bathroom where he'd left the lubricant . . . but the condom seemed drippingly slick by itself "I just can't say no to that face . . ." He reached forwards, hands dimpling the flesh of his friend's hips as his breath began to race. He licked his lips absentmindedly, cock tingling inside of its tight slick rubber wrapping even before he ground up between Terry's tensed ass cheeks, pressed firmly against his clenched orifice. "Or your other parts . . ." His voice dropped to a gravelly growl.

"Oh!" Terry gasped, thighs clenching as the head of his lover's cock rubbed against his now slick anus. "You really must have been pent up. Poor boy." He tried to sound coy, but already his breath was coming out in panting heaves. The motions felt more visceral than normal, those hands grasping at him with a nearly instinctual animal hunger.

"You have no idea . . ." Edmond ground forwards, breath hissing through his teeth as that straining ring of muscle clenched and then stretched around him, twisting with muscular contractions. The feeling was better than it had ever been before, the flesh of his cock blazing with torrid pulses of energy, skin turning a darker crimson color as unnoticed short glossy white fur began to radiate out from his crotch in a prickly wave.

Terry moaned out as his lover began to slam into him with savage loving thrusts, his ass feeling hot and tingly, almost as if the condom had somehow been mentholated in the best of ways. He rocked back against those jackhammer thrusts as his rear began to tingle, a feral heat spreading out through his body as the bed squeaked underneath him.

As Ed slammed forwards, the white glossy fur began to seep down between his legs, occasional black splotches developing amidst the bristly wave. His testes clenched as the fur engulfed his scrotum with a base dusting of velvet, one half covered up by a dark spot of color as they swelled against his scrotum, seething with canine virility as he tossed his head back and panted.

"Mmmm, Ed. I don't know what's gotten into you . . ." Terry's hands gripped at the sheets of the bed as his boyfriend's wild thrusts rocked them both. "But I love it." His ass tensed and quivered, stretched muscle pulling and straining as his tailbone creaked directly above it.

"You're just so tight . . ." Edmund growled out, instincts taking over as he rocked against his lover, driving himself deeper and deeper. His exuberance made it easy to miss the creaking sensation behind him as he bent forwards, buttocks clenched as a whip of a tail pressed out, glossy white and wagging with a black uneven stripe near the tip. Eyes half lidded from the intense waves of pleasure, his hands squeezed tighter, fingers bulging with muscle as his nails darkened and his digits swelled out with suede pads. Terry's ass was wrenching with new-found strength, straining as a tail poked out just above it, fluffy orange and snow colored length whipping against Ed's glossy belly as they both lost themselves in the feral sensations.

It wasn't until Terry let out a moan that sounded more like a canine ululation that something struck the both of them as odd. Ed looked down, his fingers lost in the pillowy plushness of Terry's auburn and white fur, and as he pulled them back in confusion, he found hands that looked more like paws, complete with thick blunt claws.

"What's wrong, babe. You . . ." Terry looked over his shoulder as he felt Ed sliding back with an initial pop of motion. " . . . have fur?"

"Is that a . . . tail?" Edmund looked down quizzically at his friends fuzzy rump, gazing down his now towards his tight furry testicles. Panting heavily, lust still boiling inside of him as his tightly wrapped cock pulsed with unfulfilled heat. "This doesn't seem possible . . .Should we call someone, or?"

"It must have been the condom . . ." Terry's eyes wandered down over the fur prickling up his lover's chest, mostly white with an occasional splash of inky black, eventually settling between his legs. His tongue licked out over his lips as he saw the alien canine spire there, jutting out of a loose animal sheath above taut rounded canine testes. He couldn't explain why it was so alluring, a pointed carmine length that was a good few inches longer than he remembered it. The tight latex pressed against the thin dark red skin, following the graceful swell of the length down to the bottom: a pulsing bulbous knot of flesh that made him groan as he thought about it inside of him.

"We could stop . . ." Ed ran a paw absentmindedly through the plush silky fur of Terry's haunches. The words were almost painful to say.

"We could. . ." Terry almost purred as he felt his boyfriend's claws dragging against his thickening skin under his thick pelt. "But what's the worst that could happen?" His eyes were still fixated on that bulging canine spire as the fur raced up his spine like a prickling orange firework.

"Yeah." Ed nodded, breathing heavily as his nose began to darken. "I mean, It's just a condom . . ." He reached in and grabbed Terry's lengthening curved fluffy tail, tugging it up playfully. Terry bowed down with his elbows with evident mischief, presenting himself, curled tail pulling back in an irresistible invitation. It would be such a shame to let such an eager wriggling rump go unfilled. And so Ed lined himself up, feeling his friend's ass clench with every restrained wag of his tail before he surged forwards in one deep hot thrust, his knot butting against that strained ring of muscle in the first shove.

"Oh god . . ." Terry panted, feeling the heavy girth slide inside of him. He gritted his teeth as his entire body clenched, feeling Edmund lean down against him, black wet nose huffing at the nape of his neck while the fur spread up his cheeks, the area of his beard fluffing down into a sleek rust color while the rest was coated in silky white. Both of their ears tugged as they began to change, Terry's flickering back against Ed's forming muzzle as they rose into excited canine points. His tongue dangled from his mouth, rocking with each shove from behind him as his lips began to darken and his skull slowly creaked forwards. That hot bulge butted against his eager ass again and again, his own cock slowly changing as it bobbed up against his thick coat underneath him, a furry roll of loose flesh forming around the carmine base.

Edmund's body bulged, his pectorals straining as he rutted against his lover, feeling the soft orange fur slide against his nipples as his chest bulged with canine muscle and sleek fur similar to what one might see on a Great Dane. He wrapped his arms around Terry's chest, pulling himself closer as he snuffled in his alluring doggy scent, licking at the plush fur between the slightly smaller beast's furry ears as his muzzle pressed forwards into the distinct canine shape of an Akita Toes splaying out into wide paws, Ed's claws strained against the cheap carpet of the room, heels lifting off the floor as his legs turned more animal, muscles bulging under his blotchy coat as he tried to slam his tight knot into his lover's straining ass.

The increasingly fuzzy beast that was Terry lapped up with his long pink tongue against his darkening nose as his partner ground against him, bulbous base of the canine cock spreading him a little wider with every thrust, driving in just to the point of pain before pulling back and ramming in again. The needy Akita's arms and legs all tensed, pillowy fur racing down his limbs in smooth curves of white and the orange of autumn leaves as his hands and feet swelled into clenching padded paws while he whined out, tail wagging with every thrust in a mix of pleasure and the insatiable desire for more.

As Edmund bucked his hips forwards in increasingly harsh shoves, Terry began to rock himself back with every thrust, their needy passions synchronizing as they panted in the growing heady canine musk that hung rife in the air. Grinding his snout against Terry's fleecy neck ruff, Ed growled, straining forward, knot pressed tight against Terry's clenching ass that stretched and quivered against it. Instinct driving him, the Great Dane opened his jaws, clamping down with his bestial jaws on the tough loose skin of Terry's neck, growling with need as he pulled himself forwards.

The Akita's jaws pulled wide open as his skin grasped tight by those powerful jaws. His ears pulled back and he whined out, straining back against his burly lover as that torrid throbbing bulge strained forwards in millimeters, making his breaths come out in ragged pants. There was a bizarre moment of taut equilibrium before that blazing knot was rammed in past that slick precipice and his ass clamped down, pulling Ed's canine length into his torrid wildly clenching passage as the knot ground into something inside of him that made his body light up with need, his own cock jerking underneath him against his furry belly, leaking out a dripping string of clear pre as his own knot began to swell out of his sheath.

Edmund unclenched his jaws, arms wrapped around his friend as he rolled them over so that the now slightly smaller and fluffier canine laid back against his broad chest, vivid red cock standing out as it pulsed against his belly fluff. The turgid knot still tying them together pulsed as Ed's hips rocked with smaller more tender movements, shoving in and then straining back against Terry's clenched ass. "I'm sorry I bit you . . ." He panted, nuzzling against his lover as he whispered in his triangular ear.

"Mmmm, this feels amazing." Terry wriggled his changing body against Ed's massive frame. "You should bite me more often . . . Ah, ohhh . . ." He panted out as he felt his boyfriend's rubber clad cock pulse inside of his stretched ass. "You're getting close." He leaned his head back in that particularly canine way, lapping at Ed's chin, watching his lovers lips loosen into stately dog-like flews.

"And it'd hardly be fair to leave a fellow dog hanging." Reveling in the absurd pleasure of his situation, The Great Dane lapped into his friend's mouth in a sloppy upside down kiss as he reached over his thick-furred body down to his pulsing cock, coating his padded fingers in the cooling pre and sliding them down the pulsing crimson length. His loose lips pulled up in a smile as Terry moaned, clenching around his cock in halting bursts of motion as his blunt black claws ran over the Akita's thick pulsing canine maleness.

They both drove themselves to their limits, furry bodies writhing together in increasingly climactic waves of passion. Terry's ass clenched down wildly at the hot bulb of flesh lodged inside him as Edmund continued to thrust into him with rocking shoves, cock pulsing as it basted itself with his own hot pre under the taut rubber. The Dane's hand stroked lower and lower as they shared a frantic kiss, Terry lapping past his love's fleshy black lips as a massive paw slid down his aching canine shaft, fingers sliding down the sides of his knot before clenching around the impossibly sensitive bulge with a firm mind-shattering squeeze.

Terry howled out as his cock jerked and pulsed in Ed's paw, his ass starting to pull and clench wildly around his lover's buried bone. His balls tensed up, curly tail straining as he began to come, gouts of thick musky canine essence splattering out against his fluffy chest as his eyes hung half-lidded, unable to deal with the pleasure that lanced through him.

Edmund's paw-feet splayed out as he gritted his sharp teeth, impossibly strong clenching around his cock making waves of pleasure boil up inside of him as he rubbed distractedly at his lover's knot. His heavy canine testes tensed and pulled up against his body as that thrumming need inside of him finally simmered over, his cock jerking and straining against his lover's torrid wrenching insides as he could feel hot rivulets of his seed leak down over his own cock, pooling around his torrid pulsing knot inside of the stretched latex.

The throes of lust didn't stop, their new canine constitutions carrying their climaxes on to new heights. Terry's rump spasmed wildly around Ed's thick knot as he rolled back against his lover, their silky fur brushing together as they continued to rock. The Akita's cock tensed and pulled in Edmund's paw as he squeezed around it in tense clenching undulations, pulling up and down as they both came again and again, with increasing amounts of time between the body-wrenching tugs. Slowly, their passion blazed into embers, stoked by an occasional lazy surge of bliss as they panted and lay back together in a warm panting heap.

It was almost an hour before they finally slid apart, Ed's massive knot softening and sliding out of his lover with a pop.

By the time that they had both taken a shower, and Terry had made use of the extra linens in the closet, the changes were already noticeably starting to regress. And as fur faded to simply human flesh, they fell asleep in each other's arms, exhausted from their impossibly pleasurable night.

* * *

The next morning, Edmund awoke to find that Terry had already risen, probably to get something to eat. He stretched and looked at the torn pile of stained sheets wadded up against the wall. Even though their card would obviously be charged for them, last night . . . whatever it was, had definitely been worth it. Gathering their things together, he packed their bags and tossed them in the trunk, smiling as he looked up and saw Terry returning from the other side of the motel.

"Find something to eat?" Ed asked. Closing the trunk with a windy thunk.

"Not unless you expect us to live on Twinkies and peanut M&Ms." Terry had a wild grin on his face as he strode forwards, the nearly empty zip-lock bag in which they kept quarters for laundry dangling lazily from his hand. "But I think I found something better . . ." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a gleaming mass of foil wrapped squares, all of the particular Top Dog brand.

Ed's eyes widened as he too began to smile. "But how will we do laundry?" He asked jokingly as he wrapped his arms around his lover.

"I'm sure we'll find a way . . ." Terry leaned in as they embraced, pushing into a slowly spinning kiss, not caring a bit about being in public.

Eventually they pulled back, checked the room one last time, and got into the car. Terry investigated his outdated map that claimed there was a good truck stop for breakfast just twenty miles up the road.

And so they drove off into the sunrise with their pockets full of the promise that despite the lack of wi-fi or cable television, their nights would certainly not be dull for the rest of their trip.