Chapter 6

Story by Koji Haeos on SoFurry

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#35 of Love and Pain

Toshiro gives Chase insight about the skull hunters and Tayuya confronts her Mother's killer.

Taya gritted her teeth as blood trailed down her wrist. She had grabbed the sword with her bare paws saving herself from a fatal blow. She quickly let go jumping back, her white fur now red with blood. She tore off part of her sleeve tying it around her wound to stop the bleeding. Aries couldn't help but feel respect for the poodle. She was far more resilient than she first gave her credit for. Taya panted a bit her vision starting to blur. She was now starting to feel the effect of that hit she took from the snow leopard earlier.

"Damn it....if I keep letting things drag on like this..." Taya thought to herself.

"I was too hasty in my first evaluation. You are more resourceful than I first thought. But you have reached your limit." Aris said calmly.

Taya growled but she knew the feline was right. Aris was stronger than her, faster and smarter. She was no match for her. As much as she hated it she had no choice and pressed a button on her wrist band.

"I just send out a code red distress call. The Wyvern army will be at our location soon." Taya said hoping the two skull hunters would fall for the bluff.

"Who cares? I make suit cases out of them. I can't wait!" Abasi laughed.

"Abasi, stop it. We did not come here for an all-out war tempting as it maybe. We have the information for now. It's best that we retreat." Aris said.

"Oh come on Aris she is bluffing I bet to save her own hide. Let's just finish off these 3 first." Abasi objected.

"We cannot take that chance, Move out." Aris said sheathing her sword.

The cheetah growled before returning to his partner's side. The two vanished behind the light of a flash grenade. Taya turned her attention to Toshiro who was badly injured. Upon inspecting him she found his injuries were not life threatening however he would be laid up in bed for a good while.

"Thanks for the help ma'am" Toshiro said.

"You're lucky I was passing through." Taya said flatly.

In truth Taya was chasing the skull hunters and tracked them to Wyvern she only happened upon Toshiro and Miyu by chance. However Toshiro saw Miyu and Taya glaring at each other it reminded him of seeing a stray cat squaring off against a dog which was a bit cliché considering. Miyu and Taya were fierce rivals. They had fought each other more times than they could count each fight ending in either a draw or one of them wining by the skin of their teeth. This rivalry was passed onto them by their mothers who also had a rivalry between themselves. However their mothers were comrades and friends whereas Taya and Miyu hated each other with a white hot passion and wouldn't hesitate to kill one another should the opportunity present itself. Taya growled and walks away to pursue the two skull hunters. Miyu tended to Toshiro's wounds.


Toshiro looked up at his 3 friends letting them take it in. Chase put a hand on his chest rubbing a newly acquired scar. Memories of his fight with Shinryu still fresh in his mind. He could only imagine the horrors Shin was putting Athena through. At one point he even thought of just turning back but he quickly banished that thought from his mind. He had to save her. Athena put her life on the line for not just him but his whole world. She even gave him his sight back. He owes her that much at least.

"I'm not that helpless kid anymore...Athena you have always been there for me when I needed you. Now it's my turn to help you." Chase thought to himself.

On Wyvern It had been several days since Ace had fully recovered and was gearing up to rescue Athena himself. He knew he couldn't do it alone Venus and the guard were on high alert and could not leave their posts. However in the last few years the F.A.S has reformed But in order to assist in matters that concerned Wyvern they had to be hired, Something Sora wasted no time doing. However with tension still high and many still angry about the war only 3 agreed to take the job. He soon heard them walk in. After a few minutes the team arrived, among them were familiar faces one of them was a male cheetah named jet. Ace and Jet have been friends since they were kids. Jet had a slim but very well muscles frame due to his intensive physical training, like Ace he also wore and F.A.S uniform. The other was Tayuya herself. Taya like many furs has no real reason to care about what happened with to reptoids however she liked the idea of having the queen in her debt. Plus the money she was being paid for this mission was nothing to sneeze at. They heard the sound of a cane as an elderly female fennec made her way into the room. Ace let out a gasp in surprise. It was one of the warlords of the stars Asami. She was the former leader of the F.A.S and one who trained his father as well as Tayuya's mother and the warlord Mugen. Ace knew they were going to need her. Like some of the skull hunters Asami was half kitsune on her mother's side but she took more after her father who was a fennec Ace knew she would be a great asset on this mission but one thing troubled him. Asami retired before the war. The elder fur looks around with a disapproving look. She stood a mere 4 feet tall wearing dark brown traditional Japanese style robes which keeps her body frame well covered up but went well with her tan fur and greyish white hair and bright green eyes with the standard slit pupils like many foxes. Her gaze fixated on Ace.

"What is the world coming to these days....where furs and reptoids live together, Have you no pride...?"She said her tone dripping with contempt.

"Lady Asami things are different now. Peace and harmony is the best option for everyone. Please we need your help" Ace said.

Asami's ears began to flatten as she glares at Ace. Like many older fur she had a deep seeded hatred of the reptoids, the result of years of fighting and hostility. Though she had not fought in the war with Kira she had fought in many other wars against the reptoids in her time.

"There will never be peace between our races. For 800 years I have seen kingdoms burn and watched brave heroes who believed as you do die in vain. Peace is the noblest of aspects. is not a realistic one." She said calmly

Ace suppressed his anger. Now wasn't the time for him to get enraged saving Athena was goal.

"I do not mean to interrupt but we must get moving time is of the essence" Jet said walking to the door.

The other nodded in agreement but they didn't know how to find the hidden base. They knew they didn't go too far as someone would have seen them. Sora had deployed scouts all over the area to find any trace while Ace was unconscious but no one was able to find them.

"I don't know where they are." Ace said.

Asami sat down and closed her eyes calming her mind. Being a kitsune she was able to sense others of her kind as well other beings through meditation. She focuses and senses the presence of a water dragon in pain. As well as a familiar presence her grandson.

Athena was suspended by her wrists 5 feet off the ground; she was completely nude her body covered in cuts and bruises both old and fresh, the result of the torture she was forced to endure at the hands of the skull hunters. Her blue nipples stiffened from the cold air but it only furthered her humiliation. She kept her tail between her legs in an attempt to cover her slit though in her present condition even that was proving to be straining. They had deprived her of food and water. She opened her eyes glaring as her jailer walked into the room carrying a long stick which could only be described as a cattle prod. Her jailer was a one tailed kitsune Asami's grandson Hiroshi. He smirks and traced paw long the underside of Athena's tail. Athena growled bating her fangs, The lack of food and water on top of all the pain and suffering she had already endured has left her too weak to do anything more than that.

"My I really do enjoy the feel of your tail it's quite heavy and strong and the scales feel so smooth just like human skin." He said draping her tail over his shoulder like a scarf.

Athena growled louder her eye pupils beginning to slit, something that only happened when a dragon felt extreme amounts of rage, for dragons tail wrapping as a very intimate act only to be shared with dear friends or lovers for a stranger let alone an enemy to stroke her tail was equal to grabbing a human woman breasts or ass. She coiled her tail around his neck in an attempted to strangle Hiroshi but the effort was in vain. He growled raising his cattle prod pressing it to her inner thigh before hitting the switch. Athena let out a wail of pure agony as he body twitched and convulsed uncontrollably as the electric current ripped through her. After an agonizing 40 seconds Hiroshi pull the tool away leaving a fresh burn mark on her thigh. It was one among many along her body even her sex and tail hole had marks from Hiroshi's prod. Athena closed her eyes for a moment before looking at him defiantly. She was proud and would not allow herself to be broken.

"Naughty girl." Hiroshi taunted waving his finger at her.

"You don't know who you're messing with..." Athena growled.

"Hmm Maybe I should ask Chase then, Oh that's right he couldn't be here." Hiroshi shot back.

Athena growled viciously jerking against her restraints her eyes filled with blood lust and vengeance but her efforts were in vain. She was too weak to break free let alone do any real damage. Hiroshi laughed watching her before turning on the prod again. Athena screams echo throughout the cave. Several Hours later Athena hit the ground in a heap; the Kitsune's torture had taken its toll and rendered her unconscious again. Hiroshi dragged her by the tail to her cell before locking the door behind her and turning on the electrical field on the bars. He would have preferred to just kill her and get it over with but for some reason Shinryu, Hiroshi knew better than to disobey him.

Miles away Ace punched in coordinates in the GSP of his ship. Asami and the others did the same in theirs. Asami had managed to find Athena's exactly location.

"Hang in there Athena. I am coming." Ace thought to himself.

Soon the 4 ships lifted off the ground slowly before going into full take off. Ace got on his com link

"Okay so what the plan when we get there? We can't just bomb the place." Ace asked.

"The skull hunters work in teams of two. From what we know about Fang he has an affinity for sound based weapons and pyrotechnics mostly bombs and mines. Hiroshi is cruel.... He collects the corpses of those he kills and turns them into his own personal marionettes, which he can call out and command at his leisure. Asami didn't sense Koga so he must have left." Taya said.

"They most likely will have traps in the area let's touch down 2 miles away so they won't pick us up on their sensors." Asami said

"I copy." Jet said

Ace loved to fly it has been so long since he was in the air like this. They followed Asami's direction and touched down a few miles away.

"We go on foot from here." Asami said.

They walked carefully though the woods keeping their guard up. Taya knew this was too easy she suddenly stopped.

"Get down" She said quietly.

Before the others could respond an anthro raptor jumps out talking Taya. The raptor snapped and screeched viciously aiming for Taya's throat. Taya punch the dinosaur repeatedly pulling out her Pistol. She a jammed it into the creature's mouth pulling the trigger but the raptor didn't bleed. Jet rushed over kicking it hard in the skull knocking it off her. Taya stands up brushing herself off her had a few cuts on her from the raptor's claws. The raptor gets up not even bleeding. It was one of Hiroshi's marionettes. Soon two more raptors appear.

"Let me handle this. You go on ahead." Jet said

"Are you sure?" Ace Asked.

Jet just turned to face the raptors he held out his arm giving a thumb up. Ace and the rest moved on. Jet stared at the 3 raptors. Each of them was large and judging from their tattered uniforms they were once Wyvern troops. Jet has face raptors before and knew their whole body was a weapon. The cheetah knew their speed and reflexes were equal if not greater than his own and between the teeth and claws taking them down was not going to be easy. He tenses as one of the raptors lunges straight forward. He readied himself and saw the other two running in one from the left and the other from the right.

"A pincer attack." He thought to himself

Jet lifted his leg and began to spin kick knocking all three back several feet. He reaches into his pocket pulling out two Kunai knives. He gives a toothy grin as the raptors shake off the hit

"You may actually be a challenge for me." He said calmly.

Ace and the rest made it to the base of a large cliff and climbed up slowly when they made it to the top Fang and Hiroshi were waiting.

"Well we meet again. And it looks like you brought friends with you this time." Fang taunted.

Ace's eye were red the pupils slit as his rage boiled over. The air was filled with the scent of dragon blood and burnt scales.


"So the stars of today's performance have finally made their way onto the main stage...and it looks like we have a surprise guest start with them...Its been some time grandmother" Hiroshi said looking at Asami

"Hiroshi...." Asami said quietly.

"Are you surprised to see me?" Hiroshi asked.

"I am surprised to see the male I raised as a cub joining a terrorist organization." Asami said.

"They want the cold blood...the one with the big wrack that you shock all the time." Fang said

"Ah yes we starved that one...." Hiroshi said.

"You did what!?" Ace growled.

Taya glared at Hiroshi. He looked just like Asami only younger he wore an all-black puppet master suit including a mask they cover his face except for his eyes and trade mark large fennec ears. It was the second time she has laid eye on her mother's killer.

"How about it Hiro, I could use some exercise. You can handle the two ladies here....the tiger wolf and I have some unfinished business." Fang said.

"He is eyeing you like a rabid animal Fang...don't take him lightly."

Ace growled viciously drawing his swords.

"Let's dance you filthy blooded mongrel." Fang said.

Ace charges at Fang jumping high slashing at Fang's head.

To be continued........

The good the bad and the poodle

Author's note: the characters Violet,Marcia,Ray,and Tina and Little stan belongs to Gray muzzle who was kind enough to give me permission to use them in this story. The Good the BAD and the Poodle. WARNING!! STORY SOME EXTREMELY GRAPHIC...

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Chapter 5

The group walked inside and went up the first flight of steps and opened the door. It was pretty large with 4 bedrooms each of which had a king sized bed. There was a large bathroom with a large whirlpool 2 person bath tub shower combo and a huge 82...

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Chapter 4

Luna stood on the bridge of the Oblivion. They were responding to an S.O.S to a now self-destructing Fur ship. She was contemplating weather she should shoot the ship down or rescue whoever was on board "How many are on board?" Luna asked. Flare was...

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