The Guardians Shadow Ch2

THE GUARDIANS SHADOW CH 2 As he pulled up the gate he was met by the local guards. Not paying them the least bit of attention as they complimented him on another job well done. He had heard all this before and would probably hear it from the...

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Moonlight Sonata (reloaded))

Since this also tells a story i'd figure i'd upload it as a story on top of being a journal entry, also contains bad language and adult situations, so readers beware of prying eyes that might be too young for stories like this.

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Zombie Apocalypse Chapter Five

all i can say is i hope everyone enjoys this chapter (hopefully there are no mistakes)...

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The voice of reason - Ch 8 - Confess...

Two weeks passed since the night I first slept with Terry... I talked to him a lot... Back then, I didn't regret sleeping with him... I thought that it could set things right in the end... Slowly but steady, he got over Ceylan even though he still had...

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Dragons Creed II Beginnings

Dragons creed II - Beginnings - Escape This is a fan based story based on the game Assassins creed II. All rights are reserved for Ubisoft the game creators. My characters will not be human instead they will be anthros of various species and the main...

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Fayer House -- Joseph's Discovery

Another rainy day had overcome the outskirts of Highview, the streets and sidewalks slicked with the passing rain. The road was barren, aside from the handful of vehicles their respective owners felt brave enough to leave out. A streetlight battled to...

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The Planet of The Dolphins

The Planet of the Dolphins by Dolphin Power Herman didn't want to die. The only sounds in the alley were the whisperings of rats and the distant yowl of a cat in heat. But Herman could hear things that weren't quite there - the beating of waves...

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Jagged Welcome to the Devil's Aorta

"Jagged Welcome to the Devil's Aorta" Notes n' Warnings: This is a little piece based on a true life experience I went through. It's about the first few hours or so of my first hospitalization. The date was January 5, 2000. To protect identities...

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Me, succubus, one on one

I'm nobody important. But all I know was that, I was exhausted, feeling the endless waves of nausea that tired me ever-so-greater that came crashing before the rocks which represented my life. Fragmented and about to...

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Matheau and Beijore XXIII:: Family meeting

Matheau and Beijore XXIV: Family Meeting Okay, you know the drill by this point in time. Matheau, Beijore, and their kids are all copywritten to me, dont use them without my consent. The first night in her new home had been cold, lonely, and...

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A Soldiers Story 2 - Measure of a Man

Sorry for the lateness of the story! Took a while to figure out what I wanted to have happen and such. Oh yes, and I finally came up with a name for the two sides of the war. Ena is the name of the opposing army, while Allesa is Shadow's side. ^..^...

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Last Stand of the First Hell Jumpers Company of the Dire Wolves

This is a BattleTech Fanfic, for all those It was coming. It had to. The enemy was overwhelming the Dire Wolves on all fronts. And there was no way we could stop it alone. With help maybe, but alone it was hopeless. So all we could do, was try to stem...

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