Lovecraftian Cataclysm -- Chapter 1
After tossing his keys on the endtable nearby, he looked in the living room and saw a orange-furred cat sitting on one of the chairs.
Meet Me at the Arcade 2 (Patreon)
She poured herself a healthy amount and then trotted back to the living room where she plopped down onto a futon that dominated her living room and sipped. she set the bottle down on the coffee table in front of her and then leaned back to relax.
Getting Out of a Funk 2
A voice came from the living room as he passed it, "hey tom." tom did a double take and saw that ashley was sitting in his living room with valerie. tom blushed at the sight of the skunk in a red tank top and a denim skirt.
Room 712 (part 2)
The Encounter Part 2
I threw the towel in the laundry basket to clean later and went back into the living room. i sat next to the dragon and scratched behind her horn. she seemed to like that so i continued. "i guess you need a name..."
Do You Like Horses?
Panting, jace slowly started to life off from the toy when he heard a soft rap against coming from the living room window.
Marshall Law (5)
I collect everything that we need and lay it in my lap and then i roll my way back into the living room.
Exodus, July 25th 2011 6:42 P.M.
The two older men made their way in through the kitchen pausing in the living room to look up at the naked partially furry creature hanging from the ceiling of the living room.
Enter the Madman
When you enter through the olive green door you are immediately greeted to the living room. the living room was a large, square-shaped room with mahogany red walls and a pinewood floor.
Enemies and Friends
After pouring the hot water into all five mugs, she places everything onto a tray, before both lionesses makes their way into the living room.
Days Relived
The sudden outburst from the living room got lucas onto his feet. the bowl of cereal wobbled and a few drops of milk landed on the floor. he didn't notice, his attention was on the doorway that led to the living room.
Ocean Depths. Chapter 37.
"living room." lucas called. carlson continued to frown, stomping his way down the room and peeking into the living room to see what the hold up was. and why his man wasn't greeting him how a house wife should.