All Things Quiet And Sweet 10 - Chiaroscuro
Further information has been sent to the police station._ "wh...what?! n-no, this can't be the same guy! ...wait, police station?"
Beauty and the Werewulf Chapter 7
"we can go check the police station... she might be there." his voice was calm and that helped damon a lot. ty always tried to look on the bright side of things.
Rewriting Reality (Baxcalibur/Venusaur x Cinderace/Obstagoon
"officer baxter speaking" baxter said as he took the radio and started speaking to the police station's receiver. "there's two gang members in your vicinity, one of which is a drug dealer.
A Terrible Start
They arrived at the police station minutes later and went in to file a report. when they walked in the secretary at the front desk was on the phone with someone.
The Disappearance: Chapter 4 - Edward Shepherd
Ed gets into his car and drives off from the police station, already scared for kevin. about 30 minutes pass...
A Fated Reality-Chapter 20
He was shocked that they didn't even bother frisking him as they sped off to the police station... some time after... i kicked open the door to the louisville police station, viridis right behind me. "where's the boy?"
Interrogation in Dominance
A chain like that had no business in a police station, even if it was the main base.
Slaughter at Stringybark Creek - Chapter Four -
Sobbing heart-brokenly, the filly dashed from the police station, her iron shod hooves clattering again the timber floor, before she vanished out of the sargent's vision.
Bogo's Stress Relieve
As his car headed out of the police station parking lot, bogo headed towards the nearest adult entertainment store.
The Blame Game - Coevolution 010
He will, however, should things get ugly, be your personal chauffeur to the police station where you can turn yourself in for threatening conduct and sexual assault on your, dear little jojo."
Till Dawn
After a time, giles took a turn and parked in front of a police station. "here we are." he said. "where's here? this better not be the hotel we're supposed to be staying at because that looks like a police station." cordelia pointed out.
Patches kidnapped
They rush patches to the veterinarian clinic for his uncomfort position he was in and contact patches owner and tell them what happen him and they went to the police station.