A Dash of Rainbow

twilight sparkle hadn't gotten to her yet! "twilight! twilight sparkle! hey! look down here!"

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A Smile as Wide as a Mile

twilight sparkle noticed donut joe, who was setting up his stand. hidden under a large tarp was something he would only refer to as "donutopia 2 and twilight sparkle made a note to stop by again when the holiday was underway.

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My Little Mashup 23 - Convocation

twilight sparkle closed her eyes. "i do. i just don't know whether he's really with her, or trying to minimize the harm she can cause from the inside." "does it matter?" twilight sparkle stood, faced the remnant of the battle.

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A Child of the Night

"twilight sparkle must trust you greatly to teach you the song her mother taught her." reii blinks in surprise and mild confusion "her mother taught her that...?" "twilight sparkle's mother was an orphan.

Chapter One: Answer The Call, Enter A Coma

"I see you have woken up again. Feeling a little stronger than last time, I presume?" The first thing I noticed upon my return to the waking world was the now familiar feminine voice of one of my two mystery visitors, and the only other company I've...

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My Little Mashup 26 - Black and White

twilight sparkle almost joined her. "what the... what was _that_? i've never seen her like that!" i picked up jadis and tried to soothe her.

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Fulfilling a Promise

My name is twilight sparkle. i have noticed that my friend james has been writing quite a few journals over the last eight months, so i decided to write an entry myself.

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My little Pony: Guardians of Equestria pt.3

Celestia, Luna, Devon, Mike, Shiny Armor, and I all sat around a table as we thought about why Discord now made himself shown to us. Devon, who kept on saying that he just wanted to troll on us all, while the rest of us; thought of something direr. I...

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Twilight Lust

A young stallion, named digit was known to have a crush on a certain mare named twilight sparkle. normally, he would visit the library to flirt with her but today was special.

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My Little Pony: Battle for Equestria pt 22 (last Preview)

"Remind me again why I'm soaking in a bubble bath Twilight?" I asked my girlfriend, who was on the other side of the tub, up to her shoulders in the same bubbles I was, as I laid somewhat awkwardly in the tub. She grinned at me, her hair flat because...

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My Little Pony: Battle for Equestria pt 6

"i swear to you, on my life, i shall never leave twilight sparkle unless her life is in danger. i will be with her always, as a lover should; you have my word."

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twilight sparkle placed the mirror on the table using her magic, then chated with the princess on other matters, when they were interrupted by crysteen, stumbling down the stairs.

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