The Corruption Competition P3

Oh, by the way chrono, this is raak; raak, this is my second in command, chrono."

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Chronomancer Chronicles: Bloodfyre - 3.0

He signed the soldier's paper with name, letting the man live in a moment of bliss that the 'great harm chronos' knew him by name.

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A Surprise Competition

"that's quite hospitable of you," the corrupted nanite dragon said as he felt the presence of someone behind him, looking to see chrono holding a tray with drinks and appetizers. "chrono, so good to see you again!"

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Remember the Oath 16 - Operation Chaos

"woah, that was quick, what did martin say-" "who checked the chrono island warehouse?" "wh-what?" "the warehouse, chrono island, old rocket place, who checked the place out?" "uhhhh...vermillion port authority, you know that, why?"

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Plotting Ulric

Ulric began to stare into the chrono stone interested. "grune, rally the troops." ulric said suddenly. "we'll worry about the sword later. come." "where are we going?"

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Alistair and the All-Purpose Umbrella: Episode 1: Chapter 2

The only reason to kill him in the past is because you know a chrono constable will investigate." "about him?" penny finished.

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Going Out For Dinner

"what's that chrono? the vulcanthropes?" "no no, not them," chrono quickly replied.

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Dimension Hopping 101 - Safety First

"just a moment, chrono," marbre said. "you seem worked up. perhaps you'd like to relieve some stress with me." "not now, marbre," chrono said, trying to remove his arm from the statue-lizard's grip. "i'm very busy at the moment."

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Picking Up Gifts at the Last Minute (part 1)

Renzyl tried to protest, to swear at him, but as he opened his mouth chrono stuck his tongue as far into his mouth as he could.

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Chronomancer Chronicles: The Burning Rebellion - For the Child

"you should be joining us, chronos! like the demons, your people were cast down by the church for no other reason than existing!" he heard warton and yulanda shouting for him to ignore valk's words. "imagine the power we would have together, chronos!

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Chronomancer Chronicles: The Burning Rebellion 1.0

chronos turned his golden eyes away from the vast array of religious decorations littering the chapel.

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An Era of Chivalry 11 - The Humble Harvest

chrono trigger belongs to squaresoft, finalgamer to me the town of truce was moderately well-sized, considering it was the closest town to the castle of guardia itself.

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