Zero Point: Chapter 2- Brave New World
She was the only channeler in her home region... an extremely rare aspect to be gifted, but why would technologically advanced lylat natives need to commune with spirits?
Rooibos and Reflection
It's also_ community, _not in the socio-political sense of communism, but in the sense of_ communing, _of sharing intimate thoughts or feelings.
My life with blaziken chapter 13
He said that during orgasm there is a fraction of a second where the brain is devoid of thought, and during that time is when they supposedly communed with god. there are many religions in the world, he believes in christianity or something like that.
Ada in the Wild
Because of him being a druid, he was able to commune with nature and speak with the animals. he tried this with them but only one seemed to answer.
Pt 6 - The Druid's Heart
The commune wants me to kill you, not protect you! i can't keep you safe... i can't keep you from getting hurt, and they've been looking around and..." she looked up at his big, sweet eyes, filled with all the love in the world. "gux... i care for you.
Venom: Beautiful Killers. Part 44
You might even be tempted to tell the police about our commune, damaging everybody. no matter what you decide, you'd never get away scot free."
Kalek Kelegar (French version)
C'est en grande partie due à la présence des muscles gérant la quasi-totalité de la tête (à l'exception de la mâchoire) et à une épaisse structure osseuse commune a toute l'espèce.
On His Mane's Secret Service - #10
She communed with them long into the night, trying to grasp what they were saying. finally, she felt she understood and left them. then she opened her eyes and looked at the sleeping alfiq beside her. she considered waking him, but decided against it.
Of Monks And Maws
Their lives of discipline also came with an "ebb and flow" sort of mentality that made it pretty easy to lure fresh-faced monks into his gut, especially after communing with them over a drink or a few puffs of mulgore green (which he carried a considerable
Naughty Mint
I'm not one of those psychics who can commune with pokemon telepathically, but pokemon are intelligent, sapient creatures with wills of their own, and having lived with primrose for this long, i understood what she was trying to tell me.
Grandma, there's a wolf here for dinner...." Chp 20
The spirits and i have been communing but your true selves have not been revealed yet." he pointed at kyle, "especially you." "tell me then," i asked, "what makes us different?" enli nodded, "the bite you received was tainted. it was not natural.
A Backyard Visitor 3: A New Garden Friend
Naked as the day he was born, liam sighed contentedly, reveling in the peace and serenity of his private oasis as he communed with nature.