El Intercambio

Las noticias no eran buenas, cada día más fursonas infectadas; cada día más caos, falta de alimentos, de agua, de esperanza.

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Farm Dogs

Chapter 1 A little collie lay her head on her paws, staring out at the golden wheat fields. She sighed heavily, and started panting. It was a hot summer day, and her long fur was not helping her get cooler. "I guess I'll head inside." she said to no...

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The Tales of Anon part six

#6 of the tales of anon part six of my fursona's backstory, comment fave or subscribe if you like it. **two weeks after part five.** "come on think, how can you get to me if you can't get through my defense." jon shouted.

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Wings of the Raven

#15 of national poetry writing month this poem is about my third and final fursona, kazana the raven. the poem is about him and the personal connection i feel for him. * * * one created to represent that which i long to be.

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Heart of the Lion

This one about my primary fursona reno blazefire the lioness. heart of the lion * * * have you ever wanted to be someone else? something else? have you ever longed to break free of whatever chains are holding you back? better. stronger.

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Neko Hoshi 4 days

I yawned turning to see the empty bed. "Oh good morning sweety." I turned to the kitchen seeing mom cooking. "You had me worried when you were screaming yesterday that I rushed on over." Where's Link? I shifted slightly to feel if I had any clothing...

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Neko Hoshi 5 days

I sat down as Link came in sitting down in front of me. I kept calm as if we never met. "Neko is everything ok?" I stayed quiet letting my shadow to mix with Link's so I can keep track of him where ever he goes. I looked at him and stood up walking...

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Spartan Remus Part One

Part One In the year 2543 in the midst of the Humanity-Covenant war, there were planets still yet to be found within the universe. Whole galaxy's that was untouched nor discovered by neither the humans or the covenant. A planet known in the years...

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OC: Rikuto Nightingale

#2 of fursonas updated and finished. name:rikuto nightingale species: fennec/nightingale (bird family) this is a hybrid character, it is mainly a fennec, the word "nightingale" is a bird, the only "bird" thing about this hybrid is his wings.

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Calling All Furs

Any and all furs needed I need permission to use a few characters if you want too and it has to be "YOUR" character in other words don't jack another furs character, I also need the following info: Species,Age,Sex "I don't...

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Egg-Brother: Part 1

This is the story of my fursona. it was the dawn of a new day, and a light breeze swayed the branches of the hist trees. the cries of a newly hatched breaks the silence of the marsh.

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Neko Hoshi 8 days left

The next morning I woke up and saw him next to me. His arms were wrapped around my body. I looked to the pictures of my mom and dad I wish they were here with me, but I guess they had to take care of my brother. Linken opened his eyes as his tail began...

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