A very important message regarding this story and it's characters. it's characters are important for the story, but actually, it's more important what they do and feel and not just their existence.
She did not speak to me much but, when she did, it was usually something important. or what kira deemed important. "yes?" i said more sharply than intended, all too aware of the blonde invading my personal space.
Flexible Infection - Zephyr Inc Orientation
"inoculations are important if you want to combat the promethean virus. without inoculations, any exposure to anyone or thing with the virus causes infection."
Ch2 Guardian of Tela'vel
Bodemair mentioned something of importance" "yes..." she interrupted him, "you are of the importance to me" averin felt confused, "why?" "i know why you escaped from your barricades last night.
Capital Value
And i decide maybe that's more important to me than any quantifiable measure of value.
A Striped Tail Chapter 12: Safety in Numbers
"aunty violet says you're super important. what makes you so important?" jace shrugged. "i'm not really sure..." "is it cus you're a lord?" she said, tilting her head to the side. he stared at her.
Vorish Interview
- - yes so much i love so much that comunity its so comfort i love the people who's in there its like my family i share much experiences of my life but mostly my lovely one sciggles she so important for me and she is my princess that's its importance of furaffinity
A Nation in Trouble
And in the meanwhile, it's important that you seek refuge in case any karukans are looking to get you as we speak. yes, the written world of tarak-al-bein would be perfect for that purpose.
The Guardians of Equestria - Chapter 2 – Mornings, Messages, Meetings, and Meanings…
I didn't think it was too important until reading the request they gave me. this letter may clear up some of what needs to be said, as it holds some information that might be of importance with this meeting...
The Key
It's nice)_ to give him something cherished, something important and bigger than them both _(i like doing it for you)_ but whose importance _(but is it wrong)_ meant nothing to him.
Acalan's "Heartbreak"
Was she truly doing something important? so important, that perhaps he might have even brought harm to his whole fleet? he scampered to his feet and ran off in the other direction, feeling his eyes glaze over with tears.
Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 69
Banno tried to remember his name, but it didn't seem all that important. he was just another one of them. one of thousands. hundreds of thousands. all dead. all fake. all just pretending. he was so tired of this...