Azure - Prologue

Gathering some abilities, like "meteor beam" required spies. the rock nation found out, though with the agreement all kingdoms made to protect said village, it couldn't lift a finger.

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MLP: The Four Infinity. Chapter 1: INCOMING!!! A new kind of creature lands in Equestria.

Me and the others went to investigate the meteors, as soon as we got there, the smoke was clearly out and revealing the meteors. only to find out, that they weren't ordinary ones, no.

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Dream Come True

He looked at the road ahead and watched what looked like a meteor hit the road and carve a groove in the earth. he stopped and ran to have a closer look. it was black but it was shiny and when nier touched it, it felt like it had scales.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Aerial Battle Winona

"lairon use rock slide and destroy every single meteor!" lairon roared once more and we watched as the rocks and meteors collided throughout the sky. eventually creating a massive smokescreen which blocked our vision completely.

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Born Of Chaos Ch. 7

Little by little, the clouds turned into space rock, condensing in on itself as it changed into its final form, a gigantic meteor, a quarter of a mile in length and weighing several dozen tons.

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Can't get Enough of that Jason

On the night of a particularly spectacular meteor shower, gwen and jason lay on a hillside, looking up into the stars.

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Fatal Failure - Chapter 1: Discovery

A meteor and it approached insanely fast. it was going to crash! screaming i ducked down as the meteor rushed past us. with a thundering bang, which shook the earth, it impacted only 50 yards away.

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Chapter 1 : Enter the Storm

She had never seen a meteor shower and sure as hell wasn't going to miss this chance to see one especially one during the day.

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Spin-off from Beyond the Stars - A Man or a Mouse

He'd seen the meteor streak down through the sky, a large ball of fire breaking up as it soared over his apartment. he grabbed his clipboard - may as well check on the status of his biology experiment on the way out.

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Imagine it

A meteor is on course to strike the earth, but when all seems lost a texture that wraps around the planet shimmers, becoming visible. the meteor collides with it and dissolves on contact.

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North and South Chapter 5: The Signs

This time, two meteors threatened the trident. shamshir put his claws together, concentrating two flash cannons through each into a single beam, which he fired at one of the meteors. he only grazed it, but it threw it off course.

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TOKYO ZONE Episode 3 Scavenger Hunt

It was a meteor, but not just any meteor, it was blue and looked like it was made out of metal. "wow, that's weird? what would this be doing here?" mai asked herself as she picked it up. suddenly, she heard footsteps.

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